*Condition* Advanced decompensated liver disease and associated conditions (ICD-10)

This version is under review

Coding system
Coding system release
Codelist ID
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Codelist to identify patients with advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver.

Decompensated cirrhosis is defined as an acute deterioration in liver function in a patient with cirrhosis and is characterised by jaundice, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrome or variceal haemorrhage. (Moreau et al, 2013)

The codelist takes into account the conditions which characterise advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver listed above as well as codes for cirrhosis.


Methodology Search Terms: K70-77

Inclusion Criteria for Codes Terms for cirrhosis of the liver and for conditions that characterise an episode of decompensation.

Exclusion Criteria for Codes Jaundice not included

Borderline Cases to Highlight: Codes describing acute hepatic injury - for example side effect of medication. May not capture the advanced nature of liver disease that looking to capture.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
B150 Hepatitis A with hepatic coma
B160 Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma
B162 Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent with hepatic coma
B190 Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma
I85 Oesophageal varices
I850 Oesophageal varices with bleeding
I859 Oesophageal varices without bleeding
I982 Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere
I983 Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere
K703 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
K717 Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
K743 Primary biliary cirrhosis
K744 Secondary biliary cirrhosis
K745 Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified
K746 Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver
K766 Portal hypertension
K767 Hepatorenal syndrome
R18 Ascites

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

This page shows the search terms that were used to build the codelist. Concepts that match the search terms, but which were excluded, are in faint grey.


Included 1 out of 1 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Ascites (R18)


Included 7 out of 10 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver (K703)
  • Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified (K745)
  • Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver (K74)
  • Hepatic fibrosis (K740)
  • Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis (K742)
  • Hepatic sclerosis (K741)
  • Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver (K746)
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis (K743)
  • Secondary biliary cirrhosis (K744)
  • Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver (K717)


Included 0 out of 0 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts

esophageal varices

Included 5 out of 5 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Oesophageal varices (I85)
  • Oesophageal varices with bleeding (I850)
  • Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere (I983)
  • Oesophageal varices without bleeding (I859)
  • Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases classified elsewhere (I982)

hepatic coma

Included 4 out of 8 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma (B160)
  • Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma (B161)
  • Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent and without hepatic coma (B169)
  • Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent with hepatic coma (B162)
  • Hepatitis A with hepatic coma (B150)
  • Hepatitis A without hepatic coma (B159)
  • Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma (B190)
  • Unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma (B199)

hepatorenal syndrome

Included 1 out of 1 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Hepatorenal syndrome (K767)


Included 0 out of 15 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis (K352)
  • Acute appendicitis with localized peritonitis (K353)
  • Acute peritonitis (K650)
  • Chlamydial peritonitis A74.8 (K670)
  • Female acute pelvic peritonitis (N733)
  • Female chronic pelvic peritonitis (N734)
  • Female pelvic peritonitis, unspecified (N735)
  • Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infections (A542)
  • Gonococcal peritonitis A54.8 (K671)
  • Other neonatal peritonitis (P781)
  • Other peritonitis (K658)
  • Peritonitis (K65)
  • Peritonitis, unspecified (K659)
  • Syphilitic peritonitis A52.7 (K672)
  • Tuberculous peritonitis A18.3 (K673)

code: k70

Included 1 out of 7 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver (K703)
  • Alcoholic fatty liver (K700)
  • Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver (K702)
  • Alcoholic hepatic failure (K704)
  • Alcoholic hepatitis (K701)
  • Alcoholic liver disease (K70)
  • Alcoholic liver disease, unspecified (K709)

code: k71

Included 1 out of 11 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Toxic liver disease (K71)
  • Toxic liver disease with acute hepatitis (K712)
  • Toxic liver disease with cholestasis (K710)
  • Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis (K715)
  • Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis (K714)
  • Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis (K713)
  • Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver (K717)
  • Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis (K711)
  • Toxic liver disease with hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K716)
  • Toxic liver disease with other disorders of liver (K718)
  • Toxic liver disease, unspecified (K719)

code: k72

Included 0 out of 4 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acute and subacute hepatic failure (K720)
  • Chronic hepatic failure (K721)
  • Hepatic failure, not elsewhere classified (K72)
  • Hepatic failure, unspecified (K729)

code: k73

Included 0 out of 6 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Chronic active hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K732)
  • Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K73)
  • Chronic hepatitis, unspecified (K739)
  • Chronic lobular hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K731)
  • Chronic persistent hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K730)
  • Other chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K738)

code: k74

Included 5 out of 8 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified (K745)
  • Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver (K74)
  • Hepatic fibrosis (K740)
  • Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis (K742)
  • Hepatic sclerosis (K741)
  • Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver (K746)
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis (K743)
  • Secondary biliary cirrhosis (K744)

code: k75

Included 0 out of 8 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Abscess of liver (K750)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (K754)
  • Granulomatous hepatitis, not elsewhere classified (K753)
  • Inflammatory liver disease, unspecified (K759)
  • Nonspecific reactive hepatitis (K752)
  • Other inflammatory liver diseases (K75)
  • Other specified inflammatory liver diseases (K758)
  • Phlebitis of portal vein (K751)

code: k76

Included 2 out of 11 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Central haemorrhagic necrosis of liver (K762)
  • Chronic passive congestion of liver (K761)
  • Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified (K760)
  • Hepatic veno-occlusive disease (K765)
  • Hepatorenal syndrome (K767)
  • Infarction of liver (K763)
  • Liver disease, unspecified (K769)
  • Other diseases of liver (K76)
  • Other specified diseases of liver (K768)
  • Peliosis hepatis (K764)
  • Portal hypertension (K766)

code: k77

Included 0 out of 3 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Liver disorders in diseases classified elsewhere (K77)
  • Liver disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere (K770)
  • Liver disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere (K778)