Online consultations (SNOMED)-v01

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release


Codelist ID


Version ID





A codelist that helps identify patients that have had an online consultation instance, in the context of the roll-out of online consultations in primary care (SNOMED). (Not to be used in itself to tally number of online consultations as unit)


The general approach was to:

a) browse the SNOMED CT Term Browser for relevant keywords * and children, choose relevant ones . Find its CTV3 equivalent (refset), if listed;

b) browse the "Read CTV3 to SNOMED CT Mapping Lookup (April 2020)" for relevant keywords * and children, choose relevant ones;

c) browse the literature, online resources and white publications for further code indications;

d) obtain clinical input via the Digital First Primary Care programme (DFPC) on initially found codes of interest (long list from a-c), as well as further codes, to arrive at a refined list.

e) Insert list into OS CodelistBuilder, include additional codes if deemed relevant.

Caveats: - Coding of online consultations is likely not a) widespread and exhaustive; b) standardised (incl because of different pathways and dispositions); c) defined by a standalone code (could need querying with other codes or looking at annotations) - Not all codes found in SNOMED may have a CTV3 equivalent.

  • Keywords:
  • consultation (procedure)
  • econsultation
  • indirect encounter
  • online
  • remote triage
  • telemedicine
  • telepractice


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
1068881000000101 eConsultation via online application
1090371000000106 Referral to remote triage and advice service
185320006 Encounter by computer link
325871000000103 Remote consultation encounter type
325901000000103 Remote non-verbal consultation encounter type
325911000000101 Consultation via multimedia encounter type
325951000000102 Remote assessment encounter type
325981000000108 Remote non-verbal assessment encounter type
325991000000105 Assessment via multimedia encounter type
384131000000101 Remote encounter type
401271004 E-mail sent to patient
448337001 Telemedicine consultation with patient
699249000 Alert received from telehealth monitoring system
719407002 Remote non-verbal consultation
763184009 Telepractice consultation
854891000000104 Telehealth encounter type
868184008 Telemedicine consultation with provider
978871000000104 Consultation via multimedia

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.