Long term oxygen therapy

This version is under review

Coding system
Coding system release
Codelist ID
Version ID



This codelist contains SNOMED CT codes indicating a patient is on long term oxygen therapy.


Search terms - Long term oxygen therapy, LTOT, Oxygen, O2, Home oxygen, Ambulatory oxygen

Inclusion criteria - Codes indicating patient is: receiving long term oxygen.

Exclusion criteria - Codes indicating: oxygen therapy equipment only, ambulatory oxygen, oxygen of unclear duration/setting - e.g. "Patient on oxygen", referral for/assessment/education of oxygen therapy inc home oxygen

Borderline cases - "Number of hours long-term oxygen therapy prescribed per day" (883561000000101) - excluded- unlikely to be used in isolation. 20 uses in 21/22. "Supplier reported volume of long-term oxygen prescribed per day" (883621000000105) - excluded- unlikely to be used in isolation. Zero uses in 21/22. "Supplier reported volume of lont-term oxygen prescribed per day" (883631000000107) - excluded- unlikely to be used in isolation. Zero uses in 21/22.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
219791000000106 Long-term oxygen therapy
219801000000105 Long-term oxygen therapy
243137006 Long-term oxygen therapy

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

This page shows the search terms that were used to build the codelist. Concepts that match the search terms, but which were excluded, are in faint grey.


Included 1 out of 274 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • 13 carbon to 12 carbon breath carbon dioxide ratio (412874008)
  • Administration of cardiovascular drug to increase oxygen delivery (397815001)
  • Administration of oxygen using oxygen administration hood (1363901000000105)
  • Administration of oxygen using tracheostomy mask (149761000000108)
  • Alcohol-oxygen vapor therapy (788538002)
  • Alteration of circulating volume to increase oxygen delivery (398287006)
  • Alteration of hemoglobin concentration to increase oxygen delivery (397867002)
  • Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference (251890007)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (201661000000106)
  • Apneic oxygenation (276732005)
  • Artemisia salina, fish feed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement (392503004)
  • Arterial oxygen concentration below reference range (1187181009)
  • Arterial oxygen concentration within reference range (1187180005)
  • Arterial oxygen level (1007081000000107)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation (442476006)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation breathing room air at rest (1097811000000106)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation breathing supplemental oxygen at rest (1097821000000100)
  • Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide above reference range (1187183007)
  • Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide below reference range (1187184001)
  • Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide within reference range (1187182002)
  • Arteriovenous difference - carbon dioxide (276865008)
  • Arteriovenous difference - oxygen (276864007)
  • Arteriovenous extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (844011000000103)
  • Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery) (927991000000108)
  • Baseline oxygen saturation at periphery (927981000000106)
  • Blood group antigen B (34900009)
  • Blood group antigen Co^b^ (27459008)
  • Blood group antigen Do^b^ (36100005)
  • Blood group antigen IB (40456007)
  • Blood group antigen IBH (29502003)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (calculated) (1017311000000104)
  • Blood total carbon dioxide (calculated) (391396001)
  • Body oxygen consumption (7928001)
  • Capillary oxygen content (373631004)
  • Capillary oxygen saturation (442440005)
  • Capillary oxygen saturation measurement (250553009)
  • Capnophilic bacteria (413748004)
  • Carbon dioxide (31811003)
  • Carbon dioxide concentration in equipment (250785009)
  • Carbon dioxide laser device (118312003)
  • Carbon dioxide measurement, partial pressure (25284008)
  • Carbon dioxide output (251408004)
  • Carbon dioxide response curve measurement (88345006)
  • Carbon dioxide-dependent streptococcus (243252005)
  • Catalytic oxygen therapy (182713008)
  • Cathepsin K (130668008)
  • Central venous oxygenation saturation (713194001)
  • Cerebral oxygen saturation (718059008)
  • Chronic enteropathy associated with solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1 gene (1187194006)
  • Conjunctival oxygen saturation (373638005)
  • Conjunctival oxygen saturation measurement (276855002)
  • Continuous pulse oximetry (427064004)
  • Continuous wave carbon dioxide laser device (118349009)
  • Daphnia, fish feed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement (392522008)
  • Dental carbon dioxide laser system (468427001)
  • Deuterium flouride pumped carbon dioxide laser device (118323004)
  • Device sampling rate of oxygen saturation at periphery (341261000000108)
  • Elevation of SaO2 (276735007)
  • End tidal carbon dioxide concentration (250784008)
  • End tidal carbon dioxide tension (250790007)
  • End tidal oxygen concentration (250778005)
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O22:H5 (407262000)
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O22:H8 (407263005)
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O26:H11 (407265003)
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O26:nonmotile (407264004)
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O2:H6 (407253002)
  • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O2:H7 (407254008)
  • Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, serotype O28:nonmotile (407227005)
  • Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli, serotype O29:nonmotile (407229008)
  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, serotype O20:nonmotile (407165005)
  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, serotype O25:H42 (407169004)
  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, serotype O25:nonmotile (407168007)
  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, serotype O27:H20 (407173001)
  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, serotype O27:H7 (407172006)
  • Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, serotype O27:nonmotile (407171004)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O2 (407252007)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O20 (407164009)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O21 (458115005)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O22 (407261007)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O24 (458119004)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O25 (407167002)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O26 (131260002)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O27 (407170003)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O28 (407226001)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O28ab (1112001000112105)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O28ac (698020006)
  • Escherichia coli serogroup O29 (407228000)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O20:nonmotile (457301001)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O21:nonmotile (458116006)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O22:H27 (1083201000112101)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O22:H5 (458117002)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O22:H8 (458118007)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O24:H25 (458120005)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O25:H1 (458124001)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O25:H156 (458123007)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O25:H4 (707499005)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O25:H42 (458121009)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O25:nonmotile (458122002)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O26:H10 (443022007)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O26:H11 (458125000)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O26:H2 (458128003)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O26:H46 (458127008)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O26:nonmotile (458126004)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O27:H20 (458129006)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O27:H30 (1079101000112100)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O27:H7 (458130001)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O27:nonmotile (458131002)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O28:H174 (458132009)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O28:H25 (458133004)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O28:nonmotile (458134005)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O28ab:nonmotile (1080901000112102)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O28ac:H25 (698022003)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O29:nonmotile (458135006)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O2:H45 (458092005)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O2:H6 (458046007)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O2:H7 (458045006)
  • Escherichia coli serotype O2:nonmotile (1080801000112107)
  • Expired carbon dioxide concentration (51717002)
  • Expired carbon dioxide tension (250788006)
  • Expired oxygen concentration (250775008)
  • Expired oxygen tension (442720002)
  • Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (233574002)
  • Fetal pulse oximeter (470183007)
  • Finding of arterial oxygen concentration (373628000)
  • Finding of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (373677008)
  • Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal vessel using carbon dioxide contrast (432048007)
  • Fluoroscopic angiography using carbon dioxide contrast (824701000000101)
  • Fluoroscopic percutaneous angiography of abdominal vessel with carbon dioxide contrast (322171000000103)
  • Global oxygen delivery increase (243177003)
  • Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy (870533002)
  • Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (1259025002)
  • Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (103228002)
  • High concentration oxygen therapy (315041000)
  • High energy pulsed carbon dioxide laser device (118350009)
  • Home oxygen therapy (426990007)
  • Humidified oxygen therapy (304577004)
  • Indexed oxygen consumption (251830005)
  • Indexed oxygen delivery (251829000)
  • Inspired carbon dioxide concentration (250782007)
  • Inspired carbon dioxide tension (250787001)
  • Inspired oxygen concentration (250774007)
  • Inspired oxygen tension (442751009)
  • Intermittent pulse oximetry (699463009)
  • Intracardiac oxygen saturation (442381003)
  • Intranasal oxygen therapy (71786000)
  • Invasive oximetry (279068008)
  • Jugular bulb oxygen saturation (442386008)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (243137006)
  • Manipulation of oxygen dynamics (391893003)
  • Maximum oxygen uptake (251898000)
  • Maximum peripheral oxygen saturation (852651000000100)
  • Measurement of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (167028004)
  • Measurement of capillary partial pressure of carbon dioxide (250567000)
  • Measurement of capillary partial pressure of oxygen (250548004)
  • Measurement of mixed venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (250566009)
  • Measurement of mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen (167027009)
  • Measurement of oxygen saturation at periphery (250554003)
  • Measurement of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood (250564007)
  • Measurement of partial pressure of oxygen in blood (250546000)
  • Measurement of transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (250568005)
  • Measurement of transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (250549007)
  • Measurement of venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (250565008)
  • Measurement of venous partial pressure of oxygen (250547009)
  • Mechanical assistance to circulation to increase oxygen delivery (397957008)
  • Minimum peripheral oxygen saturation (852661000000102)
  • Mixed expired carbon dioxide concentration (250783002)
  • Mixed expired carbon dioxide tension (250789003)
  • Mixed expired oxygen concentration (250777000)
  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation (442734002)
  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation measurement (250552004)
  • Myocardial oxygen consumption (164782002)
  • National Paediatric Early Warning Score peripheral oxygen saturation score (1363311000000106)
  • Nitrogen dioxide (91424007)
  • Number of hours ambulatory oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883601000000101)
  • Number of hours long-term oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883561000000101)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy prescribed per day (866531000000102)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy required per day (441936007)
  • Number of hours short-burst oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883581000000105)
  • Overnight pulse oximetry (252568001)
  • Oxygen (24099007)
  • Oxygen administration by Venturi mask (429253002)
  • Oxygen administration by mask (371908008)
  • Oxygen administration by mask at 60 percent concentration (802801000000109)
  • Oxygen administration by mask with bag and valve (243011000000108)
  • Oxygen administration by nasal cannula (371907003)
  • Oxygen administration by non rebreather mask (240051000000102)
  • Oxygen concentration at common gas outlet (698830001)
  • Oxygen concentration in equipment (250779002)
  • Oxygen delivery (16206004)
  • Oxygen dynamic interventions (398077001)
  • Oxygen measurement, partial pressure, arterial (25579001)
  • Oxygen saturation at periphery equivocal (1325701000000100)
  • Oxygen saturation at periphery unknown (1325691000000100)
  • Oxygen saturation measurement, arterial (113080007)
  • Oxygen therapy (57485005)
  • Oxygen therapy (267151000000106)
  • Oxygen transfer factor (251951009)
  • Oxygen uptake (251832002)
  • Oxygenator therapy (182714002)
  • Oxyhemoglobin (80873004)
  • Oxyhemoglobin F (47899007)
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (32271000237105)
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in umbilical cord arterial blood (791991000000103)
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in umbilical cord arterial blood (736730002)
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in umbilical cord venous blood (736785003)
  • Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in umbilical cord venous blood (791941000000108)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (25231000237103)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in umbilical cord venous blood (791921000000101)
  • Percent of mixed venous oxygen saturation in venous blood (2841000237106)
  • Percent saturation of oxygen in arterial blood by pulse oximetry (27681000237109)
  • Percent saturation of oxygen in capillary blood by pulse oximetry (26801000237104)
  • Percentage of oxygen delivered to subject during oxygen therapy (442230005)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on room air on exertion decreased (1321841000000106)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on room air on exertion unchanged (1321871000000100)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on supplemental oxygen on exertion decreased (1321861000000107)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on supplemental oxygen on exertion unchanged (1321881000000103)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on room air at rest (866661000000106)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on room air on exertion (866681000000102)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen at rest (866701000000100)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen on exertion (866721000000109)
  • Peripheral oxygen saturation (431314004)
  • Peripheral oxygen saturation (341251000000105)
  • Post-exercise pulse oximetry (861341000000108)
  • Preoxygenation (241725006)
  • Preoxygenation by time (417667006)
  • Preoxygenation by vital capacity breaths (417028004)
  • Pulse Co-oximeter (462739001)
  • Pulse oximeter (448703006)
  • Pulse oximeter, battery-powered (462988005)
  • Pulse oximeter, line-powered (462430001)
  • Pulse oximetry (252465000)
  • Pulse oximetry monitoring (284034009)
  • Quantitative measurement of substance fraction of oxygen relative to oxygen binding sites of hemoglobin in venous blood specimen (443972006)
  • Rate of sampling of peripheral oxygen saturation by device (433204000)
  • Recurrent metabolic encephalomyopathic crises, rhabdomyolysis, cardiac arrhythmia, intellectual disability syndrome (1172698005)
  • Reduction of oxygen consumption (243178008)
  • Respired oxygen concentration (250773001)
  • Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 - oxygen saturation scale 1 score (1104311000000102)
  • Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 - oxygen saturation scale 2 score (1104321000000108)
  • SBOT - Short-burst oxygen therapy (201651000000108)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O2 (782227009)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O20 (840383001)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O21 (782220006)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O22 (782221005)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O24 (782223008)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O26 (792898004)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O27 (840384007)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O28 (782208003)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O29 (840385008)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serotype O21:H55 (782344005)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serotype O24:H41 (782345006)
  • Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serotype O28:H9 (782346007)
  • Short-term oxygen therapy (243136002)
  • Superior vena cava oxygen saturation (442694009)
  • Supplier reported percentage variance between prescribed and used supplemental oxygen per day (867651000000105)
  • Supplier reported volume of ambulatory oxygen prescribed per day (883681000000106)
  • Supplier reported volume of long-term oxygen prescribed per day (883621000000105)
  • Supplier reported volume of short-burst oxygen prescribed per day (883661000000102)
  • Supplier reported volume of supplemental oxygen prescribed per day (866551000000109)
  • Supplier reported volume of supplemental oxygen used per day (866571000000100)
  • Supplier reported volume variance between prescribed and used supplemental oxygen per day (866591000000101)
  • Surgical neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet/carbon dioxide laser system (465948005)
  • Surgical/dermatological carbon dioxide laser system (465203002)
  • Target peripheral oxygen saturation (852641000000103)
  • Telemetric pulse oximeter (466901004)
  • Telomere maintenance 2-related intellectual disability, neurodevelopmental disorder (1172626003)
  • Tenebrio mollitor specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement (392529004)
  • Tetramin, fish feed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement (392530009)
  • Tobacco leaf specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement (392531008)
  • Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitor method (703490005)
  • Transcutaneous oxygen monitor method (703492002)
  • Urine:plasma partial pressure of carbon dioxide gradient (252271008)
  • Venous oxygen saturation (442349007)
  • Venous oxygen saturation measurement (250551006)

ambulatory oxygen

Included 0 out of 9 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Ambulatory oxygen assessment (229241000000100)
  • Ambulatory oxygen assessment (256151000000101)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (201661000000106)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (219841000000108)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (219831000000104)
  • Number of hours ambulatory oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883601000000101)
  • Number of hours ambulatory oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883611000000104)
  • Supplier reported volume of ambulatory oxygen prescribed per day (883681000000106)
  • Supplier reported volume of ambulatory oxygen prescribed per day (883691000000108)

home oxygen

Included 0 out of 39 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Assessment for home oxygen therapy (750041000000107)
  • Assessment for home oxygen therapy (445966008)
  • Assessment for home oxygen therapy completed (750051000000105)
  • Home oxygen order form completed (758261000000104)
  • Home oxygen order form completed (728061000000106)
  • Home oxygen supply (268512000)
  • Home oxygen supply (& [started]) (170616006)
  • Home oxygen supply (& [started]) (147862006)
  • Home oxygen supply - concentrator (201681000000102)
  • Home oxygen supply - concentrator (219881000000100)
  • Home oxygen supply - concentrator (219871000000102)
  • Home oxygen supply - cylinder (219861000000109)
  • Home oxygen supply - cylinder (201671000000104)
  • Home oxygen supply - cylinder (219851000000106)
  • Home oxygen supply - liquid oxygen (201691000000100)
  • Home oxygen supply - liquid oxygen (219901000000102)
  • Home oxygen supply - liquid oxygen (219891000000103)
  • Home oxygen supply started (275915008)
  • Home oxygen supply stopped (170621009)
  • Home oxygen supply stopped (147868005)
  • Home oxygen support (238571000000103)
  • Home oxygen support (256131000000108)
  • Home oxygen therapy (426990007)
  • Home oxygen therapy assessment (514681000000107)
  • Home oxygen therapy declined (699034004)
  • Home oxygen therapy declined (752421000000105)
  • Home oxygen therapy declined (752431000000107)
  • Home oxygen therapy education (34847001)
  • Home oxygen therapy management (796011000000104)
  • Home oxygen therapy management (737854006)
  • Home oxygen therapy review (784871000000109)
  • Home oxygen therapy review (784881000000106)
  • Patient consent given for supply of home oxygen (247911000000101)
  • Patient consent given for supply of home oxygen (274441000000104)
  • Patient consent given for supply of home oxygen (251461000000102)
  • Referral for home oxygen therapy assessment (521331000000105)
  • Referral to Home Oxygen Service (759451000000106)
  • Referral to home oxygen service (759441000000108)
  • Requires continuous home oxygen supply (716366009)

long-term oxygen

Included 3 out of 9 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (219791000000106)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (243137006)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (219801000000105)
  • Number of hours long-term oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883561000000101)
  • Number of hours long-term oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883571000000108)
  • Referral for long-term oxygen therapy assessment not indicated (201641000000105)
  • Referral for long-term oxygen therapy assessment not indicated (219781000000109)
  • Referral for long-term oxygen therapy assessment not indicated (219771000000107)
  • Supplier reported volume of long-term oxygen prescribed per day (883621000000105)


Included 1 out of 4 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Dextran 1,6-alpha-isomaltotriosidase (91190001)
  • Glucan 1,4-alpha-maltotetraohydrolase (20792003)
  • Glucan 1,4-alpha-maltotriohydrolase (130540001)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (243137006)


Included 3 out of 1386 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • (-)-limonene 3-monooxygenase (130170003)
  • (-)-limonene 6-monooxygenase (130056000)
  • (-)-limonene 7-monooxygenase (130171004)
  • (-)-menthol monooxygenase (130054002)
  • 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoate 1,2-dioxygenase (130010008)
  • 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 2,3-dioxygenase (56282004)
  • 2,3-dihydroxybenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase (538001)
  • 2,3-dihydroxyindole 2,3-dioxygenase (8953001)
  • 2,4'-dihydroxyacetophenone dioxygenase (130013005)
  • 2,4-dichlorophenol 6-monooxygenase (87300005)
  • 2,5-dihydroxypyridine 5,6-dioxygenase (63134005)
  • 2,6-dihydroxypyridine 3-monooxygenase (69904005)
  • 2-aminobenzenesulfonate 2,3-dioxygenase (130031006)
  • 2-chlorobenzoate 1,2-dioxygenase (130030007)
  • 2-hydroxybiphenyl 3-monooxygenase (130053008)
  • 2-hydroxycyclohexanone 2-monooxygenase (10592000)
  • 2-hydroxycyclohexanone 2-monooxygenase (130070000)
  • 2-hydroxypyridine 5-monooxygenase (130076006)
  • 2-hydroxyquinoline 5,6-dioxygenase (130033009)
  • 2-hydroxyquinoline 8-monooxygenase (130174007)
  • 2-nitrophenol 2-monooxygenase (130041009)
  • 2-nitropropane dioxygenase (70592003)
  • 27-hydroxycholesterol 7-alpha-monooxygenase (130066008)
  • 3,4-dihydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione 4,5-dioxygenase (31395003)
  • 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate 2,3-dioxygenase (72625007)
  • 3,4-dihydroxyquinoline 2,4-dioxygenase (130019009)
  • 3,9-dihydroxypterocarpan 6A-monooxygenase (130038000)
  • 3-carboxyethylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase (35293003)
  • 3-hydroxy-2-methylpyridinecarboxylate dioxygenase (23923007)
  • 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase (19151006)
  • 3-hydroxybenzoate 2-monooxygenase (41499006)
  • 3-hydroxybenzoate 4-monooxygenase (74804008)
  • 3-hydroxybenzoate 6-monooxygenase (8882001)
  • 3-hydroxyphenylacetate 6-hydroxylase (130068009)
  • 4-Hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase (81960006)
  • 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase deficiency (403001)
  • 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase deficiency (413356003)
  • 4-aminobenzoate 1-monooxygenase (130037005)
  • 4-androstene-3,17-dione monooxygenase (75348001)
  • 4-chlorophenylacetate 3,4-dioxygenase (130036001)
  • 4-hydroxybenzoate 1-hydroxylase (130069001)
  • 4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) (130043007)
  • 4-hydroxycatechol 1,2-dioxygenase (130016002)
  • 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 1-monooxygenase (48110009)
  • 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase (77242003)
  • 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (75368007)
  • 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase inhibitor (785814009)
  • 4-hydroxyquinoline 3-monooxygenase (130067004)
  • 4-methoxybenzoate monooxygenase (O-demethylating) (21380007)
  • 4-nitrophenol 2-monooxygenase (130039008)
  • 4-sulfobenzoate 3,4-dioxygenase (130035002)
  • 5-O-(4-coumaroyl)-D-quinate 3'-monooxygenase (130046004)
  • 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor (734553000)
  • 5-pyridoxate dioxygenase (85508003)
  • 6-beta-hydroxyhyoscyamine epoxidase (130024007)
  • 7,8-dihydroxykynurenate 8,8a-dioxygenase (72460006)
  • Abnormal blood oxygen pressure (123821009)
  • Abnormal oxygen supply (123826004)
  • Accident caused by exhaustion of oxygen by conflagration in commercial premises (242456002)
  • Accident caused by exhaustion of oxygen by conflagration in private dwelling (242433006)
  • Accident caused by exhaustion of oxygen by conflagration in public building (242442004)
  • Accident due to liquid oxygen (277141002)
  • Accidental mechanical suffocation in refrigerator (217821006)
  • Accidental suffocation due to lack of oxygen in enclosed space (242679007)
  • Accidental suffocation due to lack of oxygen in storage tank (242680005)
  • Activated-oxygen generator (467366007)
  • Acute anoxic encephalopathy (16561007)
  • Administration of cardiovascular drug to increase oxygen delivery (397815001)
  • Administration of oxygen using oxygen administration hood (1363901000000105)
  • Administration of oxygen using tracheostomy mask (149761000000108)
  • Aerosol oxygen mask (426851007)
  • Airway pressure/oxygen monitor (468616008)
  • Albendazole monooxygenase (130042002)
  • Alcohol-oxygen vapor therapy (788538002)
  • Alkanal monooxygenase (flavin mononucleotide-linked) (58397005)
  • Alkane 1-monooxygenase (85854001)
  • Alminoprofen (713469005)
  • Alteration of circulating volume to increase oxygen delivery (398287006)
  • Alteration of hemoglobin concentration to increase oxygen delivery (397867002)
  • Alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference (251890007)
  • Ambulatory oxygen assessment (229241000000100)
  • Ambulatory oxygen assessment (256151000000101)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (201661000000106)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (219841000000108)
  • Ambulatory oxygen therapy (219831000000104)
  • Anemia caused by oxygen (29551000)
  • Anesthesia for procedure on great vessels of chest with pump oxygenator (20156008)
  • Anesthesia for procedure on heart with pump oxygenator (33614000)
  • Anesthesia for procedure on pericardium with pump oxygenator (5123008)
  • Anhydrotetracycline monooxygenase (130048003)
  • Anoxia of brain (389089009)
  • Anoxia, in liveborn infant (30828007)
  • Anoxic brain damage complication (213208008)
  • Anoxic brain damage during AND/OR resulting from a procedure (4069002)
  • Anoxic encephalopathy (389098007)
  • Anoxic encephalopathy due to asphyxiation (1259558003)
  • Anoxic encephalopathy due to cardiac arrest (1259556004)
  • Anoxic encephalopathy due to respiratory arrest (1259554001)
  • Anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (389101006)
  • Antepartum fetal hypoxia (276639007)
  • Anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase (deaminating, decarboxylating) (80464002)
  • Anthranilate 2,3-dioxygenase (deaminating) (15136008)
  • Anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (74979000)
  • Anthranilate 3-monooxygenase (deaminating) (130045000)
  • Anthraniloyl-coenzyme A monooxygenase (130049006)
  • Any incident in which a line designated for oxygen or other gas to be delivered to a patient contains the wrong gas or is contaminated by toxic substances (370919004)
  • Apneic oxygenation (276732005)
  • Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase (81395002)
  • Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (61177002)
  • Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase (12598006)
  • Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor (782557001)
  • Arachidonate 8-lipoxygenase (130012000)
  • Arginine 2-monooxygenase (42918009)
  • Arterial oxygen concentration below reference range (1187181009)
  • Arterial oxygen concentration measurement (250556001)
  • Arterial oxygen concentration within reference range (1187180005)
  • Arterial oxygen level (1007081000000107)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation (706491000000103)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation (442476006)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation breathing room air at rest (1097811000000106)
  • Arterial oxygen saturation breathing supplemental oxygen at rest (1097821000000100)
  • Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (144270002)
  • Arteriovenous difference - oxygen (276864007)
  • Arteriovenous extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (844011000000103)
  • Arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (786452006)
  • Ascorbate 2,3-dioxygenase (57880005)
  • Asphyxiation by environmental oxygen lack (12994004)
  • Asphyxiophilia (765151006)
  • Assembly and operation of pump with oxygenator or heat exchanger with monitoring (59858002)
  • Assembly of pump-oxygenator for extracorporeal circulation (27437006)
  • Assessment for home oxygen therapy (750041000000107)
  • Assessment for home oxygen therapy (445966008)
  • Assessment for home oxygen therapy completed (750051000000105)
  • Assessment for long term oxygen therapy (428342003)
  • Assessment using Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 with oxygen saturation scale 1 (1104281000000100)
  • Assessment using Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 with oxygen saturation scale 2 (1104291000000103)
  • Avery's syndrome type 1 (276531000)
  • Avery's syndrome type 2 (276532007)
  • Baseline SpO2 (oxygen saturation at periphery) (927991000000108)
  • Baseline oxygen saturation at periphery (927981000000106)
  • Basic nasal oxygen cannula (466713001)
  • Benoxaprofen (396197001)
  • Benzene 1,2-dioxygenase (61566000)
  • Benzoate 1,2-dioxygenase (130027000)
  • Benzoate 1,2-dioxygenase (74150008)
  • Benzoate 4-monooxygenase (39580003)
  • Benzoyl-coenzyme A 3-monooxygenase (130065007)
  • Beta-carotene 15,15'-dioxygenase (7008002)
  • Bilevel positive airway pressure oxygen nasal cannula (425826004)
  • Biphenyl-2,3-diol 1,2-dioxygenase (130011007)
  • Bis-(p-chlorophenoxy) methane (782855001)
  • Bis-(p-chlorophenyl) ethanol (11702002)
  • Blood gas electrode, oxygen (702247004)
  • Blood oxygen concentration below reference range (1157018000)
  • Blood oxygen concentration measurement (250555002)
  • Blood oxygen level outside reference range (167026000)
  • Blood oxygen level within reference range (167025001)
  • Blood oxygen pressure (123820005)
  • Blood oxygen pressure within reference range (1157021003)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (390357003)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (389625002)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (calculated) (391395002)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (calculated) (1017311000000104)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (calculated) (390356007)
  • Blood oxygen saturation (calculated) (389624003)
  • Blood oxygen saturation at periphery on room air at rest (866671000000104)
  • Blood oxygen saturation on room air on exertion (866691000000100)
  • Blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen at rest (866711000000103)
  • Blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen on exertion (866731000000106)
  • Blood sampling from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit (243781005)
  • Blow by oxygen mask (425478008)
  • Body oxygen consumption (7928001)
  • Body oxygen consumption (142277003)
  • Boiled water (255625002)
  • Brackish water (15821007)
  • Brain disorder resulting from a period of impaired oxygen delivery to the brain (126944002)
  • Bubble oxygenator (257309001)
  • Bulk oxygen concentration system (467648009)
  • CPAP/BPAP oral mask (704718009)
  • Caffeate 3,4-dioxygenase (89336001)
  • Calcidiol 1-monooxygenase (70309004)
  • Calculation from oxygen partial pressure (703463001)
  • Camphor 1,2-monooxygenase (33695000)
  • Camphor 5-monooxygenase (34410005)
  • Capillary oxygen concentration measurement (250557005)
  • Capillary oxygen content (373631004)
  • Capillary oxygen saturation (442440005)
  • Capillary oxygen saturation measurement (250553009)
  • Capnography oxygen mask (719705009)
  • Carbon monoxide oxygenase (cytochrome b-561) (130150009)
  • Carbon-dioxide-sampling nasal oxygen cannula (468049003)
  • Carbon-oxygen lyase (130936003)
  • Carbon-oxygen lyase (biological function) (124643007)
  • Cardiac support using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuitry (232969009)
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass circuit (261742007)
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass system filter, oxygenating gas (468087006)
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass system, non-roller type (467897003)
  • Cardiopulmonary bypass system, roller type (467219005)
  • Carprofen (125710006)
  • Catalytic oxygen therapy (150976000)
  • Catalytic oxygen therapy (182713008)
  • Catechol 1,2 dioxygenase (87901004)
  • Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (16045004)
  • Celecoxib (116081000)
  • Celecoxib (775123001)
  • Central oxygen supply (261746005)
  • Central venous oxygenation saturation (713194001)
  • Cerebral anoxia after obstetrical surgery AND/OR other procedure including delivery (87043009)
  • Cerebral anoxia complication (213209000)
  • Cerebral anoxia following anesthesia AND/OR sedation in labor AND/OR delivery (51495008)
  • Cerebral anoxia following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy (30243004)
  • Cerebral oximeter (467946005)
  • Cerebral oximeter sensor (467326008)
  • Cerebral oxygen saturation (718059008)
  • Chemical oxygen generator (261361009)
  • Chloridazon-catechol dioxygenase (82787002)
  • Chlorobenzilate (6451002)
  • Cholestanetriol 26-monooxygenase (64511002)
  • Cholesterol 7alpha-monooxygenase (41926003)
  • Cholesterol monooxygenase (side-chain cleaving) (16660000)
  • Cholesterol monooxygenase (side-chain cleaving) deficiency (44231009)
  • Chronic anoxic encephalopathy (17258002)
  • Co-oximetry analyzer, semi-automated (702272004)
  • Cold water (769351005)
  • Conjunctival oxygen saturation (373638005)
  • Conjunctival oxygen saturation measurement (276855002)
  • Continuous positive airway pressure bilevel positive airway pressure face mask (1141760009)
  • Continuous positive airway pressure bilevel positive airway pressure nasal mask (1141759004)
  • Continuous positive airway pressure nasal oxygen cannula (467645007)
  • Continuous positive airway pressure oxygen nasal cannula (426806007)
  • Continuous positive airway pressure/Bilevel positive airway pressure mask (706226000)
  • Continuous pulse oximetry (427064004)
  • Corneal hypoxia (416764003)
  • Corticosterone 18-monooxygenase (37241004)
  • Corticosterone 18-monooxygenase deficiency (47757001)
  • Cyclohexanone monooxygenase (16610006)
  • Cyclooxygenase 1 (124218005)
  • Cyclooxygenase 2 (124217000)
  • Cyclooxygenase deficiency (234476006)
  • Cyclopentanone monooxygenase (15563001)
  • Cypridina-luciferin 2-monooxygenase (11416006)
  • Cysteamine dioxygenase (31039003)
  • Cysteine dioxygenase (12714007)
  • Cytidine monophosphate-N-acetylneuraminate monooxygenase (130169004)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP19A1 enzyme (423075001)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP1A1 enzyme (424714008)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP1A2 enzyme (424020001)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP1B1 enzyme (423235003)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP21A2 enzyme (422983000)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2A13 enzyme (422774004)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2A6 enzyme (423855009)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2B1 enzyme (424593003)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2B6 enzyme (422938001)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2C enzyme (424686009)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2C19 enzyme (423556000)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2C8 enzyme (422381009)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2C9 enzyme (422602005)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2D6 enzyme (425292000)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2E1 enzyme (422428002)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2J2 enzyme (423762007)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2R1 enzyme (423177006)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP2S1 enzyme (424108007)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP3A enzyme (424790003)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP3A4 enzyme (422741004)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP3A43 enzyme (422647006)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP3A5 enzyme (422557001)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP3A7 enzyme (425316004)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP4A11 enzyme (422806005)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP4A22 enzyme (423802003)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP4B1 enzyme (422451002)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP5A1 enzyme (424902007)
  • Cytochrome p450 CYP8A1 enzyme (425171005)
  • Cytochrome p450 enzyme (424446007)
  • Decreased blood oxygen pressure (123823007)
  • Decreased oxygen affinity (4565000)
  • Deficiency of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (124210003)
  • Deficiency of carbon-oxygen lyase (124644001)
  • Deficiency of cysteamine dioxygenase (124209008)
  • Deficiency of dioxygenase (124234008)
  • Deficiency of estradiol 6beta-monooxygenase (124222000)
  • Deficiency of gentisate l,2-dioxygenase (124206001)
  • Deficiency of homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (124207005)
  • Deficiency of kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (124212006)
  • Deficiency of monooxygenase (124232007)
  • Deficiency of myo-inositol oxygenase (124211004)
  • Deficiency of oxygenase (124230004)
  • Deficiency of phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase (124215008)
  • Deficiency of phosphorus-oxygen lyase (124656000)
  • Deficiency of progesterone 11alpha-monooxygenase (124223005)
  • Deficiency of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (124205002)
  • Deficiency of squalene monooxygenase (124219002)
  • Deficiency of steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase (124214007)
  • Deficiency of steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase (124220008)
  • Deficiency of steroid 21-monooxygenase (124221007)
  • Deficiency of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (124208000)
  • Deficiency of tryptophan 5-monooxygenase (124216009)
  • Deficiency of unspecific monooxygenase (124213001)
  • Delivered oxygen concentration (425608004)
  • Delivered oxygen concentration (241211000000100)
  • Delivered oxygen flow rate (427081008)
  • Delivered oxygen flow rate (239491000000108)
  • Delivered oxygen flow rate (706411000000107)
  • Delivered oxygen flow rate (384051000000107)
  • Delivered oxygen flow rate to non ventilated lung (698833004)
  • Delivered oxygen therapy percentage (384061000000105)
  • Delivered oxygen therapy percentage (706421000000101)
  • Deoxyhypusine monooxygenase (130079004)
  • Dependence on continuous supplemental oxygen (60651000119103)
  • Dependence on nocturnal oxygen therapy (89241000119108)
  • Dependence on supplemental oxygen (931000119107)
  • Dependence on supplemental oxygen when ambulating (89201000119106)
  • Deracoxib (424281006)
  • Deuterium oxide (12977001)
  • Device sampling rate of oxygen saturation at periphery (341261000000108)
  • Dexibuprofen (418868002)
  • Dexibuprofen (775512008)
  • Dexketoprofen (775513003)
  • Dexketoprofen (396018005)
  • Dexketoprofen trometamol (427618005)
  • Diagnostic assessment of circulatory oxygenation using reduced oxygen air (289271000000104)
  • Diagnostic assessment of circulatory oxygenation using reduced oxygen air (280751000000108)
  • Dialysis-associated hypoxia (233766001)
  • Diarylpropane peroxidase (130004008)
  • Dicofol (2163000)
  • Difference between prescribed and used litres of oxygen therapy per day (866601000000107)
  • Dihydrochelirubine 12-monooxygenase (130172006)
  • Dihydrosanguinarine 10-monooxygenase (130062005)
  • Dimethylaniline monooxygenase (N-oxide-forming) (19066006)
  • Dioxygenase (129924007)
  • Dioxygenase (biological function) (124233002)
  • Disorder of oxygen transport (238160003)
  • Dissolved oxygen meter, battery-powered (468651000)
  • Dissolved oxygen meter, line-powered (469130006)
  • Distilled water (444883009)
  • Donor-organ preservation system oxygenator (469050007)
  • Dopamine-beta-monooxygenase (31370004)
  • Ecdysone 20-monooxygenase (36197002)
  • Elevation of SaO2 (276735007)
  • Emergency oxygen delivery kit (726650002)
  • Emergency oxygen production system (704919007)
  • Emergency oxygen production system cartridge (704920001)
  • Enclosed-atmosphere inspired oxygen monitor, battery-powered (468930000)
  • Enclosed-atmosphere inspired oxygen monitor, line-powered (468613000)
  • End tidal oxygen concentration (250778005)
  • Endoscopic bite block, oxygenating (468604002)
  • Erythrocytosis due to defective oxygen transport (90501009)
  • Estradiol 6beta-monooxygenase (39173007)
  • Etodolac (386860005)
  • Etodolac (775895002)
  • Etoricoxib (775901004)
  • Etoricoxib (409134009)
  • Expired oxygen concentration (250775008)
  • Expired oxygen tension (442720002)
  • Extracorporeal bubble oxygenator (469761007)
  • Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (233574002)
  • Extracorporeal gas exchange (233572003)
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (233573008)
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (180904009)
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (267261000000102)
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit (261258006)
  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (469244005)
  • Extremity-oxygenation hyperbaric chamber, non-powered (469395009)
  • Extremity-oxygenation hyperbaric chamber, powered (469762000)
  • Face tent oxygen delivery device (426294006)
  • Failed attempted abortion with cerebral anoxia (76889003)
  • Fenoprofen (373525006)
  • Fenoprofen (775931005)
  • Fenoprofen calcium (77353007)
  • Fetal hypoxia (276638004)
  • Fetal pulse oximeter (470183007)
  • Finding of arterial oxygen concentration (373628000)
  • Finding of oxygen saturation (447755005)
  • Firocoxib (423045006)
  • Fixed helium/oxygen cylinder regulator (704889002)
  • Fixed nitrous oxide/oxygen cylinder regulator (704890006)
  • Fixed oxygen cylinder regulator (704887000)
  • Fixed-regulator oxygen cylinder (704727005)
  • Flavanone 3-dioxygenase (36856006)
  • Flavonoid 3'-monooxygenase (76470005)
  • Flufenamic acid (1156232002)
  • Flunixin (96173008)
  • Flunixin meglumine (96174002)
  • Fluorine monoxide (75026001)
  • Fluoroscopic angiography of right side of heart for oxygen saturation measurement (336841000000100)
  • Fluoroscopic angiography of right side of heart with contrast for oxygen saturation measurement (431597008)
  • Flurbiprofen (373506008)
  • Flurbiprofen sodium (11633008)
  • Flurbiprofen sodium dihydrate (1217598008)
  • Fresh gas oxygen concentration monitoring (284037002)
  • Fresh water (5024000)
  • Gamma-butyrobetaine, 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (58046006)
  • Gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (18164002)
  • Gibberellin 2-beta-dioxygenase (130023001)
  • Gibberellin 3-beta-dioxygenase (130025008)
  • Gibberellin-44 dioxygenase (130022006)
  • Global oxygen delivery increase (243177003)
  • Glyceryl-ether monooxygenase (52830009)
  • Halogenated hydrocarbon-organic oxygen insecticide (18093000)
  • Hawkinsinuria (414380008)
  • Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy (870533002)
  • Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (1515631000000107)
  • Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula (1259025002)
  • Helium + Oxygen (895532000)
  • Helium and oxygen mixture (255733009)
  • Helium+oxygen cylinder (337547003)
  • Helium+oxygen gas 79%/21% cylinder F (337548008)
  • Helium/oxygen breathing gas mixer (469515009)
  • Helium/oxygen cylinder (469961001)
  • Helium/oxygen quick-connect coupling, female (469744009)
  • Helium/oxygen quick-connect coupling, male (469643007)
  • Helium/oxygen terminal unit (469471008)
  • Heme oxygenase (decyclizing) (48358006)
  • Heme oxygenase-1 deficiency (1230003009)
  • Hemodynamic oxygen saturation waveform, function (128435000)
  • Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (103228002)
  • Hemoglobin-oxygen affinity measurement (113017002)
  • Hemolytic anemia caused by hyperbaric oxygen (129638002)
  • High concentration oxygen therapy (315041000)
  • High concentration oxygen therapy (182715001)
  • High concentration oxygen therapy (150979007)
  • High flow oxygen nasal cannula (426854004)
  • High oxygen affinity hemoglobin polycythemia (3947004)
  • High-altitude sleep mask (774000009)
  • History of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (67231000119106)
  • Hollow fiber oxygenator (257311005)
  • Home oxygen order form completed (758261000000104)
  • Home oxygen order form completed (728061000000106)
  • Home oxygen supply (268512000)
  • Home oxygen supply (& [started]) (170616006)
  • Home oxygen supply (& [started]) (147862006)
  • Home oxygen supply - concentrator (201681000000102)
  • Home oxygen supply - concentrator (219881000000100)
  • Home oxygen supply - concentrator (219871000000102)
  • Home oxygen supply - cylinder (219861000000109)
  • Home oxygen supply - cylinder (201671000000104)
  • Home oxygen supply - cylinder (219851000000106)
  • Home oxygen supply - liquid oxygen (201691000000100)
  • Home oxygen supply - liquid oxygen (219901000000102)
  • Home oxygen supply - liquid oxygen (219891000000103)
  • Home oxygen supply started (275915008)
  • Home oxygen supply stopped (170621009)
  • Home oxygen supply stopped (147868005)
  • Home oxygen support (238571000000103)
  • Home oxygen support (256131000000108)
  • Home oxygen therapy (426990007)
  • Home oxygen therapy assessment (514681000000107)
  • Home oxygen therapy declined (699034004)
  • Home oxygen therapy declined (752421000000105)
  • Home oxygen therapy declined (752431000000107)
  • Home oxygen therapy education (34847001)
  • Home oxygen therapy management (796011000000104)
  • Home oxygen therapy management (737854006)
  • Home oxygen therapy review (784871000000109)
  • Home oxygen therapy review (784881000000106)
  • Home-use oxygen compressor (713797000)
  • Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (72822007)
  • Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency (267418001)
  • Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency (360378009)
  • Hot water (47448006)
  • Humidified oxygen therapy (304577004)
  • Humidified oxygen therapy (707701000000103)
  • Humidifier water (444694005)
  • Hydrogen, oxygen AND/OR water (105814004)
  • Hydroxyphenylacetonitrile 2-monooxygenase (130051005)
  • Hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase (130009003)
  • Hyoscyamine (6S)-dioxygenase (130021004)
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (18678000)
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (150977009)
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (267161000000109)
  • Hypoxemia (30869003)
  • Hypoxia (389086002)
  • Hypoxia altitude simulation test with supplemental oxygen titration (440225002)
  • Hypoxia of brain (389088001)
  • Hypoxia, in liveborn infant (22137006)
  • Hypoxic-ischemic coma (281509000)
  • Ibuprofen (776287003)
  • Ibuprofen (387207008)
  • Ibuprofen + Codeine (775358005)
  • Ibuprofen + Levomenthol (776288008)
  • Ibuprofen + Pseudoephedrine (776291008)
  • Ibuprofen lysine (425516000)
  • Ibuprofen sodium (725863000)
  • Ibuprofen sodium dihydrate (725865007)
  • Ice (896008)
  • Imidazoleacetate 4-monooxygenase (20569001)
  • Impaired oxygen delivery (238161004)
  • Impaired oxygen extraction (238162006)
  • Increased blood oxygen pressure (123822002)
  • Increased oxygen affinity (88401007)
  • Increased oxygen demand (238163001)
  • Increased oxygen supply (42073009)
  • Indexed oxygen consumption (251830005)
  • Indexed oxygen delivery (251829000)
  • Indole 2,3-dioxygenase (13919003)
  • Indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase (130014004)
  • Indometacin (373513008)
  • Indometacin sodium (783274005)
  • Indometacin sodium trihydrate (71183000)
  • Induced termination of pregnancy complicated by cerebral anoxia (609461007)
  • Indwelling urethral drainage catheter with tissue oxygen monitoring sensor (838399006)
  • Inspired oxygen concentration (874791000000109)
  • Inspired oxygen concentration (250774007)
  • Inspired oxygen concentration (250545001)
  • Inspired oxygen tension (442751009)
  • Intermittent pulse oximetry (699463009)
  • Intracardiac oximeter (469525004)
  • Intracardiac oxygen saturation (442381003)
  • Intracardiac oxygen saturation measurement (276757000)
  • Intranasal oxygen therapy (71786000)
  • Intrapartum fetal hypoxia (276640009)
  • Intrauterine hypoxia (275367000)
  • Intravascular membrane oxygenator (470162001)
  • Intravascular oximeter (469696003)
  • Intravascular oxygen monitoring system (470126002)
  • Invasive oximetry (279068008)
  • Invasive oxygen saturation monitoring (284033003)
  • Ischemia co-occurrent and due to increased oxygen demand (691471000119109)
  • Ischemic reperfusion injury (276232006)
  • Juglone 3-monooxygenase (130077002)
  • Jugular bulb oxygen saturation (442386008)
  • Jugular bulb oxygen saturation measurement (281425008)
  • Ketoprofen (386832008)
  • Ketorolac (372501008)
  • Ketorolac (776451007)
  • Ketorolac trometamol (108513001)
  • Ketosteroid monooxygenase (130061003)
  • Kilocalories/liter oxygen consumed/day (259060002)
  • Kilojoules/liter oxygen consumed/day (259063000)
  • Kynurenate 7,8-hydroxylase (34820006)
  • Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase (112018002)
  • L-lysine 6-monooxygenase (130017006)
  • L-lysine 6-monooxygenase (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) (130173001)
  • L-usnic acid (301065002)
  • Labor fetal anoxia (275368005)
  • Lactate 2-monooxygenase (71611009)
  • Lake water (420492000)
  • Latia-luciferin monooxygenase (demethylating) (61497003)
  • Leukotriene-B4 20-monooxygenase (130040005)
  • Leukotriene-E4 20-monooxygenase (130044001)
  • Lignostilbene alpha beta-dioxygenase (130015003)
  • Linalool 8-monooxygenase (130078007)
  • Lipoxygenase (35292008)
  • Liquid oxygen (29945001)
  • Long term oxygen assessment (229231000000109)
  • Long term oxygen assessment (256141000000104)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (219791000000106)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (243137006)
  • Long-term oxygen therapy (219801000000105)
  • Loxoprofen (18991000122102)
  • Lumiracoxib (776587002)
  • Lumiracoxib (424967004)
  • Lysine 2-monooxygenase (74143009)
  • Mandelate 4-monooxygenase (91548000)
  • Manipulation of oxygen dynamics (243176007)
  • Manipulation of oxygen dynamics (391893003)
  • Masoprocol (108933006)
  • Maximum oxygen uptake (251898000)
  • Maximum peripheral oxygen saturation (852651000000100)
  • Measurement of capillary partial pressure of oxygen (250548004)
  • Measurement of mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen (167027009)
  • Measurement of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood (250561004)
  • Measurement of oxygen dissolved in blood (250560003)
  • Measurement of oxygen dissolved in mixed venous blood (250562006)
  • Measurement of oxygen dissolved in venous blood (250563001)
  • Measurement of oxygen saturation at periphery (250554003)
  • Measurement of partial pressure of oxygen in blood (250546000)
  • Measurement of transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (250549007)
  • Measurement of venous partial pressure of oxygen (250547009)
  • Mechanical assistance to circulation to increase oxygen delivery (397957008)
  • Meclofenamic acid (96172003)
  • Melilotate 3-monooxygenase (1050006)
  • Meloxicam (387055000)
  • Meloxicam (776666003)
  • Meloxicam 7.5mg/5ml oral suspension (412651007)
  • Membrane oxygenator (257310006)
  • Metamizole (780831000)
  • Metamizole magnesium (735071007)
  • Metamizole sodium (22165008)
  • Methane monooxygenase (68810004)
  • Methoxychlor (55202008)
  • Methylphenyltetrahydropyridine N-monooxygenase (130018001)
  • Methylsterol monooxygenase (28430006)
  • Methyltetrahydroprotoberberine 14-monooxygenase (130047008)
  • Metirosine (387495008)
  • Mild steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (45235005)
  • Mineral water (444695006)
  • Minimum peripheral oxygen saturation (852661000000102)
  • Miscarriage with cerebral anoxia (12394009)
  • Mixed expired oxygen concentration (250777000)
  • Mixed function oxygenase (423265008)
  • Mixed venous oxygen concentration measurement (250558000)
  • Mixed venous oxygen level (1007091000000109)
  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation (392906001)
  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation (442734002)
  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation (393861000)
  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation measurement (250552004)
  • Mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen (144271003)
  • Moderate steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (60045007)
  • Molecular oxygen (16502003)
  • Monitoring of cardiac output by oxygen consumption technique (73793009)
  • Monooxygenase (129923001)
  • Monooxygenase (biological function) (124231000)
  • Monophenol monooxygenase (45394009)
  • Myocardial oxygen consumption (141946007)
  • Myocardial oxygen consumption (164782002)
  • N-Acetylneuraminate monooxygenase (1010008)
  • Nabumetone (776850003)
  • Nabumetone (386859000)
  • Naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase (130029002)
  • Naproxen (776871008)
  • Naproxen (372588000)
  • Naproxen + Esomeprazole (775835000)
  • Naproxen sodium (42692007)
  • Nasal oxygen catheter, device (39849001)
  • National Paediatric Early Warning Score inspired oxygen score (1363321000000100)
  • National Paediatric Early Warning Score peripheral oxygen saturation score (1363311000000106)
  • Natural form of water (312440002)
  • Nepafenac (419460005)
  • Nepafenac (776892008)
  • Nimesulide (703479000)
  • Nitisinone (385996000)
  • Nitrous oxide + Oxygen (895541005)
  • Nitrous oxide and oxygen gas analgesia (427035008)
  • Nitrous oxide and oxygen gas analgesia in labor (426060003)
  • Nitrous oxide/oxygen cylinder (462186005)
  • Nitrous oxide/oxygen quick-connect coupling, female (462581009)
  • Nitrous oxide/oxygen quick-connect coupling, male (462690008)
  • Nitrous oxide/oxygen terminal unit (463067008)
  • Non-rebreathing oxygen face mask (463225005)
  • Non-tidal river water (422244008)
  • Nonrebreather oxygen mask (427591007)
  • Normal oxygen affinity (24113005)
  • Normal oxygen supply (54622005)
  • Number of hours ambulatory oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883601000000101)
  • Number of hours ambulatory oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883611000000104)
  • Number of hours long-term oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883561000000101)
  • Number of hours long-term oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883571000000108)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy prescribed per day (866531000000102)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy prescribed per day (866541000000106)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy required per day (382131000000107)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy required per day (707301000000102)
  • Number of hours oxygen therapy required per day (441936007)
  • Number of hours short-burst oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883581000000105)
  • Number of hours short-burst oxygen therapy prescribed per day (883591000000107)
  • Number of litres of oxygen used during oxygen therapy per day (866581000000103)
  • Number of litres oxygen therapy prescribed per day (866561000000107)
  • Number of oxygenators (260957004)
  • Observable related to oxygenation status (736015003)
  • Ochronosis due to homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency (410042009)
  • Orcinol 2-monooxygenase (91668000)
  • Osilodrostat (863916001)
  • Osilodrostat phosphate (863942001)
  • Other specified oxygen therapy (231931000000102)
  • Other specified oxygen therapy (267171000000102)
  • Other specified oxygen therapy support (235461000000100)
  • Other specified oxygen therapy support (256161000000103)
  • Overnight pulse oximetry (252568001)
  • Oximetry catheter (1141644002)
  • Oxygen (24099007)
  • Oxygen (15-O) butanol (423025003)
  • Oxygen (15-O) carbon dioxide (129507008)
  • Oxygen (15-O) carbon monoxide (129506004)
  • Oxygen (15-O) water (129505000)
  • Oxygen + Carbon dioxide (895545001)
  • Oxygen 99% (375142007)
  • Oxygen 99.5% (374940008)
  • Oxygen 99.5% liquid (375681006)
  • Oxygen 99.5%vv (374890006)
  • Oxygen 99.96% (374939006)
  • Oxygen administration (346791000000101)
  • Oxygen administration by Venturi mask (429253002)
  • Oxygen administration by Venturi mask (296961000000107)
  • Oxygen administration by mask (371908008)
  • Oxygen administration by mask at 60 percent concentration (802801000000109)
  • Oxygen administration by mask with bag and valve (243011000000108)
  • Oxygen administration by nasal cannula (371907003)
  • Oxygen administration by non rebreather mask (240051000000102)
  • Oxygen administration enclosure (706183001)
  • Oxygen administration enhancement device (464213004)
  • Oxygen administration face tent (464578003)
  • Oxygen administration hood, adult (464581008)
  • Oxygen administration hood, pediatric (701314008)
  • Oxygen administration kit, non-sterile (704805006)
  • Oxygen administration kit, sterile (704749004)
  • Oxygen administration nasal catheter (464225001)
  • Oxygen administration tent (706184007)
  • Oxygen administration tent, adult (464993007)
  • Oxygen administration tent, neonatal/pediatric (701290001)
  • Oxygen administration transtracheal catheter (464651008)
  • Oxygen administration tubing (464446008)
  • Oxygen affinity, function (42054005)
  • Oxygen analyzer, device (59181002)
  • Oxygen and carbon dioxide mixture (255734003)
  • Oxygen and hydrogen and their derivatives (290024008)
  • Oxygen and/or oxygen compound (774100006)
  • Oxygen breath analyzer (702225004)
  • Oxygen composite cylinder (1142151007)
  • Oxygen composite cylinder with integral headset 1360 liters (401953003)
  • Oxygen concentration (250772006)
  • Oxygen concentration at common gas outlet (698830001)
  • Oxygen concentration in equipment (250779002)
  • Oxygen concentrator (336621006)
  • Oxygen controller (464680004)
  • Oxygen cylinder (336608004)
  • Oxygen cylinder 1360 liters (401954009)
  • Oxygen cylinder 300 liters (401955005)
  • Oxygen cylinder regulator (465085004)
  • Oxygen delivery (16206004)
  • Oxygen diffusion enhancement dressing (704790001)
  • Oxygen dynamic interventions (398077001)
  • Oxygen electrode (702241003)
  • Oxygen enrichment therapy (266702001)
  • Oxygen enrichment therapy NOS (150980005)
  • Oxygen enrichment therapy NOS (545371000000107)
  • Oxygen enrichment therapy nos (182716000)
  • Oxygen equipment (336589003)
  • Oxygen extraction ratio (251831009)
  • Oxygen furnaceman (steel converting) (74182006)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder AF (391881007)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder DD (391685000)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder DF (391688003)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder F (391880008)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder HD (391686004)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder HX (391689006)
  • Oxygen gas cylinder RD (391687008)
  • Oxygen giving set (336596001)
  • Oxygen hydride (771700004)
  • Oxygen insufflation endotracheal tube (1187321001)
  • Oxygen isotope (722230006)
  • Oxygen long-term ambulatory recorder (464293003)
  • Oxygen low pressure tubing (465078003)
  • Oxygen mask (336602003)
  • Oxygen measurement (104846005)
  • Oxygen measurement, partial pressure, arterial (25579001)
  • Oxygen metabolic function (363252001)
  • Oxygen mist tent (425994007)
  • Oxygen mustache cannula (720744009)
  • Oxygen nasal cannula (336623009)
  • Oxygen nasal cannula in situ (794131000000104)
  • Oxygen pendant cannula (720743003)
  • Oxygen quick-connect coupling, female (464179001)
  • Oxygen quick-connect coupling, male (465041001)
  • Oxygen radioisotope (6038004)
  • Oxygen reservoir cannula (720742008)
  • Oxygen rotameter (257443009)
  • Oxygen saturation at periphery (855891000000100)
  • Oxygen saturation at periphery equivocal (1325701000000100)
  • Oxygen saturation at periphery unknown (1325691000000100)
  • Oxygen saturation below reference range (449171008)
  • Oxygen saturation measurement (390770009)
  • Oxygen saturation measurement (104847001)
  • Oxygen saturation measurement, arterial (515651000000100)
  • Oxygen saturation measurement, arterial (113080007)
  • Oxygen saturation within reference range (448225001)
  • Oxygen saturation/pulse rate simulator (464975006)
  • Oxygen sensor (464734005)
  • Oxygen set (336590007)
  • Oxygen supply absent (29658002)
  • Oxygen supply failure monitoring (284038007)
  • Oxygen tent, device (20428008)
  • Oxygen terminal unit (464838000)
  • Oxygen therapy (150975001)
  • Oxygen therapy (57485005)
  • Oxygen therapy (267151000000106)
  • Oxygen therapy (& enrichment) (150974002)
  • Oxygen therapy (& enrichment) (182712003)
  • Oxygen therapy NOS (231851000000104)
  • Oxygen therapy NOS (267181000000100)
  • Oxygen therapy assessment (410202008)
  • Oxygen therapy compliance long-term ambulatory recorder (717718007)
  • Oxygen therapy conserving regulator (464683002)
  • Oxygen therapy education (410203003)
  • Oxygen therapy flowmeter (464648001)
  • Oxygen therapy flowmeter, Bourdon gauge (712474006)
  • Oxygen therapy flowmeter, Thorpe tube (712475007)
  • Oxygen therapy flowmeter, dial-type (712476008)
  • Oxygen therapy follow up assessment (513981000000104)
  • Oxygen therapy follow up assessment (513991000000102)
  • Oxygen therapy initial assessment (513961000000108)
  • Oxygen therapy initial assessment (513971000000101)
  • Oxygen therapy management (410204009)
  • Oxygen therapy support (229221000000107)
  • Oxygen therapy support (707808001)
  • Oxygen therapy support (256121000000106)
  • Oxygen therapy support NOS (238581000000101)
  • Oxygen therapy support NOS (256171000000105)
  • Oxygen therapy system (464533001)
  • Oxygen toxicity (33499000)
  • Oxygen transfer factor (251951009)
  • Oxygen uptake (251832002)
  • Oxygen uptake by expired gas analysis at rest (67226009)
  • Oxygen uptake by expired gas analysis at rest and with exercise (39361004)
  • Oxygen ventilator (426160001)
  • Oxygen+carbon dioxide cylinder (337561008)
  • Oxygen+carbon dioxide gas 95%/5% cylinder F (337562001)
  • Oxygen+carbon dioxide gas 95%/5% cylinder G (337563006)
  • Oxygen+carbon dioxide gas 95%/5% cylinder J (337564000)
  • Oxygen+nitrous oxide cylinder (337565004)
  • Oxygen+nitrous oxide gas 50%/50% cylinder D (337566003)
  • Oxygen+nitrous oxide gas 50%/50% cylinder F (337568002)
  • Oxygen+nitrous oxide gas 50%/50% cylinder G (337570006)
  • Oxygen+nitrous oxide gas 50%/50% cylinder SD (337572003)
  • Oxygen-14 (424875009)
  • Oxygen-15 (129504001)
  • Oxygen-induced pulmonary edema (233711002)
  • Oxygen/air breathing gas mixer (464767009)
  • Oxygen/air breathing gas mixer, emergency (726649002)
  • Oxygen/air/nitrous oxide breathing gas mixer (465014006)
  • Oxygenase (736211003)
  • Oxygenase (biological function) (124229009)
  • Oxygenation index (167139003)
  • Oxygenation index (1015621000000108)
  • Oxygenation index (144378007)
  • Oxygenation index measurement (313558004)
  • Oxygenation monitoring (284032008)
  • Oxygenation of slough (183021004)
  • Oxygenation of slough (151300006)
  • Oxygenator (257308009)
  • Oxygenator holder disinfection tubing (720999008)
  • Oxygenator therapy (150978004)
  • Oxygenator therapy (182714002)
  • Oxyhood (427594004)
  • Ozone (40057008)
  • Paracetamol + Ibuprofen (1172855009)
  • Parecoxib (409135005)
  • Parecoxib (777080002)
  • Parecoxib sodium (734520005)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen at half saturation measurement (359845000)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (25231000237103)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in umbilical cord venous blood (791921000000101)
  • Partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood (6021000237109)
  • Partial rebreather oxygen mask (425926003)
  • Partial-rebreathing oxygen face mask (464233000)
  • Patient consent given for supply of home oxygen (247911000000101)
  • Patient consent given for supply of home oxygen (274441000000104)
  • Patient consent given for supply of home oxygen (251461000000102)
  • Patient on oxygen (371825009)
  • Patient on oxygen (844511000000108)
  • Pentachlorophenol monooxygenase (130057009)
  • Pentoxyverine (37957009)
  • Pentoxyverine citrate (703555004)
  • Peptide-aspartate beta-dioxygenase (130026009)
  • Peptide-tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (54428003)
  • Peptidylglycine monooxygenase (130175008)
  • Percent of mixed venous oxygen saturation in venous blood (2841000237106)
  • Percent of oxygenated haemoglobin to deoxygenated haemoglobin in blood (5081000237104)
  • Percent of oxygenation index in blood (6301000237104)
  • Percent saturation of oxygen in arterial blood by pulse oximetry (27681000237109)
  • Percent saturation of oxygen in capillary blood by pulse oximetry (26801000237104)
  • Percentage of oxygen delivered to subject during oxygen therapy (442230005)
  • Percutaneous insertion of cannula for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation using fluoroscopic guidance (862791000000106)
  • Perinatal anoxic-ischemic brain injury (126945001)
  • Perinatal hypoxia (281579001)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on room air on exertion decreased (1321841000000106)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on room air on exertion unchanged (1321871000000100)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on supplemental oxygen on exertion decreased (1321861000000107)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation level on supplemental oxygen on exertion unchanged (1321881000000103)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on room air at rest (866661000000106)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on room air on exertion (866681000000102)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen at rest (866701000000100)
  • Peripheral blood oxygen saturation on supplemental oxygen on exertion (866721000000109)
  • Peripheral oxygen saturation (431314004)
  • Peripheral oxygen saturation (341251000000105)
  • Peripheral oxygen saturation within target range (812601000000107)
  • Phenol 2-monooxygenase (57400003)
  • Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase (9923001)
  • Phosphatidylcholine 12-monooxygenase (88222003)
  • Phosphorus-oxygen lyase (130942004)
  • Phosphorus-oxygen lyase (biological function) (124655001)
  • Photinus-luciferin 4-monooxygenase (adenosine triphosphate-hydrolysing) (29698000)
  • Phthalate 4,5-dioxygenase (130034003)
  • Phylloquinone monooxygenase (2,3-epoxidizing) (30932002)
  • Phytanic acid alpha-hydroxylase (259425000)
  • Phytanoyl-coenzyme A alpha-hydroxylase (129920003)
  • Piketoprofen (136501000146105)
  • Piroxicam (387153005)
  • Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin (421574004)
  • Pond water (421176006)
  • Portable liquid oxygen unit (463752001)
  • Portable oxygen concentrator (464173000)
  • Portable oxygen cylinder (261323006)
  • Portable wound oxygenation system (701795005)
  • Post-cardiorespiratory arrest coma (275470000)
  • Post-exercise pulse oximetry (861341000000108)
  • Potable water (890302005)
  • Preoxygenation (241725006)
  • Preoxygenation by time (417667006)
  • Preoxygenation by vital capacity breaths (417028004)
  • Primary reactive oxygen species 1 negative non-small cell lung cancer (1259820006)
  • Primary reactive oxygen species 1 positive non-small cell lung cancer (1259758000)
  • Procollagen-lysine,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase (8340009)
  • Procollagen-proline,2-oxoglutarate 3-dioxygenase (54158002)
  • Procollagen-proline,2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (79415006)
  • Product containing 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor (413358002)
  • Product containing carbon dioxide and oxygen (895544002)
  • Product containing carbon dioxide and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (895552004)
  • Product containing celecoxib (370187009)
  • Product containing celecoxib in oral dose form (411999008)
  • Product containing chlorphenamine and ephedrine and pentoxyverine and phenylephrine (412358006)
  • Product containing chlorphenamine and ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine (413827009)
  • Product containing chlorphenamine and ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine in oral dose form (785451006)
  • Product containing chlorphenamine and pentoxyverine (412345005)
  • Product containing codeine and ibuprofen (422439004)
  • Product containing codeine and ibuprofen in oral dose form (767793000)
  • Product containing cyclooxygenase-3 inhibitor (781024009)
  • Product containing deracoxib (423684002)
  • Product containing dexibuprofen (418027007)
  • Product containing dexibuprofen in oral dose form (768118003)
  • Product containing dexketoprofen (329961001)
  • Product containing dexketoprofen in oral dose form (412005007)
  • Product containing dexketoprofen in parenteral dose form (1149554009)
  • Product containing diphenhydramine and ibuprofen (420943003)
  • Product containing diphenhydramine and ibuprofen in oral dose form (768110005)
  • Product containing esomeprazole and naproxen (768561007)
  • Product containing esomeprazole and naproxen in oral dose form (768562000)
  • Product containing etodolac (108510003)
  • Product containing etodolac in oral dose form (412006008)
  • Product containing etoricoxib (395292007)
  • Product containing etoricoxib and thiocolchicoside (1204039009)
  • Product containing etoricoxib and thiocolchicoside in oral dose form (1204041005)
  • Product containing etoricoxib in oral dose form (412000002)
  • Product containing fenoprofen (71798005)
  • Product containing fenoprofen in oral dose form (412008009)
  • Product containing firocoxib (424766004)
  • Product containing helium and nitrogen and oxygen (895698006)
  • Product containing helium and nitrogen and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (895702005)
  • Product containing helium and oxygen (895531007)
  • Product containing helium and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (895551006)
  • Product containing hydrocodone and ibuprofen (768401007)
  • Product containing hydrocodone and ibuprofen in oral dose form (768402000)
  • Product containing ibuprofen (38268001)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and levomenthol (423524007)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and levomenthol in cutaneous dose form (772520004)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and menthol (400268004)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and oxycodone (414443003)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and oxycodone in oral dose form (768708002)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and paracetamol (1172854008)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and paracetamol in oral dose form (1172857001)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine (423978002)
  • Product containing ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine in oral dose form (768707007)
  • Product containing ibuprofen in cutaneous dose form (771931001)
  • Product containing ibuprofen in oral dose form (350321003)
  • Product containing ibuprofen in parenteral dose form (421839006)
  • Product containing ketorolac (108512006)
  • Product containing ketorolac and phenylephrine (715712009)
  • Product containing ketorolac and phenylephrine in parenteral dose form (715713004)
  • Product containing ketorolac in nasal dose form (769243009)
  • Product containing ketorolac in ocular dose form (421787008)
  • Product containing ketorolac in oral dose form (356262000)
  • Product containing ketorolac in parenteral dose form (356263005)
  • Product containing lansoprazole and naproxen (409145007)
  • Product containing lumiracoxib (422506000)
  • Product containing masoprocol (398929003)
  • Product containing meloxicam (125694008)
  • Product containing meloxicam in oral dose form (412001003)
  • Product containing meloxicam in parenteral dose form (860696003)
  • Product containing meloxicam in rectal dose form (427159000)
  • Product containing metamizole (781025005)
  • Product containing misoprostol and naproxen (346577003)
  • Product containing nabumetone (108508000)
  • Product containing nabumetone in oral dose form (412002005)
  • Product containing naproxen (11847009)
  • Product containing naproxen and pseudoephedrine (409480003)
  • Product containing naproxen and sumatriptan (768374002)
  • Product containing naproxen and sumatriptan in oral dose form (768375001)
  • Product containing naproxen in oral dose form (439298001)
  • Product containing naproxen in rectal dose form (438461006)
  • Product containing nepafenac (419829002)
  • Product containing nepafenac in ocular dose form (785550009)
  • Product containing nimesulide (703480002)
  • Product containing nitrous oxide and oxygen (895540006)
  • Product containing nitrous oxide and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (895550007)
  • Product containing only carbon dioxide and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (420372008)
  • Product containing only celecoxib in oral dose form (778693008)
  • Product containing only chlorphenamine and ephedrine and pentoxyverine and phenylephrine (775200008)
  • Product containing only chlorphenamine and ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine (775205003)
  • Product containing only chlorphenamine and ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine in oral dose form (786149005)
  • Product containing only chlorphenamine and pentoxyverine (775211000)
  • Product containing only codeine and ibuprofen in oral dose form (778847007)
  • Product containing only deracoxib (775482001)
  • Product containing only dexibuprofen in oral dose form (778964006)
  • Product containing only dexketoprofen in oral dose form (778965007)
  • Product containing only dexketoprofen in parenteral dose form (1149553003)
  • Product containing only diphenhydramine and ibuprofen (775627001)
  • Product containing only diphenhydramine and ibuprofen in oral dose form (779027006)
  • Product containing only esomeprazole and naproxen in oral dose form (779172000)
  • Product containing only etodolac in oral dose form (779217007)
  • Product containing only etoricoxib and thiocolchicoside (1204040006)
  • Product containing only etoricoxib and thiocolchicoside in oral dose form (1204042003)
  • Product containing only etoricoxib in oral dose form (779221000)
  • Product containing only fenoprofen in oral dose form (779243008)
  • Product containing only firocoxib (775966007)
  • Product containing only helium and nitrogen and oxygen (895700002)
  • Product containing only helium and nitrogen and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (895703000)
  • Product containing only helium and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (421396006)
  • Product containing only hydrocodone and ibuprofen (776244001)
  • Product containing only hydrocodone and ibuprofen in oral dose form (779482007)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen and levomenthol in cutaneous dose form (779523001)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen and menthol (776289000)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen and oxycodone (776290009)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen and oxycodone in oral dose form (779524007)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen and paracetamol in oral dose form (1172856005)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen and pseudoephedrine in oral dose form (779525008)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen in cutaneous dose form (779526009)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen in oral dose form (779527000)
  • Product containing only ibuprofen in parenteral dose form (779528005)
  • Product containing only ketorolac and phenylephrine (776452000)
  • Product containing only ketorolac and phenylephrine in parenteral dose form (779633003)
  • Product containing only ketorolac in nasal dose form (779634009)
  • Product containing only ketorolac in ocular dose form (779635005)
  • Product containing only ketorolac in oral dose form (779636006)
  • Product containing only ketorolac in parenteral dose form (779637002)
  • Product containing only lansoprazole and naproxen (776476008)
  • Product containing only masoprocol (776637001)
  • Product containing only meloxicam in oral dose form (779790006)
  • Product containing only meloxicam in parenteral dose form (860697007)
  • Product containing only meloxicam in rectal dose form (779791005)
  • Product containing only metamizole (776708007)
  • Product containing only misoprostol and naproxen (776805000)
  • Product containing only nabumetone in oral dose form (779949003)
  • Product containing only naproxen and pseudoephedrine (776872001)
  • Product containing only naproxen and sumatriptan (776873006)
  • Product containing only naproxen and sumatriptan in oral dose form (779972001)
  • Product containing only naproxen in oral dose form (779973006)
  • Product containing only naproxen in rectal dose form (779974000)
  • Product containing only nepafenac in ocular dose form (786255005)
  • Product containing only nimesulide (776916006)
  • Product containing only nitrous oxide and oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (421569007)
  • Product containing only oxygen (777029003)
  • Product containing only oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (320917000)
  • Product containing only oxygen in pulmonary dose form (786945003)
  • Product containing only parecoxib in parenteral dose form (1230170008)
  • Product containing only pentoxyverine (777122005)
  • Product containing only rofecoxib in oral dose form (780393006)
  • Product containing only tepoxalin (777708004)
  • Product containing only valdecoxib in oral dose form (780745003)
  • Product containing only water in parenteral dose form (780777000)
  • Product containing only zileuton in oral dose form (780796001)
  • Product containing oxygen (767111007)
  • Product containing oxygen (15-O) butanol (422540000)
  • Product containing oxygen and/or oxygen compound (785329004)
  • Product containing oxygen in conventional release gas for inhalation (895527001)
  • Product containing oxygen in pulmonary dose form (786810005)
  • Product containing oxygen radioisotope (785325005)
  • Product containing parecoxib (395289008)
  • Product containing parecoxib in parenteral dose form (1230169007)
  • Product containing pentoxyverine (412344009)
  • Product containing precisely carbon dioxide 0.05 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.95 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (895692007)
  • Product containing precisely carbon dioxide 0.1 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.9 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (895691000)
  • Product containing precisely carbon dioxide 0.2 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.8 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (895690004)
  • Product containing precisely celecoxib 100 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (330170001)
  • Product containing precisely celecoxib 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (330169002)
  • Product containing precisely celecoxib 400 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (425685004)
  • Product containing precisely celecoxib 50 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (425451006)
  • Product containing precisely chlorphenamine maleate 2 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 30 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (784659009)
  • Product containing precisely codeine phosphate 12.5 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329675005)
  • Product containing precisely codeine phosphate 12.8 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329683004)
  • Product containing precisely codeine phosphate 20 milligram and ibuprofen 300 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral tablet (765579005)
  • Product containing precisely dexibuprofen 300 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (418352003)
  • Product containing precisely dexibuprofen 400 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (418855005)
  • Product containing precisely dexketoprofen (as dexketoprofen trometamol) 25 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (783334002)
  • Product containing precisely dexketoprofen (as dexketoprofen trometamol) 25 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release solution for injection (1149550000)
  • Product containing precisely dexketoprofen (as dexketoprofen trometamol) 25 milligram/1 sachet granules for conventional release oral solution (1263404001)
  • Product containing precisely diphenhydramine 38 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (441834006)
  • Product containing precisely diphenhydramine hydrochloride 25 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (1155959009)
  • Product containing precisely esomeprazole (as esomeprazole magnesium) 20 milligram and naproxen (as naproxen sodium) 375 milligram/1 each gastro-resistant oral tablet (784770007)
  • Product containing precisely esomeprazole (as esomeprazole magnesium) 20 milligram and naproxen 500 milligram/1 each gastro-resistant oral tablet (784771006)
  • Product containing precisely etodolac 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (329616002)
  • Product containing precisely etodolac 300 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (329620003)
  • Product containing precisely etodolac 400 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (374937008)
  • Product containing precisely etodolac 500 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (374938003)
  • Product containing precisely etodolac 600 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral tablet (765538009)
  • Product containing precisely etoricoxib 120 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (407909000)
  • Product containing precisely etoricoxib 30 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1162379004)
  • Product containing precisely etoricoxib 60 milligram and thiocolchicoside 4 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1204038001)
  • Product containing precisely etoricoxib 60 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (407907003)
  • Product containing precisely etoricoxib 90 milligram and thiocolchicoside 8 milligram/1 each conventional release and prolonged-release oral tablet (1204382004)
  • Product containing precisely etoricoxib 90 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (407908008)
  • Product containing precisely fenoprofen (as fenoprofen calcium) 300 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (783653004)
  • Product containing precisely fenoprofen (as fenoprofen calcium) 600 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329642002)
  • Product containing precisely fenoprofen calcium 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (374578000)
  • Product containing precisely fenoprofen calcium 300 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (388959005)
  • Product containing precisely helium 0.09 milliliter/1 milliliter and nitrogen 0.56 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.35 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (895696005)
  • Product containing precisely helium 0.79 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.21 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (895694008)
  • Product containing precisely hydrocodone bitartrate 10 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (429392006)
  • Product containing precisely hydrocodone bitartrate 2.5 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (429393001)
  • Product containing precisely hydrocodone bitartrate 5 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (428210006)
  • Product containing precisely hydrocodone bitartrate 7.5 milligram and ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (377489000)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen (as ibuprofen sodium) 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1162422005)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen (as ibuprofen sodium) 400 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1162424006)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 100 milligram/1 each conventional release chewable soft capsule (1255339000)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 100 milligram/1 each conventional release chewable tablet (370194007)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 100 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (370192006)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 100 milligram/1 gram conventional release cutaneous gel (330274004)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 20 milligram/1 milliliter and paracetamol 25 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (1172853002)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 20 milligram/1 milliliter and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 3 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (784658001)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 20 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (329710002)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 200 milligram and pseudoephedrine 30 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (420858007)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 200 milligram and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 30 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (783103006)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (370195008)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329652003)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 200 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral capsule (766026002)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 300 milligram and pseudoephedrine 45 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (408075007)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 300 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral capsule (765908006)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 4 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release solution for infusion (1172846006)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 40 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (370196009)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 400 milligram and oxycodone 5 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (414444009)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 400 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329653008)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release solution for injection (1193812006)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 50 milligram/1 each conventional release chewable tablet (370193001)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 50 milligram/1 gram and levomenthol 30 milligram/1 gram conventional release cutaneous gel (400729005)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 50 milligram/1 gram conventional release cutaneous cream (330232009)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 50 milligram/1 gram conventional release cutaneous foam (330264002)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 50 milligram/1 gram conventional release cutaneous gel (330202001)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 50 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release cutaneous spray (330239000)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 600 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329654002)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 600 milligram/1 sachet granules for conventional release oral suspension (329677002)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 800 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329708004)
  • Product containing precisely ibuprofen 800 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral tablet (765699007)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 10 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (783105004)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 10 milligram/1 each tablet for conventional release oral suspension (1201793003)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 10 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release solution for injection (781957008)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 15.8 milligram/1 actuation conventional release nasal spray (446533009)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 30 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release solution for injection (781956004)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 4 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release eye solution (409155006)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 4.5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release eye solution (443106009)
  • Product containing precisely ketorolac trometamol 5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release eye drops (1193880005)
  • Product containing precisely meloxicam 15 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329928008)
  • Product containing precisely meloxicam 15 milligram/1 each conventional release rectal suppository (329926007)
  • Product containing precisely meloxicam 7.5 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329927003)
  • Product containing precisely meloxicam 7.5 milligram/1 each conventional release rectal suppository (329933007)
  • Product containing precisely nabumetone 1 gram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1149298008)
  • Product containing precisely nabumetone 100 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (329912003)
  • Product containing precisely nabumetone 2.5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral solution (784852002)
  • Product containing precisely nabumetone 500 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (329910006)
  • Product containing precisely nabumetone 750 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (374639008)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen (as naproxen sodium) 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1217385000)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen (as naproxen sodium) 250 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1217387008)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen (as naproxen sodium) 375 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1217388003)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen (as naproxen sodium) 500 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (1217386004)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen 200 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (416821000)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen 25 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (329852000)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen 250 milligram/1 each gastro-resistant oral tablet (329838002)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen 375 milligram/1 each gastro-resistant oral tablet (765713002)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen 500 milligram/1 each conventional release rectal suppository (329853005)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen 500 milligram/1 each gastro-resistant oral tablet (329839005)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen sodium 220 milligram/1 each conventional release oral capsule (420276008)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen sodium 275 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (322299000)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen sodium 500 milligram and sumatriptan succinate 85 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (433315007)
  • Product containing precisely naproxen sodium 550 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (376010007)
  • Product containing precisely nepafenac 1 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release eye drops (1193873008)
  • Product containing precisely nitrous oxide 0.5 milliliter/1 milliliter and oxygen 0.5 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (895680007)
  • Product containing precisely oxygen 0.995 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (376525002)
  • Product containing precisely oxygen 1 milliliter/1 milliliter conventional release gas for inhalation (375287000)
  • Product containing precisely parecoxib (as parecoxib sodium) 40 milligram/1 vial powder for conventional release solution for injection (1230171007)
  • Product containing precisely rofecoxib 12.5 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (330162006)
  • Product containing precisely rofecoxib 2.5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (330164007)
  • Product containing precisely rofecoxib 25 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (330163001)
  • Product containing precisely rofecoxib 5 milligram/1 milliliter conventional release oral suspension (330165008)
  • Product containing precisely rofecoxib 50 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (388930005)
  • Product containing precisely valdecoxib 10 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (385585000)
  • Product containing precisely valdecoxib 20 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (385586004)
  • Product containing precisely valdecoxib 40 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (408146004)
  • Product containing precisely water 1 gram/1 milliliter conventional release solution for injection (784645002)
  • Product containing precisely zileuton 600 milligram/1 each conventional release oral tablet (376345006)
  • Product containing precisely zileuton 600 milligram/1 each prolonged-release oral tablet (427202007)
  • Product containing prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 2 inhibitor (123954005)
  • Product containing rofecoxib (116095002)
  • Product containing rofecoxib in oral dose form (412003000)
  • Product containing tepoxalin (423989009)
  • Product containing valdecoxib (385583007)
  • Product containing valdecoxib in oral dose form (412004006)
  • Product containing water (346712003)
  • Product containing water in parenteral dose form (327775007)
  • Product containing zileuton (386180009)
  • Product containing zileuton in oral dose form (767595009)
  • Progesterone 11alpha-monooxygenase (73628003)
  • Progesterone monooxygenase (90077000)
  • Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase inhibitor (782375001)
  • Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 1 inhibitor (782295005)
  • Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 2 inhibitor (734590004)
  • Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 3 inhibitor (780832007)
  • Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (80191006)
  • Protocatechuate 4,5-dioxygenase (74027004)
  • Protopine 6-monooxygenase (130195002)
  • Provision of oxygen alert card (857831000000105)
  • Pulmonary artery catheter, oximetric (462858000)
  • Pulmonary artery oxygen saturation waveform, function (128447006)
  • Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion study by radioactive oxygen (22089003)
  • Pulse Co-oximeter (462739001)
  • Pulse oximeter (448703006)
  • Pulse oximeter probe (706202002)
  • Pulse oximeter, battery-powered (462988005)
  • Pulse oximeter, line-powered (462430001)
  • Pulse oximetry (252465000)
  • Pulse oximetry monitoring (284034009)
  • Pump-oxygenator, device (363576008)
  • Pyrimidine-deoxynucleoside 1'-dioxygenase (130020003)
  • Pyrogallol 1,2-oxygenase (13185000)
  • Quantitative measurement of substance fraction of oxygen relative to oxygen binding sites of hemoglobin in venous blood specimen (443972006)
  • Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase (26930009)
  • Questin monooxygenase (130052003)
  • Rate of sampling of peripheral oxygen saturation by device (433204000)
  • Ratio of arterial oxygen tension to inspired oxygen fraction (438173002)
  • Reactive oxygen species 1 negative non-small cell lung cancer (830060005)
  • Reactive oxygen species 1 positive non-small cell lung cancer (722425009)
  • Rebreathing oxygen face mask (463587004)
  • Recently performed administration of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy (1322271000000105)
  • Recently performed administration of nitrous oxide and oxygen gas analgesia (1322481000000108)
  • Recently performed administration of oxygen by Venturi mask (1322611000000103)
  • Recently performed administration of pressurised humidified oxygen therapy (1322391000000101)
  • Recently performed oxygen administration by mask (1322111000000108)
  • Recently performed oxygen administration by mask with bag and valve (1322041000000108)
  • Recently performed oxygen administration by non-rebreather mask (1322491000000105)
  • Reduction of oxygen consumption (243178008)
  • Referral for home oxygen therapy assessment (521331000000105)
  • Referral for long-term oxygen therapy assessment not indicated (201641000000105)
  • Referral for long-term oxygen therapy assessment not indicated (219781000000109)
  • Referral for long-term oxygen therapy assessment not indicated (219771000000107)
  • Referral to Home Oxygen Service (759451000000106)
  • Referral to home oxygen service (759441000000108)
  • Referred for assessment of need for oxygen therapy (219041000000103)
  • Referred for assessment of need for oxygen therapy (219031000000107)
  • Referred for assessment of need for oxygen therapy (200881000000105)
  • Renilla-luciferin 2-monooxygenase (44179006)
  • Requires continuous home oxygen supply (716366009)
  • Requires oxygen therapy during exercise (702546009)
  • Requires oxygen therapy during exercise (890171000000109)
  • Requires oxygen therapy during exercise (878201000000103)
  • Respiratory oxygen therapy monitor and regulator (763547004)
  • Respired oxygen concentration (874781000000107)
  • Respired oxygen concentration (250773001)
  • Respired oxygen monitoring (416761006)
  • Respired oxygen tension (442465007)
  • Resuscitator face mask (1141758007)
  • Ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase (76560006)
  • Ribulose-bisphosphate-carboxylase-lysine N-methyltransferase (130244009)
  • River water (421665008)
  • Rofecoxib (777459002)
  • Rofecoxib (387008005)
  • Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 - air or oxygen score (1104331000000105)
  • Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 - oxygen saturation scale 1 score (1104311000000102)
  • Royal College of Physicians National Early Warning Score 2 - oxygen saturation scale 2 score (1104321000000108)
  • SBOT - Short-burst oxygen therapy (201651000000108)
  • SBOT - Short-burst oxygen therapy (219811000000107)
  • SBOT - Short-burst oxygen therapy (219821000000101)
  • Salicylate 1-monooxygenase (60351005)
  • Salt water (46031004)
  • Sensitive to supplemental oxygen therapy (1104411000000106)
  • Severe steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (15991002)
  • Sheet oxygenator (257312003)
  • Short-term oxygen therapy (243136002)
  • Singlet oxygen (51776002)
  • Sleep apnea mask (706225001)
  • Snow (263874004)
  • Spirometry, differential ventilation, oxygen consumption (53837002)
  • Squalene monooxygenase (79912003)
  • Standard base excess calculation adjusted for oxygen saturation technique (707696006)
  • Static oxygen cylinder (262177002)
  • Stationary liquid oxygen container (464266001)
  • Stationary oxygen concentrator (464408001)
  • Steam (27177009)
  • Steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase (30861000)
  • Steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase deficiency (84850002)
  • Steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase inhibitor (863917005)
  • Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase (74032003)
  • Steroid 17-alpha-monooxygenase deficiency (30039009)
  • Steroid 21-monooxygenase (31503002)
  • Steroid 21-monooxygenase antibody (444121007)
  • Steroid 21-monooxygenase deficiency, salt wasting type (71578002)
  • Steroid 21-monooxygenase deficiency, simple virilizing type (52604008)
  • Steroid 9-alpha-monooxygenase (130075005)
  • Subcutaneous oxygen sensor (723425002)
  • Subcutaneous oxygen sensor injector (723427005)
  • Subcutaneous oxygen sensor reader (723426001)
  • Substance with 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase inhibitor mechanism of action (785815005)
  • Substance with 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor mechanism of action (108934000)
  • Substance with arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor mechanism of action (782556005)
  • Substance with oxygenase mechanism of action (129922006)
  • Substance with prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase inhibitor mechanism of action (782376000)
  • Substance with prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 1 inhibitor mechanism of action (782296006)
  • Substance with prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 2 inhibitor mechanism of action (387050005)
  • Substance with prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase isoform 3 inhibitor mechanism of action (780833002)
  • Substance with steroid 11-beta-monooxygenase inhibitor mechanism of action (863920002)
  • Substance with tyrosine 3-monooxygenase inhibitor mechanism of action (782492006)
  • Sulfur dioxygenase (70565009)
  • Sulindac (387513000)
  • Sulindac sulfide (725621002)
  • Superior vena cava oxygen saturation (442694009)
  • Superior vena cava oxygen saturation measurement (276759002)
  • Supersaturated oxygen therapy system (465340008)
  • Supersaturated oxygen therapy system cartridge (465201000)
  • Supersaturated oxygen therapy system catheter (465683007)
  • Supersaturated oxygen therapy system kit (466142002)
  • Supplier reported percentage variance between prescribed and used supplemental oxygen per day (867651000000105)
  • Supplier reported volume of ambulatory oxygen prescribed per day (883681000000106)
  • Supplier reported volume of ambulatory oxygen prescribed per day (883691000000108)
  • Supplier reported volume of long-term oxygen prescribed per day (883621000000105)
  • Supplier reported volume of lont-term oxygen prescribed per day (883631000000107)
  • Supplier reported volume of short-burst oxygen prescribed per day (883661000000102)
  • Supplier reported volume of short-term oxygen prescribed per day (883671000000109)
  • Supplier reported volume of supplemental oxygen prescribed per day (866551000000109)
  • Supplier reported volume of supplemental oxygen used per day (866571000000100)
  • Supplier reported volume variance between prescribed and used supplemental oxygen per day (866591000000101)
  • Supplier-reported percentage variance between prescribed and used supplemental oxygen per day (867661000000108)
  • Suprofen (108849007)
  • Swimming pool water (446278008)
  • Tap water (444923006)
  • Target peripheral oxygen saturation (852641000000103)
  • Taxifolin 8-monooxygenase (21660002)
  • Telemetric pulse oximeter (466901004)
  • Tepoxalin (424973003)
  • Terephthalate 1,2-dioxygenase (130032004)
  • Thymidine,2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (84147003)
  • Thymine,2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (44753007)
  • Tidal river water (421008008)
  • Tissue oxygen monitoring sensor (838396004)
  • Tissue oxygen/temperature monitoring control unit (704891005)
  • Tissue saturation oximeter (464368002)
  • Toluene dioxygenase (130028005)
  • Tracheostomy mask, oxygen (465839001)
  • Transcutaneous central venous blood oximeter probe (736107004)
  • Transcutaneous oxygen monitor method (703492002)
  • Transcutaneous oxygen monitoring (284035005)
  • Transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen (252086006)
  • Transtracheal oxygen catheter (426129001)
  • Trimethyllysine,2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (69606009)
  • Tryptophan 2'-dioxygenase (10931002)
  • Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (80120001)
  • Tryptophan 2-monooxygenase (65283003)
  • Tryptophan 5-monooxygenase (87440000)
  • Type of oxygenator (246146006)
  • Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase (30603002)
  • Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase inhibitor (782491004)
  • Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase kinase (130426004)
  • Tyrosine N-monooxygenase (130050006)
  • Tyrosinemia type III (415764005)
  • Unable to intubate and unable to ventilate (718085007)
  • Unspecific monooxygenase (9890008)
  • Valdecoxib (385584001)
  • Valdecoxib (777908009)
  • Valved helium/oxygen cylinder (464424000)
  • Valved nitrous oxide/oxygen cylinder (464720005)
  • Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (786451004)
  • Venous oxygen concentration measurement (250559008)
  • Venous oxygen saturation (442349007)
  • Venous oxygen saturation measurement (250551006)
  • Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (786453001)
  • Venturi mask (428285009)
  • Venturi oxygen face mask (465433006)
  • Vitamin D-dependent rickets type I (237892003)
  • Vitamin D-dependent rickets, type 1 (67049004)
  • Vortex oxygen face mask (701582002)
  • Water (777949009)
  • Water (11713004)
  • Whole body hyperbaric oxygen therapy (110474005)
  • Wound therapy oxygenator dressing (722365009)
  • Wound therapy oxygenator humidification pack (722408007)
  • Wound therapy oxygenator tubing (722364008)
  • Wound therapy oxygenator, reusable (722234002)
  • Zileuton (108617005)
  • Zileuton (777974007)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at home (221144003)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at home (404151000000101)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at industrial and construction area (221150008)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at industrial and construction area (421501000000100)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at other specified place (221152000)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at other specified place (436241000000109)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at school, other institution and public administrative area (221146001)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at school, other institution and public administrative area (420951000000104)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at sports and athletics area (473231000000109)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at sports and athletics area (221147005)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at trade and service area (221149008)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at trade and service area (433661000000100)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at unspecified place (221153005)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence at unspecified place (395041000000107)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence in residential institution (221145002)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence in residential institution (385381000000103)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence on farm (221151007)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence on farm (392941000000104)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence on street and highway (221148000)
  • [X]Confined to or trapped in a low-oxygen environment, occurrence on street and highway (385401000000103)
  • myo-Inositol oxygenase (66194004)
  • trans-Cinnamate 2-monooxygenase (53166002)
  • trans-Cinnamate 4-monooxygenase (62417001)
  • trans-Nonachlor (117491007)