Inflammatory disease of the liver

This version is under review

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Codelist ID


Version ID




No metadata has been provided for this codelist.

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
10295004 Chronic viral hepatitis
10759111000119102 Viral hepatitis in mother complicating childbirth
10759151000119101 Viral hepatitis in mother complicating pregnancy
1087101000119109 Herpes simplex hepatitis
1092801000119102 Hepatic ascites co-occurrent with chronic active hepatitis due to toxic liver disease
1116000 Chronic aggressive type B viral hepatitis
111879004 Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma
111891008 Viral hepatitis B without hepatic coma
111892001 Infectious neonatal hepatitis
111896003 Viral hepatitis without hepatic coma
123603008 Acute focal hepatitis
123606000 Cholangiolitic cirrhosis
128241005 Inflammatory disease of liver
128302006 Chronic hepatitis C
13265006 Acute fulminating type B viral hepatitis
16069000 Toxic noninfectious hepatitis
16098491000119109 Chronic autoimmune hepatitis
17349007 Portal triaditis
17681007 Hepatitis caused by acquired toxoplasmosis
186273003 Tuberculosis of liver
186395002 Hepatic actinomycosis
186626002 Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma
186639003 Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent
186698009 Cytomegalovirus hepatitis
187197006 Hepatitis caused by Toxoplasma
18917003 Acute fulminating type A viral hepatitis
190944000 Alpha-1-antitrypsin hepatitis
19682006 Lupus hepatitis
197271008 Acute hepatitis - non-infective
197284004 Chronic active hepatitis
197286002 Recurrent hepatitis
197339003 Coxsackie virus hepatitis
197342009 Hepatitis in yellow fever
197344005 Hepatitis caused by adenovirus
197347003 Hepatitis in late syphilis
197348008 Hepatitis in secondary syphilis
197352008 Toxic hepatitis
197367007 Hepatic granulomas in berylliosis
197368002 Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis
199203001 Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
206372007 Congenital viral hepatitis
235858002 Nonspecific reactive hepatitis
235862008 Hepatitis due to infection
235863003 Gonococcal hepatitis
235864009 Acute hepatitis B with hepatitis D
235865005 Hepatitis D superinfection of hepatitis B carrier
235866006 Acute hepatitis C
235867002 Acute hepatitis E
235869004 Chronic viral hepatitis B with hepatitis D
235873001 Halothane hepatitis
235874007 Enflurane hepatitis
235875008 Alcoholic hepatitis
235876009 Drug-induced hepatitis
235877000 Ischemic hepatitis
235889003 Drug-induced chronic hepatitis
240789006 Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis
240791003 Hepatic schistosomal granuloma
25102003 Acute type A viral hepatitis
276551001 Perinatal hepatitis
276553003 Idiopathic hepatitis in infancy
276554009 Parenteral nutrition-related hepatitis
28766006 Posttransfusion viral hepatitis
302919001 Epstein-Barr virus hepatitis
307757001 Chronic alcoholic hepatitis
318191000009109 Hepatitis caused by bacteria
347891000119103 Chronic hepatitis C with stage 3 fibrosis
35571009 Cholangiolitis
36155008 Hepatitis in coxsackie viral disease
370489002 Cholangiohepatitis
370490006 Acute cholangiohepatitis
370492003 Copper storage associated hepatitis
370889009 Lymphocytic portal hepatitis
3738000 Viral hepatitis
37871000 Acute hepatitis
38662009 Chronic persistent type B viral hepatitis
397575003 Viral hepatitis, type G
40468003 Viral hepatitis, type A
408335007 Autoimmune hepatitis
409554001 Q fever hepatitis
41271000119108 Viral arthritis co-occurrent with hepatitis
41889008 Chronic persistent hepatitis
424758008 Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma, without hepatitis delta
426364002 Allergic hepatitis
427044009 Fulminant hepatitis
43634002 Relapsing type A viral hepatitis
442134007 Hepatitis B associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection
442191002 Steatohepatitis
442374005 Hepatitis B and hepatitis C
442685003 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
446698005 Reactivation of hepatitis B viral hepatitis
45042004 Acute fulminating viral hepatitis
450880008 Chronic hepatitis E
48036004 Pyogenic hepatic abscess
4846001 Anicteric viral hepatitis
4896000 Acute toxic hepatitis
50167007 Chronic active type B viral hepatitis
50711007 Viral hepatitis type C
53425008 Anicteric type B viral hepatitis
53476006 Radiation hepatitis
57339008 Chronic lobular hepatitis
57412004 Acute viral hepatitis
58282009 Relapsing viral hepatitis
60037002 Chronic persistent viral hepatitis
61977001 Chronic type B viral hepatitis
66071002 Viral hepatitis type B
66870002 Chronic active viral hepatitis
67656006 Portal pyemia
69800000 Neonatal hepatitis
702969000 Reactivation of hepatitis C viral hepatitis
703866000 Chronic hepatitis C with stage 2 fibrosis
707341005 Viral hepatitis type D
708198006 Chronic active hepatitis C
7111000119109 Viral hepatitis type E
713966008 Occult chronic type B viral hepatitis
714253009 Hepatic granuloma
717329009 Inflammatory pseudotumor of liver
721588008 Hepatitis caused by sexually transmissible virus
721711009 Autoimmune hepatitis type 1
721712002 Autoimmune hepatitis type 2
721713007 Autoimmune hepatitis type 3
722864002 Acute hepatic failure caused by hepatitis virus
722865001 Subacute hepatic failure caused by hepatitis virus
723108006 Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis
72445008 Subacute noninfective hepatitis
735451005 Chronic infection caused by Hepatitis D virus
765482002 Steatohepatitis caused by ingestible alcohol
767809001 Chronic hepatitis C caused by hepatitis C virus genotype 6
767810006 Chronic hepatitis C caused by hepatitis C virus genotype 5
76783007 Chronic hepatitis
76795007 Acute type B viral hepatitis
768006009 Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 3
768125005 Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 2
768126006 Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 4
768127002 Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1
768288001 Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b
768289009 Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a
773113008 Acute hepatitis caused by infection
774204006 Growth retardation, mild developmental delay, chronic hepatitis syndrome
79031007 Anicteric type A viral hepatitis
80770009 Secondary syphilis of liver
824841000000105 Hepatitis C genotype 1
824851000000108 Hepatitis C genotype 2
824871000000104 Hepatitis C genotype 3
824881000000102 Hepatitis C genotype 4
824891000000100 Hepatitis C genotype 5
824901000000104 Hepatitis C genotype 6
83072009 Malarial hepatitis
838377003 Chronic hepatitis C co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection
838380002 Chronic hepatitis B co-occurrent with hepatitis C and hepatitis D
83864008 Drug-induced cholestatic hepatitis
860856002 Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma haematobium
860861000 Infection of liver and spleen caused by Schistosoma mansoni
86514004 Granulomatous hepatitis
89231008 Mumps hepatitis
89789003 Chronic aggressive viral hepatitis
95556007 Cholestatic hepatitis
95897009 Amebic hepatitis
9843006 Chronic lymphocytic cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

This page shows the search terms that were used to build the codelist. Concepts that match the search terms, but which were excluded, are in faint grey.

code: 128241005

Included 158 out of 158 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acute cholangiohepatitis (370490006)
  • Acute focal hepatitis (123603008)
  • Acute fulminating type A viral hepatitis (18917003)
  • Acute fulminating type B viral hepatitis (13265006)
  • Acute fulminating viral hepatitis (45042004)
  • Acute hepatic failure caused by hepatitis virus (722864002)
  • Acute hepatitis (37871000)
  • Acute hepatitis - non-infective (197271008)
  • Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma (186626002)
  • Acute hepatitis B with hepatitis D (235864009)
  • Acute hepatitis C (235866006)
  • Acute hepatitis E (235867002)
  • Acute hepatitis caused by infection (773113008)
  • Acute toxic hepatitis (4896000)
  • Acute type A viral hepatitis (25102003)
  • Acute type B viral hepatitis (76795007)
  • Acute viral hepatitis (57412004)
  • Alcoholic hepatitis (235875008)
  • Allergic hepatitis (426364002)
  • Alpha-1-antitrypsin hepatitis (190944000)
  • Amebic hepatitis (95897009)
  • Anicteric type A viral hepatitis (79031007)
  • Anicteric type B viral hepatitis (53425008)
  • Anicteric viral hepatitis (4846001)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (408335007)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis type 1 (721711009)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis type 2 (721712002)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis type 3 (721713007)
  • Cholangiohepatitis (370489002)
  • Cholangiolitic cirrhosis (123606000)
  • Cholangiolitis (35571009)
  • Cholestatic hepatitis (95556007)
  • Chronic active hepatitis (197284004)
  • Chronic active hepatitis C (708198006)
  • Chronic active type B viral hepatitis (50167007)
  • Chronic active viral hepatitis (66870002)
  • Chronic aggressive type B viral hepatitis (1116000)
  • Chronic aggressive viral hepatitis (89789003)
  • Chronic alcoholic hepatitis (307757001)
  • Chronic autoimmune hepatitis (16098491000119109)
  • Chronic hepatitis (76783007)
  • Chronic hepatitis B co-occurrent with hepatitis C and hepatitis D (838380002)
  • Chronic hepatitis C (128302006)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1 (768127002)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (768289009)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (768288001)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 2 (768125005)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 3 (768006009)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 4 (768126006)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by hepatitis C virus genotype 5 (767810006)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by hepatitis C virus genotype 6 (767809001)
  • Chronic hepatitis C co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (838377003)
  • Chronic hepatitis C with stage 2 fibrosis (703866000)
  • Chronic hepatitis C with stage 3 fibrosis (347891000119103)
  • Chronic hepatitis E (450880008)
  • Chronic infection caused by Hepatitis D virus (735451005)
  • Chronic lobular hepatitis (57339008)
  • Chronic lymphocytic cholangitis-cholangiohepatitis (9843006)
  • Chronic persistent hepatitis (41889008)
  • Chronic persistent type B viral hepatitis (38662009)
  • Chronic persistent viral hepatitis (60037002)
  • Chronic type B viral hepatitis (61977001)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis (10295004)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B with hepatitis D (235869004)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent (186639003)
  • Congenital viral hepatitis (206372007)
  • Copper storage associated hepatitis (370492003)
  • Coxsackie virus hepatitis (197339003)
  • Cytomegalovirus hepatitis (186698009)
  • Drug-induced cholestatic hepatitis (83864008)
  • Drug-induced chronic hepatitis (235889003)
  • Drug-induced hepatitis (235876009)
  • Enflurane hepatitis (235874007)
  • Epstein-Barr virus hepatitis (302919001)
  • Fulminant hepatitis (427044009)
  • Gonococcal hepatitis (235863003)
  • Granulomatous hepatitis (86514004)
  • Growth retardation, mild developmental delay, chronic hepatitis syndrome (774204006)
  • Halothane hepatitis (235873001)
  • Hepatic actinomycosis (186395002)
  • Hepatic ascites co-occurrent with chronic active hepatitis due to toxic liver disease (1092801000119102)
  • Hepatic granuloma (714253009)
  • Hepatic granulomas in berylliosis (197367007)
  • Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis (197368002)
  • Hepatic schistosomal granuloma (240791003)
  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C (442374005)
  • Hepatitis B associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection (442134007)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 1 (824841000000105)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 2 (824851000000108)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 3 (824871000000104)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 4 (824881000000102)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 5 (824891000000100)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 6 (824901000000104)
  • Hepatitis D superinfection of hepatitis B carrier (235865005)
  • Hepatitis caused by Toxoplasma (187197006)
  • Hepatitis caused by acquired toxoplasmosis (17681007)
  • Hepatitis caused by adenovirus (197344005)
  • Hepatitis caused by bacteria (318191000009109)
  • Hepatitis caused by sexually transmissible virus (721588008)
  • Hepatitis due to infection (235862008)
  • Hepatitis in coxsackie viral disease (36155008)
  • Hepatitis in late syphilis (197347003)
  • Hepatitis in secondary syphilis (197348008)
  • Hepatitis in yellow fever (197342009)
  • Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis (240789006)
  • Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma haematobium (860856002)
  • Herpes simplex hepatitis (1087101000119109)
  • Idiopathic granulomatous hepatitis (723108006)
  • Idiopathic hepatitis in infancy (276553003)
  • Infection of liver and spleen caused by Schistosoma mansoni (860861000)
  • Infectious neonatal hepatitis (111892001)
  • Inflammatory disease of liver (128241005)
  • Inflammatory pseudotumor of liver (717329009)
  • Ischemic hepatitis (235877000)
  • Lupus hepatitis (19682006)
  • Lymphocytic portal hepatitis (370889009)
  • Malarial hepatitis (83072009)
  • Mumps hepatitis (89231008)
  • Neonatal hepatitis (69800000)
  • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (442685003)
  • Nonspecific reactive hepatitis (235858002)
  • Occult chronic type B viral hepatitis (713966008)
  • Parenteral nutrition-related hepatitis (276554009)
  • Perinatal hepatitis (276551001)
  • Portal pyemia (67656006)
  • Portal triaditis (17349007)
  • Posttransfusion viral hepatitis (28766006)
  • Pyogenic hepatic abscess (48036004)
  • Q fever hepatitis (409554001)
  • Radiation hepatitis (53476006)
  • Reactivation of hepatitis B viral hepatitis (446698005)
  • Reactivation of hepatitis C viral hepatitis (702969000)
  • Recurrent hepatitis (197286002)
  • Relapsing type A viral hepatitis (43634002)
  • Relapsing viral hepatitis (58282009)
  • Secondary syphilis of liver (80770009)
  • Steatohepatitis (442191002)
  • Steatohepatitis caused by ingestible alcohol (765482002)
  • Subacute hepatic failure caused by hepatitis virus (722865001)
  • Subacute noninfective hepatitis (72445008)
  • Toxic hepatitis (197352008)
  • Toxic noninfectious hepatitis (16069000)
  • Tuberculosis of liver (186273003)
  • Viral arthritis co-occurrent with hepatitis (41271000119108)
  • Viral hepatitis (3738000)
  • Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma (111879004)
  • Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma, without hepatitis delta (424758008)
  • Viral hepatitis B without hepatic coma (111891008)
  • Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (199203001)
  • Viral hepatitis in mother complicating childbirth (10759111000119102)
  • Viral hepatitis in mother complicating pregnancy (10759151000119101)
  • Viral hepatitis type B (66071002)
  • Viral hepatitis type C (50711007)
  • Viral hepatitis type D (707341005)
  • Viral hepatitis type E (7111000119109)
  • Viral hepatitis without hepatic coma (111896003)
  • Viral hepatitis, type A (40468003)
  • Viral hepatitis, type G (397575003)