GLP-1's in combination with insulin

This version is under review

Coding system
Pseudo BNF
Coding system release
84 (2023-05-02)
Codelist ID
Version ID



This codelist contains NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) codes for products which contain a GLP-1 mimetics in combination with insulin.


Search Terms: Antidiabetic drugs, Insulin

Inclusion Criteria for Codes: Refers to a GLP-1 mimetic with insulin in combination.

Exclusion Criteria for Codes: Refers to product which does not contain both a GLP-1 mimetic and insulin.


Signed off by

  • Andrew Brown, (Aug. 15, 2023)
  • Chris Wood, (Aug. 15, 2023)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
0601012AB Insulin glargine/lixisenatide
0601012ABAA Insulin glargine/lixisenatide
0601012ABAAAAAA Ins glargine 100u/ml / Lixis 33mcg/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev
0601012ABAAABAB Ins glargine 100u/ml / Lixis 50mcg/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev
0601012ABBB Suliqua
0601012ABBBAAAA Suliqua 100units/ml / 33microg/ml inj 3ml pf SoloStar pens
0601012ABBBABAB Suliqua 100units/ml / 50microg/ml inj 3ml pf SoloStar pens
0601023AU Ins degludec/liraglutide
0601023AUAA Ins degludec/liraglutide
0601023AUAAAAAA Insulin degludec 100u/ml/Lirag 3.6mg/ml inj3ml pf dispos dev
0601023AUBB Xultophy
0601023AUBBAAAA Xultophy 100units/ml / 3.6mg/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

This page shows the search terms that were used to build the codelist. Concepts that match the search terms, but which were excluded, are in faint grey.

antidiabetic drugs

Included 5 out of 494 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acarbose (0601023A0AA)
  • Acarbose (0601023A0)
  • Acarbose 100mg tablets (0601023A0AAABAB)
  • Acarbose 50mg tablets (0601023A0AAAAAA)
  • Actos (0601023B0BB)
  • Actos 15mg tablets (0601023B0BBAAAA)
  • Actos 30mg tablets (0601023B0BBABAB)
  • Actos 45mg tablets (0601023B0BBACAC)
  • Albiglutide (0601023ASAA)
  • Albiglutide (0601023AS)
  • Albiglutide 30mg inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023ASAAAAAA)
  • Albiglutide 50mg inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023ASAAABAB)
  • Alogliptin (0601023AK)
  • Alogliptin (0601023AKAA)
  • Alogliptin 12.5mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023AJAAAAAA)
  • Alogliptin 12.5mg tablets (0601023AKAAABAB)
  • Alogliptin 25mg tablets (0601023AKAAACAC)
  • Alogliptin 6.25mg tablets (0601023AKAAAAAA)
  • Alogliptin/metformin (0601023AJ)
  • Alogliptin/metformin (0601023AJAA)
  • Amaryl (0601021A0BB)
  • Amaryl 1mg tablets (0601021A0BBABAB)
  • Amaryl 2mg tablets (0601021A0BBAAAA)
  • Amaryl 3mg tablets (0601021A0BBACAC)
  • Amaryl 4mg tablets (0601021A0BBADAD)
  • Amglidia (0601021H0BN)
  • Amglidia 0.6mg/ml oral suspension with 1ml oral syringe (0601021H0BNAAAP)
  • Amglidia 0.6mg/ml oral suspension with 5ml oral syringe (0601021H0BNABAP)
  • Amglidia 6mg/ml oral suspension with 1ml oral syringe (0601021H0BNACAQ)
  • Amglidia 6mg/ml oral suspension with 5ml oral syringe (0601021H0BNADAQ)
  • Antidiabetic drugs (060102)
  • Avandamet (0601023V0BB)
  • Avandamet 1mg/500mg tablets (0601023V0BBAAAA)
  • Avandamet 2mg/1000mg tablets (0601023V0BBADAD)
  • Avandamet 2mg/500mg tablets (0601023V0BBABAB)
  • Avandamet 4mg/1000mg tablets (0601023V0BBACAC)
  • Avandia (0601023S0BB)
  • Avandia 4mg tablets (0601023S0BBAAAA)
  • Avandia 8mg tablets (0601023S0BBABAB)
  • Axpinet (0601022B0BS)
  • Axpinet 500mg tablets (0601022B0BSAAAB)
  • Axpinet 850mg tablets (0601022B0BSABAD)
  • Biguanides (0601022)
  • Bilxona (0601021M0BN)
  • Bilxona 30mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0BNAAAM)
  • Bilxona 60mg modified-release tablets (Accord) (0601021M0BNACAT)
  • Bilxona 60mg modified-release tablets (Actavis) (0601021M0BNABAT)
  • Bolamyn (0601022B0BI)
  • Bolamyn SR 1000mg tablets (0601022B0BIABAV)
  • Bolamyn SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BIAAAS)
  • Bydureon (0601023Y0BC)
  • Bydureon 2mg inj pre-filled pens (0601023Y0BCABAD)
  • Bydureon 2mg inj vials (0601023Y0BCAAAC)
  • Bydureon BCise 2mg/0.85ml prolonged-release inj pf pens (0601023Y0BCACAE)
  • Byetta (0601023Y0BB)
  • Byetta 10micrograms/0.04ml inj 2.4ml pre-filled pens (0601023Y0BBABAB)
  • Byetta 5micrograms/0.02ml inj 1.2ml pre-filled pens (0601023Y0BBAAAA)
  • Canagliflozin (0601023AM)
  • Canagliflozin (0601023AMAA)
  • Canagliflozin 100mg tablets (0601023AMAAAAAA)
  • Canagliflozin 300mg tablets (0601023AMAAABAB)
  • Canagliflozin 50mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023APAAABAB)
  • Canagliflozin 50mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023APAAAAAA)
  • Canagliflozin/metformin (0601023APAA)
  • Canagliflozin/metformin (0601023AP)
  • Chlorpropamide (0601021E0)
  • Chlorpropamide (0601021E0AA)
  • Chlorpropamide 100mg tablets (0601021E0AAAAAA)
  • Chlorpropamide 250mg tablets (0601021E0AAABAB)
  • Chlorpropamide 250mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021E0AAADAD)
  • Competact (0601023W0BB)
  • Competact 15mg/850mg tablets (0601023W0BBAAAA)
  • Dacadis (0601021M0BH)
  • Dacadis MR 30mg tablets (0601021M0BHAAAM)
  • Daonil (0601021H0BB)
  • Daonil 5mg tablets (0601021H0BBAAAB)
  • Dapagliflozin (0601023AGAA)
  • Dapagliflozin (0601023AG)
  • Dapagliflozin 10mg tablets (0601023AGAAABAB)
  • Dapagliflozin 5mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023ALAAABAB)
  • Dapagliflozin 5mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023ALAAAAAA)
  • Dapagliflozin 5mg tablets (0601023AGAAAAAA)
  • Dapagliflozin/metformin (0601023ALAA)
  • Dapagliflozin/metformin (0601023AL)
  • Diabetamide (0601021H0BK)
  • Diabetamide 2.5mg tablets (0601021H0BKAAAA)
  • Diabetamide 5mg tablets (0601021H0BKABAB)
  • Diabiom (0601023B0BE)
  • Diabiom 15mg tablets (0601023B0BEAAAA)
  • Diabiom 30mg tablets (0601023B0BEABAB)
  • Diabiom 45mg tablets (0601023B0BEACAC)
  • Diagemet XL (0601022B0BL)
  • Diagemet XL 500mg tablets (0601022B0BLAAAS)
  • Diaglyk (0601021M0BC)
  • Diaglyk 80mg tablets (0601021M0BCAAAA)
  • Diamicron (0601021M0BB)
  • Diamicron 30mg MR tablets (0601021M0BBABAM)
  • Diamicron 80mg tablets (0601021M0BBAAAA)
  • Dulaglutide (0601023AQAA)
  • Dulaglutide (0601023AQ)
  • Dulaglutide 0.75mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023AQAAAAAA)
  • Dulaglutide 1.5mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023AQAAABAB)
  • Dulaglutide 3mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023AQAAACAC)
  • Dulaglutide 4.5mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023AQAAADAD)
  • Edicil (0601021M0BG)
  • Edicil MR 30mg tablets (0601021M0BGAAAM)
  • Empagliflozin (0601023AN)
  • Empagliflozin (0601023ANAA)
  • Empagliflozin 10mg / Linagliptin 5mg tablets (0601023AYAAAAAA)
  • Empagliflozin 10mg tablets (0601023ANAAAAAA)
  • Empagliflozin 12.5mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023ARAAADAD)
  • Empagliflozin 12.5mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023ARAAACAC)
  • Empagliflozin 25mg / Linagliptin 5mg tablets (0601023AYAAABAB)
  • Empagliflozin 25mg tablets (0601023ANAAABAB)
  • Empagliflozin 5mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023ARAAABAB)
  • Empagliflozin 5mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023ARAAAAAA)
  • Empagliflozin/linagliptin (0601023AY)
  • Empagliflozin/linagliptin (0601023AYAA)
  • Empagliflozin/metformin (0601023AR)
  • Empagliflozin/metformin (0601023ARAA)
  • Enyglid (0601023R0BD)
  • Enyglid 0.5mg tablets (0601023R0BDAAAA)
  • Enyglid 1mg tablets (0601023R0BDABAB)
  • Enyglid 2mg tablets (0601023R0BDACAC)
  • Eperzan (0601023ASBB)
  • Eperzan 30mg inj pre-filled pens (0601023ASBBAAAA)
  • Eperzan 50mg inj pre-filled pens (0601023ASBBABAB)
  • Ertugliflozin (0601023AXAA)
  • Ertugliflozin (0601023AX)
  • Ertugliflozin 15mg tablets (0601023AXAAABAB)
  • Ertugliflozin 5mg tablets (0601023AXAAAAAA)
  • Eucreas (0601023Z0BB)
  • Eucreas 50mg/1000mg tablets (0601023Z0BBAAAA)
  • Eucreas 50mg/850mg tablets (0601023Z0BBABAB)
  • Euglucon (0601021H0BD)
  • Euglucon 2.5mg tablets (0601021H0BDAAAA)
  • Euglucon 5mg tablets (0601021H0BDABAB)
  • Exenatide (0601023Y0AA)
  • Exenatide (0601023Y0)
  • Exenatide 10micrograms/0.04ml inj 2.4ml pf dispos dev (0601023Y0AAABAB)
  • Exenatide 2mg inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023Y0AAADAD)
  • Exenatide 2mg inj vials (0601023Y0AAACAC)
  • Exenatide 2mg/0.85ml prolonged-release inj pf dispos dev (0601023Y0AAAEAE)
  • Exenatide 5micrograms/0.02ml inj 1.2ml pf dispos dev (0601023Y0AAAAAA)
  • Forxiga (0601023AGBB)
  • Forxiga 10mg tablets (0601023AGBBABAB)
  • Forxiga 5mg tablets (0601023AGBBAAAA)
  • Galvus (0601023AABB)
  • Galvus 50mg tablets (0601023AABBAAAA)
  • Glibenclamide (0601021H0)
  • Glibenclamide (0601021H0AA)
  • Glibenclamide 15mg/5ml oral liquid (0601021H0AAAMAM)
  • Glibenclamide 2.5mg tablets (0601021H0AAAAAA)
  • Glibenclamide 2.5mg/5ml oral liquid (0601021H0AAAKAK)
  • Glibenclamide 5mg tablets (0601021H0AAABAB)
  • Glibenclamide 5mg/5ml oral liquid (0601021H0AAAJAJ)
  • Glibenclamide 600micrograms/ml oral suspension sugar free (0601021H0AAAPAP)
  • Glibenclamide 625micrograms/5ml oral liquid (0601021H0AAAIAI)
  • Glibenclamide 6mg/ml oral suspension sugar free (0601021H0AAAQAQ)
  • Glibenclamide 7.5mg/5ml oral liquid (0601021H0AAANAN)
  • Glibenese (0601021P0BB)
  • Glibenese 5mg tablets (0601021P0BBAAAB)
  • Gliclazide (0601021M0AA)
  • Gliclazide (0601021M0)
  • Gliclazide 100mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAALAL)
  • Gliclazide 120mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAAIAI)
  • Gliclazide 160mg tablets (0601021M0AAAVAV)
  • Gliclazide 160mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAAJAJ)
  • Gliclazide 20mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAANAN)
  • Gliclazide 30mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0AAAMAM)
  • Gliclazide 30mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAAPAP)
  • Gliclazide 40mg tablets (0601021M0AAARAR)
  • Gliclazide 40mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAAUAU)
  • Gliclazide 50mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAAHAH)
  • Gliclazide 60mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0AAATAT)
  • Gliclazide 60mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAAGAG)
  • Gliclazide 80mg tablets (0601021M0AAAAAA)
  • Gliclazide 80mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021M0AAASAS)
  • Glidipion (0601023B0BD)
  • Glidipion 15mg tablets (0601023B0BDACAA)
  • Glidipion 30mg tablets (0601023B0BDAAAB)
  • Glidipion 45mg tablets (0601023B0BDABAC)
  • Glimepiride (0601021A0AA)
  • Glimepiride (0601021A0)
  • Glimepiride 1mg tablets (0601021A0AAABAB)
  • Glimepiride 2mg tablets (0601021A0AAAAAA)
  • Glimepiride 2mg/5ml oral liquid (0601021A0AAAGAG)
  • Glimepiride 3mg tablets (0601021A0AAACAC)
  • Glimepiride 4mg tablets (0601021A0AAADAD)
  • Glimepiride 6mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021A0AAAHAH)
  • Glimil (0601021M0BE)
  • Glimil 80mg tablets (0601021M0BEAAAA)
  • Glipizide (0601021P0)
  • Glipizide (0601021P0AA)
  • Glipizide 2.5mg tablets (0601021P0AAAAAA)
  • Glipizide 5mg tablets (0601021P0AAABAB)
  • Gliquidone (0601021R0)
  • Gliquidone (0601021R0AA)
  • Gliquidone 30mg tablets (0601021R0AAAAAA)
  • Glizofar (0601023B0BC)
  • Glizofar 15mg tablets (Arrow) (0601023B0BCADAA)
  • Glizofar 15mg tablets (Teva) (0601023B0BCAAAA)
  • Glizofar 30mg tablets (Arrow) (0601023B0BCAEAB)
  • Glizofar 30mg tablets (Teva) (0601023B0BCABAB)
  • Glizofar 45mg tablets (Arrow) (0601023B0BCAFAC)
  • Glizofar 45mg tablets (Teva) (0601023B0BCACAC)
  • Glucient SR (0601022B0BK)
  • Glucient SR 1000mg tablets (0601022B0BKACAV)
  • Glucient SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BKAAAS)
  • Glucient SR 750mg tablets (0601022B0BKABAT)
  • Glucobay (0601023A0BB)
  • Glucobay 100mg tablets (0601023A0BBADAB)
  • Glucobay 50mg tablets (0601023A0BBACAA)
  • Glucophage (0601022B0BB)
  • Glucophage 1000mg oral powder sachets (0601022B0BBAGAX)
  • Glucophage 500mg oral powder sachets (0601022B0BBAFAW)
  • Glucophage 500mg tablets (0601022B0BBAAAB)
  • Glucophage 850mg tablets (0601022B0BBABAD)
  • Glucophage SR 1000mg tablets (0601022B0BBAEAV)
  • Glucophage SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BBACAS)
  • Glucophage SR 750mg tablets (0601022B0BBADAT)
  • Glucorex (0601022B0BR)
  • Glucorex SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BRAAAS)
  • Glurenorm (0601021R0BB)
  • Glurenorm 30mg tablets (0601021R0BBAAAA)
  • Glydex (0601021M0BP)
  • Glydex 160mg tablets (0601021M0BPAAAV)
  • Glyformin (0601022B0BD)
  • Glyformin 500mg tablets (0601022B0BDAAAB)
  • Glyxambi (0601023AYBB)
  • Glyxambi 10mg/5mg tablets (0601023AYBBAAAA)
  • Glyxambi 25mg/5mg tablets (0601023AYBBABAB)
  • Guar gum (0601023I0)
  • Guar gum (0601023I0AA)
  • Guar gum 5g granules sachets sugar free (0601023I0AAADAD)
  • Guarem (0601023I0BC)
  • Guarem 5g granules sachets (0601023I0BCAAAD)
  • Ins degludec/liraglutide (0601023AUAA)
  • Ins degludec/liraglutide (0601023AU)
  • Insulin degludec 100u/ml/Lirag 3.6mg/ml inj3ml pf dispos dev (0601023AUAAAAAA)
  • Invokana (0601023AMBB)
  • Invokana 100mg tablets (0601023AMBBAAAA)
  • Invokana 300mg tablets (0601023AMBBABAB)
  • Janumet (0601023ADBB)
  • Janumet 50mg/1000mg tablets (0601023ADBBAAAA)
  • Januvia (0601023X0BB)
  • Januvia 100mg tablets (0601023X0BBAAAA)
  • Januvia 25mg tablets (0601023X0BBACAC)
  • Januvia 50mg tablets (0601023X0BBABAB)
  • Jardiance (0601023ANBB)
  • Jardiance 10mg tablets (0601023ANBBAAAA)
  • Jardiance 25mg tablets (0601023ANBBABAB)
  • Jentadueto (0601023AFBB)
  • Jentadueto 2.5mg/1000mg tablets (0601023AFBBABAB)
  • Jentadueto 2.5mg/850mg tablets (0601023AFBBAAAA)
  • Jesacrin (0601022B0BT)
  • Jesacrin 1000mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0BTABAV)
  • Jesacrin 750mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0BTAAAT)
  • Komboglyze (0601023AHBB)
  • Komboglyze 2.5mg/1000mg tablets (0601023AHBBABAB)
  • Komboglyze 2.5mg/850mg tablets (0601023AHBBAAAA)
  • Laaglyda M/R (0601021M0BK)
  • Laaglyda MR 60mg tablets (0601021M0BKAAAT)
  • Lamzarin (0601021M0BQ)
  • Lamzarin 30mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0BQAAAM)
  • Lamzarin 60mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0BQABAT)
  • Linagliptin (0601023AE)
  • Linagliptin (0601023AEAA)
  • Linagliptin 2.5mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023AFAAABAB)
  • Linagliptin 2.5mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023AFAAAAAA)
  • Linagliptin 5mg tablets (0601023AEAAAAAA)
  • Linagliptin/metformin (0601023AF)
  • Linagliptin/metformin (0601023AFAA)
  • Liraglutide (0601023AB)
  • Liraglutide (0601023ABAA)
  • Liraglutide 6mg/1ml inj 3ml pre-filled disposable devices (0601023ABAAAAAA)
  • Lixisenatide (0601023AIAA)
  • Lixisenatide (0601023AI)
  • Lixisenatide 10microg/0.2ml and 20microg/0.2ml inj (0601023AIAAACAC)
  • Lixisenatide 10micrograms/0.2ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601023AIAAABAB)
  • Lixisenatide 20micrograms/0.2ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601023AIAAAAAA)
  • Lyxumia (0601023AIBB)
  • Lyxumia 10micrograms/0.2ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601023AIBBABAB)
  • Lyxumia 10micrograms/20micrograms treatment initiation pack (0601023AIBBACAC)
  • Lyxumia 20micrograms/0.2ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601023AIBBAAAA)
  • MDR BNF code - DO NOT USE (0601023A0AAACAC)
  • Meijumet (0601022B0BN)
  • Meijumet 1000mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0BNACAV)
  • Meijumet 500mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0BNAAAS)
  • Meijumet 750mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0BNABAT)
  • Metabet (0601022B0BJ)
  • Metabet SR 1000mg tablets (Actavis) (0601022B0BJACAV)
  • Metabet SR 1000mg tablets (Morningside) (0601022B0BJABAV)
  • Metabet SR 500mg tablets (Actavis) (0601022B0BJADAS)
  • Metabet SR 500mg tablets (Morningside) (0601022B0BJAAAS)
  • Metformin 1g / Sitagliptin 50mg tablets (0601023ADAAAAAA)
  • Metformin 1g modified-release tablets (0601022B0AAAVAV)
  • Metformin 1g oral powder sachets sugar free (0601022B0AAAXAX)
  • Metformin 1g tablets (0601022B0AABABA)
  • Metformin 1g/5ml oral solution (0601022B0AAAMAM)
  • Metformin 1g/5ml oral solution sugar free (0601022B0AAAYAY)
  • Metformin 250mg/5ml oral liquid (0601022B0AAAKAK)
  • Metformin 425mg/5ml oral liquid (0601022B0AAALAL)
  • Metformin 500mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0AAASAS)
  • Metformin 500mg oral powder sachets sugar free (0601022B0AAAWAW)
  • Metformin 500mg tablets (0601022B0AAABAB)
  • Metformin 500mg/5ml oral liquid (0601022B0AAAIAI)
  • Metformin 500mg/5ml oral solution sugar free (0601022B0AAARAR)
  • Metformin 5mg/5ml oral solution (0601022B0AAANAN)
  • Metformin 750mg modified-release tablets (0601022B0AAATAT)
  • Metformin 850mg capsules (0601022B0AAAQAQ)
  • Metformin 850mg tablets (0601022B0AAADAD)
  • Metformin 850mg/5ml oral liquid (0601022B0AAAJAJ)
  • Metformin 850mg/5ml oral solution sugar free (0601022B0AAAZAZ)
  • Metformin hydrochloride (0601022B0)
  • Metformin hydrochloride (0601022B0AA)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/pioglitazone (0601023W0AA)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/pioglitazone (0601023W0)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/rosiglitazone (0601023V0)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/rosiglitazone (0601023V0AA)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/sitagliptin (0601023ADAA)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/sitagliptin (0601023AD)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/vildagliptin (0601023Z0)
  • Metformin hydrochloride/vildagliptin (0601023Z0AA)
  • Metsol (0601022B0BH)
  • Metsol 500mg/5ml oral solution (0601022B0BHAAAR)
  • Metuxtan SR (0601022B0BQ)
  • Metuxtan SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BQAAAS)
  • Minodiab (0601021P0BC)
  • Minodiab 2.5mg tablets (0601021P0BCACAA)
  • Minodiab 5mg tablets (0601021P0BCADAB)
  • Mounjaro (0601023AZBB)
  • Mounjaro 2.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens (0601023AZBBAAAA)
  • Mounjaro 5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens (0601023AZBBABAB)
  • Nateglinide (0601023U0)
  • Nateglinide (0601023U0AA)
  • Nateglinide 120mg tablets (0601023U0AAABAB)
  • Nateglinide 180mg tablets (0601023U0AAACAC)
  • Nateglinide 60mg tablets (0601023U0AAAAAA)
  • Nazdol (0601021M0BF)
  • Nazdol MR 30mg tablets (Consilient Health) (0601021M0BFAAAM)
  • Nazdol MR 30mg tablets (Mylan) (0601021M0BFABAM)
  • Nazdol MR 30mg tablets (Teva) (0601021M0BFACAM)
  • Niddaryl (0601021A0BC)
  • Niddaryl 1mg tablets (0601021A0BCAAAB)
  • Niddaryl 2mg tablets (0601021A0BCABAA)
  • Niddaryl 3mg tablets (0601021A0BCACAC)
  • Niddaryl 4mg tablets (0601021A0BCADAD)
  • NovoNorm (0601023R0BB)
  • NovoNorm 1mg tablets (0601023R0BBABAB)
  • NovoNorm 2mg tablets (0601023R0BBACAC)
  • NovoNorm 500microgram tablets (0601023R0BBAAAA)
  • Onglyza (0601023ACBB)
  • Onglyza 2.5mg tablets (0601023ACBBABAB)
  • Onglyza 5mg tablets (0601023ACBBAAAA)
  • Other antidiabetic drugs (0601023)
  • Ozempic (0601023AWBB)
  • Ozempic 0.25mg/0.19ml inj 1.5ml pre-filled pens (0601023AWBBAAAA)
  • Ozempic 0.5mg/0.37ml inj 1.5ml pre-filled pens (0601023AWBBABAB)
  • Ozempic 1mg/0.74ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601023AWBBACAC)
  • Pioglitazone 15mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023W0AAAAAA)
  • Pioglitazone 15mg tablets (0601023B0AAAAAA)
  • Pioglitazone 15mg/5ml oral suspension (0601023B0AAAEAE)
  • Pioglitazone 30mg tablets (0601023B0AAABAB)
  • Pioglitazone 30mg/5ml oral suspension (0601023B0AAADAD)
  • Pioglitazone 45mg tablets (0601023B0AAACAC)
  • Pioglitazone 45mg/5ml oral suspension (0601023B0AAAFAF)
  • Pioglitazone hydrochloride (0601023B0AA)
  • Pioglitazone hydrochloride (0601023B0)
  • Prandin (0601023R0BC)
  • Prandin 0.5mg tablets (0601023R0BCAAAA)
  • Prandin 1mg tablets (0601023R0BCABAB)
  • Prandin 2mg tablets (0601023R0BCACAC)
  • Qtern (0601023AVBB)
  • Qtern 5mg/10mg tablets (0601023AVBBAAAA)
  • Repaglinide (0601023R0AA)
  • Repaglinide (0601023R0)
  • Repaglinide 1mg tablets (0601023R0AAABAB)
  • Repaglinide 2mg tablets (0601023R0AAACAC)
  • Repaglinide 500microgram tablets (0601023R0AAAAAA)
  • Rosiglitazone (0601023S0)
  • Rosiglitazone (0601023S0AA)
  • Rosiglitazone 1mg / Metformin 500mg tablets (0601023V0AAAAAA)
  • Rosiglitazone 2mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023V0AAADAD)
  • Rosiglitazone 2mg / Metformin 500mg tablets (0601023V0AAABAB)
  • Rosiglitazone 4mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023V0AAACAC)
  • Rosiglitazone 4mg tablets (0601023S0AAAAAA)
  • Rosiglitazone 8mg tablets (0601023S0AAABAB)
  • Rybelsus (0601023AWBC)
  • Rybelsus 14mg tablets (0601023AWBCAAAD)
  • Rybelsus 3mg tablets (0601023AWBCABAE)
  • Rybelsus 7mg tablets (0601023AWBCACAF)
  • Saxagliptin (0601023AC)
  • Saxagliptin (0601023ACAA)
  • Saxagliptin 2.5mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023AHAAABAB)
  • Saxagliptin 2.5mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023AHAAAAAA)
  • Saxagliptin 2.5mg tablets (0601023ACAAABAB)
  • Saxagliptin 5mg / Dapagliflozin 10mg tablets (0601023AVAAAAAA)
  • Saxagliptin 5mg tablets (0601023ACAAAAAA)
  • Saxagliptin/dapagliflozin (0601023AV)
  • Saxagliptin/dapagliflozin (0601023AVAA)
  • Saxagliptin/metformin (0601023AHAA)
  • Saxagliptin/metformin (0601023AH)
  • Saxenda (0601023ABBC)
  • Saxenda 6mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens (0601023ABBCAAAA)
  • Semaglutide (0601023AWAA)
  • Semaglutide (0601023AW)
  • Semaglutide 0.25mg/0.19ml inj 1.5ml pf dispos dev (0601023AWAAAAAA)
  • Semaglutide 0.5mg/0.37ml inj 1.5ml pf dispos dev (0601023AWAAABAB)
  • Semaglutide 14mg tablets (0601023AWAAADAD)
  • Semaglutide 1mg/0.74ml inj 3ml pre-filled disposable device (0601023AWAAACAC)
  • Semaglutide 3mg tablets (0601023AWAAAEAE)
  • Semaglutide 7mg tablets (0601023AWAAAFAF)
  • Semi-Daonil 2.5mg tablets (0601021H0BBACAA)
  • Sitagliptin (0601023X0AA)
  • Sitagliptin (0601023X0)
  • Sitagliptin 100mg tablets (0601023X0AAAAAA)
  • Sitagliptin 100mg/5ml oral solution sugar free (0601023X0AAAFAF)
  • Sitagliptin 125mg/5ml oral solution sugar free (0601023X0AAAGAG)
  • Sitagliptin 25mg tablets (0601023X0AAACAC)
  • Sitagliptin 50mg tablets (0601023X0AAABAB)
  • Sitagliptin 50mg/5ml oral solution (0601023X0AAADAD)
  • Sitagliptin 50mg/5ml oral suspension (0601023X0AAAEAE)
  • Starlix (0601023U0BB)
  • Starlix 120mg tablets (0601023U0BBABAB)
  • Starlix 180mg tablets (0601023U0BBACAC)
  • Starlix 60mg tablets (0601023U0BBAAAA)
  • Steglatro (0601023AXBB)
  • Steglatro 15mg tablets (0601023AXBBABAB)
  • Steglatro 5mg tablets (0601023AXBBAAAA)
  • Sukkarto SR (0601022B0BM)
  • Sukkarto SR 1000mg tablets (0601022B0BMAAAV)
  • Sukkarto SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BMABAS)
  • Sukkarto SR 750mg tablets (0601022B0BMACAT)
  • Sulfonylureas (0601021)
  • Synjardy (0601023ARBB)
  • Synjardy 12.5mg/1000mg tablets (0601023ARBBADAD)
  • Synjardy 12.5mg/850mg tablets (0601023ARBBACAC)
  • Synjardy 5mg/1000mg tablets (0601023ARBBABAB)
  • Synjardy 5mg/850mg tablets (0601023ARBBAAAA)
  • Tirzepatide (0601023AZAA)
  • Tirzepatide (0601023AZ)
  • Tirzepatide 2.5mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023AZAAAAAA)
  • Tirzepatide 5mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled disposable devices (0601023AZAAABAB)
  • Tolbutamide (0601021X0AA)
  • Tolbutamide (0601021X0)
  • Tolbutamide 1g/5ml oral suspension (0601021X0AAALAL)
  • Tolbutamide 250mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021X0AAAKAK)
  • Tolbutamide 500mg tablets (0601021X0AAADAD)
  • Tolbutamide 500mg/5ml oral suspension (0601021X0AAAJAJ)
  • Trajenta (0601023AEBB)
  • Trajenta 5mg tablets (0601023AEBBAAAA)
  • Trulicity (0601023AQBB)
  • Trulicity 0.75mg/0.5ml inj pre-filled pens (0601023AQBBAAAA)
  • Trulicity 1.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens (0601023AQBBABAB)
  • Trulicity 3mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens (0601023AQBBACAC)
  • Trulicity 4.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens (0601023AQBBADAD)
  • Vamju (0601021M0BM)
  • Vamju 30mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0BMAAAM)
  • Vamju 60mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0BMABAT)
  • Victoza (0601023ABBB)
  • Victoza 6mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens (0601023ABBBAAAA)
  • Vildagliptin (0601023AAAA)
  • Vildagliptin (0601023AA)
  • Vildagliptin 50mg / Metformin 1g tablets (0601023Z0AAAAAA)
  • Vildagliptin 50mg / Metformin 850mg tablets (0601023Z0AAABAB)
  • Vildagliptin 50mg tablets (0601023AAAAAAAA)
  • Vipdomet (0601023AJBB)
  • Vipdomet 12.5mg/1000mg tablets (0601023AJBBAAAA)
  • Vipidia (0601023AKBB)
  • Vipidia 12.5mg tablets (0601023AKBBABAB)
  • Vipidia 25mg tablets (0601023AKBBACAC)
  • Vipidia 6.25mg tablets (0601023AKBBAAAA)
  • Vitile (0601021M0BJ)
  • Vitile XL 30mg tablets (0601021M0BJAAAM)
  • Vivazide (0601021M0BD)
  • Vivazide 80mg tablets (0601021M0BDAAAA)
  • Vokanamet (0601023APBB)
  • Vokanamet 50mg/1000mg tablets (0601023APBBABAB)
  • Vokanamet 50mg/850mg tablets (0601023APBBAAAA)
  • Xigduo (0601023ALBB)
  • Xigduo 5mg/1000mg tablets (0601023ALBBABAB)
  • Xigduo 5mg/850mg tablets (0601023ALBBAAAA)
  • Xultophy (0601023AUBB)
  • Xultophy 100units/ml / 3.6mg/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601023AUBBAAAA)
  • Yaltormin (0601022B0BP)
  • Yaltormin SR 1000mg tablets (0601022B0BPACAV)
  • Yaltormin SR 500mg tablets (0601022B0BPAAAS)
  • Yaltormin SR 750mg tablets (0601022B0BPABAT)
  • Ziclaseg (0601021M0BL)
  • Ziclaseg 30mg modified-release tablets (0601021M0BLAAAM)
  • Zicron (0601021M0BI)
  • Zicron 40mg tablets (0601021M0BIAAAR)
  • Zicron PR 30mg tablets (0601021M0BIABAM)


Included 8 out of 511 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/31gauge (21010900938)
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900939)
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900940)
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/32gauge (21010900941)
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900942)
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32gauge (21010900943)
  • 4SURE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900944)
  • Abasaglar (0601012V0BD)
  • Abasaglar 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601012V0BDABAA)
  • Abasaglar KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012V0BDACAD)
  • Abasaglar Tempo Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012V0BDADAD)
  • Actrapid 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011N0BFAEAL)
  • Actrapid NovoLet 100units/ml solution for injection (0601011N0BFAPAM)
  • Actrapid Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0BFAQAP)
  • Admelog 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BEACAF)
  • Admelog 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011L0BEABAB)
  • Admelog 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601011L0BEAAAC)
  • AllStar Pro hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up / range 1-80 units blue (21010900915)
  • AllStar Pro hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up /range 1-80 units silver (21010900916)
  • AllStar hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up / range 1-80 units purple (21010900907)
  • AllStar hypod insulin injection pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up /range 1-80 units teal (21010900908)
  • Apidra 100units/ml inj 3ml OptiClik cartridges (0601011P0BBADAB)
  • Apidra 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601011P0BBACAC)
  • Apidra 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled SoloStar pens (0601011P0BBAEAC)
  • Apidra 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011P0BBAAAA)
  • Apidra 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601011P0BBABAB)
  • Autopen 24 hypod insulin injection pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up / range 1-21 units (21010900597)
  • Autopen 24 hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 2 unit dial up / range 2-42 units (21010900598)
  • Autopen Classic hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 2 unit dial up / range 2-42 units (21010900580)
  • Autopen Classic hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-21 units (21010900583)
  • Autopen Junior hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-21 units (21010900578)
  • Autopen Junior hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 2 unit dial up / range 2-42 units (21010900579)
  • Autopen hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 1.5ml cartridge 1 unit dial up / range 1-16 units (21010900581)
  • Autopen hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 1.5ml cartridge 2 unit dial up / range 2-32 units (21010900582)
  • BD AutoShield Duo hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/30gauge (21010900606)
  • BD AutoShield hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/29gauge (21010900604)
  • BD Micro-Fine + hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900601)
  • BD Micro-Fine + hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 12.7mm/29gauge (21010900602)
  • BD Micro-Fine Ultra hypod insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900603)
  • BD Viva hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900607)
  • BD Viva hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900608)
  • BD Viva hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900914)
  • BD Viva hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900609)
  • Biphasic insulin aspart (0601012W0)
  • Biphasic insulin lispro (0601012F0)
  • Biphasic isophane insulin (0601012D0)
  • Biphasic isophane insulin (0601012D0AA)
  • ClikSTAR hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-80 units Blue (21010900658)
  • ClikSTAR hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-80 units silver (21010900659)
  • Droplet hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/29gauge (21010900777)
  • Droplet hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900778)
  • Dropsafe Safety Pen hypod insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900917)
  • Dropsafe Safety Pen hypod insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900918)
  • Exubera (0601011Q0BB)
  • Exubera 1mg inhalation powder blisters (0601011Q0BBAAAA)
  • Exubera 3mg inhalation powder blisters (0601011Q0BBABAB)
  • Exubera insulin release unit (21011000701)
  • Fiasp 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011A0BCACAA)
  • Fiasp FlexTouch 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011A0BCAAAC)
  • Fiasp Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011A0BCABAB)
  • Generic insulin (0601012G0AA)
  • Generic insulin (0601012N0AA)
  • GlucoRx CarePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/31gauge (21010900703)
  • GlucoRx CarePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900704)
  • GlucoRx CarePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900700)
  • GlucoRx CarePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900701)
  • GlucoRx CarePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/29gauge (21010900919)
  • GlucoRx CarePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900702)
  • GlucoRx Dual-Safe Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21012600165)
  • GlucoRx FinePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/31gauge (21010900802)
  • GlucoRx FinePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900803)
  • GlucoRx FinePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900804)
  • GlucoRx FinePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900805)
  • GlucoRx FinePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/29gauge (21010900806)
  • GlucoRx FinePoint hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900807)
  • GlucoRx Safety Pen hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/30gauge (21010900951)
  • GlucoRx Safety Pen hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/30gauge (21010900952)
  • Glucoject hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/29gauge (21010900850)
  • Glucoject hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900851)
  • Glucoject hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900846)
  • Glucoject hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900847)
  • Glucoject hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900848)
  • Glucoject hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900849)
  • GreenFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900928)
  • GreenFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900929)
  • GreenFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900930)
  • GreenFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900931)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/29gauge (21010900865)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900866)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900858)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900859)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/32gauge (21010900860)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900861)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32gauge (21010900862)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900863)
  • HaemoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/32gauge (21010900864)
  • HumaJect M3 Pen 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012D0BBAMBZ)
  • HumaJect S Pen 100units/ml solution for injection (0601011N0BHACAM)
  • HumaPen Ergo hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units teal (21010900651)
  • HumaPen Luxura HD hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5 unit dial up / range 1-30 units (21010900654)
  • HumaPen Luxura hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units (21010900655)
  • HumaPen Memoir hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units (21010900652)
  • HumaPen Savvio hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units blue (21010900794)
  • HumaPen Savvio hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units green (21010900796)
  • HumaPen Savvio hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units pink (21010900797)
  • HumaPen Savvio hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units red (21010900798)
  • HumaPen Savvio hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units silver (21010900799)
  • HumaPen Savvio hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up /range 1-60 units graphite (21010900795)
  • Humalog 100units/ml solution for injection 1.5ml cartridges (0601011L0BBAAAA)
  • Humalog 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011L0BBABAB)
  • Humalog 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601011L0BBACAC)
  • Humalog Junior KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BBAIAF)
  • Humalog KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BBAGAF)
  • Humalog KwikPen 200units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BBAHAG)
  • Humalog Mix25 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012F0BBAGAE)
  • Humalog Mix25 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012F0BBABAB)
  • Humalog Mix25 KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012F0BBAEAA)
  • Humalog Mix25 Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012F0BBAAAA)
  • Humalog Mix50 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012F0BBADAD)
  • Humalog Mix50 KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012F0BBAFAC)
  • Humalog Mix50 Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012F0BBACAC)
  • Humalog Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BBAFAF)
  • Humalog Tempo Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BBAJAF)
  • Human Actrapid Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011N0BFAJAD)
  • Human Insulatard Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012S0BDAKAM)
  • Human Mixtard 10 Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012D0BCAMBJ)
  • Human Mixtard 20 Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012D0BCANBE)
  • Human Mixtard 30 Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012D0BCALAJ)
  • Human Mixtard 40 Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012D0BCAPBL)
  • Human Mixtard 50 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012D0BCAXA4)
  • Human Mixtard 50 Penfill 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012D0BCAQA2)
  • Humulin I 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0BGADAL)
  • Humulin I 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012S0BGAAAE)
  • Humulin I KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012S0BGAFAI)
  • Humulin I Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012S0BGAEAI)
  • Humulin Lente 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012G0BGAAAH)
  • Humulin M2 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BBARAZ)
  • Humulin M3 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BBASBA)
  • Humulin M3 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012D0BBACAG)
  • Humulin M3 KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012D0BBAVBZ)
  • Humulin M3 Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012D0BBAUBZ)
  • Humulin M5 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012D0BBAIA4)
  • Humulin R 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011R0BBAAAD)
  • Humulin R 500units/ml solution for injection 20ml vials (0601011R0BBABAB)
  • Humulin R KwikPen 500units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011R0BEAAAE)
  • Humulin R Kwikpen (0601011R0BE)
  • Humulin S 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011N0BHAAAL)
  • Humulin S 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601011N0BHADAP)
  • Humulin Zn 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012N0BCAAAC)
  • Hypodermic U100 insulin syringe glass reusable 0.5ml (21010900210)
  • Hypodermic U100 insulin syringe glass reusable 1ml (21010900220)
  • Hypurin Bovine Isophane 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012S0BCADAN)
  • Hypurin Bovine Isophane 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012S0BCAAAD)
  • Hypurin Bovine Isophane 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0BCAGAS)
  • Hypurin Bovine Lente 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012G0BCAAAH)
  • Hypurin Bovine Neutral 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011N0BCADAT)
  • Hypurin Bovine Neutral 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011N0BCAAAA)
  • Hypurin Bovine Neutral 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0BCAGAY)
  • Hypurin Bovine Protamine Zinc 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012U0BBAAAA)
  • Hypurin Porcine 30/70 Mix 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012D0BEAHBD)
  • Hypurin Porcine 30/70 Mix 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012D0BEAGAI)
  • Hypurin Porcine 30/70 Mix 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BEAIBY)
  • Hypurin Porcine Isophane 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012S0BCAFAP)
  • Hypurin Porcine Isophane 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012S0BCAEAB)
  • Hypurin Porcine Isophane 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0BCAHAT)
  • Hypurin Porcine Neutral 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011N0BCAFAU)
  • Hypurin Porcine Neutral 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011N0BCAEAC)
  • Hypurin Porcine Neutral 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0BCAHAZ)
  • IME-FINE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900748)
  • IME-FINE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900745)
  • IME-FINE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/29gauge (21010900747)
  • IME-FINE hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900746)
  • Innovo hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up /range 1-70 units green (21010900610)
  • Innovo hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up/range 1-70 units orange (21010900611)
  • Ins glargine 100u/ml / Lixis 33mcg/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012ABAAAAAA)
  • Ins glargine 100u/ml / Lixis 50mcg/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012ABAAABAB)
  • Ins isoph biphas hum 50/50 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AABXBX)
  • Insulatard 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012S0BDAJAE)
  • Insulatard FlexPen 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012S0BDANAI)
  • Insulatard InnoLet 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012S0BDAMAI)
  • Insulatard NovoLet 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012S0BDAIAI)
  • Insulatard Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0BDALAL)
  • Insulin (060101)
  • Insulin Admelog (0601011L0BE)
  • Insulin Apidra (0601011P0BB)
  • Insulin Fiasp (0601011A0BC)
  • Insulin Humalog (0601011L0BB)
  • Insulin Humalog Mix (0601012F0BB)
  • Insulin Humulin (0601012D0BB)
  • Insulin Humulin I (Isophane) (0601012S0BG)
  • Insulin Humulin Lente (0601012G0BG)
  • Insulin Humulin R (0601011R0BB)
  • Insulin Humulin S (Soluble) (0601011N0BH)
  • Insulin Humulin Zinc (0601012N0BC)
  • Insulin Hypurin Bovine Lente (0601012G0BC)
  • Insulin Hypurin Bovine Protamine Zinc (0601012U0BB)
  • Insulin Insuman Basal (0601012S0BI)
  • Insulin Insuman Infusat (0601011R0BC)
  • Insulin Lantus (0601012V0BB)
  • Insulin Levemir (Novo-Nordisk) (0601012X0BB)
  • Insulin Lispro (0601011L0AA)
  • Insulin Lispro (0601011L0)
  • Insulin Lispro (Sanofi) (0601011L0BC)
  • Insulin Lispro biphasic (0601012F0AA)
  • Insulin Lyumjev (0601011L0BD)
  • Insulin NovoRapid (0601011A0BB)
  • Insulin Tresiba (0601012Z0BB)
  • Insulin Trurapi (0601011A0BD)
  • Insulin aspart (0601011A0AA)
  • Insulin aspart (0601011A0)
  • Insulin aspart 100units/ml inj 1.6ml cartridges (0601011A0AAADAD)
  • Insulin aspart 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011A0AAABAB)
  • Insulin aspart 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601011A0AAACAC)
  • Insulin aspart 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011A0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin aspart biphasic (0601012W0AA)
  • Insulin aspart biphasic 30/70 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012W0AAABAB)
  • Insulin aspart biphasic 30/70 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012W0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin biphasic isophane (CP Pharm) (0601012D0BE)
  • Insulin biphasic isophane (Novo-Nordisk) (0601012D0BC)
  • Insulin biphasic isophane (Sanofi Aventis) (0601012D0BG)
  • Insulin degludec (0601012Z0)
  • Insulin degludec (0601012Z0AA)
  • Insulin degludec 100u/ml/Lirag 3.6mg/ml inj3ml pf dispos dev (0601023AUAAAAAA)
  • Insulin degludec 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012Z0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin degludec 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012Z0AAABAB)
  • Insulin degludec 200units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012Z0AAACAC)
  • Insulin detemir (0601012X0)
  • Insulin detemir (0601012X0AA)
  • Insulin detemir 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012X0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin detemir 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012X0AAABAB)
  • Insulin glargine (0601012V0)
  • Insulin glargine (0601012V0AA)
  • Insulin glargine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012V0AAABAB)
  • Insulin glargine 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012V0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin glargine 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012V0AAADAD)
  • Insulin glargine 300units/ml inj 1.5ml pf dispos dev (0601012V0AAAEAE)
  • Insulin glargine 300units/ml inj 3ml pf disposable devices (0601012V0AAAFAF)
  • Insulin glargine/lixisenatide (0601012ABAA)
  • Insulin glargine/lixisenatide (0601012AB)
  • Insulin glulisine (0601011P0AA)
  • Insulin glulisine (0601011P0)
  • Insulin glulisine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011P0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin glulisine 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011P0AAABAB)
  • Insulin glulisine 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601011P0AAACAC)
  • Insulin human (0601011R0)
  • Insulin human (0601011R0AA)
  • Insulin human 100units/ml inj 3.15ml cartridges (0601011R0AAACAC)
  • Insulin human 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011R0AAADAD)
  • Insulin human 1mg inhalation powder blisters (0601011Q0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin human 3mg inhalation powder blisters (0601011Q0AAABAB)
  • Insulin human 500units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601011R0AAAEAE)
  • Insulin human 500units/ml solution for injection 20ml vials (0601011R0AAABAB)
  • Insulin human inhaled (0601011Q0AA)
  • Insulin human inhaled (0601011Q0)
  • Insulin isoph biphas hum 10/90 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AABQBQ)
  • Insulin isoph biphas hum 15/85 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AABVBV)
  • Insulin isoph biphas hum 20/80 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AAA3A3)
  • Insulin isoph biphas hum 25/75 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AABWBW)
  • Insulin isoph biphas hum 30/70 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AABZBZ)
  • Insulin isoph biphas hum 40/60 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012D0AABHBH)
  • Insulin isophane (0601012S0AA)
  • Insulin isophane (CP Pharm) (0601012S0BC)
  • Insulin isophane (Novo-Nordisk) (0601012S0BD)
  • Insulin isophane biphas hum 15/85 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012D0AABRBR)
  • Insulin isophane biphas hum 25/75 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012D0AABMBM)
  • Insulin isophane biphas hum 30/70 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cart (0601012D0AAAJAJ)
  • Insulin isophane biphas hum 50/50 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012D0AAA4A4)
  • Insulin isophane biphas hum 50/50 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012D0AABTBT)
  • Insulin isophane biphas porc 30/70 100units/ml inj 10ml (0601012D0AAAIAI)
  • Insulin isophane biphas porcine 30/70 100u/ml inj 1.5ml cart (0601012D0AABDBD)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 10/90 100u/ml inj 1.5ml cart (0601012D0AABJBJ)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 10/90 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABIBI)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 15/85 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABSBS)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 20/80 100u/ml inj 1.5ml cart (0601012D0AABEBE)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 20/80 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AAAZAZ)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 25/75 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABNBN)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 30/70 100u/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012D0AAAGAG)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 30/70 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABABA)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 40/60 100u/ml inj 1.5ml cart (0601012D0AABLBL)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 40/60 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABKBK)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 50/50 100u/ml inj 1.5ml cart (0601012D0AAA2A2)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic human 50/50 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABUBU)
  • Insulin isophane biphasic porcine 30/70 100u/ml inj 3ml cart (0601012D0AABYBY)
  • Insulin isophane bovine 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012S0AAANAN)
  • Insulin isophane bovine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012S0AAADAD)
  • Insulin isophane bovine 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0AAASAS)
  • Insulin isophane human 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012S0AAAMAM)
  • Insulin isophane human 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012S0AAAEAE)
  • Insulin isophane human 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0AAALAL)
  • Insulin isophane human 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012S0AAAIAI)
  • Insulin isophane human 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012S0AAAQAQ)
  • Insulin isophane porcine 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601012S0AAAPAP)
  • Insulin isophane porcine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012S0AAABAB)
  • Insulin isophane porcine 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0AAATAT)
  • Insulin lispro 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011L0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin lispro 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011L0AAACAC)
  • Insulin lispro 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601011L0AAAFAF)
  • Insulin lispro 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011L0AAABAB)
  • Insulin lispro 200units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601011L0AAAGAG)
  • Insulin lispro Sanofi 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011L0BCAAAB)
  • Insulin lispro Sanofi 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011L0BCABAC)
  • Insulin lispro Sanofi 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BCACAF)
  • Insulin lispro biphasic 25/75 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012F0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin lispro biphasic 25/75 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012F0AAAEAE)
  • Insulin lispro biphasic 25/75 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012F0AAABAB)
  • Insulin lispro biphasic 50/50 100u/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601012F0AAACAC)
  • Insulin lispro biphasic 50/50 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012F0AAADAD)
  • Insulin protamine zinc (0601012U0AA)
  • Insulin protamine zinc bovine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012U0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin soluble (0601011N0AA)
  • Insulin soluble (Aventis Pharma) (0601011N0BK)
  • Insulin soluble (CP Pharm) (0601011N0BC)
  • Insulin soluble (Novo-Nordisk) (0601011N0BF)
  • Insulin soluble bovine 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011N0AAATAT)
  • Insulin soluble bovine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011N0AAAAAA)
  • Insulin soluble bovine 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0AAAYAY)
  • Insulin soluble human 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011N0AAADAD)
  • Insulin soluble human 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011N0AAALAL)
  • Insulin soluble human 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0AAAPAP)
  • Insulin soluble human 100units/ml inj 3ml pf dispos dev (0601011N0AAAMAM)
  • Insulin soluble human 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601011N0AAAWAW)
  • Insulin soluble porcine 100units/ml inj 1.5ml cartridges (0601011N0AAAUAU)
  • Insulin soluble porcine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011N0AAACAC)
  • Insulin soluble porcine 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0AAAZAZ)
  • Insulin zinc crystalline human 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012N0AAACAC)
  • Insulin zinc mixed bovine 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012G0AAAHAH)
  • Insulin zinc suspension (0601012G0)
  • Insulin zinc suspension (Crystalline) (0601012N0BB)
  • Insulin zinc suspension (Crystalline) (0601012N0)
  • Insulin zinc suspension (Novo-Nordisk) (0601012G0BD)
  • Insuman Basal 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012S0BIABAL)
  • Insuman Basal 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601012S0BIACAI)
  • Insuman Basal 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled SoloStar pens (0601012S0BIADAI)
  • Insuman Basal 100units/ml suspension for injection 5ml vials (0601012S0BIAAAQ)
  • Insuman Comb 15 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BGADBS)
  • Insuman Comb 15 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601012D0BGAGBV)
  • Insuman Comb 15 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012D0BGACBR)
  • Insuman Comb 25 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BGABBN)
  • Insuman Comb 25 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601012D0BGAHBW)
  • Insuman Comb 25 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled SoloStar pens (0601012D0BGAJBW)
  • Insuman Comb 25 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012D0BGAABM)
  • Insuman Comb 50 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BGAFBU)
  • Insuman Comb 50 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601012D0BGAIBX)
  • Insuman Comb 50 100units/ml inj 5ml vials (0601012D0BGAEBT)
  • Insuman Infusat (0601011R0BD)
  • Insuman Infusat 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601011R0BCAAAD)
  • Insuman Infusat 100units/ml inj 3.15ml cartridges (0601011R0BDAAAC)
  • Insuman Rapid 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011N0BKABAP)
  • Insuman Rapid 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601011N0BKACAM)
  • Insuman Rapid 100units/ml solution for injection 5ml vials (0601011N0BKAAAW)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29 gauge (21012600112)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32 gauge (21012600105)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/33gauge (21012600166)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31 gauge (21012600106)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31 gauge (21012600107)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32 gauge (21012600108)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/30 gauge (21012600109)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31 gauge (21012600110)
  • Insupen Original hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/32 gauge (21012600111)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900793)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900787)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/33gauge (21010900822)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900788)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900789)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32gauge (21010900790)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900791)
  • Insupen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/32gauge (21010900792)
  • Intermediate and long-acting insulins (0601012)
  • Isophane insulin (0601012S0)
  • JuniorSTAR hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5 unit dial up / range 1-30 units silver (21010900833)
  • JuniorSTAR hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 0.5 unit dial up / range 1-30 units blue (21010900831)
  • JuniorSTAR hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 0.5 unit dial up / range 1-30 units red (21010900832)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21012600146)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21012600147)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/32gauge (21012600148)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21012600149)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32gauge (21012600150)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21012600151)
  • Klinion Soft Fine Plus Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/32gauge (21012600152)
  • Lantus 100units/ml inj 3ml OptiClik cartridges (0601012V0BBADAA)
  • Lantus 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled OptiSet pens (0601012V0BBACAD)
  • Lantus 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled SoloStar pens (0601012V0BBAEAD)
  • Lantus 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601012V0BBABAB)
  • Lantus 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601012V0BBAAAA)
  • Levemir FlexPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012X0BBABAB)
  • Levemir InnoLet 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012X0BBACAB)
  • Levemir Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012X0BBAAAA)
  • Lyumjev 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011L0BDABAB)
  • Lyumjev 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601011L0BDACAC)
  • Lyumjev Junior KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BDAEAF)
  • Lyumjev KwikPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BDADAF)
  • Lyumjev KwikPen 200units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BDAAAG)
  • Lyumjev Tempo Pen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011L0BDAFAF)
  • Microdot Droplet hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900811)
  • Microdot Droplet hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900775)
  • Microdot Droplet hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900776)
  • Microdot Dual Safety Pen hypod insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/31gauge (21010900956)
  • Microdot Max hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900953)
  • Microdot Max hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900954)
  • Microdot Safety Pen hypod insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/30gauge (21010900897)
  • Mixtard 10 NovoLet 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012D0BCASBQ)
  • Mixtard 10 Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BCAYBI)
  • Mixtard 20 NovoLet 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012D0BCATA3)
  • Mixtard 20 Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BCAZAZ)
  • Mixtard 30 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012D0BCAWAG)
  • Mixtard 30 InnoLet 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012D0BCBDBZ)
  • Mixtard 30 NovoLet 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012D0BCARBZ)
  • Mixtard 30 Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BCBABA)
  • Mixtard 40 NovoLet 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012D0BCAUBH)
  • Mixtard 40 Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BCBBBK)
  • Mixtard 50 NovoLet 100units/ml suspension for injection (0601012D0BCAVBX)
  • Mixtard 50 Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012D0BCBCBU)
  • Monotard 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012G0BDABAH)
  • Mylife Clickfine hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors snap on 10mm/29gauge (21010900617)
  • Mylife Clickfine hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors snap on 12mm/29gauge (21010900618)
  • Mylife Clickfine hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors snap on 4mm/32gauge (21010900619)
  • Mylife Clickfine hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors snap on 6mm/31gauge (21010900615)
  • Mylife Clickfine hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors snap on 8mm/31gauge (21010900616)
  • Mylife Clickfine hypodermic insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors snap on 4.5mm/31gauge (21010900743)
  • Nanopass hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32.5gauge (21010900800)
  • Nanopass hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32.5gauge (21010900878)
  • Nanopass hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/32.5gauge (21010900801)
  • NeedleBay Fine Pen hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900827)
  • NeedleBay Fine Pen hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900828)
  • NeedleBay Fine Pen hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900829)
  • Neon Verifine Ultra hypod insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900889)
  • Neon Verifine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/31gauge (21010900883)
  • Neon Verifine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900884)
  • Neon Verifine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900885)
  • Neon Verifine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900886)
  • Neon Verifine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/30gauge (21010900887)
  • Neon Verifine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900888)
  • NovoFine Autocover hypod insulin needles for pre-filled /reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/30gauge (21010900708)
  • NovoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/28gauge (21010900707)
  • NovoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900705)
  • NovoFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/30gauge (21010900706)
  • NovoMix (0601012W0BB)
  • NovoMix 30 FlexPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012W0BBABAB)
  • NovoMix 30 Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012W0BBAAAA)
  • NovoPen 3 Classic hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 2-70 units (21010900590)
  • NovoPen 3 Demi hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5 unit dial up / range 1-35 units (21010900592)
  • NovoPen 3 Fun hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up /range 2-70 units (21010900591)
  • NovoPen 4 hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units blue (21010900593)
  • NovoPen 4 hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units silver (21010900594)
  • NovoPen 5 hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units blue (21010900834)
  • NovoPen 5 hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units silver (21010900835)
  • NovoPen 6 hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up/range 1-60 unit blue (21012600159)
  • NovoPen 6 hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cartridge 1 unit dial up/range 1-60 unit grey (21012600160)
  • NovoPen Echo Plus hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5unit dialup/range 0.5-30u blue (21012600161)
  • NovoPen Echo Plus hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5unit dialup/range 0.5-30u red (21012600162)
  • NovoPen Echo hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5 unit dial up/range 0.5-30 units blue (21010900588)
  • NovoPen Echo hypod insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 0.5 unit dial up/range 0.5-30 units red (21010900589)
  • NovoRapid 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011A0BBAAAA)
  • NovoRapid FlexPen 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011A0BBADAC)
  • NovoRapid FlexTouch 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601011A0BBAEAC)
  • NovoRapid Novolet 100units/ml solution for injection (0601011A0BBACAC)
  • NovoRapid Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601011A0BBABAB)
  • NovoRapid PumpCart 100units/ml inj 1.6ml cartridges (0601011A0BBAFAD)
  • NovoTwist hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/32gauge (21010900755)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/31gauge (21010900738)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900911)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900906)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/32gauge (21010900912)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900751)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/32gauge (21010900913)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900752)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 10mm/30gauge (21010900753)
  • Omnican Fine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900754)
  • OptiClik hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-80 units blue (21010900656)
  • OptiClik hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-80 units grey (21010900657)
  • Optipen Pro 1 hypodermic insulin inj pen reusable for 3ml cart 1 unit dial up / range 1-60 units (21010900613)
  • PROFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900896)
  • PROFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900892)
  • PROFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900893)
  • PROFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900894)
  • PROFine hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900895)
  • Pork Actrapid 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011N0BFASAC)
  • Pork Insulatard 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012S0BDAAAB)
  • Pork Mixtard 30 100units/ml inj 10ml vials (0601012D0BCABAI)
  • Protamine zinc insulin (0601012U0)
  • Semglee (0601012V0BE)
  • Semglee 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012V0BEAAAD)
  • Short-acting insulins (0601011)
  • Soluble insulin (Neutral insulin) (0601011N0)
  • Suliqua (0601012ABBB)
  • Suliqua 100units/ml / 33microg/ml inj 3ml pf SoloStar pens (0601012ABBBAAAA)
  • Suliqua 100units/ml / 50microg/ml inj 3ml pf SoloStar pens (0601012ABBBABAB)
  • Toujeo (0601012V0BC)
  • Toujeo 300units/ml inj 1.5ml pre-filled SoloStar pens (0601012V0BCAAAE)
  • Toujeo 300units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled DoubleStar pens (0601012V0BCABAF)
  • Tresiba FlexTouch 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012Z0BBABAB)
  • Tresiba FlexTouch 200units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled pens (0601012Z0BBACAC)
  • Tresiba Penfill 100units/ml inj 3ml cartridges (0601012Z0BBAAAA)
  • TriCare hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900621)
  • TriCare hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900622)
  • TriCare hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900623)
  • TriCare hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900624)
  • Trurapi 100units/ml inj 3ml pre-filled Solostar pens (0601011A0BDABAC)
  • Trurapi 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vial (0601011A0BDACAA)
  • Trurapi 100units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges (0601011A0BDAAAB)
  • Ultratard 100units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials (0601012N0BBAAAC)
  • Unifine Pentips hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 12mm/29gauge (21010900712)
  • Unifine Pentips hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/32gauge (21010900713)
  • Unifine Pentips hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 4mm/33gauge (21010900932)
  • Unifine Pentips hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/31gauge (21010900709)
  • Unifine Pentips hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 6mm/31gauge (21010900710)
  • Unifine Pentips hypod insulin needles for pre-filled / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/31gauge (21010900711)
  • Unifine SafeControl Safety Pen hypodermic insulin needles for pre-filled/reusable pen injectors scr (21012600118)
  • Unifine SafeControl Safety Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 5mm/30 gauge (21012600102)
  • Unifine SafeControl Safety Pen insulin needles for pf / reusable pen injectors screw on 8mm/30 gauge (21012600103)
  • Velosulin 100units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials (0601011N0BFACAL)