GLP-1's (excluding those combined insulin) - dmd

Coding system
Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
Coding system release
2023 8.1.0
Codelist ID
Version ID

  • 1e9c394a


This codelist contains NHS Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) codes for GLP-1 mimetics, excluding products which are combined with insulin. Note that some GLP-1 products are licenced for the indication of diabetes and some for the indication of weight loss; all indications are included in this codelist.


Converted from pseudo-BNF system codelist


Signed off by

  • Andrew Brown, (Aug. 15, 2023)
  • Chris Wood, (Aug. 15, 2023)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

* dm+d codelists can be downloaded with codes mapped to changed VMPs included - this is the default for an OpenSAFELY project. See the documentation on keeping codelists up to date for more details.

dmd_type dmd_id dmd_name bnf_code
VMP 15859111000001102 Liraglutide 6mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices 0601023ABAAAAAA
AMP 15858611000001101 Victoza 6mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens 0601023ABBBAAAA
AMP 33747711000001102 Saxenda 6mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens 0601023ABBCAAAA
VMP 21994811000001105 Lixisenatide 20micrograms/0.2ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AIAAAAAA
VMP 21994611000001106 Lixisenatide 10micrograms/0.2ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AIAAABAB
VMP 21994711000001102 Lixisenatide 10micrograms/0.2ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices and Lixisenatide 20micrograms/0.2ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AIAAACAC
AMP 21941011000001105 Lyxumia 20micrograms/0.2ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens 0601023AIBBAAAA
AMP 21941511000001102 Lyxumia 10micrograms/0.2ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens 0601023AIBBABAB
AMP 21953711000001106 Lyxumia 10micrograms/20micrograms treatment initiation pack 0601023AIBBACAC
VMP 28789611000001108 Dulaglutide 0.75mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AQAAAAAA
VMP 28789711000001104 Dulaglutide 1.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AQAAABAB
VMP 39233411000001108 Dulaglutide 3mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AQAAACAC
VMP 39233511000001107 Dulaglutide 4.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AQAAADAD
AMP 28461011000001109 Trulicity 0.75mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens 0601023AQBBAAAA
AMP 28462311000001103 Trulicity 1.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens 0601023AQBBABAB
AMP 39232411000001104 Trulicity 3mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens 0601023AQBBACAC
AMP 39232611000001101 Trulicity 4.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens 0601023AQBBADAD
VMP 36490911000001109 Semaglutide 0.25mg/0.19ml solution for injection 1.5ml pre-filled disposable device 0601023AWAAAAAA
VMP 36491011000001101 Semaglutide 0.5mg/0.37ml solution for injection 1.5ml pre-filled disposable device 0601023AWAAABAB
VMP 36491111000001100 Semaglutide 1mg/0.74ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable device 0601023AWAAACAC
VMP 38840111000001100 Semaglutide 14mg tablets 0601023AWAAADAD
VMP 38840211000001106 Semaglutide 3mg tablets 0601023AWAAAEAE
VMP 38840311000001103 Semaglutide 7mg tablets 0601023AWAAAFAF
AMP 36470811000001107 Ozempic 0.25mg/0.19ml solution for injection 1.5ml pre-filled pens 0601023AWBBAAAA
AMP 36471111000001106 Ozempic 0.5mg/0.37ml solution for injection 1.5ml pre-filled pens 0601023AWBBABAB
AMP 36471411000001101 Ozempic 1mg/0.74ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens 0601023AWBBACAC
AMP 38732411000001108 Rybelsus 14mg tablets 0601023AWBCAAAD
AMP 38731811000001101 Rybelsus 3mg tablets 0601023AWBCABAE
AMP 38732111000001103 Rybelsus 7mg tablets 0601023AWBCACAF
VMP 41152511000001108 Tirzepatide 2.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AZAAAAAA
VMP 41152611000001107 Tirzepatide 5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023AZAAABAB
AMP 41126111000001104 Mounjaro 2.5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens 0601023AZBBAAAA
AMP 41126511000001108 Mounjaro 5mg/0.5ml solution for injection pre-filled pens 0601023AZBBABAB
VMP 11494211000001108 Exenatide 5micrograms/0.02ml solution for injection 1.2ml pre-filled disposable devices 0601023Y0AAAAAA
VMP 11494111000001102 Exenatide 10micrograms/0.04ml solution for injection 2.4ml pre-filled disposable devices 0601023Y0AAABAB
VMP 19275411000001107 Exenatide 2mg powder and solvent for prolonged-release suspension for injection vials 0601023Y0AAACAC
VMP 28440211000001102 Exenatide 2mg powder and solvent for prolonged-release suspension for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023Y0AAADAD
VMP 38082811000001104 Exenatide 2mg/0.85ml prolonged-release suspension for injection pre-filled disposable devices 0601023Y0AAAEAE
AMP 11494811000001109 Byetta 5micrograms/0.02ml solution for injection 1.2ml pre-filled pens 0601023Y0BBAAAA
AMP 11494611000001105 Byetta 10micrograms/0.04ml solution for injection 2.4ml pre-filled pens 0601023Y0BBABAB
AMP 19274811000001108 Bydureon 2mg powder and solvent for prolonged-release suspension for injection vials 0601023Y0BCAAAC
AMP 28426011000001108 Bydureon 2mg powder and solvent for prolonged-release suspension for injection pre-filled pens 0601023Y0BCABAD
AMP 38060511000001101 Bydureon BCise 2mg/0.85ml prolonged-release suspension for injection pre-filled pens 0601023Y0BCACAE

* Note that this is the full list of explicitly included dm+d codes for this codelist. An OpenSAFELY project will by default also include previous or subsequent codes for any included VMPs that may have changed code. See the documentation on keeping codelists up to date for more details.