Chronic heart disease codes

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PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting

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Taken from the CHD_COV_COD field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1.2.1, published by PRIMIS.

© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
1001000119102 Pulmonary embolism with pulmonary infarction
100751000119101 Venous thrombosis due to central venous access device
10190003 Aortocoronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries
103011000119106 Coronary arteriosclerosis in patient with history of previous myocardial infarction
10326007 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, three grafts
10451007 Double aortic arch
1051801000000108 Replacement of single chamber intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
1051811000000105 Replacement of dual chamber intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
1051821000000104 Replacement of biventricular intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
1051831000000102 Replacement of single chamber cardiac pacemaker system
1051841000000106 Replacement of biventricular cardiac pacemaker
1051851000000109 Replacement of dual chamber cardiac pacemaker system
105981003 Disorder of cardiac function
10749961000119104 Occlusion of aortoiliac artery
10750641000119101 Cardiac arrest due to failed attempted abortion
10759191000119106 Postpartum septic thrombophlebitis
10759311000119104 Pulmonary embolism in childbirth
10760181000119109 Cardiac arrest due to miscarriage
10811961000119109 Cardiac arrest due to incomplete miscarriage
10818008 Congenital malposition of heart
108411000119109 Mural thrombus of left atrium
10930001 Congenital atresia of pulmonary artery
10964002 Progressive pulmonary hypertension
11029002 Pulmonary apoplexy
11101003 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
111289009 Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels
111293003 Venous thrombosis
111296006 Basilar artery embolism
111319002 Truncus arteriosus, Edwards' type IV
111321007 Right aortic arch
111322000 Congenital anomaly of pulmonary veins
111323005 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
111458008 Postpartum venous thrombosis
111497000 Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord
11399002 Pulmonary hypertensive arterial disease
11614003 Congenital stenosis of pulmonary veins
116291000119103 Occlusion of renal artery due to embolism
11851006 Mitral valve disorder
119564002 Internal mammary-coronary artery bypass graft
119565001 Coronary artery bypass graft, anastomosis of artery of thorax to coronary artery
119772003 Coronary artery closure
119773008 Coronary artery reconstruction
120041000119109 Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response
12075007 Congenital hypoplasia of ascending aorta
120871000119108 Systolic heart failure stage B
120901000119108 Diastolic heart failure stage B
12232008 Syphilitic aneurysm of aorta
12236991000119103 Pain at rest of bilateral lower limbs co-occurrent and due to atherosclerosis
12237111000119107 Pain at rest of left lower limb co-occurrent and due to atherosclerosis
12237231000119107 Pain at rest of right lower limb co-occurrent and due to atherosclerosis
12237791000119102 Acute thrombosis of superficial vein of bilateral upper limbs
12237831000119108 Acute thrombosis of superficial vein of left upper limb
12237871000119106 Acute thrombosis of superficial vein of right upper limb
123659003 Congenital malrotation of heart
123660008 Dextrorotation of heart
125963005 Patent ductus arteriosus with left-to-right shunt
125964004 Patent ductus arteriosus with right-to-left shunt
126037009 Traumatic rupture of aorta
127014009 Peripheral angiopathy due to diabetes mellitus
12770006 Cyanotic congenital heart disease
1279006 Repair of cardiac pacemaker pocket in skin AND/OR subcutaneous tissue
128053003 Deep venous thrombosis
128054009 Deep venous thrombosis of upper extremity
128055005 Deep venous thrombosis of pelvic vein
128238001 Chronic heart disease
128404006 Right heart failure
128551005 Aortic fistula
128566008 Congenital pulmonary vein confluence
128584005 Congenital pulmonary artery conduit
12951009 Implantation of electrode into cardiac atrium, replacement
132091000119104 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of lower limb due to coronary artery bypass grafting
132111000119107 Acute deep venous thrombosis of lower limb due to coronary artery bypass grafting
13213009 Congenital heart disease
132131000119102 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of calf
132141000119106 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity
132151000119108 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of popliteal vein
132161000119105 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of tibial vein
132171000119104 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of thigh
132191000119103 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of femoral vein
132201000119100 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of iliofemoral vein
132221000119109 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of upper extremity
132241000119103 Acute deep venous thrombosis of calf
132251000119101 Acute deep venous thrombosis of popliteal vein
132261000119104 Acute deep venous thrombosis of tibial vein
132271000119105 Acute deep venous thrombosis of thigh
132281000119108 Acute deep venous thrombosis
132291000119106 Acute deep venous thrombosis of femoral vein
132301000119107 Acute deep venous thrombosis of iliofemoral vein
132321000119103 Acute deep venous thrombosis of upper extremity
132531000119105 Chronic thrombosis of superficial vein of upper extremity
132551000119104 Chronic thrombosis of subclavian vein
132591000119109 Acute thrombosis of superficial vein of upper extremity
132601000119102 Acute deep venous thrombosis of pelvic vein
132611000119104 Acute thrombosis of subclavian vein
133411000119108 Chronic thrombosis of mesenteric vein
133421000119101 Acute thrombosis of mesenteric vein
133971000119108 Chronic pulmonary embolism
134399007 Deep vein thrombosis of leg related to air travel
134961000119104 Acute deep venous thrombosis of axillary vein
135001000119100 Acute deep venous thrombosis of internal jugular vein
135011000119102 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of internal jugular vein
135061000119104 Chronic thrombosis of superior vena cava
135071000119105 Acute thrombosis of superior vena cava
136751000119108 Chronic deep venous thrombosis of upper extremity as complication of procedure
136771000119104 Acute deep venous thrombosis of upper extremity as complication of procedure
136781000119101 Acute deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity as complication of procedure
13730001000004107 Thrombosis of vein of upper limb
13756000 Check artificial pacemaker for electrode impedance
13867009 Preductal coarctation of aorta
13957003 Aortocaval fistula
13963007 Repair of coronary arteriovenous chamber fistula
14201006 Coronary angioplasty by open chest approach
142111000119108 Ectasia of thoracic aorta
142121000119101 Abdominal aortic ectasia
14323007 Aortocoronary bypass of three coronary arteries
14336007 Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm
143551000119106 Chronic thrombosis of splenic vein
143561000119108 Acute thrombosis of splenic vein
14534009 Splenic vein thrombosis
14886009 Abdominal heart
14977000 Multiple AND bilateral precerebral artery thrombosis
15191001 Origin of innominate artery from left side of aortic arch
15386007 Stricture of pulmonary vessel
153911000119104 Peripheral arterial insufficiency
15459006 Endocardial cushion defect
15648601000119102 Atherosclerosis of artery of right upper limb
15648691000119108 Atherosclerosis of artery of left upper limb
15648731000119101 Atherosclerosis of right renal artery
15648771000119103 Atherosclerosis of bilateral renal arteries
15648821000119105 Atherosclerosis of left renal artery
15649941000119102 Gangrene of bilateral lower limbs co-occurrent and due to atherosclerosis
15708201000119101 Acute deep vein thrombosis of right upper limb following procedure
15708401000119100 Acute deep vein thrombosis of left upper limb following procedure
15711241000119106 Acute deep vein thrombosis of right lower limb following procedure
15711401000119105 Acute deep vein thrombosis of left lower limb following procedure
15712161000119106 Acute thrombosis of inferior vena cava
15712441000119103 Chronic thrombosis of inferior vena cava
15712641000119101 Ischemia of right upper limb
15723004 Electronic analysis of internal pacemaker system
15742000 Thrombosis of inferior sagittal sinus
15760351000119105 Chronic deep venous thrombosis
15842009 Thrombosis of renal vein
15960021000119107 Dilatation of aortic root co-occurrent and due to Marfan syndrome
15960541000119107 Unstable angina due to arteriosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft
15964901000119107 Atypical atrial flutter
15964981000119104 Congenital anomaly of cardiac chamber
15967301000119102 Stenosis of bilateral subclavian arteries
15967341000119100 Stenosis of right subclavian artery
15972461000119101 Thrombosis of left iliac artery
15972501000119101 Thrombosis of right iliac artery
15972541000119104 Thrombosis of bilateral iliac arteries
15972701000119106 Thrombosis of splenic artery
15978431000119106 Thrombosis of right vertebral artery
15978471000119109 Thrombosis of left vertebral artery
16002551000119103 Pain of left upper limb co-occurrent and due to ischemia
16002711000119105 Pain of right upper limb co-occurrent and due to ischemia
16005391000119108 Occlusion of distal artery of right upper limb
16005471000119100 Occlusion of distal artery of left upper limb
16006031000119103 Thrombophlebitis of vein of right upper limb
16006071000119100 Thrombophlebitis of vein of left upper limb
16006111000119107 Thrombophlebitis of superficial vein of bilateral upper limbs
16006151000119108 Thrombophlebitis of superficial vein of right upper limb
16006191000119103 Thrombophlebitis of superficial vein of left upper limb
16006351000119106 Thrombophlebitis of vein of bilateral upper limbs
16007751000119109 Thrombosis of artery of right upper extremity
16007871000119108 Thrombosis of artery of left upper extremity
16009271000119101 Embolism of artery of right upper limb
16009431000119100 Embolism of artery of left upper limb
16011391000119108 Stenosis of artery of left lower limb
16011431000119103 Stenosis of artery of right lower limb
16011751000119102 Thrombophlebitis of left saphenous vein
16011791000119107 Thrombophlebitis of right saphenous vein
16012511000119101 Embolism of artery of left lower limb
16012551000119100 Embolism of artery of right lower limb
16012591000119105 Embolism of left popliteal artery
16012671000119108 Embolism of right popliteal artery
16012711000119107 Atheroembolism of bilateral lower limbs
16012791000119103 Thrombosis of artery of right lower extremity
16012831000119109 Thrombosis of artery of left lower extremity
16012911000119105 Thrombosis of left popliteal artery
16012951000119106 Thrombosis of right popliteal artery
16012991000119101 Thrombosis of left femoral artery
16013031000119107 Thrombosis of right femoral artery
16013111000119103 Thrombosis of right common femoral artery
16013151000119102 Thrombosis of left common femoral artery
16014311000119102 Thrombophlebitis of vein of bilateral lower limbs
16014471000119103 Thrombophlebitis of vein of right lower limb
16014511000119107 Thrombophlebitis of superficial vein of right lower limb
16014551000119108 Thrombophlebitis of superficial vein of left lower limb
16014591000119103 Thrombophlebitis of superficial vein of bilateral lower limbs
16014631000119103 Thrombophlebitis of vein of left lower limb
16014671000119100 Occlusion of left femoral artery
16014711000119101 Occlusion of right popliteal artery
16014791000119105 Occlusion of left popliteal artery
16014871000119101 Occlusion of right femoral artery
16018831000119106 Atherosclerosis of bilateral iliac arteries
16018911000119107 Atherosclerosis of non-biological bypass graft of bilateral lower limbs
16019471000119104 Atherosclerosis of left iliac artery
16019511000119108 Atherosclerosis of right iliac artery
16025551000119102 Thrombophlebitis of left jugular vein
16025591000119107 Thrombophlebitis of right jugular vein
16026391000119106 Thrombosis of aorta
16026431000119101 Chronic venous thrombosis
161502000 History of myocardial infarct at age less than sixty
161503005 History of myocardial infarct at age greater than sixty
161666008 History of heart recipient
162710004 On examination - collapse -cardiac arrest
16567006 Mesocardia
16573007 Senile cardiac amyloidosis
16574001 Cardiac arrest after obstetrical surgery AND/OR other procedure including delivery
16624001000119104 Intramural hematoma of aorta
16624051000119100 Intramural hematoma of thoracic aorta
16624151000119101 Intramural hematoma of abdominal aorta
16750002 Deep thrombophlebitis
16780001000004106 Abscess of aorta
16781006 Removal of cardiac pacemaker from epicardium with replacement of atrial and/or ventricular leads
16899261000119106 Atherosclerosis of superior mesenteric artery
16972009 Congenital aneurysm of aorta
17024001 Aortopulmonary window
17073005 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with vein graft
17355002 Aorto-esophageal fistula
1748006 Thrombophlebitis of deep femoral vein
174802006 Allotransplant of heart and lung
174803001 Revision of transplantation of heart and lung
174808005 Xenotransplant of heart
174809002 Heterotopic allotransplant of heart
174810007 Revision of implantation of prosthetic heart
175021005 Allograft bypass of coronary artery
175029007 Prosthetic bypass of coronary artery
175045009 Connection of mammary artery to coronary artery
175047001 Double implantation of mammary arteries into coronary arteries
175048006 Single anastomosis of mammary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery
175050003 Single implantation of mammary artery into coronary artery
175066001 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of bypass graft of coronary artery
175137001 Resiting of lead of intravenous pacemaker system
175138006 Maintenance of battery of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
175140001 Complete removal of implanted cardiac pacemaker system
175142009 Implantation of permanent intravenous cardiac pacemaker
175221003 Construction of central aortopulmonary interposition shunt
175223000 Creation of shunt from ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis
175224006 Creation of shunt from ascending aorta to left pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis
175228009 Construction of aortopulmonary window
17920008 Portal vein thrombosis
17954009 Replacement of transvenous atrial pacemaker electrode leads
179924009 Cardiac arrest in fetus OR newborn
17993000 Pulmonary arteritis
18000001000004101 Stenosis of left subclavian artery
180906006 Neonatal cardiac arrest
181869007 Neonatal cardiorespiratory arrest
18322005 Thrombosis of torcular Herophili
18590009 Cardiac pacing
186893003 Rupture of syphilitic cerebral aneurysm
1871002 Repair of aneurysm of coronary artery
18723003 Demand pacing
18919000 Transplantation of coronary artery
19057007 Status anginosus
19242006 Pulmonary edema
192753009 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses
192759008 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
192760003 Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus
192761004 Thrombosis transverse sinus
192770001 Thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus
192771002 Thrombophlebitis of superior longitudinal venous sinus
192772009 Thrombophlebitis lateral venous sinus
194823009 Acute coronary insufficiency
194828000 Angina
194862000 Hemopericardium due to and following acute myocardial infarction
194865003 Rupture of cardiac wall without hemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
194883006 Postoperative pulmonary embolus
194892009 Pulmonary artery aneurysm
195002007 Multiple valve disease
195080001 Atrial fibrillation and flutter
195126007 Atrial hypertrophy
195137008 Acquired cardiac septal defect
195229008 Non-pyogenic venous sinus thrombosis
195258006 Thoracic aortic aneurysm which has ruptured
195265003 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured
195268001 Leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm
195394007 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
195396009 Superficial thrombophlebitis of long saphenous vein
195397000 Superficial thrombophlebitis of short saphenous vein
195410000 Thrombophlebitis of the femoral vein
195411001 Thrombophlebitis of the popliteal vein
195412008 Thrombophlebitis of the anterior tibial vein
195414009 Thrombophlebitis of the posterior tibial vein
195425000 Thrombophlebitis of the common iliac vein
195426004 Thrombophlebitis of the internal iliac vein
195427008 Thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein
195437003 Embolism and thrombosis of the vena cava
195438008 Embolism and thrombosis of the renal vein
196999001 Superior mesenteric artery embolus
197000003 Superior mesenteric artery thrombosis
197001004 Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis
200232006 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis - delivered
200233001 Antenatal deep vein thrombosis with antenatal complication
200237000 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis - delivered with postnatal complication
200238005 Postnatal deep vein thrombosis with postnatal complication
200258006 Obstetric cerebral venous thrombosis
200259003 Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy
200260008 Cerebral venous thrombosis in the puerperium
200284000 Obstetric pulmonary embolism
200308001 Obstetric pyemic and septic pulmonary embolism - delivered
200310004 Obstetric pyemic and septic pulmonary embolism with antenatal complication
200311000 Obstetric pyemic and septic pulmonary embolism with postnatal complication
204296002 Discordant ventriculoarterial connection
204297006 Total great vessel transposition
204299009 Dextrotransposition of aorta
204300001 Incomplete great vessel transposition
204311009 Eisenmenger's complex
204395001 Congenital aneurysm of heart
204397009 Cor triloculare
204398004 Congenital epicardial cyst
204399007 Hemicardia
204423002 Anomalous origin of the aortic arch
204427001 Persistent aortic arch convolutions
204431007 Atresia and stenosis of aorta
204433005 Aplasia of aorta
204443008 Pulmonary artery atresia
204451006 Anomalies of great veins
204456001 Subdiaphragmatic total anomalous pulmonary venous return
204457005 Supradiaphragmatic total anomalous pulmonary venous return
204463001 Absence of inferior vena cava
204464007 Absence of superior vena cava
204467000 Pulmonary vein atresia
20453006 Relocation of cardiac pacemaker pocket to new site in subcutaneous tissue
20721001 Tricuspid valve disorder
20735004 Syphilitic aortitis
20852007 Romano-Ward syndrome
21234008 Congenital stenosis of aorta
21258007 Thrombosis of lateral venous sinus
213037002 Mechanical complication of coronary bypass
213046008 Mechanical complication of intra-aortic balloon
213220000 Postoperative deep vein thrombosis
213310008 Thrombophlebitis after infusion
21379009 Ruptured sinus of Valsalva
21470009 Syncope anginosa
21631000119105 Limb ischemia
218728005 Interrupted aortic arch
2213002 Congenital anomaly of vena cava
2250001 Resection of ascending aorta with anastomosis
225566008 Ischemic chest pain
22750001 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage to abdominal portion of inferior vena cava
228630004 Repositioning of permanent transvenous electrodes
22870004 Repair of sinus of Valsalva fistula with cardiopulmonary bypass
229577006 Replacement of permanent transvenous electrodes
230221005 Intracranial arterial septic embolism
230222003 Septic thrombophlebitis of straight sinus
230223008 Septic thrombophlebitis of sigmoid sinus
230224002 Septic thrombophlebitis of cortical vein
230225001 Septic thrombophlebitis of great cerebral vein
230361000000100 Pacemaker testing
230588002 Reposition of cardiac pacemaker pocket
230720005 Cerebral venous thrombosis of straight sinus
230721009 Cerebral venous thrombosis of sigmoid sinus
230722002 Cerebral venous thrombosis of cortical vein
230723007 Cerebral venous thrombosis of great cerebral vein
230735006 Syphilitic cerebral arteritis
230740003 Anterior spinal artery thrombosis
231847000 Orbital thrombophlebitis
232038007 Central retinal vein occlusion with neovascularization
232039004 Central retinal vein occlusion with macular edema
232040002 Central retinal vein occlusion - juvenile
232041003 Central retinal vein occlusion - juvenile with neovascularization
232042005 Central retinal vein occlusion - juvenile with macular edema
232043000 Hemispheric retinal vein occlusion
232044006 Hemispheric retinal vein occlusion with neovascularization
232045007 Hemispheric retinal vein occlusion with macular edema
232046008 Branch retinal vein occlusion with neovascularization
232048009 Branch retinal vein occlusion with macular edema
232334003 Replacement of battery of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
232717009 Coronary artery bypass grafting
232719007 Coronary artery bypass graft x 1
232720001 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 2
232721002 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 3
232722009 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 4
232723004 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 5
232724005 Coronary artery bypass grafts greater than 5
232849000 Aortic valve replacement and plication of ascending aorta
232973007 Allotransplant of heart
232974001 Orthotopic allotransplant of heart
232981000000109 Implantation of single chamber cardiac pacemaker system
232991000000106 Implantation of dual chamber cardiac pacemaker system
233096003 Construction of conduit - left ventricle to ascending aorta
233124005 Construction of intraventricular left ventricle to aorta tunnel
233125006 Construction of intraventricular left ventricle to aorta spiral tunnel
233174007 Cardiac pacemaker procedure
233175008 Temporary cardiac pacemaker procedure
233176009 Direct temporary cardiac pacemaker procedure
233177000 Insertion of epicardial electrode for temporary cardiac pacing
233178005 Insertion of endocardial electrode for temporary cardiac pacing
233179002 Indirect temporary cardiac pacemaker procedure
233180004 Transesophageal cardiac pacing procedure
233181000 Transthoracic cardiac pacing procedure
233182007 Permanent cardiac pacemaker procedure
233183002 Insertion of permanent epicardial cardiac pacemaker system
233184008 Maintenance procedure for cardiac pacemaker system
233185009 Reprogramming of cardiac pacemaker
233187001 Removal of implanted cardiac pacemaker system or components
233188006 Removal of cardiac pacing electrode
233224003 Central aortopulmonary shunt operation
233225002 Disconnection of pulmonary trunk and reanastomosis of distal end to ascending aorta
23325006 Repair of cardiac pacemaker
233815004 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
233821000 New onset angina
233847009 Cardiac rupture due to and following acute myocardial infarction
233848004 Disorder of endocardium and heart valve
233885007 Post-infarction pericarditis
233886008 Chronic infective pericarditis
233887004 Chronic pericardial effusion caused by cholesterol
233889001 Post-infarction hemopericardium
233910005 Lone atrial fibrillation
233911009 Non-rheumatic atrial fibrillation
233927002 Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation
233928007 Myocardial dysfunction
233929004 Post-infarction mural thrombus
233930009 Intracardiac thrombosis in low output state
233936003 Acute massive pulmonary embolism
233937007 Subacute massive pulmonary embolism
233940007 Pulmonary tumor embolism
233941006 Solitary pulmonary hypertension
233942004 Small vessel pulmonary hypertension
233943009 Sporadic primary pulmonary hypertension
233944003 Familial primary pulmonary hypertension
233945002 Pulmonary hypertension caused by drug
233946001 Large vessel pulmonary hypertension
233948000 Post-arteritic pulmonary hypertension
233949008 Pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
233950008 Pulmonary hypertension associated with chronic underventilation
233954004 High altitude pulmonary hypertension
233955003 Abdominal aortic atherosclerosis
233958001 Peripheral ischemia
233959009 Upper limb ischemia
233960004 Critical upper limb ischemia
233961000 Lower limb ischemia
233962007 Critical lower limb ischemia
233965009 Stenosis of thoracic aorta
233966005 Stenosis of abdominal aorta
233967001 Common iliac artery stenosis
233968006 External iliac artery stenosis
233969003 Superficial femoral artery stenosis
233970002 Coronary artery stenosis
233972005 Aortic bifurcation embolus
233973000 Femoral artery embolus
233974006 Brachial artery embolus
233976008 Aortic bifurcation thrombosis
233984007 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
233985008 Abdominal aortic aneurysm
233994002 Dissection of thoracic aorta
233995001 Type I dissection of thoracic aorta
233996000 Type II dissection of thoracic aorta
233997009 Dissection of distal aorta
234011001 Thoracic aorta perforation
234036007 Superficial thrombophlebitis of cephalic vein
234037003 Superficial thrombophlebitis of basilic vein
234040003 Saphenous vein thrombophlebitis
234041004 Inferior mesenteric vein thrombosis
234043001 Thrombosis of vein of lower leg
234044007 Iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis
234045008 Thrombosis of transplanted vein
234046009 Transplant renal vein thrombosis
234047000 Radiation thrombophlebitis
234048005 Recurrent idiopathic thrombophlebitis
234062003 Pulmonary vein stenosis
234065001 Superior vena cava stenosis
234132006 Congenital abnormality of great veins and coronary sinus
234161007 Familial pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
234172002 Electromechanical dissociation
234240008 Intra-aortic balloon rupture
234241007 Intra-aortic balloon infection
234242000 Intra-aortic balloon thrombosis
234243005 Inadequate aortic balloon augmentation
235842000 Occlusive mesenteric ischemia
23627006 Chronic pericarditis
236488005 Renal artery occlusion
236489002 Cholesterol embolus syndrome
236721000000106 Implantation of intravenous dual chamber cardiac pacemaker system
23685000 Rheumatic heart disease
237226002 Heart disease during pregnancy
237771000000107 Distant pacemaker test
239297008 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis of lung
239937004 Idiopathic aortitis
239948006 Secondary aortitis
23999003 Implantation of rate-responsive cardiac single-chamber device
240567009 Syphilitic coronary artery disease
241041000000108 Temporary transvenous pacing
241051000000106 Transvenous pacemaker sensitivity measurement
243286001 Acute mesenteric arterial occlusion
243410003 Thrombosis of mesenteric artery
24395005 Check artificial pacemaker for waveform artifact
24596005 Venous retinal branch occlusion
2477008 Superficial thrombophlebitis
24805007 Portal thrombophlebitis
250996007 Complex mitral valve orifice
251036003 Aortic root dilatation
251038002 Aortic root congenital abnormality
251042004 Peripheral pulmonary artery disease
251045002 Peripheral pulmonary artery A/V aneurysm
251046001 Multiple peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses
251047005 Dilatation of pulmonary artery
25263003 Grafting of heart for revascularization
25267002 Insertion of intracardiac pacemaker
253264007 Congenital heart disease, septal and bulbar anomalies
253267000 Congenital abnormality of relationship of cardiac component
253269002 Criss-cross heart
253270001 Abnormal relationship of aortic orifice to pulmonary orifice
253271002 Mirror-imaged heart
253272009 Congenital abnormality of cardiac connection
253273004 Cardiac septal defects
253274005 Abnormal atrioventricular connection
253275006 Abnormal atrioventricular connection - biventricular
253277003 Discordant atrioventricular connection
253278008 Ambiguous atrioventricular connection
253279000 Absent atrioventricular connection with straddling valve
253280002 Abnormal atrioventricular connection - univentricular
253285007 Absent right sided atrioventricular connection
253287004 Left sided atrium connecting to right ventricle
253288009 Left sided atrium connecting to both ventricles
253289001 Left sided atrium connecting to ventricle of indeterminate morphology
253290005 Absent left sided atrioventricular connection
253293007 Right sided atrium connecting to both ventricles
253294001 Right sided atrium connecting to ventricle of indeterminate morphology
253295000 Abnormal ventriculoarterial connection
253297008 Transposition of aorta
253302006 Single outlet ventriculoarterial connection
253304007 Solitary pulmonary trunk with aortic atresia
253305008 Solitary arterial trunk
253306009 Abnormality of right superior vena cava
253307000 Atretic right superior vena cava
253308005 Absent right superior vena cava
253309002 Saccular dilatation of right superior vena cava
253310007 Anomalous insertion of right superior vena cava to left atrium
253311006 Bilateral superior vena cava
253312004 Absent bridging vein
253313009 Inferior vena cava interruption with left sided hemiazygos continuation
253314003 Inferior vena cava interruption with right sided azygos continuation
253315002 Inferior vena cava interruption with bilateral azygos continuation
253316001 Abnormal inferior vena caval connection
253317005 Inferior vena cava connecting to morphological left atrium
253318000 Inferior vena cava connecting to coronary sinus
253319008 Inferior vena cava to left of spine
253320002 Inferior cava to left of spine with right descending aorta
253321003 Anomalous termination of right pulmonary vein
253322005 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection
253324006 Coronary sinus defect in left atrium
253327004 Congenital coronary sinus stenosis
253334002 Congenital abnormality of atria and atrial septum
253337009 Isomerism of left atrial appendage
253339007 Right atrial abnormality
253353007 Divided left atrium
253354001 Supramitral left atrial ring
253356004 Left atrial appendage absent
253357008 Left atrial appendage - right - juxtaposition
253358003 Left atrial appendage aneurysm
253359006 Left atrial endocardial fibroelastosis
253360001 Left atrial hypoplasia
253361002 Left atrial dilatation
253362009 Giant left atrium
253364005 Foramen ovale valvar aneurysm
2534005 Congenital absence of vena cava
253438003 Common atrioventricular valve prolapse
253579004 Truncal valve abnormality
253614008 Tubular hypoplasia of aorta
253615009 Anomalies of the aorta excluding coarction
253620009 Pulmonary trunk abnormality
253621008 Pulmonary trunk stenosis
253622001 Pulmonary trunk hypoplasia
253623006 Pulmonary trunk atresia
253627007 Pulmonary trunk absent with confluent pulmonary arteries
253628002 Pulmonary trunk absent with non-confluent pulmonary arteries
253629005 Pulmonary trunk absent with absent pulmonary artery
253630000 Pulmonary trunk dilatation
253631001 Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis
253632008 Abnormal origin of right pulmonary artery
253633003 Anomalous origin of right pulmonary artery from ductus arteriosus
253634009 Anomalous origin of right pulmonary artery from ascending aorta
253635005 Abnormal origin of left pulmonary artery
253636006 Anomalous origin of left pulmonary artery from ductus arteriosus
253637002 Anomalous origin of left pulmonary artery from ascending aorta
253638007 Anomalous origin of left pulmonary artery from right pulmonary artery
253640002 Ascending aorta abnormality
253641003 Localized supravalvar aortic stenosis
253642005 Diffuse supravalvar aortic stenosis
253643000 Ascending aortic atresia
253644006 Ascending aorta absent
253645007 Ascending aorta dilatation
253646008 Congenital aneurysm of ascending aorta
253647004 Sinus of Valsalva abnormality
253648009 Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm with rupture
253649001 Aortic tunnel
253651002 Aortic arch and descending aorta abnormality
253652009 Right descending aorta
253653004 Left aortic arch and right descending aorta
253654005 Right aortic arch and right descending aorta
253655006 Right aortic arch and left descending aorta
253656007 Aortic arch centrally descending
253657003 Cervical aortic arch
253660005 Double aortic arch with both patent
253663007 Vascular ring with left aortic arch
253664001 Vascular ring with right aortic arch
253672004 Preductal aortic stenosis
253673009 Preductal interruption of aorta
253674003 Preductal hypoplasia of aorta
253675002 Juxtaductal aortic coarctation
253676001 Postductal aortic stenosis
253677005 Postductal interruption of aorta
253678000 Thoracic aortic coarctation
253679008 Abdominal aortic coarctation
253680006 Postductal hypoplasia of aorta
253681005 Interrupted aortic arch distal to left subclavian artery
253682003 Interrupted aortic arch between left subclavian and left common carotid artery
253683008 Interrupted aortic arch between left common carotid and brachiocephalic artery
253685001 Patent ductus arteriosus - delayed closure
253690003 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery
253691004 Stenosis of systemic to pulmonary artery collateral artery
253692006 Bronchopulmonary collateral artery
253698005 Isolation of brachiocephalic trunk
253732001 Totally absent pericardium
25559009 Congenital absence of left pulmonary artery
257812009 Chronic peri-aortitis
261195002 Circulatory arrest
26146002 Complete transposition of great vessels
261538006 Open intracoronary repair of coronary artery fistula
261756009 Coronary interposition technique
26214006 Thrombosis of retinal artery
262943006 Transection of aorta
26373009 Thrombosed external hemorrhoids
264086008 Malaligned outlet septum
265481001 Double anastomosis of mammary arteries to coronary arteries
265482008 Implantation of emergency intravenous cardiac pacemaker
266267005 Deep vein phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of the leg
26660001 Dilatation of aorta
266810008 Replacement of IV endocardial electrode
267284008 Obstetric pyemic and septic pulmonary embolism
26780008 Coarctation of pulmonary artery
268174004 Bulbus cordis and cardiac septal closure anomalies
268180007 Right hypoplastic heart syndrome
268184003 Hypoplasia of aorta
268185002 Supravalvar aortic stenosis
268187005 Congenital pulmonary artery aneurysm
26865008 Congenital absence of superior vena cava
26954004 Thrombophlebitis of superior sagittal sinus
27017003 Chronic effusive pericarditis
270512000 Pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysm
271432005 Congenital renal artery stenosis
271573009 Congenital abnormality of thoracic aorta and pulmonary arteries
271984008 Disorder of prosthetic cardiac valve
271985009 Disorder of intra-aortic pulsation balloon
27277001 Tophus of heart co-occurrent and due to gout
274096000 Pulmonary heart disease
274097009 Non-rheumatic heart valve disorder
274098004 Rupture of chordae tendineae
27443008 Removal of transvenous electrodes
275215001 Left internal mammary artery single anastomosis
275216000 Right internal mammary artery single anastomosis
275217009 Ligation of sinus of Valsalva fistula
275252001 Left internal mammary artery sequential anastomosis
275253006 Right internal mammary artery sequential anastomosis
275514001 Impaired left ventricular function
275516004 Cardiomegaly - hypertensive
275517008 Superficial vein thrombosis
275905002 History of myocardial problem
276308001 General maintenance of cardiac pacemaker
27631000146108 Dissection of aortic arch
27637000 Dextrocardia
276500007 Mesenteric embolus
27651000146102 Dissection of descending aorta
276637009 Hemorrhagic pulmonary edema
276792008 Pulmonary hypertension with extreme obesity
276793003 Pulmonary hypertension with occult mitral stenosis
276794009 Facultative pulmonary hypertension with shunt at atrial level
277192005 Coronary artery graft placement
27944006 Removal of electronic heart device pulse generator
27986000 Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysm
280966008 Phlegmasia alba dolens - obstetric
281170005 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
281556002 Insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker
281595001 Thrombosis of inferior vena cava
281596000 Thrombosis of superior vena cava
281597009 Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis
28256002 Electronic wave or pacemaker analysis, remote
282664001 Renal artery stenosis of unknown cause
2831000119107 Aneurysm of descending thoracic aorta
285251000119101 Dextrotransposition of the great arteries
285381000119104 Acute deep vein thrombosis of bilateral femoral veins
285721000119104 History of acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
285781000119100 Infection of cardiac graft
286071000119109 Congenital peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis
286331000119109 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to coronary sinus
286341000119100 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to hepatic vein
286351000119103 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to right atrium
286361000119101 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to superior vena cava
286959000 Peripheral arterial embolism
28714002 Debridement of skin or subcutaneous tissue of pacemaker pocket
287696002 Atrial overdrive pacing
287698001 Fixed-rate cardiac pacemaker
287699009 Emergency cardiac pacemaker
288183004 Insertion of intravenous endocardial electrode
288184005 Removal of IV endocardial electrode
289923007 Acquired renal artery stenosis
293451000119102 Chronic deep vein thrombosis of right iliac vein
293461000119100 Chronic deep vein thrombosis of left iliac vein
293481000119109 Acute deep vein thrombosis of right iliac vein
293491000119107 Acute deep vein thrombosis of left iliac vein
297135003 Subclavian artery embolus
297136002 Axillary artery embolus
297137006 Celiac artery embolus
297138001 Embolus of circle of Willis
297140006 Inferior mesenteric artery embolus
297141005 Popliteal artery embolus
297143008 Suprarenal artery embolus
297146000 Brachial artery thrombosis
297148004 Celiac artery thrombosis
297149007 Common femoral artery thrombosis
297150007 Common iliac artery thrombosis
297151006 External iliac artery thrombosis
297152004 Internal iliac artery thrombosis
297153009 Profunda femoris artery thrombosis
297154003 Subclavian artery thrombosis
297155002 Superficial femoral artery thrombosis
297156001 Axillary vein thrombosis
297157005 Intracranial venous thrombosis
297162006 Crural artery thrombosis
297218007 Congenital abnormality of ductus arteriosus
297911000000108 Electrical capture by temporary transvenous pacing
297921000000102 Mechanical capture by temporary transvenous pacing
29819009 Aortocoronary bypass of one coronary artery
29899005 Coronary artery embolism
29934004 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage to coronary sinus
300917007 Ischemia of feet
300919005 Digital arterial thrombosis
300921000 Subclavian artery stenosis
300995000 Exercise-induced angina
300996004 Controlled atrial fibrillation
301755001 Ischemic foot
301899003 Dissection of proximal aorta
302131003 Tuberculosis of heart
302233006 Renal artery stenosis
302300004 Femoral popliteal occlusion
302878004 Intracranial septic thrombophlebitis
302879007 Septic thrombophlebitis of cavernous sinus
302880005 Septic thrombophlebitis of sagittal sinus
302881009 Septic thrombophlebitis of lateral sinus
302910002 Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis
303070000 Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
30670000 Anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery, double
306848006 Occlusion of femoropopliteal bypass graft
306849003 Occlusion of femorofemoral crossover bypass graft
306851004 Occlusion of aortic bifurcation bypass graft
306852006 Occlusion of renal artery bypass graft
306856009 Thrombosis of aortic bifurcation bypass graft
307280005 Implantation of cardiac pacemaker
307403007 Aortojejunal fistula
307404001 Aortocolonic fistula
307406004 Trash foot
307407008 Ischemic hand
307408003 Ischemic toe
307409006 Ischemic finger
307816004 Leriche's syndrome
308065005 History of myocardial infarction in last year
308546005 Dissection of aorta
308805008 Reimplantation of cardiac pacemaker electrode
309405007 Implantation of simple one wire intravenous cardiac pacemaker
309471004 Implantation of temporary intravenous cardiac pacemaker
309735004 Thrombosis of vein of lower limb
309809007 Electromechanical dissociation with successful resuscitation
309814006 Aortocoronary bypass grafting
31019002 Implantation of artificial heart
310415002 Suturing of sinus of Valsalva fistula
310416001 Patching of sinus of Valsalva fistula
31080005 Pericarditis secondary to Mulibrey nanism
31211000119101 Peripheral angiopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
312302004 Plication of ascending aorta
312375001 Upper limb arterial embolus
312377009 Post-radiological embolism of upper limb artery
312378004 Lower limb arterial embolus
312380005 Post-radiological embolism of lower limb artery
312383007 Infective aortitis
312496009 Iliac artery stenosis
312584000 Thrombosis of vein of trunk
312586003 Intracranial thrombophlebitis
312592009 Head and neck arterial embolus
312593004 Trunk arterial embolus
312594005 Head and neck arterial thrombosis
312601003 Thoracic aorta abnormality
31268005 Thrombophlebitis migrans
312822006 Critical ischemia of foot
312825008 Common iliac artery occlusion
312826009 External iliac artery occlusion
312827000 Superficial femoral artery occlusion
312828005 Common femoral artery occlusion
312829002 Common femoral artery stenosis
312997008 Central retinal vein occlusion - ischemic
312998003 Central retinal vein occlusion - non-ischemic
314000002 Branch retinal vein occlusion with no neovascularization
314116003 Post infarct angina
314184006 Ruptured suprarenal aortic aneurysm
314185007 Juxtarenal aortic aneurysm
314186008 Inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm
314187004 Iliac artery occlusion
314188009 Femoral artery occlusion
314189001 Popliteal artery occlusion
314208002 Rapid atrial fibrillation
314902007 Peripheral angiopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
315025001 Refractory angina
315026000 Transient myocardial ischemia
31529002 Thrombosis of arteries of upper extremity
315295003 Recurrent abdominal aortic aneurysm
3168002 Thrombophlebitis of intracranial venous sinus
31778009 Replacement of transvenous ventricular pacemaker electrode leads
32194006 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage to hepatic veins
32413006 Transplantation of heart
32477003 Heart-lung transplant with recipient cardiectomy-pneumonectomy
328511000119109 Saddle embolus of pulmonary artery
33284002 Check artificial pacemaker for amperage threshold
33331003 Insertion of permanent atrial pacemaker with transvenous electrodes
33591000 Thrombosis of arteries of the extremities
33700007 Ruptured sinus of Valsalva into right atrium
33776000 Insertion of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrodes, atrio-ventricular sequential
341751000000103 Congenital dextroposition of heart
343977001 Bundle of His pacing
344994008 Intraventricular pacing
34564005 Creation of shunt of ascending aorta to pulmonary artery
34881000119105 Peripheral vascular disease associated with another disorder
3515001 Replacement of electronic heart device, pulse generator
35162007 Ruptured sinus of Valsalva into right ventricle
35386004 Cavernous sinus syndrome
3545003 Diastolic dysfunction
3546002 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with saphenous vein graft
3589003 Syphilitic pericarditis
35928006 Nocturnal angina
359597003 Single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass
359601003 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft of internal mammary artery, single graft
359789008 Takayasu's disease
360573001 Post-capillary pulmonary hypertension
360578005 Pulmonary hypertension secondary to raised pulmonary vascular resistance
36110001 Congenital anomaly of pulmonary artery
361278002 Mondor's phlebitis of the penis
36222008 Carcinoid heart disease
363436001 Malignant tumor of endocardium
363437005 Malignant tumor of myocardium
36422005 Transposition of pulmonary veins
36665001 Atrial aneurysm
368009 Heart valve disorder
3681008 Thrombophlebitis of torcular Herophili
37034001 Ligation of arteriovenous fistula of coronary artery
370513009 Fibrosis of cardiac pacemaker electrode
370552002 Dynamic aortic outflow tract obstruction
371037005 Systolic dysfunction
371038000 Terminal aortic occlusion
371039008 Thromboembolic disorder
37104009 Congenital enlargement of coronary sinus
371041009 Embolic stroke
371051005 Traumatic thrombosis of axillary vein
371067004 Hepatopulmonary syndrome
371068009 Myocardial infarction with complication
371807002 Atypical angina
371808007 Recurrent angina status post percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
371809004 Recurrent angina status post coronary stent placement
371810009 Recurrent angina status post coronary artery bypass graft
371811008 Recurrent angina status post rotational atherectomy
371812001 Recurrent angina status post directional coronary atherectomy
371862006 Depression of left ventricular systolic function
371909000 Magnet induced pacing
371910005 Atrioventricular sequential pacing
373135009 Annular abscess of aortic root
373905003 Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
37943007 Multiple AND bilateral precerebral artery embolism
38208004 Removal of cardiac pacemaker and replacement with single-chamber cardiac device
38230003 Ruptured sinus of Valsalva into left ventricle
38315009 Repair of pacemaker with replacement of pulse generator
38340002 Temporary insertion of pacemaker into atrium by transvenous route
384681005 Patch repair of coronary artery
384683008 Replacement of cardiac pacemaker device with dual-chamber device
384684002 Removal of cardiac pacemaker with replacement by single-chamber device, rate-responsive
386815009 Repair of aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva
38739001 Hepatic vein thrombosis
387732009 Becker muscular dystrophy
38877003 Rheumatoid aortitis
39202005 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, four grafts
39244004 Pericarditis due to myxedema
39589002 Hypoplasia of right heart
397193006 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty by rotoablation
39724006 Anastomosis of internal mammary artery to coronary artery, double vessel
397431004 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with rotoablation, single vessel
397829000 Asystole
39785005 Disorder of pulmonary circulation
398220006 Ventricular pacing lead positioned
398274000 Coronary artery thrombosis
399046008 L - transposition of the great vessels
39905002 Scimitar syndrome
399211009 History of myocardial infarction
399216004 D - transposition of the great vessels
39987008 Congenital absence of right pulmonary artery
399957001 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease
400047006 Peripheral vascular disease
400972008 Renewal of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
40198004 Thrombophlebitis of deep veins of lower extremity
40272001 Congenital absence of coronary sinus
40276003 Embolism of precerebral artery
40283005 Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of lower extremity
402861007 Ischemic gangrene
404223003 Deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity
404667009 Retinal embolus
404668004 Calcific retinal embolus
404669007 Platelet-fibrin retinal embolus
404670008 Cholesterol retinal embolus
405545007 Mesenteric artery stenosis
405554005 Abscess of aortic root
405556007 Stenosis of lower limb artery
405557003 Occlusion of lower limb artery
405577005 Nontraumatic dissection of thoracic aorta
405580006 Traumatic aortocaval fistula
405585001 Traumatic aorto-enteric fistula
405588004 Upper limb artery stenosis
405598005 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with two vein grafts
405599002 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with three vein grafts
405768001 Autotransplantation of heart
40593004 Fibrillation
408665008 Pontine artery thrombosis
408666009 Dissection of abdominal aorta
4090005 Replacement of transvenous atrial and ventricular pacemaker electrode leads
410065004 Congenital anomaly of aortic arch AND/OR descending aorta
410429000 Cardiac arrest
410430005 Cardiorespiratory arrest
412787009 Intellectual disability, congenital heart disease, blepharophimosis, blepharoptosis and hypoplastic teeth
41334000 Angina, class II
41339005 Coronary angioplasty
413758000 Cardioembolic stroke
413905004 Congenital absence of heart structure
414024009 Disorder of coronary artery
414088005 Emergency coronary artery bypass graft
414089002 Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention
414545008 Ischemic heart disease
415070008 Percutaneous coronary intervention
41514002 Congenital supravalvular mitral stenosis
415991003 Disorder of cardiac ventricle
418461002 Angioplasty of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast
418551006 Laparoscopic coronary artery bypass using robotic assistance
418818005 Brugada syndrome
418824004 Off-pump coronary artery bypass
419132001 Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass
420300004 New York Heart Association Classification - Class I
420913000 New York Heart Association Classification - Class III
421365002 Peripheral circulatory disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
421704003 New York Heart Association Classification - Class II
421895002 Peripheral vascular disorder due to diabetes mellitus
422166005 Peripheral circulatory disorder due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
422293003 New York Heart Association Classification - Class IV
422348008 Andersen Tawil syndrome
422967000 Maintenance of permanent cardiac pacemaker settings
422970001 Cardiac arrest due to trauma
423001006 Maintenance of temporary epicardial cardiac pacemaker settings
423168004 Cardiac arrest due to respiratory disorder
423191000 Cardiac arrest due to cardiac disorder
4240001 Rupture of aorta
424265001 Maintenance of temporary cardiac pacemaker system
424571008 Cardiac arrest due to drowning
424727007 Maintenance of temporary cardiac pacemaker settings
425366005 Maintenance of temporary epicardial cardiac pacemaker system
425414000 Bilateral renal artery stenosis
425420004 Thrombosis of internal carotid artery
425453009 Chronic nontraumatic dissection of thoracic aorta
425527003 Atheromatous embolus of lower limb
425771001 Enlarging abdominal aortic aneurysm
425932008 Thrombosis of posterior communicating artery
425963007 Aneurysm of ascending aorta
426104007 Repair of rupture of coronary artery
426270006 Aneurysm of suprarenal aorta
426948001 Aneurysm of descending aorta
427109009 Repair of arteriovenous malformation of coronary artery
427184002 Thrombosis of ulnar artery
427490006 Aneurysm of supraceliac aorta
427567003 Atheromatous embolus of upper limb
427592000 Occlusion of superior mesenteric artery
427665004 Paroxysmal atrial flutter
427775006 Deep venous thrombosis of profunda femoris vein
427776007 Thrombosis of the popliteal vein
427927008 Disorder related to cardiac transplantation
42861008 Thrombophlebitis of iliac vein
428752002 Recent myocardial infarction
42878004 Thrombosis of thoracic aorta
428781001 Deep venous thrombosis associated with coronary artery bypass graft
429064006 Implantation of biventricular cardiac pacemaker system
429243003 Sustained ventricular fibrillation
429434005 Thrombosis of superficial vein of lower limb
429542009 Implantation of intravenous biventricular cardiac pacemaker system
429559004 Typical angina
429575001 Construction of left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary trunk direct anastomosis
429620002 Construction of left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit
429639007 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into coronary artery
42970005 Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus
429809004 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast
42999000 Chronic adhesive pericarditis
430294007 Reposition of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
431306005 Fluoroscopy of heart for checking of permanent pacemaker position
431702005 Removal of cardiac pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance
431706008 Occlusion of artery of upper extremity
431846007 Replacement of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
432084000 Management of permanent pacemaker
432113002 Insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
432953000 Fluoroscopy of heart for checking of cardiac pacemaker electrode position
433068007 Aneurysm of thoracic aorta
433714008 Removal of temporary cardiac pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance
438483005 Thrombophlebitis of subclavian vein
438646004 Thrombophlebitis of axillary vein
438647008 Thrombosis of subclavian vein
438773007 Recurrent pulmonary embolism
438785004 Deep venous thrombosis of tibial vein
43910005 Congenital hypoplasia of aorta
439731006 Septic thrombophlebitis
440028005 Permanent atrial fibrillation
440059007 Persistent atrial fibrillation
441557008 Septic pulmonary embolism
442105001 Septic embolus of artery
442298000 Fracture of stent of coronary artery
442304009 Combined systolic and diastolic dysfunction
44241007 Heart valve stenosis
442439008 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of limb
442559009 Bundle branch reentrant ventricular tachycardia
442693003 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft of limb
442701004 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft of limb
442735001 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous bypass graft of limb
442907005 Surgical removal of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator electrode by transthoracic approach
442917000 Congenital long QT syndrome
443210003 Deep venous thrombosis of peroneal vein
443355007 Insertion of dual chamber pulse generator and repositioning of cardioverter defibrillation pulse generator lead
443358009 Surgical removal of transvenous electrode of dual chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator by transthoracic approach
443414005 Cor bovinum
443434006 Replacement of dual chamber pulse generator
443477007 Surgical removal of transvenous electrode of dual chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator by transvenous approach
443523006 Insertion of permanent transvenous electrode of dual chamber pulse generator
443622006 Insertion of temporary transvenous electrode of dual chamber cardiac pulse generator
443676006 Surgical removal of transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator by transthoracic approach
443742008 Insertion of transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator
443753002 Insertion of single chamber pacemaker pulse generator
443762000 Hypertrophic cardiomegaly
443816004 Insertion of temporary transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing pulse generator
443852000 Replacement of temporary transvenous electrode of dual chamber pulse generator
443958002 Surgical removal of transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator by transvenous approach
444179007 Insertion of dual chamber pacemaker pulse generator
444325005 Deep vein thrombosis of bilateral lower extremities
444401001 Insertion of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator
444437006 Insertion of transvenous electrode of dual chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator
444542000 Insertion of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator and transvenous electrode
444566006 Replacement of cardiac pacemaker
444569004 Aneurysm of infrarenal abdominal aorta
444851003 Bifid apex of heart
445027003 Left superior caval vein persisting to coronary sinus
445106006 Congenital dilation of left pulmonary artery
445167000 Congenital dilation of right pulmonary artery
445176007 Congenital dilation of ascending aorta
445208002 Congenital hypoplasia of right pulmonary artery
445209005 Congenital hypoplasia of left pulmonary artery
445237003 Portopulmonary hypertension
445268004 Apex of heart anterior to cardiac base
445284003 Aortic sinus of Valsalva aneurysm from noncoronary sinus
445285002 Aortic sinus of Valsalva aneurysm from left coronary sinus
445286001 Aortic sinus of Valsalva aneurysm from right coronary sinus
445296005 Infracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connections to portal system
445371009 Infracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connections to inferior caval vein
445435009 Apex of heart posterior to cardiac base
445436005 Left superior caval vein persisting to left sided atrium
445543002 Intracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connections to bilateral isomeric atriums
446432002 Pulmonary venous hypoplasia
446657003 Criss-cross heart with rightward rotation
446667008 Two atrioventricular valves in double inlet ventricle
446668003 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection due to extrinsic compression
446813000 Left atrial hypertrophy
446890001 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection at coronary sinus orifice
446909006 Midline apex of heart
446916007 Functionally univentricular heart
447269006 Persistent common pulmonary vein
447274003 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection due to intrinsic narrowing
447275002 Alveolar capillary dysplasia with pulmonary venous misalignment
447289007 Criss-cross heart with leftward rotation
447318008 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection at interatrial communication
447498008 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection due to extrinsic compression between right pulmonary artery and trachea
447528003 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection due to extrinsic compression at diaphragm
447571007 Obstructed pulmonary venous connection due to extrinsic compression between left pulmonary artery and bronchus
447661004 Diverticulum of coronary sinus
447663001 Pulmonary venous confluence remote from left atrium
447664007 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection of part of left lung
447666009 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber and then to left atrium
447667000 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber without communication to left atrium
447668005 Discontinuous pulmonary arteries
447691009 Pulmonary venous confluence in direct proximity to left atrium
447700007 Distal aortopulmonary window with minimal superior rim
447701006 Intermediate aortopulmonary window with adequate superior and inferior rim
447702004 Confluent aortopulmonary window with minimal superior and inferior rim
447703009 Double aortic arch with left arch dominant and coarctation of right arch
447772003 Persisting fifth aortic arch with double barrell arch
447773008 Proximal aortopulmonary window with minimal inferior rim
447786004 Creation of anastomosis from ascending aorta to main pulmonary artery
447812003 Left superior vena cava persisting to right atrium and left atrium
447813008 Pulmonary venous confluence in horizontal orientation
447814002 Pulmonary venous confluence in vertical orientation
447817009 Obstruction of aortic arch
447824005 Congenital abnormality of left atrium
447825006 Congenital abnormality of middle cardiac vein
447827003 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection of entire right lung
447832002 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection of supracardiac type
447840008 Stenosis of right pulmonary artery
447846002 Obstruction of ascending aorta
447849009 Double aortic arch with right arch dominant and atresia of left arch
447850009 Double aortic arch with right arch dominant and coarctation of left arch
447860000 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection of part of right lung
447861001 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection with anomalous veins connecting first to pulmonary venous confluence
447879002 Creation of anastomosis from ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery
447901004 Aortopulmonary window with tubular connection
447902006 Atresia of left superior vena cava
447903001 Coarctation of right pulmonary artery
447913009 Completely unroofed coronary sinus defect in left atrium
447914003 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection of intracardiac type
447919008 Univentricular atrioventricular connection with absent right sided atrioventricular connection
447925007 Hypoperfusion of left pulmonary artery due to preferential flow to right pulmonary artery
447926008 Hypoperfusion of right pulmonary artery due to preferential flow to left pulmonary artery
447928009 Double aortic arch with balanced arches
447929001 Double aortic arch with left arch dominant
447930006 Double aortic arch with right arch dominant
447932003 Double outlet ventriculoarterial connections
447938004 Congenital abnormality of cardiac vein
447939007 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection of entire left lung
447950005 Creation of anastomosis from ascending aorta to left pulmonary artery
447962009 Divided left atrium with restrictive outlet of proximal chamber to left atrium
447968008 Descending aorta anterior and same side as azygos vein with azygos continuity of inferior vena cava
447970004 Double aortic arch with left arch dominant and atresia of right arch
447976005 Removal of cardiac biventricular permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
447988007 Common arterial trunk with pulmonary arteries arising from trunk and unobstructed aortic arch
447997006 Vascular ring with retrotracheal right pulmonary artery from ascending aorta
447998001 Single ventricular outlet above right ventricle
447999009 Single ventricular outlet above left ventricle
448000003 Right superior vena cava connecting to left atrium and right atrium
448027004 Supravalvar pulmonary trunk stenosis
448059006 Pulmonary trunk absent with absent left pulmonary artery
448060001 Pulmonary trunk absent with absent right pulmonary artery
448061002 Shelf-like supravalvar aortic stenosis
448063004 Congenital abnormality of posterior cardiac vein of left ventricle
448066007 Divided left atrium with nonrestrictive outlet of proximal chamber to left atrium
448067003 Recoarctation of aorta
448072007 Single inlet ventricle with absent atrioventricular connection
448075009 Uniatrial biventricular connection with absent right sided atrioventricular connection with straddling valve
448078006 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and right arterial ligament with absent left pulmonary artery
448079003 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and right patent arterial duct with absent left pulmonary artery
448080000 Single ventricular outlet above ventricle of indeterminate morphology
448081001 Hepatic vein to coronary sinus
448084009 Absent pulmonary trunk
448086006 Atresia of pulmonary trunk with absent left pulmonary artery
448087002 Atresia of pulmonary trunk with absent right pulmonary artery
448092000 Vascular ring due to aberrant subclavian artery and bilateral arterial ducts
448097006 Abnormal course of aortic arch
448098001 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with protrusion into pulmonary artery
448099009 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with protrusion into right atrium
448100001 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with protrusion into right ventricle
448104005 Localized supravalvar aortic stenosis at sinutubular junction
448105006 Anomalous origin of pulmonary artery from patent arterial duct
448113007 Right superior vena cava connecting to coronary sinus
448115000 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with protrusion into left atrium
448116004 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with protrusion into left ventricle
448117008 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with protrusion into pericardial cavity
448120000 Common arterial trunk with crossed over pulmonary arteries
448150008 Interrogation of cardiac pacemaker
448153005 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right arterial duct arising from aberrant retroesophageal right subclavian artery
448154004 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right arterial duct arising from retroesophageal aortic diverticulum
448158001 Abnormality of thoracoabdominal aorta
448181004 Anomalous coronary venous return
448242007 Repositioning of cardiac pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance
448277007 Midline posterior apex of heart
448278002 Coronary sinus drainage cephalad to left superior vena cava
448280008 Malalignment of aortic sinus in relation to pulmonary sinus
448303009 Vascular ring with left aortic arch to right descending aorta and right arterial ligament
448304003 Vascular ring with left aortic arch to right descending aorta and right patent arterial duct
448305002 Vascular ring with malrotation and dextroversion of heart and hypoplasia of right lung and left arterial duct
448320008 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber
448328001 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva without rupture
448332007 Left superior vena cava persisting to right sided atrium
448356006 Coronary sinus drainage cephalad to right superior vena cava
448357002 Midline anterior apex of heart
448471006 Congenital abnormality of ascending aorta
448472004 Congenital abnormality of pulmonary trunk
448478000 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from coronary artery
448486000 Anomalous pulmonary to systemic collateral vein
448487009 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection of mixed type
448499002 Infracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection
448500006 Intracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection
448501005 Interrupted left inferior vena cava
448510002 Stenosis of left pulmonary artery
448517004 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and retroesophageal right descending aorta and right arterial duct arising from aortic diverticulum and aberrant right subclavian artery
448528000 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with rupture to pericardial cavity
448577008 Muscular subvalvar atresia of aorta
448590001 Maintenance of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system
448595006 Scimitar syndrome with additional anomalous pulmonary venous connection
448599000 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection of infracardiac type
448611005 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and retrotracheal right patent arterial duct
448612003 Single ventricular outlet above both ventricles
448614002 Inferior vena cava anterior and same side as descending aorta
448620001 Azygos continuation of inferior vena cava to right superior vena cava
448624005 Uniatrial biventricular connection with absent left sided atrioventricular connection with straddling valve
448625006 Univentricular atrioventricular connection with absent left sided atrioventricular connection
448627003 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right arterial duct arising from aberrant retroesophageal brachiocephalic artery
448628008 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right arterial duct arising from retroesophageal aortic diverticulum and aberrant right subclavian artery
448629000 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right arterial ligament
448630005 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right patent arterial duct
448632002 Left inferior vena cava connecting to left atrium and right atrium
448637008 Coarctation of left pulmonary artery
448645003 Aortic arch hypoplasia between subclavian and common carotid arteries
448646002 Aortic arch hypoplasia distal to subclavian artery
448699008 Thoracotomy and removal of cardiac pacemaker electrodes
448721009 Abnormal course of aortic arch and descending aorta
448722002 Abnormality of abdominal aorta
448723007 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with rupture to left atrium
448724001 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with rupture to left ventricle
448725000 Continuity between aortic valve and mitral valve
448727008 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connections of mixed type
448728003 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection
448742006 Abnormality of aortic arch
448744007 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with rupture to pulmonary artery
448745008 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with rupture to right atrium
448746009 Aneurysm of aortic sinus of Valsalva with rupture to right ventricle
448747000 Common arterial trunk with pulmonary origin from truncal valve sinus
448782004 Interrupted right inferior vena cava
448783009 Pulmonary vein dilatation
448809003 Common arterial trunk with obstruction of aortic arch
448840005 Repair of supravalvar aorta using patch
448869001 Replacement of cardiac biventricular permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
448887003 Common arterial trunk with isolated pulmonary artery
448898002 Outflow tract abnormality in solitary indeterminate ventricle
448905005 Dilatation of aortic sinus of Valsalva
448965008 Inferior vena cava connecting to right atrium and left atrium
449009009 Left inferior vena cava connecting to left sided atrium
449010004 Left inferior vena cava connecting to right sided atrium
44902004 Thrombosis of penis
449025004 Vascular ring with left aortic arch and right arterial duct ligament arising from retroesophageal aortic diverticulum with aberrant right subclavian artery
449085001 Pulmonary artery connecting to coronary artery via collateral artery
449119000 Obstruction of aortic outflow
449120006 Obstruction of pulmonary outflow tract
449125001 Congenital stenosis of pulmonary artery
449184004 Dilatation of descending aorta
449185003 Dilatation of aortic sinutubular junction
449188001 Left superior vena cava persisting to coronary sinus and then to right sided atrium
449232001 Aortic arch hypoplasia between carotid arteries
449271003 Residual coarctation of aorta
449350006 Pulmonary artery with absent proximal arterial connection
449397007 Insertion of permanent cardiac pacemaker pulse generator and electrode
449425007 Intracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to coronary sinus
449426008 Left sided azygos continuation of inferior vena cava to left superior vena cava
449427004 Double aortic arch with right arch dominant and left arch patent
449428009 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber and then to left atrium with additional pulmonary venous chamber communication
449429001 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to right atrium
449430006 Double aortic arch with left arch dominant and right arch patent
449433008 Diffuse stenosis of left pulmonary artery
449434002 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to left superior vena cava
449435001 Infracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection with two descending veins
449436000 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium
449440009 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber without communication to left atrium with extracardiac pulmonary venous chamber communication
449441008 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber without communication to left atrium with pulmonary venous chamber communication to right atrium
449442001 Congenital abnormality of great cardiac vein
449443006 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to left sided vertical vein
449444000 Infracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to hepatic vein
449451009 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to hemiazygos vein
449452002 Intracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to right atrium
449458003 Right superior vena cava connecting to coronary sinus and then to left sided atrium
449467003 Diffuse stenosis of right pulmonary artery
449492000 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber and then to left atrium with additional pulmonary venous chamber communication to right atrium
449493005 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to right sided vertical vein
449494004 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to right superior vena cava
449495003 Infracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to patent ductus venosus
449513006 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection of mixed type with one pulmonary venous confluence
449514000 Intracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to midline with isomeric atria
449521000 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection of mixed type with two pulmonary venous confluences
449523002 Right superior vena cava persisting to coronary sinus and then to right sided atrium
449532000 Congenital abnormality of anterior cardiac vein
449533005 Supracardiac location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to azygos vein
449536002 Double aortic arch with right arch dominant and atresia of left arch and left ligament to diverticulum
449547009 Right pulmonary artery with absent proximal arterial connection
449551006 Single stenosis of left pulmonary artery
449559008 Multiple stenoses of left pulmonary artery
449560003 Multiple stenoses of right pulmonary artery
449576007 Left pulmonary artery with absent proximal arterial connection
449587004 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber and then to left atrium with additional pulmonary venous chamber extracardiac communication
449589001 Single stenosis of right pulmonary artery
449593007 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium and others connecting directly to left atrium
449594001 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium and others connecting anomalously
449595000 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to right atrium and others connecting anomalously
449596004 Divided left atrium with some pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to right atrium and others connecting directly to left atrium
449863006 Insertion of pacemaker for control of atrial fibrillation
449873008 Atherosclerotic plaque disruption with thrombosis of artery
449926001 Inflammatory thrombosis of superficial vein of lower leg
450304006 Coarctation of suprarenal abdominal aorta
450305007 Coarctation of infrarenal abdominal aorta
450312003 Coarctation of aorta between subclavian artery and common carotid artery
450313008 Coarctation of aorta between left common carotid artery and right common carotid artery
450314002 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left patent ductus arteriosus
450315001 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ligamentum arteriosum
450811002 Maintenance of battery of cardiac pacemaker system
450816007 Revision of transplantation of heart
450820006 Replacement of pulse generator of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
450821005 Replacement of pulse generator of implantable cardioverter defibrillator using fluoroscopic guidance
45237002 Congenital dilatation of aorta
45281005 Atherosclerosis of renal artery
45492009 Congenital stenosis of superior vena cava
4557003 Preinfarction syndrome
45669002 Cardio-omentopexy
45720008 Implantation of electrode into cardiac ventricle, replacement
458088003 Major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery
45894003 Medionecrosis of aorta
459062008 Fatal congenital nonlysosomal heart glycogenosis
459160003 Abscess at site of aortic coarctation
459163001 Infective endarteritis at site of aortic coarctation
459164007 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from descending thoracic aorta
459165008 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from abdominal aorta
459173004 Infective endarteritis at site of aortopulmonary window
45921003 Removal of cardiac pacemaker electrodes with replacement
460307002 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from right carotid artery
460312001 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from left carotid artery
460365008 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from right renal artery
460370001 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery connecting with artery
460375006 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from left renal artery
460380002 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from right brachiocephalic artery
460387004 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery from left brachiocephalic artery
460589002 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ligamentum arteriosum between left subclavian artery and left common carotid artery
460590006 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ligamentum arteriosum with anomalous retroesophageal left subclavian artery
460591005 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ductus arteriosus from anomalous retroesophageal left subclavian artery
460592003 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ductus arteriosus from retroesophageal diverticulum of aorta and anomalous left subclavian artery
460593008 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ductus arteriosus from anomalous retroesophageal brachiocephalic artery
460594002 Vascular ring with right aortic arch and left ductus arteriosus from retroesophageal diverticulum of aorta
460598004 Acquired stenosis of superior vena cava
460609006 Anomalous insertion of ductus arteriosus
460610001 Anomalous insertion of ductus arteriosus into pulmonary trunk
460611002 Anomalous insertion of ductus arteriosus into right pulmonary artery
460612009 Ductus arteriosus dependent pulmonary circulation
46085004 Thrombosis of retinal vein
460906001 Vascular ring with mirror image branching of right aortic arch and left ligamentum arteriosum
461000119108 History of myocardial infarction in last eight weeks
461089003 Cardiac abnormality due to heart abscess
461090007 Right ductus arteriosus
461091006 Patent right ductus arteriosus
461102008 Anomalous insertion of ductus arteriosus into distal left pulmonary artery
461366002 Congenital hypoplasia of descending aorta
461371009 Congenital hypoplasia of abdominal aorta
461376004 Congenital hypoplasia of thoracoabdominal aorta
461386003 Patent ductus arteriosus with normal origin and insertion
461390001 Anomalous insertion of ductus arteriosus into unknown site
461407005 Acquired stenosis of pulmonary venous structure
461408000 Acquired abnormality of pulmonary venous structure
461557000 Congenital atresia of aortic arch
461562004 Atresia of aortic arch with fibrous cord
461567005 Atresia of aortic arch with fibrous cord distal to subclavian artery
461572001 Atresia of aortic arch with fibrous cord between subclavian artery and common carotid artery
461577007 Atresia of aortic arch with fibrous cord between left common carotid artery and right common carotid artery
461587006 Congenital luminal atresia of aortic arch distal to subclavian artery
461592008 Congenital luminal atresia of aortic arch between subclavian artery and common carotid artery
461597002 Congenital luminal atresia of aortic arch between left common carotid artery and right common carotid artery
461602009 Acquired complete obstruction of aortic arch
461609000 Acquired luminal obstruction of aortic arch
461614001 Acquired luminal obstruction of aortic arch distal to subclavian artery
461619006 Acquired luminal obstruction of aortic arch between subclavian artery and common carotid artery
461624009 Acquired luminal obstruction of aortic arch between left common carotid artery and right common carotid artery
461629004 Right aortic arch branching pattern
46253008 Thrombophlebitis of lower extremities
4641009 Myxedema heart disease
46847001 Chronic pulmonary edema
46935006 Stokes-Adams syndrome
47040006 Disorder of aorta
47058000 Heart transplant with recipient cardiectomy
471268000 Middle aortic syndrome
471274000 Systemic to pulmonary collateral artery contributing to dual lung supply
471851005 Disorder of myocardium associated with rejection of cardiac transplant
471863000 Disorder of myocardium due to sickle cell hemoglobinopathy
472101004 Interruption of aortic arch distal to subclavian artery
472102006 Interruption of aortic arch between subclavian artery and common carotid artery
472103001 Interruption of aortic arch between left common carotid artery and right common carotid artery
472702003 Fetal pulmonary outflow tract obstruction due to twin to twin transfusion syndrome
472703008 Pseudoacardia
472750004 Stenosis of superior vena cava as complication of procedure
472756005 Stenosis of anastomosis between pulmonary venous confluence and left atrium after prior repair of anomalous pulmonary venous connection
472757001 Pulmonary venous hypertension as complication of procedure
472758006 Pulmonary venous hypertension due to compression of pulmonary great vein
472759003 Pulmonary venous hypertension due to compression of pulmonary great vein by sclerosing mediastinitis
472760008 Pulmonary venous hypertension due to compression of pulmonary great vein by lymphadenopathy
472761007 Pulmonary venous hypertension due to compression of pulmonary great vein by neoplasm
472762000 Disorder of right atrium
472763005 Disorder of left atrium
472764004 Disorder of right atrium as complication of procedure
472768001 Obstruction of pulmonary great vein due to compression by right atrial dilatation
472789005 Obstruction of surgically constructed pulmonary venous pathway as complication of procedure
472790001 Pulmonary venous hypertension due to disorder of left heart
472791002 Stenosis of pulmonary great vein as complication of procedure
472820000 Abnormal ventriculoarterial connection with usual origin of left coronary artery from aortic sinus to right of nonfacing aortic sinus and usual origin of right coronary artery from aortic sinus to left of nonfacing aortic sinus
473360003 Thrombus of left atrium
473393007 Congenital occlusion of coronary sinus
47780009 Superficial thrombophlebitis complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium
47800001 Repair of coronary arteriocardiac chamber fistula
48121000 Congenital cardiomegaly
48248005 Thrombophlebitis of inferior sagittal sinus
48431000 Anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery, single
48520006 Congenital atresia of cardiac vein
48601002 Thrombosis of precerebral artery
49436004 Atrial fibrillation
49778009 Idiopathic pulmonary arteriosclerosis
49956009 Antepartum deep phlebothrombosis
50511005 Electronic analysis of dual-chamber internal pacemaker system with reprogramming
50570003 Aneurysm of coronary vessels
50799005 Atrioventricular dissociation
51096002 Legal abortion with pulmonary embolism
51274000 Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities
51310003 Electronic analysis of dual-chamber internal pacemaker system without reprogramming
51677000 Atheroembolism of renal arteries
51789008 Congenital malposition of cardiac apex
52156004 Femoral artery thrombosis
52496006 Thrombophlebitis of femoropopliteal vein
52535005 Chronic constrictive pericarditis
52757001 Congenital supravalvular pulmonary stenosis
52931009 Thrombosed internal hemorrhoids
5370000 Atrial flutter
53741008 Coronary arteriosclerosis
54160000 Congenital aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva
54636000 Cardiomyopexy
54682008 Congenital hypoplasia of pulmonary artery
54687002 Arterial embolism
54866009 Initial implantation of cardiac single-chamber device
54974006 Insertion of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrodes, ventricular
5499009 Pulmonary hypertensive venous disease
55455004 Revision of pacemaker electrode leads
55589000 Illegal abortion with pulmonary embolism
56265001 Heart disease
56272000 Postpartum deep phlebothrombosis
56970000 Central shunt with prosthetic graft
5726007 Removal of epicardial electrodes
57297009 Implantation of electrode into cardiac atrium and ventricle, replacement
57809008 Myocardial disease
57834008 Pulmonary artery thrombosis
58123006 Failed attempted abortion with pulmonary embolism
58211007 Removal of electronic heart device battery
58632007 Repair of cardiac pulse generator
58863009 Initial implantation of cardiac dual-chamber device
59021001 Angina decubitus
59047005 Aortointestinal fistula
59218006 Temporary transcutaneous pacing
59282003 Pulmonary embolism
59494005 Congenital septal defect of heart
59631007 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
59877000 Congenital anomaly of aorta
60106004 Common arterial trunk and separate origin of pulmonary arteries
60446003 Thyrotoxic heart disease
60787001 Congenital hypoplasia of aortic arch
609480009 Induced termination of pregnancy complicated by pulmonary embolism
60985004 Implantation of cardiac dual-chamber device, replacement
61179004 Cardiac beriberi
61490001 Angina, class I
61612001 Syphilitic aortic incompetence
61959006 Common truncus arteriosus
62067003 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
62583006 Puerperal phlegmasia alba dolens
62881002 Removal of cardiac pacemaker
63247009 Williams syndrome
63739005 Coronary occlusion
63795001 Thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus of pregnancy AND/OR puerperium
63934006 Overriding aorta
64156001 Thrombophlebitis
64715009 Hypertensive heart disease
64775002 Vertebral artery thrombosis
64862009 Congenital rhabdomyoma of heart
65084004 Vertebral artery embolism
651000119108 Acute deep vein thrombosis of lower limb
65198009 Arterial thrombosis
65219008 Subcutaneous implantation of cardiac pacemaker
65340007 Aneurysm of heart
65861005 Excision of aneurysm of coronary artery
65936006 Repositioning of cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator
66189004 Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
66403007 Vascular ring of aorta
66595008 Drug-related myocardial necrosis syndrome
66620003 Hyaline necrosis of aorta
66718009 Check artificial pacemaker by slew rate check
66816004 Implantation of cardiac temporary transvenous pacemaker system during and immediately following cardiac surgery
66858001 Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage to superior vena cava
66877004 Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
66923004 Phlegmasia alba dolens
67166004 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft
67362008 Aortic aneurysm
67486009 Postpartum pelvic thrombophlebitis
67682002 Coronary artery atheroma
677801000119100 Cholesterol retinal embolus of left eye
677811000119102 Cholesterol retinal embolus of right eye
680841000119109 Cholesterol embolus of retinal artery of bilateral eyes
68092007 Anomalous origin of pulmonary artery
682004 Thrombosis complicating pregnancy AND/OR puerperium
68237008 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
68478007 Central retinal vein occlusion
68667005 Insertion of permanent transvenous electrodes
690491000119104 History of cardiomyopathy
690791000119107 Penetrating ulcer of aorta
69158002 Intra-atrial pacing
69357003 Pulmonary thrombosis
697896007 Precapillary pulmonary hypertension
697897003 Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension
697898008 Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
697899000 Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension due to bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II mutation
697900005 Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension due to activin A receptor type II-like kinase 1 or endoglin mutation
697901009 Pulmonary arterial hypertension caused by toxin
697902002 Associated pulmonary arterial hypertension
697903007 Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with connective tissue disease
697904001 Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection
697905000 Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease
697906004 Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital systemic-to-pulmonary shunt
697907008 Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with schistosomiasis
697908003 Pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with chronic hemolytic anemia
697909006 Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and/or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
697910001 Pulmonary hypertension due to lung disease and/or hypoxia
697911002 Pulmonary hypertension due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
697912009 Pulmonary hypertension due to interstitial lung disease
697913004 Pulmonary hypertension due to pulmonary disease with mixed restrictive and obstructive pattern
697914005 Pulmonary hypertension due to sleep-disordered breathing
697915006 Pulmonary hypertension due to alveolar hypoventilation disorder
697916007 Pulmonary hypertension due to developmental abnormality of the lung
697917003 Pulmonary hypertension due to hematological disorder
697918008 Pulmonary hypertension due to myeloproliferative disorder
697919000 Pulmonary hypertension due to post-splenectomy hematological disorder
697920006 Pulmonary hypertension in systemic disorder
697921005 Pulmonary hypertension in sarcoidosis
697922003 Pulmonary hypertension in Langerhans cell histiocytosis
697923008 Pulmonary hypertension in lymphangioleiomyomatosis
697924002 Pulmonary hypertension in neurofibromatosis
697925001 Pulmonary hypertension due to systolic systemic ventricular dysfunction
697926000 Pulmonary hypertension due to diastolic systemic ventricular dysfunction
697927009 Pulmonary hypertension due to left-sided valvular heart disease
697928004 Pulmonary venous hypertension due to congenital stenosis of pulmonary vein
698270004 Cardiac arrhythmia associated with genetic disorder
698272007 Short QT syndrome
698593009 History of non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
698627005 Postoperative phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses
698816006 Chronic occlusion of artery of extremity
699123000 Removal of single-chamber cardiac pacemaker with replacement by dual-chamber cardiac pacemaker
699125007 Insertion of programmable cardiac pacemaker
699135001 Implantation of cardiac defibrillator lead
699136000 Insertion of pulse generator of implantable cardioverter defibrillator
699256006 Timothy syndrome type 1
699280005 Repair of aortic root
699297004 Blepharophimosis-intellectual disability syndrome Maat-Kievit-Brunner type
699298009 Blepharophimosis-mental retardation syndrome, Say-Barber-Biesecker-Young-Simpson type
699300009 Oculofaciocardiodental syndrome
699352005 Repair of ascending aorta
69954004 Thrombophlebitis of breast
699706000 Embolism of middle cerebral artery
699748007 Cardiorespiratory arrest with successful resuscitation
70195006 Congenital anomaly of superior vena cava
702374000 Neonatal noninfectious cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
703073006 Cardiac pacemaker procedure using fluoroscopic guidance
703158007 Embolism of internal auditory artery
703162001 Bradycardic cardiac arrest
703214003 Silent coronary vasospastic disease
703243006 Acquired aneurysm of pulmonary artery
703244000 Acquired stenosis of left pulmonary artery
703245004 Acquired stenosis of right pulmonary artery
703246003 Acquired pulmonary venous obstruction
703258003 Acquired pulmonary trunk stenosis
703277001 Deep venous thrombosis of femoropopliteal vein
703307003 Acquired abnormality of pulmonary arterial tree
703308008 Acquired dissection of pulmonary artery
703355003 Pulmonary hypertension due to vasculitis
703357006 Acquired discontinuity of pulmonary arteries
703385008 Anomalous origin of pulmonary artery from ascending aorta
703636009 Pulmonary oil microembolism
704115002 Revision of cardiac pacemaker electrode using fluoroscopic guidance
705129007 Thrombosis of middle cerebral artery
70573000 Insertion of pacemaker pulse generator
70589002 Removal of epicardial electrodes with replacement of epicardial lead
70602002 Pseudocoarctation of aorta
70607008 Thrombosis of superior sagittal sinus
706870000 Acute pulmonary embolism
706923002 Longstanding persistent atrial fibrillation
707200002 Descending aorta anterior and same side as azygos vein with absent inferior vena cava
707371002 Congenital stenosis of left pulmonary artery
707372009 Congenital stenosis of right pulmonary artery
707437005 Pulmonary capillaritis
707476006 Stenosis of right pulmonary artery as complication of procedure
707477002 Stenosis of left pulmonary artery as complication of procedure
707478007 Pulmonary trunk stenosis as complication of procedure
707665002 Pulmonary arterial tree abnormality as complication of procedure
707667005 Obstruction of pulmonary vein as complication of procedure
707668000 Pulmonary vein abnormality as complication of procedure
707828002 Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of coronary artery
708966001 Percutaneous removal of cardiac pacemaker electrode
70933002 Aortitis
709584004 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of lower limb
709585003 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft of lower limb
709587006 Atherosclerosis of autologous bypass graft of lower limb
709597002 Acute thrombosis of superficial vein of lower limb
709602009 Chronic thrombosis of superficial vein of lower limb
709687000 Chronic deep vein thrombosis of pelvic vein
70995007 Pulmonary hypertension
710167004 Recurrent deep vein thrombosis
711166001 Removal of implantable cardiac pacemaker
712578006 Aneurysm of aortic arch
712866001 Resting ischemia co-occurrent and due to ischemic heart disease
713029000 Dissection of thoracoabdominal aorta
713030005 Chronic dissection of thoracic aorta
713044004 Removal of cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
713078005 Pulmonary embolism on long-term anticoagulation therapy
713405002 Subacute ischemic heart disease
713419002 Intraoperative cardiorespiratory arrest
713689002 Repair of coronary artery
713825007 Renal artery stenosis of transplanted kidney
71444005 Cerebral arterial thrombosis
715364001 Familial abdominal aortic aneurysm
715395008 Familial atrial fibrillation
715765002 Resection of ascending thoracic aorta using prosthetic graft with cardiopulmonary bypass
715987000 Congenital heart defect with round face and developmental delay syndrome
716050002 Cardiac arrest during surgery
716740009 Potter sequence cleft lip and palate cardiopathy syndrome
7169009 Congenital supravalvular aortic stenosis
71719003 Thrombophlebitis of retinal vein
717859007 Hydrocephalus, cardiac malformation, dense bone syndrome
717943008 Brain malformation, congenital heart disease, postaxial polydactyly syndrome
718212006 Mitochondrial encephalocardiomyopathy due to transmembrane protein 70 mutation
718216009 Partial defect of atrioventricular canal
718556007 Cranio-cerebello-cardiac dysplasia syndrome
718681002 Oro-facial digital syndrome type 11
71908006 Ventricular fibrillation
71932004 Cardiac dilatation
719379001 Microcephalus with cardiac defect and lung malsegmentation syndrome
719395001 Microcephalus facio-cardio-skeletal syndrome Hadziselimovic type
719400000 Lethal faciocardiomelic dysplasia
719456001 Cleft lip and cleft palate with intestinal malrotation and cardiopathy syndrome
719907006 Timothy syndrome type 2
720448006 Typical atrial flutter
720567008 Bosley Salih Alorainy syndrome
720575002 Braddock syndrome
720605009 Cardiac anomaly and heterotaxy syndrome
720606005 Cardiocranial syndrome Pfeiffer type
720639008 Coloboma, congenital heart disease, ichthyosiform dermatosis, intellectual disability ear anomaly syndrome
721009008 Heart defect and limb shortening syndrome
721015008 Hydrocephalus with endocardial fibroelastosis and cataract syndrome
721073008 Short stature with webbed neck and congenital heart disease syndrome
721238001 Acquired anomaly of pulmonary artery
721976003 Lung agenesis with heart defect and thumb anomaly syndrome
722006004 Isotretinoin embryopathy-like syndrome
722027009 Kallman syndrome with heart disease
722051004 Obesity, colitis, hypothyroidism, cardiac hypertrophy, developmental delay syndrome
722206009 Pancreatic hypoplasia, diabetes mellitus, congenital heart disease syndrome
72242008 Postductal coarctation of aorta
722461004 Meacham syndrome
72252007 Congenital hypoplasia of cardiac vein
722919003 Neonatal cardiac failure due to decreased left ventricular output
722930000 Neonatal thrombosis of cerebral venous sinus
723304001 Microcephaly, seizure, intellectual disability, heart disease syndrome
723333000 Faciocardiorenal syndrome
723859005 Pulmonary embolism due to and following acute myocardial infarction
723860000 Arrhythmia due to and following acute myocardial infarction
723866006 Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation not Brugada type
723867002 Coarctation of aortic arch
723871004 Acute occlusion of aortoiliac artery due to thrombosis
723872006 Acute occlusion of artery of lower limb due to thrombosis
723874007 Arterial obstruction due to nonthrombotic embolism from heart
724066002 Polysyndactyly and cardiac malformation syndrome
724208006 Keutel syndrome
724435004 Congenital anomaly of descending thoracic aorta
724436003 Congenital anomaly of abdominal aorta
724437007 Compression of trachea and esophagus co-occurrent and due to congenital anomaly of aortic arch
724440007 Atherosclerosis of artery of lower limb
724441006 Non-atherosclerotic chronic arterial occlusive disease
724442004 Dissection of ascending aorta and aortic arch
724550005 Neonatal cardiac failure due to pulmonary overperfusion
726011000 Placement of stent in coronary artery bypass graft
726083008 Congenital sacral meningocele with conotruncal heart defect syndrome
726571000000105 Absent right sided atrioventricular connection with straddling valve
726581000000107 Absent left sided atrioventricular connection with straddling valve
726704006 Cataract, congenital heart disease, neural tube defect syndrome
727151000000108 Right superior vena cava connecting to coronary sinus and right sided atrium
727161000000106 Right superior vena cava connecting to coronary sinus and left sided atrium
727221000000107 Left superior vena cava persisting to coronary sinus and right atrium
727801000000102 Congenital pulmonary venous confluence in vertical orientation
727811000000100 Congenital pulmonary venous confluence in horizontal orientation
727821000000106 Congenital pulmonary venous confluence in direct proximity to left atrium
727831000000108 Congenital pulmonary venous confluence remote from left atrium
728371000000102 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium
728381000000100 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium with pulmonary venous chamber communication
728391000000103 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium with pulmonary venous chamber communication to right atrium
728401000000100 Divided left atrium with all pulmonary veins to proximal chamber draining to left atrium with pulmonary venous chamber extracardiac communication
728851000000102 Retro-aortic brachiocephalic vein
728911000000108 Azygos continuation of inferior vena cava to left superior vena cava
72930009 Superficial migratory thrombophlebitis
7305005 Coarctation of aorta
73067008 Ruptured aortic aneurysm
732230001 Dissection of coronary artery
733127007 Acute occlusion of artery of upper limb caused by thrombus
733325006 Combined occlusion by thrombus of retinal artery and retinal vein
733454004 Long thumb brachydactyly syndrome
733491005 Carney complex
734374000 Thrombosis of left carotid artery
734382000 Thrombosis of right carotid artery
734383005 Thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery
734384004 Thrombosis of right middle cerebral artery
734959006 Embolus of left cerebellar artery
734960001 Embolus of right cerebellar artery
734961002 Embolus of left posterior cerebral artery
734963004 Embolus of right posterior cerebral artery
734964005 Embolus of left middle cerebral artery
734965006 Embolus of right middle cerebral artery
735567001 Perforation of pulmonary artery co-occurrent and due to aneurysm of pulmonary artery
735568006 Rupture of pulmonary artery co-occurrent and due to aneurysm of pulmonary artery
735572005 Acute occlusion of artery of upper limb
735573000 Acute aortoiliac occlusion
735574006 Acute occlusion of artery of lower limb
735575007 Perforation of thoracic aorta co-occurrent and due to aneurysm of thoracic aorta
735576008 Perforation of abdominal aorta co-occurrent and due to aneurysm of abdominal aorta
735577004 Perforation of thoracoabdominal aorta co-occurrent and due to aneurysm of thoracoabdominal aorta
736700005 Revision of internal cardiac defibrillator lead using fluoroscopic guidance
736702002 Revision of biventricular permanent pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance
736962007 Bypass of four or more coronary arteries with prosthesis
736963002 Bypass of one coronary artery with prosthesis
736964008 Bypass of three coronary arteries with prosthesis
736965009 Bypass of two coronary arteries with prosthesis
736966005 Aortocoronary artery bypass of four or more coronary arteries with saphenous vein graft
736967001 Aortocoronary artery bypass of one coronary artery with saphenous vein graft
736968006 Aortocoronary artery bypass of three coronary arteries with saphenous vein graft
736969003 Aortocoronary artery bypass of two coronary arteries with saphenous vein graft
736970002 Allograft bypass of four or more coronary arteries
736971003 Allograft bypass of one coronary artery
736972005 Allograft bypass of three coronary arteries
736973000 Allograft bypass of two coronary arteries
73699003 Common arterial trunk and common origin of pulmonary arteries
737011002 Revision of cardiac biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead using fluoroscopic guidance
737155005 Congenital anomaly of atrioventricular valve
737157002 False aneurysm of aorta due to and following procedure
737158007 Aneurysm of aorta due to and following procedure
73774007 Subacute bacterial endocarditis
7387004 Thrombophlebitis of tibial vein
739024006 Transplanted heart present
739025007 Transplanted heart-lung present
74034002 Isolated dextrocardia
74315008 Pulmonary microemboli
74371005 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, two grafts
7438000 Congenital atresia of aorta
74561007 Kommerell's diverticulum
74883004 Thoracic aortic aneurysm without rupture
74908007 Congenital absence of inferior vena cava
75145007 Stricture of aorta
75403004 Cardiac sarcoidosis
75543006 Cerebral embolism
75761004 Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
75878002 Abdominal aortic aneurysm without rupture
75955007 Thrombosed hemorrhoids
762250009 Congenital anomaly of great vessel
762252001 Common arterial trunk with aortic dominance
762253006 Common arterial trunk with pulmonary dominance co-occurrent with interrupted aortic arch
762255004 Thrombus of chamber of heart
762256003 Thrombosis of iliac vein
762433009 Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia co-occurrent with systemic-to-pulmonary collateral artery
762629007 Occlusion of right middle cerebral artery by embolus
762630002 Occlusion of left middle cerebral artery by embolus
762632005 Occlusion of left cerebellar artery by embolus
762633000 Occlusion of right cerebellar artery by embolus
762651004 Occlusion of right posterior cerebral artery by embolus
762652006 Occlusion of left posterior cerebral artery by embolus
76267008 Pulmonary valve disorder
763279007 Facial dysmorphism, conductive hearing loss, heart defect syndrome
763316006 Congenital patent ductus arteriosus aneurysm
763343001 Intraoperative insertion of cardiac pacemaker
763615003 Aortic arch anomaly, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability syndrome
763725002 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coronary artery using drug eluting balloon catheter
763834000 Oro-facial digital syndrome type 12
763835004 Oro-facial digital syndrome type 13
764452004 Retinal arterial macroaneurysm with supravalvular pulmonic stenosis
764457005 Cardiac arrhythmia ankyrin-B related
764521002 Encircling double aortic arch
764697003 Verloove Vanhorick Brubakk syndrome
764965000 Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection
76598006 Thrombosis of penile vein
766751007 Neuhauser anomaly
766881008 Carney complex, trismus, pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
767309006 Double aortic arch with dominant left arch and hypoplasia of right arch
767311002 Double aortic arch with dominant right arch and hypoplasia of left arch
76846002 Pulmonary endarteritis
770111009 Thrombophlebitis of dorsal venous arch of foot
770432008 Ectasia of left atrial appendage
771348000 Repair of supravalvar aortic stenosis
77326008 Removal of pacemaker electrode leads without replacement
773587008 X-linked intellectual disability, cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure syndrome
773749003 Genitopalatocardiac syndrome
77453006 Revision of permanent cardiac pacemaker device
776416004 Hyperuricemia, pulmonary hypertension, renal failure, alkalosis syndrome
77788005 Vasomotor acroparesthesia
77892009 Pulmonary venous thrombosis
77978002 Persistent left superior vena cava
77996006 Induction of arrhythmia by electrical pacing
78069008 Chronic rheumatic pericarditis
781065009 Transposition of inferior vena cava
781159007 Congenital levorotation of heart
78250005 Ectopia cordis
782724001 Multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome
783738002 Heart defect, tongue hamartoma, polysyndactyly syndrome
78381004 Heart disease in mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth AND/OR puerperium
784162006 Implantation of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
784163001 Implantation of cardiac biventricular permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
784266000 History of heart-lung transplant recipient
784353002 Pulmonary valve agenesis, intact ventricular septum, persistent ductus arteriosus syndrome
78485007 Acyanotic congenital heart disease
789036001 Rheumatic aortitis
789690008 Malignant lymphomatoid granulomatosis of lung
792844003 Limb pain at rest due to atherosclerosis of artery of lower limb
7931000119101 Anterior choroidal artery thrombosis
79439001 Congenital anomaly of aortic arch
7991000119102 Congenital dilatation of aortic root
8001000119106 Atherosclerosis of aortoiliac bypass graft
80235008 Hepatic artery embolism
80383008 Embolism of iliac artery
80606009 Carotid artery embolism
8072003 Replacement of pacemaker device with single-chamber device, not specified as rate-responsive
80762004 Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels
81220003 Artificial pacemaker rate check
81577001 Congenital anomaly of inferior vena cava
8166000 Thrombophlebitis of basilar sinus
81817003 Atherosclerosis of aorta
8186001 Cardiomegaly
82153002 Miscarriage with pulmonary embolism
82247006 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, five grafts
822501000000101 Endoscopic robot assisted coronary artery bypass
82367000 Aneurysmectomy of ascending aorta with anastomosis
82385007 Budd-Chiari syndrome
8239009 Primary endocardial fibroelastosis
824031000000109 Leaking thoracic aortic aneurysm
82453008 Thrombosis of iliac artery
8254003 Endomyocardial disease
82608003 Atrial dilatation
827163002 Early postmyocardial infarction pericarditis
827164008 Delayed postmyocardial infarction pericarditis
83333004 Creation of cardiac pacemaker pocket new site in subcutaneous tissue
83393002 Relocation of automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator
83799000 Corrected transposition of great vessels
838364007 Aortic aneurysm due to Loeys-Dietz syndrome
83883001 Cardiovascular syphilis
83916000 Postpartum thrombophlebitis
83938003 Thrombosis of vena cava
83940008 Hepatic artery thrombosis
840306007 Mild pulmonary hypertension
840307003 Moderate pulmonary hypertension
840308008 Severe pulmonary hypertension
840580004 Peripheral arterial disease
840713005 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of iliac vein
840961000000108 Thrombosis of stent of renal artery
84183007 Electronic analysis of internal pacemaker system, complete
842041000000107 Occlusion of radial artery
842061000000108 Occlusion of brachial artery
842081000000104 Occlusion of ulnar artery
842141000000108 Occlusion of dorsalis pedis artery
84216001 Cerebral venous thrombosis of pregnancy AND/OR puerperium
84272007 Thrombosis of abdominal aorta
842721000000102 Occlusion of anterior tibial artery
842741000000109 Occlusion of posterior tibial artery
85053006 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels
85081000 Common arterial trunk and widely separate origin of pulmonary arteries
85284003 Angina, class III
853611000000106 Laser sheath removal of cardiac pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance
854941000000100 Insertion of permanent biventricular pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance
854951000000102 Insertion of biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead using fluoroscopic guidance
85503007 Grafting of omentum to myocardium
85898001 Cardiomyopathy
86003009 Carotid artery thrombosis
860680001 Pulmonary embolism due to and following ectopic pregnancy
860681002 Pulmonary embolism due to and following molar pregnancy
860699005 Deep vein thrombosis of lower extremity due to intravenous drug use
86252004 Agenesis of pulmonary artery
864191000000104 Thrombosis of internal jugular vein
864211000000100 Thrombosis of external jugular vein
868227005 Coronary artery bypass grafting using radial artery graft
868228000 Coronary artery bypass grafting using gastroepiploic artery graft
868230003 Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft
868231004 Coronary artery bypass grafting using free left internal thoracic artery graft
868245005 Percutaneous coronary intervention of left coronary artery
868246006 Percutaneous coronary intervention of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery
868247002 Percutaneous coronary intervention of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
868248007 Percutaneous coronary intervention of right coronary artery
86885004 Repair of pacemaker electrodes
870255009 Cardiac resynchronization therapy
870323006 Obstructed anomalous pulmonary venous pathway
870574002 Adaptive-rate cardiac pacing
870743002 Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to coronary artery
870744008 Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to coronary artery
871496000 Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to coronary artery
871497009 Sequential anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to coronary artery
871498004 Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery to coronary artery
871536000 Aneurysm of pararenal aorta
871578006 Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels following superior cavopulmonary anastomosis
871580000 Arteriovenous malformation of pulmonary vessels following cavopulmonary anastomosis
871596002 Residual patency of arterial duct following patent ductus arteriosus repair
871614007 Abnormal intrapericardial course of great arteries
871637001 Thrombosis of multiple cerebral veins
871647003 Common arterial trunk with pulmonary dominance
871650000 Common arterial trunk with pulmonary dominance and aortic coarctation
871661008 Aneurysm of aorta at coarctation site following procedure
871662001 Dissection of aorta at coarctation site following procedure
871663006 Disorder of aorta due to and following correction of congenital heart anomaly
871664000 Stenosis of aortic arch following procedure
871665004 Acquired dilatation of ascending aorta and aortic root
871667007 Disorder of ascending aorta due to conotruncal malformation
871669005 Acquired abnormality of aorta due to congenital heart anomaly
871671005 Acquired stenosis of supravalvar area
8722008 Aortic valve disorder
87239004 Popliteal artery thrombosis
87394009 Episodic pulmonary hypertension
88174006 Basilar artery thrombosis
88223008 Secondary pulmonary hypertension
88553002 Removal of cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator without replacement
8876004 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with prosthesis
88922007 Thrombosis of basilar sinus
89135007 Thromboarteritis
89297009 Replacement of temporary transvenous pacemaker system
89323001 Angina, class IV
89420002 Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
89511008 Check artificial pacemaker for voltage threshold
89980009 Thrombosis of cavernous venous sinus
90154003 Papillary muscle disorder
90205004 Cardiac revascularization with bypass anastomosis
90383006 Congenital absence of aorta
90453003 Chronic rheumatic mediastinopericarditis
90487008 Aortocoronary bypass of two coronary arteries
90543002 Replacement of electronic heart device, transvenous electrode
9058002 Duodenoaortic fistula
906071000000100 Insertion of cardiac single chamber permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance
9061001 Check artificial pacemaker
90958004 Thrombosis of arteries of lower extremity
9106006 Intraoperative cardiac pacing and mapping
91335003 Mural thrombus of heart
91338001 Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, single vessel
91592003 Closure of fistula of sinus of Valsalva
93031005 Congenital atresia of inferior vena cava
93033008 Congenital atresia of superior vena cava
93050005 Congenital dilatation of aortic arch
93051009 Congenital dilatation of atrium
93055000 Congenital dilatation of ductus arteriosus
93056004 Congenital dilatation of inferior vena cava
93059006 Congenital dilatation of pulmonary artery
93062009 Congenital dilatation of superior vena cava
93064005 Congenital duplication of aorta
93262004 Congenital hypoplasia of heart
93305002 Congenital malposition of aorta
93318005 Congenital malposition of ductus arteriosus
93328001 Congenital malposition of inferior vena cava
93347003 Congenital malposition of pulmonary artery
93354009 Congenital malposition of superior vena cava
93384001 Congenital stenosis of aortic arch
93388003 Congenital stenosis of subclavian artery
936451000000108 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of drug eluting stent into coronary artery
93778001 Primary malignant neoplasm of endocardium
93914000 Primary malignant neoplasm of myocardium
94278009 Secondary malignant neoplasm of endocardium
94433008 Secondary malignant neoplasm of myocardium
94702005 Multiple congenital cardiac defects
94703000 Multiple intracardiac shunts
95234008 Retroesophageal aortic arch
95236005 Retroesophageal pulmonary artery
95242009 Right-sided pulmonary arterial trunk
95437004 Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
95440004 Atrial septal aneurysm
95441000 Pulmonary artery stenosis
95445009 Thrombophlebitis of vena cava
95446005 Thrombosis of mesenteric vein
95447001 Thrombophlebitis of mesenteric vein
95448006 Thrombosis of pelvic vein
95449003 Thrombophlebitis of pelvic vein
95450003 Thrombophlebitis of upper extremities
95451004 Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of upper extremities
95452006 Thrombophlebitis of deep veins of upper extremities
95455008 Thrombosis of cerebral veins
95459002 Cerebellar artery thrombosis
95461006 Thrombophlebitis of cerebral vein
95579008 Thrombosis of renal artery
95580006 Renal artery embolism
95620003 Thrombophlebitis of the newborn
95838002 Pulmonary cyanosis
978421000000101 Unprovoked deep vein thrombosis
978441000000108 Provoked deep vein thrombosis
985961000000104 Isolated aortitis
998008 Chagas' disease with heart involvement

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.