symptoms colorectal cancer

Codelist metadata

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PHC, University of Oxford

Codelist ID


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No metadata has been provided for this codelist.

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

Acute abdomen(9209005)
Anemia due to chronic blood loss(413533008)
â””Normocytic anemia due to chronic blood loss(234352004)
Fecal impaction(44635007)
Iron deficiency anemia(87522002)
├Acquired iron deficiency anemia due to decreased absorption(724557008)
├Acquired iron deficiency anemia due to increased iron requirement(717948004)
├Iron deficiency anemia due to blood loss(724556004)
├Iron deficiency anemia due to dietary causes(191128004)
├Iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy(199248002)
├Iron deficiency anemia secondary to inadequate dietary iron intake(371315009)
├Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia(722005000)
├Plummer-Vinson syndrome(80126007)
â””Sideropenic anemia with reticuloendothelial siderosis(290246007)
Rectal hemorrhage(12063002)
├Acute hemorrhagic ulcer of rectum(721690003)
├Hemorrhage of rectum and anus(266464001)
├Hemorrhagic proctitis(981008)
├Neonatal rectal hemorrhage(206425006)
├Perinatal rectal hemorrhage(206408009)
├Rectal hematoma(262876009)
├Rectal hemorrhage due to Crohn's disease(1085941000119104)
│├Rectal hemorrhage due to Crohn's disease of large intestine(1085791000119105)
│└Rectal hemorrhage due to Crohn's disease of small intestine(1085891000119100)
│ └Rectal hemorrhage due to Crohn's disease of small and large intestines(1085841000119108)
├Rectal hemorrhage due to chronic ulcerative proctitis(1085221000119103)
├Rectal hemorrhage due to inflammatory polyps of colon(1085431000119101)
â””Rectal hemorrhage due to ulcerative colitis(1092881000119105)
Abdominal bloating(116289008)
├Bloating symptom(248490000)
â””Functional bloating(722879009)
Abdominal distension symptom(162068007)
Abdominal mass(271860004)
├Abdominal abscess(75100008)
├Central abdominal mass(404200001)
├Cyst of abdomen(446064000)
├Defined border of mass of abdomen(827111009)
├Gallbladder mass(138561000119104)
├Granuloma of intestine(83976009)
├Hamartoma of intestine(254594009)
├Hard mass of abdomen(827114001)
├Hemangioma of intra-abdominal structure(189197001)
├Hemangioma of peritoneum(449174000)
├Iliac fossa abdominal mass(307134002)
├Intra-abdominal hematoma(235999009)
├Irregular shape of mass of abdomen(827123003)
├Liver mass(300332007)
├Mass fills all quadrants of abdomen(827119006)
├Mass fills less than one quadrant of abdomen(827120000)
├Mass fills one quadrant of abdomen(827116004)
├Mass fills two quadrants of abdomen(827118003)
├Mass of abdomen still during respiration(827125005)
├Mass of abdominal cavity structure(448772000)
│├Abscess of Rutherford Morison pouch(235995003)
│├Abscess of abdomen caused by Nocardia(14770001000004107)
│├Abscess of peritoneum(73962000)
│├Ascaris peritoneal granuloma(240865005)
│├Carcinomatosis of peritoneal cavity(255121007)
│├Cyst of peritoneal cavity(54620002)
│├Hematoma of extraperitoneal space(445929002)
│├Intra-abdominal omphalomesenteric duct cyst(1003421003)
│├Intraperitoneal hematoma(236000006)
│├Obstetric pelvic hematoma - delivered with postnatal problem(199996009)
│├Obstetric pelvic hematoma with postnatal problem(199997000)
│└Peritoneal tumor implant present(423473001)
├Mass of abdominal wall(724388006)
│├Abscess of abdominal wall(80437003)
│├Acquired cyst of canal of Nuck(82363001)
│├Anterior abdominal wall mass(314603004)
││├Abscess of paraumbilical region(447045002)
││├Cavernous hemangiomas of face and supraumbilical midline raphe(234140000)
││├Epigastric mass(309082002)
││├Hematoma of extraperitoneal space(445929002)
││├Hematoma of rectus sheath(308154003)
││├Rectus sheath abscess(301769001)
││├Suprapubic abscess(32170001000004105)
││└Umbilical mass(274758007)
││ ├Abscess of umbilicus(63870005)
││ ├Allantoic cyst(17234001)
││ ├Hemangioma of umbilical cord(721544001)
││ ├Hematoma of cord(86256001)
││ ├Malignant melanoma of umbilicus(188055004)
││ ├Neoplasm of skin of umbilicus(126515007)
││ ├Neoplasm of umbilical cord(1010635001)
││ ├Nodule of umbilical structure(448569009)
││ ├Pseudocyst of umbilical cord(1010632003)
││ ├Umbilical adenoma(737359009)
││ └Umbilical polyp(21827002)
│├Congenital cyst of canal of Nuck(54176009)
│├Hemangioma of abdominal wall(449257006)
│├Hematoma of abdominal wall(447096000)
│├Mass of skin of abdomen(10677831000119104)
│├Mass of subcutaneous tissue of abdominal wall(10683391000119107)
│└Neoplasm of abdominal wall(448707007)
├Mass of appendix(235771005)
├Mass of colon(425711007)
├Mass of duodenum(427702008)
├Mass of left lower quadrant of abdomen(827121001)
├Mass of retroperitoneal structure(69559004)
├Mass of spleen(50081000119107)
├Mass of stomach(300297002)
├Mass of urinary bladder(428090004)
├Mass of uterine adnexa(445039006)
├Mass of uterus(129801000119109)
├Movement of mass of abdomen on respiration(827124009)
├Neoplasm of abdomen(128050000)
├Peritoneal granuloma(75965001)
├Peritoneal pseudocyst(236012005)
├Polyp of intestine(254588001)
├Prostate mass(309089006)
├Pulsatile mass of abdomen(2981001)
├Rectal mass(248523006)
├Regular shape of mass of abdomen(827122008)
├Soft mass of abdomen(827110005)
├Ureteric polyp(197821004)
â””Visible abdominal mass(300404004)
Abdominal muscle pain(28221000119103)
Abdominal pain(21522001)
├Abdominal colic(9991008)
│├Abdominal colic in adult or child greater than 12 months(137891000119105)
│├Abdominal colic in child less than or equal to 12 months(136051000119105)
│├Adult colic(136571000119109)
│├Appendicular colic(196791007)
│├Biliary colic(37389005)
│├Colicky hypogastric pain(371094000)
│├Generalized colicky abdominal pain(371102005)
│└Infantile colic(35363006)
│ └Evening colic(247361008)
├Abdominal migraine(75879005)
├Abdominal migraine - symptom(162040008)
├Abdominal pain - cause unknown(314212008)
├Abdominal pain in pregnancy(309737007)
├Abdominal pain through to back(74704000)
├Abdominal pain worse on motion(71850005)
├Abdominal wall pain(162042000)
│└Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome(230648001)
├Abdominal wind pain(45979003)
│└Flatulence, eructation and gas pain(271832001)
├Acute abdominal pain(116290004)
├Appendicular pain(275406005)
├Bladder pain(15803009)
├Central abdominal pain(162046002)
├Chronic abdominal pain(111985007)
├Flank pain(247355005)
├Functional abdominal pain syndrome(449890002)
├Functional heartburn(722876002)
├Gallbladder pain(102628000)
├Generalized abdominal pain(102614006)
├Left sided abdominal pain(285387005)
│├Left hypochondrial pain(301368006)
│├Left lower quadrant pain(301716002)
│├Left upper quadrant pain(301715003)
│└Pain in left abdominal lumbar region(1119218004)
├Liver pain(102626001)
├Localized abdominal pain(102613000)
├Loin pain(271857006)
├Lower abdominal pain(54586004)
├Non-colicky abdominal pain(162038003)
├Nonspecific abdominal pain(304542004)
├Ovarian pain(279028009)
├Pain during inflow of dialysate(236554001)
├Pain during outflow of dialysate(236555000)
├Pain in abdominal region on palpation(838411007)
│└Pain in epigastric region on palpation(838410008)
├Pain in round ligament in pregnancy(10760581000119104)
├Pain of uterus(289669005)
├Pain on abdominal wall movement(247362001)
├Painful spasm of anus(62647006)
├Pancreatic pain(102631004)
├Pelvic congestion syndrome(39402007)
├Prostatic pain(36729000)
├Rectal pain(77880009)
│├Painful rectal bleeding(414991007)
│└Rectal tenesmus(6548007)
├Recurrent abdominal pain(439469002)
├Renal pain(274279008)
├Right sided abdominal pain(285388000)
│├Pain in right abdominal lumbar region(1119217009)
│├Right hypochondrial pain(301367001)
│├Right lower quadrant pain(301754002)
│└Right upper quadrant pain(301717006)
├Site of abdominal pain(247353003)
├Stomach ache(271681002)
├Upper abdominal pain(83132003)
├Ureteric pain(274280006)
â””Visceral abdominal pain(438506002)
Abdominal rigidity(72300008)
Abdominal tenderness(43478001)
├Adnexal tenderness(297123002)
├Bladder tender(300459000)
├Cervix tender(289815006)
├Gallbladder tender(300348008)
├Generalized abdominal tenderness(440220007)
├Kidney tender(300446008)
├Liver tender(102627005)
├Prostate tender(300535008)
├Rebound tenderness(35611005)
├Spleen tender(300566002)
├Tender body of uterus(289667007)
├Tender scar of gravid uterus(289695007)
├Tenderness of abdomen on percussion(296871000000108)
├Tenderness of central region(301406006)
├Tenderness of left abdominal lumbar region(1119211005)
├Tenderness of left hypochondrium(301405005)
├Tenderness of left lower quadrant of abdomen(439774009)
├Tenderness of left upper quadrant of abdomen(448660000)
├Tenderness of right abdominal lumbar region(1119212003)
├Tenderness of right hypochondrium(301404009)
├Tenderness of right lower quadrant of abdomen(448661001)
â””Tenderness of right upper quadrant of abdomen(448265002)
Abnormal weight loss(267024001)
├Abnormal intentional weight loss(430237002)
├Abnormal weight loss associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome(421695000)
├Unexplained weight loss(422868009)
â””Unintentional weight loss(448765001)
Alteration in bowel elimination: constipation(58230007)
Altered bowel function(88111009)
│├Acute constipation(197119006)
│├Chronic constipation(236069009)
│├Constipation - functional(197118003)
│├Constipation alternates with diarrhea(249517009)
│├Constipation due to atony of colon(432414001)
│├Constipation due to neurogenic bowel(432994008)
│├Constipation due to outlet obstruction(85920003)
││└Constipation due to pelvic floor outlet obstruction(202161000119104)
│├Constipation due to spasm of colon(430097009)
│├Drug-induced constipation(21782001)
│├Irritable bowel syndrome characterized by constipation(440630006)
│├Irritable bowel syndrome variant of childhood with constipation(235840008)
│├Perceived constipation(129585003)
│├Simple constipation(236070005)
│├Slow transit constipation(35298007)
│└Therapeutic opioid induced constipation(136801000119102)
├Constipation alternates with diarrhea(249517009)
├Diarrhea and vomiting(249519007)
├Diarrhea symptom(267060006)
├Diarrheal disorder(128333008)
│├Acute diarrhea(409966000)
│├Antibiotic-associated diarrhea(301469002)
│├Brainerd diarrhea(425739008)
│├Chronic constipation with overflow(31499008)
│├Chronic diarrhea(236071009)
│├Diarrhea after gastrointestinal tract surgery(197132001)
│├Diarrhea caused by drug(428867008)
│├Diarrhea co-occurrent and due to carcinoid syndrome(734884008)
│├Diarrhea in pregnancy(11718971000119100)
│├Diarrhea of presumed infectious origin(43240000)
│├Diarrheic shellfish poisoning(95879001)
│├Hemorrhagic diarrhea(95545007)
││└Infectious haemorrhagic diarrhoea(821491000000101)
│├Infectious diarrheal disease(19213003)
│├Inflammatory diarrhea(95544006)
││└Dysenteric diarrhea(46799006)
│├Irritable bowel syndrome variant of childhood with diarrhea(235839006)
│├Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea(197125005)
│├Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea(2919008)
│├Neonatal diarrhea(268850004)
│├Nervous diarrhea(11003002)
│├Non-infective diarrhea(69980003)
││├Allergic diarrhea(49237006)
││├Diarrhea caused by alcohol intake(82047000)
││├Diarrhea due to diabetes mellitus(38205001)
││├Dietetic diarrhea(83134002)
││├Non-infective neonatal diarrhea(721615009)
││├Osmotic diarrhea(2946003)
││├Post-vagotomy diarrhea(236078003)
││└Postcholecystectomy diarrhea(53156005)
│├Psychogenic diarrhea(268651002)
│├Raw-milk associated diarrhea(18168004)
│├Secretory diarrhea(15699003)
││└Congenital secretory diarrhea(25898005)
│└Trichohepatoenteric syndrome(703406006)
├Passage of rice water stools(18425006)
├Postprandial diarrhea(14384003)
├Protracted diarrhea(236077008)
â””Severe diarrhea(409587002)
Cannot face food(249470001)
Complaining of left iliac fossa pain(274278000)
Complaining of loin pain(272047006)
Complaining of right iliac fossa pain(274277005)
Complaining of weight loss(198511000000103)
Decrease in appetite(64379006)
Defecation reflex abnormal - constipated(418013002)
Dullness over mass of abdomen(840332001)
Encopresis with constipation AND overflow incontinence(73149003)
Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump(274719002)
Loose stool(398032003)
Loss of appetite(79890006)
├Functional nausea(762279002)
├Minimal nausea(812681000000102)
├Morning sickness(51885006)
├Motion sickness(37031009)
├Nausea and vomiting(16932000)
│├Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting(18846006)
│├Decreased nausea and vomiting(33841007)
│├Drug-induced nausea and vomiting(419219000)
│├Increased nausea and vomiting(73335002)
│├Intractable nausea and vomiting(698861005)
│├Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea(2919008)
│├Postoperative nausea and vomiting(1488000)
│└Radiation-induced nausea and vomiting(91173007)
├Nausea and vomiting following administration of anesthetic agent(723975009)
â””Postoperative nausea(64581007)
On examination - Per rectum - rectum full of feces(163329000)
On examination - abdominal mass - hard(163292001)
On examination - abdominal mass - lower border defined(163307004)
On examination - abdominal mass - regular shape(163297007)
On examination - abdominal mass - upper border defined(163306008)
On examination - abdominal mass fills abdomen(163283004)
On examination - abdominal mass less than 1 quadrant(163280001)
On examination - abdominal mass movement with respiration(163302005)
On examination - abdominal mass palpated(163278007)
On examination - abdominal mass still with respiration(163303000)
On examination - abdominal mass-very hard(163293006)
On examination - abdominal pain(274287009)
On examination - abdominal pain on palpation(268941000)
On examination - abdominal rigidity(163248003)
On examination - defecation reflex abnormal - constipated(163890000)
On examination - dullness over abdominal mass(163336004)
On examination - guarding on palpation(163224007)
On examination - liver tender(163267004)
On examination - rebound tenderness(163236001)
On examination - tympany over abdominal mass(163335000)
â””On examination - percussion of abdomen - no abnormality detected(163334001)
On examination - uniform abdominal swelling(163203002)
Pain radiating to left flank(426466001)
Pain radiating to lower abdomen(425860006)
Pain radiating to middle abdomen(427668002)
Pain radiating to right flank(425834005)
Pain radiating to upper abdomen(427075000)
Painless rectal bleeding(414992000)
Shoulder pain from abdomen(162039006)
Stomach cramps(51197009)
Uniform abdominal distention(300402000)
Weight decreasing(161832001)
Observable Entity
Site of gastrointestinal tract pain(267050002)
Manual evacuation of feces from rectum(313280002)
Removal of impacted feces(1339004)
Nausea present(162057007)
[Inactive] Disorder
(Psychogenic diarrhoea) or (spurious diarrhoea)(191971009)
Abdominal mass(84454003)
Abdominal pain in pregnancy(199150000)
Anaemia due to chronic blood loss: [iron deficiency] or [normocytic](191127009)
Blood loss anemia(44252001)
Bovine coronoviral diarrhea(407373009)
Chlorotic anemia(191135007)
Coronaviral calf diarrhea(64679001)
Epidemic diarrheal disease of infant mouse(79800001)
Hemorrhage of rectum and anus NOS(571611000000105)
Iron deficiency anaemia due to chronic blood loss(234351006)
Iron deficiency anemia NOS(598461000000107)
Iron deficiency anemia secondary to chronic blood loss(42626004)
Neonatal calf diarrhea(70506007)
Other specified constipation(660811000000104)
Other specified iron deficiency anemia(661301000000100)
Other specified iron deficiency anemia NOS(610661000000100)
Unspecified iron deficiency anemia(610671000000107)
[X]Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin(468471000000105)
[X]Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin(187284001)
[X]Other iron deficiency anaemias(397761000000103)
[X]Other iron deficiency anemias(191408005)
[Inactive] Finding
Abd. distension symptom NOS(139348003)
Abdomen feels bloated(162070003)
Abdomen feels bloated(139345000)
Abdomen feels swollen(162072006)
Abdomen feels swollen(139347008)
Abdomen: [O/E - board like rigidity] or [acute](269021002)
Abdominal distension symptom(139343007)
Abdominal distension symptom NOS(162073001)
Abdominal distension symptom NOS(583831000000109)
Abdominal pain(139313005)
Abnormal decrease in weight(23712001)
Abnormal weight loss (& [symptom])(161834000)
Altered bowel function(139374009)
Appetite loss - anorexia(269813009)
Diarrhea symptom NOS(685501000000109)
Diarrhoea (& symptoms) or loose stools(162103003)
Epigastric mass(140498009)
Epigastric mass(163287003)
Feces consistency:semi-fluid(167616008)
Finding of nausea(300576004)
Finding of site of gastrointestinal tract pain(364761006)
Flatulence &/or wind (& [symptom: [belching] or [bloating] or [eructation] or [flatulence] or [wind]])(162074007)
Generalised abdominal pain(139326009)
Generalised abdominal pain(247351001)
Involuntary weight loss(699205002)
Left lower quadrant abdominal swelling, mass, or lump(39261000119104)
Loose stool(34167008)
Loose stool(249619001)
Loss of appetite - symptom(249471002)
Nausea NOS(139334003)
Nausea NOS(582741000000100)
Nausea NOS(162060000)
Nausea present(139332004)
Non-colicky abdominal pain(139307001)
O/E - abd. mass palpated NOS(140500005)
O/E - abd. mass shape NOS(140510001)
O/E - abd.mass consistency NOS(140506004)
O/E - abdominal mass shape(140507008)
O/E - dullness over abd. mass(140546005)
O/E - liver tender(140477009)
O/E abdomen: [board like rigidity] or [acute](163250006)
O/E abdominal mass: [palpated] or [size](269023004)
O/E abdominal mass: [palpated] or [size](140488003)
O/E-abdominal mass consistency(140501009)
On examination - abdominal mass consistency NOS(564371000000101)
On examination - abdominal mass consistency NOS(163295004)
On examination - abdominal mass palpated NOS(163289000)
On examination - abdominal mass palpated NOS(564361000000108)
On examination - abdominal mass shape NOS(568991000000107)
On examination - abdominal mass shape NOS(163299005)
On examination - abdominal rigidity NOS(163251005)
On examination - abdominal rigidity NOS(564321000000100)
On examination - rebound tenderness NOS(163247008)
On examination - rebound tenderness NOS(612951000000108)
On examination - umbilical pain - abdominal(274291004)
Other specified abdominal pain(695831000000102)
Other specified abdominal pain(271859009)
Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen(667301000000109)
Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen(274670001)
Pain radiating to left flank(239231000000106)
Pain radiating to lower abdomen(239271000000108)
Pain radiating to middle abdomen(239291000000107)
Pain radiating to right flank(239321000000102)
Pain radiating to upper abdomen(239381000000101)
Pain: [GIT site] or [abdominal] or [flank] or [subcostal] or [iliac fossa](162045003)
Pain: [site of GIT] or [abdominal site symptom] or [flank] or [subcostal] or [iliac fossa](139316002)
Shoulder pain from abdomen(139308006)
Stomach cramps(271852000)
Tenderness of left lumbar(301408007)
Tenderness of right lumbar(301407002)
Umbilical lump(274757002)
Unexplained weight loss(511461000000103)
Unintentional weight loss(768571000000103)
Weight decreasing(139089007)
Weight loss (& abnormal)(139091004)
Weight loss (& abnormal)(267158006)
[X]Pain localised to other parts of lower abdomen(462851000000101)
[X]Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen(207588000)
[Inactive] Observable Entity
Site of gastrointestinal tract pain NOS(582731000000109)
[Inactive] Situation
([D]Abdominal mass) or (lump stomach)(207239004)
Faeces consistency:semi-fluid(144842009)
[D] Left upper quadrant pain(307724003)
[D] Right upper quadrant pain(307722004)
[D] Stools loose(207145000)
[D] Upper abdominal pain(307725002)
[D]Abdominal colic(207207006)
[D]Abdominal colic(499131000000109)
[D]Abdominal cramps(207210004)
[D]Abdominal cramps(158504006)
[D]Abdominal cramps(499151000000102)
[D]Abdominal lump(499351000000100)
[D]Abdominal lump(207240002)
[D]Abdominal lump(158521002)
[D]Abdominal mass(271103001)
[D]Abdominal mass(158520001)
[D]Abdominal mass(502101000000100)
[D]Abdominal pain(499111000000101)
[D]Abdominal pain(158498003)
[D]Abdominal pain(207205003)
[D]Abdominal pain NOS(158512003)
[D]Abdominal pain NOS(390251000000109)
[D]Abdominal pain NOS(207230000)
[D]Abdominal pain NOS(444651000000101)
[D]Abdominal rigidity(499451000000107)
[D]Abdominal rigidity(207251002)
[D]Abdominal tenderness(207206002)
[D]Abdominal tenderness(499121000000107)
[D]Abnormal loss of weight(158271000)
[D]Abnormal loss of weight(496901000000107)
[D]Abnormal loss of weight(206919000)
[D]Acute abdomen(158499006)
[D]Acute abdomen(207255006)
[D]Acute abdomen(499261000000106)
[D]Acute abdomen(207221008)
[D]Anorexia NOS(206917003)
[D]Anorexia NOS(451151000000109)
[D]Anorexia NOS(432541000000106)
[D]Appetite loss(206916007)
[D]Appetite loss(496881000000109)
[D]Change in bowel habit(207147008)
[D]Change in bowel habit(498661000000103)
[D]Epigastric pain(207211000)
[D]Epigastric pain(499161000000104)
[D]Gas pain (abdominal)(207127000)
[D]Gas pain (abdominal)(498521000000105)
[D]Hypochondrial pain(499181000000108)
[D]Hypochondrial pain(207213002)
[D]Left lower quadrant pain(502821000000101)
[D]Left lower quadrant pain(311811005)
[D]Left upper quadrant pain(502581000000102)
[D]Loin pain(499231000000101)
[D]Loin pain(207218006)
[D]Nausea and vomiting(498391000000103)
[D]Nausea and vomiting(207110008)
[D]Nausea and vomiting NOS(207116002)
[D]Nausea and vomiting NOS(425721000000101)
[D]Nausea and vomiting NOS(400471000000109)
[D]Nonspecific abdominal pain(311813008)
[D]Nonspecific abdominal pain(207228002)
[D]Nonspecific abdominal pain(502841000000108)
[D]Other specified abdominal pain(207229005)
[D]Other specified abdominal pain(499281000000102)
[D]Pain in left iliac fossa(499211000000109)
[D]Pain in left iliac fossa(207216005)
[D]Pain in right iliac fossa(499201000000107)
[D]Pain in right iliac fossa(207215009)
[D]Recurrent acute abdominal pain(207220009)
[D]Recurrent acute abdominal pain(499251000000108)
[D]Right lower quadrant pain(311812003)
[D]Right lower quadrant pain(502831000000104)
[D]Right upper quadrant pain(502571000000104)
[D]Stools loose(498651000000101)
[D]Suprapubic pain(207214008)
[D]Suprapubic pain(499191000000105)
[D]Swelling, mass or lump within abdomen or pelvis(158519007)
[D]Swelling, mass or lump within abdomen or pelvis(207237002)
[D]Umbilical lump(158527003)
[D]Umbilical lump(207246008)
[D]Umbilical lump(499411000000108)
[D]Umbilical mass(207245007)
[D]Umbilical mass(158526007)
[D]Umbilical mass(499401000000106)
[D]Umbilical pain(207212007)
[D]Umbilical pain(499171000000106)
[D]Upper abdominal pain(502591000000100)
[Inactive] Unknown
Adnexal tenderness(778641000000100)
Chronic constipation(707831000000103)
Complaining of weight loss(213801000000108)
Complaining of weight loss(213791000000109)
Decrease in appetite(78901000000106)
Decrease in appetite(46641000000101)
Decrease in appetite(41421000000102)
Decrease in appetite(39161000000101)
Painful rectal bleeding(171731000000100)
Painful rectal bleeding(164451000000109)
Painless rectal bleeding(164461000000107)
Painless rectal bleeding(171741000000109)
Unintentional weight loss (768581000000101)