Temporary Immunosuppression (SNOMED)

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version Tag


Version ID





Automatically-generated equivalent of Temporary Immunosuppression


See code on GitHub

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

id name active notes
234566005 Familial immunoglobulin hypercatabolism (disorder) y direct mapping
47318007 Drug-induced neutropenia (disorder) y direct mapping
303011007 Neutropenic disorder (disorder) y direct mapping
370388006 Patient immunocompromised (finding) y direct mapping
234564008 Primary immunoglobulin catabolism abnormality (disorder) y direct mapping
234426009 Corticosteroid-induced neutrophilia (disorder) y direct mapping
5876000 Acquired pancytopenia (disorder) y direct mapping
86553008 Immunosuppressive therapy (procedure) y direct mapping
234573000 Phagocytic cell defect (disorder) y direct mapping
276628009 Chloramphenicol-induced neutropenia (disorder) y direct mapping
248693006 Chronic idiopathic neutropenia (disorder) y direct mapping
275828002 Preventing infection of immunocompromised patient (procedure) y direct mapping
89655007 Congenital neutropenia (disorder) y direct mapping
127034005 Pancytopenia (disorder) y direct mapping
165517008 Neutropenia (finding) y direct mapping
234572005 Benign combined immunodeficiency (disorder) y direct mapping
103075007 Humoral immune defect (finding) y direct mapping
46359005 Neutropenia associated with infectious disease (disorder) y direct mapping
370391006 Patient immunosuppressed (finding) y direct mapping
24743004 Complement deficiency disease (disorder) y direct mapping
398271008 Predominantly T-cell defect (finding) y direct mapping
234645009 Drug-induced immunodeficiency (disorder) y direct mapping
17182001 Agranulocytosis (disorder) y direct mapping
275830000 Reverse barrier nursing (procedure) y direct mapping
267540007 Neutropenia caused by irradiation (disorder) y direct mapping
707311008 Immunosuppressant drug therapy (procedure) y direct mapping
33286000 Secondary immune deficiency disorder (disorder) y direct mapping
234565009 Immunoglobulin hypercatabolism (disorder) y direct mapping
234574006 Disorder of phagocytic cell number (disorder) y direct mapping
55081009 T-gamma lymphoproliferative disease (morphologic abnormality) y direct mapping
80255009 Maternal transfer neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234376007 Acquired red cell aplasia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
409089005 Febrile neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
719019000 WT limb blood syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
713551004 Azathioprine therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
41814009 Neutropenia with dysgranulopoiesis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
50220002 Cellular immunologic aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
723945004 Cyclosporine therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
710927004 Periodontitis co-occurrent with cyclical neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
43858000 Secondary aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
768556005 Ataxia pancytopenia syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
276576000 Neutropenia of the small for gestational age baby (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191244003 Aplastic anemia due to chronic disease (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
709535007 Periodontitis co-occurrent with infantile genetic agranulocytosis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234416002 X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
413566007 Aplastic anemia associated with pancreatitis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
413565006 Aplastic anemia associated with metabolic alteration (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
89454001 Shwachman syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
55907008 Acquired aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
267527002 Aplastic anemia due to drugs (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234425008 Autoimmune neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
24974008 Myelokathexis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
724165000 Tofacitinib therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234423001 Chronic benign neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191256002 Idiopathic aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
413567003 Aplastic anemia associated with pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
65623009 Immune neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
713508003 Aplastic anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
190996002 Severe combined immunodeficiency with reticular dysgenesis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
722926003 Transient neonatal neutropenia co-occurrent and due to neonatal bacterial sepsis (finding) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
710926008 Periodontitis co-occurrent with familial neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129642004 Chronic idiopathic immunoneutropenia in adults (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
722189006 Abatacept therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191246001 Aplastic anemia due to infection (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
267524009 Constitutional aplastic anemia with malformation (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191345000 Acquired neutropenia in newborn (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
275523003 Pancytopenia-dysmelia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
46760003 Estren-Dameshek anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
240486003 Parvoviral aplastic crisis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
32092008 Toxic neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234424007 Metabolic neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
713518008 Mycophenolate therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
765748009 Adult pure red cell aplasia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
718882006 X-linked severe congenital neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
55444004 Transient neonatal neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
350353007 De Vaal's syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129641006 Chronic benign neutropenia of childhood (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191255003 Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
38970002 Doan-Wright syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234370001 Pure red cell aplasia, acquired (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
30575002 Fanconi's anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191248000 Aplastic anemia caused by toxic cause (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
118791000119106 Aplastic anemia caused by antineoplastic agent (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
3902000 Non dose-related drug-induced neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
713530002 Agranulocytosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191338000 Primary splenic neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
28975000 Constitutional aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
713517003 Infliximab therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
247860002 Familial neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
56918001 Dose-related drug-induced neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
725137007 Neutropenia, monocytopenia, deafness syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
103079001 Immunodeficiency caused by corticosteroid (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
14333004 Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
77084001 Immunologic aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
709608008 Periodontitis co-occurrent with acquired neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
421312009 Agranulocytosis associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
767658000 Neutropenia due to and following chemotherapy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
90414007 Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10838971000119103 Immunodeficiency caused by long term therapeutic use of drug (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
719156006 X-linked intellectual disability with hypogammaglobulinemia and progressive neurological deterioration syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
306058006 Aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
78378009 Isoimmune neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
726603006 Apremilast therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
328301000119102 Pancytopenia due to antineoplastic chemotherapy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
722925004 Transient neonatal neutropenia due to congenital viral infection (finding) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129643009 Chronic hypoplastic neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
713910008 Antibody mediated acquired pure red cell aplasia caused by erythropoiesis stimulating agent (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
183005 Autoimmune pancytopenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
111584000 Reticular dysgenesis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
14024008 Humoral immunologic aplastic anemia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234367000 Pancytopenia with pancreatitis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
111585004 Neutropenia associated with autoimmune disease (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
724160005 Tacrolimus therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
726599006 Sirolimus therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
351287008 Reticular dysgenesis with congenital aleukocytosis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
416729007 Neutropenia associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
723512008 Revesz syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
735432004 Acquired neutropenia (finding) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
735431006 Constitutional neutropenia (finding) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
724159000 Rituximab therapy (procedure) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191247005 Aplastic anemia caused by radiation (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
421102007 Aplastic anemia associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
191347008 Cyclical neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
736024007 Pancytopenia caused by medication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
234576008 Chronic familial neutropenia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
933371000000101 Erythropoiesis stimulating agent induced antibody mediated acquired pure red cell aplasia (disorder) n via Query Table
192801000000104 Schwachman's syndrome n via Query Table
656561000000105 Congenital agranulocytosis NEC (disorder) n via Query Table
599441000000104 Transient neonatal neutropenia NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
310589001 Granulocytopenia (disorder) n via Query Table
31779001 Aplastic anemia secondary to pancreatitis (disorder) n via Query Table
757291000000109 Hereditary C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency - deficient factor n via Query Table
414481000000103 [X]Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified n via Query Table
191352003 Congenital dysphagocytosis (disorder) n via Query Table
191431005 [X]Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
69295006 Cyclic neutropenia (disorder) n via Query Table
906000 AIDS with agranulocytosis (disorder) n via Query Table
69336006 Aplastic anemia secondary to metabolic alteration (disorder) n via Query Table
666921000000103 Acquired neutropenia NEC (disorder) n via Query Table
856531000000105 Immunosuppressive therapy n via Query Table
2966007 Aplastic anemia secondary to radiation (disorder) n via Query Table
83659007 AIDS with aplastic anemia (disorder) n via Query Table
190984009 Agammaglobulinemia NEC (finding) n via Query Table
62246005 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-like syndrome (disorder) n via Query Table
768951000000100 Immunosuppressive drug therapy n via Query Table
660661000000101 Polymorphonuclear neutrophil disorder NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
609351000000101 Deficiency of humoral immunity NOS (finding) n via Query Table
633561000000102 Other specified deficiency of humoral immunity (finding) n via Query Table
626051000000103 Agranulocytosis NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
623061000000109 Hypogammaglobulinemia NOS (finding) n via Query Table
67105003 Aplastic anemia secondary to chronic systemic disease (disorder) n via Query Table
413564005 Aplastic anemia associated with infection (disorder) n via Query Table
623071000000102 Other selective immunoglobulin deficiency (finding) n via Query Table
768941000000103 Immunosuppressant drug therapy (procedure) n via Query Table
643141000000107 Pancytopenia NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
450011000000103 [X]Other specified aplastic anaemias (disorder) n via Query Table
49155007 Aplastic anemia secondary to chemicals (disorder) n via Query Table
643151000000105 Acquired aplastic anemia NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
47226002 Aplastic anemia secondary to pregnancy (disorder) n via Query Table
623081000000100 Agammaglobulinemia NEC (finding) n via Query Table
633551000000100 Dysimmunoglobulinemia NEC (finding) n via Query Table
72050006 Agranulocytic angina (disorder) n via Query Table
83153007 Aplastic anemia secondary to infection (disorder) n via Query Table
419251000000109 [X]Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
9043005 Aplastic anemia secondary to drugs (disorder) n via Query Table
267538002 Agranulocytopenic disorder (disorder) n via Query Table
531991000000108 Constitutional aplastic anemia without mention of malformation (disorder) n via Query Table
467391000000104 [X]Other acquired pure red cell aplasias (disorder) n via Query Table
938231000000103 Mannan-binding protein deficiency n via Query Table
13263004 Cyclic neutropenia in Gray Collie dogs (disorder) n via Query Table
192783000 Schultz disease (disorder) n via Query Table
425229001 Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (disorder) n via Query Table
571321000000109 Other specified agranulocytosis (disorder) n via Query Table

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.