Symptoms: pain

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version ID





Code list aiming to identify individuals consulting complaining of pain.


Identified from initial search terms outside of OpenCodelists: "pain" "ache" "myalgia" "arthralgia" "sore" "tender" "stiff" "lumbago" "rheumatism" "joint" "fibromyalgia" "arthritis" "arthropathy" "tendinitis" "tendinopathy" "epicondylitis" "synovitis" "enthesitis" "bursitis" "epicondylitis" "enthesopath" "rotator cuff syndrome" "sprain" "strain" "crick" "arthrosis" "capsulitis" "sciatica" "algia" "radiculitis" "radiculopathy"

Clearly irrelevant codes excluded (not reviewed by a second clinician)

Candidate codelist reviewed outside OpenCodelists by two clinicians. As we reviewed our candidate codelist outside openCodelists, we did not benefit from the tree structures that might have identified additional codes. However, we assume that these are likely to be codes that are not used frequently, e.g., eponymous syndromes.

Aiming to identify any symptoms/diagnosis that likely present with pain. So, have included all osteoarthritis, other unspecified arthritis, tendinitis, bursitis, strains, sprains, enthesitis, etc, as these are likely to present with pain and diagnoses will often be made on the spot.

Excluded joint instability or joint stiffness as these symptoms do not necessarily indicate pain.

Excluded terms suggest clear cause for symptoms, e.g., acromegaly with arthropathy, postthoracotomy pain, familial/hereditary conditions.

Excluded terms about pain management/referral/monitoring. As unclear if pain treated and resolved.

Excluded structural tears, contractures and ruptures as implies traumatic cause.

Excluded all 'history of xxx' codes, as does not imply that pain symptoms are still present.

Excluded non-specific 'joint disorder' or 'joint derangement' or 'stiffness' codes, as do not necessarily suggest pain is present.

Retained ear pain even though it is included in a separate list in this study, as the whole pain list also includes pains in other specific anatomical sites (e.g., face, chest, etc). That is, list is not restricted to musculoskeletal pain only, as it can be difficult to differentiate between musculoskeletal and referred visceral pain when an individual initially presents with symptoms.

Signed off by

  • Kate Mansfield, (Feb. 8, 2023)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
10000006 Radiating chest pain
1000004 Sprain
1003721002 Pain of joint of knee
1003722009 Pain of knee region
10085004 Metatarsalgia
1010233001 Otalgia of left ear
1010234007 Otalgia of right ear
102480002 Generalized acute body pains
102481003 Generalized chronic body pains
102482005 Growing pains
102554000 Cervical spinous process tenderness
102555004 Neck pain aggravated by recumbency
102556003 Pain in upper limb
102570003 Inguinal pain
102587001 Acute chest pain
102588006 Chest wall pain
102589003 Atypical chest pain
102591006 Chest wall tenderness
102616008 Painful mouth
102619001 Pain in esophagus
102628000 Gallbladder pain
102830001 Renal angle tenderness
102831002 Renal angle pain
102997000 Psychroalgia
103000001 Crymodynia
103013007 Smarting pain
103014001 Cervical nerve root pain
103015000 Thoracic nerve root pain
103016004 Lumbosacral nerve root pain
10317009 Spinal enthesopathy
1033009 Thoracic arthritis
10512004 Sprain of other site of shoulder and upper arm
105380005 Cryoanalgesia
105611005 Sprain of ligament of joint
10601006 Pain in lower limb
1069301000000108 Does manage pain in body part
1069661000000101 Unable to understand pain in body part
1070371000000103 Difficulty managing generalised pain
1070461000000102 Difficulty managing pain in body part
1071031000000107 Difficulty tolerating generalised pain
1071041000000103 Difficulty tolerating pain in body part
1072071000000104 Does not manage generalised pain
1072151000000109 Does not manage pain in body part
1072701000000109 Does not tolerate generalised pain
1072711000000106 Does not tolerate pain in body part
1073721000000107 Does manage generalised pain
1074391000119103 Osteoarthritis of right sternoclavicular joint
1074411000119103 Osteoarthritis of bilateral sternoclavicular joints
1074451000119102 Osteoarthritis of left sternoclavicular joint
1074461000119100 Osteoarthritis of right foot
1074471000119106 Osteoarthritis of midtarsal joint of right foot
1074481000119109 Osteoarthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint of right foot
1074491000119107 Osteoarthritis of left foot
1074501000119100 Osteoarthritis of midtarsal joint of left foot
1074511000119102 Osteoarthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint of left foot
1074561000119104 Osteoarthritis of right sacroiliac joint
1074571000119105 Osteoarthritis of left sacroiliac joint
1074631000119106 Arthritis of bilateral glenohumeral joints
1074651000119100 Arthritis of left glenohumeral joint
1074661000119103 Arthritis of left sternoclavicular joint
1074671000119109 Arthritis of right glenohumeral joint
1074681000119107 Arthritis of right sternoclavicular joint
1074691000119105 Arthritis of left elbow
1074701000119105 Arthritis of right elbow
1074711000119108 Arthritis of bilateral elbows
1074721000119101 Arthritis of left wrist
1074731000119103 Arthritis of right wrist
1074741000119107 Arthritis of bilateral wrist
1074771000119100 Arthritis of finger of bilateral hand
1074781000119102 Arthritis of bilateral first carpometacarpal joints
1074801000119103 Arthritis of first carpometacarpal joint of left hand
1074811000119100 Arthritis of first carpometacarpal joint of right hand
1074881000119106 Arthritis of left ankle
1074891000119109 Arthritis of left foot
1074901000119108 Arthritis of left midtarsal joint
1074911000119106 Arthritis of right ankle
1074921000119104 Arthritis of right foot
1074931000119101 Arthritis of right midtarsal joint
1074941000119105 Arthritis of bilateral ankle
1074951000119107 Arthritis of bilateral feet
1074961000119109 Arthritis of bilateral sternoclavicular joints
1074971000119103 Arthritis of left sacroiliac joint
1074981000119100 Arthritis of right sacroiliac joint
1075231000000101 Unable to manage generalised pain
1075321000000105 Unable to manage pain in body part
1075491000119108 Femoral acetabular impingement of right hip joint
1075501000119101 Femoral acetabular impingement of left hip joint
1075631000119107 Pain of right sternoclavicular joint
1075651000119101 Pain of left sternoclavicular joint
1075811000119101 Calcific tendinitis of right foot
1075821000119108 Calcific tendinitis of right achilles tendon
1075841000119102 Calcific tendinitis of left achilles tendon
1075851000119100 Tenosynovitis of right wrist
1075861000119103 Tenosynovitis of left wrist
1075871000119109 Tenosynovitis of right hand
1075881000119107 Tenosynovitis of left hand
1075891000119105 Synovitis of left ankle joint
1075901000119109 Synovitis of right ankle joint
1075911000119107 Synovitis of joint of left foot
1075921000000109 Unable to tolerate generalised pain
1075921000119100 Synovitis of joint of right foot
1075931000000106 Unable to tolerate pain in body part
1075931000119102 Tenosynovitis of left ankle
1075941000119106 Tenosynovitis of right ankle
1075951000119108 Tenosynovitis of left foot
1075961000119105 Tenosynovitis of right foot
1076011000000108 Unable to understand generalised pain
1076171000119108 Patellar bursitis of right knee
1076181000119106 Bursitis of right knee
1076191000119109 Pes anserinus bursitis of right knee
1076211000119105 Suprapatellar bursitis of right knee
1076221000119103 Subpatellar bursitis of right knee
1076231000119100 Patellar bursitis of left knee
1076241000119109 Bursitis of left knee
1076251000119106 Pes anserinus bursitis of left knee
1076271000119102 Suprapatellar bursitis of left knee
1076281000119104 Subpatellar bursitis of left knee
1076291000119101 Ischiogluteal bursitis of right hip
1076301000119100 Iliopsoas bursitis of right hip
1076311000119102 Ischiogluteal bursitis of left hip
1076321000119109 Iliopsoas bursitis of left hip
1076421000119104 Retrocalcaneal bursitis of right foot
1076441000119105 Retrocalcaneal bursitis of left foot
1076501000119109 Subacromial bursitis of right shoulder
1076521000119100 Subdeltoid bursitis of right shoulder
1076531000119102 Scapulothoracic bursitis of right shoulder
1076541000119106 Subacromial bursitis of left shoulder
1076561000119105 Subdeltoid bursitis of left shoulder
1076571000119104 Scapulothoracic bursitis of left shoulder
1076621000119101 Tendinitis of right knee
1076631000119103 Tendinitis of right hip adductor muscle
1076641000119107 Tendinitis of left knee
1076651000119109 Tendinitis of left hip adductor muscle
1076671000119100 Tendinitis of right flexor hallucis longus
1076691000119104 Tendinitis of left flexor hallucis longus
1076721000119108 Joint pain in right hand
1076731000119106 Joint pain in left hand
1078021000000101 Pelvic girdle pain
107841000000101 Mechanical low back pain
1082771000000109 Magnetic resonance arthrography of carpometacarpal joint
1084561000119106 Referred otalgia of bilateral ears
1088071000000108 Pain in upper arm
1089311000000108 Painful and cold upper limb
1089321000000102 Painful and cold lower limb
1089331000000100 Painful and cold lower leg
1089341000000109 Painful and cold foot
1089351000000107 Painful and cold forearm
1089361000000105 Painful and cold hand
108941000000106 Ischial bursitis
1089561000119107 Referred otalgia of left ear
1092171000119100 Referred otalgia of right ear
109297005 Acute bursitis
109298000 Subacute bursitis
109299008 Chronic bursitis
1094851000000101 Chronic sacroiliac joint pain
109659002 Tenderness of temporomandibular joint on palpation
109663009 Arthritis of temporomandibular joint as part of polyarthritis
109668000 Degenerative arthritis of temporomandibular joint
11023001 Acute calcific periarthritis
110288007 Tenderness of joint
110341006 Tenderness of gums
11049006 Cervical radiculitis
1108141000000108 Expresses pain atypically
11114002 Sore gums
111211002 Migratory polyarthritis
111219000 Degenerative joint disease of other site
111220006 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of other site
111237004 Putti's syndrome
111239001 Peripheral enthesopathy
111240004 Enthesopathy of shoulder region
111242007 Periarthritis of wrist
111243002 Bursitis of knee
111255008 Avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis
111277007 Pharyngeal bursitis
111349000 Glossopyrosis
111653006 Sprain of sacroiliac region
1119213008 Tenderness of left lumbar region of back
1119214002 Tenderness of right lumbar region of back
1119215001 Pain in left lumbar region of back
1119216000 Pain in right lumbar region of back
1121000119107 Chronic neck pain
112102006 Atypical neuralgia
112104007 Localized pain
112581000119104 Acute pain of joint of knee
112821000000109 Neuropathic pain
112961000119103 Osteoarthritis of joint of bilateral feet
112971000119109 Osteoarthritis of joint of bilateral ankles
112981000119107 Osteoarthritis of bilateral knee joints
112991000119105 Osteoarthritis of bilateral hip joints
113001000119106 Osteoarthritis of joint of finger of bilateral hands
113011000119109 Osteoarthritis of joint of bilateral hands
113021000119102 Osteoarthritis of bilateral wrists
113041000119108 Osteoarthritis of bilateral shoulders
113611000119100 Myofascial pain syndrome of lumbar spine
11382003 Sprain of ulnar collateral ligament
11654001 Achilles tendinitis
11679003 Radicular pain
117711000000105 Myalgia/myositis of neck
11826631000119102 Strain of tendon of left hand
11826671000119104 Strain of muscle of left hand
11826711000119100 Strain of tendon of right wrist
11826791000119109 Strain of tendon of left wrist
11833751000119108 Sprain of talofibular ligament of right ankle
11833791000119103 Sprain of talofibular ligament of left ankle
11838861000119108 Strain of intrinsic muscle of left thumb
11839051000119107 Strain of muscle of right hand
11839121000119103 Strain of intrinsic muscle of right thumb
11839311000119108 Strain of tendon of right hand
11842371000119107 Strain of tendon of right ankle
11842451000119109 Strain of tendon of left ankle
11842731000119108 Strain of muscle of right foot
11842771000119106 Strain of muscle of left foot
11857981000119105 Strain of muscle of right lower leg
11858021000119108 Strain of muscle of left lower leg
11858061000119103 Strain of muscle of right posterior lower leg
11858101000119100 Strain of muscle of left posterior lower leg
11892641000119101 Chronic female pelvic pain syndrome
11939005 Acute arthritis
11991005 Degenerative joint disease of lower leg
12236481000119105 Bursitis of left wrist
12236521000119105 Bursitis of right wrist
12236561000119100 Arthritis of finger of left hand
12236601000119100 Arthritis of finger of right hand
12241111000119104 Tendinitis of left elbow
12241151000119103 Tendinitis of left forearm
12241191000119108 Tendinitis of right elbow
12241231000119104 Tendinitis of right forearm
12241631000119102 Osteoarthritis of finger joint of left hand
12241671000119104 Osteoarthritis of finger joint of right hand
12242791000119100 Tenderness of left temporomandibular joint
12242831000119106 Tenderness of right temporomandibular joint
12247531000119106 Pain in bilateral lower legs
12247571000119109 Bilateral foot joint pain
1229008 Sprain of midcarpal joint
123091001 Painful ejaculation
123253007 Neuralgia
123255000 Radiculitis
12336008 Referred otalgia
123536004 Sprain of upper extremity
123586005 Tendon sheath crepitus
12367361000119109 Osteoarthritis of right patellofemoral joint
12367411000119102 Osteoarthritis of left patellofemoral joint
12367461000119104 Osteoarthritis of bilateral patellofemoral joints
123796003 Cervical spondylosis
123797007 Thoracic spondylosis
12519004 Sprain of sacroiliac ligament
12521000132103 Strain of jaw
12531000132101 Strain of toe
125624001 Sprain of ligament
12584003 Bone pain
12594008 Sprain of sacrotuberous ligament
127292004 Sprain of anterior cruciate ligament of knee
127293009 Sprain of posterior cruciate ligament of knee
128079007 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
128196005 Lumbar radiculopathy
128197001 Sacral radiculopathy
128200000 Complex regional pain syndrome
128268005 Arthropathy of pelvis
129501000119107 Chronic sacral pain for greater than three months
129511000119105 Chronic pain in coccyx for more than three months
129613007 Tympanic plexus neuralgia syndrome
1304004 Fibromyalgia
13057000 Pleuropericardial chest pain
130731000119100 Disorder of joint of lumbosacral vertebra
130986009 Acute onset pain
13155005 Infection caused by Elaeophora schneideri
13271000119101 Prolapse of thoracic intervertebral disc without radiculopathy
13291000119100 Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc without radiculopathy
133731000119108 Chronic pain in male pelvis
134407002 Chronic back pain
135860001 Exacerbation of backache
13612005 Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome
1362191000000105 Pain relieved by passing flatus
1362201000000107 Pain relieved by defaecating
136791000119103 Chronic thoracic back pain
13888000 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of shoulder region
139146005 Back pain
139148006 Back pain
139149003 Backache with radiation
139150003 Back pain worse on sneezing
139151004 C/O - low back pain
139152006 Back pain without radiation NOS
139153001 C/O - upper back ache
139154007 Backache symptom NOS
139171008 Growing pains
139228007 Chest pain
139229004 Chest pain not present
139231008 Precordial pain
139232001 Anterior chest wall pain
139233006 Pleuritic pain
139234000 Parasternal pain
139236003 Atypical chest pain
139237007 Retrosternal pain
139238002 Chest pain on exertion
139239005 Rib pain
139240007 Chest pain NOS
139275007 Sore mouth
139276008 Sore gums
139293008 Swallowing painful
139314004 Defaecation painful
139316002 Pain: [site of GIT] or [abdominal site symptom] or [flank] or [subcostal] or [iliac fossa]
139319009 Left subcostal pain
139320003 Right subcostal pain
139321004 Left flank pain
139322006 Right flank pain
139325008 Suprapubic pain
139376006 Defaecation painful
139421003 (Pain: [lumbar] or [renal] or [loin]) or (lumbar renal ache)
139427004 C/O pelvic pain
139428009 C/O perineal pain
139429001 Pain in penis
139430006 Pain in scrotum
139556001 Pain in eye
139625000 Earache symptoms
139627008 Unilateral earache
139628003 Bilateral earache
139630001 Earache symptom NOS
139682004 C/O: [a pain] or [an ache]
139768007 Pain character
139769004 Burning pain
139770003 Aching pain
139771004 Stabbing pain
139772006 Cutting pain
139773001 Griping pain
139774007 Tightening pain
139775008 Pricking pain
139776009 Generalised aches and pains
139777000 Shooting pain
139778005 Rest pain
139780004 Pain character NOS
139942008 O/E - in pain
139999000 O/E - pain influenced posture
14040001000004109 Uncontrolled pain
140422000 O/E pain: [abdominal (& on palpation)] or [epigastric] or [iliac] or [lumbar] or [umbilical]
140423005 O/E - no abd.pain on palpation
140427006 O/E - abd. pain - R.lumbar
140429009 O/E - abd. pain - L.lumbar
140432007 O/E - left iliac: [abdominal pain] or [tender]
140433002 O/E -abd.pain on palpation NOS
140568000 O/E - renal angle tenderness
140929002 O/E - pain sensation
140933009 O/E - pain sensation NOS
14107000 Synovitis
141416002 O/E - painful ear
141418001 O/E - ear auricle painful
141419009 O/E - pain over mastoid
141420003 O/E - painful ear NOS
141443007 O/E - maxillary sinus: [tenderness] or [pain]
141444001 O/E - frontal sinus: [tenderness] or [pain]
14150005 Alteration in comfort: chronic pain
141694009 O/E: [shoulder joint abnormal] or [painful arc]
141718000 O/E - joint movement painful
14175009 Rheumatic joint disease
141806002 O/E - tenderness &/or pain
141865000 O/E - sign painful
141867008 O/E - sign slightly painful
141868003 O/E - sign moderately painful
141869006 O/E - sign very painful
141870007 O/E - sign painful NOS
144951000000106 Chronic mechanical low back pain
144961000000109 Mechanical neck pain
148074006 Rheumatology disorder - joints affected
154930008 Somatoform pain disorder
154932000 Psychalgia: [tension backache] or [other]
155048007 (Cluster headaches) or (migrainous neuralgia) or (migraine NOS)
155066002 Trigeminal neuralgia
155067006 Atypical facial pain
155074001 Other mononeuritis upper limb &/or causalgia
155076004 Meralgia paraesthetica
155078003 Interdigital neuralgia
15525009 Sprain of distal radioulnar joint
155251005 Otalgia
155650000 (Temporomandibular joint dis) or (snapping jaw) or (temporomandibular syndrome)
155788009 Proctalgia fugax (& anal spasm): disorder or observation
156236006 Pelvic joint/ligament damage
15629941000119104 Left inguinal pain
15629981000119109 Right inguinal pain
15630021000119102 Pain of bilateral inguinal regions
15630651000119104 Tendinitis of right hand
15630691000119109 Tendinitis of left hand
15630731000119102 Tendinitis of bilateral hands
15630931000119100 Bursitis of bilateral hips
15632371000119104 Disorder of bilateral patellofemoral joints
15632451000119102 Right temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome
15632491000119107 Left temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome
15632531000119107 Bilateral temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome
15633361000119103 Bilateral sciatica
15634471000119104 Bilateral calf pain
15635921000119105 Pes anserinus bursitis of bilateral knees
15636001000119108 Lateral epicondylitis of bilateral humerus
15636531000119108 Somatic dysfunction of left sacroiliac joint
15636571000119106 Somatic dysfunction of right sacroiliac joint
15636611000119102 Somatic dysfunction of bilateral sacroiliac joints
15636851000119100 Stiffness of bilateral hand joints
15637151000119108 Tendinitis of long head of biceps brachii of bilateral shoulders
15637191000119103 Calcific tendinitis of bilateral shoulders
15637311000119105 Olecranon bursitis of bilateral elbows
15638411000119100 Peroneal tendinitis of bilateral lower legs
15638571000119107 Prepatellar bursitis of bilateral knees
15638971000119100 Femoral acetabular impingement of bilateral hip joints
15639561000119107 Pain of bilateral acromioclavicular joints
15639721000119105 Pain in bilateral temporomandibular joints
156459003 (Arthritis/arthrosis) or (arthropathy) or (joint disorders)
156484000 Polyarthropathy (& [inflammatory]) NOS
156486003 Osteoarthritis
156487007 Osteoarthritis -multiple joint
156488002 Osteoarthritis of shoulder joint
156489005 Osteoarthritis of elbow
156490001 Osteoarthritis of wrist
156491002 Osteoarthritis - hand joint
156492009 Osteoarthritis of hip
156493004 Osteoarthritis of knee
156494005 Osteoarthritis - ankle/foot
156495006 Osteoarthritis - other joint
156496007 Osteoarthritis NOS
156508002 Arthropathy NOS
156510000 Climacteric arthritis
156514009 (Arthropathy NOS) or (arthrosis) or (Charcot's joint) or (Otto's pelvis) or (polyarthritis NOS)
156592007 (Pain in joint) or (coxalgia)
156593002 Multiple joint pain
156594008 Joint pain: [shoulder] or [acromioclavicular]
156595009 Elbow joint pain
156596005 Wrist joint pain
156597001 Hand joint pain
156598006 Hip pain
156599003 Knee joint pain
156600000 Arthralgia of the ankle and foot
156601001 Arthralgia of other specified site
156602008 Arthralgia NOS
156616003 (Joint: [disorder NOS] or [unstable]) or (polyarthralgia)
156622007 (Spondyloses: [cervical] or [lumbar] or [sacral]) or (arthritis - spine) or (osteoarthritis - spine)
156641005 (Cervicalgia) or (neck pain NOS)
156647009 Pain in thoracic spine
156648004 Low back pain
156649007 Sciatica
156651006 (Backache NOS) or (back pain [& low])
156655002 Soft tissue rheumatism
156656001 Polymyalgia rheumatica
156657005 (Peripheral enthesopathies) or (capsulitis)
156658000 (Shoulder: [syndrome (& [painful arc][rotator cuff])][bicipital tendinit][bursitis][frozen][pericapsulit][adhes capsulit]) or (tendinitis: [subscapular][supraspinat][infraspinat][bicep long head])
156659008 (Epicondylitis &/or tennis elbow) or (golfers' elbow)
156660003 Periarthritis of wrist
156661004 Enthesopathy of the hip region
156662006 (Patellar tendinitis) or (Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome)
156663001 (Tendinitis: [ankle/tarsus] or [achilles] or [ankle]) or (calcaneal spur) or (metatarsalgia)
156665008 (Peripheral enthesopathy NOS) or (exostosis NOS) or (periarthritis NOS) or (semi-membranosus bursa) or (tendinitis NOS)
156666009 Synovitis &/or tenosynovitis
156667000 Synovitis/tenosyn.- multiple
156668005 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - shoulder
156669002 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - elbow
156670001 (Synovitis/tenosynovitis - wrist) or (de Quervain's tenosynovitis)
156671002 (Synovitis/tenosynovitis - hand) or (finger: [snapping] or [trigger])
156672009 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - hip
156673004 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - knee
156674005 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - ankle/foot
156675006 Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS
156677003 Bursitis
156678008 Bursitis - multiple
156679000 Bursitis of shoulder
156680002 Elbow bursitis (& olecranon)
156681003 Bursitis of wrist
156682005 Bursitis of hand
156683000 Bursitis of hip
156684006 (Bursitis: [knee] or [pre-patellar]) or (house-maid's knee)
156685007 (Bursitis - ankle/foot) or (painful heel syndrome)
156686008 Bursitis NOS
156726002 Muscle strain
156727006 Fibromyalgia
156730004 Rheumatism &/or fibrositis: [NOS]
156731000 Rheumatism multiple NOS
156732007 Rheumatism shoulder NOS
156733002 Rheumatism elbow NOS
156734008 Rheumatism wrist NOS
156735009 Rheumatism hand NOS
156736005 Rheumatism hip NOS
156737001 Rheumatism knee NOS
156738006 Rheumatism ankle/foot NOS
156739003 Rheumatism or fibrositis NOS
156740001 Myalgia &/or myositis: [NOS]
156741002 Myalgia/myositis - multiple
156742009 Myalgia/myositis - shoulder
156743004 Myalgia/myositis - upper arm
156744005 Myalgia/myositis - forearm
156745006 Myalgia/myositis - hand
156746007 Myalgia/myositis -pelvis/thigh
15674641000119105 Tendinitis of bilateral psoas tendons
156747003 Myalgia/myositis - lower leg
156748008 Myalgia/myositis - ankle/foot
15674881000119101 Tendinitis of adductor tendon of bilateral hips
156749000 (Myalgia/myositis NOS) or (intercostal myalgia)
15674961000119103 Tendinitis of bilateral hips
156750000 Neuralgia, neuritis or radiculitis NOS
156752008 Neuralgia/neuritis - multiple
15675201000119109 Tendinitis of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe of left foot
15675281000119101 Tendinitis of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe of right foot
156753003 Neuralgia/neuritis - shoulder
156754009 Neuralgia/neuritis - upper arm
15675401000119105 Tendinitis of bilateral feet
156755005 Neuralgia/neuritis - forearm
15675561000119107 Calcific tendinitis of bilateral achilles tendons
156756006 Neuralgia/neuritis - hand
156757002 Neuralgia/neuritis - pelvis/thigh
15675721000119105 Calcific tendinitis of bilateral elbows
156758007 Neuralgia/neuritis - lower leg
15675801000119108 Calcific tendinitis of bilateral knees
156759004 (Neuralgia/neuritis - ankle/foot) or (policemans' disease)
15675961000119102 Calcific tendinitis of bilateral wrists
156760009 (Neuralgia/neuritis - NOS) or (nerve root pain NEC)
15676041000119107 Tenosynovitis of bilateral wrists
156761008 Pain in limb &/or NOS
15676161000119105 Tendinitis of bilateral pes anserinus tendons
156762001 Pain in limb - multiple
15676241000119103 Tendinitis of bilateral knees
156763006 Pain in left arm
156764000 Pain in right arm
15676401000119104 Tendinitis of flexor tendon of left hand
15676441000119102 Tendinitis of flexor tendon of right hand
15676481000119107 Tendinitis of flexor tendon of bilateral hands
156765004 Pain in left leg
15676521000119107 Tendinitis of extensor tendon of right hand
15676561000119102 Tendinitis of extensor tendon of bilateral hands
156766003 Pain in right leg
15676601000119102 Tendinitis of extensor tendon of left hand
156767007 Pain in limb NOS
156779007 (Nonarticular rheumatism NOS) or (panniculitis)
15683241000119104 Infrapatellar bursitis of bilateral knees
15683321000119104 Bursitis of bilateral knees
15683361000119109 Bursitis of bilateral calcaneal tendon bursae
15683841000119100 Subacromial bursitis of bilateral shoulders
15683881000119105 Scapulothoracic bursitis of bilateral shoulders
15683921000119103 Ischiogluteal bursitis of bilateral hips
15686041000119102 Osteoarthritis of right temporomandibular joint
15686081000119107 Osteoarthritis of bilateral temporomandibular joints
15686121000119109 Osteoarthritis of left temporomandibular joint
15686521000119102 Transient synovitis of right knee
15686601000119107 Transient synovitis of left knee
15687041000119100 Synovitis of joint of bilateral knees
15687921000119105 Capsulitis of metatarsophalangeal joint of left foot
15687961000119100 Capsulitis of left tarsus
15688081000119106 Capsulitis of metatarsophalangeal joint of right foot
15688121000119108 Capsulitis of right tarsus
15688201000119108 Capsulitis of metatarsophalangeal joint of bilateral feet
15692321000119108 Arthritis of bilateral first metatarsophalangeal joints
15697681000119103 Tendinitis of bilateral ankles
15722441000119106 Osteoarthritis of left subtalar joint
15722521000119101 Osteoarthritis of right subtalar joint
15722561000119106 Osteoarthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint of bilateral feet
15722961000119101 Osteoarthritis of bilateral sacroiliac joints
15724041000119109 Enthesopathy of bilateral ankles
15724121000119102 Enthesopathy of bilateral knees
15724161000119107 Enthesopathy of left knee region
15724201000119102 Enthesopathy of right knee region
15724281000119105 Enthesopathy of right foot
15724361000119105 Enthesopathy of left foot
15724441000119104 Enthesopathy of bilateral feet
15724961000119109 Enthesopathy of right elbow
15725041000119105 Enthesopathy of left elbow
15725521000119105 Disorder of bilateral sacroiliac joints
157257005 [Dislocations &/or sprains &/or strains] or subluxations
15726841000119108 Arthropathy of bilateral knee joints
15727761000119101 Adhesions of bilateral temporomandibular joints
157281003 Sprain: [shoulder] or [upper arm]
157282005 Arm sprain - upper
157283000 Sprain of elbow joint
157284006 Forearm sprain
15728481000119104 Arthropathy of joint of bilateral hands
157285007 Sprain of wrist joint
157286008 Sprain: [hand] or [finger]
157287004 Sprained finger &/or thumb
157288009 Hand sprain NOS
157289001 Hip sprain
157290005 Sprained upper leg (& [thigh])
157291009 Sprain of knee joint
157292002 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee joint
157293007 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee joint
157294001 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
15729441000119103 Arthropathy of joint of bilateral shoulder regions
157295000 Knee sprain NOS
157296004 Leg sprain
157297008 Sprain of ankle joint
157298003 Strain of tendo achilles
15729841000119100 Heberden node of distal interphalangeal joint of finger of bilateral hands
15729881000119105 Heberden node of the distal interphalangeal joints of the right hand
157299006 (Sprain - ankle NOS) or (twisted ankle)
15729921000119103 Heberden node of the distal interphalangeal joints of the left hand
157300003 Sprain of foot joint
157301004 Sprained toe
157302006 Foot sprain NOS
157303001 Back sprain
157304007 (Sprained neck) or (whiplash injury)
157305008 Thoracic back sprain
157306009 Lumbar sprain
157307000 Lumbosacral sprain
157308005 Sacral &/or coccyx sprain
157309002 Sprain of sacroiliac joint
157310007 Back sprain NOS
157311006 Other sprains
157312004 Sprain of temporomandibular joint
157313009 Rib sprain unspecified
157314003 Sternum sprain
157315002 Pelvic sprain (& [pubic symphisis])
157316001 Strain of tendon of medial thigh muscle
157317005 Other sprains NOS
15739006 Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip AND/OR pelvis
15743521000119108 Chronic pain of right upper limb
15743561000119103 Chronic pain of left upper limb
15743681000119106 Pain of bilateral shoulder blades
15749341000119107 Pain in bilateral upper arms
15749801000119104 Chronic pain of bilateral feet
15803009 Bladder pain
158180005 [D]Pain, generalised
158217005 [D]Musculoskeletal pain
158297006 [D]Facial pain
158298001 [D]Pain in head NOS
158393008 [D]Chest pain
158394002 [D]Precordial pain
158395001 Breathing painful
158396000 [D]Anterior chest wall pain
158397009 [D]Pleuritic pain
158402008 Retrosternal pain [D]
158403003 [D]Musculoskeletal chest pain
158404009 [D]Chest pain NOS
158494001 [D]Vesical pain
158508009 [D]Suprapubic pain
158511005 [D]Loin pain
15883961000119103 Tenderness of bilateral temporomandibular joints
15941001 Brachialgia
15968001 Sprain of thigh
15972981000119101 Arthritis of bilateral sacroiliac joint
15978711000119106 Disorder of left cervical nerve root
15978831000119108 Disorder of right cervical nerve root
15980431000119104 Articular disc disorder of left temporomandibular joint
15980471000119101 Articular disc disorder of bilateral temporomandibular joints
15980511000119105 Articular disc disorder of right temporomandibular joint
15980671000119103 Arthritis of right temporomandibular joint
15980711000119104 Arthritis of left temporomandibular joint
15980751000119103 Arthritis of bilateral temporomandibular joints
16001004 Otalgia
16002671000119106 Chronic pain of bilateral upper limbs
16002871000119105 Chronic pain of right foot
16002911000119108 Chronic pain of left foot
16003591000119104 Tendinitis of right rotator cuff
16003631000119104 Tendinitis of bilateral rotator cuffs
16003671000119101 Tendinitis of left rotator cuff
16003791000119106 Rotator cuff arthropathy of right shoulder
16003831000119100 Rotator cuff arthropathy of left shoulder
16003871000119102 Rotator cuff arthropathy of bilateral shoulders
16004271000119100 Tenosynovitis of right radial styloid
16004311000119100 Tenosynovitis of bilateral radial styloids
16004351000119104 Tenosynovitis of left radial styloid
16007431000119108 Tenosynovitis of bilateral hands
16010911000119109 Arthropathy of right foot
16010991000119100 Arthropathy of left foot
16011071000119109 Arthropathy of bilateral feet
16015391000119105 Osteoarthritis of midtarsal joints of bilateral feet
16015791000119109 Arthritis of left subtalar joint
16015991000119106 Arthritis of right subtalar joint
16016111000119109 Arthritis of bilateral subtalar joint
16021151000119108 Bursitis of right foot
16021191000119103 Iliopsoas bursitis of bilateral hips
16021271000119105 Bursitis of bilateral feet
16021311000119105 Retrocalcaneal bursitis of bilateral feet
16021391000119101 Bursitis of left foot
16021431000119106 Bursitis of bilateral ankles
16024431000119108 Acute polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis
16044751000119106 Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis
16046003 Muscle rigidity
16052151000119104 Tendinitis of bilateral quadriceps tendon
16052191000119109 Tendinitis of right quadriceps tendon
16052231000119100 Tendinitis of left quadriceps tendon
16052271000119102 Tendinitis of bilateral elbows
16057351000119103 Neuralgia of left glossopharyngeal nerve
16057391000119108 Neuralgia of right glossopharyngeal nerve
161817008 Pain on intercourse
161882006 Stiff neck
161889002 Backache symptom
161891005 Backache
161892003 Backache with radiation
161893008 Back pain worse on sneezing
161894002 Complaining of low back pain
161895001 Back pain without radiation NOS
161896000 Complaining of upper back ache
161897009 Backache symptom NOS
161916000 Growing pains (& symptom)
161971004 Chest pain not present
161973001 Anterior chest wall pain
161974007 Parasternal pain
161976009 Rib pain
161977000 Costal margin chest pain
161978005 Chest pain NOS
162011005 Sore mouth
162043005 Hunger pain
162045003 Pain: [GIT site] or [abdominal] or [flank] or [subcostal] or [iliac fossa]
162047006 Left subcostal pain
162048001 Right subcostal pain
162049009 Left flank pain
162050009 Right flank pain
162053006 Suprapubic pain
16206781000119109 Meralgia paresthetica of bilateral lower limbs
162099008 Defaecation painful
162138001 Genitourinary pain
162141005 (C/O - pain: [loin] or [lumbar] or [renal]) or (lumbar ache - renal)
162143008 Pain in female genitalia
162146000 Ovarian pain
162147009 Complaining of pelvic pain
162148004 Complaining of perineal pain
162149007 Pain in penis
162150007 Pain in scrotum
162209005 Headache (& [C/O])
162286001 Pain in eye
162302003 (Frontal headache) or (pain in sinuses)
162356005 Earache symptom
162358006 Unilateral earache
162359003 Bilateral earache
162361007 Earache symptom NOS
162397003 Pain in throat
162412006 (Pain) or (C/O: [ache] or [pain])
162413001 C/O - pain in toes
162414007 C/O - pain in hallux
162425003 Chest wall tenderness
162502002 Finding of pain character
162503007 Cutting pain
162504001 Griping pain
162505000 Tightening pain
162506004 Pricking pain
162507008 Rest pain
162509006 Pain character NOS
16269008 Neuralgia
162717001 On examination - in pain (context-dependent category)
162777005 On examination - pain influenced posture
16282000 Sprain of ulnohumeral joint
163212000 O/E: pain on palpation (& [abdominal] or [epigastric] or [iliac] or [lumbar] or [umbilical])
163213005 On examination - no abdominal pain on palpation
163217006 On examination - abdominal pain - right lumbar
163219009 On examination - abdominal pain - left lumbar
163220003 On examination - abdominal pain - right iliac
163222006 On examination - abdominal pain - left iliac
163223001 On examination - abdominal pain on palpation NOS
163358002 On examination - renal angle tenderness
163728006 On examination - pain sensation
163732000 On examination - pain sensation NOS
16399001 Difficulty coping with pain
164219003 On examination - painful ear
164221008 On examination - ear auricle painful
164222001 On examination - pain over mastoid
164223006 On examination - painful ear NOS
164246008 On examination - maxillary sinus tenderness
164247004 On examination - frontal sinus tenderness
16426601000119103 Arthritis of facet joint of thoracic spine
16426641000119101 Arthritis of facet joint of lumbar spine
16426681000119106 Arthritis of facet joint of cervical spine
16438171000119103 Greater trochanteric pain syndrome of right lower limb
16438211000119101 Greater trochanteric pain syndrome of bilateral lower limbs
16438251000119100 Greater trochanteric pain syndrome of left lower limb
16442141000119109 Periorbital pain of left eye
16442181000119104 Periorbital pain of right eye
16442221000119107 Periorbital pain of bilateral eyes
164509005 O/E: [shoulder joint abnormal] or [painful arc]
164539000 On examination - joint movement painful
164627001 O/E - tenderness &/or pain
164628006 O/E - snuff box tenderness
164688009 On examination - sign painful
164690005 On examination - sign slightly painful
164691009 On examination - sign moderately painful
164692002 On examination - sign very painful
164693007 On examination - sign painful NOS
16546631000119102 Strain of right patellar tendon
16546791000119109 Strain of left patellar tendon
16583361000119101 Osteoarthritis of joint right ankle
16638321000119100 Neuralgia of bilateral pudendal nerves
16638401000119101 Neuralgia of nerve of bilateral lower limbs
16690551000119106 Female deep pain on intercourse
1679003 Arthritis associated with another disorder
16839401000119104 Low back pain co-occurrent with neuralgia of left sciatic nerve
16864831000119104 Lumbar radiculitis
16899701000119102 Pain of joint of bilateral hands
16986008 Back pain
17059001 Prepatellar bursitis
170848008 Rheumatology disorder - joints affected
17111003 Postinfectious neuralgia
1715006 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of upper arm
17184000 Sprain of coracohumeral ligament
175004 Supraorbital neuralgia
17654007 Tibialis anticus tendinitis
1771000119109 Arthritis of wrist
1781000119107 Sprain of ankle grade II
17883008 Sprain of hip
1791000119105 Sprain of ankle grade I
18251006 Calcium deposits in tendon AND/OR bursa
186231000000109 Muscle pain
186261000000104 Pain in elbow
187331000119105 Arthropathy of pelvis due to neurological disorder
18876004 Pain in finger
18888002 Strain of supraspinatus muscle AND/OR tendon
189671000000104 Muscle pain
189701000000100 Pain in elbow
190799001 (Liposynovitis prepatellaris) or (Hoffa's Disease)
192027005 Psychogenic pain unspecified
192029008 Psychogenic backache
192030003 Psychalgia NOS
192435004 [X] Somatoform pain disorder (& [persistent] or [psychalgia] or [psychogenic backache] or [psychogenic headache])
193031009 Cluster headache syndrome
193089003 Other specified trigeminal neuralgia
193090007 Trigeminal neuralgia NOS
193115004 Phantom limb syndrome with pain
193116003 Phantom limb syndrome without pain
193149007 Interdigital neuralgia
193150007 Interdigital neuralgia
193947008 Ciliary neuralgia
194185002 Eye pain NOS
194406008 (Otalgia) or (ear pain)
194407004 Unspecified otalgia
194408009 Otalgia NOS
195830008 Nasal: [obstruction] or [congestion (& sinus)] or [infection] or [sore nostril] or [cavity and sinus disease NOS]
196434003 Temporomandibular joint disorder NOS
196554004 (Sore lip) or (angular stomatitis &/or cheilitis)
197834003 Chronic interstitial cystitis
198404001 Dysmenorrhoea (& spasmodic)
198411002 Other pelvic pain - female
201012005 (Pruritus ani) or (perianal itch) or (sore bottom)
201734004 Neuropathic arthropathy (& Charcot's)
201735003 Post-immunisation arthritis
201739009 Other general diseases with associated arthropathy
201740006 Arthritis associated with other disease, shoulder
201741005 Arthritis associated with other disease, sternoclavicular joint
201742003 Arthritis associated with other disease, acromioclavicular joint
201743008 Arthritis associated with other disease, elbow
201744002 Arthritis associated with other disease, distal radioulnar joint
201745001 Arthritis associated with other disease, wrist
201746000 Arthritis associated with other disease, metacarpophalangeal joint
201747009 Arthritis associated with other disease, proximal interphalangeal joint of finger
201748004 Arthritis associated with other disease, distal interphalangeal joint of finger
201750007 Arthritis associated with other disease, hip
201751006 Arthritis associated with other disease, sacroiliac joint
201752004 Arthritis associated with other disease, knee
201753009 Arthritis associated with other disease, tibiofibular joint
201754003 Arthritis associated with other disease, ankle
201755002 Arthritis associated with other disease, subtalar joint
201756001 Arthritis associated with other disease, talonavicular joint
201757005 Arthritis associated with other disease, other tarsal joint
201758000 Arthritis associated with other disease, 1st metatarsophalangeal joint
201759008 Arthritis associated with other disease, lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
201760003 Arthritis associated with other disease, interphalangeal joint of toe
201763001 Inflammatory polyarthropathy: (& [rheumatoid arthritis] or [other])
201801009 Other juvenile arthritis
201803007 Polyarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis
201809006 Pauciarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis
201812009 Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathy
201816007 Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS
201817003 Inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS
201818008 Osteoarthritis (& [allied disorders])
201819000 Generalized osteoarthritis
201820006 Generalized osteoarthritis of unspecified site
201821005 (Heberdens' nodes) or (Bouchards' nodes) or (generalised osteoarthritis of the hand)
201822003 Generalized osteoarthritis of multiple sites
201823008 Bouchard's nodes with arthropathy
201824002 Idiopathic osteoarthritis
201827009 Heberden's nodes with arthropathy
201828004 Generalized osteoarthritis NOS
201829007 Localized, primary osteoarthritis
201830002 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site
201831003 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the shoulder region
201832005 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the upper arm
201833000 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the forearm
201834006 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the hand
201835007 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
201836008 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the lower leg
201837004 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the ankle and/or foot
201838009 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site
201839001 Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral
201841000 Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral
201842007 Primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joints, bilateral
201843002 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of the wrist
201844008 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of toe
201845009 Localised, primary osteoarthritis of elbow
201846005 Localized, primary osteoarthritis NOS
201862004 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified
201863009 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site
201864003 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the shoulder region
201865002 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm
201866001 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm
201867005 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand
201868000 (Otto's pelvis) or (hip osteoarthitis NOS) or (localised osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the pelvic region and thigh)
201869008 Osteoarthritis: [localised of the lower leg, unspecified] or [patellofemoral]
201870009 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot
201871008 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other specified site
201872001 Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified
201873006 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS
201874000 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified
201875004 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified sites
201876003 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the shoulder region
201877007 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm
201878002 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of forearm
201879005 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand
201880008 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the pelvic region and thigh
201881007 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg
201882000 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle and foot
201883005 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other specified sites
201884004 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of multiple sites
201885003 Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS
201886002 [Joint degeneration] or [osteoarthritis NOS]
201887006 Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site
201888001 Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region
201889009 Osteoarthritis NOS: [of the upper arm] or [elbow]
201890000 Osteoarthritis NOS: [of the forearm] or [wrist]
201891001 Osteoarthritis NOS: [hand] or [finger] or [thumb]
201892008 Osteoarthritis NOS: [pelvic region and/or thigh] or [hip]
201893003 Osteoarthritis NOS: [lower leg] or [knee]
201894009 Osteoarthritis NOS: [ankle &/or foot] or [toe]
201895005 Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site
201896006 Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder
201897002 Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint
201898007 Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint
201899004 Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow
201900009 Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radioulnar joint
201901008 Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist
201902001 Osteoarthritis NOS, of metacarpophalangeal joint
201903006 Osteoarthritis NOS, of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger
201904000 Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal interphalangeal joint of finger
201905004 Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip
201906003 Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacroiliac joint
201908002 Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee
201909005 Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibiofibular joint
201910000 Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle
201911001 Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint
201912008 Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint
201913003 Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint
201914009 Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint
201915005 Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
201916006 Osteoarthritis NOS, of interphalangeal joint of toe
201917002 Osteoarthritis NOS
201975003 Climacteric arthritis
201976002 Climacteric arthritis of unspecified site
201977006 Climacteric arthritis of the shoulder region
201978001 Climacteric arthritis of the upper arm
201979009 Climacteric arthritis of the forearm
201980007 Climacteric arthritis of the hand
201981006 Climacteric arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
201982004 Climacteric arthritis of the lower leg
201983009 Climacteric arthritis of the ankle and/or foot
201984003 Climacteric arthritis of other specified site
201985002 Climacteric arthritis of multiple sites
201986001 Climacteric arthritis NOS
201987005 Transient arthropathy of unspecified site
201988000 Transient arthropathy of shoulder region
201989008 Transient arthropathy of the upper arm
201990004 Transient arthropathy of the forearm
201991000 Transient arthropathy of hand
201992007 Transient arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
201993002 Transient arthropathy of the lower leg
201994008 Transient arthropathy of the ankle and/or foot
201995009 Transient arthropathy of other specified site
201996005 Transient arthropathy of multiple sites
201997001 Transient arthropathy of shoulder
201998006 Transient arthropathy of sternoclavicular joint
201999003 Transient arthropathy of acromioclavicular joint
202001008 Transient arthropathy of elbow joint
202002001 Transient arthropathy of distal radioulnar joint
202003006 Transient arthropathy of wrist
202004000 Transient arthropathy of metacarpophalangeal joint
202005004 Transient arthropathy of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger
202006003 Transient arthropathy of distal interphalangeal joint of finger
202007007 (Transient arthropathy of the hip) or (irritable hip)
202009005 Transient arthropathy of sacroiliac joint
202010000 Transient arthropathy of knee
202011001 Transient arthropathy of tibiofibular joint
202012008 Transient arthropathy of ankle joint
202013003 Transient arthropathy of subtalar joint
202014009 Transient arthropathy of talonavicular joint
202015005 Transient arthropathy of other tarsal joint
202016006 Transient arthropathy of first metatarsophalangeal joint
202017002 Transient arthropathy of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
202018007 Transient arthropathy of interphalangeal joint of toe
202019004 Transient arthropathy NOS
202020005 (Polyarthropathy: [unspecified] or [NEC]) or (polyarthritis)
202021009 Unspecified polyarthropathy of unspecified site
202022002 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the shoulder region
202023007 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the upper arm
202024001 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the forearm
202025000 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the hand
202026004 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
202027008 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the lower leg
202028003 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the ankle and foot
202029006 Unspecified polyarthropathy of other specified site
202030001 Unspecified polyarthropathy of multiple sites
202031002 Generalized arthritis
202032009 (Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis NOS) or (polyarthritis)
202033004 Unspecified monoarthritis (& [coxitis])
202034005 Unspecified monoarthritis of unspecified site
202035006 Unspecified monoarthritis of the shoulder region
202036007 Unspecified monoarthritis of the upper arm
202037003 Unspecified monoarthritis of the forearm
202038008 Unspecified monoarthritis of the hand
202039000 Unspecified monoarthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
202040003 Unspecified monoarthritis of the lower leg
202041004 Unspecified monoarthritis of the ankle and foot
202042006 Unspecified monoarthritis of other specified site
202043001 Unspecified monoarthritis NOS
202047000 Other specified arthropathy
202048005 Other specified arthropathy of unspecified site
202049002 Other specified arthropathy of the shoulder region
202050002 Other specified arthropathy of the upper arm
202051003 Other specified arthropathy of the forearm
202052005 Other specified arthropathy of the hand
202053000 Other specified arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
202054006 Other specified arthropathy of the lower leg
202055007 Other specified arthropathy of the ankle and foot
202056008 Other specified arthropathy of other specified site
202057004 Other specified arthropathy of multiple sites
202058009 Other specified arthropathy NOS
202059001 (Arthropathy NOS) or (arthritis)
202061005 Arthropathy NOS, of unspecified site
202062003 Arthropathy NOS, of the shoulder region
202063008 (Arthropathy NOS, of the upper arm) or (elbow arthritis NOS)
202064002 (Arthropathy NOS, of the forearm) or (wrist arthritis NOS)
202065001 Arthropathy NOS, of the hand
202066000 (Arthropathy NOS of the pelvic region and thigh) or (hip arthritis NOS)
202067009 (Arthropathy NOS of the lower leg) or (knee arthritis NOS)
202068004 (Arthropathy NOS of the ankle and foot) or (arthritis NOS: [ankle] or [foot])
202069007 Arthropathy NOS, of other specified site
202070008 Arthropathy NOS, of multiple sites
202071007 Acute arthritis
202072000 Chronic arthritis
202073005 Arthropathy NOS
202126001 Adhesions of knee joint
202143003 Articular cartilage disorder of other joints of the shoulder girdle
202455001 (Palindromic rheumatism) or (intermittent joint effusion)
202456000 Palindromic rheumatism of unspecified site
202457009 Palindromic rheumatism of shoulder region
202458004 Palindromic rheumatism of the upper arm
202459007 Palindromic rheumatism of the forearm
202460002 Palindromic rheumatism of hand
202461003 Palindromic rheumatism of pelvic region and thigh
202462005 Palindromic rheumatism of the lower leg
202463000 Palindromic rheumatism of ankle and/or foot
202464006 Palindromic rheumatism of other specified site
202465007 Palindromic rheumatism of multiple sites
202466008 Palindromic rheumatism NOS
202467004 Joint: [pain - arthralgia] or [ache]
202468009 Arthralgia of unspecified site
202469001 Arthralgia of the shoulder region (& [shoulder joint])
202470000 Arthralgia of the upper arm (& [elbow])
202471001 Arthralgia of the forearm (& [wrist])
202472008 Hand joint pain
202473003 (Arthralgia of the pelvic region and thigh) or (coxalgia) or (hip joint pain) or (irritable hip)
202474009 Arthralgia of the lower leg (& [knee])
202475005 Arthralgia of the ankle &/or foot
202476006 Arthralgia of other specified site
202477002 Shoulder joint pain
202478007 Sternoclavicular joint pain
202479004 Acromioclavicular joint pain
202480001 Elbow joint pain
202481002 Distal radioulnar joint pain
202482009 Wrist joint pain
202483004 Metacarpophalangeal joint pain
202484005 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger pain
202485006 Distal interphalangeal joint of finger pain
202486007 Hip pain
202487003 Sacroiliac joint pain
202488008 Knee joint pain
202489000 Tibiofibular joint pain
202490009 Ankle joint pain
202491008 Subtalar joint pain
202493006 Talonavicular joint pain
202494000 Arthralgia of other tarsal joint
202495004 First metatarsophalangeal joint pain
202496003 Lesser metatarsophalangeal joint pain
202497007 Interphalangeal joint of toe pain
202498002 Anterior knee pain
202499005 Arthralgia NOS
202533006 (Other joint symptoms) or (joint crepitus) or (musculoskeletal pain in joints)
202576008 Synovial osteochondromatosis of sternoclavicular joint
202577004 Synovial osteochondromatosis of acromioclavicular joint
202579001 Synovial osteochondromatosis of distal radioulnar joint
202581004 Synovial osteochondromatosis of metacarpophalangeal joint
202582006 Synovial osteochondromatosis of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger
202583001 Synovial osteochondromatosis of distal interphalangeal joint of finger
202585008 Synovial osteochondromatosis of sacroiliac joint
202587000 Synovial osteochondromatosis of tibiofibular joint
202589002 Synovial osteochondromatosis of subtalar joint
202590006 Synovial osteochondromatosis of talonavicular joint
202591005 Synovial osteochondromatosis of other tarsal joint
202592003 Synovial osteochondromatosis of first metatarsophalangeal joint
202593008 Synovial osteochondromatosis of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
202595001 Synovial osteochondromatosis of interphalangeal joint of toe
202655008 (Spondylosis and allied disorders) or (arthritis of spine) or
202656009 Cervical spondylosis (& [without myelopathy]) or (osteoarthritis cervical spine)
202683005 Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
202684004 Single-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
202685003 Two-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
202686002 Multiple-level cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
202688001 Thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
202689009 Single-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
202690000 Two-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
202692008 Multiple-level thoracic spondylosis with radiculopathy
202693003 Lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
202694009 Single-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
202695005 Two-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
202696006 Multiple-level lumbosacral spondylosis with radiculopathy
202701004 (Spondylosis NOS) or (osteoarthritis spine)
202705008 (Intervertebral disc: [disorders] or [displacement] or [slipped]) or (acute back pain)
202732003 Disc prolapse with radiculopathy
202733008 Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy
202734002 Thoracic disc prolapse with radiculopathy
202735001 Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy
202737009 Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica
202757008 Cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy
202764005 Pain in neck (& [cervical spine])
202765006 (Neuritis: [brachial - cervical] or [ulnar]) or (radiculitis: [brachial] or [cervical]) or (cervical root pain)
202769000 Neck: [wry] or [torticollis NOS] or [stiff NOS]
202775009 Crick in neck
202792000 Thoracic pain: [spine] or [acute back]
202793005 (Back pain: [lumbar spine] or [low] or [acute lumbar]) or (lumbalgia) or (lumbago)
202794004 Lumbago with sciatica
202795003 Acute back pain &/or sciatica
202797006 Thoracic: [neuritis, unspecified] or [nerve root pain]
202800008 (Backache unspecified) or (back pain unspecified & [acute])
202803005 Lumbosacral: [instability] or [strain]
202805003 Sacroiliac disorder
202806002 (Sacroiliac strain) or (disorders of the sacrum NOS)
202833003 Rheumatism, excluding the back
202834009 Polymyalgia (& [rheumatica])
202836006 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes
202837002 Shoulder: (frozen) or (adhesive capsulitis) or (bursitis)
202839004 (Rotator cuff syndrome unspecified) or (supraspinatus syndrome)
202840002 Bicipital tenosynovitis
202841003 Supraspinatus tendinitis
202844006 Bursitis of shoulder
202845007 (Rotator cuff syndrome NOS) or (painful arc syndrome) or (subacromial bursitis)
202852009 Shoulder tendinitis
202854005 Elbow enthesopathy unspecified
202855006 Lateral epicondylitis
202856007 Biceps tendinitis
202857003 Triceps tendinitis
202858008 Elbow enthesopathy NOS
202859000 Enthesopathy of the wrist and/or carpus
202860005 Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS
202861009 Enthesopathy of the hip region
202862002 Hip enthesopathy, unspecified
202866004 Hip enthesopathy NOS
202867008 Bursitis: [knee NOS] or [semi-membranosus] or [popliteal]
202868003 Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis
202869006 (Tibial collateral ligament bursitis) or (Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome)
202870007 Fibular collateral ligament bursitis
202871006 Subpatellar bursitis
202872004 Biceps femoris tendinitis
202873009 Semimembranosus tendinitis
202874003 (Suprapatellar bursitis) or (knee enthesopathy NOS)
202875002 Enthesopathy of the ankle &/or tarsus
202876001 Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified
202877005 Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified
202878000 Metatarsalgia NOS
202879008 Achilles bursitis
202880006 Tibialis anterior tendinitis
202881005 Tibialis posterior tendinitis
202886000 Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS
202887009 Other peripheral enthesopathies
202890003 Enthesopathy NOS
202891004 Capsulitis NOS
202892006 Periarthritis NOS
202893001 Tendinitis: [NOS] or [bicepital] or [adductor] or [supraspinatus]
202898005 Peripheral enthesopathy NOS
202900007 Synovitis and tenosynovitis
202901006 Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS
202905002 (Radial styloid tenosynovitis) or (De Quervain's disease) or (trigger thumb [& acquired])
202906001 (Tensynovitis: [fingers] or [other, of hand or wrist]) or (tendonitis of thumb)
202907005 Tenosynovitis of ankle
202908000 Tenosynovitis of foot
202911004 Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist
202912006 Flexor tenosynovitis of finger
202913001 Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb
202914007 Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist
202915008 Extensor tenosynovitis of finger
202916009 Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb
202917000 Achilles tenosynovitis
202918005 Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis
202919002 Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis
202920008 Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis
202921007 Extensor digitorum longus tenosynovitis
202922000 Peroneus longus tenosynovitis
202923005 Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis
202924004 Transient synovitis
202925003 Chronic crepitant synovitis of hand and wrist
202926002 Synovitis of hip
202927006 (Synovitis: [knee] or [elbow] or [shoulder]) or (other synovitis and tenosynovitis)
202930004 Olecranon bursitis
202931000 Prepatellar bursitis
202935009 Bursitis: [NOS] or [postcalcaneal]
203082005 Fibromyalgia
203090005 Calcific tendinitis
203094001 Muscle strain
203099006 Rheumatism and fibrositis unspecified
203100003 Rheumatism unspecified
203102006 Muscular rheumatism
203103001 Rheumatic pain
203106009 Hand rheumatism
203107000 Rheumatism or fibrositis NOS
203108005 Myalgia and myositis unspecified
203109002 (Myalgia: [unspecified] or [intercostal myalgia]) or (muscle pain)
203113009 Myalgia or myositis NOS
203114003 Neuralgia, neuritis and radiculitis unspecified
203115002 Neuralgia unspecified
203117005 Radiculitis unspecified
203118000 (Neuralgia, neuritis or radiculitis NOS) or (policeman's disease)
203124006 Pain in limb (& [ankle] or [arm] or [foot] or [hand] or [heel] or [leg] or [shoulder] or [thigh] or [buttock])
203125007 Hand pain (& [thumb] or [finger])
203126008 Foot pain (& [toe])
203127004 Pain in leg (& [aching leg syndrome])
203128009 Pain in upper limb
203129001 Pain in calf
203130006 Pain in axilla
203131005 Tender heel pad
203132003 Shoulder pain
203138004 Fibromyalgia
203139007 (Soft tissue disorders NOS) or (polyalgia)
203142001 Other specified nonarticular rheumatism
203143006 Nonarticular rheumatism NOS
203367009 (Perthes' disease) or (Coxa plana)
203490000 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
203507006 Bone pain
203508001 Bony pelvic pain
203509009 Clavicle pain
20361002 Alteration in comfort: pain
203722004 [X]Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
203735008 [X]Other juvenile arthritis
203736009 [X]Juvenile arthritis in other diseases classified elsewhere
203741001 [X]Other specified arthritis
203747002 [X]Arthrosis
203748007 [X]Other polyarthrosis
203749004 [X]Other primary coxarthrosis
203753002 [X] Primary gonarthrosis: [other] or [unilateral]
203757001 [X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint
203761007 [X]Other specified arthrosis
203814001 [X]Other spondylosis with radiculopathy
203825005 [X]Lumbar and other intervertebral disc disorders with radiculopathy
203831008 [X]Other dorsalgia
203848000 [X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
203856002 [X]Other bursitis of elbow
203857006 [X]Other bursitis of knee
203858001 [X]Other bursitis of hip
203862007 [X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified
203868006 [X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot
203869003 [X]Other enthesopathy of foot
203870002 [X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified
203875007 [X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified
203898004 [X]Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
204001000000104 Synovitis NOS
20502007 Pain in scrotum
206786009 [D]Pain, generalized
206795001 [D]Acute pain
206796000 [D]Chronic intractable pain
20680006 Sprain AND/OR strain of sacroiliac region
206842008 [D]Growing pains - limbs
206843003 [D]Musculoskeletal pain
206947001 [D]Facial pain
206948006 ([D]Pain: (in head NOS) or (jaw))
207078009 [D]Chest pain
207079001 [D](Chest pain: (unspecified) or (retrosternal))
207080003 [D]Precordial pain
207081004 [D]Anterior chest wall pain
207082006 [D]Painful respiration NOS
207083001 [D]Pleuritic pain
207088005 [D]Parasternal chest pain
207089002 [D]Musculoskeletal chest pain
207090006 [D]Non-cardiac chest pain
207091005 [D]Retrosternal chest pain
207093008 [D]Chest pain NOS
207124007 [D]Flatulence, eructation and gas pain
207131006 [D]Flatulence, eructation and gas pain NOS
207148003 [D] Defecation painful
207149006 [D]Pain in esophagus
207200008 [D]Vesical pain
207214008 [D]Suprapubic pain
207217001 [D]Groin pain
207218006 [D]Loin pain
207222001 [D]Pelvic and perineal pain
207224000 [D] Right upper quadrant pain
207225004 [D] Left upper quadrant pain
207226003 [D]Left lower quadrant pain
207227007 [D]Right lower quadrant pain
207583009 [X]Other chest pain
207621000 [X]Other chronic pain
20793008 Scapulalgia
208941000000108 Synovitis NOS
208951000000106 Synovitis of knee
208961000000109 Synovitis of elbow
208971000000102 Shoulder synovitis
209409002 Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles
209410007 Sprain of shoulder and upper arm
209411006 Sprain of ligament of acromioclavicular joint
209412004 Sprain, coracoclavicular ligament
209413009 Coracohumeral sprain
209414003 Strain of infraspinatus tendon
209415002 Strain of subscapularis tendon
209416001 Strain of supraspinatus tendon
209417005 Sprain, shoulder joint, anterior
209418000 Sprain, shoulder joint, posterior
209419008 Sprain, biceps tendon
209420002 Strain of long head of biceps
209421003 Sprain, triceps tendon
209422005 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle
209423000 Shoulder strain (& other)
209424006 (Other upper arm sprain) or (traumatic rupture of biceps tendon)
209425007 Shoulder sprain NOS
209426008 Upper arm sprain NOS
209427004 Sprain of elbow &/or forearm
209428009 Sprain, elbow joint, lateral collateral ligament
209429001 Sprain, elbow joint, medial collateral ligament
209430006 Radiohumeral sprain
209431005 Ulnohumeral sprain
209432003 Other elbow sprain
209433008 Other forearm sprain
209434002 Elbow sprain NOS
209435001 Forearm sprain NOS
209436000 Sprain of wrist and/or hand
209437009 Sprain of ligament of wrist
209438004 Wrist sprain unspecified
209439007 Carpal joint sprain
209440009 Sprain proximal radiocarpal ligament nonspecific
209441008 Distal radioulnar joint sprain
209442001 Sprain of collateral carpal radial ligament
209443006 Sprain volar radiocarpal ligament nonspecific
209444000 Sprain volar radiocarpal ligament superficial
209445004 Sprain of radioscaphocapitate ligament
209446003 Sprain of radiolunate ligament
209447007 Sprain of radioscapholunate ligament
209448002 Sprain dorsal radiocarpal ligament
209449005 Sprain ulnar carpal complex nonspecific
209450005 Sprain ulnar-carpal meniscus
209451009 Sprain triangular fibrocartilage
209452002 Sprain of ulnolunate ligament
209453007 Sprain of ulnar collateral ligament of wrist joint
209454001 Sprain short intrinsic ligament nonspecific
209455000 Sprain of scaphotrapezium ligament
209456004 Sprain of lunotriquetral ligament
209457008 Sprain of scapholunate ligament
209458003 Sprain volar intercarpal ligament or V ligament
209459006 Sprain dorsal intercarpal ligament
209460001 Wrist sprain NOS
209461002 (Hand sprain) or (tendon injury of hand)
209462009 Sprain: [hand unspecified] or [finger] or [thumb]
209463004 Carpometacarpal sprain
209464005 Metacarpophalangeal sprain
209465006 Interphalangeal sprain
209466007 Midcarpal joint sprain
209467003 Hand sprain NOS
209468008 Sprain of thumb joint
209469000 Sprain thumb, carpometacarpal joint
209470004 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint nonspecific
209471000 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament
209472007 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament
209473002 Sprain thumb, interphalangeal joint, nonspecific
209474008 Sprain thumb, interphalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament
209476005 Sprain thumb, interphalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament
209477001 Sprain of finger joint
209478006 Sprain finger, carpometacarpal joint
209479003 Sprain finger, metacarpophalangeal joint, nonspecific
209480000 Sprain finger, metacarpophalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament
209481001 Sprain finger, metacarpophalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament
209482008 Sprain finger, proximal interphalangeal joint, nonspecific
209483003 Sprain finger, proximal interphalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament
209484009 Sprain finger, proximal interphalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament
209485005 Sprain finger, distal interphalangeal joint, nonspecific
209486006 Sprain finger, distal interphalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament
209487002 Sprain finger, distal interphalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament
209493005 Sprain tendon wrist or hand
209494004 Sprain wrist extensors
209495003 Sprain wrist flexors
209496002 Sprain tendon of thumb
209497006 Sprain, flexor pollicis longus tendon
209498001 Sprain, extensor pollicis longus tendon
209499009 Sprain tendon of finger
209500000 Sprain, flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
209501001 Sprain, flexor digitorum profundus tendon
209502008 Sprain, extensor digitorum tendon
209503003 Wrist and hand sprain NOS
209504009 Sprain: [hip and/or thigh] or [groin] or [hamstring]
209505005 Iliofemoral sprain
209506006 Ischiocapsular sprain
209507002 Strain of quadriceps tendon
209508007 Strain of patellar tendon
209509004 Strain of hamstring tendon
209510009 Other hip sprain
209511008 Other thigh sprain
209512001 Hip sprain NOS
209513006 Thigh sprain NOS
209514000 Sprain: [knee] &/or [leg]
209515004 Sprain or partial tear, knee, lateral collateral ligament
209518002 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee joint
209522007 Sprain of superior tibiofibular ligament
209523002 Sprain, plantaris tendon
209524008 Other specified knee sprain
209525009 Other specified leg sprain
209526005 Gastrocnemius: [sprain] or [torn]
209527001 Knee sprain NOS
209528006 Leg sprain NOS
209529003 Sprain of ankle and/or foot
209530008 Ankle sprain, unspecified
209531007 Sprain, ankle joint, medial
209532000 Sprain, ankle joint, lateral
209533005 Distal tibiofibular sprain
209534004 (Sprain, tendocalcaneus (Achilles tendon)) or (achilles tendon: [ruptured, traumatic] or [torn])
209537006 Ankle sprain NOS
209538001 Foot sprain, unspecified
209539009 Sprain, tarsometatarsal joint
209540006 Sprain, metatarsophalangeal joint
209541005 Sprain: [inter-phalangeal joint, toe] or [toe]
209542003 Sprain of midtarsal joint
209543008 Sprain, flexor tendon, foot
209544002 Sprain, extensor tendon, foot
209545001 Foot sprain NOS
209546000 Ankle and foot sprain NOS
209547009 Sprain pelvic ligament
209548004 Sprain of ligament of lumbosacral joint
209549007 Sprain of anterior sacroiliac ligament
209550007 Sprain of posterior sacroiliac ligament
209551006 Sprain, sacrospinous ligament
209552004 Sprain, sacrotuberous ligament
209553009 Sprain of iliolumbar ligament
209554003 Other specified sacroiliac sprains
209555002 Sacroiliac sprain NOS
209556001 Sprain: [other parts of back] or [back sprain excluding lumbosacral]
209557005 Neck sprain
209558000 (Neck sprain, unspecified) or (traumatic torticollis) or (whiplash injury)
209559008 Cervical anterior longitudinal ligament sprain
209560003 Atlantoaxial joint sprain
209561004 Atlanto-occipital joint sprain
209563001 Neck sprain NOS
209564007 Thoracic sprain
209565008 Lumbar sprain
209566009 Sacrum sprain
209567000 Sacral sprain, unspecified
209568005 Sacrococcygeal sprain
209569002 Sacrum sprain NOS
209571002 Coccyx sprain
209572009 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis
209573004 Back sprain NOS
209788006 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains
209789003 Septal cartilage nose sprain
209790007 Jaw sprain, unspecified
209791006 Sprain of temporomandibular joint
209792004 Jaw sprain NOS
209793009 Thyroid region sprain
209794003 Thyroid region sprain, unspecified
209795002 Cricoarytenoid sprain
209796001 Cricothyroid sprain
209797005 Thyroid cartilage sprain
209798000 Thyroid region sprain NOS
209799008 Sprain of costal cartilage
209800007 Rib sprain unspecified
209801006 Chondrocostal joint sprain
209802004 Sprain of costal cartilage
209803009 Rib sprain NOS
209804003 Sternum sprain
209805002 Sternum sprain unspecified
209806001 Sternoclavicular sprain
209807005 Chondrosternal sprain
209808000 Xiphoid cartilage sprain
209809008 Sternum sprain NOS
209810003 Pelvis sprain or complete tear
209811004 Sprain of pelvis, unspecified
209812006 Sprain, symphysis pubis
209819002 Sprain of pelvis NOS
209820008 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
209821007 Other specified sprains and strains
209822000 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains NOS
209824004 (Sprains and strains NOS) or (sprain: [joint NOS] or [ligament NOS] or [muscle NOS] or [rectus sprain] or [tendon NOS]) or (tendon rupture NOS)
21142001 Sprain of sacrospinatus ligament
213399005 [X]Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of head
2134003 Diffuse pain
213425007 [X]Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of neck
213443006 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
213461002 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis
213482008 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle
213517007 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand
213548004 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee
213567000 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot
213661000000108 Ankle pain
213671000000101 Ankle pain
21409006 Enthesopathy of ankle AND/OR tarsus
21545007 Tenalgia
21621000119107 Pain in female perineum
2169001 Thoracic radiculitis
21794005 Radial styloid tenosynovitis
21954000 Herpes zoster auricularis
220000 Unspecified monoarthritis
22166009 Skeletal muscle tender
221695002 Bursitis of calcaneal tendon bursa
22193007 Degenerative joint disease of hand
22253000 Pain
2237002 Pleuritic pain
224729007 Proliferative arthritis
22531000119104 Prolapse of cervical intervertebral disc without radiculopathy
225399009 Pain assessment
225564006 Pain of nose
225565007 Perineal pain
225595004 Pain associated with defecation
225655006 Degenerative polyarthritis
225782006 Pain control
225783001 Minimizing pain
225912009 Unable to cope with pain
226586002 Degenerative arthropathy
227588009 Osteoarthrosis
22817005 Strain of Achilles tendon
22913005 Dorsalgia
230537000 Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia
23056005 Sciatica
230654000 Painful legs and moving toes
23096007 Cranial neuralgia
231488009 Delusional pain
232399005 Acute herpes simplex pharyngitis
23285006 Painful sexual act of male
233845001 Cardiac syndrome X
23415000 Sprain of jaw
23680005 Enthesopathy
237067000 Chronic pain in female pelvis
237135001 Painful menorrhea
238777005 Erythromelalgia
239166000 Persistent wound pain
239191000000102 Pain radiating to centre of chest
239201000000100 Pain radiating to head
239211000000103 Pain radiating to jaw
239221000000109 Pain radiating to left arm
239231000000106 Pain radiating to left flank
239241000000102 Pain radiating to left leg
239251000000104 Pain radiating to left shoulder
239261000000101 Pain radiating to left side of chest
239281000000105 Pain radiating to lumbar region of back
239301000000106 Pain radiating to neck
239311000000108 Pain radiating to right arm
239321000000102 Pain radiating to right flank
239331000000100 Pain radiating to right leg
239341000000109 Pain radiating to right shoulder
239351000000107 Pain radiating to right side of chest
239361000000105 Pain radiating to thoracic region left side
239371000000103 Pain radiating to thoracic region right side
239641000000100 Finding of geographic location of pain
239651000000102 Pain characterised by relieving factor
239711009 Foot arthritis NOS
239712002 Ankle arthritis NOS
239713007 Knee arthritis NOS
239714001 Hip arthritis NOS
239715000 Wrist arthritis NOS
239716004 Elbow arthritis NOS
239733006 Anterior knee pain
239789002 Post-immunization arthritis
239796000 Juvenile chronic arthritis
239797009 Early onset pauciarticular chronic arthritis
239799007 Early onset polyarticular juvenile chronic arthritis
239816008 Synovitis of elbow
239817004 Synovitis of knee
239818009 Shoulder synovitis
239819001 Undifferentiated inflammatory oligoarthritis
239820007 Undifferentiated inflammatory monoarthritis
239828000 Apatite-associated destructive arthritis
239831004 Calcific periarthritis
239832006 Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease
239835008 Idiopathic pyrophosphate arthritis
239853002 Toe osteoarthritis NOS
239854008 Foot osteoarthritis NOS
239855009 Ankle osteoarthritis NOS
239856005 Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee
239857001 Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip
239858006 Thumb osteoarthritis NOS
239859003 Finger osteoarthritis NOS
239860008 Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist
239861007 Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow
239862000 Idiopathic osteoarthritis
239863005 Osteoarthritis of spinal facet joint
239864004 Osteoarthritis of shoulder joint
239865003 Osteoarthritis of acromioclavicular joint
239866002 Osteoarthritis of elbow
239867006 Osteoarthritis of wrist
239868001 Osteoarthritis of finger joint
239869009 Osteoarthritis of distal interphalangeal joint
239870005 Osteoarthritis of proximal interphalangeal joint
239871009 Osteoarthritis of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger
239872002 Osteoarthritis of hip
239873007 Osteoarthritis of knee
239874001 Osteoarthritis of ankle
239876004 Osteoarthritis of subtalar joint
239877008 Osteoarthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint
239878003 Osteoarthritis of toe joint
239880009 Lumbar spondylosis
239949003 Polyalgia
239955008 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the shoulder region
239956009 Infraspinatus tendinitis
239957000 Calcific tendinitis of shoulder
239958005 Painful arc syndrome
239961006 Bursitis of shoulder
239965002 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the elbow region
239968000 Bursitis of elbow region
239973006 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of wrist AND/OR hand
239974000 Other tenosynovitis of the wrist
239975004 Other tenosynovitis of the hand
239976003 Extensor carpi radialis tenosynovitis
239991001 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the pelvic region
239992008 Bursitis of pelvic region
239993003 Ischial bursitis
239994009 Enthesopathy of pelvic region
240000001 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the knee region
240002009 Popliteal bursitis
240003004 Suprapatellar bursitis
240004005 Semimembranosus bursitis
240011009 Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis
240012002 Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis
240017008 Bursitis of ankle region
240018003 Tarsus enthesopathy
240027002 Bursitis of foot region
240028007 Enthesopathy of foot region
240033006 Bursitis of retrocalcaneal bursa
240034000 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis
240035004 Tenosynovitis
240036003 Tenosynovitis of fingers
240117006 Trichinosis myositis
240223006 Degenerative arthropathy of spinal facet joint
241102002 Skeletal survey - arthritis
24133009 Lateral epicondylitis of elbow joint
241401000000103 Patient unable to rate pain
2415007 Lumbosacral radiculopathy
242061000000100 Gradual onset of pain
242071000000107 Pain onset at rest
242081000000109 Pain onset during exertion
242091000000106 Pain onset during moderate exercise
242101000000103 Pain onset during sleep
242111000000101 Pattern of onset of pain
242121000000107 Constant pain
243331000000103 Squeezing pain
243341000000107 Vague pain
243911000000107 Pain characterised by provoking factor
243921000000101 Pain relieved by analgesics
243951000000106 Pain relieved by patient medication
243961000000109 Pain relieved by patient position
243971000000102 Pain relieved by rest
243981000000100 Pain relieved by sitting up
243991000000103 Pain relieved by slowing respiration
244001000000108 Pain relieved by supine position
244011000000105 Pain relieved by walking
244021000000104 Pain commenced at home
244031000000102 Pain commenced in clinic
244041000000106 Pain commenced in construction area
244051000000109 Pain commenced in educational area
244071000000100 Pain commenced in hospital
244081000000103 Pain commenced in industrial area
244091000000101 Pain commenced on motorway
244101000000109 Pain commenced at office
244111000000106 Pain commenced in residential home
244121000000100 Pain commenced in sports/athletic area
244131000000103 Pain commenced in street
244141000000107 Pain commenced at industrial site
244151000000105 Pain commenced outdoors
244161000000108 Pain commenced in public building
244401000000101 Pain provoked by altercation
244411000000104 Pain provoked by breathing
244421000000105 Pain provoked by coughing
244431000000107 Pain provoked by eating
244441000000103 Pain provoked by exertion
244451000000100 Pain provoked by light
244461000000102 Pain provoked by movement
244471000000109 Pain provoked by rest
244481000000106 Pain provoked by running
244511000000100 Spontaneous pain
244521000000106 Pain provoked by lifting
244531000000108 Pain provoked by walking
24693007 Fibromyositis
24730004 Sprain of calcaneofibular ligament
247345006 Sore gums
247346007 Sore mouth
247348008 Tenderness
247349000 Painful teething
247352008 Subcostal pain
247355005 Flank pain
247363006 Musculoskeletal pain disorder
247364000 Psychosomatic rheumatism
247365004 Fibromyalgia
247366003 Acute back pain with sciatica
247368002 Posterior compartment low back pain
247369005 Facet joint pain
247373008 Ankle pain
247375001 Arc of pain in joint
247376000 Beginning of painful arc
247377009 End of painful arc
247380005 Phantom pain
247381009 Limb stump pain
247384001 Neurological pain disorder
247385000 Lateral femoral cutaneous neuralgia
247386004 Obturator neuralgia
247387008 Cruralgia
247388003 Segmental peripheral neuralgia
247389006 Intercostal neuralgia
247391003 Perineal neuralgia
247393000 Ilioinguinal nerve neuralgia
247395007 Genitofemoral nerve neuralgia
247397004 Causalgia
247398009 Neuropathic pain
247399001 Pseudothalamic pain
247400008 Painful arms and moving fingers
247404004 Allodynia
247409009 Specific body function causing pain
247410004 Painful cough
247411000 Talking painful
247416005 Defecation painful
247417001 Pain on intercourse
247418006 Superficial pain on intercourse
247419003 Deep pain on intercourse
247738008 Hallucinations of pain
24864009 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of toe
249123005 Onset of contractions
24928009 Strain of infraspinatus muscle AND/OR tendon
249919003 Muscle stiffness
249921008 Stiff back
250125001 Arthritis by pattern of joint involvement
250126000 Symmetrical arthritis
250127009 Asymmetrical arthritis
250128004 Small joint arthritis
250129007 Large joint arthritis
250130002 Small and large joint arthritis
250131003 Lower limb joint arthritis
25064002 Headache
25416002 Peripheral neuralgia
25428005 Sprain of carpometacarpal joint
254779008 Osteoarthritis deformans
25616007 Acute arthropathy
262962009 Rectus muscle sprain
262963004 Muscle sprain NOS
262964005 Strain of neck muscle
262965006 Strain of back muscle
262972007 Tendon strain
262973002 Tendon sprain NOS
262974008 Strain of tendon of neck
262975009 Strain of tendon of back
262976005 Strain of tendon of adductor longus
262977001 Strain of peroneal tendon
262990008 Forearm sprain
262991007 Thigh sprain
262992000 Hamstring sprain
262993005 Hip sprain
262994004 Leg sprain
262995003 Back sprain excluding lumbosacral
262996002 Joint sprain NOS
262997006 Sprain of sacroiliac joint
262998001 Sprain of toe joint
263000005 Joint capsule sprain
263127006 Ligament sprain NOS
263128001 Sprain of ligament of elbow
263129009 Sprain of ligament of finger
263130004 Sprain of ligament of thumb
263131000 Sprain of ligament of knee joint
263132007 Sprain of ligament of ankle joint
263133002 Sprain of lateral ligament of ankle joint
266492006 (Temporomandibular joint dis) or (snapping jaw) or (temporomandibular syndrome)
266599000 Dysmenorrhea
267067009 Lumbar ache - renal
267104002 Complaining of a pain
267165003 Pain: [site of GIT] or [abdominal site symptom] or [flank] or [subcostal] or [iliac fossa]
267169009 (Pain: [lumbar] or [renal] or [loin]) or (lumbar renal ache)
267182001 C/O: [a pain] or [an ache]
267348004 Pelvic joint/ligament damage
267699004 (Cluster headaches) or (migrainous neuralgia) or (migraine NOS)
267705008 Other mononeuritis upper limb &/or causalgia
267888004 Osteoarthritis
267889007 Generalized osteoarthritis of the hand
267891004 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the pelvic region and thigh
267892006 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg
267893001 Osteoarthritis NOS
267894007 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the upper arm
267895008 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the forearm
267896009 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand
267897000 Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh
267898005 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg
267899002 Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot
267900007 Transient arthropathy of hip
267902004 Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis NOS
267903009 Unspecified monoarthritis
267904003 Arthropathy NOS
267905002 Arthropathy NOS, of the upper arm
267906001 Arthropathy NOS, of the forearm
267907005 Arthropathy NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
267908000 Arthropathy NOS, of the lower leg
267909008 Arthropathy NOS, of the ankle and foot
267949000 Shoulder joint pain
267950000 Arthralgia of the upper arm
267951001 Arthralgia of the forearm
267952008 Arthralgia of the pelvic region and thigh
267953003 Arthralgia of the lower leg
267954009 Arthralgia of the ankle and/or foot
267973008 Spondylosis NOS
267977009 Brachial (cervical) neuritis
267981009 Pain in thoracic spine
267982002 Pain in lumbar spine
267984001 Backache, unspecified
267988003 Polymyalgia rheumatica
267990002 Peripheral enthesopathies
267991003 Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified
267992005 Rotator cuff syndrome NOS
267993000 Bursitis of the knee NOS
267994006 Knee enthesopathy NOS
267995007 Enthesopathy of the ankle and/or tarsus
267996008 Tendinitis NOS
267998009 Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist
267999001 Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
268000007 Bursitis NOS
268010003 Myalgia unspecified
268011004 Neuralgia, neuritis or radiculitis NOS
268043004 [X]Other primary gonarthrosis
268051001 (Arthritis/arthrosis) or (arthropathy) or (joint disorders)
268053003 Polyarthropathy (& [inflammatory]) NOS
268054009 Osteoarthritis of multiple joints
268056006 (Arthropathy NOS) or (arthrosis) or (Charcot's joint) or (Otto's pelvis) or (polyarthritis NOS)
268065004 (Pain in joint) or (coxalgia)
268066003 Joint pain: [shoulder] or [acromioclavicular]
268068002 Ankle and/or foot joint stiffness
268070006 (Joint: [disorder NOS] or [unstable]) or (polyarthralgia)
268074002 (Spondyloses: [cervical] or [lumbar] or [sacral]) or (arthritis - spine) or (osteoarthritis - spine)
268078004 (Cervicalgia) or (neck pain NOS)
268083007 (Backache NOS) or (back pain [& low])
268086004 (Peripheral enthesopathies) or (capsulitis)
268087008 (Shoulder: [syndrome (& [painful arc][rotator cuff])][bicipital tendinit][bursitis][frozen][pericapsulit][adhes capsulit]) or (tendinitis: [subscapular][supraspinat][infraspinat][bicep long head])
268088003 (Epicondylitis &/or tennis elbow) or (golfers' elbow)
268089006 (Patellar tendinitis) or (Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome)
268090002 (Tendinitis: [ankle/tarsus] or [achilles] or [ankle]) or (calcaneal spur) or (metatarsalgia)
268091003 (Peripheral enthesopathy NOS) or (exostosis NOS) or (periarthritis NOS) or (semi-membranosus bursa) or (tendinitis NOS)
268092005 Synovitis &/or tenosynovitis
268093000 Synovitis and/or tenosyn.- multiple
268094006 (Synovitis/tenosynovitis - wrist) or (de Quervain's tenosynovitis)
268095007 (Synovitis/tenosynovitis - hand) or (finger: [snapping] or [trigger])
268096008 (Bursitis: [knee] or [pre-patellar]) or (house-maid's knee)
268097004 (Bursitis - ankle/foot) or (painful heel syndrome)
268107007 Rheumatism &/or fibrositis: [NOS]
268108002 Myalgia &/or myositis: [NOS]
268109005 (Myalgia/myositis NOS) or (intercostal myalgia)
268110000 (Neuralgia/neuritis - ankle/foot) or (policemans' disease)
268111001 (Neuralgia/neuritis - NOS) or (nerve root pain NEC)
268112008 Pain in limb &/or NOS
268122002 (Nonarticular rheumatism NOS) or (panniculitis)
268718003 [X]Persistent somatoform pain disorder
268777004 Psychalgia: [tension backache] or [other]
268994009 On examination - tenderness/pain
269018004 O/E pain: [abdominal (& on palpation)] or [epigastric] or [iliac] or [lumbar] or [umbilical]
269019007 O/E - right iliac: [abdominal pain] or [tender]
269020001 O/E - left iliac: [abdominal pain] or [tender]
269046002 O/E - maxillary sinus: [tenderness] or [pain]
269047006 O/E - frontal sinus: [tenderness] or [pain]
269132000 Other shoulder sprain
269133005 Other upper arm sprain
269134004 Sprain of elbow and forearm
269135003 Hand sprain unspecified
269136002 Sprain of hip and thigh
269137006 Sprain of knee and leg
269138001 Strain of gastrocnemius tendon
269139009 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of toe
269140006 Sprain of other parts of back
269141005 Neck sprain, unspecified
269143008 Sprains and strains NOS
269324003 [Dislocations &/or sprains &/or strains] or subluxations
269328000 Sprain: [shoulder] or [upper arm]
269329008 Arm sprain - upper
269330003 Sprain: [hand] or [finger]
269331004 Sprained finger &/or thumb
269332006 Sprained upper leg (& [thigh])
269333001 (Sprain - ankle NOS) or (twisted ankle)
269334007 (Sprained neck) or (whiplash injury)
269335008 Sacral &/or coccyx sprain
269336009 Pelvic sprain (& [pubic symphisis])
269337000 Other sprains NOS
270506005 Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis
270534003 Proctalgia fugax (& anal spasm): disorder or observation
270542002 Elbow bursitis (& olecranon)
271329006 [D]Pain in head NOS
271330001 [D]Chest pain, unspecified
271681002 Stomach ache
27182002 Sprain of acromioclavicular ligament
271843009 Painful straining for stool
271856002 Groin pain
271857006 Loin pain
272047006 Complaining of loin pain
272048001 C/O - lumbar pain (context-dependent category)
272049009 Complaining of renal pain
2733002 Heel pain
27355003 Toothache
273685000 Pain diary
274135002 Arthritis/arthrosis
274140005 Subscapularis tendinitis
274161003 Back sprain
274162005 Thoracic back sprain
274163000 Lumbosacral sprain
274253004 [D]Retrosternal pain
274279008 Renal pain
274289007 On examination - iliac pain - abdominal
274290003 On examination - lumbar pain abdominal
274305000 On examination - maxillary sinus pain
274306004 On examination - frontal sinus pain
274663001 Acute pain
274664007 Chest pain on breathing
274665008 Chronic intractable pain
274666009 Face ache
274667000 Jaw pain
274668005 Non-cardiac chest pain
274669002 Other chronic pain
274671002 Pelvic and perineal pain
274796008 Examination of pain sensation
275315004 On examination - iliac pain on palpation
275316003 On examination - lumbar pain on palpation
275317007 Finger pain
275324008 Osteoarthritis of metacarpophalangeal joint
275334004 Shoulder strain
275446004 Gardner-Diamond syndrome
275449006 Sore bottom
275875002 On examination - painful arc
275895008 On examination - tenderness
275896009 On examination - pain
27635008 Aching pain
276435006 Pain / sensation finding
276889001 Eponymous strains A-L
277167007 Tenderness in ear canal
277168002 Tenderness in ear canal on distracting pinna
277210007 Tender mastoid
277238004 Tenderness over maxillary sinus
277241008 Tenderness over frontal sinus
277247007 Tender larynx
277285005 Thalamic pain
27741009 Calcific tendinitis of shoulder
277467000 Eponymous strain
277514002 Eponymous strains M-Z
277802001 Notalgia paresthetica
278018006 Tender muscles
27830001 Brachial radiculitis
278525009 Enthesopathy
278860009 Chronic low back pain
278862001 Acute low back pain
278995006 Facial tenderness
278997003 Bone tenderness
279001004 Pain finding at anatomical site
279019008 Central crushing chest pain
279021003 Epididymal pain
279028009 Ovarian pain
279029001 Pain in cervical spine
279030006 Myofascial pain syndrome of neck
279032003 Chronic pelvic pain without obvious pathology
279035001 Acute thoracic back pain
279036000 Myofascial pain syndrome of thorax
279038004 Thoracic back pain
279039007 Low back pain
279040009 Mechanical low back pain
279041008 Myofascial pain syndrome of lower back
279043006 Pain in buttock
279044000 Total body pain syndrome
279047007 Persistent pain following procedure
279052002 Sympathetically independent pain
279053007 Sympathetically maintained pain
279056004 Pain on penetration
279058003 Neurogenic pain
279059006 Hypoglossal neuralgia
279061002 Pain of anatomical structure
279062009 Myofascial pain
279063004 Lumbar facet joint pain
279066007 Foot joint pain
279067003 Metatarsophalangeal joint pain
279069000 Musculoskeletal pain
279070004 Muscle tension pain
279072007 Sore lip
279073002 Sore nostril
279075009 Pain finding
279087002 Painful spasm of anus
279093005 Cramping pain
279095003 Heavy pain
279096002 Sore pain
279097006 Splitting pain
279098001 Crushing pain
279114001 Character of pain
279980002 Peripheral neurogenic pain
279981003 Peripheral neuropathic pain
281245003 Musculoskeletal chest pain
281352004 Iliopsoas bursitis
281537007 Strain of tendon of head and neck
281538002 Strain of tendon of trunk
281539005 Strain of tendon of upper limb
281540007 Strain of tendon of upper arm
281541006 Strain of tendon of forearm, wrist, hand
281542004 Strain of tendon of lower limb
281543009 Strain of tendon of medial thigh muscle
281544003 Strain of tendon of foot and ankle
281598004 Sprain of spinal ligament
281599007 Sprain of ligament of lower limb
282743009 Malignant bone pain
285365001 Pain in toe
285375003 Pain in penis
285385002 Left sided chest pain
285386001 Right sided chest pain
285389008 Upper chest pain
285391000 Strain of muscle of lower limb
285393002 Strain of muscle of upper limb
285394008 Strain of muscle of trunk
285395009 Strain of calf muscle
287011007 Osteoarthritis - hand joint
287012000 Osteoarthritis - ankle and/or foot
287013005 Osteoarthritis - other joint
287016002 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - multiple joints
287017006 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - shoulder
287018001 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - elbow
287019009 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - wrist
287020003 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - hip
287021004 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - knee
287022006 Synovitis and/or tenosynovitis - ankle and/or foot
287023001 Bursitis of multiple bursa
287024007 Bursitis - knee
287025008 Bursitis of bursa of ankle and/or foot
287042002 Rheumatism hip NOS
287043007 Rheumatism knee NOS
287044001 Rheumatism ankle/foot NOS
287045000 Pain in left arm
287046004 Pain in right arm
287047008 Pain in left lower limb
287048003 Pain in right lower limb
287049006 Pain in limb NOS
287097007 Sprained finger/thumb
287098002 Sprained toe
287099005 Other sprains
28729000 Proliferative synovitis
28736004 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of multiple sites
287495009 On examination - Site of pain
288213002 Synovitis/tenosynovitis - hand
288220009 Rheumatism multiple NOS
288221008 Rheumatism shoulder NOS
288222001 Rheumatism elbow NOS
288223006 Rheumatism wrist NOS
288224000 Rheumatism hand NOS
288225004 Myalgia/myositis - multiple
288226003 Myalgia/myositis - shoulder
288227007 Myalgia/myositis - upper arm
288228002 Myalgia/myositis - forearm
288229005 Myalgia/myositis - hand
288230000 Myalgia/myositis -pelvis/thigh
288231001 Myalgia/myositis - lower leg
288232008 Myalgia/myositis - ankle/foot
288233003 Neuralgia/neuritis - multiple
288234009 Neuralgia/neuritis - shoulder
288235005 Neuralgia/neuritis - upper arm
288236006 Neuralgia/neuritis - forearm
288237002 Neuralgia/neuritis - hand
288238007 Neuralgia/neuritis - pelvis/thigh
288239004 Neuralgia/neuritis - lower leg
288240002 Neuralgia/neuritis - ankle/foot
288241003 Pain in limb - multiple
289817003 Pain of cervix
289818008 Pain on movement of cervix
289842007 Ovary tender
289844008 Pain of ovary
289845009 Pain on movement of ovary
289900009 Period pain present
289901008 Period pain absent
291761000119107 Complex regional pain syndrome type II of left upper limb
291771000119101 Complex regional pain syndrome type II of right upper limb
291781000119103 Complex regional pain syndrome type II of left lower limb
291791000119100 Complex regional pain syndrome type II of right lower limb
29207008 Tenderness
29210001 Trochanteric tendinitis
292481000119104 Neuralgia of right pudendal nerve
292491000119101 Neuralgia of left pudendal nerve
292521000119104 Neuralgia of nerve of right lower limb
292531000119101 Neuralgia of nerve of left lower limb
293921000119104 Complex regional pain syndrome type I of bilateral upper limbs
293931000119101 Complex regional pain syndrome type I of left lower limb
293941000119105 Complex regional pain syndrome type I of left upper limb
293951000119107 Complex regional pain syndrome type I of bilateral lower limbs
293961000119109 Complex regional pain syndrome type I of right lower limb
293971000119103 Complex regional pain syndrome type I of right upper limb
29695002 Throbbing pain
297128006 Nuchal pain
297217002 Rib pain
298160000 Inflamed joint
298161001 Temporomandibular joint inflamed
298162008 Shoulder joint inflamed
298163003 Elbow joint inflamed
298164009 Wrist joint inflamed
298165005 Hand joint inflamed
298166006 Metacarpophalangeal joint inflamed
298167002 Finger joint inflamed
298168007 Inflammation of thumb joint
298169004 Hip joint inflamed
298170003 Knee joint inflamed
298171004 Ankle joint inflamed
298172006 Foot joint inflamed
298173001 Subtalar joint inflamed
298174007 Metatarsophalangeal joint inflamed
298175008 Interphalangeal joint of toe inflamed
298176009 Cervical spine joint inflamed
298177000 Thoracic spine joint inflamed
298178005 Lumbar spine joint inflamed
298240000 Sacroiliac joint stiff
298250004 Joint tender
298251000 Tenderness of sacroiliac joint
298252007 Joint non-tender
298253002 Cervical facet joint pain
298254008 Thoracic facet joint pain
298255009 Pain on joint movement
298268001 Tenderness of tendon
298288002 Diffuse muscle tenderness
298289005 Muscle tender point
298290001 Tenderness at muscle insertion
298291000000107 Pain with no relieving factor
298292009 Pain on movement of skeletal muscle
298301000000106 Right sided thoracic back pain
298311000000108 Left sided thoracic back pain
298351000000107 Pain on passive stretch of joint
29837005 Dysmenorrhea
298375002 Tenderness of temporomandibular joint
298376001 Temporomandibular joint painful on movement
298477006 Cervical spine tender
298478001 Pain on movement of cervical spine
29857009 Chest pain
298578004 Thoracic spine - tender
298579007 Pain on movement of thoracic spine
298673002 Lumbar spine - tender
298674008 Pain on movement of lumbar spine
298729007 Sternum tender
298731003 Pain of sternum
298740004 Rib tender
298741000 Rib non-tender
298751004 Tenderness of upper limb
298752006 Pain in upper limb
298856001 Tenderness of shoulder joint
298857005 Shoulder joint painful on movement
298858000 Shoulder joint - painful arc
298928007 Tenderness of elbow joint
298929004 Elbow joint - painful on movement
299017002 Tenderness of wrist joint
299018007 Wrist joint painful on movement
299111003 Tenderness of finger joint
299112005 Finger joint painful on movement
29913006 Rheumatism
29918002 Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
299198008 Tenderness of thumb joint
299199000 Thumb joint painful on movement
29930001000004103 Intractable low back pain
299307002 Tenderness of hip joint
299308007 Hip joint painful on movement
299372009 Tenderness of knee joint
299373004 Tenderness on medial joint line of knee
299374005 Tenderness on lateral joint line of knee
299375006 Infrapatellar tenderness
299376007 Tenderness in popliteal fossa
299377003 Knee joint painful on movement
299446004 Tenderness of ankle joint
299447008 Ankle joint - painful on movement
299512002 Tenderness of foot joint
299513007 Foot joint - painful on movement
299553005 Tenderness of subtalar joint
299554004 Subtalar joint painful on movement
299632005 Tenderness of toe joint
299633000 Toe joint painful on movement
300103004 Pinna tender
300104005 Generalized tenderness in pinna
300105006 Focal tenderness in pinna
300107003 Pain on movement of pinna
300348008 Gallbladder tender
300349000 Gallbladder non-tender
300446008 Kidney tender
300447004 Kidney non-tender
300459000 Bladder tender
300460005 Bladder non-tender
300501005 Epididymis tender
300502003 Epididymis non-tender
300566002 Spleen tender
30077003 Somatoform pain disorder
300820003 Tender
30085007 Morton's metatarsalgia
300942003 Tender lymph node
300947009 Deltoid tendinitis
300953009 Pain in axilla
300954003 Pain in calf
300955002 Pain in thumb
300956001 Low back strain
300957005 Postural low back pain
300960003 Psychogenic back pain
301353005 Pain of eye structure
301354004 Pain of ear
301355003 Pain of respiratory structure
301356002 Maxillary sinus pain
301357006 Frontal sinus pain
301358001 Pain of cardiovascular structure
301359009 Pain of lymphoreticular structure
301361000 Pain of oral cavity structure
301362007 Pain of digestive structure
301363002 Pain of endocrine structure
301365009 Pain of head and neck region
301366005 Pain of truncal structure
301369003 Finding of pattern of pain
301370002 Finding of sensory dimension of pain
301371003 Gnawing pain
301372005 Finding of affective dimension of pain
301373000 Tiring with pain
301375007 Sickening with pain
301376008 Fearful with pain
301377004 Punishing with pain
301378009 Finding of present pain intensity
301380003 Mild present pain
301381004 Discomforting present pain
301382006 Distressing present pain
301383001 Horrible present pain
301384007 Excruciating present pain
301385008 Tenderness finding
301386009 Tenderness of body structure
301387000 Tenderness of eye structure
301388005 Tenderness of ear structure
301389002 Tenderness of respiratory structure
301390006 Tenderness of cardiovascular structure
301391005 Tenderness of lymphoreticular structure
301392003 Tenderness of oral cavity structure
301393008 Tenderness of digestive structure
301396000 Tenderness of male genital structure
301397009 Tenderness of female genital structure
301398004 Tenderness of endocrine structure
301399007 Musculoskeletal tenderness
301400000 Tenderness of body region
301401001 Tenderness of head and neck region
301402008 Tenderness of truncal structure
301406006 Tenderness of central region
301407002 Tenderness of right lumbar
301408007 Tenderness of left lumbar
301421000 Tenderness in limb
301422007 Tenderness in upper limb
301423002 Tenderness in lower limb
301715003 Left upper quadrant pain
301716002 Left lower quadrant pain
301717006 Right upper quadrant pain
301754002 Right lower quadrant pain
301773003 Pain in femur
301864002 Transient synovitis of hip
302017001 Sore eye
302072004 Pain in thyroid
302073009 Tenderness of thyroid
302219006 Ear pain
302241006 [D]Jaw pain
30233002 Swallowing painful
302934007 Disorder of spine
302936009 Enthesopathy of wrist and/or hand
302937000 Enthesopathy of lower leg and ankle region
302938005 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the ankle region
302939002 Tendinitis AND/OR tenosynovitis of the foot region
303041000119104 Osteoarthritis of bilateral first carpometacarpal joints
303191000119108 Calcific tendinitis of left shoulder
303211000119109 Calcific tendinitis of left upper arm
303261000119107 Calcific tendinitis of right shoulder
303281000119103 Calcific tendinitis of right upper arm
30473006 Pain in pelvis
3061000119102 Chronic nonmalignant pain
30701005 Inflammatory polyarthropathy
307176005 Acute sciatica
307177001 Chronic sciatica
30731004 Glossodynia
307499004 Cricoarytenoid joint fixation
307500008 Cricoarytenoid joint arthritis
307722004 [D] Right upper quadrant pain
307724003 [D] Left upper quadrant pain
308150007 [D]Retrosternal chest pain
308497004 Strain - lesion
308601000000105 Pain in face
308761000119108 Tendinitis of left gluteal tendon
308771000119102 Tendinitis of right gluteal tendon
308927000 Pain / sensation symptom finding
308941000119107 Calcific tendinitis of left ankle
308951000119109 Calcific tendinitis of left elbow
308961000119106 Calcific tendinitis of left hip
308971000119100 Calcific tendinitis of left knee
308991000119104 Calcific tendinitis of right ankle
309001000119104 Calcific tendinitis of right elbow
309021000000104 Pain in face
309021000119108 Calcific tendinitis of right hip
309031000119106 Calcific tendinitis of right knee
309246000 Osteoarthritis of foot joint
30936004 Enthesopathy of hip region
309471000000109 Complex regional pain syndrome type II
309522006 Tenderness of neck
309552003 [D]Painful respiration
309678000 On examination - pain and sensation
309710005 Lumbosacral strain
30989003 Knee pain
310072004 Acute pain service
310482008 On examination - snuff box tenderness
310483003 Complaining of pain in toe
310484009 Complaining of pain in hallux
310631000000103 Suspected inflammatory arthritis
310641000000107 Suspected inflammatory arthritis
310651000000105 Suspected inflammatory arthritis
311804006 Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica
311811005 [D]Left lower quadrant pain
311812003 [D]Right lower quadrant pain
312411000119100 Lateral epicondylitis of left humerus
312421000119107 Lateral epicondylitis of right humerus
312785002 Tendinitis
312836001 Enthesopathy of lower limb
313257005 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of the wrist
313258000 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of toe
313259008 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of elbow
313631000119104 Monoarthritis of left knee
313701000119100 Monoarthritis of right knee
314108007 Adhesions of knee joint
314591000119101 Bursitis of olecranon of left elbow
314601000119108 Bursitis of olecranon of right elbow
314642004 Intermittent pain
314716005 Acute pelvic pain
314884009 Sprain of ligament of hand
31490007 Nasociliary neuralgia
316761000119109 Pain of left forearm
316801000119101 Pain of left lower leg
31681005 Trigeminal neuralgia
316841000119104 Pain of left upper arm
316941000119108 Pain of right lower leg
316981000119103 Pain of right upper arm
317741000119107 Peroneal tendinitis of left lower limb
317751000119109 Peroneal tendinitis of right lower limb
318171000119100 Tendinitis of left posterior tibial tendon
318181000119102 Tendinitis of right posterior tibial tendon
31829008 Strain of lumbar region
318641000119101 Osteoarthritis of joint of left ankle
318651000119104 Osteoarthritis of joint of left elbow
318661000119102 Osteoarthritis of joint of left hand
318671000119108 Osteoarthritis of joint of left shoulder region
318681000119106 Osteoarthritis of joint of left wrist
318691000119109 Osteoarthritis of joint of right ankle and/or foot
318701000119109 Osteoarthritis of joint of right elbow
318711000119107 Osteoarthritis of joint of right hand
318721000119100 Osteoarthritis of joint of right shoulder region
318731000119102 Osteoarthritis of joint of right wrist
318771000119104 Tendinitis of left psoas tendon
318781000119101 Tendinitis of right psoas tendon
3199001 Sprain of shoulder
3200003 Sacrocoxalgia
32128001 Sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint
322521000119104 Transient synovitis of left elbow
322531000119101 Transient synovitis of left hand
322541000119105 Transient synovitis of left hip
322571000119103 Transient synovitis of left wrist
322601000119109 Transient synovitis of right elbow
322611000119107 Transient synovitis of right hand
322621000119100 Transient synovitis of right hip
322651000119108 Transient synovitis of right wrist
322769008 Trigeminal neuralgia [no drugs here]
323291000119108 Osteoarthritis of left hip joint
323301000119109 Osteoarthritis of left knee joint
323311000119107 Osteoarthritis of right hip joint
323321000119100 Osteoarthritis of right knee joint
323850000 Sore pain
330275003 Other preps for inflamed joints
331000119106 Tendinitis of elbow or forearm
33262002 Osteoarthrosis involving multiple sites but not designated as generalized
33275002 Degenerative joint disease of upper arm
33439002 Enthesopathy of wrist AND/OR carpus
3368006 Dull chest pain
33952002 Localized osteoarthrosis
34789001 Pain in coccyx
34791000119103 Chest pain due to pericarditis
34840004 Tendinitis
35185008 Enthesopathy of elbow region
35496009 Femoral neuralgia
35635000 Cervicobrachial neuralgia
35678005 Multiple joint pain
357182002 Spondyloarthropathy
35726004 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee
35908007 Chronic arthritis
359173000 Seronegative arthritis
359643005 Enthesitis
360437006 Strain of tendon of neck
360450007 Strain of neck muscle
361197009 Sarcoid arthropathy
361198004 Sarcoid arthritis
36163009 Night pain
36186002 Polyarthropathy
36241000119108 Sprain of ligament of cervical spine region
36269003 Cheilodynia
363178003 Inflammatory disorder of joint
36349006 Burning pain
364624006 Pain / sensation observable
364625007 Characteristic of pain
364626008 Characteristic of pain at anatomical site
364627004 Characteristics of pain of head and neck region
364629001 Characteristics of pain of truncal structure
364631005 Pattern of pain
364632003 Pain character
364635001 Feature of present pain intensity
36527001 Periarthritis of shoulder
365882001 Backache
36630001 Deep pain
36657004 Sprain of radial collateral ligament
366948003 Exacerbation of backache
366958004 Chest wall pain
366981002 Pain
366982009 Pain in upper limb
367127009 Muscle strain
367130002 Joint sprain
367173006 Exacerbation of backache
367183005 Chest wall pain
367206007 Pain
367207003 Pain in upper limb
36729000 Pain of prostate
367433008 Dysmenorrhea
367539009 Disorder of the vertebral column
36859004 Esophageal chest pain
369001000000109 Neck pain
369021000000100 Complex regional pain syndrome type I
371030007 Squeezing chest pain
371081002 Arthritis of knee
371082009 Arthritis of spine
37151006 Erythromelalgia
371921000000105 Tendinitis of rotator cuff
372091005 Arthritis
372109003 Disorder of joint of spine
37226004 Pain co-occurrent with tenderness
3723001 Arthritis
37358006 Autoerythrocyte sensitivity disorder
373589003 Backache
373598000 Hand arthritis NOS
373609007 Shoulder arthritis NOS
373621006 Chronic pain syndrome
373623009 Osteoarthritis of glenohumeral joint
373634007 Backache
373644009 Back pain
373673007 Disorder characterized by pain
37440001 Kashin-Bek disease
37475001 Synesthesialgia
37616004 Pharyngitis
37785001 Patellar tendonitis
37895003 Osteoarthrosis of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb
37913005 Sprain of other specified site of sacroiliac region
381000119107 Pain disorder with psychological factor
38343000 Vaginal pain
384709000 Sprain
384710005 Sprain of radiocarpal ligament
38540001 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of finger
386207004 Temporomandibular joint-pain-dysfunction syndrome
387800004 Cervical spondylosis
387801000 Cervical arthritis
387802007 Thoracic spondylosis
38800000 Acute serous synovitis
38850007 Chronic arthropathy
389320000 Chronic low back pain
389331008 Right upper quadrant pain
389342004 Pain in lower limb
389343009 Knee pain
389344003 Foot pain
390055001 Chronic low back pain
390064006 Right upper quadrant pain
390075005 Pain in lower limb
390076006 Knee pain
390077002 Foot pain
390421000000103 [X]Other bursitis of knee
393602007 Exacerbation of osteoarthritis
39386008 Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
39402007 Pelvic congestion syndrome
394640000 Radiculopathy
394991004 Exacerbation of osteoarthritis
39510005 Neurogenic ossifying arthropathy
39511000000109 Anterior knee pain
39547005 Enthesopathy of knee
39565009 Pain crisis
396159001 Referral to rheumatology service for osteoarthritis
396275006 Osteoarthritis
396332003 Rheumatism
396333008 Non-articular rheumatism
397704003 Pain sensation, function
397721000000106 [D]Chest pain NOS
39848009 Whiplash injury to neck
398878007 Sprain of ligament
398997008 Vertebrogenic pain syndrome
399044006 Glossopyrosis
399079008 Back pain
399114005 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
399194009 Disorder characterized by back pain
399269003 Arthropathy
400601000000103 [D]Pain in head NOS
40129004 Sprain of ligament of lumbosacral joint
40196000 Mild pain
402751000000105 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle
403390002 Primary erythromelalgia
403391003 Secondary erythromelalgia
405059008 Pain level: psychological effects
405160001 Pain level: disruptive effects
405161002 Pain level
406127006 Pain intensity
406189006 Pain observable
40709005 Lumbago
40799003 Subacromial bursitis
408749000 Complex regional pain syndrome, type II, lower limb
408750000 Complex regional pain syndrome, type II, upper limb
408751001 Complex regional pain syndrome, type II
408950005 Acute pain control
408951009 Acute pain control management
408952002 Acute pain control assessment
408953007 Acute pain control education
409021000000106 [X]Other specified arthrosis
40913006 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of hand
409871000000103 [X]Other dorsalgia
41000119109 Strain of foot
410481000000109 [X]Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
4106009 Rotator cuff syndrome
410713007 Sore sensation quality
410720000 Pain by sensation quality
410793008 Chronic arthritis of juvenile onset
41137001 Bicipital tenosynovitis
412021000000101 [X]Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of neck
41226008 Exquisite pain
412714008 Myalgia/myositis of neck
41321000119101 Myofascial pain syndrome of thoracic spine
41397009 Polyarthritis
414001000000101 [X] Somatoform pain disorder (& [persistent] or [psychalgia] or [psychogenic backache] or [psychogenic headache])
414881000000100 [X]Other bursitis of hip
414971000000105 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis
4151000119102 Facial neuralgia
415352004 Rotator cuff tear arthropathy
416209007 Synovitis
41652007 Pain in eye
416816003 Ligamentous strain
416956002 Undifferentiated inflammatory polyarthritis
417009006 Tender point
417021005 Sclerotomal pain
417180005 Undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis
417310005 Sphenobasilar synchondrosis lateral strain
417373000 Inflammatory polyarthropathy
417643003 Ligamentous articular strain
417704008 Membranous articular strain
41771000000105 Anterior knee pain
41821000119108 Strain of intercostal muscle
418237007 Pain in hallux
41888000 Temporomandibular joint disorder
418958006 Complaining of backache
419258005 Back pain
419411000000109 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee
419891000000102 [X]Other primary coxarthrosis
420454001 Consultation for chronic pain
420650002 Consultation for pain
421946003 Consultation for acute pain
422965008 Compensated movement at site of pain
423093000 Tendinitis of flexor tendon of hand
423184003 Adult pain assessment
423226005 Tendinitis of finger
423401003 Pediatric pain assessment
423417009 Tendinitis of hand
423778009 Tenosynovitis of hand
423810002 Tendinitis of wrist
424010006 Tendinitis of hip
424295009 Pain behavior present
42452002 Thoracic radiculopathy
424548006 Elbow hygroma
4248008 Synovitis AND/OR tenosynovitis associated with another disease
424806009 Stated pain intensity within acceptable range
425421000000105 [X]Other chest pain
425423002 Pain provoked by movement
42545001 Subacute arthritis
425473004 Pain radiating to left shoulder
42561004 Reminiscent neuralgia
425677008 Pain radiating to left arm
425746004 Pain provoked by light
425772008 Tendinitis of foot
425781002 Pain provoked by running
425831002 Pain characterized by relieving factor
425834005 Pain radiating to right flank
425839000 Pain radiating to head
425908001 Pain radiating to thoracic region right side
425940002 Inflammation of bursa of olecranon
426068005 Pain provoked by altercation
426120002 Pain provoked by rest
426135001 Chronic prostatitis - chronic pelvic pain syndrome
426142001 Pain radiating to right shoulder
426206001 Constant pain
426218005 Tendinitis of flexor hallucis longus
426277009 Pain provoked by eating
426351003 Pain provoked by lifting
426394008 Calcific tendinitis of achilles tendon
426466001 Pain radiating to left flank
426469008 Pain radiating to left leg
42647000 Pain sensation, function
426483005 Pain radiating to thoracic region left side
426555006 Pain radiating to jaw
426566004 Central pain syndrome
426628005 Chronic vaginal pain
426702003 Pain in female pelvis
426774001 Pain characterized by provoking factor
426803004 Pain radiating to right arm
426829004 Temporomandibular joint capsulitis
426845002 Bursitis of finger
426899007 Pain provoked by walking
426976009 Pain provoked by breathing
427128002 Gradual onset of pain
427146008 Pain provoked by coughing
427191004 Bursitis of intermetatarsal bursa
427252003 Pain radiating to right side of chest
427293006 Pain radiating to left side of chest
427310006 Pain radiating to neck
427341007 Pain provoked by exertion
427365005 Pain radiating to center of chest
427475007 Pain radiating to lumbar region of back
427500003 Arthropathy of cervical spine facet joint
427653003 Pain radiating to right leg
427878002 Arthropathy of the hand associated with a neurological disorder
427925000 Arthropathy of the wrist associated with a neurological disorder
427935006 Pain relief by rest
427947000 Monoarthritis of hip joint
427972000 Pudendal neuralgia
428097001 Disorder of hip joint
428104002 Arthritis of midtarsal joint
428107009 Disorder of wrist joint
428143003 Arthritis of joint of toe
428264009 Painful gait
428339009 Disorder of joint of foot
428346000 Pain relief by medication
428360003 Arthropathy of joint of hand
428432004 Spontaneous pain
428460002 Arthropathy of thoracic facet joint
428539005 Strain of triceps brachii muscle
428557006 Squeezing pain
428643002 Pain relief by supine position
428671008 Arthropathy of lumbar facet joint
428724006 Arthropathy of knee joint
428779003 Arthropathy of the knee associated with a neurological disorder
428911004 Pain relief by walking
428926002 Pain onset at rest
42898009 Acute polyarthritis
429038000 Pain onset during sleep
429051000000106 [D]Pain in head NOS
429056000 Pain onset during exertion
429147006 Pain relief related to position
429298008 Climacteric arthritis of spine
429350001 Arthropathy of spinal facet joint
429360005 Tendinitis of knee
429422002 Rheumatic arthritis of temporomandibular joint
429459001 Arthritis of acromioclavicular joint
429492007 Pain relief by sitting up
429501000000104 [X]Other spondylosis with radiculopathy
429531000 Pain on passive stretch of joint
429554009 Arthropathy of elbow
429555005 Sacral arthritis
429643006 Arthropathy of the elbow associated with a neurological disorder
429661000000101 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand
429722003 Strain of flexor muscle of hip
429742007 Pain onset during moderate exercise
430428000 Arthropathy of the ankle AND/OR foot associated with a neurological disorder
430474001 Secondary adhesive capsulitis
430879002 Posterior auricular pain
430894003 Strain of muscle of chest wall
430906009 Strain of rectus femoris muscle
430968008 Pain in male perineum
431956005 Suspected inflammatory arthritis
432463002 Arthropathy of the hip associated with a neurological disorder
432615008 Chronic pain in face
432733005 Acute degenerative joint disease of shoulder region
433159008 Acute pain in female pelvis
43470008 Pain in heart
43548008 Mittelschmerz
4368004 Strain of back
43751000119109 Periorbital and/or eye pain
43763009 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
43781007 Other specified arthropathy, NEC
43800000 Bursitis of wrist
43829003 Chronic osteoarthritis
438505003 Strain of trapezius muscle
438551000000106 [X]Other enthesopathy of foot
439071000000104 [X]Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
43915000 Sprain of superior tibiofibular joint AND/OR ligament
439656005 Arthritis of elbow
440341000000101 [X]Persistent somatoform pain disorder
440571000000100 [D]Painful respiration NOS
441702008 Strain of muscle and/or tendon of wrist
441711008 Chronic psychogenic pain
441761004 Sprain of ligament of face
441932009 Strain of muscle and/or tendon of hand
441933004 Strain of muscle and/or tendon of lower leg
442048005 Tenosynovitis of wrist
442092007 Strain of muscle of face
442130003 Strain of muscle and/or tendon of elbow region
44221002 Idiopathic polyarthritis
442246002 Disorder of joint of ankle and/or foot
442265005 Strain of muscle and/or tendon of forearm
442372009 Strain of muscle and/or tendon of thigh
44245003 Tibial collateral ligament bursitis
442520000 Inflammation of rotator cuff tendon
443341000000106 ([D]Pain: (in head NOS) or (jaw))
443798008 Inflammation of joint of shoulder region
444381000000100 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
444561000000102 [X]Arthrosis
44465007 Sprain of ankle
444899003 Pain in forearm
444971006 Inflammation of extensor tendon of hand
444972004 Inflammation of tendon of metatarsophalangeal joint of second toe
444979008 Inflammation of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon
445117007 Inflammation of flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon
445247000 Inflammation of bursa of patella
445271007 Villous arthritis
445276002 Inflammation of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle tendon
445290004 Inflammation of extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon
445335008 Inflammation of extensor indicis muscle tendon
445422000 Joint pain in ankle and foot
445478004 Degenerative joint disease of pelvis
445760005 Acute sprain of ligament of neck
446198006 Strain of infraspinatus muscle
446199003 Strain of supraspinatus muscle
448394006 Inflammation of joint of foot
448589005 Inflammation of joint of hand
449313005 Referred pain in face
449823005 Tenosynovitis of thumb
449941000000105 [X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified
450101000000104 [X]Lumbar and other intervertebral disc disorders with radiculopathy
450321000000106 [X]Other enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot
450331000000108 [X]Other enthesopathies, not elsewhere classified
450521003 Osteoarthritis of patellofemoral joint
45064008 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of thigh
450721000000107 [X]Other bursitis of elbow
451201000000104 [X]Other primary arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint
452131000000106 [X]Other primary gonarthrosis
45231001 Infrapatellar bursitis
45326000 Shoulder pain
4568003 Retrosternal pain
45861001 Pes anserinus tendinitis
45979003 Abdominal wind pain
462691000000108 [D]Flatulence, eructation and gas pain NOS
463331000000107 [X]Other specified arthritis
464831000000100 [X]Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of head
464921000000107 [X]Juvenile arthritis in other diseases classified elsewhere
46578006 Lumbosacral radiculitis
467271000000108 [X] Primary gonarthrosis: [other] or [unilateral]
468091000000102 [X]Other polyarthrosis
46860007 Sprain of ligament of cricothyroid joint
468971000000100 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis
469101000000100 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle
471000119102 Somatic dysfunction of sacroiliac joint
471371000000100 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot
471551000000103 [D]Chest pain NOS
473007007 Cervical discogenic pain
473008002 Pain in cheek
473009005 Pain in palate
473434003 Pain in chin
477931000000109 [X]Enthesopathy of lower limb, unspecified
478421000000104 [X]Other chronic pain
478451000000109 [X]Other juvenile arthritis
478731000000105 [X]Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
47874006 Sprain of arm
47933007 Foot pain
479711000000108 [X]Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax
481000119104 Strain of hamstring muscle
48210000 Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
48274004 Sprain of thyroid cartilage
48429009 Somatic pain
48532005 Muscle strain
48926009 Pain in spine
491431000000104 Cervical spondylosis
491441000000108 Fibromyalgia
49218002 Hip pain
49388007 Sprain of foot
49575005 Shooting pain
495911000000100 [D]Pain, generalised
496001000000108 [D]Acute pain
496011000000105 [D]Chronic intractable pain
496291000000107 [D]Growing pains - limbs
496301000000106 [D]Musculoskeletal pain
49650001 Dysuria
4969004 Sinus headache
497111000000109 [D]Facial pain
498151000000109 [D]Chest pain
498161000000107 [D]Precordial pain
498171000000100 [D]Anterior chest wall pain
498181000000103 [D]Pleuritic pain
498231000000105 [D]Parasternal chest pain
498241000000101 [D]Musculoskeletal chest pain
498251000000103 [D]Non-cardiac chest pain
498491000000107 [D]Flatulence, eructation and gas pain
498671000000105 [D]Defaecation painful
498681000000107 [D]Pain in oesophagus
499071000000107 [D]Vesical pain
499191000000105 [D]Suprapubic pain
499221000000103 [D]Groin pain
499231000000101 [D]Loin pain
499271000000104 [D]Pelvic and perineal pain
49986002 Central pain
50127006 Tibialis tendinitis
502141000000102 [D]Chest pain, unspecified
502361000000104 [D]Retrosternal pain
502561000000106 [D]Jaw pain
502571000000104 [D]Right upper quadrant pain
502581000000102 [D]Left upper quadrant pain
502641000000109 [D]Retrosternal chest pain
502711000000102 [D]Painful respiration
502821000000101 [D]Left lower quadrant pain
502831000000104 [D]Right lower quadrant pain
50415004 Moderate pain
50442003 Palindromic rheumatism
50642008 Algodystrophy
50818007 Painful ejaculation
50921008 Periarthritis
51049005 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of ankle AND/OR foot
513131000000100 Pain in wrist
51388003 Pharyngeal pain
51428002 Bog spavin
5150003 Sprain of symphysis pubis
515481000000109 Pain or discomfort
515491000000106 Symptoms such as pain
51736007 Sprain of septal cartilage of nose
51741000119105 Acute ankle pain
51777006 Pain self-management deficit, chronic
51881000119109 Chronic ankle pain
52084006 Sprain of carpal joint
52598005 Rest pain
53057004 Hand pain
53208009 Peroneal tendinitis
53332000 Spinal arthritis deformans
534221000000101 On examination - painful ear NOS
53574006 Girdle pain
536851000000100 Backache symptom NOS
540501000000100 On examination - abdominal pain on palpation NOS
54314008 Putti-Chavany syndrome
54404000 Cervical radiculopathy
544491000000101 Bursitis of the knee NOS
544501000000107 Knee enthesopathy NOS
544511000000109 Tendinitis NOS
54617005 Tibialis posticus tendinitis
54848004 Sprain of other specified site of knee and leg
54888009 Sprain of knee
54942004 Sprain of sternum
551151000000104 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains
551161000000101 Jaw sprain, unspecified
551171000000108 Jaw sprain NOS
551181000000105 Thyroid region sprain, unspecified
551191000000107 Thyroid region sprain NOS
551201000000109 Rib sprain unspecified
551211000000106 Rib sprain NOS
551221000000100 Sternum sprain unspecified
551231000000103 Sternum sprain NOS
551241000000107 Sprain of pelvis, unspecified
551251000000105 Sprain of pelvis NOS
551261000000108 Other specified sprains and strains
55145008 Stabbing pain
55146009 Inflammation of sacroiliac joint
55350005 Hungry
55406008 Hyperalgesia
55865003 Cluster headache
558651000000104 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the ankle and foot
558661000000101 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other specified site
558671000000108 Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint, unspecified
558681000000105 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, NOS
558691000000107 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified
558701000000107 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified sites
558711000000109 Unspecified monoarthritis of unspecified site
558721000000103 Unspecified monoarthritis of the shoulder region
559961000000104 Chest pain NOS
564151000000108 Back pain without radiation NOS
564211000000101 On examination - pain sensation NOS
565041000000108 On examination - sign painful NOS
56608008 Pain in wrist
566891000000100 Other general diseases with associated arthropathy
566901000000104 Shoulder sprain NOS
566911000000102 Upper arm sprain NOS
566921000000108 Other elbow sprain
568161000000104 Arthritis associated with other disease, distal radioulnar joint
568201000000107 Arthritis associated with other disease, distal interphalangeal joint of finger
568561000000109 Earache symptom NOS
57149003 Tenosynovitis of hand and wrist, NEC
572971000000100 Pain character NOS
57356000 Bursitis of hand
576511000000100 Osteoarthritis NOS, of elbow
576531000000108 Forearm sprain NOS
576541000000104 Wrist sprain unspecified
576571000000105 Hand sprain NOS
57676002 Joint pain
57693002 Degenerative joint disease of pelvic region
5771000119106 Phantom limb syndrome with pain
581171000000104 Enthesopathy of the ankle unspecified
581181000000102 Enthesopathy of the tarsus unspecified
58156007 Primary localized osteoarthrosis
58278007 Other enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus, NEC
5853003 Sprain of lower extremity
587181000000107 Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal radioulnar joint
587191000000109 Other specified arthropathy of the forearm
587201000000106 Osteoarthritis NOS, of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger
587211000000108 Osteoarthritis NOS, of distal interphalangeal joint of finger
587221000000102 Other specified arthropathy of other specified site
587231000000100 Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip
58769002 Subacute rheumatic arthritis
58772009 Sprain of sacrum
58781003 Gluteal tendinitis
588301000000104 Arthritis associated with other disease, sternoclavicular joint
588311000000102 Arthritis associated with other disease, wrist
588321000000108 Arthritis associated with other disease, metacarpophalangeal joint
588331000000105 Arthritis associated with other disease, proximal interphalangeal joint of finger
588341000000101 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the shoulder region
588351000000103 Arthritis associated with other disease, hip
588361000000100 Arthritis associated with other disease, sacroiliac joint
588371000000107 Arthritis associated with other disease, knee
588381000000109 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of hand
590901000000104 Generalized osteoarthritis of unspecified site
590911000000102 Generalized osteoarthritis NOS
590921000000108 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of unspecified site
59139008 Crushing chest pain
59185006 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of lower leg
59201007 Sprain of chondrosternal joint
594431000000107 Localized, primary osteoarthritis of other specified site
594441000000103 Osteoarthritis NOS, of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint
594451000000100 Localized, primary osteoarthritis NOS
594841000000101 Wrist or carpus enthesopathy NOS
594861000000100 Elbow enthesopathy unspecified
594871000000107 Elbow enthesopathy NOS
59603003 Phantom limb syndrome
597331000000105 Ankle and foot sprain NOS
600131000000101 Other sprains
600411000000102 Temporomandibular joint disorder NOS
60058008 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
6011000119108 Transient arthritis
604841000000108 Other forearm sprain
604851000000106 Elbow sprain NOS
607681000000107 Other chronic pain
608830002 Discogenic pain
608831003 Thoracic discogenic pain
608832005 Lumbar discogenic pain
60932006 Buttock pain
609495006 Sprain of ankle grade III
611721000000109 Eye pain NOS
61203005 Lumbar AND/OR sacral arthritis
61264001 Pain self-management deficit, acute
614491000000104 Other shoulder sprain
614501000000105 Other upper arm sprain
614511000000107 Hand sprain unspecified
614601000000109 Unspecified monoarthritis of the hand
614611000000106 Unspecified monoarthritis of the pelvic region and thigh
614721000000106 Osteoarthritis NOS, of interphalangeal joint of toe
614801000000108 Articular cartilage disorder of other joints of the shoulder girdle
614831000000102 Palindromic rheumatism of unspecified site
61486003 Sacral back pain
616461000000101 Neck sprain, unspecified
616471000000108 Sprains and strains NOS
61830005 Sphenopalatine neuralgia
620541000000106 Other sprains NOS
62171003 Plantar heel pain
625131000000101 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the pelvic region and thigh
625461000000100 Hip enthesopathy, unspecified
625471000000107 Hip enthesopathy NOS
625481000000109 Metatarsalgia NOS
625491000000106 Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS
625501000000100 Other peripheral enthesopathies
625511000000103 Enthesopathy NOS
625521000000109 Periarthritis NOS
625531000000106 Peripheral enthesopathy NOS
625651000000100 Trigeminal neuralgia NOS
625671000000109 Other specified trigeminal neuralgia
62647006 Painful spasm of anus
627841000000108 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains NOS
629821000000108 Arthralgia of unspecified site
629831000000105 Arthralgia of other specified site
630071000000107 Synovial osteochondromatosis of other tarsal joint
630321000000105 Capsulitis NOS
63052008 Sprain of atlanto-axial joint
631000119102 Chronic back pain greater than three months duration
631091000000104 Wrist and hand sprain NOS
631101000000107 Other hip sprain
63117002 Sprain of elbow
635131000000103 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the lower leg
635141000000107 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the ankle and foot
635361000000105 Palindromic rheumatism NOS
637091000000105 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the lower leg
637101000000102 Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle and foot
637111000000100 Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis NOS
637121000000106 Arthropathy NOS
637131000000108 Arthropathy NOS, of the upper arm
637141000000104 Arthropathy NOS, of the forearm
637151000000101 Arthropathy NOS, of the pelvic region and thigh
637161000000103 Arthropathy NOS, of the lower leg
637171000000105 Arthropathy NOS, of the ankle and foot
637211000000108 Other tenosynovitis of the hand
638451000000105 Rheumatism shoulder NOS
64166009 Subpatellar bursitis
643261000000101 Backache, unspecified
643801000000104 Unspecified otalgia
647101000000103 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the lower leg
647111000000101 Osteoarthritis NOS
647121000000107 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the hand
647131000000109 Osteoarthritis NOS, pelvic region/thigh
648401000000105 Other pelvic pain - female
650141000000104 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the upper arm
65259006 Sprain of atlanto-occipital joint
65323003 Polymyalgia rheumatica
653461000000100 Osteoarthritis NOS, of wrist
653471000000107 Osteoarthritis NOS, of metacarpophalangeal joint
653481000000109 Other specified arthropathy of the ankle and foot
653491000000106 Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathy
653521000000109 Other specified inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS
653531000000106 Inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS
6561007 Pain in urethra
656661000000109 Osteoarthritis NOS, of sternoclavicular joint
65684000 Sprain of neck
657001000000102 Neuralgia, neuritis or radiculitis NOS
657461000000108 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg
657471000000101 Unspecified monoarthritis of the upper arm
657481000000104 Unspecified monoarthritis of the forearm
65761003 Inflammatory pain
659571000000106 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified
659591000000105 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the shoulder region
659601000000104 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the upper arm
659621000000108 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the forearm
659631000000105 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the hand
659641000000101 Transient arthropathy of unspecified site
66056001 Causalgia
661531000000103 Localized osteoarthritis, unspecified, of unspecified site
661561000000108 Climacteric arthritis of unspecified site
661571000000101 Climacteric arthritis of other specified site
661581000000104 Climacteric arthritis NOS
661601000000108 Transient arthropathy of other specified site
661611000000105 Transient arthropathy of other tarsal joint
661621000000104 Transient arthropathy NOS
6617009 Referred pain
66191007 Transient arthropathy
66405000 Sprain of radiohumeral joint
664241000000106 Osteoarthritis NOS, of ankle
664251000000109 Osteoarthritis NOS, of other tarsal joint
664261000000107 Arthropathy NOS, of multiple sites
664271000000100 Osteoarthritis NOS, of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
66452006 Stenosing tenosynovitis
66540002 Back strain of thoracic region
665941000000104 Psychogenic pain unspecified
665951000000101 Psychalgia NOS
666351000000107 Palindromic rheumatism of other specified site
666411000000104 Arthritis associated with other disease, subtalar joint
666421000000105 Arthritis associated with other disease, interphalangeal joint of toe
666431000000107 Osteoarthritis NOS, of unspecified site
666441000000103 Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder region
666451000000100 Osteoarthritis NOS, other specified site
666611000000101 Spondylosis NOS
666681000000108 Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified
666691000000105 Rotator cuff syndrome NOS
667071000000103 Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS
667141000000105 Osteoarthritis NOS, of talonavicular joint
667511000000103 Osteoarthritis NOS, of sacroiliac joint
667531000000106 Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee
667541000000102 Osteoarthritis NOS, of tibiofibular joint
667551000000104 Osteoarthritis NOS, of subtalar joint
667611000000104 Myalgia and myositis unspecified
667631000000107 Myalgia or myositis NOS
667651000000100 Neuralgia, neuritis and radiculitis unspecified
667681000000106 Neuralgia unspecified
667691000000108 Radiculitis unspecified
66822008 Subacute arthropathy
669081000000109 Other specified nonarticular rheumatism
671901000000107 Other thigh sprain
671911000000109 Hip sprain NOS
671921000000103 Thigh sprain NOS
671931000000101 Other specified knee sprain
671941000000105 Other specified leg sprain
671951000000108 Knee sprain NOS
671961000000106 Leg sprain NOS
671971000000104 Ankle sprain, unspecified
671981000000102 Ankle sprain NOS
671991000000100 Foot sprain, unspecified
672001000000102 Foot sprain NOS
67315001 Degenerative joint disease of shoulder region
674051000119103 Chronic neck pain for greater than 3 months
674241000000100 Rheumatism elbow NOS
674251000000102 Rheumatism wrist NOS
674261000000104 Rheumatism hand NOS
6744007 Painful bladder spasm
674731000000102 Trigeminal neuralgia [no drugs here]
67536000 Arthropathy associated with a neurological disorder
675541000000101 Myalgia unspecified
67577001 Degenerative joint disease of thigh
675861000000102 Rheumatism knee NOS
675871000000109 Rheumatism ankle/foot NOS
675881000000106 Pain in limb NOS
676871000000104 Rheumatism hip NOS
677991000000108 Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
678001000000104 Bursitis NOS
67801009 Tenosynovitis
678131000000109 Rheumatism and fibrositis unspecified
67849003 Excruciating pain
679341000000108 Osteoarthritis NOS, of the forearm
680151000000109 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the upper arm
680161000000107 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the forearm
680171000000100 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the hand
680181000000103 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
680231000000105 Unspecified monoarthritis of the ankle and foot
680241000000101 Unspecified monoarthritis of other specified site
680271000000107 Other specified arthropathy of the upper arm
68172002 Disorder of tendon
682021000000102 Arthritis associated with other disease, shoulder
682031000000100 Arthritis associated with other disease, acromioclavicular joint
682041000000109 Arthritis associated with other disease, elbow
682051000000107 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of upper arm
682061000000105 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of forearm
682071000000103 Unspecified polyarthropathy of other specified site
682081000000101 Unspecified polyarthropathy of multiple sites
682091000000104 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of the pelvic region and thigh
683441000000109 Nonarticular rheumatism NOS
684471000000101 Sprain of other parts of back
68449006 Coxitis
684511000000105 Other specified sacroiliac sprains
684521000000104 Sacroiliac sprain NOS
684531000000102 Neck sprain NOS
684541000000106 Sacral sprain, unspecified
684551000000109 Sacrum sprain NOS
684561000000107 Back sprain NOS
685061000000104 Other tenosynovitis of hand or wrist
685331000000106 Rheumatism or fibrositis NOS
685371000000108 Rheumatism unspecified
6858004 Capsulitis
68693003 Degenerative joint disease involving multiple joints
687001000000108 Arthralgia of other tarsal joint
687011000000105 Arthralgia NOS
68718000 Cervical spondylarthritis
68744000 Other enthesopathy of elbow, NEC
688471000000105 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of other specified sites
688481000000107 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of multiple sites
688501000000103 Osteoarthritis NOS, of shoulder
688511000000101 Other specified arthropathy
688521000000107 Unspecified monoarthritis NOS
688561000000104 Other specified arthropathy of the hand
688571000000106 Other specified arthropathy of the pelvic region and thigh
688581000000108 Other specified arthropathy of the lower leg
68859000 Spondylosis without myelopathy
688601000000104 Other specified arthropathy of multiple sites
688611000000102 Other specified arthropathy NOS
688631000000105 Arthropathy NOS, of unspecified site
688641000000101 Arthropathy NOS, of the shoulder region
688661000000100 Arthropathy NOS, of the hand
688671000000107 Arthropathy NOS, of other specified site
689531000000101 Arthritis associated with other disease, other tarsal joint
689541000000105 Arthritis associated with other disease, 1st metatarsophalangeal joint
689551000000108 Arthritis associated with other disease, lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
68962001 Muscle pain
689661000000105 Other juvenile arthritis
691671000000103 Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis
693081000000105 Wrist sprain NOS
694141000000104 Otalgia NOS
695071000000107 Arthritis associated with other disease, tibiofibular joint
695081000000109 Arthritis associated with other disease, ankle
69521007 Chronic crepitant synovitis of wrist
696271000000106 Unspecified polyarthropathy of unspecified site
696281000000108 Unspecified polyarthropathy of the shoulder region
697681000000109 Arthritis associated with other disease, talonavicular joint
697691000000106 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of ankle and foot
697701000000106 Osteoarthritis of more than one site, unspecified, NOS
697711000000108 Unspecified monoarthritis of the lower leg
697721000000102 Other specified arthropathy of unspecified site
698006004 Pulpalgia
698014005 Mentalis strain
698121000000102 Rheumatism multiple NOS
698474005 Monoarthritis of knee
698475006 Monoarthritis of hand
698476007 Monoarthritis of wrist
698477003 Monoarthritis of joint of shoulder region
698478008 Monoarthritis of elbow
698479000 Monoarthritis of ankle and/or foot
69896004 Rheumatoid arthritis
699046000 Craniofacial pain
699190008 Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
699207005 Arthritis of pelvis
699261008 Post infectious osteoarthritis
699302001 Lumbar arthritis
699462004 Monoarthritis
699682009 Localized masticatory muscle soreness
699911000000101 Foot arthritis NOS
699921000000107 Ankle arthritis NOS
699931000000109 Knee arthritis NOS
699941000000100 Hip arthritis NOS
699951000000102 Wrist arthritis NOS
699961000000104 Elbow arthritis NOS
699971000000106 Toe osteoarthritis NOS
699981000000108 Foot osteoarthritis NOS
699991000000105 Ankle osteoarthritis NOS
700001000000101 Thumb osteoarthritis NOS
700011000000104 Finger osteoarthritis NOS
700021000000105 Muscle sprain NOS
700031000000107 Tendon sprain NOS
700051000000100 Joint sprain NOS
700061000000102 Ligament sprain NOS
700111000000103 Other specified arthropathy of the shoulder region
700121000000109 Osteoarthritis NOS, of acromioclavicular joint
700293006 Primary osteoarthritis of ankle
700304006 Primary osteoarthritis of calcaneocuboid joint
700305007 Osteoarthritis of calcaneocuboid joint
700313008 Primary osteoarthritis of subtalar joint
700324005 Osteoarthritis of talonavicular joint
700325006 Primary osteoarthritis of talonavicular joint
700333007 Primary osteoarthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint
700354000 Disorder of peroneal tendon
700380004 Insertional Achilles tendinopathy
700381000 Non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy
700469003 Frequency of pain symptom
700503001 Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for calcific tendinitis of shoulder
700669005 Arthritis transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation system
702191000000108 Osteoarthritis - other joint
702549002 Centrally mediated myalgia
702567009 Disorder of posterior tibial muscle tendon
702605005 Disorder of Achilles tendon
702812003 Acute pain clinic
702976005 Retrodiscitis of temporomandibular joint
703051004 Osteoarthritis of midfoot
703052006 Primary osteoarthritis of midfoot
703619001 Pelvic girdle pain
704174008 Chronic synovitis
704571000000108 Shoulder arthritis NOS
704631000000107 Myalgia/myositis of neck
704675005 Inadequate pain control
704677002 Tarsalgia
704871000000105 Hand arthritis NOS
705641000000102 Other tenosynovitis of the wrist
706955002 Pain relieved by analgesic
70704007 Sprain of wrist
708020008 Pain in lower limb on elevation
709591000000108 Pain in wrist
710110008 Phantom pain
710134003 Acute muscle stiffness of neck
710230000 Painful os peroneum syndrome
710302002 Radionuclide scan of joint of lower limb
711331000000102 Leg pain on elevation
711511000000102 Pain relieved by lowering leg
712482006 Bursitis of lower limb
712483001 Bursitis of upper limb
712484007 Bursitis of elbow
712537009 Complex regional pain syndrome of upper limb
712752004 Myalgia of pelvic floor
712885003 Strain of biceps brachii muscle and/or tendon
71303008 Atypical facial pain
71315007 Dyspareunia
713413001 Joint pain of pelvic region
713482002 Osteoarthritis of facet joint of thoracic spine
713777005 Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis
713826008 Osteoarthritis of lumbar spinal facet joint
713829001 Postinfective intercostal neuralgia
713831005 Postinfective peripheral neuralgia
713837009 Postinfective segmental peripheral neuralgia
713858003 Peroneal tenosynovitis
71393004 Soreness
71508003 Nodular tenosynovitis
715835003 Periodontal ligament strain
716102003 Strain of muscle of hand
716189005 Osteoporosis and macrocephaly with blindness and joint hypermobility syndrome
71644003 Degenerative joint disease of forearm
717253001 Drilling quality pain
71760005 Cervico-occipital neuralgia
717717002 Non-cyclic pelvic pain
718519003 Entrapment of superficial branch of radial nerve
71884009 Precordial pain
719061006 Diurnal variation of pain
720363008 Arthritis of lumbosacral spine
720753002 Cranioosteoarthropathy
721148005 Hip dysplasia Beukes type
721156008 Cyclic pelvic pain
721908003 Strain of muscle of anterior chest wall
72274001 Nerve root disorder
722812008 Strain of muscle of wrist
722813003 Strain of tendon of wrist
722829006 Acute pain of scrotum
723070002 Variation of pain
723116002 Axial spondyloarthritis
723300005 Freezing pain
723316007 Electric shock type pain
723322003 Somatic dysfunction of scapulothoracic joint
724606001 Peripheral spondyloarthritis
724883005 Strain of muscle at thorax level
724884004 Strain of fascia at thorax level
724885003 Strain of tendon at thorax level
724891001 Strain of fascia of lower back
724892008 Strain of tendon of lower back
724893003 Strain of muscle of pelvis
724894009 Strain of fascia of pelvis
724895005 Strain of tendon of pelvis
724916006 Strain of muscle of long head of biceps brachii
724917002 Strain of fascia of long head of biceps brachii
724924001 Strain of biceps brachii muscle
724925000 Strain of fascia of biceps brachii
724926004 Strain of tendon of biceps brachii
724933004 Strain of fascia of triceps brachii
724934005 Strain of tendon of triceps brachii
724956008 Strain of flexor muscle of finger at forearm level
724957004 Strain of fascia of flexor muscle of finger at forearm level
724958009 Strain of flexor tendon of finger at forearm level
724965001 Strain of flexor muscle at forearm level
724966000 Strain of fascia of flexor muscle at forearm level
724967009 Strain of flexor tendon at forearm level
724974004 Strain of extensor muscle of finger at forearm level
724975003 Strain of fascia of extensor muscle of finger at forearm level
724976002 Strain of tendon of extensor muscle of finger at forearm level
724983009 Strain of extensor muscle at forearm level
724984003 Strain of fascia of extensor muscle at forearm level
724985002 Strain of tendon of extensor muscle at forearm level
725006009 Strain of muscle of head
725007000 Strain of fascia of head
725008005 Strain of tendon of head
725016001 Strain of fascia of neck
726193003 Strain of intrinsic muscle of thumb
726194009 Strain of fascia of intrinsic muscle of thumb
726195005 Strain of tendon of intrinsic muscle of thumb
726202009 Strain of intrinsic muscle of finger
726203004 Strain of fascia of intrinsic muscle of finger
726204005 Strain of tendon of intrinsic muscle of finger
726219006 Strain of muscle of hip
726220000 Strain of fascia of muscle of hip
726221001 Strain of tendon of muscle of hip
726228007 Strain of adductor muscle of thigh
726229004 Strain of fascia of adductor muscle of thigh
726230009 Strain of tendon of adductor muscle of thigh
726325008 Strain of intrinsic muscle of foot
726326009 Strain of fascia of intrinsic muscle of foot
726327000 Strain of tendon of intrinsic muscle of foot
72634002 Sprain of ligament of tarsometatarsal joint
726531007 Myofascial pain syndrome
72702002 Bucked shins
73063007 Colicky pain
73096009 Sprain of other specified site of hip and thigh
73105000 Pes anserinus bursitis
73180008 Sprain of ligament of cricoarytenoid joint
733259007 Strain of carpal joint
733260002 Strain of carpometacarpal joint
733261003 Strain of finger
734947007 Complex regional pain syndrome type I
734986006 Complex regional pain syndrome of lower limb
734987002 Complex regional pain syndrome of foot
734988007 Complex regional pain syndrome of knee
734989004 Complex regional pain syndrome of hand
735598004 Oligoosteoarthritis
735644008 Chronic nociceptive pain
735766007 Sprain of sternocostal ligament
73583000 Epicondylitis
735830000 Strain of thumb
735839004 Strain of quadriceps muscle
735888004 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of lesser toe
735889007 Strain of lesser toe
735890003 Strain of great toe
735891004 Sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe
735892006 Sprain of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of great toe
735893001 Sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe
735903009 Sprain of ligament of trunk
735936005 Chronic neuropathic pain
735937001 Acute pain in face
735940001 Pain of intercostal space
736428003 Chronic arthralgia of temporomandibular joint
736447000 Infrequent episodic arthralgia of temporomandibular joint
73645008 Visceral pain
736464002 Chronic idiopathic pain syndrome
737057000 Osteoarthritis of joint of left ankle and/or foot
737214003 Enthesopathy of upper limb
737305006 Primary chronic pain
737306007 Chronic visceral pain
737607009 Infrapatellar bursitis of left knee
737608004 Infrapatellar bursitis of right knee
738068003 Pain relief by lowering leg
74050005 Orf virus disease
74123003 Otogenic otalgia
74323005 Pain in elbow
74383007 Sprain of distal tibiofibular ligament
74391003 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
7441009 Juvenile chronic polyarthritis
74779009 Strain of rotator cuff capsule
74885006 Interphalangeal osteoarthritis
74991000000108 Anterior knee pain
75111000 Painful ophthalmoplegia
75483001 Breathing painful
75572007 Polyradiculopathy
75680005 Psoas tendinitis
75851004 Scalp tenderness
75983009 Vidian neuralgia
761957004 Scapulothoracic bursitis
762239006 Myofascial pain with referral
762452003 Chronic musculoskeletal pain
762454002 Chronic orofacial pain
762589002 Chronic primary visceral pain
762590006 Chronic primary generalized pain
762591005 Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain
762593008 Chronic primary orofacial pain
762596000 Chronic pain following radiotherapy
762599007 Chronic mechanical visceral pain
762602002 Chronic central neuropathic pain
762603007 Chronic peripheral neuropathic pain
762607008 Orofacial neuropathic pain
76660003 Chronic articular rheumatism
76691009 Brachial plexus neuralgia
767051000000100 Arthritis of foot
767061000000102 Arthritis of hand
767071000000109 Arthritis of hip
767189000 Synovial cyst of multiple joints
7674000 Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
76807004 Cervicobrachialgia
76948002 Severe pain
770639006 Magnetic resonance arthrography of carpometacarpal joint
771083005 Pain in upper arm
771545003 Painful and cold lower limb
771546002 Painful and cold upper limb
77299006 Olecranon bursitis
77323000 Inflammation of subtendinous bursa of biceps femoris inferior muscle
773968006 Bursitis of right hip
773969003 Bursitis of left hip
774129008 Arthropathy of left knee joint
774130003 Arthropathy of right knee joint
774131004 Arthropathy of joint of right hand
774132006 Arthropathy of joint of left hand
774133001 Pain of right forearm
774134007 Pain of right shoulder blade
774135008 Pain of left shoulder blade
774136009 Pain of right acromioclavicular joint
774137000 Pain of left acromioclavicular joint
77538000 Superficial pain
77602000 Charcot's arthropathy
77841000119108 Thoracolumbar radiculopathy
77880009 Rectal pain
77888002 Climacteric arthritis
77994009 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of pelvic region
781021000000103 Chronic idiopathic pain syndrome
781239004 Tendinitis of left pes anserinus tendon
781240002 Tendinitis of right pes anserinus tendon
781241003 Tendinitis of long head of biceps brachii of right shoulder
781242005 Tendinitis of long head of biceps brachii of left shoulder
781387006 Strain of thumb tendon
781439002 Strain of finger tendon
781440000 Strain of plantaris tendon
781442008 Strain of extensor digitorum tendon
781444009 Strain of extensor pollicis longus tendon
781445005 Strain of flexor digitorum profundus tendon
781446006 Strain of flexor digitorum superficialis tendon
781447002 Strain of foot flexor tendon
781448007 Strain of foot extensor tendon
781449004 Strain of flexor pollicis longus tendon
781455009 Strain of wrist extensor tendon
781456005 Strain of wrist flexor tendon
78162001 Sprain of radiocarpal joint AND/OR ligament
782538005 Tendinitis of ankle
782661001 Chronic sacroiliac joint pain
784332006 Spondyloarthritis
784545009 Synovitis of ankle joint
784546005 Synovitis of joint of foot
78514002 Thigh pain
785723001 Persistent idiopathic facial pain
78631000000108 De Quervain's tenosynovitis
786837007 Tingling pain
786961001 Strain of tendon of hand
78715003 Subdeltoid bursitis
789021004 Radiculopathy due to spondylosis
789394007 Tendinitis of shoulder region
789754007 Tendinitis of rotator cuff tendon
789758005 Strain of rotator cuff of shoulder
7921000119104 Anterior pleuritic pain
79231000000101 Anterior knee pain
792886009 Pain in pinna
7942009 Sprain of coracoclavicular ligament
804671000000107 Patellofemoral osteoarthritis
804701000000106 Tenosynovitis of thumb
80780008 Subcoracoid bursitis
80843008 Degenerative joint disease
80852004 Tenosynovitis of foot and ankle, NEC
81077008 Acute rheumatic fever with acute arthritis
81455003 Primary localized osteoarthrosis of forearm
81498004 Bursitis of hip
8161000119106 Arthritis co-occurrent and due to Crohn's disease
816641000000106 Constant pain
81680005 Neck pain
81712001 Pain in female genitalia on intercourse
81902001 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee
8191000119104 Arthropathy of wrist due to neurological disorder
81953000 Chest pain on exertion
82116008 Hallucinatory neuralgia
82300000 Degenerative joint disease of ankle AND/OR foot
82304009 Kissing spine
82423001 Chronic pain
82473003 Radiculitis
82695005 Sprain of xiphoid cartilage
82991003 Generalized aches and pains
830068003 Sphenobasilar synchondrosis vertical strain
830292003 Pain in left lumbar region
830293008 Pain in right lumbar region
8316001 Arthropathy
833289001 Tenderness of anatomical snuffbox
83576001 Sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint
83644001 Dull pain
838412000 Pain in lumbar region on palpation
838491000000108 Rheumatism
83921000119106 Complex regional pain syndrome, Type I, of head and/or trunk
84017003 Bursitis
84172003 Spondylitis
846645002 Tenosynovitis of elbow
847561000000101 Low back pain clinical pathway
847571000000108 Following low back pain clinical pathway protocol
84801008 Jaccoud's syndrome
85007004 Meralgia paresthetica
85011000119101 Pain in male pelvis
850791000000102 Osteoarthritis of sternoclavicular joint
850811000000101 Osteoarthritis of talonavicular joint
855871000000104 Complex regional pain syndrome
85611000119105 Undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy
85651000000102 Mechanical low back pain
85878006 Sprain of leg
86260003 Pain around eye
86278008 Sprain of coccyx
86319008 Strain of subscapularis muscle
86345004 Bertolotti's syndrome
866043000 Neuralgia of twelfth thoracic nerve
870393001 Strain of tendon of foot
870394007 Strain of tendon of ankle
870767005 Sprain of palmar radiocarpal ligament
870768000 Sprain of ulnar carpal complex ligament
8708008 Sharp pain
871492003 Sprain of sacrospinous ligament
87381000119101 Vertebral joint pain
874561000000109 Osteoarthritis of spinal facet joint
87494005 Achilles bursitis
8753005 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
87548005 Dyspepsia
876351000000106 Pelvic girdle pain
87778004 Sprain of hand
879181000000107 Primary osteoarthritis of ankle
879221000000102 Primary osteoarthritis of talonavicular joint
879261000000105 Primary osteoarthritis of subtalar joint
879301000000100 Osteoarthritis of calcaneocuboid joint
879311000000103 Primary osteoarthritis of calcaneocuboid joint
879351000000104 Osteoarthritis of midfoot
879371000000108 Primary osteoarthritis of midfoot
879411000000107 Primary osteoarthritis of first metatarsophalangeal joint
879611000000105 Achilles tendinopathy
879621000000104 Insertional Achilles tendinopathy
879631000000102 Non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy
879651000000109 Tendinopathy of tibialis posterior tendon
8799007 Posterior heel pain
879931000000105 Tendinopathy of peroneal tendon
879969009 Breakthrough pain
880087005 Strain of muscle of lower leg
880088000 Strain of tendon of lower leg
880089008 Strain of muscle and tendon of lower leg
881461000000104 Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for calcific tendinopathy of shoulder
88201009 Sprain of other specified site of elbow and forearm
88220006 Pachydermoperiostosis syndrome
88230002 Disorder of skeletal system
88269008 Thalamic syndrome
88305002 Disorder of the vertebral column
8847002 Spondylosis
885251000000103 Private referral to pain management service
885261000000100 Private referral to pain management service
88638003 Sprain of ischiocapsular ligament
88906006 Sprain of deltoid ligament of ankle
890351008 Distal symphalangism of bilateral distal interphalangeal joints
8971008 Psychalgia
89813001 Other peripheral enthesopathy, NEC
89874002 Xiphoidalgia syndrome
905331000000109 Calcific bursitis
905501000000107 Nonspecific polyarthritis
90631008 Sprain of sacrococcygeal ligament
90654004 Sprain of iliofemoral ligament
90682006 Sprain of sternoclavicular joint AND/OR ligament
90834002 Pain in limb
91866004 Adhesions of temporomandibular joint
91943004 Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint
91944005 Arthritis of temporomandibular joint
91945006 Articular disc disorder of temporomandibular joint
919541000000106 Axial spondyloarthritis
919551000000109 Axial spondyloarthritis
921261000000101 Shoulder joint painful on external rotation
921271000000108 Shoulder joint painful on external rotation
9267009 Chest pain at rest
92823009 Articular crepitus of temporomandibular joint
934571000000105 Pain assessment tool completed
936361000000103 Sprain or strain of joint of head
936371000000105 Sprain or strain of joint of thorax
937141000000103 Splitting pain
937151000000100 Heavy pain
937161000000102 Gnawing pain
937171000000109 Cramping pain
937181000000106 Throbbing pain
937191000000108 Sore pain
937201000000105 Intermittent pain
937211000000107 Shoulder joint painful on movement
937221000000101 Observation of pattern of pain
937231000000104 Constant pain
937241000000108 Observation of affective dimension of pain
937251000000106 Punishing with pain
937261000000109 Fearful with pain
937271000000102 Sickening with pain
937281000000100 Tiring with pain
941000119103 Strain of knee
943471000000108 Intervertebral disc disorder with radiculopathy
95412009 Pigmented villonodular synovitis
95414005 Calcific tendinitis
95415006 Polymyalgia
95417003 Primary fibromyalgia syndrome
95419000 Acute muscle stiffness of neck
95421005 Intercostal myalgia
95523006 Pain of jaw
95668009 Pain in face
95669001 Superior laryngeal neuralgia
95670000 Nervus intermedius neuralgia
957321000000107 Flexor digitorum tenosynovitis of foot
957391000000105 Gluteal bursitis
957401000000108 Cubital bursitis
957411000000105 Subcutaneous calcaneal bursitis
957911000000100 Enthesitis of lower limb
957921000000106 Enthesitis of upper limb
957931000000108 Enthesitis of elbow
957941000000104 Enthesitis of triceps tendon
957951000000101 Enthesitis of knee
957961000000103 Enthesitis of patellar tendon
957971000000105 Enthesitis of medial collateral ligament of knee
957981000000107 Enthesitis of lateral collateral ligament of knee
957991000000109 Enthesitis of proximal end of patellar tendon
958001000000100 Enthesitis of distal end of patellar tendon
958011000000103 Enthesitis of quadriceps tendon
958021000000109 Enthesitis of Achilles tendon
958031000000106 Enthesitis of foot and ankle
961000119104 Sprain of shoulder rotator cuff
9626006 Mechanical pain
97001000119106 Localized chest pain
975221000000105 Chronic pain
98071000119100 Arthropathy of shoulder due to neurological disorder
990471000000108 Chronic pain
9972008 Radiating pain
999001581000000106 Pain finding simple reference set
999002471000000100 Pain aggravating factors simple reference set
999002521000000103 Pain easing factors simple reference set

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.