Symptoms: mobility impairment

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version ID





Code list aiming to identify individuals consulting complaining of mobility impairment.


Identified from intial search terms outside of OpenCodelists: "mobility" "ambulation" "walk" "gait" ambulate" "mobile" "unsteady" "off legs" balance" "postural sway"

Clearly irrelevant codes excluded (exclusions reviewed by a second clinician)

Candidate codelist uploaded to OpenCodelists for review of candidate codes.

Dizziness and balance related mobility issues excluded due to inclusion on dizziness specific code list.

Signed off by

  • Kate Mansfield, (Nov. 16, 2022)
  • Caroline Morton, (Nov. 16, 2022)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

Balanced coronary system(253730009)
Dependent lymphedema due to impaired mobility(735392002)
Dependent lymphoedema due to immobility(519381000000101)
Immobility syndrome(203041005)
â””Paraplegic immobility syndrome(18231007)
Abnormal gait(22325002)
├Abnormal gait due to impairment of balance(431524008)
├Abnormal gait due to muscle weakness(432559006)
├Accelerating gait(398218008)
│└Festinating gait(397776000)
├Ataxic gait(25136009)
│├Charcot's gait(55791005)
│├Frontal ataxia(250048009)
│├Sensory ataxic gait(250029005)
│├Staggering gait(78691002)
│├Vestibular ataxic gait(250032008)
│└Visual ataxic gait(250033003)
├Athetotic gait(62334008)
├Calcaneal gait(31464009)
├Circling gait(73514000)
├Dissociative neurological symptom disorder co-occurrent with symptoms of gait disorder(736313002)
├Double step gait(11172006)
├Drag-to gait(53626000)
├Extensor thrust pattern(87242005)
├Foot-drop gait(27253007)
├Forward trunk flexion gait(821111000000103)
├Freezing of gait(443544006)
├Functional gait abnormality(69161000119103)
├Gait dyspraxia(424429009)
├High level sensorimotor gait disorder(250043000)
│├Cautious gait(250044006)
│├Frontal ataxia(250048009)
│├Frontal gait disorder(250054005)
│├Gait apraxia(30767006)
│├Magnetic gait(250050001)
│├Marche a petits pas(250049001)
│├Petren's gait(250052009)
│├Slipping clutch gait(250051002)
│├Staggering gait(78691002)
│├Thalamic astasia(250047004)
│└Tottering gait(250045007)
├Hip circumduction gait(821131000000106)
├Incongruous gait(250055006)
│├Bizarre gait(250056007)
│├Hysterical gait(271707009)
│└Pretended abnormality of gait(250057003)
├Knee hyperextension gait(821141000000102)
├Knuckling over(414562003)
├Low level sensorimotor gait disorder(250003005)
│├Peripheral sensory gait disorder(250027007)
││└Spinning gait(250028002)
│└Peripheral skeletomuscular gait disorder(250004004)
│ ├Amputee gait(250008001)
│ ├Arthritic gait(250015009)
│ ├Bouncy gait(250021008)
│ ├Buttocks prominent when walking(40192003)
│ ├Crouch gait(250016005)
│ ├Finding of gait with walking aid(250010004)
│ │├4 point gait(11237000)
│ │└Three-point gait(88471006)
│ ├Gluteus maximus gait(48304002)
│ ├Heel toe gait(8461001)
│ ├Hip hitching gait(817531000000100)
│ ├In-toeing gait(250019003)
│ ├Interrupted gait(250005003)
│ ├Limping(16973004)
│ ├Lurching gait(250023006)
│ ├Myopathic gait(250020009)
│ ├Peripheral neuropathic gait(250024000)
│ ├Shuffling gait(43005009)
│ ├Stiff legged gait(250013002)
│ │└Stiff knee gait(250014008)
│ ├Toe-walking gait(250018006)
│ └Waddling gait(271706000)
├Middle level sensorimotor gait disorder(250034009)
│├Cerebellar ataxic gait(365884000)
│├Cerebellar gait(69021004)
│├Choreic gait(250040002)
│├Dystonic gait(250042005)
│├Extrapyramidal gait(250036006)
│├Retropulsion when walking(250038007)
│└Spastic gait(9447003)
│ ├Hemiplegic gait(52751000)
│ │└Intermittent double-step gait(44227003)
│ ├Paraplegic gait(250035005)
│ └Scissoring gait(22090007)
├Multifactorial gait problem(428116008)
├Oppenheim's gait(4468000)
├Stumbling gait(250991000119100)
│└Stumbling due to lack of coordination(85711000119103)
├Swing-through gait(75742003)
├Trunk lateral leaning gait(821101000000100)
â””Unsteady when walking(22631008)
Arms not swung when walking(247906006)
Dependent for walking(427512004)
Deterioration in ability to walk(711387003)
Deterioration in ability to walk up stairs(707261001)
Difficulty mobilising using mobility scooter(1070531000000108)
Difficulty mobilizing using mobility aids(301574007)
â””Difficulty mobilizing using wheelchair(301580004)
Difficulty stopping walking(1069001000000105)
Difficulty walking(719232003)
├Difficulty in starting and stopping walking spontaneously(282220004)
├Difficulty in stopping walking(282213006)
├Difficulty in walking backward pulling large toy(282244002)
├Difficulty in walking carrying large toy(282238001)
├Difficulty initiating walking(282207002)
├Difficulty walking down a slope(282165001)
├Difficulty walking down hill(282177006)
├Difficulty walking heel to toe(282232000)
├Difficulty walking on a narrow line(282226005)
├Difficulty walking on the flat(282153000)
├Difficulty walking on uneven surface(715015003)
├Difficulty walking up a slope(282159001)
├Difficulty walking up hill(282171007)
├Walking difficulty due to ankle and foot(202570002)
├Walking difficulty due to lower leg(202569003)
├Walking difficulty due to multiple sites(202572005)
â””Walking difficulty due to pelvic region and thigh(202567001)
Difficulty walking down stairs(282201001)
Difficulty walking down step(282189008)
Difficulty walking up stairs(282195009)
Difficulty walking up step(282183009)
Does balance(282300003)
├Does balance when bending(284410007)
├Does balance when reaching(284415002)
├Does balance when sitting(282306009)
â””Does balance when standing(282312004)
├Does stand alone(282319008)
â””Does stand on one leg(282325007)
Does initiate walking(282205005)
Does mobilize using aids(301572006)
├Does mobilise using mobility scooter(1073861000000108)
├Does mobilize using assistive scooter(895455000)
├Does mobilize using cane(895457008)
├Does mobilize using crutch(895486006)
├Does mobilize using orthotic device(895484009)
├Does mobilize using walker(895488007)
â””Does mobilize using wheelchair(301578005)
Does not initiate walking(282206006)
Does not mobilize using mobility aids(301573001)
├Does not mobilise using mobility scooter(1072211000000102)
â””Does not mobilize using wheelchair(301579002)
Does not start and stop walking spontaneously(282219005)
Does not stop walking(282212001)
Does start and stop walking spontaneously(282218002)
Does stop walking(282211008)
Does use walking aid when standing alone(720011008)
Does walk heel to toe(282230008)
Does walk on a narrow line(282224008)
Does walk on the flat(282151003)
├Does walk in corridor(715025008)
â””Does walk in room(715030007)
Eye muscle imbalance(103266004)
Finding of walking aid use(365112008)
├Dependence on walking stick(105504002)
├No aid for walking(165252001)
├Stick only for walking(165253006)
├Tripod/quadrupod: walking(165254000)
├Uses orthotic shoes(914031000000109)
├Uses single crutch for walking(443392007)
├Uses single walking stick(443320005)
├Uses two crutches for walking(443663000)
├Uses two walking sticks(443699005)
â””Uses zimmer frame(165255004)
Has gone off legs(249897001)
Immobile foot(299474009)
Immobility stiffness(277892007)
Impaired mobility(82971005)
├Confined to chair(160684002)
├Impaired bed mobility(129859006)
├Impaired wheelchair mobility(129857008)
├Mobile outside with aid(160681005)
├Mobility poor(160693001)
├Needs walking aid in home(160683008)
├Reduced mobility(8510008)
â””Wheelchair bound(225612007)
Impairment of balance(387603000)
├Difficulty balancing(282302006)
│├Difficulty balancing when bending(284408005)
│├Difficulty balancing when reaching(284413009)
│├Difficulty balancing when sitting(282308005)
│└Difficulty balancing when standing(282315002)
├Does not balance(282301004)
├Equilibration disorder, vestibular nerve(265622002)
├Feels as though will fall(249983008)
├General unsteadiness(271713000)
├Keeps losing balance(249984002)
├Loss of equilibrium(89419008)
├Poor balance(249985001)
├Romberg test evokes stiff fall backward(102984002)
├Romberg test positive and direction of fall affected by head turn(102985001)
├Unable to balance(282299006)
├Unsteady when standing(249990003)
â””Unsteady when turning(249992006)
Improved balance(733742003)
In the angle and base of gait(261848004)
Laryngeal mobility limited following radiotherapy(419469006)
Loss of control of walking(102567002)
Membranous balance of dura mater(417380003)
Musculoskeletal hypomobility(10379002)
Musculoskeletal immobility(67759008)
Named sign of balance(298309009)
â””Romberg sign(373676004)
Rapid fatigue of gait(250002000)
Repetitive tiptoe walking(247940006)
Unable to initiate gait(773566003)
Unable to mobilize using mobility aids(301571004)
├Unable to mobilise using mobility scooter(762291000000104)
â””Unable to mobilize using wheelchair(301577000)
Unable to walk(282145008)
├Unable to initiate walking(282204009)
├Unable to start and stop walking spontaneously(282216003)
├Unable to stop walking(282210009)
├Unable to walk backward pulling large toy(282241005)
├Unable to walk carrying large toy(282235003)
├Unable to walk down a slope(282162003)
├Unable to walk down hill(282174004)
├Unable to walk heel to toe(282229003)
├Unable to walk on a narrow line(282223002)
├Unable to walk on the flat(282150002)
│├Unable to walk in corridor(715024007)
│└Unable to walk in room(715031006)
├Unable to walk on uneven surface(715012000)
├Unable to walk up a slope(282156008)
â””Unable to walk up hill(282168004)
Unable to walk down stairs(282198006)
Unable to walk down step(282186001)
Unable to walk long distances(320301000000109)
Unable to walk up step(282180007)
Uses apps on mobile device to support communication(955771000000100)
Vertigo preceded by unsteady feeling(103300005)
Walking disability(228158008)
Walking distance reduced(248244005)
Worsening balance(781091000000100)
Observable Entity
Ability to mobilize(301438001)
├Ability to get on and off furniture(301636009)
├Ability to manage lifts and elevators(301617004)
├Ability to manage steps and stairs(301581000)
├Ability to mobilize in home(714998007)
├Ability to mobilize indoors(301496004)
├Ability to mobilize outside(301562008)
├Ability to mobilize using mobility aids(301569004)
│├Ability to mobilize using assistive scooter(895456004)
│├Ability to mobilize using cane(895458003)
│├Ability to mobilize using crutch(895487002)
│├Ability to mobilize using orthotic device(895485005)
│├Ability to mobilize using walker(895489004)
│├Ability to mobilize using wheelchair(301575008)
│└Walking aid use(165251008)
├Ability to move in bed(301680009)
â””Ability to negotiate obstacles(301472009)
Ability to walk(282097004)
├Ability to initiate walking(282202008)
├Ability to start and stop walking spontaneously(282214000)
├Ability to stop walking(282208007)
├Ability to walk backward pulling large toy(282239009)
├Ability to walk carrying large toy(282233005)
├Ability to walk down a slope(282160006)
├Ability to walk down hill(282172000)
├Ability to walk heel to toe(282227001)
├Ability to walk on a narrow line(282221000)
├Ability to walk on the flat(282148005)
├Ability to walk on uneven surface(715010008)
├Ability to walk up a slope(282154006)
â””Ability to walk up hill(282166000)
├Balancing when bending(413629009)
├Balancing when reaching(413630004)
├Balancing when sitting(413631000)
├Balancing when standing(413632007)
â””Postural balance(416240000)
Balance observable(363838007)
├Ability to balance(282295000)
│├Ability to balance when bending(284386007)
│├Ability to balance when reaching(284388008)
│├Ability to balance when sitting(282303001)
│└Ability to balance when standing(282309002)
├Berg balance score(493471000000101)
├Feature of sitting balance(363839004)
├Feature of standing balance(363840002)
├Feature of turning balance when walking(363842005)
├Feature of walking balance(363841003)
├Functional reach(404935008)
├One leg stand test time(707285009)
├Standing-start 180 degree turn test time(725981000000107)
├Timed unsupported steady stand time(789734006)
├Tinetti balance and gait evaluation total score(443657009)
â””Tinetti balance score(443639008)
Gait, function(63448001)
Initiation of walking(249999002)
├Effect of impaired mobility(406209002)
├Standing-start 180 degree turn test number of steps(473353009)
â””Wheelchair mobility(165242000)
Musculoskeletal mobility, function(33836004)
Observable feature of walking(364578004)
├Gait observable(363836006)
│├Dynamic gait index score(443707009)
│├Edinburgh Visual Gait Score(61461000000102)
│├Gait speed(724237005)
│├Gait type(271705001)
│├Measure of gait(363837002)
│├Timed six meter walk gait speed(870598009)
│├Tinetti balance and gait evaluation total score(443657009)
│└Tinetti gait score(443618001)
â””Timed six meter walk time(870594006)
Clarias batrachus(47071002)
Physical Object
Ambulation device(42305009)
├Walking aid(224899006)
│├Cane, device(87405001)
│├Crutch, device(74566002)
│├Stick, walking device(404931004)
│└Walking frame(266731002)
â””Wheelchair device(58938008)
Analytical balance chamber(700900009)
├Analytical balance(705237007)
│├Electronic analytical balance(468928002)
│├Mechanical analytical balance(463369001)
│└Microanalytical balance(463557005)
├Electronic precision balance(469000000)
├Mechanical precision balance(463798000)
â””Precision balance(705236003)
Balance board(465533008)
Balance exerciser(705200001)
├Balance ball exerciser(465591007)
├Parallel bar exerciser, non-powered(465013000)
â””Parallel bar exerciser, powered(464849006)
Balance weight(465755002)
Mobile-bearing total ankle prosthesis(465100008)
Mobility aid(183135000)
├Overbed trapeze device(422915004)
├Standing frame(183150009)
├Walking aid(224899006)
│├Cane, device(87405001)
│├Crutch, device(74566002)
│├Stick, walking device(404931004)
│└Walking frame(266731002)
├Walking stick(360006004)
â””Wheelchair device(58938008)
Movement-resistance gait rehabilitation device(766900005)
Moving walk, device(67777003)
Neuro-controlled ambulation exoskeleton(767704003)
Patient transfer assistive bed and mobile chair(787582008)
Personal mobility assistive device(705402006)
├Assistive automobile(705412004)
├Assistive automobile adaptation(705411006)
├Assistive crawler/mobility board(464580009)
├Assistive cycle(705415002)
├Assistive go-kart(465178000)
├Assistive kick sled(464331000)
├Assistive moped/motorcycle/quad bike(705414003)
├Assistive pedal car(464513000)
├Assistive play cart(465097003)
├Assistive pram(464381009)
├Assistive pushchair(464971002)
├Assistive sled/sledge(466032001)
├Lifting assistive device(705410007)
├Orientation assistive device(705432003)
├Stairlift, platform(464364000)
├Transfer/turning assistive device(705413009)
├Walking assistive device(705403001)
│├Walker/Walking frame(705404007)
││ ├Bariatric walker, foldable(463424006)
││ ├Bariatric walker, non-foldable(463966002)
││ ├Basic walker, foldable(466317003)
││ ├Basic walker, non-foldable(466464004)
││ ├Gait rehabilitation electronic walker(781471009)
││ ├Patient/medical device walker(462987000)
││ ├Patient/medical device walker, home-use(463093001)
││ ├Walking chair, foldable(466351004)
││ ├Walking chair, non-foldable(467155007)
││ └Walking table(466986006)
│├Walking aid handgrip(466255006)
│├Walking aid ice grip(467129006)
│├Walking aid tip(466238007)
│├Walking stick holder(466593002)
│└Walking stick/Crutches(705407000)
â””Wheelchair recliner, line-powered(466846002)
Seat to seat mobility frame(896772000)
Vertical vibration exerciser, mobile(465838009)
Walking orthosis(278738003)
├Hip guidance orthosis(183149009)
â””Reciprocating gait orthosis(183148001)
Walking surface of room(709280007)
Wheelchair crutch/walking stick holder(466656001)
Ambulation therapy assessment(370870009)
Ambulation therapy management(370873006)
Analysis of gait(854561000000107)
Assistance with mobility(710803000)
Assistance with walking using device(710804006)
Conversion of non-weight-bearing plaster cast to weight-bearing plaster cast(239699002)
Ensuring mobility aid available(225991001)
Examination of gait(274787008)
Loan of walking stick(183259003)
Mobility deficit assessment(370866001)
Mobility deficit education(370868000)
Mobility deficit management(370869008)
Mobility/transfers case management(410348002)
Mobility/transfers education, guidance, and counseling(410267000)
Prescription for alteration of hormonal balance by drugs(39533006)
Straight line walking test(102986000)
Qualifier Value
Balanced force technique(261192004)
During ambulation(722370002)
Ambulation with assistance of one person(520871000000108)
Ambulation with assistance of team of people(520891000000107)
Ambulation with assistance of two people(520881000000105)
Ambulation without limitation(423791005)
Balance exercises(386293009)
Gait evaluation(39609006)
Mobility deficit therapy(370867005)
Mobility/transfers surveillance(410400002)
Progressive mobility(710950005)
Use of indoor mobility aids(183368003)
Walking practice(308931006)
Walking with patient - mobilization(229595009)
Disorder of gait and/or balance not present(299061000000101)
Disorder of gait and/or balance present(299031000000106)
Mobility equipment requested(401265005)
[Inactive] Disorder
Gait disorder due to weakness(32181000119106)
[Inactive] Finding
(Impaired exercise tolerance) or (walking distance reduced)(161995002)
(Unsteadiness present) or (feels off balance)(162259001)
(Walking distance) or (impaired exercise tolerance)(139257006)
Accelerating gait(31930002)
Deterioration in ability to walk(783581000000107)
Deterioration in ability to walk up stairs(784841000000103)
Difficulty in walking(202565009)
Difficulty in walking(156615004)
Difficulty in walking NOS(594811000000102)
Difficulty in walking NOS(202573000)
Difficulty walking(9589009)
Disorder of balance(3235001)
Disorder of balance, vestibular nerve(263841004)
Dystrophic gait(11130005)
Finding of mobility(302050001)
Mobile outside with aid(138071000)
Mobility finding(365495002)
Mobility poor(138083003)
Mobility very poor(138082008)
Needs walking aid in home(138073002)
Other walking aid(527851000000100)
Other walking aid(165256003)
Other walking aid(142666004)
Problem with balance(298313002)
Reeling gait(48443004)
Stick only for walking(142663007)
Symptom: [dizziness] or [giddiness] or [unsteady] or [incoordination](162257004)
Symptom: [incoordination] or [dizziness] or [giddiness] or [unsteady](139526005)
Symptom: [incoordination] or [dizziness] or [giddiness] or [unsteady](267176004)
Unable to balance(392779003)
Unable to balance(393733001)
Unable to balance when standing with feet apart(1091551000000101)
Unable to balance when standing with feet in semi-tandem stance(1091571000000105)
Unable to balance when standing with feet in tandem stance(1091581000000107)
Unable to balance when standing with feet together(1091561000000103)
Unable to initiate gait(1091601000000103)
Unable to mobilise using mobility scooter - Common Assessment Framework(372111000000109)
Unsteady gait(394616008)
Uses single crutch for walking(913921000000105)
Uses single crutch for walking(506441000000107)
Uses single walking stick(505941000000106)
Uses single walking stick(913761000000104)
Uses two crutches for walking(506431000000103)
Uses two crutches for walking(913931000000107)
Uses two walking sticks(913781000000108)
Uses two walking sticks(505961000000107)
Vestibular nerve disorder(59849009)
Walking difficulty due to other specified site(594801000000104)
Walking difficulty due to other specified site(202571003)
Walking difficulty due to unspecified site(202566005)
Walking difficulty due to unspecified site(594781000000100)
[X]Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified(390621000000101)
[X]Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified(207597001)
[X]Other and unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility(207598006)
[X]Other and unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility(478851000000106)
[Inactive] Observable Entity
(Walking distance) or (impaired exercise tolerance)(267163005)
Mobility, function(102488009)
Walking aid use(142661009)
[Inactive] Physical Object
(Walking frame) or (walking orthosis)(183145003)
Device associated with balances(705234000)
Mobility aids(151410003)
Mobility device(360298001)
[Inactive] Product
[Inactive] Regime/Therapy
Use of indoor mobility aids(151601002)
[Inactive] Situation
Patient walking with assistance(243101000000107)
Unsteady gait(393623001)
[D] Poor mobility(206782006)
[D]Gait abnormality(496121000000100)
[D]Gait abnormality(206817004)
[D]Gait abnormality(158195007)
[D]Gait abnormality NOS(412601000000100)
[D]Gait abnormality NOS(158200003)
[D]Gait abnormality NOS(206823009)
[D]Gait abnormality NOS(439761000000108)
[D]Poor mobility(495881000000100)
[D]Staggering gait(158199001)
[D]Staggering gait(206821006)
[D]Staggering gait(496161000000108)
[D]Unsteady gait(394922001)
[D]Unsteady gait(502971000000105)
[V]Reduced mobility(316247003)
[V]Reduced mobility(416111000000107)
[Inactive] Unknown
Deterioration in walking (783591000000109)
Deterioration in walking up stairs (784851000000100)
Difficulty walking up stairs(100831000000109)
Difficulty walking up stairs(95971000000103)
Disorder of gait and/or balance not present (299081000000105)
Disorder of gait and/or balance not present (299071000000108)
Disorder of gait and/or balance present (299041000000102)
Disorder of gait and/or balance present (299051000000104)
Impaired mobility(47561000000102)
Impaired mobility(39061000000102)
Impaired mobility(41321000000105)
Impaired mobility(46501000000103)
Mobility equipment requested(83811000000101)
Mobility equipment requested(47211000000102)
Mobility equipment requested(40911000000107)
Mobility equipment requested(43271000000103)
Mobility equipment requested (context-dependent category)(45431000000103)
Uses single crutch for walking(918231000000108)
Uses single walking stick (913771000000106)
Uses two crutches for walking(918251000000101)
Uses two walking sticks (913791000000105)
Worsening balance (781101000000108)