Symptoms: anxiety

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version ID





Code list aiming to identify individuals consulting complaining of anxiety symptoms and with anxiety diagnoses.


Identified from intial search terms outside of OpenCodelists: "anxiety" "anxio" "nueroses" "neurosis" "neurotic" "worry" "worried" "hypervigilan" "angst" "panic" "phobia" "fear" "adjustment" "stress" "nervous" "unease" "terror" terrify" "terrified" "hysteri" "afraid" "apprenhen"

Clearly irrelevant codes excluded (not reviewed by a second clinician)

Candidate codelist uploaded to OpenCodelists for review of candidate codes.

Retained named phobias.

Retained terms relating to anxiety about specific circumstances (e.g., Anxiety about vomiting in public), as still indicate anxiety.

Retained terms relating to anxious depression, as still indicate presence of anxiety. Retained terms with anxious and depressive symptoms. However excluded neurotic depression, as implies primary depressive state.

Excluded terms about counselling for anxiety or anxiolytic drugs, as symptoms may have been resolved by therapy. Excluded terms relating to resolved anxiety, or anxiety screening.

Excluded terms related postpartum and drug-induced anxiety (e.g., cocaine), as clear cause of symptoms, not likely to be related to covid.

Retained all "fear of x" codes, as unclear if these represent reasonable fears (e.g., fear of infection with a particular virus following exposure) or unfounded fears related to anxiety (e.g., fear of open spaces).

Excluded terms related to stress monitoring or anxiety disorder clinic, as not necessarily anxious (symptoms may have resolved).

Excluded organic anxiety disorders, as related to clear underlying diagnosis.

Excluded terms specifying 'neurosis or psychosis' as could be due to psychosis.

Signed off by

  • Kate Mansfield, (Jan. 16, 2023)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
1004004007 Primary tocophobia
1004005008 Secondary tocophobia
1010649005 Acute vestibular syndrome due to anxiety and fear
102497008 Symptoms of stress
102912007 Fear of death
102913002 Taphophobia
102914008 Fear of transport
102915009 Nosophobia
102916005 Arachnophobia
102917001 Fear of blood
102918006 Microphobia
102919003 Fear of infection
102920009 Fear of contracting human immunodeficiency virus infection
102921008 Toxicophobia
102922001 Tocophobia
102923006 Teratophobia
102924000 Pyrophobia
102925004 Astrapophobia
102926003 Brontophobia
102927007 Nyctophobia
102928002 Theophobia
102929005 Androphobia
102930000 Gynephobia
102931001 Fear of heart attack
102932008 Fear of hypertension
1037451000000103 Referral for psychological management of anxiety
1037461000000100 Referral for psychological management of anxiety
1037471000000107 Referral for psychological management of anxiety declined
1037481000000109 Referral for psychological management of anxiety declined
105485001 Family tension
10586006 Occupation-related stress disorder
1069071000000102 Does not manage stress
1075351000000100 Unable to manage stress
109006 Anxiety disorder of childhood OR adolescence
11003002 Nervous diarrhea
110357006 Unrealistic dental phobia
110358001 Heightened global phobia
111475002 Neurosis
111487009 Dream anxiety disorder
111511000000106 Fear of getting cancer
112079000 Adjustment reaction of late life
11458009 Anticipatory anxiety, mild
117961000000109 Fear of getting cancer
11806006 Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
126943008 Separation anxiety
129605006 Postgastrectomy neurosis
129632001 General adaptation syndrome
129869000 Death anxiety
1325321000000108 Anxiety related to clinical environment
13438001 Overanxious disorder of childhood
13448004 Nervousness
1380006 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder with limited symptom attacks
138233000 At work: [problems] or [sexual problems] or [bullied] or [stress] or [worries]
139475009 Nervousness
139476005 Anxiousness (& symptom)
139491007 Fear
139495003 Stress-related problem
139598003 Anxious cognitions
139945005 O/E - afraid
139948007 O/E - anxious
139949004 O/E - nervous
1402001 Fear
151811000119109 Health condition feared but not present
154881002 Neurotic disorder
154882009 (Anxiety state (& [states] or [panic attack])) or (pseudocyesis)
154884005 Phobic anxiety disorder
154885006 Agoraphobia
154886007 Claustrophobia
154887003 Other phobias
154888008 Obsessional neurosis
154889000 Depression: [reactive (neurotic)] or [postnatal]
154890009 (Nervous debility - neurasthenia) or (nervous exhaustion) or (TATT - tired all the time)
154893006 (Writer's cramp - psych) or (other neurotic disorders)
154922007 Cardiac neurosis
154928006 Night terrors
154942003 Adjustment disorder
154959008 Acute reaction to stress (& [post-traumatic] or [shell-shock])
154964007 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
155252003 Phonophobia
158735002 [D]Nervousness
15936461000119100 Stressful work schedule
15977008 Adjustment disorder with academic inhibition
16039007 Hysterical amnesia
160834007 (Domestic: [stress] or [problems] or [unsettled]) or (tower block syndrome) or (wife unable to cope)
160913004 At work: [problems] or [sexual problems] or [bullied] or [stress] or [worries]
162191009 ["Nerves"] or [nervousness] or [nervous tension]
162192002 Anxiousness (& symptom)
162212008 (Fear) or (frightened) or (apprehension)
162218007 Stress-related problem
162326001 Worried
16264621000119109 Recurrent mild major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety
16264821000119108 Recurrent severe major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety
16264901000119109 Recurrent moderate major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety
16265701000119107 Illness anxiety disorder
16265951000119109 Mild major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety single episode
16266831000119100 Moderate major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety single episode
16266991000119108 Severe major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety single episode
162720009 On examination - afraid
162723006 On examination - anxious
162724000 On examination - nervous
163610003 Condition, insight present: [neurotic] or [psychotic]
163611004 Poor insight into condition: [neurotic] or [psychotic]
165601000000107 Needle phobia
17226007 Adjustment disorder
17402007 Pavor diurnus
1816003 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, severe agoraphobic avoidance AND mild panic attacks
18193002 Hypochondriasis
18478005 Adjustment disorder with physical complaints
186751000000109 O/E - panic attack
186761000000107 O/E - fearful mood
186841000000104 O/E - hypervigilance
190191000000103 O/E - panic attack
190201000000101 O/E - fearful mood
190281000000106 O/E - hypervigilance
191703000 Anxiety disorder
191704006 Anxiety state unspecified
191705007 (Panic disorder) or (panic attack)
191706008 Generalised anxiety disorder
191707004 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
191708009 Chronic anxiety
191709001 Recurrent anxiety
191711005 Anxiety state NOS
191712003 Hysteria unspecified
191713008 Dissociative tremor
191714002 Dissociative convulsions
191715001 (Hysterical astasia) or (hysterical abasia) or (globus hystericus) or (other conversion disorder)
191719007 (Hysterical aphonia) or (hysterical ataxia) or (Ganser's syndrome) or (hysteria NOS)
191720001 Phobic disorders (& [social] or [phobic anxiety])
191721002 Phobia unspecified
191722009 Agoraphobia with panic attacks
191723004 Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks
191724005 Social phobia, fear of eating in public
191725006 Social phobia, fear of public speaking
191726007 Social phobia, fear of public washing
191728008 Fear of crowds
191729000 Fear of flying
191730005 Cancer phobia
191731009 Dental phobia
191732002 Fear of death
191733007 Fear of pregnancy
191736004 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
191737008 Compulsive neurosis
191738003 Obsessional neurosis
191740008 (Neurotic depression reactive type) or (postnatal depression)
191741007 (Neurasthenia - nervous debility) or (nervous exhaustion) or
191742000 Other neurotic disorders
191745003 Other occupational neurosis
191746002 Psychasthenic neurosis
191747006 Other neurotic disorder NOS
191748001 (Neurotic disorder NOS) or (nervous breakdown)
191960008 Cardiac neurosis
191961007 Cardiac neurosis
191963005 Cardiac neurosis
191972002 Psychogenic dyspepsia
192002003 Night terrors
192036009 Acute reaction to stress (& [combat fatigue])
192037000 Acute panic state due to acute stress reaction
192038005 Acute fugue state due to acute stress reaction
192039002 Acute stupor state due to acute stress reaction
192040000 Other acute stress reactions
192043003 Other acute stress reaction NOS
192045005 (Examination fear) or (flying phobia) or (stage fright) or (acute stress reaction NOS)
192046006 Brief depressive adjustment reaction
192049004 Prolonged depressive adjustment reaction
192050004 Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of other emotions
192055009 Adjustment reaction with disturbance of other emotion NOS
192056005 Adjustment reaction with aggression
192057001 Adjustment reaction with antisocial behavior
192058006 Adjustment reaction with destructiveness
192059003 Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of conduct NOS
192060008 Other adjustment reactions
192063005 Adjustment reaction with physical symptoms
192064004 Elective mutism due to an adjustment reaction
192067006 Other adjustment reactions NOS
192068001 Adjustment reaction NOS
192108001 Disturbance of anxiety and fearfulness in childhood and adolescence
192109009 Childhood overanxious disorder
192110004 Childhood and adolescent fearfulness disturbance
192111000 Disturbance of anxiety and fearfulness in childhood and adolescence NOS
192392004 [X]Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
192393009 [X]Phobic anxiety disorders
192394003 [X] Agoraphobia (& [without history of panic disorder] or [with panic disorder])
192395002 Social phobia
192396001 [X] Specific (isolated) phobias (& [acrophobia] or [animal] or [claustrophobia] or [simple phobia])
192397005 [X]Other phobic anxiety disorders
192398000 [X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified
192399008 [X]Other anxiety disorders
192400001 [X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]
192401002 Generalised anxiety disorder
192402009 [X]Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder (& mild anxiety depression)
192403004 [X]Other mixed anxiety disorders
192404005 [X] Anxiety disorders: [other specified] or [anxiety hysteria]
192405006 [X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified
192412002 Stress and adjustment reaction
192414001 [X] Acute stress reaction (& [crisis reaction] or [crisis state] or [psychic shock] or [combat fatigue])
192416004 [X] Adjustment disorders (& [culture shock] or [grief reaction] or [hospitalism in children])
192417008 [X]Other reactions to severe stress
192418003 [X]Reaction to severe stress, unspecified
192434000 [X] Somatoform autonomic dysfunction (& named variants)
192438002 [X]Other neurotic disorders
192441006 [X]Neurotic disorders: [Briquet's disorder] or [Dhat syndrome] or [occupational neurosis including writer's cramp] or [psychasthenia] or [psychogenic syncope]
192442004 [X]Neurotic disorder, unspecified
192458001 Night terrors
192459009 [X] Nightmares or dream anxiety disorder
192494002 [X]Personality disorder, unspecified
192606001 [X] Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions: [other] or [associated with neurotic disorder]
192610003 [X]Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
192611004 Childhood phobic anxiety disorder
192612006 [X] Social anxiety disorder of childhood (avoidant disorder)
192614007 [X] Childhood emotional disorder: [other] or [identity disorder] or [overanxious disorder]
19512009 Fear of insects
197480006 Anxiety disorder
19766004 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, mild agoraphobic avoidance AND severe panic attacks
198280005 Parasitophobia
198288003 Anxiety state
19887002 Claustrophobia
199101000000102 Referral for guided self-help for anxiety
206773000 [D]Malaise and fatigue NOS
206798004 [X]State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
207363009 Anxiety neurosis
207556008 [D]Nervousness
207572000 [D]Undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events
207614000 [X]State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
214311000000102 Referral for guided self-help for anxiety
214321000000108 Referral for guided self-help for anxiety
21897009 Generalized anxiety disorder
224974006 Feeling stressed
225216003 Acknowledging anxiety
225624000 Panic attack
225625004 Fear of walking
225626003 Fear of mobilizing
225627007 Fear of disconnection from ventilator
225629005 Fear of being left alone
225630000 Fear of dentist
225631001 Fear of not coping with treatment
225632008 Fear of lifts
225633003 Fear of thunderstorm
225634009 Terrified
225635005 Anxiety about treatment
225637002 Anxiety about loss of control
225638007 Anxiety about resuming sexual relations
225639004 Worried about not coping with baby
225640002 Worried about being a bad father
225641003 Worried about being a bad mother
225642005 Anxiety about not coping with parenthood
225643000 Anxiety about making mistakes
225644006 Anxiety about altered body image
225645007 Fear of wetting self in public
225646008 Fear of losing control of bowels in public
225977007 Alleviating anxiety
228364009 Feels afraid of being an alcoholic
23085004 Increased stress
231501003 Needle phobia
231502005 Situational panic attack
231503000 Non-situational panic attack
231504006 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
231506008 Anxiety hysteria
231508009 Examination fear
231509001 Dissociative astasia-abasia
232143002 Functional paralysis of accommodation
235657005 Sepsis-related gastritis
23871000119106 Somnambulism co-occurrent with sleep terror disorder
238961003 Trichophobia
238962005 Parasitophobia
238963000 Parasitophobia
238965007 Venereophobia
238966008 Syphilophobia
238976006 Bromisodrophobia
24109003 Bromhidrosiphobia
246494000 Physiological stress used
247649009 Anxious cognitions
247805009 Anxiety and fear
247808006 Anxiety about body function or health
247809003 Fear of losing control of bowels
247810008 Fear of wetting self
247811007 Fear of vomiting in public
247812000 Fear of having a fit
247813005 Fear of choking
247814004 Anxiety about blushing
247815003 Fear of swallowing
247816002 Fear of collapsing
247817006 Fear of fainting
247818001 Fear of having a heart attack
247819009 Fear of shaking
247820003 Fear of sweating
247821004 Fear of dying
247822006 Fear of going crazy
247823001 Fear of losing emotional control
247824007 Fear of becoming fat
247825008 Anxiety about behavior or performance
247826009 Fear of appearing ridiculous
247827000 Fear of saying the wrong thing
247828005 Fear of going out
247829002 Fear of empty streets
247830007 Fear of open spaces
247831006 Fear of crossing streets
247832004 Social fear
247833009 Fear of activities in public
247834003 Fear of eating in public
247835002 Fear of public speaking
247836001 Fear of using public toilets
247837005 Fear of writing in public
247838000 Fear of social group activities
247839008 Fear of being in a small group
247840005 Fear of social gatherings
247841009 Fear of speaking on the phone
247842002 Fear of speaking to people in authority
247843007 Fear of being laughed at
247844001 Fear of being watched
247845000 Specific fear
247846004 Fear of natural phenomena
247847008 Fear of the dark
247848003 Fear of animals
247849006 Fear of feathers
247850006 Fear of enclosed spaces
247851005 Fear of tunnels
247852003 Fear of phone boxes
247853008 Fear of flying
247854002 Flying phobia
247855001 Fear associated with illness and body function
247856000 Fear of anesthetic
247857009 Fear of general anesthetic
247858004 Fear of awareness under general anesthetic
247859007 Fear of not waking from general anesthetic
247861003 Fear of local anesthetic
247862005 Fear of problem after anesthetic
247863000 Fear of needles
247864006 Fear of surgical masks
247865007 Fear of hospitals
247866008 Fear of contracting disease
247868009 Fear of contracting venereal disease
247869001 Fear of contracting radiation sickness
247870000 Fear of the bogey man
247871001 Fear of ghosts
248023002 Histrionic behavior
248265004 Work stress
25501002 Social phobia
260759008 Physiological stress
262188008 Stress
266950007 Stress at home
267074004 Fear
268627007 Panic disorder
268629005 Hysteria NOS
268632008 Neurotic disorder NOS
268657003 Acute stress reaction NOS
268714001 [X]Other specified anxiety disorders
268720000 [X]Other specified neurotic disorders
268752000 (Anxiety state (& [states] or [panic attack])) or (pseudocyesis)
268753005 Depression: [reactive (neurotic)] or [postnatal]
268754004 (Nervous debility - neurasthenia) or (nervous exhaustion) or (TATT - tired all the time)
268755003 (Writer's cramp - psych) or (other neurotic disorders)
268781004 (Homesickness) or (adjustment reaction NOS)
268791005 Acute reaction to stress (& [post-traumatic] or [shell-shock])
268957000 Neurotic condition, insight present
268958005 Poor insight into neurotic condition
269034001 Insight present: [neurotic cond.] or [psychotic cond.]
269035000 Poor insight: [neurotic con] or [psychosis]
271947006 School phobia
271952001 Stress and adjustment reaction
274653009 Undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events
275370001 Hydrophobia
276074009 Stress at work
276241001 Fear of heights
276242008 Fear of water
27720003 Dermatitis factitia
277816006 Fear relating to body function
277818007 Anxiety about losing control of bowels
277819004 Anxiety about wetting self
277820005 Anxiety about vomiting in public
277821009 Anxiety about having a fit
277822002 Anxiety about choking
277823007 Anxiety about swallowing
277824001 Anxiety about collapsing
277825000 Anxiety about shaking
277826004 Anxiety about sweating
277827008 Anxiety about dying
277828003 Anxiety about going crazy
277829006 Anxiety about losing emotional control
277831002 Anxiety about becoming fat
277833004 Anxiety about fainting
277834005 Anxiety about having a heart attack
277838008 Anxiety about appearing ridiculous
277839000 Anxiety about saying the wrong thing
277840003 Fear of crowds
27816006 Hysterical trance
279119006 Fearful
279622009 Performance anxiety
279926005 Fear of needles
280946004 Occupational neurosis
280947008 Examination phobia
286544004 Panic
286545003 Fear of birds
286568007 Fear associated with healthcare
286696007 High level of neuroticism
286697003 Moderate level of neuroticism
286710008 Anxious character
286711007 Over-anxious character
286712000 Fearful character
288241000119105 Fear of bridges
288251000119107 Fear of injury
30059008 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, severe agoraphobic avoidance AND moderate panic attacks
300895004 Anxiety attack
300930008 Cancer phobia
301376008 Fearful with pain
30319004 Gross stress reaction
304871006 Anxious avoidant attachment
304896009 Castration anxiety complex
307526003 Other phobias
313224008 Dysmorphophobia
313387002 Phonophobia
31492004 Fear of school
316156004 [V]Stressful work schedule
316428004 [V]Person with feared complaint, no diagnosis made
316808008 [X]Other stressful life events affecting family and household
323331000000106 Anxiety about loss of memory
323341000000102 Anxiety about lethargy
323351000000104 Anxiety about mood
32880007 Adjustment disorder with work inhibition
34563004 Fear of getting cancer
34631000 Administration of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen
34652008 Xenophobia
348651000000104 Flooding - agoraphobia
34938008 Anxiety disorder caused by alcohol
351861000000106 Stranger anxiety
35429005 Anticipatory anxiety
35607004 Panic disorder with agoraphobia
3586005 Psychogenic fugue
36646009 Anticipatory anxiety, moderate
367104001 Fear of flying
367487002 Transient situational disturbance
367545001 Fearful mood
370565006 Fear-related aggression
370567003 Noise phobia
371631005 Panic disorder
37746008 Avoidant personality disorder
37868008 Anxiety disorder of adolescence
38237000 Feeling anxious
38617005 Dental phobia
386808001 Phobia
386810004 Phobic disorder
386821008 Adjustment reaction in infancy
386822001 Adjustment reaction of adolescence
386823006 Adjustment reaction of adult life
386824000 Adjustment reaction of childhood
386825004 Adjustment reaction of late life
389332001 Feeling stressed
389383001 Worried well
389988004 School phobia
390065007 Feeling stressed
390114002 Worried well
390939005 Worried well
392722005 C/O - panic attack
393574003 Needle phobia
393677002 C/O - panic attack
39471000000100 Specific fear
39481000000103 Fear of falling
395017009 Complaining of panic attack
39638009 Perception hysteria
397775001 Fear of transport
398304003 Fear of traveling in vehicles
398391000000107 [X]Other neurotic disorders
399341000000107 [X]State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
399651000000100 [X]Separation anxiety disorder of childhood
400161000000108 [V]Person with feared complaint, no diagnosis made
401269004 Fear of falling
402191000000101 [X] Anxiety disorders: [other specified] or [anxiety hysteria]
402941000000109 [X]Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
402951000000107 [X]Other phobic anxiety disorders
403592009 Acarophobia
403593004 Phobic fear of skin cancer
404910002 Fear of falling while mobilizing
405050007 Level of fear
405051006 Level of anxiety
405053009 Level of fear: child
405064007 Self-control behavior: anxiety
405066009 Self-control behavior: fear
40544009 Increased stress tolerance
406180005 Relocation stress reduction
41191000000105 Panic attack
41201000000107 Chronic anxiety
41211000000109 Recurrent anxiety
413981000000109 [X] Mixed disorders of conduct and emotions: [other] or [associated with neurotic disorder]
415011000000100 [X]Other reactions to severe stress
415136009 Ponophobia
416621000000108 [X]Panic disorder [episodic paroxysmal anxiety]
417007008 On examination - hypervigilance
41731000000108 Specific fear
41741000000104 Fear of falling
417620007 On examination - fearful mood
417676004 On examination - panic attack
41897001 Psychic shock
422761005 Difficulty managing stress
423752000 Hypervigilant behavior
424009001 Fears delivery procedure
424196004 Feeling nervous
424271007 Hysterical cataplexy
424958004 Fear of reaction regarding family planning choices
425131000 Nervous tension
42543008 Decreased stress tolerance
425914008 Adjustment reaction to medical therapy
426174008 Chronic stress disorder
429791000000100 [X]Other stressful life events affecting family and household
431432003 Anxiety about loss of memory
43150009 Panic disorder without agoraphobia with severe panic attacks
439576009 Fear of drinking liquids due to dysphagia
440575001 Aerophobia
442347009 Emotional stress
443381000000103 [X]Neurotic disorder, unspecified
44376007 Dissociative disorder
450751000000102 [X]Anxiety disorder, unspecified
452141000000102 [X]Other specified neurotic disorders
45471000000101 Fear of falling
455231000000107 [V]Stressful work schedule
456571000000100 [X]State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
46219009 Neurocirculatory asthenia
463761000000103 [D]Malaise and fatigue NOS
464911000000101 [X]Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified
466091000000103 [X]Reaction to severe stress, unspecified
466871000000109 [X]Neurotic disorders: [Briquet's disorder] or [Dhat syndrome] or [occupational neurosis including writer's cramp] or [psychasthenia] or [psychogenic syncope]
467131000000103 [X]Personality disorder, unspecified
46721000000102 Specific fear
467231000000106 [X] Childhood emotional disorder: [other] or [identity disorder] or [overanxious disorder]
468761000000105 [X]Other anxiety disorders
469151000000104 [X]Other specified anxiety disorders
472131000000109 [X]Phobic anxiety disorders
472819006 Adjustment insomnia
47372000 Adjustment disorder with anxious mood
47501000000101 Panic attack
47651000000101 Specific fear
478661000000105 [X]Other mixed anxiety disorders
48694002 Anxiety
4932002 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, moderate agoraphobic avoidance AND mild panic attacks
49564006 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, mild agoraphobic avoidance AND moderate panic attacks
501891000000105 [D]Nervousness
502011000000104 [D]Undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events
515501000000100 Feeling low or worried
515511000000103 Feeling low or worried
52039009 Phobia
52417003 Pavor nocturnus
52910006 Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition
53467004 Anxiety disorder of childhood
54307006 Zoophobia
54380006 Translocation syndrome
54587008 Simple phobia
54746005 Erotophobia
5509004 Panic disorder with agoraphobia AND severe panic attacks
55668003 Adjustment disorder with mixed emotional features
563191000000103 Hysteria NOS
563211000000104 Neurotic disorder NOS
56492005 Fear of oncoming retirement
56576003 Panic disorder without agoraphobia
571221000000102 Acute stress reaction NOS
57194009 Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
5874002 Anticipatory anxiety, severe
58963008 Acrophobia
60259009 Onychotillomania
609251000000109 Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of other emotions
609261000000107 Adjustment reaction with disturbance of other emotion NOS
609271000000100 Other adjustment reactions NOS
609281000000103 Adjustment reaction NOS
61212007 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, severe agoraphobic avoidance AND severe panic attacks
61387006 Moderate anxiety
61569007 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder
621271000000109 Anxiety state unspecified
621291000000108 Phobia unspecified
62351001 Generalized social phobia
62448009 Hysteria
628581000000101 Other occupational neurosis
628591000000104 Other neurotic disorder NOS
633361000000109 Anxiety state NOS
633371000000102 Hysteria unspecified
633421000000109 Other neurotic disorders
63608001 Transient situational disturbance
63701002 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, mild agoraphobic avoidance AND mild panic attacks
64165008 Avoidant disorder of childhood
647691000000102 Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of conduct NOS
65064003 Panic disorder without agoraphobia with moderate panic attacks
65231005 Adjustment reaction of childhood
653961000000109 Other adjustment reactions
65673007 Anxiety disorder
657791000000107 Disturbance of anxiety and fearfulness in childhood and adolescence NOS
66381006 Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions AND conduct
665971000000105 Other acute stress reactions
665981000000107 Other acute stress reaction NOS
67195008 Acute stress disorder
6823001 Adjustment reaction of adult life
69479009 Anxiety hyperventilation
699389008 Fear of medical treatment
699391000 Fear of deafness
702261000000109 Other phobias
702535006 Anxiety about breathlessness
7031000119100 Psychogenic fugue co-occurrent and due to stress reaction
704423008 Fear of abandonment
704424002 Fear of being a burden to others
704501007 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 item scale
705047004 Fear of contagion
70655008 Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
70691001 Agoraphobia
70764005 Depersonalization disorder
70967007 Hysterical deafness
70997004 Mild anxiety
714667008 Fear about medication side effects
71478004 Obsessive compulsive disorder
717696001 Fear of complications of pregnancy
71802006 Astasia-abasia
722842006 Fear of having digestive disease
722843001 Fear of having cancer of digestive system
723086009 Fear of heart disease
723112000 Fear of endocrine disease
723113005 Fear of metabolic disease
723115003 Fear of cancer of endocrine system
723119009 Fear of ear disease
723120003 Fear of hematological disease
723121004 Fear of hematological cancer
723916001 Bodily distress disorder
724448000 Fear of genital disease
724449008 Fear of breast disease
724450008 Fear of genital cancer
724451007 Fear of breast cancer
724452000 Fear of sexual dysfunction
724824002 Fear of neurological disease
724879005 Fear of skin disease
726403001 Fear of eye disease
72861004 Panic disorder without agoraphobia with mild panic attacks
72994002 Cerebrocardiac neurosis
73327000 Adjustment reaction of adolescence
73595000 Stress
74941000000103 Fear of falling
75007009 Algophobia
762349007 Fear of mental disorder
764783004 Mild bodily distress disorder
764784005 Moderate bodily distress disorder
764785006 Severe bodily distress disorder
782501005 Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood
78541000000103 Chronic anxiety
78551000000100 Recurrent anxiety
78667006 Dysthymia
788866004 Anxiety due to dementia
789399002 Persistent adjustment disorder
79015004 Worried
79181000000108 Fear of falling
79823003 Panic
80583007 Severe anxiety (panic)
81147004 Fear of coitus
81302005 Worried well
81350009 Free-floating anxiety
8185002 Panic disorder with agoraphobia AND moderate panic attacks
82415003 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder without limited symptom attacks
82738004 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, moderate agoraphobic avoidance AND moderate panic attacks
83221007 Cyesiophobia
83482000 Body dysmorphic disorder
83631006 Panic disorder with agoraphobia, moderate agoraphobic avoidance AND severe panic attacks
84209002 Psychogenic amnesia
84984002 Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct
85061001 Separation anxiety disorder of childhood, early onset
871745001 Postprandial distress syndrome
887741000000102 Anxiety about breathlessness
887751000000104 Anxiety about breathlessness
88902008 Hysterical blindness
88933005 Adjustment reaction in infancy
88984006 Hysterical paralysis
89225005 Anxiety about blushing
89239005 Conversion disorder
89675003 Sleep terror disorder
89948007 Panic disorder with agoraphobia AND mild panic attacks
933461000000100 Referral for guided self-help for anxiety declined
933471000000107 Referral for guided self-help for anxiety declined
937261000000109 Fearful with pain
94641000119109 Anxiety in pregnancy
9956000 Fearful mood

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.