Scarlet fever

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version ID





Following an increase in cases of Scarlet Fever and invasive Group A Strep in the UK this codelist aims to identify patients who have had a diagnosis of or a suspected diagnosis of Scarlet Fever.


All codes with the key words 'scarlet fever' and 'scarlatina' were identified and reviewed manually with the appropriate codes mapped.

Inclusion Criteria for Codes - Codes indicating a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of Scarlet Fever

Exclusion Criteria for Codes - Codes indicating exposure to Scarlet Fever, history of Scarlet Fever, conditions not related to Group A Streptococcus


Signed off by

  • Chris Wood, (Jan. 17, 2023)
  • Vicky Speed, (Jan. 17, 2023)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
1087781000000109 Suspected scarlet fever
1089931000119105 Myocarditis due to scarlet fever
1090001000119105 Otitis media due to scarlet fever
147777007 Notification of scarlet fever
154301006 Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina
154303009 Scarlet fever
154304003 Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS
170523002 Notification of scarlet fever
186357007 Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina
186362008 Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS
30242009 Scarlet fever
538331000000101 Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS
772157000 Scarlet fever suspected

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

This page shows the search terms that were used to build the codelist. Concepts that match the search terms, but which were excluded, are in faint grey.


Included 6 out of 14 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • (Viral exanthemata [& variants]) or (orf) or (milkers node) (154344005)
  • (Viral exanthemata [& variants]) or (orf) or (milkers node) (266193008)
  • Exposure to scarlet fever (1218751000000107)
  • H/O: scarlatina (138690007)
  • History of scarlatina (161417003)
  • Parascarlatina (186580000)
  • Pseudoscarlatina (186581001)
  • Scarlet fever (30242009)
  • Staphylococcal scarlatina (238427006)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina (186357007)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina (154301006)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS (154304003)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS (186362008)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina NOS (538331000000101)

scarlet fever

Included 9 out of 12 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Administration of scarlet fever antitoxin (88604006)
  • Exposure to scarlet fever (1218751000000107)
  • Myocarditis due to scarlet fever (1089931000119105)
  • Notification of scarlet fever (170523002)
  • Notification of scarlet fever (147777007)
  • Otitis media due to scarlet fever (1090001000119105)
  • Scarlet fever (154303009)
  • Scarlet fever (30242009)
  • Scarlet fever streptococcus toxin (35215006)
  • Scarlet fever suspected (772157000)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina (186357007)
  • Suspected scarlet fever (1087781000000109)