Renal replacement therapy

Codelist metadata

Coding system

CTV3 (Read V3)

Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version Tag


Version ID





A codelist developed to support identification of people with chronic kidney disease using codes indicating end stage renal disease, dialysis or kidney transplant code.


The codelist was developed from a variety of sources

  • Dialysis Code list (Read Code 2) provided by LSHTM (Mcdonald et al - see link below)
  • Relevant CKD codes from QoF clusters
  • Manually curated SNOMED codes


Signed off by

  • Laurie Tomlinson, (April 14, 2020)
  • Caroline Morton, (April 14, 2020)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

CTV3ID CTV3PreferredTermDesc CTV3Source
14S2. H/O: kidney recipient QOF
7A600 Insertion of arteriovenous prosthesis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7A602 Attention to arteriovenous shunt CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7A603 Removal of infected arteriovenous shunt CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7A60y Other specified arteriovenous shunt CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7A60z Arteriovenous shunt NOS CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7A614 Ligation of acquired arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7A614 Ligation of acquired arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_Only
7A6E2 Declotting of thigh vein loop CTV3_Children
7B00. Renal transplant QOF
7B001 Live donor renal transplant QOF
7B002 Cadaveric renal transplant QOF
7B00y Other specified transplantation of kidney QOF
7B00z Transplantation of kidney NOS QOF
7L1A. Compensation for renal failure (& dialysis) CTV3_Children
7L1A0 (Renal dialysis) or (Thomas intravascular dialysis shunt) High_Level_SNOMED
7L1A1 Peritoneal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1A2 Haemodialysis NEC CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1Ay Other specified compensation for renal failure CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1Az Compensation for renal failure NOS CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1B. Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter procedure ++ CTV3_Children
7L1B0 Insertion of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1B0 Insertion of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3Map_Code_Only
7L1B1 Removal of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1By Placement ambulatory apparatus- compensate renal failure OS CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1Bz Placement ambulatory apparatus- compensate renal failure NOS CTV3_Children
7L1C. Placement other apparatus for compensation for renal failure CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1C0 Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1Cy Placement other apparatus- compensate for renal failure OS CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
7L1Cz Placement other apparatus- compensate for renal failure NOS CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
8877. Ultrafiltration CTV3_Children
8882. Intestinal dialysis High_Level_SNOMED
G760. Acquired arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
TA020 Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - kidney dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
TA020 Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - kidney dialysis CTV3Map_Code_Only
TA02z Accid cut,puncture,perf,h'ge - perfusion NOS CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
TA22. Failure of sterile precautions during perfusion CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
TA220 Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
TA220 Failure of sterile precautions during kidney dialysis CTV3Map_Code_Only
TA22y Failure of sterile precautions during other perfusion CTV3_Children
TA22z Failure of sterile precautions during perfusion NOS CTV3_Children
TA420 Mech failure of instrument &/or apparatus during kidney dial CTV3_Children
TB11. Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
TB11. Kidney dialysis with complication, without blame CTV3Map_Code_Only
U6122 [X]Failure sterile precautions dur kidney dialys/other perf CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Ua1IM Chronic peritoneal dialysis CTV3_Children
Ua1IN Stab peritoneal dialysis CTV3_Children
X018M Creation of Cimino fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X018M Creation of Cimino fistula CTV3Map_Code_Only
X018N Creation brachiocephalic fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X018N Creation brachiocephalic fistula CTV3Map_Code_Only
X018T Angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018U Thrombolysis of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018V Thrombolysis of arteriovenous graft CTV3_Children
X018Y Embolectomy of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018Z Embolectomy of arteriovenous graft CTV3_Children
X018a Procedure on intraluminal device of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018b Insertion of intraluminal device into arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018c Insertion of stent into arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018d Removal of intraluminal device from arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018e Removal of stent from arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018f Adjustment of intraluminal device of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018g Adjustment of arteriovenous fistula stent CTV3_Children
X018j Banding of arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X018n Exploration of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
X018o Exploration of arteriovenous graft CTV3_Children
X01AF Intermittent haemodialysis CTV3_Children
X01AG Intermittent haemodialysis with sequential ultrafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AH Intermittent haemodialysis with continuous ultrafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AI Continuous haemodialysis CTV3_Children
X01AJ Continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis CTV3_Children
X01AK Continuous venovenous haemodialysis CTV3_Children
X01AL Haemofiltration CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X01AM Intermittent haemofiltration CTV3_Children
X01AN Continuous haemofiltration CTV3_Children
X01AO Continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration CTV3_Children
X01AP Continuous venovenous haemofiltration CTV3_Children
X01AQ Haemodiafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AR Intermittent haemodiafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AS Continuous haemodiafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AT Continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AU Continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration CTV3_Children
X01AY Plasma filtration High_Level_SNOMED
X30D2 Xenograft renal transplant QOF
X30J0 End stage renal failure QOF
X30J1 End stage renal failure, untreated by RRT QOF
X30J2 End stage renal failure on dialysis QOF
X30J3 End stage renal failure with renal transplant QOF
X30Lp Disorder associated with dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X30Lq Acute disorder of haemodialysis CTV3_Children
X30Lr Dialysis disequilibrium CTV3_Children
X30Ls First use syndrome of dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X30Lt Anaphylactoid reaction to dialysis CTV3_Children
X30Lu Hyperchloraemic acidosis associated with dialysis CTV3_Children
X30Lv Hard water syndrome CTV3_Children
X30Lw Long-term disorder of dialysis CTV3_Children
X30Lx Beta-2 microglobulin amyloidosis CTV3_Children
X30Ly Beta-2 microglobulin arthropathy CTV3_Children
X30Lz Matrix stone formation of dialysis CTV3_Children
X30M0 Aluminium intoxication CTV3_Children
X30M1 Aluminium bone disease CTV3_Children
X30M2 Aluminium-related osteomalacia CTV3_Children
X30M3 Aluminium-related fracturing osteodystrophy CTV3_Children
X30M4 Polyserositis syndrome of dialysis CTV3_Children
X30M5 Underdialysis CTV3_Children
X30M6 Adynamic bone disease CTV3_Children
X30M7 Disorders associated with peritoneal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X30M8 Pain during inflow of dialysate CTV3_Children
X30M9 Pain during outflow of dialysate CTV3_Children
X30MB Bloodstained peritoneal dialysis effluent CTV3_Children
X30MC Peritoneal dialysis catheter exit site infection CTV3_Children
X30MD Peritoneal dialysis catheter tunnel infection CTV3_Children
X30ME Loss of ultrafiltration CTV3_Children
X30MF Loss of solute clearance CTV3_Children
X30MG Disorder of peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X30MH Obstruction of peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X30MI Migration of peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X30MJ Omental wrapping around peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X30MK Poor drainage of peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X30ML Extrusion of peritoneal dialysis catheter cuff CTV3_Children
X30MM Misplacement of acute peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X30MN Renal transplant disorder QOF
X30MO Primary non-function of renal transplant QOF
X30MP Renal transplant rejection QOF
X30MQ Hyperacute rejection of renal transplant QOF
X30MR Accelerated rejection of renal transplant QOF
X30MS Very mild acute rejection of renal transplant QOF
X30MT Acute rejection of renal transplant QOF
X30MU Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade I QOF
X30MV Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade II QOF
X30MW Acute rejection of renal transplant - grade III QOF
X30MX Chronic rejection of renal transplant QOF
X30MY Chronic rejection of renal transplant - grade 1 QOF
X30MZ Chronic rejection of renal transplant - grade II QOF
X30Ma Chronic rejection of renal transplant - grade III QOF
X30Mb Acute-on-chronic rejection of renal transplant QOF
X30Mc Failed renal transplant QOF
X30Md Perfusion injury of renal transplant QOF
X30Mg Transplant glomerulopathy QOF
X30Mh Transplant glomerulopathy - early form QOF
X30Mi Transplant glomerulopathy - late form QOF
X30NN Perirenal and periureteric post-transplant lymphocele QOF
X40bz Renewal of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X40c0 Adjustment chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X40c1 Aspiration chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3_Children
X40c2 Flushing of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X40c3 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
X40c4 Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis CTV3_Children
X40c5 Intermittent peritoneal dialysis CTV3_Children
X40c6 Tidal peritoneal dialysis CTV3_Children
X40c7 Night-time intermittent peritoneal dialysis CTV3_Children
XE0Fh Creation of arteriovenous fistula NEC CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XE0Fh Creation of arteriovenous fistula NEC CTV3Map_Code_Only
XE0Fj Repair of acquired arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XE0Fj Repair of acquired arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_Only
XE0Jf Compensation for renal failure CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XE0Jf Compensation for renal failure CTV3Map_Code_Only
XE0Jg Renal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XE0Jg Renal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_Only
XE0kD Renal dialysis (& haemodialysis) High_Level_SNOMED
XE21r Mechanical failure of apparatus during kidney dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XE21r Mechanical failure of apparatus during kidney dialysis CTV3Map_Code_Only
XE2u6 Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter procedure CTV3_Children
Xa0Ex Peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis CTV3_Children
Xa0FB Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
Xa0Gm Percutaneous embolectomy of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
Xa0H7 Percutaneous thrombolysis of arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
Xa0HK Unexplained episode of renal transplant dysfunction QOF
Xa0HL Pre-existing disease in renal transplant QOF
Xa0ol Procedure related to surgical arteriovenous connection CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xa0x1 Removal of arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
Xa1dw Transplant kidney QOF
Xa24I Acquired renal arteriovenous fistula CTV3_Children
Xa3x6 Kidney replacement QOF
Xa402 Extracorporeal kidney CTV3_Children
Xa8S7 Haemodialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xa8S7 Haemodialysis CTV3Map_Code_Only
Xa9zl Dependence on renal dialysis QOF
XaBrA Haemodialysis procedure QOF
XaC2Z [X] Peritoneal dialysis associated peritonitis CTV3_Children
XaE9T Donor renal transplantation QOF
XaLiG Thrombectomy of arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaLiH Creation of graft fistula for dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaM1o Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver, heart-beating QOF
XaM1p Allotransplantation kidney from cadaver, heart non-beating QOF
XaM2A Automated peritoneal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaMKM Allotransplantation of kidney from cadaver NEC QOF
XaMMt Peritoneal dialysis NEC CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaMtq Extracorporeal albumin haemodialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaOmL Ligation of arteriovenous dialysis fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaOoH Ligation of arteriovenous dialysis graft CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaREO Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis associated perit CTV3_Children
XaZWa Urological complication of renal transplant QOF
XaZYx Vascular complication of renal transplant QOF
XaZc8 Ruptured aneurysm of dialysis vascular access CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZcQ Aneurysm of superficialised artery of dialysis AV fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZcU Aneurysm of dialysis arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZcX Aneurysm of needle site of dialysis arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZcd Aneurysm of anastomotic site of dialysis AV fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZdk Thrombus in peritoneal dialysis catheter CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZe2 Rupture of artery of transplanted kidney QOF
XaZe3 Rupture of vein of transplanted kidney QOF
XaZe7 Stenosis of vein of transplanted kidney QOF
XaZkw Aneurysm of vein of transplanted kidney QOF
XaZl0 Aneurysm of artery of transplanted kidney QOF
XaZlu Stenosis of dialysis vascular access CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZlv Thrombosis of dialysis vascular access CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaZmp Anaphylactoid reaction due to haemodialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa2O Thrombosis of artery of transplanted kidney QOF
Xaa2Q Thrombosis of vein of transplanted kidney QOF
Xaa5S Occlusion of dialysis vascular access CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5T Infection of dialysis vascular access CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5U Haemorrhage of dialysis vascular access CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5W Stenosis of dialysis arteriovenous graft CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5X Stenosis of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
Xaa5e Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous graft CTV3_Children
Xaa5f Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5g Thrombosis of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
Xaa5h Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous graft CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5i Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa5j Occlusion of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
Xaa6n Infection of dialysis arteriovenous graft CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa6o Infection of dialysis arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa7F Infection of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
Xaa7H Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous graft CTV3_Children
Xaa7I Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous fistula CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
Xaa7J Haemorrhage of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
Xaa7K Rupture of dialysis arteriovenous graft CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
XaaEx Stenosis of arterial side of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
XaaEy Stenosis of venous side of dialysis arteriovenous shunt CTV3_Children
ZV420 [V]Kidney transplanted QOF
ZV451 [V]Renal dialysis status CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
ZV56. [V]Aftercare involving intermittent dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
ZV560 [V]Aftercare involving extracorporeal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term
ZV560 [V]Aftercare involving extracorporeal dialysis CTV3Map_Code_Only
ZV561 [V]Preparatory care for dialysis CTV3_Children
ZV56y [V]Other specified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis CTV3_Children
ZV56z [V]Unspecified aftercare involving intermittent dialysis CTV3_Children
ZVu3G [X]Other dialysis CTV3Map_Code_And_Term

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.