peripheral arterial disease

Codelist metadata

Coding system

CTV3 (Read V3)

Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version ID





Codes that indicate incident or history of peripheral arterial disease.

This is used for calculating the CHAD2S2-VASc score.



(1) Read v2 Started with CALIBER primary care Peripheral Arterial Disease list by Julie George, Emily Herrett, Liam Smeeth, Harry Hemingway, Anoop Shah, Spiros Denaxas Removed DVTs, thrombectomies and embolectomies Updated with consistent codes from Combined Read v2 codelists which is a composite of peripheral arterial disease codelist by Angel Wong and Laurie Tomlinson, and a peripheral vascular disease codelist by Helen Strongman (2) SNOMED supplementary search Searched SNOMED for peripheral arterial disease, intermittent claudication, and peripheral gangrene concepts. Didn't search for procedures in SNOMED. Aim was to identify any major gaps in the Read v2 list. (3) Mapped to CTV3 Reviewed by Laurie Tomlinson.

A summary of the discussion is available on the github issues below.


Signed off by

  • Angel Wong, (Dec. 4, 2020)
  • Laurie Tomlinson, (Dec. 4, 2020)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
5593. Femoral arteriogram abnormal
55A2. Lower limb arteriogram abnorm.
7A100 Emerg aortic bypass by anastomosis axillary to femoral art
7A101 Bypass aorta by anastomosis axillary to femoral artery NEC
7A103 Axillo-unifemoral PTFE bypass graft
7A11. Repair of aortic aneurysm using bifurcation graft
7A110 Emerg repl aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to fem art
7A111 Replace aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to femoral art
7A112 Emergency Y graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm (& aortoiliac)
7A113 Y graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm (& aortoiliac)
7A11y Replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta OS
7A11z Replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta NOS
7A12. Other bypass of bifurcation of aorta
7A120 Emerg bypass bifurc aorta by anast aorta to femoral artery
7A121 Aortobifemoral bypass (& [NEC] or [dacron Y])
7A122 Emerg bypass bifurc aorta by anastom aorta to iliac artery
7A123 Aorto bi-iliac graft (& Dacron)
7A12y Other specified other bypass of bifurcation of aorta
7A12z Other bypass of bifurcation of aorta NOS
7A41. Other bypass iliac artery (& by anastomosis)
7A410 Emerg bypass iliac art by iliac/femoral art anastomosis NEC
7A411 Bypass iliac artery by iliac/femoral artery anastomosis NEC
7A414 Emerg bypass comm iliac art by aorta/com iliac art anast NEC
7A415 Emerg bypass iliac artery by aorta/ext iliac art anast NEC
7A416 Emerg bypass leg artery by aorta/com fem art anastomosis NEC
7A418 Emerg bypass iliac artery by iliac/iliac art anastomosis NEC
7A419 Bypass common iliac artery by aorta/com iliac art anast NEC
7A41A Bypass iliac artery by aorta/ext iliac art anastomosis NEC
7A41B Bypass leg artery by aorta/com femoral art anastomosis NEC
7A41C Bypass leg artery by aorta/deep femoral art anastomosis NEC
7A41D Bypass iliac artery by iliac/iliac artery anastomosis NEC
7A41E Emergency bypass of iliac artery by unspecified anastomosis
7A41F Iliofemoral prosthetic crossover graft
7A41y Other specified other bypass of iliac artery
7A41z Other bypass of iliac artery NOS
7A42. Reconstruction of iliac artery (& common)
7A420 Iliac endarterectomy and patch repair (& common iliac)
7A42y Other specified reconstruction of iliac artery
7A42z Reconstruction of iliac artery NOS
7A43. Other open operations on iliac artery (& common)
7A430 Repair of iliac artery NEC (& common)
7A432 Operation on aneurysm of iliac artery NEC
7A43y Other specified other open operation on iliac artery
7A43z Other open operation on iliac artery NOS
7A440 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery
7A443 Insertion of iliac artery stent
7A44y Other specified transluminal operation on iliac artery
7A44z Transluminal operation on iliac artery NOS
7A47. Oth em bypass art: [fem (& brs)]/[pop]/[fem/pop anastomosis]
7A470 Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/pop art anast c prosth NEC
7A471 Emerg bypass popliteal art by pop/pop art anast c prosth NEC
7A472 Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/pop a anast c vein graft NEC
7A473 Emerg bypass pop art by pop/pop art anast c vein graft NEC
7A474 Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/tib art anast c prosth NEC
7A476 Emerg bypass femoral art by fem/tib a anast c vein graft NEC
7A477 Emerg bypass pop art by pop/tib art anast c vein graft NEC
7A47B Emerg bypass pop art by pop/peron art anast c vein graft NEC
7A47C Emerg bypass femoral artery by fem/fem art anastomosis NEC
7A47D Emerg bypass popliteal artery by pop/fem art anastomosis NEC
7A47y Other emergency bypass of femoral or popliteal artery OS
7A47z Other emergency bypass of femoral or popliteal artery NOS
7A48. Oth bypass art: [fem (& brs)]/[pop]/[fem/pop by anastomosis]
7A480 Bypass femoral artery by fem/pop art anast c prosthesis NEC
7A481 Bypass popliteal artery by pop/pop a anast c prosthesis NEC
7A482 Bypass femoral artery by fem/pop art anast c vein graft NEC
7A483 Bypass popliteal artery by pop/pop a anast c vein graft NEC
7A484 Bypass femoral artery by fem/tib art anast c prosthesis NEC
7A485 Bypass popliteal artery by pop/tib a anast c prosthesis NEC
7A486 Bypass femoral artery by fem/tib art anast c vein graft NEC
7A487 Bypass popliteal artery by pop/tib a anast c vein graft NEC
7A488 Bypass femoral artery by fem/peron a anast c prosthesis NEC
7A48A Bypass femoral artery by fem/peron a anast c vein graft NEC
7A48B Bypass popliteal art by pop/peron art anast c vein graft NEC
7A48C Bypass femoral artery by femoral/femoral art anastomosis NEC
7A48D Bypass popliteal artery by pop/fem artery anastomosis NEC
7A48E Femorofemoral prosthetic crossover graft
7A48y Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery OS
7A48z Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery NOS
7A49. Reconstruction artery: [femoral (& branches)] or [popliteal]
7A490 Endarterectomy and patch repair of femoral artery
7A491 Endarterectomy and patch repair of popliteal artery
7A492 Endarterectomy of femoral artery NEC
7A493 Endarterectomy of popliteal artery NEC
7A494 Profundoplasty femoral artery & patch repair deep fem artery
7A495 Profundoplasty and patch repair of popliteal artery
7A496 Profundoplasty of femoral artery NEC
7A497 Profundoplasty of popliteal artery NEC
7A498 Reconstruction of femoral artery with vein graft
7A499 Reconstruction of popliteal artery with vein graft
7A49y Reconstruction of femoral or popliteal artery OS
7A49z Reconstruction of femoral or popliteal artery NOS
7A4A. Oth open art operatn: [femoral (& branches)] or [popliteal]
7A4A0 Repair of femoral artery NEC
7A4A1 Repair of popliteal artery NEC
7A4A5 Operation on aneurysm of femoral artery NEC
7A4A6 Operation on popliteal artery NEC
7A4A7 Repair of femoral artery with temporary silastic shunt
7A4A8 Repair of popliteal artery with temporary silastic shunt
7A4Ay Other open operation on femoral or popliteal artery OS
7A4Az Other open operation on femoral or popliteal artery NOS
7A4B0 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery
7A4B1 Percutaneous angioplasty of popliteal artery
7A4B4 Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of femoral artery
7A4B5 Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of popliteal artery
7A501 Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery
7A502 Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery
7A503 Revision of reconstruction of popliteal artery
A3A0F Gas gangrene-foot
C1070 Diabetes mellitus, juvenile +peripheral circulatory disorder
C1071 Diabetes mellitus, adult, + peripheral circulatory disorder
C1072 Diabetes mellitus, adult with gangrene
C1073 IDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder
C1074 NIDDM with peripheral circulatory disorder
C107y Other specified diabetes mellitus with periph circ comps
C107z Diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral circulatory disorder
G700. (Aortic atherosclerosis) or (aorto-iliac disease)
G702. Extremity artery atheroma
G702z Extremity artery atheroma NOS
G73.. (Peri vasc dis (& [isch][oth])) or (isch leg) or (peri isch)
G7310 Thromboangiitis obliterans
G731z Thromboangiitis obliterans NOS
G732. Peripheral gangrene
G7320 Gangrene of toe
G7321 Gangrene of foot
G73y. Other specified peripheral vascular disease
G73y0 Diabetic peripheral angiopathy
G73y1 Peripheral angiopathic disease EC NOS
G73yz Other specified peripheral vascular disease NOS
G73z. Peripheral vascular disease NOS
G73zz Peripheral vascular disease NOS
G742z Peripheral arterial embolism and thrombosis NOS
G76A. Arterial insufficiency
Gyu74 [X]Other specified peripheral vascular diseases
Gyu7A [X]Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
M2710 Ischaemic ulcer diabetic foot
M2712 Mixed diabetic ulcer - foot
R0542 [D]Gangrene of toe in diabetic
R0543 [D]Widespread diabetic foot gangrene
R0550 [D]Failure of peripheral circulation
X015H Reconstruction of common iliac artery
X015R Other bypass of superficial femoral artery
X015S Other bypass of popliteal artery
X015T Other bypass of femoral artery
X015U Other bypass of deep femoral artery
X015V Other bypass of common femoral artery
X015W Other bypass of femoral or popliteal artery by anastomosis
X015X Other emergency bypass of femoral artery
X015Y Other emergency bypass of superficial femoral artery
X015Z Other emergency bypass of popliteal artery
X015a Other emergency bypass of deep femoral artery
X015b Other emergency bypass of common femoral artery
X015c Other emerg bypass femoral or popliteal art by anastomosis
X015h Other bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis
X0160 Axillofemoral bypass graft
X016n Insertion common iliac artery stent
X016o Insertion of external iliac artery stent
X203L Aortoiliac atherosclerosis
X203Q Peripheral ischaemia
X203T Lower limb ischaemia
X203U Critical lower limb ischaemia
X50Be Mixed arteriovenous leg ulcer
X50Bf Ischaemic leg ulcer
X50Bg Ischaemic foot ulcer
X50Bk Neuroischaemic foot ulcer
X77Ut Claudication distance
XE0Ey Emerg repl aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to iliac a
XE0Ez Replace aneurysm bifurc aorta by anast aorta to iliac artery
XE0F0 Bypass bifurc aorta by anastom aorta to femoral artery NEC
XE0F1 Bypass bifurcation aorta by anastom aorta to iliac artery
XE0FK Other bypass of iliac artery
XE0FL Emerg bypass iliac artery by femoral/femoral art anast NEC
XE0FM Bypass iliac artery by femoral/femoral art anastomosis NEC
XE0FN Reconstruction of iliac artery
XE0FO Endarterectomy and patch repair of iliac artery
XE0FP Endarterectomy of iliac artery NEC
XE0FQ Other open operations on iliac artery
XE0FR Repair of iliac artery NEC
XE0FX Other emergency bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery
XE0FY Other bypass of femoral artery or popliteal artery
XE0FZ Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery
XE0Fa Other open operations on femoral artery or popliteal artery
XE0VP Other peripheral vascular disease
XE0VR Intermittent claudication
XE0XC Peripheral vascular disease (& [NOS])
XE10I Diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorder
XE12K Diabetes: [peripheral circulatory disease] or [gangrene]
XM1Ib Y graft abdominal Aortic aneurysm
XM1Ic Dacron aortofemoral Y graft
XM1Id Dacron aortoiliac Y graft
XM1Ie Emergency femorofemoral prosthetic crossover graft
XM1If Endarterectomy and patch repair of common iliac artery
XM1Ig Endarterectomy of common iliac artery NEC
XM1Ih Other open operations on common iliac artery
XM1Ii Repair of common iliac artery NEC
XM1Ip Reconstruction of popliteal artery
XM1Iq Reconstruction of deep femoral artery
XM1Ir Reconstruction of common femoral artery
XM1Is Reconstruction of femoral artery
XM1It Other open operations on superficial femoral artery
XM1Iu Other open operations on popliteal artery
XM1Iv Other open operations on deep femoral artery
XM1Iw Other open operations on common femoral artery
XM1KK Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery
XM1Qu Claudication
XM1Qx Diabetes mellitus with gangrene
Xa0lV Peripheral vascular disease
Xa7lT Ischaemia of feet
Xa84U Ischaemic foot
XaBFI Leriche's syndrome
XaBL7 H/O: Peripheral vascular disease procedure
XaBrm Perc trans thrombolysis of femoral graft streptokinase
XaDmh Open insertion of iliac artery stent
XaDmi Percutaneous transluminal insertion of iliac artery stent
XaE3G Critical ischaemia of foot
XaFmK Type I diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy
XaFn7 Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy
XaLhK Endovascular stenting of aorto-uniiliac aneurysm
XaLhe Percutaneous transluminal placement peripheral stent artery
XaMNe Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent femoral artery
XaMmK Endovas insertion of stent graft for aorto-uniiliac aneurysm
XaZT1 Occlusion of radial artery
XaZT3 Occlusion of ulnar artery
XabhR Ischaemic foot pain at rest
XabhS Ischaemic foot pain when walking
Y2572 H/O: Intermittent claudication

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.