Hypertension (SNOMED)

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Version ID





Automatically-generated equivalent of Hypertension


See code on GitHub

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

id name active notes
38481006 Hypertensive renal disease (disorder) y direct mapping
83105008 Malignant hypertensive heart disease with congestive heart failure (disorder) y direct mapping
48146000 Diastolic hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
199006004 Pre-existing hypertensive heart disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) y direct mapping
270440008 Hypertension monitoring check done (finding) y direct mapping
697929007 Intermittent hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
185716009 Attends hypertension monitoring (finding) y direct mapping
66610008 Malignant hypertensive heart AND renal disease (disorder) y direct mapping
308502002 Hypertension monitoring status (finding) y direct mapping
308427006 Hypertension screening recall (procedure) y direct mapping
163028000 On examination - blood pressure reading very high (finding) y direct mapping
713641000000103 Hypertension monitoring administration (record artifact) y direct mapping
736286003 Hypertension clinical management plan (record artifact) y direct mapping
268509003 Cardiac disease monitoring (regime/therapy) y direct mapping
302192008 On treatment for hypertension (regime/therapy) y direct mapping
220901000000101 High cost hypertension drug therapy - OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures (procedure) y direct mapping
194767001 Benign hypertensive heart disease with congestive cardiac failure (disorder) y direct mapping
1201005 Benign essential hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
38341003 Hypertensive disorder, systemic arterial (disorder) y direct mapping
1066941000000104 Hypertension monitoring invitation short message service text message (procedure) y direct mapping
401118009 Hypertension annual review (procedure) y direct mapping
198997005 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
73410007 Benign secondary renovascular hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
66052004 Benign hypertensive heart AND renal disease (disorder) y direct mapping
199005000 Pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (disorder) y direct mapping
1066961000000103 Hypertension monitoring short message service text message second invitation (procedure) y direct mapping
185723005 Hypertension monitoring telephone invite (procedure) y direct mapping
161501007 History of hypertension (situation) y direct mapping
845891000000103 Hypertension resistant to drug therapy (disorder) y direct mapping
194780003 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with renal failure (disorder) y direct mapping
163027005 On examination - blood pressure reading raised (finding) y direct mapping
194783001 Secondary malignant renovascular hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
86234004 Hypertensive heart AND renal disease (disorder) y direct mapping
275516004 Cardiomegaly - hypertensive (disorder) y direct mapping
401117004 Moderate hypertension control (finding) y direct mapping
193003 Benign hypertensive renal disease (disorder) y direct mapping
199007008 Pre-existing hypertensive heart and renal disease complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) y direct mapping
162659009 Hypertension resolved (finding) y direct mapping
308503007 Hypertension monitoring call (procedure) y direct mapping
1083101000000106 Hypertension monitoring invitation email (procedure) y direct mapping
65443008 Malignant hypertensive renal disease (disorder) y direct mapping
863191000000102 Nocturnal hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
275944005 Hypertension monitoring (regime/therapy) y direct mapping
185264001 Seen in hypertension clinic (finding) y direct mapping
183856001 Referral to hypertension clinic (procedure) y direct mapping
48194001 Pregnancy-induced hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
908651000000101 Stage 1 hypertension (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) with evidence of end organ damage (disorder) y direct mapping
31992008 Secondary hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
64715009 Hypertensive heart disease (disorder) y direct mapping
59621000 Essential hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
185718005 Hypertension monitoring offer default (finding) y direct mapping
1066971000000105 Hypertension monitoring short message service text message third invitation (procedure) y direct mapping
36221001 Benign hypertensive heart disease (disorder) y direct mapping
194788005 Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorder (disorder) y direct mapping
846371000000103 Stage 2 hypertension (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) (disorder) y direct mapping
401048005 Hypertension six month review (procedure) y direct mapping
170579000 Hypertension:follow-up default (finding) y direct mapping
36315003 Malignant hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure (disorder) y direct mapping
185721007 Hypertension monitoring third letter (procedure) y direct mapping
810981000000107 Hypertension self-management plan review (procedure) y direct mapping
6962006 Hypertensive retinopathy (disorder) y direct mapping
50490005 Hypertensive encephalopathy (disorder) y direct mapping
908631000000108 Stage 1 hypertension (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) without evidence of end organ damage (disorder) y direct mapping
199008003 Pre-existing secondary hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium (disorder) y direct mapping
713661000000102 Hypertension clinic administration (record artifact) y direct mapping
78975002 Malignant essential hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
89242004 Malignant secondary hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
170578008 Poor hypertension control (finding) y direct mapping
194779001 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with (congestive) heart failure (disorder) y direct mapping
170577003 Good hypertension control (finding) y direct mapping
123799005 Renovascular hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
194781004 Hypertensive heart and renal disease with both (congestive) heart failure and renal failure (disorder) y direct mapping
843821000000102 Stage 1 hypertension (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) (disorder) y direct mapping
185722000 Hypertension monitoring verbal invite (procedure) y direct mapping
54225002 Malignant hypertensive heart disease (disorder) y direct mapping
407567007 Patient on maximal tolerated antihypertensive therapy (finding) y direct mapping
170587004 Hypertensive treatment changed (situation) y direct mapping
86041002 Pre-existing hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) y direct mapping
185719002 Hypertension monitoring first letter (procedure) y direct mapping
170586008 Treatment for hypertension started (situation) y direct mapping
95691008 Arteriosclerotic retinopathy (disorder) y direct mapping
194785008 Secondary benign hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
70272006 Malignant hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
170588009 Treatment for hypertension stopped (situation) y direct mapping
56218007 Systolic hypertension (disorder) y direct mapping
766211000000109 Hypertension 9 month review (regime/therapy) y direct mapping
185720008 Hypertension monitoring second letter (procedure) y direct mapping
308116003 Antihypertensive therapy (procedure) y direct mapping
843841000000109 Severe hypertension (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) (disorder) y direct mapping
1066951000000101 Hypertension monitoring short message service text message first invitation (procedure) y direct mapping
698640000 Hypertension in the puerperium with pulmonary edema (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
96731000119100 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease stage 3 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285831000119108 Malignant hypertensive chronic kidney disease (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
371125006 Labile essential hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
23717007 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
39018007 Renal arterial hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
62240004 Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198954000 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
37618003 Chronic hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198951008 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
1474004 Hypertensive heart AND renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
726513006 History of hemolysis-elevated liver enzymes-low platelet count syndrome (situation) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129151000119102 Chronic kidney disease stage 4 due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198966006 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
851071000000108 Heart failure initial assessment (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
248411000000105 Atrial fibrillation annual review (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
153891000119101 End stage renal disease on dialysis due to hypertension on (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
31407004 Pre-existing hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198949009 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
29259002 Malignant hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
390885007 Heart failure annual review (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
71874008 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
105651000119100 History of pre-eclampsia (situation) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
140111000119107 Hypertension in chronic kidney disease stage 4 due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
428575007 Hypertension secondary to kidney transplant (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
40521000119100 Postpartum pregnancy-induced hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
23786008 Malignant hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
96741000119109 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease stage 2 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
34694006 Pre-existing hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10757441000119102 Pre-existing hypertensive heart disease in mother complicating childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
123800009 Goldblatt hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
49220004 Hypertensive renal failure (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
81626002 Malignant hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
199003007 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
712832005 Supine hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
284961000119106 Chronic kidney disease due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
698638005 Pregnancy induced hypertension with pulmonary edema (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
762463000 Diastolic hypertension co-occurrent with systolic hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198953006 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - not delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
709881001 History of gestational hypertension (situation) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
5501000119106 Postoperative hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
712487000 End stage renal disease due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
96751000119106 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease stage 1 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
134377004 Atrial fibrillation monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
74451002 Secondary diastolic hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
697930002 Labile hypertension due to being in a clinical environment (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
237279007 Transient hypertension of pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
77970009 Benign hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
286371000119107 Malignant hypertensive end stage renal disease on dialysis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170571002 Initial cardiac assessment (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
703310005 Autosomal dominant progressive nephropathy with hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
134378009 Congestive heart failure monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198967002 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - not delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
26078007 Hypertension secondary to renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
417206009 Cardiovascular disease monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
104931000119100 Chronic kidney disease due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
59720008 Sustained diastolic hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
199000005 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
765182005 Pre-eclampsia in puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10562009 Malignant hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
39727004 Hypertension secondary to renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
140121000119100 Hypertension in chronic kidney disease stage 3 due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198965005 Transient hypertension of pregnancy - delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
15781000119107 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease with congestive heart failure (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
67359005 Pre-eclampsia added to pre-existing hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
715280009 Telehealth hypertension monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
59997006 Endocrine hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
473392002 Hypertensive nephrosclerosis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
31881008 Cardiovascular renal disease (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
284991000119104 Chronic kidney disease stage 3 due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198986005 Severe pre-eclampsia with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
199002002 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension - not delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
307632004 Non-proteinuric hypertension of pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
18416000 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
16229371000119106 Labile systemic arterial hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198942000 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10752641000119102 Eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension in childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
140101000119109 Hypertension in chronic kidney disease stage 5 due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
161807003 History of severe pre-eclampsia (situation) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
52698002 Transient hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
82771000119102 Hypertension complicating pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
288250001 Maternal hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
8762007 Chronic hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
19769006 High-renin essential hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
118781000119108 Pre-existing hypertensive chronic kidney disease in mother complicating pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
24042004 Chronic hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
429198000 Exertional hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
284981000119102 Chronic kidney disease stage 2 due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
398254007 Pre-eclampsia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
40511000119107 Postpartum pre-existing essential hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
48552006 Hypertension secondary to renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198984008 Severe pre-eclampsia - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10725009 Benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
111438007 Hypertension secondary to renal disease in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285011000119108 Chronic kidney disease stage 5 due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198944004 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
132721000119104 Hypertensive emergency (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
720568003 Brachydactyly and arterial hypertension syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
117681000119102 Chronic kidney disease stage 1 due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
65402008 Pre-existing hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
96711000119105 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease stage 5 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
57684003 Parenchymal renal hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
23130000 Paroxysmal hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
28119000 Renal hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
541000119105 Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, antepartum (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285001000119105 Chronic kidney disease stage 4 due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
46764007 Severe pre-eclampsia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
16147005 Arteriolar nephritis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
367390009 Hypertension in the obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
698591006 Benign hypertensive renal disease with renal failure (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170601008 Coronary heart disease monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198985009 Severe pre-eclampsia - not delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
9901000 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
8218002 Chronic hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
417322008 Cardiovascular disease annual review (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
492611000000102 Cardiovascular disease high risk review (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
49102001 Hypertensive heart AND renal disease in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
78808002 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
706882009 Hypertensive crisis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
140131000119102 Hypertension in chronic kidney disease stage 2 due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
96701000119107 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease on dialysis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
153851000119106 Malignant hypertensive chronic kidney disease stage 5 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
284971000119100 Chronic kidney disease stage 1 due to benign hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
41114007 Mild pre-eclampsia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
8501000119104 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
14973001 Renal sclerosis with hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170572009 Follow-up cardiac assessment (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198945003 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
845331000000109 Amiodarone monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285881000119109 Malignant hypertensive chronic kidney disease stage 4 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129181000119109 Chronic kidney disease stage 2 due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198983002 Severe pre-eclampsia - delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129161000119100 Chronic kidney disease stage 5 due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
247361000000100 Heart failure 6 month review (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
206596003 Neonatal hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198999008 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension - delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
169465000 Hypertension caused by oral contraceptive pill (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
128001000119105 Hypertension concurrent and due to end stage renal disease on dialysis due to type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
63287004 Benign essential hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10757481000119107 Pre-existing hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease in mother complicating pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198947006 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
367821000119106 Hypertension due to compression of renal parenchyma (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
237282002 Impending eclampsia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198968007 Transient hypertension of pregnancy with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
95605009 Hemolysis-elevated liver enzymes-low platelet count syndrome (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170574005 Yearly observation of borderline hypertension (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
49171007 Hypertensive renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
46481004 Low-renin essential hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170573004 Pre-treatment blood pressure reading (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
57873008 Hypertensive renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
707265005 Aortic aneurysm monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198952001 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
72022006 Essential hypertension in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
429457004 Systolic essential hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
84094009 Rebound hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
65518004 Labile diastolic hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198941007 Hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
10757401000119104 Pre-existing hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease in mother complicating childbirth (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
194791005 Hypertension caused by drug (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
443482000 Hypertensive urgency (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
96721000119103 Hypertensive heart AND chronic kidney disease stage 4 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
427889009 Hypertension associated with transplantation (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
78544004 Chronic hypertensive uremia (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
73030000 Hypertensive renal disease in obstetric context (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
81363003 Malignant arteriolar nephrosclerosis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
66709007 Hypertensive renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
417287002 Cardiovascular disease interim monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
69909000 Eclampsia added to pre-existing hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285841000119104 Malignant hypertensive end stage renal disease (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
395148004 Cardiac event recording (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285871000119106 Malignant hypertensive chronic kidney disease stage 3 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
871681000000102 Heart failure monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
111411000119103 End stage renal disease due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
35303009 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
127991000119101 Hypertension concurrent and due to end stage renal disease on dialysis due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285861000119100 Malignant hypertensive chronic kidney disease stage 2 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
71421000119105 Hypertension in chronic kidney disease due to type 2 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
704667004 Hypertension concurrent and due to end stage renal disease on dialysis (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
71701000119105 Hypertension in chronic kidney disease due to type 1 diabetes mellitus (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
285851000119102 Malignant hypertensive chronic kidney disease stage 1 (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170591009 Digoxin monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
397748008 Hypertension with albuminuria (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
22966008 Hypertensive heart AND renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
15394000 Toxemia of pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
237281009 Moderate proteinuric hypertension of pregnancy (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
198946002 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - not delivered (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
170590005 Cardiac drug monitoring (regime/therapy) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
766937004 Hypertension due to gain-of-function mutation in mineralocorticoid receptor (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
129171000119106 Chronic kidney disease stage 3 due to hypertension (disorder) y descendant of concept mapped from leaf
221281000000109 High cost hypertension drug therapy NOS - OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures (procedure) n via Query Table
843851000000107 Severe hypertension n via Query Table
692801000000103 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
272821000000100 Primary pulmonary hypertension drugs band 4 n via Query Table
221291000000106 Other specified high cost hypertension drug therapy - OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures (procedure) n via Query Table
492621000000108 At risk of cardiovascular disease review n via Query Table
253041000000107 Heart failure 6 month review n via Query Table
1051531000000104 History of haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count syndrome (situation) n via Query Table
635071000000100 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - delivered (disorder) n via Query Table
478861000000109 [X]Edema, proteinuria and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) n via Query Table
587111000000100 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
247111000000104 Diastolic hypertension (disorder) n via Query Table
648001000000103 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
599281000000106 Hypertensive heart and renal disease NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
684221000000101 Hypertensive heart disease NOS without congestive cardiac failure (disorder) n via Query Table
892411000000107 Pulmonary arterial hypertension drugs Band 1 n via Query Table
802941000000103 Aortic aneurysm monitoring (regime/therapy) n via Query Table
1076211000000101 Arteriosclerotic retinopathy (disorder) n via Query Table
845341000000100 Amiodarone monitoring n via Query Table
695711000000100 Transient hypertension of pregnancy NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
672551000000109 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia (disorder) n via Query Table
419571000000103 [X]Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders (disorder) n via Query Table
471521000000108 [X]Hypertensive diseases (disorder) n via Query Table
606221000000105 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
272841000000107 High cost hypertension drugs NOS n via Query Table
586581000000102 Secondary benign hypertension NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
599321000000103 Other specified hypertensive disease (disorder) n via Query Table
272801000000109 Primary pulmonary hypertension drugs band 2 n via Query Table
703671000000107 Pre-eclampsia NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
492631000000105 At risk of cardiovascular disease review n via Query Table
414391000000105 [X]Other secondary hypertension (disorder) n via Query Table
276789009 Labile hypertension (disorder) n via Query Table
695701000000102 Transient hypertension of pregnancy unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
191241000000108 Cardiovascular disease annual review n via Query Table
565761000000106 Cardiac disease monitoring NOS (regime/therapy) n via Query Table
599261000000102 Hypertensive heart disease NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
846381000000101 Stage 2 hypertension (NICE - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) n via Query Table
892431000000104 Pulmonary arterial hypertension drugs Band 2 n via Query Table
587121000000106 Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia with pre-existing hypertension NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
599341000000105 Hypertensive disease NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
11721000000102 Hypertension clinic admin. (administrative concept) n via Query Table
684211000000107 Essential hypertension NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
713651000000100 Hypertension monitoring administration NOS (record artifact) n via Query Table
187811000000103 Cardiovascular disease interim monitoring n via Query Table
194766005 Benign hypertensive heart disease without congestive cardiac failure (disorder) n via Query Table
187801000000100 Cardiovascular disease annual review n via Query Table
77737007 Benign hypertensive heart disease with congestive heart failure (disorder) n via Query Table
645721000000102 Benign hypertensive heart disease NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
948151000000100 Telehealth hypertension monitoring (regime/therapy) n via Query Table
272781000000108 High cost hypertension drugs n via Query Table
766221000000103 Hypertension 9 month review n via Query Table
599291000000108 Secondary malignant hypertension NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
674201000000103 Hypertension of pregnancy NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
832151000000107 Hypertension self-management plan review n via Query Table
292601000000100 Diastolic hypertension n via Query Table
609021000000109 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) n via Query Table
635061000000107 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
635101000000109 Severe pre-eclampsia unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
250411000000105 Heart failure 6 month review n via Query Table
191231000000104 Cardiovascular disease monitoring n via Query Table
412779008 Hypertension clinical management plan (qualifier value) n via Query Table
167031000000101 Hypertension resolved n via Query Table
883971000000102 History of pre-eclampsia (situation) n via Query Table
609011000000103 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - delivered (disorder) n via Query Table
250591000000100 Atrial fibrillation annual review n via Query Table
845901000000102 Hypertension resistant to drug therapy n via Query Table
802951000000100 Aortic aneurysm monitoring n via Query Table
908661000000103 Stage 1 hypertension (NICE - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) with evidence of end organ damage n via Query Table
892451000000106 Pulmonary arterial hypertension drugs Band 3 n via Query Table
948161000000102 Telehealth hypertension monitoring n via Query Table
843831000000100 Stage 1 hypertension n via Query Table
599311000000109 Secondary renovascular hypertension NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
272811000000106 Primary pulmonary hypertension drugs band 3 n via Query Table
892471000000102 Pulmonary arterial hypertension drugs Band 4 n via Query Table
40555009 Toxemia (disorder) n via Query Table
187791000000104 Cardiovascular disease monitoring n via Query Table
308551004 Gestational hypertension (disorder) n via Query Table
647991000000107 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia with postnatal complication (disorder) n via Query Table
698810000 Hypertensive renal disease with end stage renal failure (disorder) n via Query Table
883981000000100 H/O: pre-eclampsia n via Query Table
606231000000107 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium - not delivered (disorder) n via Query Table
627791000000106 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium with postnatal complication (disorder) n via Query Table
3331000000104 Hypertension monitoring admin. (administrative concept) n via Query Table
171791000000104 Hypertension resolved n via Query Table
608991000000100 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table
627801000000105 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
662181000000100 Hypertensive renal disease NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
635081000000103 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - delivered with postnatal complication (disorder) n via Query Table
908641000000104 Stage 1 hypertension (NICE - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 2011) without evidence of end organ damage n via Query Table
272791000000105 Primary pulmonary hypertension drugs band 1 n via Query Table
599271000000109 Hypertensive heart disease NOS with congestive cardiac failure (disorder) n via Query Table
606201000000101 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
565741000000105 Cardiac drug monitoring NOS (regime/therapy) n via Query Table
253221000000105 Atrial fibrillation annual review n via Query Table
11511004 Hypertensive heart AND renal disease complicating AND/OR reason for care during puerperium (disorder) n via Query Table
635091000000101 Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia - not delivered (disorder) n via Query Table
544581000000102 Toxemia NOS (disorder) n via Query Table
606211000000104 Other pre-existing hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (disorder) n via Query Table
194774006 Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure (disorder) n via Query Table
191251000000106 Cardiovascular disease interim monitoring n via Query Table
692791000000102 Benign essential hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium unspecified (disorder) n via Query Table

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.