
Codelist metadata

Coding system

CTV3 (Read V3)

Coding system release




Codelist ID


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Version ID





Codelist for defining the presence of a history of amputation


Based on a previous Read2 list (below) we identified codes relating to amputation and generated a broad list of SNOMED concepts. After initial cleaning, these were reviewed clinically by Brian Nicholson.


Signed off by

  • John Tazare, (Sept. 21, 2020)
  • Brian Nicholson, (Sept. 21, 2020)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

CTV3Code CTV3PreferredTermDesc
7L042 Above elbow amputation
XE0J7 Above knee amputation
7L062 Above knee amputation (& Kirk)
TGyz2 Accidental decapitation NOS
Xa799 Amputated above elbow
Xa7GU Amputated above knee
Xa7Gb Amputated at ankle
Xa797 Amputated at forequarter
Xa7GS Amputated at hindquarter
Xa7GT Amputated at hip
Xa7GY Amputated at knee
Xa7GX Amputated at lower thigh
Xa7GW Amputated at mid thigh
Xa7Gc Amputated at midfoot
Xa798 Amputated at shoulder
Xa7GV Amputated at upper thigh
Xa79B Amputated below elbow
Xa7GZ Amputated below knee
XaBYB Amputated big toe
Xa79E Amputated finger
Xa7Ga Amputated foot
Xa7Gd Amputated forefoot
Xa79C Amputated hand
XaBYC Amputated leg
XaBYD Amputated little toe
Xa79A Amputated through elbow
Xa79D Amputated thumb
Xa7Ge Amputated toe
Xa1tr Amputation - action
Xa0pp Amputation incision
7L083 Amputation lesser toe
7E000 Amputation of cervix
7L0F4 Amputation of duplicate thumb
Xa8S6 Amputation of finger
7L053 Amputation of finger NEC
X607s Amputation of finger through carpometacarpal joint
X607y Amputation of finger through distal interphalangeal joint
X607z Amputation of finger through distal phalanx
X607t Amputation of finger through metacarpal
X607u Amputation of finger through metacarpophalangeal joint
X607x Amputation of finger through middle phalanx
X607w Amputation of finger through proximal interphalangeal joint
X607v Amputation of finger through proximal phalanx
X6080 Amputation of finger tip
7L080 Amputation of hallux
7L05z Amputation of hand NOS
7L050 Amputation of hand at wrist
7L05. Amputation of hand,thumb or finger
7L06z Amputation of leg NOS
XE07v Amputation of lower limb (& disarticulation)
7C20. Amputation of penis
7C20z Amputation of penis NOS
7L052 Amputation of phalanx of finger
7L081 Amputation of phalanx of toe
7L0L2 Amputation of supernumerary toe
7L07. Amputation of the foot
7L06. Amputation of the lower limb
7L04. Amputation of the upper limb
7L051 Amputation of thumb
X607k Amputation of thumb and trapezium
X607l Amputation of thumb through carpometacarpal joint
X607q Amputation of thumb through distal phalanx
X607p Amputation of thumb through interphalangeal joint
X607m Amputation of thumb through metacarpal
X607n Amputation of thumb through metacarpophalangeal joint
X607o Amputation of thumb through proximal phalanx
X607r Amputation of thumb tip
XE0JF Amputation of toe
7L08. Amputation of toe (& disarticulation)
XaKK7 Amputation of toe NOS
XaJhA Amputation of toe and metatarsal
X20Jo Amputation of tooth root
Xa9LR Amputation stump
7L09. Amputation stump procedure
7L063 Amputation through knee (& named variants)
XE0JD Amputation through metatarsal bones
7L054 Amputation through phalanx of finger
X5044 Amputation-related dermatosis
XM1R6 Amputee - limb
X76p7 Amputee gait
7D170 Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri
Xa8PJ Anterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri
75140 Apicectomy of tooth
XE0J4 Below elbow amputation
7L043 Below elbow amputation (& Krukenberg)
XE0J9 Below knee amputation
SP164 Bony prominence of amputation stump
SP162 Chronic infection of amputation stump
Xa1tu Closure of amputation stump
PF214 Congenital amputation of upper limb
PF5E4 Constriction ring of upper limb with acrosyndactyly and amputation
PF6D3 Constriction ring syndrome of lower limb with amputation
XaE1L Debridement of above knee amputation stump
XaE20 Debridement of amputation stump
XaE1K Debridement of below knee amputation stump
X405i Decapitation of the fetus
XaLsg Delivery of rehabilitation for amputation of limb
Xa1tx Disarticulation - action
Xa3r3 Disarticulation at wrist
7L061 Disarticulation hip (& [Boyd] or [Fitzmaurice Kelly])
XaM7m Disarticulation of bone
Xa392 Disarticulation of finger joint
XE0J6 Disarticulation of the hip
XE0J3 Disarticulation of the shoulder
XE0JB Disarticulation of the tarsal bones
XE0JC Disarticulation of the tarsometatarsal joints
XM1JX Disarticulation of toe
XaKK8 Disarticulation of toe NOS
7L041 Disarticulation shoulder (& [Larry] or [Lisfranc] or [Spence])
X70Dw Disorder of amputation stump
7L094 Drainage of amputation stump
7L095 Excision neuroma amputation stump
7L091 Excision of lesion of amputation stump
X6082 Forefoot amputation
XE0J2 Forequarter amputation
7L040 Forequarter amputation (& [Berger] or [Littlewood])
XE2tf H/O: limb amputation
14N4Z H/O: limb amputation NOS
14N41 H/O: lower limb amputation
14N40 H/O: upper limb amputation
XE0J5 Hindquarter amputation
7L060 Hindquarter amputation (& [Ferre] or [Gordon-Taylor] or [Jaboulay] or [King] or [Sorrondo] or [Steelquist])
8D471 Hip disarticulation prosthesis
Ua1CA Inspection of stump
PF5E3 Intra-uterine amputation (& upper limb)
PF6D2 Intrauterine amputation of lower limb
XE2w2 Intrauterine amputation of upper limb
SP16. Late amputation stump complication
SC09. Late effect of traumatic amputation
X607j Limb amputation
14N4. Limb: [H/O amputation] or [amputee]
Xa0ps Long posterior flap incision
Ub1Qp Lower limb amputee mobility practice
Xa4CT Lower limb amputee transfer practice
Xa6oo Lower thigh amputation
Xa6on Mid thigh amputation
X6081 Midfoot amputation
8D476 Midfoot amputation prosthesis
SP163 Necrosis of amputation stump
SP161 Neuroma of amputation stump
685I. No smear-amputation of cervix
XaBLW O/E - Amputated left above knee
XaBLY O/E - Amputated left below knee
XaBLc O/E - Amputated left forefoot
XaBLU O/E - Amputated left leg
XaBLj O/E - Amputated left toe
XaBLV O/E - Amputated right above knee
XaBLX O/E - Amputated right below knee
XaBLb O/E - Amputated right forefoot
XaBLT O/E - Amputated right leg
XaBLi O/E - Amputated right toe
XaXhG O/E - amputated left midfoot
XaXfV O/E - amputated right midfoot
Xa3rD Other amputation stump revision
7L05y Other specified amputation of hand
7C20y Other specified amputation of penis
7L08y Other specified amputation of toe
7D17y Other specified repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri
X6083 Partial amputation of hallux
X6085 Partial amputation of lesser toe
7C201 Partial amputation of penis
Ub1Qk Pneumatic post-amputation mobility aid training
SP165 Poorly shaped amputation stump
XSAbP Post-amputation rehabilitation
X76p8 Prosthetic limb gait
X20K0 Pulpotomy - devitalising
X20K1 Pulpotomy - non-vital disinfection
X20Jx Pulpotomy - vital
X20Jz Pulpotomy - vital - coronal
X20Jy Pulpotomy - vital - partial
X20Jw Pulpotomy of tooth
Xa0pt Raquet incision
Ub1Qr Re-education lower limb amputee free knee gait
Ub1Qq Re-education lower limb amputee lock knee gait
XSAC0 Reamputation
7L090 Reamputation at higher level
7D17. Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri
XE0HB Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri NOS
7L0M0 Replantation of ear
7L0M1 Replantation of nose
7L093 Revision coverage of amputation stump
XA01Q Ring avulsion injury of finger
S9332 Ring avulsion injury, class 1
S9333 Ring avulsion injury, class 2
S9334 Ring avulsion injury, class 3
S9335 Ring avulsion injury, class 4
XM0iB Roehampton ADL for amputees
Xa3r2 Secondary closure of amputation stump
SC3D3 Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb
SC3C3 Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of upper limb
Xa0pr Skew flap incision
Ua1V1 Storing amputated body part (InPS+developmental)
Xa3r0 Supramalleolar ankle amputation
XM1JW Syme through ankle amputation
Xa0pq Symmetrical flap incision
7L072 Tarsometatarsal amputation (& Lisfranc)
Xa9nc Terminalisation - action
Xa1ro Terminalisation of finger
X6084 Terminalisation of hallux
X6086 Terminalisation of lesser toe
Xa1rp Terminalisation of thumb
XE0JA Through ankle amputation
7L070 Through ankle amputation (& [Pirogoff] or [Syme])
7L044 Through elbow amputation
XE0J8 Through knee amputation
7C200 Total amputation of penis
7K107 Total excision of coccyx
74080 Total excision of nose
73000 Total excision of pinna
7L073 Transmetatarsal amputation (& [Chopart] or [Ray])
XA01m Traumatic amputation
S9609 Traumatic amputation finger tip, type 3 (partial loss of terminal phalanx with corresponding loss of pulp and nail but not involving lunula)
S9607 Traumatic amputation fingertip, type 1 (pulp only involved)
S9608 Traumatic amputation fingertip, type 2 (pulp and nail loss)
XA01o Traumatic amputation of arm
Xa3hw Traumatic amputation of arm NOS
XE1md Traumatic amputation of arm and hand
S97z. Traumatic amputation of arm and hand NOS
SR41. Traumatic amputation of both feet
SR40. Traumatic amputation of both hands
S822. Traumatic amputation of ear
SF13. Traumatic amputation of external genital organs
S96.. Traumatic amputation of finger
S96z. Traumatic amputation of finger NOS
S961. Traumatic amputation of finger with complication
XA01r Traumatic amputation of fingertip
S960A Traumatic amputation of fingertip, type 4 (partial loss of terminal phalanx, pulp and nail including lanula)
SA600 Traumatic amputation of foot
SA6z. Traumatic amputation of foot NOS
XA01p Traumatic amputation of hand
XA01n Traumatic amputation of head
SA701 Traumatic amputation of leg
SA8.. Traumatic amputation of limb
SF12. Traumatic amputation of part of thorax
Xa2X0 Traumatic amputation of penis
XA0A1 Traumatic amputation of testis
S95.. Traumatic amputation of thumb
S95z. Traumatic amputation of thumb NOS
S951. Traumatic amputation of thumb with complication
S950. Traumatic amputation of thumb without mention of complication
SA5.. Traumatic amputation of toe
SA51. Traumatic amputation of toe(s) with complication
S9505 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 1 (pulp only involved)
S9506 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 2 (pulp and nail loss)
S9507 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 3 (partial loss of terminal phalanx with corresponding loss of pulp and nail but not involving lunula)
S9508 Traumatic amputation thumb tip, type 4 (partial loss of terminal phalanx, pulp and nail including lunula)
S9722 Traumatic amputation, above elbow
S9701 Traumatic amputation, below elbow
S9603 Traumatic amputation, finger, middle phalanx
S9605 Traumatic amputation, finger, multiple
S9601 Traumatic amputation, finger, proximal phalanx
S9604 Traumatic amputation, finger, through distal interphalangeal joint
S9600 Traumatic amputation, finger, through metacarpophalangeal joint
S9602 Traumatic amputation, finger, through proximal interphalangeal joint
S9720 Traumatic amputation, forequarter
SA501 Traumatic amputation, greater toe
S9703 Traumatic amputation, hand, through metacarpals
SA500 Traumatic amputation, lesser toe
SA502 Traumatic amputation, multiple toes
SA702 Traumatic amputation, through ankle
S9700 Traumatic amputation, through elbow
SA722 Traumatic amputation, through hip
SA720 Traumatic amputation, through knee
S9721 Traumatic amputation, through shoulder
SA721 Traumatic amputation, through thigh
S9702 Traumatic amputation, through wrist
S9504 Traumatic amputation, thumb tip
S9502 Traumatic amputation, thumb, proximal phalanx
S9503 Traumatic amputation, thumb, through interphalangeal joint
S9500 Traumatic amputation, thumb, through metacarpal
S9501 Traumatic amputation, thumb, through metacarpophalangeal joint
S97.. Traumatic amputation: [arm ] &/or [hand]
SR4.. Traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions
SA63. Traumatic bilateral amputation of foot with complication
SA77. Traumatic bilateral amputation of leg with complication
SA76. Traumatic bilateral amputation of leg, without mention of complication
SA61. Traumatic unilateral amputation of foot with complication
S973. Traumatic unilateral amputation, above elbow, with complication
SA73. Traumatic unilateral amputation, above knee, with complication
S971. Traumatic unilateral amputation, below elbow, with complication
SA71. Traumatic unilateral amputation, below knee, with complication
Xa3rB Trimming - amputation stump
Xa394 Trimming of amputated tip of terminal phalanx
XC044 Type of amputation
.14N4 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G42 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G43 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G44 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G45 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G46 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G47 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G56 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G57 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G61 Unknown Redundant Concept
.2G62 Unknown Redundant Concept
.685I Unknown Redundant Concept
.7415 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7577 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7BB3 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7C96 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET1 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET2 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET3 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET4 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET5 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET6 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET7 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET8 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7ET9 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU. Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU1 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU2 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU3 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU4 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU5 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU6 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU7 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU8 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EU9 Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EUA Unknown Redundant Concept
.7EV1 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P49. Unknown Redundant Concept
.P491 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P492 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P493 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P494 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P4B. Unknown Redundant Concept
.P4B1 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P4B2 Unknown Redundant Concept
.P4B3 Unknown Redundant Concept
2G42. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G43. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G44. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G45. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G46. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G47. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G4A. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G4B. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G56. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G57. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G61. Unknown Redundant Concept
2G62. Unknown Redundant Concept
7L055 Unknown Redundant Concept
7L056 Unknown Redundant Concept
7L084 Unknown Redundant Concept
7L085 Unknown Redundant Concept
7P200 Unknown Redundant Concept
S84x2 Unknown Redundant Concept
S8X.. Unknown Redundant Concept
S906. Unknown Redundant Concept
S9606 Unknown Redundant Concept
SA6.. Unknown Redundant Concept
SA7.. Unknown Redundant Concept
SA7X. Unknown Redundant Concept
Xa6om Upper thigh amputation
U635. [X]Amputation of limb(s) as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
SyuA9 [X]Multiple traumatic amputations, unspecified
SyuKM [X]Other and unspecified amputation stump complications
Syu8F [X]Traumatic amputation of lower leg, level unspecified
Syu9F [X]Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot
Syu0H [X]Traumatic amputation of other parts of head
Syu6G [X]Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone (complete)(partial)
Syu9E [X]Traumatic amputation of two or more toes
Syu0J [X]Traumatic amputation of unspecified part of head

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.