Acute Respiratory Illness (Primary Care)

Coding system
Coding system release
Codelist ID
Version ID

  • 30f1c6ca


A collection of non-specific codes relating to acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) not including pathogen specific codes. To be used in conjunction with WHO definition of Influenza-like-illness. To be used to detect influenza cases with more sensitivity, rather than specificity.


Codelist checked by Charlotte Warren-Gash. For full outcome phenotypes see Github issue in references


Signed off by

  • Em Prestige, (Aug. 14, 2024)

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
10509002 Acute bronchitis
13617004 Tracheobronchitis
14969004 Catarrhal laryngitis
15199004 Acute bronchiolitis with bronchospasm
1532007 Viral pharyngitis
155496000 Respiratory infection: [acute] or [upper]
155497009 (Acute nasopharyngitis) or (common cold) or (acute coryza) or (acute rhinitis) or (sniffles) or (snuffles)
155506009 Acute laryngitis
155510007 Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
155511006 Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis
155512004 Acute: [bronchitis] or [chest infections] or [tracheobronchitis]
155513009 Acute bronchiolitis
155515002 Acute bronchitis NOS
155516001 Acute upper respiratory infection
155538004 Upper respiratory tract disease NOS
155547007 Infection of the upper respiratory tract
155616009 Bronchitis NOS
15805002 Acute sinusitis
16036000 Acute empyema of frontal sinus
16146001 Viral bronchitis
17357005 Acute suppuration of frontal sinus
18643000 Ethmoidal sinusitis
195648002 (Acute nasopharyngitis or rhinitis) or (common cold)
195656004 Acute phlegmonous pharyngitis
195657008 Acute ulcerative pharyngitis
195662009 Acute viral pharyngitis
195681001 Acute ulcerative laryngitis
195682008 Acute catarrhal laryngitis
195688007 Acute viral laryngitis unspecified
195690008 Acute laryngitis NOS
195702002 Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
195704001 Other acute upper respiratory infections
195705000 Acute upper respiratory infection
195710001 Other upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
195711002 Upper respiratory tract infection (& viral) NOS
195712009 Acute bronchitis and/or bronchiolitis
195713004 Acute bronchitis (& wheezy)
195714005 Acute fibrinous bronchitis
195715006 Acute membranous bronchitis
195716007 Acute pseudomembranous bronchitis
195717003 Acute purulent bronchitis
195731003 Acute viral bronchitis unspecified
195733000 Acute bronchitis NOS
195734006 Acute capillary bronchiolitis
195736008 Acute bronchiolitis with bronchospasm
195740004 Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
195741000 Acute bronchiolitis NOS
195743002 Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS
195790000 Pansinusitis
195877003 Upper respiratory tract disease NOS
195936003 Bronchitis: [unspecified (& chest infection)] or [recurrent wheezy]
195937007 Tracheobronchitis NOS
195938002 Laryngotracheobronchitis
195940007 Bronchitis NOS
196195006 Acute upper respiratory infection
196199000 [X]Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
196215001 [X]Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms
196216000 [X]Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
232426008 Acute simple laryngitis
232428009 Acute membranous laryngitis
233596008 Viral upper respiratory tract infection NOS
233597004 Chest infection - unspecified bronchitis
233601004 Acute viral bronchitis
23884004 Acute suppuration of maxillary sinus
266338006 Upper respiratory infection NOS
266354009 Bronchitis unspecified
266375001 Respiratory infection: [acute] or [upper]
266377009 (Acute nasopharyngitis) or (common cold) or (acute coryza) or (acute rhinitis) or (sniffles) or (snuffles)
266380005 Acute: [bronchitis] or [chest infections] or [tracheobronchitis]
275499005 Acute wheezy bronchitis
276443001 Acute laryngitis and/or tracheitis
281794004 Viral upper respiratory tract infection
29591002 Purulent bronchitis
301824001 Acute viral laryngotracheitis
312371005 Acute infective bronchitis
312400008 Acute infective tracheobronchitis
312423006 Infective laryngitis
32398004 Bronchitis
35168006 Acute empyema of ethmoidal sinus
35301006 Acute tracheobronchitis
363746003 Acute pharyngitis
36971009 Sinusitis
408669002 Acute laryngitis with obstruction
411271000000104 [X]Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
4120002 Bronchiolitis
418961000000106 [X]Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
431231008 Acute rhinosinusitis
431681000000108 [X]Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms
441551009 Inflammation of larynx caused by virus
444814009 Viral sinusitis
445130008 Acute infective adenoiditis
45913009 Laryngitis
5028002 Acute pansinusitis
51476001 Nasopharyngitis
5505005 Acute bronchiolitis
55355000 Acute laryngopharyngitis
576581000000107 Acute viral laryngitis unspecified
5875001 Acute bronchitis with obstruction
58763001 Acute empyema of nasal sinus
603091000000105 Acute laryngitis NOS
603141000000104 Other acute upper respiratory infections
617931000000103 Upper respiratory tract disease NOS
621011000000106 Acute bronchitis NOS
621021000000100 Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms
621031000000103 Acute bronchiolitis NOS
63140003 Acute suppuration of ethmoidal sinus
644251000000101 Viral upper respiratory tract infection NOS
644261000000103 Chest infection - unspecified bronchitis
645631000000105 Other upper respiratory infections of multiple sites
649111000000109 Tracheobronchitis NOS
649121000000103 Bronchitis NOS
651941000000107 Acute viral bronchitis unspecified
65878001 Septic bronchitis
6655004 Acute laryngitis
670561000000106 Bronchitis unspecified
67832005 Acute ethmoidal sinusitis
68272006 Acute maxillary sinusitis
693581000000101 Upper respiratory infection NOS
70020005 Adenoiditis
70076002 Rhinitis
705871000000109 Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS
714203003 Acute bronchitis co-occurrent with bronchiectasis
718004 Acute bronchiolitis with obstruction
725917007 Acute sinusitis caused by virus
76653009 Acute empyema of maxillary sinus
78337007 Acute upper respiratory infection of multiple sites
785728005 Bronchitis co-occurrent with wheeze
785744001 Bronchitis co-occurrent with acute wheeze
785745000 Acute bronchitis co-occurrent with wheeze
78737005 Frontal sinusitis
80257001 Acute bronchitis with bronchospasm
80600003 Acute suppuration of nasal sinus
82272006 Common cold
82297005 Congestion of nasal sinus
8442000 Purulent rhinitis
87695000 Necrotizing bronchiolitis
88171000119100 Acute adenoiditis
88348008 Maxillary sinusitis
897656009 Rhinosinusitis
91038008 Acute frontal sinusitis

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.

This page shows the search terms that were used to build the codelist. Concepts that match the search terms, but which were excluded, are in faint grey.


Included 18 out of 62 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acute bronchiolitis (155513009)
  • Acute bronchiolitis (5505005)
  • Acute bronchiolitis NOS (195741000)
  • Acute bronchiolitis NOS (621031000000103)
  • Acute bronchiolitis caused by adenovirus (233603001)
  • Acute bronchiolitis caused by chemical fumes (33601000087105)
  • Acute bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus (195739001)
  • Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus (810711000000102)
  • Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus (831801000000108)
  • Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms (195740004)
  • Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms (621021000000100)
  • Acute bronchiolitis with bronchospasm (195736008)
  • Acute bronchiolitis with bronchospasm (15199004)
  • Acute bronchiolitis with obstruction (718004)
  • Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (155511006)
  • Acute bronchitis and/or bronchiolitis (195712009)
  • Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS (195743002)
  • Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS (705871000000109)
  • Acute capillary bronchiolitis (195734006)
  • Acute exudative bronchiolitis (195737004)
  • Acute obliterating bronchiolitis (59903001)
  • Acute obliterating bronchiolitis (195735007)
  • Acute viral bronchiolitis (233602006)
  • Adenoviral bronchiolitis (13089009)
  • Bronchiolitis (4120002)
  • Bronchiolitis caused by influenza virus (10629191000119100)
  • Bronchiolitis exudativa (52409006)
  • Bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans (31886003)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans (192671000000106)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (129458007)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation (805261000000101)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation (807651000000109)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome due to and after lung transplantation (762618008)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome due to and following allogeneic stem cell transplant (1177120001)
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans with usual interstitial pneumonitis (233723008)
  • Chronic bronchiolitis (737180005)
  • Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis (47938003)
  • Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis caused by chemical fumes (840350008)
  • Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis caused by inhalation of chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (32544004)
  • Chronic obliterative bronchiolitis caused by vapor (840351007)
  • Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (719218000)
  • Diffuse panbronchiolitis (430476004)
  • Drug-induced bronchiolitis obliterans (233673002)
  • Follicular bronchiolitis (385479009)
  • History of bronchiolitis (526361000000109)
  • History of bronchiolitis (473123009)
  • Inflammation of bronchiole caused by Human metapneumovirus (445102008)
  • Necrotizing bronchiolitis (87695000)
  • Obliterating fibrous bronchiolitis (195738009)
  • Obliterative bronchiolitis (40100001)
  • Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease (781651000000101)
  • Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease (807861000000106)
  • Respiratory bronchiolitis associated interstitial lung disease (129451001)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis (57089007)
  • Seasonal cryptogenic organizing pneumonia with biochemical cholestasis (233713004)
  • Subacute obliterative bronchiolitis (22482002)
  • Subacute obliterative bronchiolitis caused by chemical fumes (836478002)
  • Subacute obliterative bronchiolitis caused by inhalation of chemical fumes AND/OR vapors (34371004)
  • Subacute obliterative bronchiolitis caused by vapor (836479005)
  • Toxic bronchiolitis obliterans (196027008)
  • [X]Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms (418961000000106)
  • [X]Acute bronchiolitis due to other specified organisms (196216000)


Included 49 out of 235 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • (Asthma: [exercise induced] or [allergic NEC] or [NOS]) or (195983001)
  • (Simple chronic bronchitis) or (smoker's cough) or (senile tracheobronchitis) (155567003)
  • (Simple chronic bronchitis) or (smoker's cough) or (senile tracheobronchitis) (266394006)
  • Acute Moraxella catarrhalis bronchitis (195722003)
  • Acute bacterial bronchitis (233598009)
  • Acute bacterial bronchitis unspecified (651951000000105)
  • Acute bacterial bronchitis unspecified (195732005)
  • Acute bronchiolitis with bronchospasm (15199004)
  • Acute bronchitis (10509002)
  • Acute bronchitis (& wheezy) (195713004)
  • Acute bronchitis NOS (195733000)
  • Acute bronchitis NOS (155515002)
  • Acute bronchitis NOS (621011000000106)
  • Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis (155511006)
  • Acute bronchitis and/or bronchiolitis (195712009)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (195721005)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by chemical fumes (196020005)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by coxsackievirus (10629151000119105)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by rhinovirus (195728004)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (138389411000119105)
  • Acute bronchitis co-occurrent with bronchiectasis (714203003)
  • Acute bronchitis co-occurrent with wheeze (785745000)
  • Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS (195743002)
  • Acute bronchitis or bronchiolitis NOS (705871000000109)
  • Acute bronchitis with bronchospasm (80257001)
  • Acute bronchitis with obstruction (5875001)
  • Acute bronchopneumonia (123587001)
  • Acute chemical bronchitis (155593005)
  • Acute chemical bronchitis (266403005)
  • Acute chlamydial bronchitis (233600003)
  • Acute coxsackievirus bronchitis (195725001)
  • Acute croupous bronchitis (195718008)
  • Acute echovirus bronchitis (195729007)
  • Acute exacerbation of chronic asthmatic bronchitis (442025000)
  • Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (425748003)
  • Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive bronchitis (293241000119100)
  • Acute fibrinous bronchitis (195714005)
  • Acute fibrinous laryngotracheobronchitis (275495004)
  • Acute infective bronchitis (312371005)
  • Acute infective tracheobronchitis (312400008)
  • Acute laryngotracheobronchitis (195702002)
  • Acute laryngotracheobronchitis (155510007)
  • Acute membranous bronchitis (195715006)
  • Acute mycoplasmal bronchitis (233599001)
  • Acute mycoplasmal bronchitis (195723008)
  • Acute noninfective bronchitis (735464006)
  • Acute parainfluenza virus bronchitis (195726000)
  • Acute pneumococcal bronchitis (195719000)
  • Acute pseudomembranous bronchitis (195716007)
  • Acute purulent bronchitis (195717003)
  • Acute respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis (195727009)
  • Acute streptococcal bronchitis (195720006)
  • Acute toxic tracheobronchitis (233799004)
  • Acute tracheobronchitis (35301006)
  • Acute viral bronchitis (233601004)
  • Acute viral bronchitis unspecified (651941000000107)
  • Acute viral bronchitis unspecified (195731003)
  • Acute wheezy bronchitis (275499005)
  • Acute: [bronchitis] or [chest infections] or [tracheobronchitis] (155512004)
  • Acute: [bronchitis] or [chest infections] or [tracheobronchitis] (266380005)
  • Adenoviral bronchitis (111849006)
  • Adenoviral bronchopneumonia (58890000)
  • Adenoviral laryngotracheobronchitis (71255007)
  • Allergic bronchitis (405720007)
  • Antibody to Avian Infectious bronchitis virus JMK (720088009)
  • Antibody to Avian infectious bronchitis virus Ark-99 (720087004)
  • Antigen of Infectious bronchitis virus (709359003)
  • Aspergillus bronchitis (706961000000100)
  • Aspergillus bronchitis (526041000000105)
  • Asthmatic bronchitis (278517007)
  • Asthmatic bronchitis (195939005)
  • Asthmatic bronchitis (405944004)
  • Avian infectious bronchitis (42002000)
  • Avian infectious bronchitis virus (74497000)
  • Avian infectious bronchitis virus Ark-99 (372157009)
  • Avian infectious bronchitis virus Conn-42 antibody (372159007)
  • Avian infectious bronchitis virus Mass-41 antibody (372160002)
  • Bilateral bronchopneumonia (396286008)
  • Bronchitis (32398004)
  • Bronchitis - bursal disease - reovirus vaccine (45794006)
  • Bronchitis - bursal disease vaccine (44232002)
  • Bronchitis NOS (649121000000103)
  • Bronchitis NOS (195940007)
  • Bronchitis NOS (155616009)
  • Bronchitis and pneumonitis caused by chemical fumes (196019004)
  • Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to chemical fumes NOS (196022002)
  • Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to chemical fumes NOS (626081000000109)
  • Bronchitis caused by Human metapneumovirus (1163489008)
  • Bronchitis caused by chemical (10625791000119101)
  • Bronchitis caused by chemical fumes (846638002)
  • Bronchitis caused by fumes AND/OR vapors (54410000)
  • Bronchitis caused by vapors (846639005)
  • Bronchitis co-occurrent with acute wheeze (785744001)
  • Bronchitis co-occurrent with chronic wheeze (785737005)
  • Bronchitis co-occurrent with wheeze (785728005)
  • Bronchitis unspecified (670561000000106)
  • Bronchitis unspecified (266354009)
  • Bronchitis vaccine (62354009)
  • Bronchitis: [unspecified (& chest infection)] or [recurrent wheezy] (195936003)
  • Bronchopneumonia (396285007)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Achromobacter (10624991000119103)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Escherichia coli (10625111000119106)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Group A Streptococcus (10625151000119107)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Group B Streptococcus (10625191000119102)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae (10625231000119106)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Human metapneumovirus (10625271000119109)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (10625311000119109)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae (10625431000119105)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Proteus mirabilis (10625471000119108)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Pseudomonas (10625511000119104)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Staphylococcus (10625591000119108)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus (10625631000119108)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Streptococcus (10625671000119106)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (10625711000119105)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by anaerobic bacteria (10625031000119102)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by bacteria (10625071000119104)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (10625351000119105)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (10625391000119100)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial virus (10625551000119103)
  • Bronchopneumonia due to virus (10625751000119106)
  • Bursal disease - Newcastle - bronchitis - reovirus vaccine (33854000)
  • Bursal disease - Newcastle disease - bronchitis vaccine (21821001)
  • Canine allergic bronchitis (7143003)
  • Catarrhal bronchitis (89549007)
  • Chest infection - unspecified bronchitis (644261000000103)
  • Chest infection - unspecified bronchitis (233597004)
  • Chronic allergic bronchitis (89099002)
  • Chronic asthmatic bronchitis (195949008)
  • Chronic bronchitis (155566007)
  • Chronic bronchitis (63480004)
  • Chronic bronchitis NOS (195956002)
  • Chronic bronchitis NOS (621071000000101)
  • Chronic bronchitis co-occurrent with wheeze (785736001)
  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis (185086009)
  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis (71435009)
  • Chronic obstructive lung disease co-occurrent with acute bronchitis (106001000119101)
  • Chronic suppuration of bronchus (733497009)
  • Chronic tracheobronchitis (52571006)
  • Chronic: [bronchitis NOS] or [tracheobronchitis] (155572007)
  • Chronic: [bronchitis NOS] or [tracheobronchitis] (266395007)
  • Confluent bronchopneumonia with abscess formation (123588006)
  • Croup (71186008)
  • Emphysematous bronchitis (195950008)
  • Eosinophilic bronchitis (866901000000103)
  • Eosinophilic bronchitis (866911000000101)
  • FH: Bronchitis &/or COAD (160376005)
  • FH: Bronchitis &/or COAD (137773008)
  • Family history of bronchitis or chronic obstructive airway disease (266899005)
  • Family history: Bronchitis (275125002)
  • Feline allergic bronchitis (87641005)
  • Fetid chronic bronchitis (84409004)
  • H/O: [COAD] or [bronchitis] (161526003)
  • H/O: [obstructive airway disease(& chronic)] or [bronchitis] (267147002)
  • H/O: [obstructive airway disease(& chronic)] or [bronchitis] (138795009)
  • Haemophilus influenzae laryngotracheobronchitis (73414003)
  • Healthcare associated pertussis (408682005)
  • Hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia (181007)
  • History of bronchitis (275528007)
  • History of pertussis (161422003)
  • Hypostatic bronchopneumonia (31561003)
  • Infectious bronchitis virus antibody test kit (34182003)
  • Infectious bronchitis virus culture (122403008)
  • Infectious bronchitis virus genotype determination (117723004)
  • Infectious canine tracheobronchitis (62877002)
  • Inflammation of bronchus caused by Aspergillus (445058002)
  • Inflammatory tracheobronchial papilloma (1010619008)
  • Influenzal bronchopneumonia (41269000)
  • Isolated bronchial tuberculosis (80010008)
  • Laryngotracheobronchitis (85915003)
  • Laryngotracheobronchitis (195938002)
  • Measurement of Avian infectious bronchitis virus Conn-42 antibody (117830004)
  • Measurement of Avian infectious bronchitis virus Mass-41 antibody (117831000)
  • Measurement of Avian infectious bronchitis virus strain Arkansas 99 antibody (117823005)
  • Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (195953005)
  • Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (74417001)
  • Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (195944003)
  • Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis (155568008)
  • Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS (195947005)
  • Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis NOS (649141000000105)
  • Mycoplasmal tracheobronchitis (95886009)
  • NEWCASTLE-BRONCHITIS VACCINE (Conn. Type) (101161005)
  • NEWCASTLE-BRONCHITIS VACCINE (Mass. Type) (101162003)
  • Necrotizing bronchopneumonia (123589003)
  • Newcastle - bronchitis antibody test kit (28362005)
  • Newcastle - bronchitis vaccine (15490008)
  • Newcastle - bronchitis vaccine - mycoplasma gallisepticum bacterin (14206001)
  • Obstruction of tracheobronchial tree caused by Aspergillus infection (788997004)
  • Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS (195952000)
  • Obstructive chronic bronchitis NOS (601581000000100)
  • Occupational bronchitis (49691004)
  • Other chronic bronchitis (601591000000103)
  • Other chronic bronchitis (195954004)
  • Other chronic bronchitis NOS (195955003)
  • Other chronic bronchitis NOS (621061000000108)
  • Parainfluenza virus bronchitis (27475006)
  • Parainfluenza virus bronchopneumonia (64880000)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheobronchitis (35377009)
  • Pertussis (27836007)
  • Plastic bronchitis (53926002)
  • Plastic bronchitis after cardiac procedure (870276004)
  • Pleurobronchopneumonia (60485005)
  • Pneumococcal bronchitis (40600002)
  • Postoperative bronchitis (713175006)
  • Protracted bronchitis caused by bacterium (735465007)
  • Purulent bronchitis (29591002)
  • Purulent chronic bronchitis (195946001)
  • Purulent chronic bronchitis (8141004)
  • Purulent chronic bronchitis (195945002)
  • Quail bronchitis (88508004)
  • Recurrent allergic croup (232430006)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis (79479005)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus laryngotracheobronchitis (72204002)
  • Ribonucleic acid of Infectious bronchitis virus (707901006)
  • Septic bronchitis (65878001)
  • Simple chronic bronchitis (195941006)
  • Simple chronic bronchitis (195942004)
  • Simple chronic bronchitis (61937009)
  • Simple chronic bronchitis NOS (649131000000101)
  • Simple chronic bronchitis NOS (195943009)
  • Spasmodic croup (22951000119104)
  • Subacute bronchitis (36426008)
  • Subacute bronchitis unspecified (195730002)
  • Subacute bronchitis unspecified (651931000000103)
  • Terminal bronchopneumonia (64703005)
  • Tracheobronchitis (13617004)
  • Tracheobronchitis NOS (195937007)
  • Tracheobronchitis NOS (649111000000109)
  • Tracheobronchitis caused by Aspergillus (707509000)
  • Tuberculosis of bronchus (186178000)
  • Viral bronchitis (16146001)
  • [V]Screening for chronic bronchitis or emphysema (316681002)
  • [V]Screening for chronic bronchitis or emphysema (414501000000107)
  • [X]Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms (431681000000108)
  • [X]Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms (196215001)


Included 20 out of 114 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • Acute bacterial epiglottitis (21060003)
  • Acute bacterial laryngitis (849571000000102)
  • Acute bacterial laryngitis unspecified (195689004)
  • Acute bacterial laryngitis unspecified (603081000000108)
  • Acute catarrhal laryngitis (195682008)
  • Acute edematous laryngitis (195680000)
  • Acute epiglottitis (29608009)
  • Acute epiglottitis (non-streptococcal) (266337001)
  • Acute epiglottitis with obstruction (222008)
  • Acute epiglottitis without obstruction (49908003)
  • Acute fibrinous laryngotracheobronchitis (275495004)
  • Acute infective tracheobronchitis (312400008)
  • Acute laryngitis (6655004)
  • Acute laryngitis (155506009)
  • Acute laryngitis NOS (603091000000105)
  • Acute laryngitis NOS (195690008)
  • Acute laryngitis and tracheitis (155505008)
  • Acute laryngitis and tracheitis (195679003)
  • Acute laryngitis and tracheitis NOS (603131000000108)
  • Acute laryngitis and tracheitis NOS (195703007)
  • Acute laryngitis and/or tracheitis (276443001)
  • Acute laryngitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (195684009)
  • Acute laryngitis with obstruction (408669002)
  • Acute laryngopharyngitis (55355000)
  • Acute laryngotracheitis (64375000)
  • Acute laryngotracheitis with obstruction (59967003)
  • Acute laryngotracheitis without obstruction (37948003)
  • Acute membranous laryngitis (232428009)
  • Acute obstructive laryngitis (214081000000107)
  • Acute obstructive laryngitis (198691000000108)
  • Acute phlegmonous laryngitis (195683003)
  • Acute pneumococcal laryngitis (195685005)
  • Acute simple laryngitis (232426008)
  • Acute subglottic laryngitis (232429001)
  • Acute suppurative laryngitis (195686006)
  • Acute toxic tracheobronchitis (233799004)
  • Acute tracheitis (26650005)
  • Acute tracheitis with obstruction (8519009)
  • Acute tracheitis without obstruction (64369009)
  • Acute tracheobronchitis (35301006)
  • Acute ulcerative laryngitis (195681001)
  • Acute viral laryngitis unspecified (195688007)
  • Acute viral laryngitis unspecified (576581000000107)
  • Acute viral laryngotracheitis (301824001)
  • Adenoviral laryngotracheobronchitis (71255007)
  • Adult acute epiglottitis and supraglottitis (232433008)
  • Calf diptheria (111815003)
  • Catarrhal laryngitis (14969004)
  • Cellulitis of larynx (28709001)
  • Cellulitis of vocal cords (24347001)
  • Chorditis vocalis inferior (195855002)
  • Chronic atrophic laryngitis (195814000)
  • Chronic catarrhal laryngitis (195812001)
  • Chronic fungal laryngitis (232434002)
  • Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis (195813006)
  • Chronic laryngitis (155535001)
  • Chronic laryngitis (29951006)
  • Chronic laryngitis NOS (195815004)
  • Chronic laryngitis NOS (605921000000107)
  • Chronic laryngitis NOS (195816003)
  • Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis (195810009)
  • Chronic laryngotracheitis (83271005)
  • Chronic pharyngolaryngitis (133171000119105)
  • Chronic simple laryngitis (195811008)
  • Contact granuloma of larynx (12181000119103)
  • Cricoarytenoid joint arthritis (307500008)
  • Croup (71186008)
  • Edematous laryngitis (86773000)
  • Epiglottitis (80384002)
  • Fibrinous chorditis (195854003)
  • Granuloma of vocal cords (11316005)
  • Granulomatosis with polyangiitis of larynx (232460001)
  • Granulomatous epiglottitis (371103000)
  • Haemophilus influenzae epiglottitis (58576005)
  • Haemophilus influenzae laryngitis (41048006)
  • Haemophilus influenzae laryngotracheobronchitis (73414003)
  • Hypertrophic laryngitis (17904003)
  • Infective laryngitis (312423006)
  • Inflammation of larynx caused by virus (441551009)
  • Inflammation of vocal cord (57713008)
  • Influenza with laryngitis (195923003)
  • Influenzal laryngitis (28105000)
  • Laryngeal granuloma (72211003)
  • Laryngeal sarcoidosis (232458003)
  • Laryngitis (45913009)
  • Laryngitis due to gastroesophageal reflux (427780002)
  • Laryngitis sicca (59454008)
  • Laryngotracheitis (55130001)
  • Laryngotracheobronchitis (85915003)
  • Oral necrobacillosis (398697005)
  • Ozena laryngis (54287007)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngitis (85832003)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheitis (10809006)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheobronchitis (35377009)
  • Pediatric acute epiglottitis and supraglottitis (232432003)
  • Perichondritis of larynx (1282001)
  • Pharyngolaryngitis (195709006)
  • Pneumococcal laryngitis (32904004)
  • Post-radiotherapy laryngitis (262678008)
  • Recurrent allergic croup (232430006)
  • Relapsing polychondritis of larynx (232439007)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus laryngotracheobronchitis (72204002)
  • Spasmodic croup (22951000119104)
  • Streptococcal laryngitis (85083002)
  • Streptococcal laryngitis (186359005)
  • Suppurative laryngitis (82690000)
  • Supraglottitis (709663002)
  • Traumatic hemorrhagic laryngitis (262677003)
  • Tuberculosis of glottis (55419007)
  • Tuberculous laryngitis (70341005)
  • Ulcerative laryngitis (37426002)
  • Vincent's laryngitis (232427004)
  • Vincent's: [angina NOS] or [laryngitis] or [tonsillitis] (186964002)
  • Viral epiglottitis (70976000)


Included 8 out of 23 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • (Acute nasopharyngitis or rhinitis) or (common cold) (195648002)
  • (Acute nasopharyngitis) or (common cold) or (acute coryza) or (acute rhinitis) or (sniffles) or (snuffles) (155497009)
  • (Acute nasopharyngitis) or (common cold) or (acute coryza) or (acute rhinitis) or (sniffles) or (snuffles) (266377009)
  • (Chronic pharyngitis/nasopharyngitis) or (catarrh) or (congested nose) (155521003)
  • (Chronic pharyngitis/nasopharyngitis) or (catarrh) or (congested nose) (266383007)
  • Acute adenoiditis (88171000119100)
  • Acute infective adenoiditis (445130008)
  • Adenoiditis (70020005)
  • Cellulitis of nasopharynx (13177009)
  • Chronic adenoiditis (232420002)
  • Chronic adenotonsillitis (195798007)
  • Chronic nasopharyngitis (155524006)
  • Chronic nasopharyngitis (47841006)
  • Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis (195763009)
  • Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis NOS (195784004)
  • Chronic pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis NOS (623631000000106)
  • Common cold (82272006)
  • Gangosa of yaws (24078009)
  • Nasopharyngeal sarcoidosis (234528007)
  • Nasopharyngitis (51476001)
  • Parainfluenza virus rhinopharyngitis (59221008)
  • Pharyngeal bursitis (111277007)
  • Tuberculosis of nasopharynx (56498009)

upper respiratory

Included 69 out of 3825 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • (Disease of URT NOS) or (nasal vestibulitis) or (chronic pharyngotracheitis) (155545004)
  • (Disease of URT NOS) or (nasal vestibulitis) or (chronic pharyngotracheitis) (266389006)
  • (Other URT disease NOS) or (chronic tracheopharyngitis) (266390002)
  • Abduction procedure of arytenoid (48457002)
  • Abnormal nasal potential difference (14270001000004104)
  • Abrasion of oropharynx (110162001)
  • Abrasion of tonsil (110161008)
  • Abscess of larynx (33924006)
  • Abscess of nasal cavity (232363000)
  • Abscess of nasal septum (111275004)
  • Abscess of nasal sinus (10674671000119106)
  • Abscess of nasopharynx (45629003)
  • Abscess of pharynx (59707005)
  • Abscess of tonsil (33261009)
  • Abscess of upper respiratory tract (723880004)
  • Abscess of vocal cords (51152000)
  • Absence of bilateral tonsils (858576003)
  • Absence of larynx (249435003)
  • Absent adenoids (277230006)
  • Accessory anterior naris (719163006)
  • Accessory mobilization of the hyoid (229433001)
  • Accessory mobilization of the larynx (229432006)
  • Accessory mobilization of the thyroid cartilage (229431004)
  • Accessory sinus closure (119723005)
  • Accessory sinus cytologic material (110904004)
  • Accessory sinus destructive procedure (107812004)
  • Accessory sinus excision (107808005)
  • Accessory sinus injection (119722000)
  • Accessory sinus reconstruction (119724004)
  • Acinar cell carcinoma of oropharynx (1255645000)
  • Acquired deviated nasal septum (74808006)
  • Acquired incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus (1082441000119104)
  • Acquired incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to anatomical abnormality (1279637002)
  • Acquired incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to neuromuscular dysfunction (102401000119108)
  • Acquired laryngeal stenosis (232440009)
  • Acquired laryngeal web (232447007)
  • Acquired laryngocele (315633001)
  • Acquired laryngomalacia (890216002)
  • Acquired perforation of nasal septum (1264064003)
  • Acquired subglottic stenosis (233787006)
  • Acquired subglottic stenosis in newborn (276635001)
  • Acquired vocal cord palsy (232444000)
  • Acquired vocal cord paralysis in newborn (722918006)
  • Acute abscess of ethmoidal sinus (61711004)
  • Acute abscess of frontal sinus (25764005)
  • Acute abscess of maxillary sinus (89194009)
  • Acute abscess of nasal sinus (111274000)
  • Acute abscess of sphenoidal sinus (30239003)
  • Acute adenoiditis (88171000119100)
  • Acute bacterial epiglottitis (21060003)
  • Acute bacterial laryngitis (849571000000102)
  • Acute bacterial pharyngitis (195658003)
  • Acute bacterial sinusitis (75498004)
  • Acute bacterial tonsillitis (195671000)
  • Acute catarrhal laryngitis (195682008)
  • Acute catarrhal tonsillitis (195669000)
  • Acute edematous laryngitis (195680000)
  • Acute empyema of ethmoidal sinus (35168006)
  • Acute empyema of frontal sinus (16036000)
  • Acute empyema of maxillary sinus (76653009)
  • Acute empyema of nasal sinus (58763001)
  • Acute empyema of sphenoidal sinus (27278006)
  • Acute epiglottitis (29608009)
  • Acute epiglottitis (non-streptococcal) (266337001)
  • Acute epiglottitis with obstruction (222008)
  • Acute epiglottitis without obstruction (49908003)
  • Acute erythematous tonsillitis (195666007)
  • Acute ethmoidal sinusitis (67832005)
  • Acute exacerbation of asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (99031000119107)
  • Acute fibrinous laryngotracheobronchitis (275495004)
  • Acute follicular tonsillitis (195667003)
  • Acute frontal sinusitis (91038008)
  • Acute gangrenous pharyngitis (195655000)
  • Acute gangrenous tonsillitis (195670004)
  • Acute herpes simplex pharyngitis (232399005)
  • Acute herpes zoster pharyngitis (232400003)
  • Acute infection of tonsillar remnant (232418000)
  • Acute infective adenoiditis (445130008)
  • Acute irritant rhinitis (232343007)
  • Acute laryngitis (6655004)
  • Acute laryngitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (195684009)
  • Acute laryngitis with obstruction (408669002)
  • Acute laryngopharyngitis (55355000)
  • Acute laryngotracheitis (64375000)
  • Acute laryngotracheitis with obstruction (59967003)
  • Acute laryngotracheitis without obstruction (37948003)
  • Acute lingual tonsillitis (302911003)
  • Acute maxillary sinusitis (68272006)
  • Acute membranous laryngitis (232428009)
  • Acute pansinusitis (5028002)
  • Acute pharyngeal candidiasis (232404007)
  • Acute pharyngitis (363746003)
  • Acute phlegmonous laryngitis (195683003)
  • Acute phlegmonous pharyngitis (195656004)
  • Acute pneumococcal laryngitis (195685005)
  • Acute pneumococcal pharyngitis (195659006)
  • Acute pneumococcal tonsillitis (195672007)
  • Acute rhinosinusitis (431231008)
  • Acute severe exacerbation of asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10674711000119105)
  • Acute severe exacerbation of mild persistent allergic asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10675991000119100)
  • Acute severe exacerbation of moderate persistent asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10676511000119109)
  • Acute severe exacerbation of severe persistent asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10675551000119104)
  • Acute simple laryngitis (232426008)
  • Acute sinusitis (15805002)
  • Acute sinusitis caused by fungus (725916003)
  • Acute sinusitis caused by virus (725917007)
  • Acute sphenoidal sinusitis (77919000)
  • Acute staphylococcal pharyngitis (195660001)
  • Acute staphylococcal tonsillitis (195673002)
  • Acute subglottic laryngitis (232429001)
  • Acute suppuration of ethmoidal sinus (63140003)
  • Acute suppuration of frontal sinus (17357005)
  • Acute suppuration of maxillary sinus (23884004)
  • Acute suppuration of nasal sinus (80600003)
  • Acute suppuration of sphenoidal sinus (11134001)
  • Acute suppurative laryngitis (195686006)
  • Acute tonsillitis (17741008)
  • Acute ulcerative laryngitis (195681001)
  • Acute ulcerative pharyngitis (195657008)
  • Acute ulcerative tonsillitis (195668008)
  • Acute upper respiratory infection (54398005)
  • Acute upper respiratory infection (196195006)
  • Acute upper respiratory infection (195705000)
  • Acute upper respiratory infection (155516001)
  • Acute upper respiratory infection of multiple sites (78337007)
  • Acute viral laryngotracheitis (301824001)
  • Acute viral pharyngitis (195662009)
  • Acute viral tonsillitis (195676005)
  • Adams crushing of nasal septum (232475009)
  • Adductor spastic dysphonia of conversion reaction (77375009)
  • Adenocarcinoma of accessory sinus (1255092002)
  • Adenocarcinoma of ethmoidal sinus (1255096004)
  • Adenocarcinoma of frontal sinus (1255074005)
  • Adenocarcinoma of maxillary sinus (1255110007)
  • Adenocarcinoma of nasopharynx (423106003)
  • Adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1255112004)
  • Adenocarcinoma of sphenoidal sinus (1255084006)
  • Adenoid closure (119957008)
  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260018001)
  • Adenoid cystic carcinoma of oropharynx (423318000)
  • Adenoid destructive procedure (119963004)
  • Adenoid excision (119954001)
  • Adenoid incision (119953007)
  • Adenoid reconstruction (119959006)
  • Adenoid repair (119961002)
  • Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260021004)
  • Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (1260024007)
  • Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1010656004)
  • Adenoid vegetations (195797002)
  • Adenoidal structure (55940004)
  • Adenoiditis (70020005)
  • Adenoids present (301204007)
  • Adenosquamous carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260040005)
  • Adenosquamous carcinoma of larynx (1260037005)
  • Adenosquamous carcinoma of oropharynx (1260039008)
  • Adenoviral laryngotracheobronchitis (71255007)
  • Adenoviral pharyngitis (78430008)
  • Adenoviral pharyngoconjunctivitis (70385007)
  • Adhesions of nasal cavity (232361003)
  • Adult acute epiglottitis and supraglottitis (232433008)
  • Afterload radiotherapy of oropharyngeal cavity (169394006)
  • Agenesis of larynx (204535000)
  • Agenesis of larynx, trachea and bronchus (204533007)
  • Agenesis of vomer (1003520004)
  • Airway clearance by finger sweep (232706008)
  • Allergic fungal sinusitis (425011002)
  • Allergic pharyngitis (195663004)
  • Allergic rhinitis (61582004)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by Dermatophagoides farinae (703903005)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (703937002)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by animal dander (429195002)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by animal hair and dander (156051000119109)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by animals (91925003)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by feathers (10629391000119103)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by grass pollen (91926002)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by house dust mite (449729000)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by insects (10629431000119108)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by mold (10629471000119106)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen (21719001)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by tree pollen (91927006)
  • Allergic rhinitis caused by weed pollen (91928001)
  • Allergic rhinitis due to food (441978001)
  • Allergic rhinosinusitis caused by Aspergillus (838367000)
  • Alternate nasal obstruction (249346001)
  • Amygdalolith (6461009)
  • Anastomosis of pharynx to esophagus (303565004)
  • Anastomosis of pharynx to stomach (303566003)
  • Angiofibroma of nasopharynx (96141000119105)
  • Angioneurotic edema of larynx (232437009)
  • Anomaly of epiglottis (204539006)
  • Anterior epistaxis (232354002)
  • Anterior ethmoidectomy by intranasal approach (47285000)
  • Anterior nares swab (697989009)
  • Anterior nasal diphtheria (15682004)
  • Anterior palatoplasty (1197223002)
  • Anteverted nostril (708670007)
  • Antrolith of maxillary sinus (470756000)
  • Aphonia paralytica (23187009)
  • Appearance of larynx (364038000)
  • Appearance of nose (364031006)
  • Appearance of pharynx (364044001)
  • Appearance of tonsil (364046004)
  • Approximation of cricoid and thyroid cartilages (232557005)
  • Arrhinia with choanal atresia and microphthalmia syndrome (720511000)
  • Arthrodesis of cricoarytenoid (65233008)
  • Artificial larynx in situ (737281001)
  • Artificial voicebox procedure (307180000)
  • Aryepiglottic fold structure (43545006)
  • Aryepiglottic ligament structure (781275002)
  • Arytenoid adduction/rotation (232552004)
  • Arytenoid cartilage structure (77578007)
  • Arytenoid cartilages and posterior portion of vocal cords visible (417228009)
  • Arytenoid finding (306944007)
  • Arytenoid fixed (306948005)
  • Arytenoid mobile (306946009)
  • Arytenoid observable (364041009)
  • Arytenoid partially fixed (306947000)
  • Arytenoidectomy (232553009)
  • Arytenoidectomy by external approach (91270003)
  • Arytenoidopexy by external approach (85086005)
  • Aspiration and lavage of nasal sinus by puncture (45493004)
  • Aspiration of diverticulum of pharynx (13475006)
  • Aspiration of gastric contents into larynx (10850941000119106)
  • Aspiration of gastric contents into nasopharynx (10850901000119109)
  • Aspiration of gastric contents into pharynx (10850861000119103)
  • Aspiration of nasal sinus (90941009)
  • Aspiration of nasal sinus by puncture (6092000)
  • Aspiration of nasal sinus through natural ostium (15936009)
  • Aspiration of pharynx (447153008)
  • Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (10692681000119108)
  • Atresia of larynx and trachea (204544004)
  • Atresia of the anterior nares (204511005)
  • Atrophic pharyngitis (63866002)
  • Atrophic rhinitis (28111002)
  • Atrophy of nasal turbinates (19883003)
  • Atrophy of vocal cord (427907007)
  • Attention to artificial voice box in larynx (265036006)
  • Attention to laryngeal prosthetic device (315644009)
  • Augmentation of maxillary sinus (454511000124109)
  • Augmentation of vocal cord by injection of collagen (821601000000106)
  • Avulsion of oropharynx (110143004)
  • Avulsion of tonsil (110138006)
  • Bacterial sinusitis (703470001)
  • Bacterial tonsillitis (703468005)
  • Bacterial upper respiratory infection (312118003)
  • Balloon packing of cavity of nose (425635008)
  • Basal cell adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1260034003)
  • Basal cell carcinoma of naris (61471000119100)
  • Basal cell carcinoma of nasal columella (402503002)
  • Basaloid carcinoma of hypopharynx (1255648003)
  • Basaloid carcinoma of larynx (1255650006)
  • Basaloid carcinoma of oropharynx (1255649006)
  • Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (1255646004)
  • Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (1255647008)
  • Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1010674008)
  • Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (1254801006)
  • Benign neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring (92487001)
  • Benign neoplasm of accessory sinus (91961008)
  • Benign neoplasm of adenoid (91964000)
  • Benign neoplasm of anterior aspect of epiglottis (91972003)
  • Benign neoplasm of anterior tonsillar pillar (188795008)
  • Benign neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx (91976000)
  • Benign neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold (188883003)
  • Benign neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage (188880000)
  • Benign neoplasm of arytenoid fold (188805008)
  • Benign neoplasm of base of tongue (91990002)
  • Benign neoplasm of corniculate cartilage (188881001)
  • Benign neoplasm of cricoid cartilage (188878006)
  • Benign neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage (188882008)
  • Benign neoplasm of epiglottis (92089006)
  • Benign neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus (92093000)
  • Benign neoplasm of false vocal cord (92101008)
  • Benign neoplasm of frontal sinus (92115005)
  • Benign neoplasm of glottis (92123007)
  • Benign neoplasm of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (92138008)
  • Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx (92139000)
  • Benign neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis (92163008)
  • Benign neoplasm of junctional zone of tongue (92164002)
  • Benign neoplasm of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (92171007)
  • Benign neoplasm of laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (92172000)
  • Benign neoplasm of laryngeal commissure (92173005)
  • Benign neoplasm of laryngeal surface of epiglottis (92174004)
  • Benign neoplasm of larynx (92175003)
  • Benign neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx (92177006)
  • Benign neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx (92178001)
  • Benign neoplasm of lingual tonsil (92184003)
  • Benign neoplasm of maxillary sinus (92211008)
  • Benign neoplasm of nasal cavity (92241005)
  • Benign neoplasm of nasal cavity and nasopharynx (255158007)
  • Benign neoplasm of nasal concha (92242003)
  • Benign neoplasm of nasal vestibule (254486004)
  • Benign neoplasm of nasopharyngeal floor (188803001)
  • Benign neoplasm of nasopharyngeal wall (232805002)
  • Benign neoplasm of oropharyngeal wall (188798005)
  • Benign neoplasm of oropharynx (92259008)
  • Benign neoplasm of pharyngeal recess (188802006)
  • Benign neoplasm of pharynx (92293007)
  • Benign neoplasm of postcricoid region (92300003)
  • Benign neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall (92301004)
  • Benign neoplasm of posterior tonsillar pillar (188796009)
  • Benign neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx (92303001)
  • Benign neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx (92304007)
  • Benign neoplasm of pyriform sinus (92312004)
  • Benign neoplasm of septum of nose (92339007)
  • Benign neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus (92404006)
  • Benign neoplasm of subglottis (92412003)
  • Benign neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx (92418004)
  • Benign neoplasm of supraglottis (92421002)
  • Benign neoplasm of thyroid cartilage (188877001)
  • Benign neoplasm of tonsil (92263001)
  • Benign neoplasm of tonsillar fossa (92444004)
  • Benign neoplasm of tonsillar pillar (92445003)
  • Benign neoplasm of upper respiratory tract (92461001)
  • Benign neoplasm of vallecula (92475008)
  • Benign neoplasm of vocal cord (92484008)
  • Benign neoplasm of vomer (92485009)
  • Benign papilloma of larynx (255163006)
  • Benign tumor aryepiglottic fold - hypopharyngeal aspect (254506004)
  • Benign tumor of anterior commissure (254511002)
  • Benign tumor of inferior surface of soft palate (254504001)
  • Benign tumor of inferior turbinate (254479007)
  • Benign tumor of infrahyoid epiglottis (254521005)
  • Benign tumor of laryngeal cartilage (254529007)
  • Benign tumor of laryngeal ventricle (254527009)
  • Benign tumor of lateral nasal wall (255159004)
  • Benign tumor of middle turbinate (254482002)
  • Benign tumor of nasopharynx (188800003)
  • Benign tumor of posterior commissure (254515006)
  • Benign tumor of suprahyoid epiglottis (254518008)
  • Benign tumor of tongue base - dorsal surface (275491008)
  • Bifid epiglottis (232412004)
  • Bilateral partial vocal cord paralysis (195844002)
  • Bilateral tonsillar swelling (442778006)
  • Biopsy of adenoids (40849006)
  • Biopsy of ethmoid sinus (232511008)
  • Biopsy of frontal sinus (232512001)
  • Biopsy of hypopharynx (35219000)
  • Biopsy of larynx (433014002)
  • Biopsy of lesion of internal nose (232495003)
  • Biopsy of lesion of larynx (232571002)
  • Biopsy of lesion of maxillary antrum (172865007)
  • Biopsy of lesion of nasal mucosa (172837005)
  • Biopsy of lesion of nasal septum (172792007)
  • Biopsy of lesion of nasal sinus (450345003)
  • Biopsy of lesion of nasal turbinate (172804008)
  • Biopsy of lesion of tonsil (173437008)
  • Biopsy of nasal fossae (430251002)
  • Biopsy of nasal sinus (86823009)
  • Biopsy of nasopharynx (232539009)
  • Biopsy of nose by rhinoscopy (172829002)
  • Biopsy of oropharynx (53858008)
  • Biopsy of sphenoid sinus (232514000)
  • Biopsy of supraglottic mass (77974000)
  • Biopsy of tonsil (90750001)
  • Biopsy of vocal cord (431066004)
  • Biphasic stridor (307487006)
  • Bleeding from larynx (249467000)
  • Bleeding from nasopharynx (249367001)
  • Bleeding from nose (249366005)
  • Bleeding from tonsillar bed (249423002)
  • Bleeding of pharynx (300273006)
  • Blocked sinuses (162402004)
  • Blood in nasal cavity (249351007)
  • Blood in upper airway (427562009)
  • Blowing nose ineffectual (249349008)
  • Blue nasal mucosa (277224006)
  • Bone in pharynx (285338008)
  • Bone structure of ethmoid sinus (897663009)
  • Bone structure of frontal sinus (897654007)
  • Bone structure of nasal sinus (897718000)
  • Bone structure of sphenoid sinus (897660007)
  • Bone tissue structure of vomer bone (427621007)
  • Borderline acquired incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus (1084751000119101)
  • Borderline incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus (1281816000)
  • Borderline incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to anatomical abnormality (1281814002)
  • Bowing of vocal cord (232448002)
  • Bowing of vocal cord on phonation (249455002)
  • Bullous eruption of pharynx (308213003)
  • Burn erythema of oropharynx (110227004)
  • Burn erythema of tonsillar area (110231005)
  • Burn of larynx (13085003)
  • Burn of larynx, trachea and lung (212037005)
  • Burn of mouth and pharynx (212032004)
  • Burn of nasal cavity (282451008)
  • Burn of nasal septum (427828004)
  • Burn of oropharynx (110226008)
  • Burn of pharynx (35447004)
  • Burn of tonsillar area (110230006)
  • Calcification of laryngeal cartilage (699702003)
  • Caldwell-Luc operation with removal of membrane lining (60660006)
  • Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy (265281004)
  • Cannula cricothyroidotomy (785905003)
  • Cannulation of nasal sinus by puncture (42544002)
  • Cannulation of nasal sinus through natural ostium (79686007)
  • Carbuncle of nasal septum (82454002)
  • Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of oropharynx (1255652003)
  • Carcinoma in situ of Waldeyer's ring (92803008)
  • Carcinoma in situ of accessory sinus (92523001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of adenoid (92524007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of anterior aspect of epiglottis (92532004)
  • Carcinoma in situ of anterior commissure (254510001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of anterior pillar of fauces (254460009)
  • Carcinoma in situ of anterior wall of nasopharynx (92535002)
  • Carcinoma in situ of aryepiglottic fold (189258000)
  • Carcinoma in situ of arytenoid cartilage (189255002)
  • Carcinoma in situ of base of tongue (92544001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of corniculate cartilage (189256001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of cricoid cartilage (189253009)
  • Carcinoma in situ of cuneiform cartilage (189257005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of epiglottis (92584005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of ethmoidal sinus (92586007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of frontal sinus (92597007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of glottis (92603005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (92610004)
  • Carcinoma in situ of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (92611000)
  • Carcinoma in situ of hypopharynx (92612007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of junctional region of epiglottis (92622001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of junctional zone of tongue (92623006)
  • Carcinoma in situ of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (92630000)
  • Carcinoma in situ of laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (92631001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of laryngeal commissure (92632008)
  • Carcinoma in situ of laryngeal surface of epiglottis (92633003)
  • Carcinoma in situ of larynx (92634009)
  • Carcinoma in situ of lateral wall of nasopharynx (92636006)
  • Carcinoma in situ of lateral wall of oropharynx (92637002)
  • Carcinoma in situ of lingual tonsil (92642005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of maxillary sinus (92655006)
  • Carcinoma in situ of nasal cavity (92663007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of nasal cavity and nasopharynx (255140001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of nasopharynx (92664001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of oropharynx (92668003)
  • Carcinoma in situ of pharynx (92681005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of postcricoid region (92686000)
  • Carcinoma in situ of posterior commissure (254514005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of posterior hypopharyngeal wall (92687009)
  • Carcinoma in situ of posterior wall of nasopharynx (92688004)
  • Carcinoma in situ of posterior wall of oropharynx (92689007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of pyriform sinus (92694007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of sphenoidal sinus (92753005)
  • Carcinoma in situ of subglottis (92757006)
  • Carcinoma in situ of superior wall of nasopharynx (92760004)
  • Carcinoma in situ of supraglottis (92761000)
  • Carcinoma in situ of thyroid cartilage (189252004)
  • Carcinoma in situ of tonsil (92671006)
  • Carcinoma in situ of tonsillar fossa (92770002)
  • Carcinoma in situ of tonsillar pillar (92771003)
  • Carcinoma in situ of upper respiratory tract (92779001)
  • Carcinoma in situ of vallecula (92792003)
  • Carcinoma in situ of vestibular fold (189259008)
  • Carcinoma in situ of vestibule of nose (92799007)
  • Carcinoma in situ of vocal cord (92801005)
  • Carcinoma in situ tongue base - dorsal surface (275492001)
  • Carcinoma of base of tongue (271943005)
  • Carcinoma of ethmoidal sinus (1260035002)
  • Carcinoma of frontal sinus (1260036001)
  • Carcinoma of glottis (372103002)
  • Carcinoma of larynx (276975007)
  • Carcinoma of lingual tonsil (254423005)
  • Carcinoma of nasal meatus (422758009)
  • Carcinoma of sphenoidal sinus (1255657009)
  • Carcinoma of subglottis (372104008)
  • Carcinoma of supraglottis (372105009)
  • Carcinoma of tongue base - dorsal surface (275490009)
  • Carcinoma of vocal cord (372141009)
  • Cartilage graft to nasal septum (39774008)
  • Caseous tonsillitis (195803003)
  • Catarrhal laryngitis (14969004)
  • Catheterization of nasal sinus (172900000)
  • Cauterization and packing of nose (443086008)
  • Cauterization of Little's area (314127001)
  • Cauterization of adenoid fossa (89746002)
  • Cauterization of internal nose (172812000)
  • Cauterization of larynx (77688004)
  • Cauterization of nasal turbinate (172805009)
  • Cauterization of pharynx (15593007)
  • Cauterization of tonsillar fossa (43401008)
  • Cauterization of turbinates, intramural (70618008)
  • Cauterization of turbinates, superficial (57065000)
  • Cauterization of vocal cords (19060000)
  • Cellulitis of larynx (28709001)
  • Cellulitis of nasal mucous membrane (130021000119100)
  • Cellulitis of nasopharynx (13177009)
  • Cellulitis of pharynx (23166004)
  • Cellulitis of vocal cords (24347001)
  • Change of cricothyroidotomy tube (232576007)
  • Chemical burn of larynx (12108061000119104)
  • Chemical cautery to internal nose (232485005)
  • Chlamydial pharyngitis (232403001)
  • Choanae non-patent (307495005)
  • Choanae patent (306965001)
  • Choanal atresia (204508009)
  • Choanal atresia of bilateral nasal passages (890382007)
  • Choanal atresia with radial ray hypoplasia (232373003)
  • Choanal atresia, athelia, hypothyroidism, delayed puberty, short stature syndrome (1281843005)
  • Choanal atresia, hearing loss, cardiac defect, craniofacial dysmorphism syndrome (720640005)
  • Choanal polyp (30677002)
  • Choanal stenosis (306963008)
  • Choanogram (241134006)
  • Chokes when swallowing (225589000)
  • Choking (249489001)
  • Choking attacks (281003006)
  • Choking caused by food in larynx (39643002)
  • Choking caused by phlegm in larynx (85597002)
  • Choking due to airways obstruction (196168001)
  • Choking during respiration (248556007)
  • Choking in newborn (276715006)
  • Chondroplasty of larynx (173013001)
  • Chondroradionecrosis of larynx (473439008)
  • Chorditis vocalis inferior (195855002)
  • Chronic adenoiditis (232420002)
  • Chronic adenotonsillitis (195798007)
  • Chronic anterior ethmoidal sinusitis (232393006)
  • Chronic aspergillosis of paranasal sinus (733170007)
  • Chronic atrophic rhinitis (195769008)
  • Chronic catarrhal laryngitis (195812001)
  • Chronic catarrhal rhinitis (266342009)
  • Chronic disease of adenoid (275487003)
  • Chronic disease of tonsil (275486007)
  • Chronic disease of tonsils AND/OR adenoids (16358007)
  • Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis (73237007)
  • Chronic fibrinous rhinitis (195773006)
  • Chronic follicular pharyngitis (195782000)
  • Chronic frontal sinusitis (60130002)
  • Chronic frontoethmoidal sinusitis (232397007)
  • Chronic fungal laryngitis (232434002)
  • Chronic granular pharyngitis (2365002)
  • Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis (195813006)
  • Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis (195768000)
  • Chronic infective rhinitis (195770009)
  • Chronic laryngitis (29951006)
  • Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis (195810009)
  • Chronic laryngotracheitis (83271005)
  • Chronic maxillary sinusitis (35923002)
  • Chronic membranous rhinitis (195772001)
  • Chronic mouth breathing (110291007)
  • Chronic nasopharyngitis (47841006)
  • Chronic osteomeatal disease (232396003)
  • Chronic panethmoidal sinusitis (232395004)
  • Chronic pansinusitis (88850006)
  • Chronic pharyngeal candidiasis (232406009)
  • Chronic pharyngitis (140004)
  • Chronic pharyngolaryngitis (133171000119105)
  • Chronic posterior ethmoidal sinusitis (232394000)
  • Chronic recurrent sinusitis (427909005)
  • Chronic rhinitis (86094006)
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis (897657000)
  • Chronic rhinosinusitis with multiple nasal polyps (1285576009)
  • Chronic simple laryngitis (195811008)
  • Chronic simple rhinitis (195765002)
  • Chronic sinusitis (40055000)
  • Chronic sore throat (275488008)
  • Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis (38961000)
  • Chronic tonsillitis (90979004)
  • Chronic ulcerative pharyngitis (232405008)
  • Chronic ulcerative rhinitis (195771008)
  • Cicatrix of adenoid (5791006)
  • Cicatrix of tonsil (67529001)
  • Cineradiography of pharynx (2811005)
  • Classical histoplasmosis nasal ulceration (240735009)
  • Clear cell adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1260031006)
  • Clicking sensation in larynx (53218004)
  • Closed fracture of frontal sinus (699045001)
  • Closed fracture of larynx (71456006)
  • Closed fracture of thyroid cartilage (88835002)
  • Closed reduction of dislocation of nasal septum (179634002)
  • Closed rhinoseptoplasty (704041005)
  • Closed traumatic dislocation laryngeal cartilage (209120006)
  • Closed traumatic subluxation laryngeal cartilage (209216004)
  • Closure of fistula of vocal cord (19029000)
  • Closure of laryngeal fistula (27660008)
  • Closure of laryngotracheal fistula (24518007)
  • Closure of nasal sinus fistula (41284009)
  • Closure of nasopharyngeal fistula (8403000)
  • Closure of perforation of septum of nose with labial graft (232478006)
  • Closure of pharyngeal fistula (112857006)
  • Closure of pharyngocutaneous fistula (172961004)
  • Closure of pharyngoesophageal fistula (51452009)
  • Closure of stoma of larynx (112796007)
  • Collection of nasal pharyngeal aspirate (225711009)
  • Columella structure (113249009)
  • Combined nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab (433801000124107)
  • Combined specimen from swab of anterior nares and anus (33651000087106)
  • Combined specimen from swab of anterior nares and anus and axilla (33641000087108)
  • Combined specimen from swab of anterior nares and anus and throat (33671000087100)
  • Combined specimen from swab of anterior nares and anus and umbilicus (33661000087109)
  • Combined specimen from swab of anterior nares and axillary fossa and inguinal region (42061000087105)
  • Combined specimen from swab of anterior nares and throat (433881000124103)
  • Common cold (82272006)
  • Complete bilateral paralysis of vocal cords (42655007)
  • Complete excision of turbinate (125803009)
  • Complete laryngectomy with radical neck dissection, synchronous thyroidectomy and synchronous tracheostomy (50339005)
  • Complete paralysis of left vocal cord (787603009)
  • Complete paralysis of right vocal cord (787604003)
  • Complete submucous resection of turbinate (4341004)
  • Complex laceration of oropharynx (110141002)
  • Complex laceration of tonsil (110136005)
  • Computed tomography of larynx (241536002)
  • Computed tomography of larynx with contrast (431997003)
  • Computed tomography of nasopharynx (241527001)
  • Computed tomography of nasopharynx with contrast (431247005)
  • Computed tomography of oropharynx (446834007)
  • Computed tomography of paranasal sinus without contrast (383471000119101)
  • Computed tomography of paranasal sinuses (241526005)
  • Computed tomography of paranasal sinuses with contrast (431492000)
  • Concha bullosa (232360002)
  • Conchotomy (13490005)
  • Cone beam computed tomography of nasal sinus (718010009)
  • Congenital abnormal fusion of vomer (92883006)
  • Congenital abnormal shape of vomer (92958005)
  • Congenital absence of epiglottis (840510006)
  • Congenital absence of nasal septum (92971008)
  • Congenital absence of nasal turbinate (92970009)
  • Congenital absence of vomer (91920008)
  • Congenital anomaly of cricoid cartilage (23061007)
  • Congenital anomaly of epiglottis (72948000)
  • Congenital anomaly of larynx (72292009)
  • Congenital anomaly of nasal sinuses (128275006)
  • Congenital anomaly of nasal turbinate (93012004)
  • Congenital anomaly of pharynx (11223009)
  • Congenital anomaly of thyroid cartilage (8032007)
  • Congenital anomaly of upper respiratory system (4160001)
  • Congenital anomaly of vomer (93028009)
  • Congenital asymmetry of tonsils (445554007)
  • Congenital atresia of bilateral anterior nares (890228005)
  • Congenital atresia of epiglottis (7481002)
  • Congenital atresia of glottis (52879001)
  • Congenital atresia of larynx (64981002)
  • Congenital atresia of nares (367468008)
  • Congenital atresia of nasopharynx (59423009)
  • Congenital atresia of pharynx (29632002)
  • Congenital cleft larynx (232461002)
  • Congenital cleft of posterior cricoid cartilage (204558002)
  • Congenital cleft thyroid cartilage (15788006)
  • Congenital cyst of aryepiglottic fold (722917001)
  • Congenital cyst of larynx (765763007)
  • Congenital deformity of pharynx (444667006)
  • Congenital deformity of wall of nasal sinus (37767008)
  • Congenital deviation of nasal septum (62667002)
  • Congenital diverticulum of pharynx (111328001)
  • Congenital enlargement of nasopharynx (50267003)
  • Congenital fissure of epiglottis (204557007)
  • Congenital glottic web of larynx (204529000)
  • Congenital hypertrophy of nasal cavity (93072007)
  • Congenital hypoplasia of nasal cavity (93275004)
  • Congenital hypoplasia of nasal septum (93277007)
  • Congenital hypoplasia of nasal turbinate (93276003)
  • Congenital hypoplasia of vomer (93302004)
  • Congenital incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus (700285006)
  • Congenital incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to anatomical abnormality (1279638007)
  • Congenital incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to neuromuscular dysfunction (427791009)
  • Congenital laryngeal abductor palsy (232442001)
  • Congenital laryngeal adductor palsy (232443006)
  • Congenital laryngeal stridor (55490007)
  • Congenital laryngocele (51523009)
  • Congenital laryngomalacia (253737007)
  • Congenital laryngotracheoesophageal cleft (1230239009)
  • Congenital lymphangioma of larynx (763617006)
  • Congenital malformation of larynx and trachea (1085671000119100)
  • Congenital malformation of nasal septum (83031000119105)
  • Congenital malformation of tongue, mouth and pharynx (253750008)
  • Congenital malposition of nares (93337001)
  • Congenital malposition of nasal septum (93339003)
  • Congenital malposition of nasal turbinate (93338006)
  • Congenital palatoesophageal incoordination (253758001)
  • Congenital perforation of nasal septum (95466001)
  • Congenital perforation of the nasal sinus wall (204524005)
  • Congenital pharyngeal polyp (204642008)
  • Congenital stenosis of choanae (34821005)
  • Congenital stenosis of larynx (12070002)
  • Congenital stenosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus (204550009)
  • Congenital stenosis of nares (2828008)
  • Congenital stenosis of nasal pyriform aperture (702644002)
  • Congenital stenosis of the anterior nares (204513008)
  • Congenital subglottic stenosis (204552001)
  • Congenital subglottic stenosis Cotton-Myer grade 1 (890386005)
  • Congenital subglottic stenosis Cotton-Myer grade 2 (890387001)
  • Congenital subglottic stenosis Cotton-Myer grade 3 (890354000)
  • Congenital subglottic stenosis Cotton-Myer grade 4 (890355004)
  • Congenital subglottic web of larynx (204530005)
  • Congenital supraglottic stenosis (204553006)
  • Congenital syphilitic chronic coryza (275376007)
  • Congenital syphilitic rhinitis (276700005)
  • Congenital teratoma of nasopharynx (1003468008)
  • Congenital vocal cord palsy (232441008)
  • Congenital web of larynx (47070001)
  • Congested larynx (203871000000102)
  • Congestion of nasal sinus (82297005)
  • Congestion of throat (102617004)
  • Congestive non-allergic rhinitis (403457003)
  • Conjunctivorhinostomy (397805007)
  • Conjunctivorhinostomy with insertion of stent (79707009)
  • Consonant differential pressure test (7677007)
  • Constriction in throat (247324004)
  • Constrictor muscle of pharynx structure (4866005)
  • Construction of artificial larynx (27926003)
  • Construction of artificial pharyngeal valve (51609001)
  • Construction of neoglottis (232620005)
  • Contact granuloma of larynx (12181000119103)
  • Contact ulcer of vocal folds (71450000)
  • Contaminated complex laceration of oropharynx (110142009)
  • Contaminated complex laceration of tonsil (110137001)
  • Contaminated simple laceration of oropharynx (110140001)
  • Contaminated simple laceration of tonsil (110135009)
  • Contents of anterior nasal cavity (249350008)
  • Contouring of forehead for reduction and setback of anterior frontal sinus wall (440590002)
  • Contrast radiography of larynx (274404002)
  • Contrast radiography of nasopharynx (86354001)
  • Contrast radiography of oropharynx (168803009)
  • Contrast radiography of paranasal sinuses (268435000)
  • Control of anterior nasal bleeding (439302009)
  • Control of epistaxis by cautery (287382003)
  • Control of epistaxis by excision of nasal mucosa with grafting (19067002)
  • Control of epistaxis by ligation of artery (54194003)
  • Control of epistaxis by packing of posterior and anterior nose (81828004)
  • Control of epistaxis by suture (287400009)
  • Control of hemorrhage after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (10953000)
  • Control of hemorrhage by ligation of artery of internal nose (1252668003)
  • Control of oropharyngeal hemorrhage (60664002)
  • Control of posterior nasal bleeding (440699009)
  • Contusion of larynx (262676007)
  • Contusion of nasal septum (282450009)
  • Contusion of oropharynx (110261002)
  • Contusion of pharynx (282454000)
  • Contusion of tonsil (110260001)
  • Cordectomy of vocal cord (47935000)
  • Cordopexy of vocal cord (44272006)
  • Cordotomy of vocal cord (88098001)
  • Core needle biopsy of larynx (51064005)
  • Core needle biopsy of nasal sinus (112789005)
  • Cormack and Lehane grade (277387000)
  • Cormack and Lehane grade 1 (417548001)
  • Cormack and Lehane grade 2 (417666002)
  • Cormack and Lehane grade 3 (416876007)
  • Cormack and Lehane grade 4 (416141007)
  • Corneal intraepithelial dyskeratosis, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, laryngeal dyskeratosis syndrome (773577009)
  • Correction of alar collapse by diathermy of alae nasi (232467003)
  • Correction of alar collapse by modification of bony margins of nasal aperture (232468008)
  • Correction of alar collapse using implant (232466007)
  • Correction of nostril by excision of nostril margin (172786001)
  • Correction of nostril stenosis in cleft lip nasal deformity (265023006)
  • Correction of stenosis of nasal pyriform aperture (426421005)
  • Corrosion of larynx, trachea and lung (212039008)
  • Corrosion of mouth and pharynx (212035002)
  • Corrosion of pharynx (282453006)
  • Cough swab (258499005)
  • Craniofacial resection of nasal cavity (713159008)
  • Creation of anastomosis between lacrimal drainage system and nose (419630005)
  • Cricoarytenoid articulation structure (12207006)
  • Cricoarytenoid joint arthritis (307500008)
  • Cricoarytenoid joint fixation (307499004)
  • Cricoarytenoid joint fixed on phonation (249454003)
  • Cricoid cartilage structure (8600008)
  • Cricoidectomy (42050001)
  • Cricopharyngeal bar (235633005)
  • Cricopharyngeal disorder (235631007)
  • Cricopharyngeal incoordination (235632000)
  • Cricopharyngeal myotomy (83019005)
  • Cricopharyngeus muscle dysfunction (88539002)
  • Cricothyroid articulation structure (70023007)
  • Cricothyroid injection of local anesthetic (231353005)
  • Cricothyroidectomy (25871006)
  • Cricothyroidotomy (173067007)
  • Croup (71186008)
  • Crushing injury of larynx (10959001)
  • Crushing injury of pharynx (129144002)
  • Crushing of nasal septum (78840003)
  • Crusted nasal mucosa (277225007)
  • Cryocautery to artery of internal nose (172815003)
  • Cryocautery to internal nose (274938004)
  • Cryosurgery of turbinates (82442002)
  • Cryosurgery to pharyngeal lymphatic tissue (172984006)
  • Cryptic tonsil (232422005)
  • Curettage of adenoids (20248004)
  • Cyst of epiglottis (712648008)
  • Cyst of ethmoid sinus (10674551000119103)
  • Cyst of frontal sinus (10674591000119108)
  • Cyst of larynx (195867000)
  • Cyst of maxillary sinus (428866004)
  • Cyst of nasal cavity (232362005)
  • Cyst of nasal sinus (85225000)
  • Cyst of nasopharynx (71418005)
  • Cyst of pharynx (60100005)
  • Cyst of sphenoid sinus (10674631000119108)
  • Cyst of tonsil (309734000)
  • Cystadenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1260045000)
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy (231629008)
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy and insertion of tube (231631004)
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy via internal approach with laser (29634001)
  • Defect in wall of frontal sinus (249375007)
  • Deformity of nasal sinus wall (204522009)
  • Denker operation for radical maxillary antrotomy (4636001)
  • Descent barotrauma of sinuses (241983006)
  • Destruction of intranasal lesion (29835002)
  • Destruction of lesion of internal nose by external approach (446350005)
  • Destruction of lesion of larynx (78923006)
  • Destruction of lesion of nasal septum (232477001)
  • Destruction of pharyngeal lesion (232543008)
  • Destructive procedure on larynx (30142001)
  • Deviated nasal septum (126660000)
  • Diagnostic endoscopic examination of nasal cavity (892541000000107)
  • Diagnostic endoscopic examination of nasal cavity and biopsy of lesion of nasal cavity (894351000000106)
  • Diagnostic procedure on upper respiratory tract (54772001)
  • Diagnostic radiography of larynx (58011003)
  • Diagnostic radiography of pharynx (41785006)
  • Diathermy of laryngeal telangiectasis (232570001)
  • Diathermy of nasal turbinates (23404005)
  • Diathermy treatment of pharyngeal pouch (232537006)
  • Difficult mask ventilation (763326004)
  • Difficult supraglottic airway ventilation (766781004)
  • Difficulty with mask ventilation and tracheal intubation (718446005)
  • Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of nasopharynx (448319002)
  • Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of tonsil (449173006)
  • Digital palpation of nasopharynx (53943004)
  • Digital palpation of pharynx (32214003)
  • Dilation of frontonasal duct (30574003)
  • Dilation of larynx (63971008)
  • Dilation of nares (66851007)
  • Dilation of nasopharynx (86769003)
  • Dilation of pharynx (66315005)
  • Dilation of upper respiratory tract (363086001)
  • Direct closure of defect of nasal sinus (172902008)
  • Direct laryngoscopy (78121007)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with arytenoidectomy (17882003)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with arytenoidectomy with operating microscope (5551006)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy (5019003)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with dilation (21796007)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with excision of neoplasm using operating microscope (443959005)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with excision of tumor (11377005)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with foreign body removal (19433002)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with injection into vocal cord (1217220006)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with insertion of obturator (13142009)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with operating microscope (1217231003)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of epiglottis (41848005)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of epiglottis using operating microscope (443521008)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of vocal cords (69539003)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of vocal cords using operating microscope (443691008)
  • Direct laryngoscopy with surgical procedure (128325007)
  • Direct nasal mucous membrane test (9118002)
  • Discharge in inferior meatus (306941004)
  • Discharge in middle meatus (306940003)
  • Discharge of pharynx (300274000)
  • Discharge of tonsil (300283005)
  • Disease of upper respiratory system (72028005)
  • Dislocated nasal septum (232376006)
  • Dislocation of arytenoid cartilage (422216007)
  • Disorder of adenoid (2128005)
  • Disorder of epiglottis (123863008)
  • Disorder of ethmoidal sinus (105974005)
  • Disorder of frontal sinus (105973004)
  • Disorder of hypopharynx (126663003)
  • Disorder of lingual tonsil (418973007)
  • Disorder of maxillary sinus (105972009)
  • Disorder of nasal cavity (232340005)
  • Disorder of nasal septum (95433000)
  • Disorder of nasal sinus (7393007)
  • Disorder of nasopharynx (123952009)
  • Disorder of oropharynx (126661001)
  • Disorder of palatine tonsil (23023009)
  • Disorder of pharynx (75860007)
  • Disorder of sphenoidal sinus (105975006)
  • Disorder of the larynx (60600009)
  • Disorder of tonsil AND/OR adenoid (51499002)
  • Disorder of upper respiratory system (201060008)
  • Disorder of vocal cord (57781000)
  • Disorder of vomer (128232000)
  • Displacement of dental structure into maxillary sinus (734839006)
  • Displacement of root of tooth into maxillary sinus due to and following dental trauma (1285700004)
  • Displacement of root of tooth into maxillary sinus due to and following extraction of tooth (1285699000)
  • Displacement of vocal cord by inert substance (232555002)
  • Displacement of vocal cord with biological graft (232551006)
  • Displacement of vocal cord with non-biological graft (708019002)
  • Displacement therapy of nose, Proetz type (89388008)
  • Dissection and excision of bilateral tonsils (314120004)
  • Dissection tonsillectomy (173424005)
  • Dissection tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (173430005)
  • Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 7 (771081007)
  • Distal myopathy 2 (702383005)
  • Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx by cervical approach (191237007)
  • Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx with myotomy by cervical approach (192128002)
  • Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx (20330006)
  • Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx with myotomy (85691005)
  • Division of adhesions of internal nose (172827000)
  • Division of adhesions of turbinate of nose (172803002)
  • Division of congenital web of larynx (1329005)
  • Division of congenital web of pharynx (16508004)
  • Division of glossopharyngeal nerve in tonsillar fossa (230958000)
  • Division of styloid process in tonsillar fossa (232523002)
  • Division of web of larynx (449865004)
  • Dorsal pharyngeal wall structure (33986006)
  • Drainage of abscess of nasal septum (1950008)
  • Drainage of abscess of nose by internal approach (18626003)
  • Drainage of abscess of tonsil (1691007)
  • Drainage of frontal sinus (896441000000109)
  • Drainage of hematoma of nasal septum (15962000)
  • Drainage of hematoma of nose by internal approach (57674004)
  • Drainage of maxillary antrum (265025004)
  • Drainage of peritonsillar abscess (392233007)
  • Drainage of peritonsillar tissues (32005000)
  • Drainage of sphenoid sinus (392215001)
  • Drainage of tonsil (34309001)
  • Dysphonia of palatopharyngolaryngeal myoclonus (30736009)
  • Dysplasia of glottis (461882008)
  • Dysplasia of larynx (308132000)
  • Dysplasia of vocal cord (308131007)
  • Ecchymosis of oropharynx (303292009)
  • Edema of glottis (111278002)
  • Edema of larynx (51599000)
  • Edema of nasopharynx (60416001)
  • Edema of pharynx (2129002)
  • Edema of vocal cord (870733000)
  • Edematous laryngitis (86773000)
  • Effect of high altitude on sinuses (275391009)
  • Electrocautery to internal nose (232486006)
  • Electrocoagulation of lesion of pharynx (56657006)
  • Electrocoagulation of nose for epistaxis (55810002)
  • Elevation of scarred plaque of vocal fold (232568005)
  • Embolization of artery of internal nose (172814004)
  • Emergency cricothyroidotomy (398142004)
  • Emergency laryngeal intubation (182682004)
  • Endoscopic balloon dilatation of ostium of paranasal sinus (439533007)
  • Endoscopic biopsy of larynx (8646008)
  • Endoscopic biopsy of nasal sinus (29293003)
  • Endoscopic control of hemorrhage of pharynx (473275008)
  • Endoscopic destruction of lesion of larynx (173028001)
  • Endoscopic dilation of pharynx (447327009)
  • Endoscopic examination and biopsy of hypopharynx (172976007)
  • Endoscopic excision of ethmoid sinus (447141009)
  • Endoscopic excision of ethmoid sinus and nasal turbinate (447599003)
  • Endoscopic excision of lesion of internal nose (446922003)
  • Endoscopic excision of medial wall of maxillary antrum (1179198005)
  • Endoscopic excision of sphenoid sinus (445726003)
  • Endoscopic excision of sphenoid sinus and nasal turbinate (447433001)
  • Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of hypopharynx (172968005)
  • Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of nasopharynx (172965008)
  • Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of oropharynx (172966009)
  • Endoscopic incision of ethmoid sinus (447326000)
  • Endoscopic incision of sphenoid sinus (447328004)
  • Endoscopic incision of subglottic cyst (443282002)
  • Endoscopic ligation of sphenopalatine artery (709093009)
  • Endoscopic modified Lothrop procedure on frontal sinus (1231419000)
  • Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy (713188009)
  • Endoscopic needle biopsy of nasal sinus (708745002)
  • Endoscopic operation on pharyngeal pouch (898231000000102)
  • Endoscopic partial laryngectomy (509311000000106)
  • Endoscopic removal of foreign body from larynx (7686002)
  • Endoscopic removal of foreign body from pharynx (172967000)
  • Endoscopic removal of prosthesis from larynx (173029009)
  • Endoscopic resection of lesion of larynx (173027006)
  • Endoscopic stapling of pharyngeal pouch (307830009)
  • Endoscopic vocal cord medialization (426308002)
  • Endoscopy and biopsy of nasopharynx (1220543000)
  • Endoscopy and biopsy of oropharynx (1220541003)
  • Endoscopy of adenoid (11560009)
  • Endoscopy of larynx through stoma (44972003)
  • Endoscopy of larynx, pharynx and oesophagus (860871000000101)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with control of nasal hemorrhage (440543004)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with dacryocystorhinostomy (440667003)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with decompression of inferior orbital wall (440636000)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with decompression of medial orbital wall (440115001)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with decompression of optic nerve (440080001)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with incision of sphenoid sinus (440110006)
  • Endoscopy of nasal sinus with resection of concha bullosa (440021004)
  • Endoscopy of nose and nasal sinuses (1209099008)
  • Endoscopy of nose, pharynx and larynx (1217361008)
  • Endoscopy of pharynx (392102003)
  • Endoscopy of pharynx and/or larynx using fiberoptic laryngoscope (1220635002)
  • Endoscopy of pharynx, trachea and esophagus (6601000179108)
  • Endoscopy of sphenoid sinus (1217232005)
  • Endoscopy of tonsil (19247000)
  • Enlarged tonsil (301471002)
  • Enlargement of left tonsil (1052245004)
  • Enlargement of perforation of nasal septum (232479003)
  • Enlargement of right tonsil (1052246003)
  • Enlargement of root of tongue (710727006)
  • Enlargement of tonsil or adenoid (232419008)
  • Enophthalmos co-occurrent and due to silent sinus syndrome (712493008)
  • Enteroviral lymphonodular pharyngitis (40766000)
  • Entire Glossotonsillar sulcus (730939001)
  • Entire Kiesselbach plexus (1259898007)
  • Entire Killian's dehiscence (730975004)
  • Entire Little's area (730938009)
  • Entire accessory sinus gland (368902001)
  • Entire adenoid (181199001)
  • Entire agger nasi (368889009)
  • Entire anterior border of thyroid lamina (729012008)
  • Entire anterior cells of ethmoid sinus (277152008)
  • Entire anterior commissure of larynx (277148008)
  • Entire anterior cricothyroid ligament (729035006)
  • Entire anterior epiglottis (170989005)
  • Entire anterior ethmoidal artery (312160004)
  • Entire anterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus (1186601004)
  • Entire anterior naris (276165005)
  • Entire anterior nasopharynx (178783003)
  • Entire anterior surface of epiglottic cartilage (729028003)
  • Entire anterior surface of epiglottis (264441000)
  • Entire anterior wall of maxillary antrum (727456006)
  • Entire anterior wall of nasopharynx (179170003)
  • Entire anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage (729025000)
  • Entire apex of arytenoid cartilage (279534007)
  • Entire arch of cricoid cartilage (279525002)
  • Entire artery of internal nose (729926002)
  • Entire articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage (172793002)
  • Entire articulations of laryngeal cartilage (279546006)
  • Entire aryepiglottic fold (245503009)
  • Entire aryepiglottic muscle (244818009)
  • Entire arytenoid cartilage (264446005)
  • Entire atrium of middle nasal meatus (368882000)
  • Entire base of arytenoid cartilage (279532006)
  • Entire blood vessel of internal nose (731810005)
  • Entire bone of ethmoid sinus (897666001)
  • Entire bone of frontal sinus (897658005)
  • Entire bone of nasal sinus (897719008)
  • Entire bone of sphenoid sinus (897669008)
  • Entire bone tissue of vomer bone (730761000)
  • Entire bony part of nasal septum (368894009)
  • Entire border of cricoid cartilage (729018007)
  • Entire border of thyroid cartilage (729009005)
  • Entire buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (179963002)
  • Entire cartilago triticea (730954007)
  • Entire cavity of ethmoid sinus (897667005)
  • Entire cavity of frontal sinus (897659002)
  • Entire cavity of sphenoid sinus (897668000)
  • Entire ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (180338006)
  • Entire choana (244507001)
  • Entire chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (180241000)
  • Entire colliculus of arytenoid cartilage (172973004)
  • Entire columella (361930008)
  • Entire commissure of larynx (172116004)
  • Entire constrictor muscle of pharynx (244799007)
  • Entire conus elasticus of larynx (171945004)
  • Entire corniculate cartilage (278989005)
  • Entire cornu of thyroid cartilage (279518009)
  • Entire cricoarytenoid articular capsule (166761006)
  • Entire cricoarytenoid articulation (361945001)
  • Entire cricoarytenoid ligament (731501007)
  • Entire cricoarytenoid muscle (244811003)
  • Entire cricoid cartilage (263484006)
  • Entire cricopharyngeal ligament (172455006)
  • Entire cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (244804002)
  • Entire cricothyroid articular capsule (166661002)
  • Entire cricothyroid articulation (361944002)
  • Entire cricothyroid ligament (279558006)
  • Entire cricothyroid membrane (729030001)
  • Entire cricothyroid muscle (244809007)
  • Entire cricotracheal ligament (279553002)
  • Entire crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage (172881002)
  • Entire crypt of palatine tonsil (142915006)
  • Entire crypt of pharyngeal tonsil (143420009)
  • Entire cuneiform cartilage (264456009)
  • Entire cuneiform tubercle (171289007)
  • Entire dorsal pharyngeal wall (362124006)
  • Entire dorsal surface of base of tongue (368736002)
  • Entire epiglottic cartilage (278990001)
  • Entire epiglottic tubercle (279543003)
  • Entire epiglottis (245502004)
  • Entire ethmoid sinus (181206009)
  • Entire ethmoid sinus gland (81025002)
  • Entire ethmoidal artery (244222007)
  • Entire ethmoidal bulla (306372006)
  • Entire ethmoidal infundibulum (368895005)
  • Entire extrinsic laryngeal ligament (729031002)
  • Entire extrinsic muscle of larynx (244808004)
  • Entire fibroelastic membrane of larynx (361942003)
  • Entire fold of laryngeal nerve (156852001)
  • Entire fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage (173058007)
  • Entire fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage (173149002)
  • Entire frontal recess of frontoethmoid (732158000)
  • Entire frontal sinus (181205008)
  • Entire frontal sinus gland (29176008)
  • Entire frontoethmoid sinus (732060000)
  • Entire glossoepiglottic fold (729038008)
  • Entire glossopalatine arch (726938005)
  • Entire glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (180148000)
  • Entire glottis (264482000)
  • Entire hair follicle of anterior naris (788251008)
  • Entire hair follicle of nasal septum (787822003)
  • Entire hair follicle of nasal vestibule (784418005)
  • Entire hyoepiglottic ligament (279552007)
  • Entire hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (171386002)
  • Entire hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (171576002)
  • Entire hypopharynx (281490009)
  • Entire inferior border of cricoid cartilage (729021009)
  • Entire inferior border of thyroid lamina (729011001)
  • Entire inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (244803008)
  • Entire inferior nasal meatus (310214001)
  • Entire inferior nasal turbinate (361932000)
  • Entire inferior nasal turbinate bone (362882006)
  • Entire inferior surface of soft palate (729631003)
  • Entire inferior thyroid cornu (729015005)
  • Entire inferior thyroid tubercle (729017002)
  • Entire infraglottic space (726931004)
  • Entire infrahyoid bursa (173423004)
  • Entire infrahyoid epiglottis (728754007)
  • Entire interarytenoid fold (280389005)
  • Entire interarytenoid muscle (244814006)
  • Entire interarytenoid notch (173604004)
  • Entire intercartilaginous glottis (361353003)
  • Entire intermembranous part of rima glottidis (172032003)
  • Entire internal nose (361929003)
  • Entire internal nose and pharynx and larynx (1162926001)
  • Entire internal surface of cricoid cartilage (729019004)
  • Entire intranasal hair (368885003)
  • Entire intrinsic laryngeal ligament (729034005)
  • Entire intrinsic laryngeal muscle (244810002)
  • Entire intrinsic larynx (172285003)
  • Entire junctional region with oropharynx (144733007)
  • Entire junctional zone of base of tongue (368739009)
  • Entire lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx (727243001)
  • Entire lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of oropharynx (726867007)
  • Entire lamina muscularis of pharyngeal mucous membrane (727027003)
  • Entire lamina of cricoid cartilage (279524003)
  • Entire lamina of thyroid cartilage (279510002)
  • Entire lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone (369005006)
  • Entire lamina propria of accessory sinus (727066006)
  • Entire lamina propria of ethmoid sinus (726023006)
  • Entire lamina propria of frontal sinus (727260006)
  • Entire lamina propria of maxillary sinus (726853003)
  • Entire lamina propria of nose (727199006)
  • Entire lamina propria of sphenoid sinus (726847003)
  • Entire laryngeal articular capsule (730363004)
  • Entire laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (171480009)
  • Entire laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (171672009)
  • Entire laryngeal bursa (361077001)
  • Entire laryngeal cartilage (263482005)
  • Entire laryngeal cavity (279563005)
  • Entire laryngeal gland (173512000)
  • Entire laryngeal ligament (729008002)
  • Entire laryngeal lumen (788616007)
  • Entire laryngeal membrane (729007007)
  • Entire laryngeal muscle (181744001)
  • Entire laryngeal perichondrium (788620006)
  • Entire laryngeal pouch (171762001)
  • Entire laryngeal prominence (362648003)
  • Entire laryngeal sinus (729037003)
  • Entire laryngeal surface of suprahyoid epiglottis (728638004)
  • Entire larynx (181212004)
  • Entire lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (244813000)
  • Entire lateral cricothyroid ligament (729036007)
  • Entire lateral glossoepiglottic fold (279570005)
  • Entire lateral nasal mucous membrane (1285097002)
  • Entire lateral nasal wall (728755008)
  • Entire lateral nasopharynx (178480001)
  • Entire lateral pharyngeal wall (179467009)
  • Entire lateral thyrohyoid ligament (729032009)
  • Entire lateral wall of hypopharynx (173888002)
  • Entire lateral wall of nasopharynx (361937006)
  • Entire lateral wall of oropharynx (362125007)
  • Entire leaf of epiglottis (171188008)
  • Entire left anterior naris (421652004)
  • Entire left choana (421042004)
  • Entire left ethmoid sinus (368584009)
  • Entire left frontal sinus (368583003)
  • Entire left lateral nasopharynx (41871007)
  • Entire left maxillary sinus (368582008)
  • Entire left sphenoid sinus (368585005)
  • Entire left tonsil (palatine) (280412006)
  • Entire left ventricular fold of larynx (170684003)
  • Entire left vocal cord (361951006)
  • Entire ligament of thyroid cartilage (731502000)
  • Entire limen nasi (368888001)
  • Entire lingual tonsil (276957006)
  • Entire lymphatic vessel of larynx (172373008)
  • Entire lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity (368897002)
  • Entire lymphatic vessel of pharynx (179661002)
  • Entire maxillary sinus (181204007)
  • Entire maxillary sinus mucous gland (35351001)
  • Entire medial surface of arytenoid (729026004)
  • Entire medial wall of maxillary antrum (727457002)
  • Entire membranous part of nasal septum (368892008)
  • Entire middle cells of ethmoid sinus (305022008)
  • Entire middle constrictor (244802003)
  • Entire middle glossoepiglottic fold (279569009)
  • Entire middle nasal meatus (361925009)
  • Entire middle nasal turbinate (361933005)
  • Entire middle nasal turbinate bone (731995002)
  • Entire middle thyrohyoid ligament (279554008)
  • Entire mucosa of base of tongue (728450002)
  • Entire mucosa of vocal fold (736850007)
  • Entire mucous membrane of adenoid (143521006)
  • Entire mucous membrane of choana (736594006)
  • Entire mucous membrane of epiglottis (156751001)
  • Entire mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus (65501003)
  • Entire mucous membrane of frontal sinus (368909005)
  • Entire mucous membrane of hypopharynx (362126008)
  • Entire mucous membrane of interarytenoid fold (879931004)
  • Entire mucous membrane of larynx (361940006)
  • Entire mucous membrane of maxillary sinus (368908002)
  • Entire mucous membrane of nasal cavity (736510003)
  • Entire mucous membrane of nasal cavity and nasal sinus (736508000)
  • Entire mucous membrane of nasal sinus (736505002)
  • Entire mucous membrane of nasopharynx (361938001)
  • Entire mucous membrane of nose (310211009)
  • Entire mucous membrane of oropharynx (144632009)
  • Entire mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus (43774000)
  • Entire mucous membrane of tonsil (143016001)
  • Entire muscular process of arytenoid cartilage (279538005)
  • Entire mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (180053007)
  • Entire naris (731244005)
  • Entire nasal cavity (263481003)
  • Entire nasal fossae (368887006)
  • Entire nasal gland (368881007)
  • Entire nasal meatus (310212002)
  • Entire nasal portion of nasopharynx (368896006)
  • Entire nasal septum (181197004)
  • Entire nasal septum mobile portion (368120009)
  • Entire nasal sinus (181203001)
  • Entire nasal turbinate (361931007)
  • Entire nasal turbinate bone (731992004)
  • Entire nasal vestibule (278940000)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal cavity (179072008)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal gland (178973008)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal meatus (368884004)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal pituitary gland (727209005)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal submucosa (727178008)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate (368684001)
  • Entire nasopharyngeal wall (361939009)
  • Entire nasopharynx (181200003)
  • Entire oblique arytenoid muscle (244817004)
  • Entire oblique line of thyroid cartilage (279516008)
  • Entire olfactory gland (368891001)
  • Entire olfactory region of nose (361924008)
  • Entire olfactory sensory epithelium (726994005)
  • Entire oral portion of nasopharynx (144430006)
  • Entire oropharyngeal cavity (731353000)
  • Entire oropharynx (263376008)
  • Entire oropharynx and/or hypopharynx and/or larynx (716153002)
  • Entire palatine arch (362595008)
  • Entire palatine tonsil (265787001)
  • Entire palatopharyngeal muscle (244796000)
  • Entire palatopharyngeal sphincter (728079004)
  • Entire paranasal sinus wall (303335005)
  • Entire peritonsillar tissue (303338007)
  • Entire pharyngeal branch of the maxillary artery (729928001)
  • Entire pharyngeal branch of vagus (729322007)
  • Entire pharyngeal bursa (179570006)
  • Entire pharyngeal cavity (180543003)
  • Entire pharyngeal lymphoid ring (56411004)
  • Entire pharyngeal mucous membrane (362121003)
  • Entire pharyngeal muscle (244798004)
  • Entire pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube (368945008)
  • Entire pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins (42483003)
  • Entire pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx (178285009)
  • Entire pharyngeal raphe (179763009)
  • Entire pharyngeal recess (276964008)
  • Entire pharyngeal submucosa (726891003)
  • Entire pharyngeal wall (362123000)
  • Entire pharyngobasilar fascia (730818009)
  • Entire pharyngopalatine arch (276959009)
  • Entire pharynx (181211006)
  • Entire pharynx and larynx (729953003)
  • Entire piriform recess (264495005)
  • Entire postcricoid region (276965009)
  • Entire posterior border of thyroid lamina (729013003)
  • Entire posterior cells of ethmoid sinus (277153003)
  • Entire posterior commissure of larynx (277149000)
  • Entire posterior cricoarytenoid ligament (172533001)
  • Entire posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (244812005)
  • Entire posterior epiglottis (171085008)
  • Entire posterior ethmoidal artery (312161000)
  • Entire posterior margin of nasal septum (368893003)
  • Entire posterior margin of nasal septum and choanae (729630002)
  • Entire posterior nasopharynx (178385007)
  • Entire posterior process of nasal septal cartilage (368122001)
  • Entire posterior surface of arytenoid (729024001)
  • Entire posterior surface of epiglottic cartilage (729029006)
  • Entire posterior wall of hypopharynx (276966005)
  • Entire posterior wall of maxillary antrum (727455005)
  • Entire posterior wall of nasopharynx (361936002)
  • Entire posterior wall of oropharynx (276960004)
  • Entire process of arytenoid (729023007)
  • Entire pterygomandibular raphe (142713007)
  • Entire pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (179862006)
  • Entire quadrangular membrane of larynx (279548007)
  • Entire respiratory region of nose (361923002)
  • Entire retrohyoid bursa (173332003)
  • Entire retromaxillary region (368716003)
  • Entire right anterior naris (421814002)
  • Entire right choana (421384004)
  • Entire right ethmoid sinus (368562009)
  • Entire right frontal sinus (368561002)
  • Entire right lateral nasopharynx (88766000)
  • Entire right maxillary sinus (368560001)
  • Entire right sphenoid sinus (368563004)
  • Entire right tonsil (palatine) (280411004)
  • Entire right ventricular fold of larynx (170387003)
  • Entire right vocal cord (361950007)
  • Entire rima glottidis (361952004)
  • Entire rima vestibuli (279564004)
  • Entire roof of nose (368886002)
  • Entire root of tongue (362095000)
  • Entire salpingopharyngeal fold (158165004)
  • Entire salpingopharyngeus muscle (244807009)
  • Entire semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus (368883005)
  • Entire septal cartilage (278942008)
  • Entire septum of frontal sinus (729791007)
  • Entire septum of maxillary sinus (726888003)
  • Entire skin of external naris (727844000)
  • Entire skin of laryngeal prominence (168932006)
  • Entire skin of lower margin of nasal septum (368113002)
  • Entire skin of nasal vestibule (731945003)
  • Entire skin of septum of nose (727842001)
  • Entire sphenoethmoidal recess (368890000)
  • Entire sphenoid sinus (181207000)
  • Entire sphenoid sinus gland (15587004)
  • Entire sphenopalatine artery (312162007)
  • Entire stylopharyngeus muscle (244806000)
  • Entire subcutaneous bursa of laryngeal prominence (173244002)
  • Entire subcutaneous tissue of laryngeal prominence (157155007)
  • Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower margin of nasal septum (368127007)
  • Entire subglottis (281511009)
  • Entire submucosa of adenoid (143622009)
  • Entire submucosa of hypopharynx (727051008)
  • Entire submucosa of larynx (361941005)
  • Entire submucosa of oropharynx (727017009)
  • Entire submucosa of tonsil (143117008)
  • Entire superior alveolar branch of the maxillary artery (729929009)
  • Entire superior anterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (368879005)
  • Entire superior aspect of palate (783042009)
  • Entire superior border of cricoid cartilage (729020005)
  • Entire superior border of thyroid lamina (729010000)
  • Entire superior constrictor (244800006)
  • Entire superior laryngeal aperture (361946000)
  • Entire superior nasal meatus (310213007)
  • Entire superior nasal turbinate (361934004)
  • Entire superior nasal turbinate bone (731996001)
  • Entire superior nasopharynx (178880006)
  • Entire superior posterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (368878002)
  • Entire superior surface of soft palate (362081003)
  • Entire superior thyroarytenoid (244821006)
  • Entire superior thyroid cornu (729014009)
  • Entire superior thyroid tubercle (729016006)
  • Entire superior wall of nasopharynx (179268001)
  • Entire supraglottic space (171853006)
  • Entire supraglottis (361953009)
  • Entire suprahyoid epiglottis (728753001)
  • Entire suprahyoid region (144531007)
  • Entire supratonsillar fossa (143218008)
  • Entire supreme nasal turbinate (361935003)
  • Entire supreme nasal turbinate bone (731997005)
  • Entire surface of arytenoid (729022002)
  • Entire surface of epiglottic cartilage (729027008)
  • Entire surface of suprahyoid epiglottis (730126004)
  • Entire thyroarytenoid muscle (361814004)
  • Entire thyroepiglottic ligament (279562000)
  • Entire thyroepiglottic muscle (244819001)
  • Entire thyrohyoid ligament (279551000)
  • Entire thyrohyoid membrane (361943008)
  • Entire thyroid cartilage (263483000)
  • Entire thyroid foramen (172704000)
  • Entire thyroid incisure (279517004)
  • Entire thyroid tubercle (279519001)
  • Entire thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (244805001)
  • Entire tip of epiglottis (728675009)
  • Entire tonsillar capsule (142814006)
  • Entire tonsillar crypt (143723007)
  • Entire tonsillar fossa (362596009)
  • Entire tonsils and adenoids (361670003)
  • Entire transverse arytenoid muscle (244816008)
  • Entire tubal elevation of pharynx (179368003)
  • Entire tubal tonsil (143319002)
  • Entire uncinate process (729830000)
  • Entire upper respiratory tract (361381009)
  • Entire upper respiratory tract cavity (180745008)
  • Entire uvular muscle (244797009)
  • Entire vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus (369429008)
  • Entire vallecula of epiglottis (276955003)
  • Entire vein of internal nose (729930004)
  • Entire ventricle of larynx (361949007)
  • Entire ventricular fold of larynx (361947009)
  • Entire ventricularis muscle (727318009)
  • Entire vestibular ligament of larynx (279561007)
  • Entire vestibule of larynx (361948004)
  • Entire vocal cord (245504003)
  • Entire vocal ligament of larynx (245506001)
  • Entire vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (279540000)
  • Entire vocalis muscle (244820007)
  • Entire vomer bone (272678009)
  • Entire vomeronasal organ (361346007)
  • Entire wall of hypopharynx (730124001)
  • Entire wall of oropharynx (730123007)
  • Eosinophilic mucin rhinosinusitis (100171000119109)
  • Eosinophilic nonallergic rhinitis (93447004)
  • Epidermoid cyst of vocal cord (232452002)
  • Epiglottic cartilage structure (24783007)
  • Epiglottic cytologic material (110907006)
  • Epiglottic lesion excision (274020000)
  • Epiglottidectomy (5119000)
  • Epiglottis not visible (416856001)
  • Epiglottis structure (61563008)
  • Epiglottis visible, vocal cords not visible (416668008)
  • Epiglottitis (80384002)
  • Epiglottopexy (232554003)
  • Epistaxis control by cryosurgery (287393001)
  • Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx (1255659007)
  • Error pattern diagnostic articulation test (84463001)
  • Erythema over frontal sinus (277243006)
  • Erythema over maxillary sinus (277240009)
  • Ethmoid sinus part (372180001)
  • Ethmoid sinus structure (54215007)
  • Ethmoid sinusectomy (31501000)
  • Ethmoid sinuses X-ray (168558000)
  • Ethmoidal sinusitis (18643000)
  • Ethmoidotomy (359555009)
  • Ethnic form of nose (249312002)
  • Evaluation of oral stage deglutition and pharyngeal stage deglutition (440369006)
  • Examination of larynx (164772003)
  • Examination of oropharynx under anesthetic (303625007)
  • Examination of pharynx (164771005)
  • Examination of pharynx under anesthetic (275163005)
  • Examination under anesthetic of postnasal space (275164004)
  • Excision adenoidal tags (70740009)
  • Excision of Reinke's edema (447983003)
  • Excision of Reinke's edema using laser (449432003)
  • Excision of bilateral vocal cord polyp (726491007)
  • Excision of concha bullosa (232484009)
  • Excision of contact ulcer of vocal cord (361247001)
  • Excision of cyst of epiglottis (447752008)
  • Excision of cyst of larynx (448460005)
  • Excision of cyst of vallecula of epiglottis (446693001)
  • Excision of cyst of vallecula of epiglottis using laser (447984009)
  • Excision of epidermoid cyst of vocal fold (232567000)
  • Excision of ethmoid sinus and nasal turbinate (447417004)
  • Excision of focal lesion of larynx (359701008)
  • Excision of frontal sinus and nasal turbinate (447140005)
  • Excision of intranasal lesion by external approach (69645004)
  • Excision of intubation granuloma of larynx (361248006)
  • Excision of laryngeal stenosis and insertion of stent (173005002)
  • Excision of lesion from frontal sinus (30184009)
  • Excision of lesion from sphenoid sinus (4671001)
  • Excision of lesion of adenoids (550007)
  • Excision of lesion of ethmoid sinus (44424007)
  • Excision of lesion of hypopharynx (232541005)
  • Excision of lesion of internal nose (232494004)
  • Excision of lesion of larynx (88623004)
  • Excision of lesion of larynx using laser (447985005)
  • Excision of lesion of larynx using lateral pharyngotomy as approach (172998003)
  • Excision of lesion of larynx using thyrotomy as approach (172997008)
  • Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus (43071001)
  • Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus by Caldwell-Luc approach (42316002)
  • Excision of lesion of nasal septum (265018006)
  • Excision of lesion of nasal sinus (53918005)
  • Excision of lesion of nasal turbinate (450344004)
  • Excision of lesion of nasopharynx (88961004)
  • Excision of lesion of oropharynx (232540006)
  • Excision of lesion of pharynx (3786007)
  • Excision of lesion of tonsil (494004)
  • Excision of lesion of tonsil and adenoid (708852007)
  • Excision of lesion of vocal cord (80067004)
  • Excision of lesion of vocal fold cover (232560003)
  • Excision of lesion of vocal ligament and Reinke's space (232564007)
  • Excision of leukoplakia of vocal cord (1231463009)
  • Excision of lingual tonsil (47823003)
  • Excision of medial part of maxilla and nasal turbinate (446240006)
  • Excision of mucosal bridge of vocal fold (232566009)
  • Excision of mucosal lesion of vocal cord (232561004)
  • Excision of mucous cyst of vocal cord (307944004)
  • Excision of mucous membrane of inferior maxillary sinus (713499001)
  • Excision of nasal sinus and nasal turbinate (447373006)
  • Excision of nodule of larynx (447652004)
  • Excision of nodule of larynx using laser (449449005)
  • Excision of nodule of vocal cord using laser (448034002)
  • Excision of pharyngeal bands (83755009)
  • Excision of pharyngeal pouch (232535003)
  • Excision of polyp of larynx (59687004)
  • Excision of polyp of larynx using laser (448035001)
  • Excision of polyp of vocal cord (1162557005)
  • Excision of sphenoid sinus and nasal turbinate (446854008)
  • Excision of sulcus vocalis (232565008)
  • Excision of tissue of pharynx (83356008)
  • Excision of tonsil tag (2171001)
  • Excision of tonsil, palatine arch and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (1145322008)
  • Excision of tooth from nasal sinus (32081007)
  • Excision of uvula and pharynx (71031009)
  • Excision of vocal cord nodule (232562006)
  • Excisional biopsy of larynx (51507009)
  • Exenteration of ethmoid air cells (13844007)
  • Expanded frontal sinus (249374006)
  • Expanded maxillary sinus (249371003)
  • Expiratory stridor (301287002)
  • Exploration of ethmoid sinus (359552007)
  • Extended ethmoidectomy (284446003)
  • Exteriorization of maxillary sinus (40328001)
  • External ethmoidectomy (172884005)
  • External frontoethmoidectomy (265026003)
  • External frontoethmosphenoidectomy (232506006)
  • External larynx finding (249430008)
  • External maxillary antrostomy (287417002)
  • Exudate on tonsils (301791008)
  • Exudative pharyngitis (126664009)
  • Facial sinus finding (271745005)
  • Factitious asthma (233690008)
  • Fauces clear (300272001)
  • Feeling of lump in throat (267103008)
  • Fetal epistaxis (1179365005)
  • Fiberoptic endoscopy of nasopharynx (447015000)
  • Fiberoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy (708742004)
  • Fibrinous chorditis (195854003)
  • Fibrosis of upper respiratory tract due to paracoccidioidomycosis (1163523005)
  • Finding of Cormack and Lehane grade (417149000)
  • Finding of Mallampati score (424296005)
  • Finding of adenoids (301203001)
  • Finding of appearance of larynx (301208005)
  • Finding of appearance of nasal mucosa (298003002)
  • Finding of appearance of pharynx (300271008)
  • Finding of appearance of tonsil (300278002)
  • Finding of color of nasal mucosa (301190002)
  • Finding of function of vocal cords (249451006)
  • Finding of mobility of arytenoid (306945008)
  • Finding of moistness of nasal mucosa (366663002)
  • Finding of nasal airway patency (366117007)
  • Finding of pharynx (116338005)
  • Finding of position of vocal cord at rest (366118002)
  • Finding of position of vocal cords on respiration (366119005)
  • Finding of posterior choanae (306964002)
  • Finding of sensation of larynx (301213009)
  • Finding of sensation of pharynx (300275004)
  • Finding of size of adenoids (366116003)
  • Finding of size of tonsil (249394002)
  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy of nasal fossae (431047004)
  • Fine needle biopsy of larynx (12552005)
  • Fine needle biopsy of nasal sinus (34456002)
  • First stage attachment of fixture for nasal prosthesis (711444000)
  • Fishbone in pharynx (300922007)
  • Fishing hook in pharynx (428743006)
  • Fistula of nasal sinus (195787006)
  • Fistulization of nasal sinus (112793004)
  • Fitting obturator of nasal septum (232480000)
  • Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy (49077009)
  • Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy (7750005)
  • Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with removal of foreign body (59306004)
  • Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with removal of lesion (82273001)
  • Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with stroboscopy (31988001)
  • Fluoroscopic laryngography (418507002)
  • Fluoroscopic pharyngography (419108008)
  • Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of nasopharynx (449219006)
  • Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of tonsil (449058008)
  • Follicular tonsillitis (27878001)
  • Folliculitis nares perforans (54865008)
  • Follow-up examination of nose and throat (28034009)
  • Foreign body in hypopharynx (517007)
  • Foreign body in larynx (19496008)
  • Foreign body in maxillary sinus (446851000)
  • Foreign body in nasal sinus (66050007)
  • Foreign body in nasopharynx (2245007)
  • Foreign body in nostril (33890007)
  • Foreign body in pharynx (25479004)
  • Foreign body in pharynx and larynx (211626006)
  • Foreign body in pyriform fossa (262605005)
  • Foreign body in tonsil (232424006)
  • Foreign body in upper respiratory tract (128518001)
  • Form of bridge of nose (249320000)
  • Form of nose (249309000)
  • Form of nostril (249335004)
  • Form of tip of nose (249325005)
  • Fracture of bone of nasal sinus (8550001000004107)
  • Fracture of ethmoid sinus (10859002)
  • Fracture of frontal sinus (76542006)
  • Fracture of larynx (32497008)
  • Fracture of left superior cornu of thyroid cartilage (1156390005)
  • Fracture of right superior cornu of thyroid cartilage (1156391009)
  • Fracture of superior cornu of thyroid cartilage (1156392002)
  • Fractured laryngeal cartilage (295723007)
  • Fractured nasal septum (232375005)
  • Frontal sinus pain (301357006)
  • Frontal sinus polyp (195759002)
  • Frontal sinus structure (55060009)
  • Frontal sinusectomy (618007)
  • Frontal sinuses X-ray (168559008)
  • Frontal sinusitis (78737005)
  • Frontal sinusotomy (75810001)
  • Frontal sinusotomy by intranasal approach (91250009)
  • Frontal sinusotomy with trephine (90240003)
  • Frontoethmoid sinus structure (306868000)
  • Frontoethmoidal sinus finding (249373000)
  • Fulguration of adenoid fossa (27381004)
  • Fulguration of tonsillar fossa (86809007)
  • Function of vocal cords (364040005)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (1220582003)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - anterior ethmoidectomy and frontal recess dissection (172924008)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - antrostomy via canine fossa (1222543005)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - antrostomy via inferior meatus (172927001)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - antrostomy via middle meatus (172926005)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - excisional surgery to middle turbinate (172928006)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - polypectomy of nasal sinus (401307002)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - posterior ethmoidectomy (315624003)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative division of adhesions (172931007)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative removal of polyps under local anesthetic (172930008)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative suction clearance under local anesthetic (172929003)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - sphenoethmoidectomy (315618009)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, limited (46546003)
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, total (31432002)
  • Functional reconstruction of internal nose (27967008)
  • Fungal sinusitis (104041000119108)
  • Furuncle of nasal cavity (414304001)
  • Furuncle of nasal septum (32179007)
  • Fusobacterial necrotizing tonsillitis (240444009)
  • Gangosa of yaws (24078009)
  • Gangrenous pharyngitis (72430001)
  • Gangrenous tonsillitis (652005)
  • Gastrointestinal contents in upper airway (426678007)
  • Giant cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (1255656000)
  • Giant cell carcinoma of larynx (1255654002)
  • Glandular fever pharyngitis (232401004)
  • Glass in pharynx (428137000)
  • Glomangiopericytoma of nasal sinus (830256002)
  • Glossopalatine ankylosis (717814004)
  • Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (43763009)
  • Glottis structure (1307006)
  • Gonorrhea of pharynx (74372003)
  • Grafting of nasal septum (68538002)
  • Granuloma of vocal cords (11316005)
  • Granulomatosis with polyangiitis of larynx (232460001)
  • Granulomatous epiglottitis (371103000)
  • Granulomatous nasal mucosa (277227004)
  • Granulomatous rhinitis (27356002)
  • Guillotine excision of bilateral tonsils (314121000)
  • Guillotine tonsillectomy (173425006)
  • Guillotine tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (173431009)
  • Gurgling (24436009)
  • Gustatory rhinitis (428868003)
  • Haemophilus influenzae epiglottitis (58576005)
  • Haemophilus influenzae laryngitis (41048006)
  • Haemophilus influenzae laryngotracheobronchitis (73414003)
  • Hard vocal nodules (959191000000102)
  • Harvesting of mucous membrane of nose (709107002)
  • Hay fever with asthma (233683003)
  • Healthy tonsils (276400009)
  • Hematoma of oropharynx (262668005)
  • Hematoma of pharynx (282455004)
  • Hemilaryngectomy (39309004)
  • Hemorrhage from adenoid bed (232371001)
  • Hemostasis of pharynx (172982005)
  • Herniated polyp of maxillary sinus (109360003)
  • Herpangina (186659004)
  • Holoprosencephaly co-occurrent with congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (890346002)
  • Howarth's operation (274968008)
  • Human papillomavirus infection of vocal cord (432381000)
  • Hyperemia of Little's area (830001007)
  • Hyperemia of bilateral palatine tonsils (829999002)
  • Hyperemia of pharynx (830000008)
  • Hyperemia of vocal cord (422636004)
  • Hyperemic nasal mucosa (277228009)
  • Hyperplasia of adenoids (39323002)
  • Hyperplasia of both palatine AND pharyngeal tonsils (40453004)
  • Hyperplasia of tonsils (49885004)
  • Hypertrophic laryngitis (17904003)
  • Hypertrophic pharyngitis (87326000)
  • Hypertrophic rhinitis (86287004)
  • Hypertrophy of adenoids (111591002)
  • Hypertrophy of both palatine AND pharyngeal tonsils (66622006)
  • Hypertrophy of lingual tonsil (418103007)
  • Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates (17467004)
  • Hypertrophy of tonsils (46689006)
  • Hypopharyngeal structure (81502006)
  • Iatrogenic perforation of pharynx (93560008)
  • Impaired abduction of vocal cord on respiration (306958009)
  • Impaired adduction of vocal cord on phonation (249453009)
  • Imperforate oropharynx, costovertebral anomalies syndrome (771185000)
  • Implant of inert material into vocal cords (185173003)
  • Implant of vocal cords (186160005)
  • Implantation of artificial voicebox into larynx (173006001)
  • Incision and drainage of peritonsillar abscess (392232002)
  • Incision and drainage of tonsil and peritonsillar structures (78819004)
  • Incision and exploration of frontonasal duct (61589008)
  • Incision and exploration of larynx (969009)
  • Incision of larynx (61561005)
  • Incision of left frontal sinus via transorbital approach (1055303009)
  • Incision of right frontal sinus via transorbital approach (1055304003)
  • Incision of tonsil (73610000)
  • Incisional biopsy of larynx (82658005)
  • Incompetence of nasal valve (427778008)
  • Incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus (229727006)
  • Incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to anatomical abnormality (229726002)
  • Incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to cleft palate (1281817009)
  • Incomplete closure of velopharyngeal apparatus due to neuromuscular dysfunction (232416001)
  • Incomplete ossification of vomer (93611005)
  • Incoordinate swallowing in newborn (276714005)
  • Indirect laryngoscopy (673005)
  • Indirect laryngoscopy with biopsy (87007003)
  • Indirect laryngoscopy with removal of foreign body (6745008)
  • Indirect laryngoscopy with removal of lesion (12780005)
  • Indirect laryngoscopy with vocal cord injection (83557003)
  • Infantile epiglottis (249462006)
  • Infantile hemangioma of subglottis (1010660001)
  • Infection of larynx (26941000119100)
  • Infection of mucous cyst of nasal sinus (444745000)
  • Infection of nasal cavity caused by Genus Candida (715593000)
  • Infection of oropharynx caused by Candida (1287345003)
  • Infection of pharynx caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (446594000)
  • Infection of the upper respiratory tract (155547007)
  • Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by Candida co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (719522009)
  • Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by fungus (716673006)
  • Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1240541000000107)
  • Infective laryngitis (312423006)
  • Infective pharyngitis (312422001)
  • Inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle structure (80461005)
  • Inferior meatal antrostomy (232499009)
  • Inferior nasal turbinate bone structure (118648008)
  • Inferior nasal turbinate structure (6553002)
  • Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle part (362921002)
  • Infestation of larynx caused by larva of order Diptera (788964000)
  • Infestation of nasopharynx caused by fly larvae (187222000)
  • Infiltrating duct carcinoma of oropharynx (1260088008)
  • Inflamed tonsils (281795003)
  • Inflammation of larynx caused by virus (441551009)
  • Inflammation of upper respiratory tract caused by fumes (846626006)
  • Inflammation of upper respiratory tract caused by vapors (846627002)
  • Inflammation of vocal cord (57713008)
  • Inflammatory disorder of upper respiratory tract (129134004)
  • Influenza with laryngitis (195923003)
  • Influenza with pharyngitis (195924009)
  • Influenzal acute upper respiratory infection (43692000)
  • Injection of adenoid (53600005)
  • Injection of botulinum toxin into vocalis muscle using electromyography guidance (1236985008)
  • Injection of botulinum toxin type A into nasal turbinate (1208697000)
  • Injection of corticosteroid and/or corticosteroid derivative into nasal turbinate (1208696009)
  • Injection of drug or medicament into nasal turbinate (1208699002)
  • Injection of larynx (32090000)
  • Injection of pharynx (112856002)
  • Injection of polytetrafluoroethylene into vocal cord (313174004)
  • Injection of steroid into lesion of larynx (307943005)
  • Injection of tonsil (39810004)
  • Injection of vocal cords (72916004)
  • Injury of head with rhinorrhagia (127276009)
  • Injury of larynx (125588009)
  • Injury of nasal cavity (285668009)
  • Injury of nasal cavity and sinuses (262670001)
  • Injury of nasal septum (282447006)
  • Injury of nasopharynx (285671001)
  • Injury of oropharynx (262664007)
  • Injury of pharynx (125591009)
  • Injury of sinus (282448001)
  • Injury of upper respiratory tract (125589001)
  • Insertion of Brighton epistaxis balloon (172821004)
  • Insertion of Guedel airway (225668003)
  • Insertion of esophageal tracheal combitube (429705000)
  • Insertion of esophageal tracheal double lumen supraglottic airway (427753009)
  • Insertion of intranasal splints (232491007)
  • Insertion of laryngeal keel (232572009)
  • Insertion of nasal septal prosthesis (25261001)
  • Insertion of nasal stent (1217384001)
  • Insertion of oropharyngeal airway (7443007)
  • Insertion of stent into frontal sinus (1236811008)
  • Insertion of throat pack (232695009)
  • Insertion of valved tube into larynx (9260006)
  • Inspiratory stridor (58596002)
  • Instillation of nasal spray (277265006)
  • Instillation of nose drops (277264005)
  • Interarytenoid fold structure (105585004)
  • Interarytenoid leukoplakia (249446000)
  • Intermittent asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (125021000119107)
  • Intermittent stridor (301826004)
  • Internal nose structure (53342003)
  • Intracapsular partial excision of bilateral tonsils (1255664006)
  • Intracavitary brachytherapy of nasopharynx (448168006)
  • Intractable diarrhea with choanal atresia and eye anomaly syndrome (720009004)
  • Intralaryngeal injection of botulinum toxin (232558000)
  • Intranasal anterior and posterior ethmoidectomy (172925009)
  • Intranasal antrostomy and biopsy of maxillary antrum (308442009)
  • Intranasal antrostomy and excision of lesion of maxillary antrum (308443004)
  • Intranasal biopsy (80250004)
  • Intranasal dacryocystorhinostomy (231630003)
  • Intranasal ethmoidectomy (172883004)
  • Intranasal frontal recess dissection (232508007)
  • Intranasal frontoethmoidectomy (232509004)
  • Intranasal frontoethmosphenoidectomy (232510009)
  • Intranasal phototherapy (782643005)
  • Intubation of larynx (66861000)
  • Invasive fungal sinusitis (429427008)
  • Inversion of pharyngeal pouch (232536002)
  • Irrigation by cannulation of maxillary sinus (59355008)
  • Irrigation by cannulation of sphenoid sinus (17488008)
  • Irrigation of bilateral maxillary sinuses (313301004)
  • Irrigation of maxillary antrum (303633008)
  • Irrigation of maxillary antrum using sublabial approach (172857009)
  • Irrigation of nasal passages (69378000)
  • Irrigation of nasal sinus (53496003)
  • Irrigation of pharynx (427282009)
  • Irritant rhinitis (61000119108)
  • Juvenile angiofibroma of nasopharynx (716590006)
  • Kartagener syndrome (42402006)
  • Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (698011002)
  • Laceration of hypopharynx (398314007)
  • Laceration of larynx (398098001)
  • Laceration of nasal septum (10872691000119105)
  • Laceration of nasal septum with complication (709458007)
  • Laceration of nasal sinus with complication (709459004)
  • Laceration of nasopharynx (398076005)
  • Laceration of oropharynx (262665008)
  • Laceration of pharynx (282452001)
  • Lack of ossification of vomer (93127002)
  • Large adenoids (276442006)
  • Large tonsils (249395001)
  • Laryngeal abductor paralysis with intellectual disability syndrome (724178000)
  • Laryngeal amyloidosis (232459006)
  • Laryngeal cartilage structure (36847003)
  • Laryngeal catheterization (35441003)
  • Laryngeal cavity structure (68584007)
  • Laryngeal cleft type 0 (1003440009)
  • Laryngeal cleft type I (306949002)
  • Laryngeal cleft type II (306950002)
  • Laryngeal cleft type III (306951003)
  • Laryngeal cleft type IV (306953000)
  • Laryngeal crepitus (249431007)
  • Laryngeal crepitus absent (301209002)
  • Laryngeal cytologic material (110908001)
  • Laryngeal diphtheria (50215002)
  • Laryngeal dysfunction (813831000000106)
  • Laryngeal dystonia (3331000119108)
  • Laryngeal function studies (16020002)
  • Laryngeal granuloma (72211003)
  • Laryngeal hemiplegia (84160009)
  • Laryngeal hypoplasia (253736003)
  • Laryngeal injury due to birth trauma (240316007)
  • Laryngeal intubation for inhalation (182709001)
  • Laryngeal joint finding (313144007)
  • Laryngeal mask airway insertion (424979004)
  • Laryngeal mobility limited following radiotherapy (419469006)
  • Laryngeal muscle structure (36514000)
  • Laryngeal obstruction due to supraglottitis (36491000119101)
  • Laryngeal pachydermia (195866009)
  • Laryngeal papillomatosis (232457008)
  • Laryngeal part (119196003)
  • Laryngeal prominence structure (44935009)
  • Laryngeal reinnervation by neuromuscular pedicle (112797003)
  • Laryngeal sarcoidosis (232458003)
  • Laryngeal scar (249432000)
  • Laryngeal skeletal structure (279506000)
  • Laryngeal spasm (406444002)
  • Laryngeal stridor (773117009)
  • Laryngeal stroboscopy (252572002)
  • Laryngeal structure (4596009)
  • Laryngeal ventriculectomy (35649009)
  • Laryngeal ventriculocordectomy (20122002)
  • Laryngeal web (297159008)
  • Laryngectomy (72791001)
  • Laryngectomy scar (249433005)
  • Laryngectomy specimen (309183009)
  • Laryngismus (53787002)
  • Laryngitis (45913009)
  • Laryngitis due to gastroesophageal reflux (427780002)
  • Laryngitis sicca (59454008)
  • Laryngocentesis (78224006)
  • Laryngoesophagectomy (83101004)
  • Laryngofissure and cordectomy of vocal cord (172991009)
  • Laryngologic examination under general anesthesia (45726002)
  • Laryngomalacia (38086007)
  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux (414581006)
  • Laryngopharyngectomy (60041003)
  • Laryngopharyngoesophagectomy with radical neck dissection and synchronous thyroidectomy (27210007)
  • Laryngoplasty for laryngeal stenosis with graft (45353001)
  • Laryngoplasty with cricoid split (45819007)
  • Laryngoplasty with open reduction of fracture (61052000)
  • Laryngoscopic biopsy larynx (274317003)
  • Laryngoscopic vocal cord polypectomy (308029000)
  • Laryngoscopy (28760000)
  • Laryngoscopy and biopsy of lesion of larynx (1220604008)
  • Laryngoscopy to remove object (274414006)
  • Laryngostomy (66072009)
  • Laryngotomy with removal of congenital laryngocele (55251006)
  • Laryngotomy with removal of tumor (16180003)
  • Laryngotracheal reconstruction using cartilage graft (173003009)
  • Laryngotracheal resection (116164007)
  • Laryngotracheitis (55130001)
  • Laryngotracheobronchitis (85915003)
  • Laryngotracheobronchoscopy (54057009)
  • Laryngotracheobronchoscopy with biopsy (59046001)
  • Laryngotracheomalacia (308232009)
  • Laryngotracheoplasty (232547009)
  • Laryngotracheotomy (8917003)
  • Larynx biopsy specimen (309182004)
  • Larynx closure (119726002)
  • Larynx feature (364037005)
  • Larynx finding (271748007)
  • Larynx manipulation (107818000)
  • Larynx normal (301225007)
  • Larynx present (301207000)
  • Larynx reconstruction (119727006)
  • Laser assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (307922009)
  • Laser excision of bilateral tonsils (173426007)
  • Lateral pharyngotomy (309727002)
  • Lavage of nasal sinus through natural ostium (72202003)
  • Left ethmoid sinus structure (44355002)
  • Left faucial tonsil structure (15058008)
  • Left frontal sinus structure (79535005)
  • Left maxillary sinus structure (2695000)
  • Left sphenoid sinus structure (48498009)
  • Left vocal cord structure (53824000)
  • Lengthening of bilateral sides of nasal columella (232471000)
  • Lengthening of left side of nasal columella (1119424007)
  • Lengthening of right side of nasal columella (1119425008)
  • Lesion of hypopharynx (699209008)
  • Lesion of larynx (301210007)
  • Lesion of nasal cavity (751960361000119108)
  • Lesion of nasal mucosa (298004008)
  • Lesion of nasopharynx (699210003)
  • Lesion of oropharynx (33431000119109)
  • Lesion of pharynx (71741000112102)
  • Lesion of vocal cord (301218000)
  • Leukoplakia of larynx (73659001)
  • Leukoplakia of vocal cords (71086005)
  • Ligation of ethmoid artery (172813005)
  • Ligation of external carotid artery for nasal hemorrhage (46912008)
  • Ligation of sphenopalatine artery (450508005)
  • Lingual tonsil structure (2048000)
  • Lingular tonsillitis (195804009)
  • Lymphangioma of larynx (866113004)
  • Lymphedema, posterior choanal atresia syndrome (1204421005)
  • Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260089000)
  • Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of larynx (1260090009)
  • Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx (1260091008)
  • Lymphoid follicles on posterior wall of pharynx (249399007)
  • Lymphonodular coxsackie pharyngitis (240547000)
  • Lysis of adhesions of choanae of nasopharynx (27271000)
  • Lysis of adhesions of larynx (32368006)
  • Lysis of adhesions of pharynx (35371005)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of larynx (241612008)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of larynx with contrast (432542001)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of nasal sinuses with contrast (432368007)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of nasopharynx (241610000)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of nasopharynx with contrast (709580008)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of nasopharynx without contrast (16321411000119100)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of paranasal sinuses (241609005)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of paranasal sinuses without contrast (406571000119104)
  • Malignant epithelial neoplasm of hypopharynx (448665005)
  • Malignant epithelial neoplasm of nasal cavity (448990005)
  • Malignant epithelial neoplasm of nasal septum (449417005)
  • Malignant epithelial neoplasm of oropharynx (448214005)
  • Malignant epithelial neoplasm of pharynx (449254004)
  • Malignant epithelial neoplasm of pyriform fossa (1141621000)
  • Malignant melanoma of accessory sinus (707350007)
  • Malignant melanoma of ethmoid sinus (698285005)
  • Malignant melanoma of frontal sinus (707361004)
  • Malignant melanoma of maxillary sinus (698288007)
  • Malignant melanoma of nasal cavity (698040004)
  • Malignant melanoma of palatine arch (698044008)
  • Malignant melanoma of sphenoidal sinus (707362006)
  • Malignant neoplasm of anterior epiglottis (187681002)
  • Malignant neoplasm of arytenoid cartilage (187843009)
  • Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue dorsal surface (187631006)
  • Malignant neoplasm of cricoid cartilage (187844003)
  • Malignant neoplasm of cuneiform cartilage (187845002)
  • Malignant neoplasm of epiglottis, free border (187682009)
  • Malignant neoplasm of floor of nasopharynx (187701005)
  • Malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold (187683004)
  • Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis (187685006)
  • Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx (448868009)
  • Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities, middle ear and accessory sinuses (187828007)
  • Malignant neoplasm of nasal conchae (187830009)
  • Malignant neoplasm of nasopharyngeal wall (240163000)
  • Malignant neoplasm of pharynx (363507003)
  • Malignant neoplasm of posterior pharynx (187709007)
  • Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx (709031009)
  • Malignant neoplasm of thyroid cartilage (187846001)
  • Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract (449066004)
  • Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified (573631000000101)
  • Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified (187895001)
  • Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified (190094002)
  • Malignant tumor aryepiglottic fold - hypopharyngeal aspect (187708004)
  • Malignant tumor of Waldeyer's ring (187716008)
  • Malignant tumor of adenoid (187694000)
  • Malignant tumor of anterior commissure (254509006)
  • Malignant tumor of anterior pillar of fauces (254459004)
  • Malignant tumor of anterior wall of nasopharynx (187700006)
  • Malignant tumor of aryepiglottic fold - laryngeal aspect (363487003)
  • Malignant tumor of base of tongue (363376007)
  • Malignant tumor of ethmoid sinus (363426009)
  • Malignant tumor of false cord (363488008)
  • Malignant tumor of frontal sinus (363427000)
  • Malignant tumor of glottis (187841006)
  • Malignant tumor of hypopharynx (363399006)
  • Malignant tumor of inferior surface of soft palate (254503007)
  • Malignant tumor of inferior turbinate (254478004)
  • Malignant tumor of infrahyoid epiglottis (254520006)
  • Malignant tumor of junctional zone of tongue (187644001)
  • Malignant tumor of laryngeal cartilage (363431006)
  • Malignant tumor of laryngeal ventricle (254526000)
  • Malignant tumor of larynx (363429002)
  • Malignant tumor of lateral nasal wall (255075004)
  • Malignant tumor of lateral wall of nasopharynx (363398003)
  • Malignant tumor of lingual tonsil (363377003)
  • Malignant tumor of maxillary sinus (363425008)
  • Malignant tumor of middle turbinate (254481009)
  • Malignant tumor of nasal cavity (363422006)
  • Malignant tumor of nasal cavity and nasopharynx (255074000)
  • Malignant tumor of nasal septum (363423001)
  • Malignant tumor of nasal sinuses (363506007)
  • Malignant tumor of nasal vestibule (187831008)
  • Malignant tumor of nasopharynx (187692001)
  • Malignant tumor of oropharynx (363392002)
  • Malignant tumor of pharyngeal recess (187697007)
  • Malignant tumor of postcricoid region (363400004)
  • Malignant tumor of posterior commissure (254513004)
  • Malignant tumor of posterior margin of nasal septum and choanae (254484001)
  • Malignant tumor of posterior wall of hypopharynx (303012000)
  • Malignant tumor of posterior wall of nasopharynx (187693006)
  • Malignant tumor of posterior wall of oropharynx (187688008)
  • Malignant tumor of pyriform fossa (363401000)
  • Malignant tumor of sphenoid sinus (363428005)
  • Malignant tumor of subglottis (363430007)
  • Malignant tumor of supraglottis (187842004)
  • Malignant tumor of suprahyoid epiglottis (254517003)
  • Malignant tumor of tonsil (363393007)
  • Malignant tumor of tonsillar fossa (363394001)
  • Malignant tumor of tonsillar pillar (187675005)
  • Malignant tumor of vallecula (363395000)
  • Malignant tumor of vocal cord (363486007)
  • Mallampati class I (425247007)
  • Mallampati class II (424694002)
  • Mallampati class III (424915003)
  • Mallampati class IV (424397003)
  • Mallampati grade (277388005)
  • Mallampati score not assessable (424555008)
  • Manipulation of accessory sinus (21320005)
  • Manipulation of adenoid (66175009)
  • Manipulation of displaced nasal septum (53341005)
  • Manipulation of tonsil (52473006)
  • Marsupialization of abscess of nasopharynx (708588008)
  • Marsupialization of abscess of pharynx (708587003)
  • Marsupialization of cyst of larynx (53580003)
  • Marsupialization of pharyngeal cyst (232542003)
  • Mass of nasal sinus (93751000119100)
  • Mass of nasopharynx (429429006)
  • Mass of palatine tonsil (450878002)
  • Mass of pharynx (71731000112108)
  • Mass of vallecula of epiglottis (540961000124102)
  • Mass of vocal cord (540901000124103)
  • Maternal perinatal epistaxis (1179366006)
  • Maxillary antrectomy (23411009)
  • Maxillary antrotomy by external approach (28813001)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy (126063004)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with biopsy (67949002)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of cyst (69394007)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of foreign body (23054008)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of fungus ball (64145001)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of mucous membrane (41535000)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of mucous membrane and polyps (15774007)
  • Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of polyps (74321007)
  • Maxillary sinus finding (249370002)
  • Maxillary sinus pain (301356002)
  • Maxillary sinus structure (15924003)
  • Maxillary sinuses X-ray (168560003)
  • Maxillary sinusitis (88348008)
  • Maxillary sinusotomy (410755003)
  • Maxillary sinusotomy by Caldwell-Luc approach (410754004)
  • Maxillary sinusotomy by intranasal approach (33939007)
  • Maxillectomy with orbital exenteration (12072005)
  • Measure of nose (364036001)
  • Medial maxillectomy (426456009)
  • Median drainage of frontal sinus (427270000)
  • Meningococcal pharyngitis (232402006)
  • Metal foreign body in pharynx (427743008)
  • Metastatic adenoid cystic carcinoma to oropharynx (1254724005)
  • Metastatic basaloid squamous cell carcinoma to nasopharynx (1263786003)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to base of tongue (1237487004)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to dorsal surface of base of tongue (1236947005)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to glottis (1237495000)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to larynx (1251491008)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to lingual tonsil (1236960004)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to nasopharynx (1269122003)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to subglottis (1237496004)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to supraglottis (1237497008)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to tonsil (1237489001)
  • Metastatic carcinoma to vocal cord (1237523004)
  • Metastatic keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma to nasopharynx (1264066001)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to Waldeyer's ring (94682004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to accessory sinus (94155008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to adenoid (94158005)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to anterior aspect of epiglottis (94166001)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to anterior wall of nasopharynx (94170009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to base of tongue (94184004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to epiglottis (94284007)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to ethmoidal sinus (94288005)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to false vocal cord (94296000)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to frontal sinus (94310008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to glottis (94318001)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (94332004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (94333009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to hypopharynx (94334003)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to junctional region of epiglottis (94358004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to junctional zone of tongue (94359007)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (94366008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (94367004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to laryngeal commissure (94368009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to laryngeal surface of epiglottis (94369001)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to larynx (94370000)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to lateral wall of nasopharynx (94372008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to lateral wall of oropharynx (94373003)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to lingual tonsil (94379004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to maxillary sinus (94406009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to nasal cavity (94436000)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to nasal concha (94437009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to nasopharyngeal wall (242862004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to nasopharynx (241861008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to oropharynx (94454001)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to pharynx (94488007)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to postcricoid region (94495003)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to posterior hypopharyngeal wall (94496002)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to posterior wall of nasopharynx (94498001)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to posterior wall of oropharynx (94499009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to pyriform sinus (94507002)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to septum of nose (94534004)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to sphenoidal sinus (94599006)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to subglottis (94607007)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to superior wall of nasopharynx (94613003)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to supraglottis (94616006)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to tonsil (94458003)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to tonsillar fossa (94639000)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to tonsillar pillar (94640003)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to upper respiratory tract (94656008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to vallecula (94670008)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to vestibule of nose (94677006)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to vocal cord (94679009)
  • Metastatic malignant neoplasm to vomer (94680007)
  • Metastatic undifferentiated carcinoma to nasal sinus (1268392005)
  • Metastatic undifferentiated carcinoma to nasopharynx (1268393000)
  • Microbiota of oropharynx normal (30991000087103)
  • Microcornea with glaucoma and absent frontal sinus syndrome (716166002)
  • Microlaryngoscopic vocal cord polypectomy (308030005)
  • Microlaryngoscopy (173035009)
  • Microlaryngoscopy and biopsy (1204345008)
  • Microlaryngoscopy and bronchoscopy (232580002)
  • Microsurgery of larynx (6511000179106)
  • Microsurgery of larynx using tungsten microelectrode (6521000179101)
  • Microtherapeutic endoscopic excision of lesion of larynx (448769007)
  • Microtherapeutic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of larynx using laser (173019002)
  • Microtherapeutic endoscopic operations on larynx (173018005)
  • Middle meatal antrostomy (232500000)
  • Middle nasal meatus structure (87818004)
  • Middle nasal turbinate bone structure (122491002)
  • Middle nasal turbinate structure (60962000)
  • Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle part (362920001)
  • Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle structure (66138004)
  • Mild persistent asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (125011000119100)
  • Mild persistent asthma controlled co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10676111000119102)
  • Mild persistent asthma uncontrolled co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10676231000119102)
  • Mirror-clouding test (54996000)
  • Mixed rhinitis (428869006)
  • Mobility of arytenoid (364042002)
  • Mobilization of laryngeal structure (229430003)
  • Moderate persistent asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (125001000119103)
  • Moderate persistent asthma uncontrolled co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10676671000119102)
  • Moderate persistent controlled asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10676591000119100)
  • Mouth breathing (77329001)
  • Mouth breathing due to nasal obstruction (110290008)
  • Mucinous adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1260058004)
  • Mucocele of ethmoid sinus (1148566005)
  • Mucocele of frontal sinus (1148565009)
  • Mucocele of maxillary sinus (14110001000004108)
  • Mucocele of nasal cavity (737179007)
  • Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260063000)
  • Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of oropharynx (1260061003)
  • Mucosal anosmia (230503008)
  • Mucosal bridge of vocal cord (232451009)
  • Mucous cyst of nasal sinus (195825009)
  • Mucous cyst of vocal cord (232453007)
  • Multiple injuries of internal nose (34771000087109)
  • Muscle structure of pharynx (60494004)
  • Musculoskeletal structure of larynx (314779008)
  • Mycoplasmal pharyngitis (95885008)
  • Myoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx (1255661003)
  • Narrow nostril (249339005)
  • Narrow pharyngeal airway (21811000119104)
  • Nasal air flow (251362004)
  • Nasal airway feature (364035002)
  • Nasal airway finding (249342004)
  • Nasal airway patency (251371008)
  • Nasal airway patent (251372001)
  • Nasal aspirate specimen (429931000124105)
  • Nasal cavity over-patent (249343009)
  • Nasal cavity structure (279549004)
  • Nasal ciliary beat frequency (251369008)
  • Nasal columella lengthening operation (315312002)
  • Nasal congestion (68235000)
  • Nasal decrusting (277263004)
  • Nasal deviation, cartilage (249318003)
  • Nasal endoscopy with maxillary antrostomy (65795004)
  • Nasal endoscopy with nasal polypectomy (10489002)
  • Nasal endoscopy with partial ethmoidectomy (72841005)
  • Nasal endoscopy with total ethmoidectomy (112792009)
  • Nasal flaring (248568003)
  • Nasal fluid (410582009)
  • Nasal fluid specimen (168141000)
  • Nasal glial heterotopia (5645008)
  • Nasal laryngoscopy (232670008)
  • Nasal lavage fluid specimen (16224371000119105)
  • Nasal meatus structure (14625008)
  • Nasal mucociliary clearance measure (252558006)
  • Nasal mucosa boggy (277221003)
  • Nasal mucosa dry (42201002)
  • Nasal mucosa edematous (19452008)
  • Nasal mucosa finding (249353005)
  • Nasal mucosa moist (276413003)
  • Nasal obstruction (232209000)
  • Nasal occlusion test of exhalatory efficiency (112227006)
  • Nasal packing for control of hemorrhage (274491002)
  • Nasal peak air flow (251363009)
  • Nasal peak inspiratory air flow (251364003)
  • Nasal polyp specimen (309179009)
  • Nasal potential difference test (445212008)
  • Nasal pressure (251365002)
  • Nasal resistance (251367005)
  • Nasal saccharin transit time (251368000)
  • Nasal septal adhesions (313255002)
  • Nasal septal caudal dislocation (249358001)
  • Nasal septal granuloma (249360004)
  • Nasal septal hematoma (232377002)
  • Nasal septal polypectomy (307723009)
  • Nasal septal spur (249359009)
  • Nasal septoplasty (13529000)
  • Nasal septoplasty with graft (53610001)
  • Nasal septoplasty with submucous resection of nasal septum (736512006)
  • Nasal septotomy (56023004)
  • Nasal septum finding (249357006)
  • Nasal septum structure (68426009)
  • Nasal sinus contents specimen (16223051000119101)
  • Nasal sinus endoscopy (112790001)
  • Nasal sinus fluid (410583004)
  • Nasal sinus obstruction (371126007)
  • Nasal sinus osteoma (232398002)
  • Nasal sinus problem (301202006)
  • Nasal sinus procedure (373657001)
  • Nasal sinus puncture (287386000)
  • Nasal sinus puncture and irrigation (287375002)
  • Nasal sinus structure (2095001)
  • Nasal sinuses normal (301201004)
  • Nasal syphilis (232367004)
  • Nasal turbinate absent (277229001)
  • Nasal turbinate bone structure (118647003)
  • Nasal turbinate finding (249355003)
  • Nasal turbinate part (372201007)
  • Nasal turbinate structure (46607005)
  • Nasal vestibulitis (23714000)
  • Nasal vibration test (80559004)
  • Nasal washings (433871000124101)
  • Nasality test (30975008)
  • Nasopharyngeal airway insertion (182692007)
  • Nasopharyngeal aspirate (258411007)
  • Nasopharyngeal biopsy specimen (309180007)
  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (449248000)
  • Nasopharyngeal cytologic material (110905003)
  • Nasopharyngeal diphtheria (75589004)
  • Nasopharyngeal fascioliasis (420706008)
  • Nasopharyngeal linguatulosis (72369006)
  • Nasopharyngeal rehabilitation (1774000)
  • Nasopharyngeal sarcoidosis (234528007)
  • Nasopharyngeal stenosis (232372008)
  • Nasopharyngeal structure (71836000)
  • Nasopharyngeal suction (232701003)
  • Nasopharyngeal swab (258500001)
  • Nasopharyngeal wall structure (33539000)
  • Nasopharyngeal washings (258467004)
  • Nasopharyngitis (51476001)
  • Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (450918007)
  • Nasopharyngoscopy (82941002)
  • Nasopharynx closure (119710003)
  • Nasopharynx destructive procedure (119715008)
  • Nasopharynx excision (119704003)
  • Nasopharynx finding (249362007)
  • Nasopharynx incision (119703009)
  • Nasopharynx injection (119708000)
  • Nasopharynx manipulation (119719002)
  • Nasopharynx normal (301206009)
  • Nasopharynx reconstruction (119713001)
  • Near-total laryngectomy (232544002)
  • Necrosis of larynx (13087006)
  • Necrosis of nasal septum (26299000)
  • Necrosis of nasal turbinates (95432005)
  • Necrotic rhinitis (9312005)
  • Neonatal epistaxis (722922001)
  • Neonatal hypotonia of hypopharynx (722916005)
  • Neonatal mass of hypopharynx (723111007)
  • Neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring (127226007)
  • Neoplasm of accessory sinus (126675008)
  • Neoplasm of adenoid (127228008)
  • Neoplasm of anterior aspect of epiglottis (126813005)
  • Neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx (126684008)
  • Neoplasm of base of tongue (126779009)
  • Neoplasm of epiglottis (126699008)
  • Neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus (126677000)
  • Neoplasm of false vocal cord (126698000)
  • Neoplasm of frontal sinus (126678005)
  • Neoplasm of glottis (126693009)
  • Neoplasm of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (126690007)
  • Neoplasm of hypopharynx (126686005)
  • Neoplasm of junctional region of epiglottis (126814004)
  • Neoplasm of junctional zone of tongue (126786001)
  • Neoplasm of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (126701008)
  • Neoplasm of laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (126702001)
  • Neoplasm of laryngeal commissure (126694003)
  • Neoplasm of laryngeal surface of epiglottis (126700009)
  • Neoplasm of larynx (126692004)
  • Neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx (126683002)
  • Neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx (126815003)
  • Neoplasm of lingual tonsil (127229000)
  • Neoplasm of maxillary sinus (126676009)
  • Neoplasm of nasal cavity (126670003)
  • Neoplasm of nasal concha (126674007)
  • Neoplasm of nasal vestibule (254485000)
  • Neoplasm of nasopharynx (126680004)
  • Neoplasm of oropharynx (126809003)
  • Neoplasm of palatine tonsil (127227003)
  • Neoplasm of pharynx (126685009)
  • Neoplasm of postcricoid region (126687001)
  • Neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall (126691006)
  • Neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx (126682007)
  • Neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx (126816002)
  • Neoplasm of pyriform sinus (126688006)
  • Neoplasm of septum of nose (126672006)
  • Neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus (126679002)
  • Neoplasm of subglottis (126696001)
  • Neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx (126681000)
  • Neoplasm of supraglottis (126697005)
  • Neoplasm of tonsillar fossa (126810008)
  • Neoplasm of tonsillar pillar (126811007)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of Waldeyer's ring (95184009)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of accessory sinus (94724005)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of adenoid (94727003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of anterior aspect of epiglottis (94735000)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of anterior wall of nasopharynx (94739006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of aryepiglottic fold (189417009)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of arytenoid cartilage (189414002)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of base of tongue (94752001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of corniculate cartilage (189415001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cricoid cartilage (189412003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cuneiform cartilage (189416000)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of epiglottis (94824004)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ethmoidal sinus (94827006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of false vocal cord (94835009)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of frontal sinus (94848008)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of glottis (94856006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (94869005)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (94870006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of hypopharynx (94871005)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of junctional region of epiglottis (94887008)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of junctional zone of tongue (94888003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (94895007)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (94896008)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of laryngeal commissure (94897004)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of laryngeal surface of epiglottis (94898009)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx (94899001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lateral wall of nasopharynx (94901005)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lateral wall of oropharynx (94902003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lingual tonsil (94908004)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of maxillary sinus (94929008)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of nasal cavity (94957001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of nasal concha (94958006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of nasopharynx (94959003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oropharynx (94973007)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pharynx (95001001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of postcricoid region (95007002)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of posterior hypopharyngeal wall (95008007)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of posterior wall of nasopharynx (95010009)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of posterior wall of oropharynx (95011008)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pyriform sinus (95018002)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of septum of nose (95042003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of sphenoidal sinus (95107000)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of subglottis (95115002)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of superior wall of nasopharynx (95118000)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of supraglottis (95120002)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of thyroid cartilage (189410006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tonsil (94977008)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tonsillar fossa (95142001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tonsillar pillar (95143006)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of upper respiratory tract (95158003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vallecula of epiglottis (95172007)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vestibule of nose (95179003)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vocal cord (95181001)
  • Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of vomer (95182008)
  • Neoplasm of upper respiratory tract (126668007)
  • Neoplasm of vallecula (126812000)
  • Neoplasm of vocal cord (126695002)
  • Neoplasm of vomer (126549004)
  • Neuralgia of left glossopharyngeal nerve (16057351000119103)
  • Neuralgia of right glossopharyngeal nerve (16057391000119108)
  • Neuroendocrine neoplasm of larynx (707625001)
  • No view of nasopharynx (301205008)
  • No view of vocal cords (249437006)
  • Nodule of nasal cavity (450879005)
  • Nodule of suprahyoid region (448568001)
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of nasopharynx (448371005)
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of tonsil (449292003)
  • Non-allergic rhinitis (311000119101)
  • Non-infective non-allergic rhinitis (232345000)
  • Non-surgical adenoid biopsy (287470008)
  • Non-surgical fauces biopsy (287471007)
  • Non-surgical pharynx biopsy (287469007)
  • Non-surgical tonsil biopsy (287472000)
  • Nonkeratinizing carcinoma of the nasopharynx (707705008)
  • Normal flora of pharynx (1003772006)
  • Normal sized tonsils (300279005)
  • Normal subglottis (301224006)
  • Normal supraglottis (301216001)
  • Normal tonsil (827033008)
  • Normal vocal cord movement (301221003)
  • Normal vocal cords (301222005)
  • Nose and throat examination (27032005)
  • Nose breathing (313293007)
  • Nose feature (364030007)
  • Nose incised - turbinotomy (287396009)
  • Obligatory mouth breathing (110289004)
  • Obliteration of frontal sinus (232513006)
  • Obliteration of maxillary sinus (14545007)
  • Obstruction of larynx (61169001)
  • Obstruction of pharynx caused by food (865890009)
  • Obstruction of pharynx caused by foreign body (865891008)
  • Obstruction of respiratory tract caused by bean in nose (1231586000)
  • Obstruction of respiratory tract caused by eraser in nose (1231591004)
  • Obstruction of respiratory tract caused by foreign body in nose (1231587009)
  • Obstruction of respiratory tract caused by marble in nose (1231589007)
  • Obstruction of respiratory tract caused by toy in nose (1231585001)
  • Obstructive rhinitis (40988009)
  • Obstructive sinusitis (371127003)
  • Occlusion of nostril (232469000)
  • Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (77097004)
  • Oculopharyngodistal myopathy (763829004)
  • Olfactory neuroblastoma (422886007)
  • Oncocytic carcinoma of oropharynx (1260069001)
  • Open - laryngectomy incision (261439000)
  • Open - laryngofissure (261440003)
  • Open biopsy of lesion of larynx (173012006)
  • Open biopsy of lesion of pharynx (271408003)
  • Open biopsy of lesion of postnasal space (275191002)
  • Open biopsy of nasal sinus (735399006)
  • Open cricothyroidotomy (232692007)
  • Open destruction of lesion of larynx (172999006)
  • Open division, cricoarytenoid ligament (209739006)
  • Open division, cricothyroid ligament (209740008)
  • Open division, thyroid cartilage ligament (209741007)
  • Open division, thyroid region ligament (209738003)
  • Open excision of lesion of pharynx (172958000)
  • Open extirpation of lesion of larynx (172996004)
  • Open fracture of frontal sinus (11304481000119100)
  • Open fracture of larynx (14457000)
  • Open fracture of thyroid cartilage (208131008)
  • Open rhinoseptoplasty (704040006)
  • Open silastic insert to vocal cord (310657004)
  • Open traumatic dislocation laryngeal cartilage (209130002)
  • Open traumatic subluxation laryngeal cartilage (209226006)
  • Open wound of larynx (210385007)
  • Open wound of larynx and trachea (269167000)
  • Open wound of larynx and trachea with complication (269168005)
  • Open wound of larynx with complication (87947007)
  • Open wound of larynx with trachea without complication (82428005)
  • Open wound of larynx without complication (38357003)
  • Open wound of nasal cavity (210328006)
  • Open wound of nasal cavity with complication (60716000)
  • Open wound of nasal cavity without complication (75769002)
  • Open wound of nasal septum (210327001)
  • Open wound of nasal septum with complication (46766009)
  • Open wound of nasal septum without complication (68279002)
  • Open wound of nasal sinus (210329003)
  • Open wound of nasal sinus with complication (67543006)
  • Open wound of nasal sinus without complication (8047003)
  • Open wound of pharynx (210395000)
  • Open wound of pharynx with complication (72061003)
  • Open wound of pharynx without complication (964004)
  • Operation for lesion of internal nose (232493005)
  • Operation for voice pitch change (232556001)
  • Operation on accessory sinus (112788002)
  • Operation on adenoids (36681006)
  • Operation on cricopharyngeus muscle (425777002)
  • Operation on frontoethmoidal sinuses (232504009)
  • Operation on hypopharynx (27879009)
  • Operation on internal nose (232474008)
  • Operation on larynx (387636004)
  • Operation on maxillary antrum (232496002)
  • Operation on nasal septum (5781000)
  • Operation on nasal turbinate (172801000)
  • Operation on nasopharynx (67818008)
  • Operation on oropharynx (5282006)
  • Operation on pharyngeal pouch (265033003)
  • Operation on pharynx (23136006)
  • Operation on pyriform sinus (41853000)
  • Operation on sphenoid sinus (172892001)
  • Operation on tonsils (385450002)
  • Operation on upper respiratory tract (14354006)
  • Operation on vocal cord (73018006)
  • Operations on frontal sinus (172880001)
  • Operations on maxillary antrum using sublabial approach (172855001)
  • Operations on tonsil and adenoid (232522007)
  • Operative procedure on tonsils AND/OR adenoids (108003002)
  • Opitz-Frias syndrome (81771002)
  • Oroantral communication (1156269004)
  • Oroantral fistula (109675004)
  • Oronasal fistula (370485008)
  • Oropharyngeal aspirate (258412000)
  • Oropharyngeal blind suction (232700002)
  • Oropharyngeal dysphagia (71457002)
  • Oropharyngeal foreign body (262604009)
  • Oropharyngeal mucositis (126665005)
  • Oropharyngeal structure (31389004)
  • Oropharyngeal suction under direct vision (232699003)
  • Oropharyngeal suctioning (84856008)
  • Oropharyngeal washings (1149105007)
  • Osteoplastic frontal flap operation (172886007)
  • Osteoplasty of frontal sinus (428894007)
  • Other acute upper respiratory infections (603141000000104)
  • Other acute upper respiratory infections (195704001)
  • Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract (581971000000102)
  • Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract (195822007)
  • Other upper respiratory infections of multiple sites (645631000000105)
  • Other upper respiratory infections of multiple sites (195710001)
  • Other upper respiratory tract disease NOS (633631000000108)
  • Other upper respiratory tract disease NOS (195876007)
  • Other upper respiratory tract diseases (621041000000107)
  • Other upper respiratory tract diseases (195750003)
  • Other upper respiratory tract diseases NOS (195874005)
  • Other upper respiratory tract diseases NOS (636511000000109)
  • Overhanging epiglottis (306943001)
  • Overlapping malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses (109366009)
  • Overlapping malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx (109368005)
  • Overlapping malignant neoplasm of larynx (109369002)
  • Overlapping malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx (109367000)
  • Overlapping malignant neoplasm of oropharynx (109832008)
  • Overlapping malignant neoplasm of tonsil (110013004)
  • Overlapping squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707628004)
  • Overlapping squamous cell carcinoma of laryngeal cartilage (707430007)
  • Overlapping squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707429002)
  • Overlapping squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (707529004)
  • Ozena (69646003)
  • Ozena laryngis (54287007)
  • Pack in nasal cavity (249352000)
  • Packing for postoperative bleeding from tonsillar bed (310401004)
  • Packing of anterior nasal cavity (365958005)
  • Packing of cavity of nose (172819009)
  • Packing of nasal cavity and nasopharynx (232489004)
  • Packing of nose for anterior epistaxis (242906003)
  • Packing of posterior nasal cavity (11095004)
  • Packing procedures to nose and nasopharynx (232488007)
  • Packing sinus (225122002)
  • Pain in throat (162397003)
  • Palatal myoclonus (9366002)
  • Palatine arch structure (21294006)
  • Palatine tonsillar structure (75573002)
  • Palatopharyngeal incoordination (232415002)
  • Palatopharyngoplasty (252612003)
  • Pale nasal mucosa (277222005)
  • Pansinusitis (195790000)
  • Papillary adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1260067004)
  • Papillary squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260074009)
  • Papillary squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (1260073003)
  • Papillary squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (870327007)
  • Papillary squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (1254803009)
  • Papilloma of nasal vestibule (232364006)
  • Paradoxical movement of vocal cord on respiration (306959001)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngitis (85832003)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheitis (10809006)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheobronchitis (35377009)
  • Parainfluenza virus pharyngitis (78911000)
  • Parainfluenza virus rhinopharyngitis (59221008)
  • Paralysis of glottis (226080004)
  • Paralysis of larynx (89927005)
  • Paralysis of left vocal cord (764724007)
  • Paralysis of right vocal cord (764726009)
  • Paranasal sinus part (120228005)
  • Paresis of left vocal cord (1052239007)
  • Paresis of right vocal cord (1052240009)
  • Partial antero-latero-vertical laryngectomy (84343009)
  • Partial anterovertical laryngectomy (58036009)
  • Partial excision of inferior turbinate (399224009)
  • Partial excision of turbinate (399085001)
  • Partial horizontal laryngectomy (8388007)
  • Partial laryngectomy (80513001)
  • Partial larynx (249436002)
  • Partial laterovertical laryngectomy (45523007)
  • Partial pharyngectomy (30226002)
  • Partial pharyngolaryngectomy (232524008)
  • Partial submucous laryngectomy (22860001)
  • Partial submucous resection of turbinate (74663003)
  • Partial supraglottic laryngectomy (387631009)
  • Pediatric acute epiglottitis and supraglottitis (232432003)
  • Penetrating injury of oropharynx (262669002)
  • Penetrating wound of larynx (262673004)
  • Percutaneous cricothyroidotomy (232689008)
  • Percutaneous dilatational cricothyroidotomy (232690004)
  • Percutaneous embolization of nasal blood vessel using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast (438592006)
  • Perennial allergic rhinitis (446096008)
  • Perennial allergic rhinitis with seasonal variation (232353008)
  • Perforation of nasal septum (80142000)
  • Perforation of pharyngeal diverticulum (95204003)
  • Perforation of pharynx (95205002)
  • Perichondritis of larynx (1282001)
  • Perinasal sinusotomy (80117009)
  • Periodic fever and aphthous stomatitis with pharyngitis and cervical lymphadenitis syndrome (717231003)
  • Peritonsillar abscess (15033003)
  • Peritonsillar cellulitis (102453009)
  • Peritonsillar cyst (300931007)
  • Pertussis swab (313273004)
  • Pharyngeal atresia correction (287416006)
  • Pharyngeal biopsy (16299004)
  • Pharyngeal biopsy specimen (309193002)
  • Pharyngeal bursitis (111277007)
  • Pharyngeal candidiasis (240704003)
  • Pharyngeal cytologic material (110934009)
  • Pharyngeal diphtheria (1090211000119102)
  • Pharyngeal diverticular aspiration (287419004)
  • Pharyngeal diverticulectomy by cricopharyngeal myotomy (13120008)
  • Pharyngeal diverticulitis (2091005)
  • Pharyngeal dryness (102618009)
  • Pharyngeal dysphagia (21101000119105)
  • Pharyngeal gag reflex negative (5258001)
  • Pharyngeal hemorrhage (324618004)
  • Pharyngeal icing (225669006)
  • Pharyngeal mucous membrane structure (46715004)
  • Pharyngeal observable (364043007)
  • Pharyngeal operation for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring (232531007)
  • Pharyngeal paralysis (81624004)
  • Pharyngeal paresis (129567005)
  • Pharyngeal part (119195004)
  • Pharyngeal pituitary tissue (38632003)
  • Pharyngeal reconstruction by direct closure (360778007)
  • Pharyngeal reconstruction using prosthesis (232525009)
  • Pharyngeal reconstruction with distant flap (302612008)
  • Pharyngeal reconstruction with free flap (172951006)
  • Pharyngeal reconstruction with gastrointestinal anastomosis (232527001)
  • Pharyngeal reconstruction with local flap (232526005)
  • Pharyngeal spasm (232407000)
  • Pharyngeal stenosis (232408005)
  • Pharyngeal structure (54066008)
  • Pharyngeal swelling (421581006)
  • Pharyngeal wall structure (55609009)
  • Pharyngeal washings (258469001)
  • Pharyngeal web division (287421009)
  • Pharyngectomy (51265002)
  • Pharyngitis (405737000)
  • Pharyngitis keratosa (195779005)
  • Pharyngitis sicca (195780008)
  • Pharyngocutaneous fistula (232413009)
  • Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum (399291005)
  • Pharyngoesophageal repair (13403003)
  • Pharyngolaryngectomy with radical neck dissection and reconstruction (41223000)
  • Pharyngolaryngitis (195709006)
  • Pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy (172938001)
  • Pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy and radical neck dissection (448369005)
  • Pharyngoplasty for cleft palate (249848005)
  • Pharyngoplasty using lateral pharyngeal flap (265032008)
  • Pharyngoplasty using posterior pharyngeal flap (172946000)
  • Pharyngoplasty with silastic implant (59196003)
  • Pharyngostomy (13685004)
  • Pharyngotomy (78315000)
  • Pharyngotonsillitis (878818001)
  • Pharyngotonsillitis caused by Human herpes simplex virus (721586007)
  • Pharynx and/or larynx structures (312535008)
  • Pharynx closure (119876009)
  • Pharynx destructive procedure (107923001)
  • Pharynx manipulation (107925008)
  • Pharynx normal (300280008)
  • Pharynx not seen (300270009)
  • Pharynx or nasopharynx edema (195834004)
  • Pharynx problem (300281007)
  • Phlegmonous pharyngitis (59471009)
  • Phonosurgery (876852007)
  • Phonosurgery for larynx lesion (359697005)
  • Piercing in left anterior naris (1260221006)
  • Piercing in nasal septum (1260220007)
  • Piercing in right anterior naris (1260222004)
  • Pink color of vocal cord (870734006)
  • Plain X-ray facial sinuses (168566009)
  • Plain X-ray of sinus, occipitomental view (16318521000119109)
  • Plasma mediated ablation of bilateral tonsils (425825000)
  • Plasma mediated ablation tonsillectomy (426391000)
  • Plasma mediated intracapsular partial ablation of bilateral tonsils (1255667004)
  • Plastic operation on palatopharyngeal sphincter with reconstruction using pharyngeal flap (772772006)
  • Plastic operation on pharynx (698853000)
  • Plummer-Vinson syndrome (80126007)
  • Pneumococcal laryngitis (32904004)
  • Pneumococcal pharyngitis (76651006)
  • Pneumococcal tonsillitis (111816002)
  • Polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (1255642002)
  • Polyp in nasopharynx (373610002)
  • Polyp of bilateral nasal cavities (736591003)
  • Polyp of ethmoidal sinus (23966000)
  • Polyp of larynx (86423004)
  • Polyp of left nasal cavity (736635001)
  • Polyp of maxillary sinus (29074008)
  • Polyp of mucous membrane of choana (1155681001)
  • Polyp of nasal cavity (736500007)
  • Polyp of nasal cavity and/or nasal sinus (736499003)
  • Polyp of nasal sinus (32307003)
  • Polyp of right nasal cavity (736636000)
  • Polyp of sphenoidal sinus (90685008)
  • Polyp of vocal cord (9078005)
  • Polyp of vocal cord or larynx (195847009)
  • Polypoid degeneration of vocal cord (232435001)
  • Polypoid sinus degeneration (26808007)
  • Polytetrafluoroethylene implant into epiglottis (8430005)
  • Position of vocal cord at rest (249447009)
  • Position of vocal cord at rest normal (301220002)
  • Position of vocal cords on respiration (306956008)
  • Positive contrast laryngography (59778004)
  • Post-intubation subglottic stenosis (276636000)
  • Post-radiotherapy laryngeal edema (232438004)
  • Post-radiotherapy laryngitis (262678008)
  • Post-radiotherapy telangiectasis of vocal cord (277436002)
  • Post-surgical epistaxis (232357009)
  • Posterior end of inferior turbinate hypertrophy (249356002)
  • Posterior epistaxis (232355001)
  • Posterior pharyngeal implant pharyngoplasty (265031001)
  • Postmenopausal atrophy of vocal cord (232449005)
  • Postnasal discharge on posterior wall of pharynx (249398004)
  • Postoperative control of hemorrhage of adenoids (39508008)
  • Postoperative control of hemorrhage of tonsils (70989006)
  • Postprocedural subglottic stenosis (196191002)
  • Pott's puffy tumor (232389000)
  • Primary acinar cell carcinoma of oropharynx (707590006)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of accessory sinus (707337006)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of ethmoidal sinus (707342003)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of frontal sinus (707343008)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of hypopharynx (707395000)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of maxillary sinus (707339009)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of nasal cavity (721560002)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707402007)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of overlapping sites of accessory sinuses (721606002)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of sphenoidal sinus (707344002)
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of subglottis (707479004)
  • Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of hypopharynx (707539005)
  • Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of nasopharynx (7391000119103)
  • Primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of oropharynx (1259507000)
  • Primary adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707484005)
  • Primary adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707425008)
  • Primary adenoid squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1259702008)
  • Primary adenosquamous carcinoma of hypopharynx (707485006)
  • Primary adenosquamous carcinoma of oropharynx (707583001)
  • Primary adenosquamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707424007)
  • Primary basal cell adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707397008)
  • Primary basaloid carcinoma of hypopharynx (707486007)
  • Primary basaloid carcinoma of larynx (707423001)
  • Primary basaloid carcinoma of oropharynx (707580003)
  • Primary basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707481002)
  • Primary basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707662004)
  • Primary basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1259704009)
  • Primary basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (707579001)
  • Primary carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of oropharynx (707587000)
  • Primary carcinoma of accessory sinus (707345001)
  • Primary carcinoma of base of tongue (1259438002)
  • Primary carcinoma of ethmoidal sinus (707346000)
  • Primary carcinoma of frontal sinus (707349007)
  • Primary carcinoma of glottis (1259520002)
  • Primary carcinoma of larynx (1259321002)
  • Primary carcinoma of lingual tonsil (1259330005)
  • Primary carcinoma of maxillary sinus (707347009)
  • Primary carcinoma of nasopharynx (1268487009)
  • Primary carcinoma of sphenoidal sinus (707348004)
  • Primary carcinoma of subglottis (1259521003)
  • Primary carcinoma of supraglottis (1259523000)
  • Primary carcinoma of tongue base - dorsal surface (1259318004)
  • Primary carcinoma of vocal cord (1259537009)
  • Primary clear cell adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707401000)
  • Primary cystadenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707589002)
  • Primary epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx (707588005)
  • Primary giant cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707487003)
  • Primary giant cell carcinoma of larynx (707660007)
  • Primary infiltrating duct carcinoma of oropharynx (707592003)
  • Primary keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1259445002)
  • Primary lymphoepithelial carcinoma of hypopharynx (707491008)
  • Primary lymphoepithelial carcinoma of larynx (707360003)
  • Primary lymphoepithelial carcinoma of nasopharynx (1010607000)
  • Primary lymphoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx (707584007)
  • Primary malignant epithelial neoplasm of nasopharynx (722529000)
  • Primary malignant melanoma of overlapping sites of accessory sinuses (1010631005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring (94144008)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus (93659005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of adenoid (93662008)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior aspect of epiglottis (93670003)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx (93674007)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of base of tongue (93687001)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of epiglottis (93784003)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus (93787005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of false vocal cord (371988005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus (93808006)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of glottis (93816002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (93829002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (93830007)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx (93831006)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of junctional zone of tongue (93848003)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (371994002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage (109370001)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of laryngeal commissure (93857009)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of laryngeal surface of epiglottis (93858004)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of larynx (371995001)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx (93861003)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx (93862005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil (93868009)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus (93889000)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity (93917007)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of nasal concha (93918002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx (226521000119108)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of oropharynx (93933005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of pharynx (93961004)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region (93967000)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall (93968005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx (93970001)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx (93971002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus (93978008)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of septum of nose (94002000)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus (94067008)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of subglottis (94075002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx (94078000)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of supraglottis (94080006)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of tonsil (372020000)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa (94102002)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar (94103007)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract (94118008)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of vallecula (94132005)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of vestibule of nose (94139001)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of vocal cord (372030009)
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of vomer (94142007)
  • Primary malignant neuroepitheliomatous neoplasm of nasal cavity (735450006)
  • Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707400004)
  • Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of hypopharynx (707406005)
  • Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of nasopharynx (1010603001)
  • Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of oropharynx (707591005)
  • Primary myoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx (707586009)
  • Primary nonkeratinizing carcinoma of the nasopharynx (1259470002)
  • Primary olfactory neuroblastoma (1268528000)
  • Primary overlapping malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx (1259715004)
  • Primary oxyphilic adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707396004)
  • Primary papillary adenocarcinoma of nasopharynx (1010633008)
  • Primary papillary adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707399006)
  • Primary papillary squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707482009)
  • Primary papillary squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707426009)
  • Primary papillary squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1259620008)
  • Primary papillary squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (707581004)
  • Primary polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma of oropharynx (707398003)
  • Primary rhabdomyosarcoma of pharynx (722510006)
  • Primary salivary gland type carcinoma of hypopharynx (707627009)
  • Primary salivary gland type neoplasm of nasopharynx (1010624006)
  • Primary salivary gland-type tumor of oropharynx (707593008)
  • Primary spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707489000)
  • Primary spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707422006)
  • Primary spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (707582006)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of accessory sinus (707353009)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of anterior surface of epiglottis (707537007)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of aryepiglottic fold (688711000119104)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of base of tongue (722672002)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of ethmoidal sinus (707359008)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of frontal sinus (707356001)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of glottis (707664003)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (707697002)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (707492001)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of laryngeal cartilage (707357005)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (707358000)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of lateral wall of nasopharynx (1010679003)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of lateral wall of oropharynx (707535004)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of lingual tonsil (722673007)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of maxillary sinus (707354003)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of naris (440527006)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of nasal cavity (723182009)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus (1229871006)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (707528007)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (707585008)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of overlapping sites of accessory sinuses (721605003)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of overlapping sites of nasopharynx (1010681001)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of palatine tonsil (18121000119104)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of pharyngeal lymphoid ring (1197276007)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of pharyngeal tonsil (722530005)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of pharynx (733345003)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of postcricoid region (707703001)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of posterior wall of hypopharynx (707686002)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of posterior wall of nasopharynx (689251000119101)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of posterior wall of oropharynx (707532001)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of pyriform sinus (707704007)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of sphenoidal sinus (707355002)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of subglottis (707576008)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of superior wall of nasopharynx (1010669000)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of supraglottis (707575007)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of tonsillar fossa (689361000119108)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of tonsillar pillar (689371000119102)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinoma of vallecula (707538002)
  • Primary squamous cell carcinomas of anterior wall of nasopharynx (1010677001)
  • Primary syphilis of tonsils (10345003)
  • Primary tonsil carcinoma (1259440007)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of anterior wall of nasopharynx (689871000119106)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of hypopharynx (707483004)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of larynx (707421004)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of lateral wall of nasopharynx (689881000119109)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of nasal sinus (1259444003)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharynx (1259509002)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of oropharynx (721607006)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of posterior wall of nasopharynx (689901000119106)
  • Primary undifferentiated carcinoma of superior wall of nasopharynx (689911000119109)
  • Primary undifferentiated nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (1259446001)
  • Primary verrucous carcinoma of hypopharynx (707490009)
  • Primary verrucous carcinoma of larynx (707427000)
  • Problem blowing nose (249347005)
  • Procedure on adenoids (118920005)
  • Procedure on hypopharynx (118791009)
  • Procedure on larynx (123865001)
  • Procedure on nasal septum (118782005)
  • Procedure on nasopharynx (118785007)
  • Procedure on oropharynx (118786008)
  • Procedure on pharynx (118784006)
  • Procedure on pyriform sinus (118787004)
  • Procedure on tonsils (385449002)
  • Procedure on upper respiratory tract (118670006)
  • Procedure on vocal cord (118790005)
  • Prolapse of epiglottis (712649000)
  • Prominent vessels on Little's area (249361000)
  • Pseudocystic change of vocal cord (232445004)
  • Punch resection of vocal cord (76315006)
  • Puncture of sphenoid sinus (392218004)
  • Purulent rhinitis (8442000)
  • Radical frontal sinus antrostomy (172888008)
  • Radical laryngectomy (287440003)
  • Radical laryngopharyngectomy with synchronous thyroidectomy (359884005)
  • Radical maxillary antrectomy (51594005)
  • Radical maxillary antrotomy (897004)
  • Radical maxillary sinusotomy with removal of antrochoanal polyps (31606002)
  • Radiofrequency ablation of nasal turbinate (709091006)
  • Radiofrequency ablation of root of tongue (709092004)
  • Radiofrequency somnoplasty (415230005)
  • Radiofrequency tonsillectomy (854041000000104)
  • Radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction of nasal turbinate (822291000000106)
  • Radiography of adenoids (3799005)
  • Radiography of nasal sinuses (84492002)
  • Radiography of nasopharynx (37307009)
  • Radiography of tonsils and adenoids (79777008)
  • Ratio of voiceless sound s to voiced sound z (844611000000107)
  • Reconstruction artificial larynx (287433004)
  • Reconstruction of anterior skull base using pedicle inferior turbinate flap (1259135005)
  • Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus (232515004)
  • Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with bone graft (172907002)
  • Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with distant flap (172905005)
  • Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with local flap (172904009)
  • Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with microvascular transferred flap (172906006)
  • Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with skin graft (172903003)
  • Reconstruction of frontonasal duct (56135003)
  • Reconstruction of hypopharynx (736490004)
  • Reconstruction of maxillary antrum (232497006)
  • Reconstruction of nasopharynx using pedicle nasoseptal flap (1231420006)
  • Reconstruction of pharynx (389059002)
  • Reconstruction of pharynx with colon pull-up (172954003)
  • Reconstruction of pharynx with distant pedicle flap (172950007)
  • Reconstruction of pharynx with free jejunal transfer (172952004)
  • Reconstruction of pharynx with stomach pull-up (172953009)
  • Recurrent acute ethmoid sinusitis (10629711000119108)
  • Recurrent acute frontal sinusitis (10629591000119106)
  • Recurrent acute maxillary sinusitis (10629671000119109)
  • Recurrent acute pansinusitis (10629631000119106)
  • Recurrent acute sinusitis (232391008)
  • Recurrent acute sphenoid sinusitis (10629551000119101)
  • Recurrent acute streptococcal tonsillitis (10629231000119109)
  • Recurrent acute tonsillitis (195677001)
  • Recurrent allergic croup (232430006)
  • Recurrent bleeding of nose (2571000112102)
  • Recurrent peritonsillar abscess (1010626008)
  • Recurrent sinusitis (195788001)
  • Recurrent upper respiratory tract infection (195708003)
  • Redness of throat (126662008)
  • Reduction of Reinke's edema (232569002)
  • Reduction of fracture of larynx (22709009)
  • Reduction of nasal turbinate (232482008)
  • Reinke's edema (232436000)
  • Relapsing polychondritis of larynx (232439007)
  • Remnant adenoids (249364008)
  • Removal of antrochoanal polyp (172867004)
  • Removal of artificial voice box (303632003)
  • Removal of calculus of pharynx (3580004)
  • Removal of cricothyroidotomy tube (232575006)
  • Removal of foreign body from ethmoid sinus (40203007)
  • Removal of foreign body from frontal sinus (59607002)
  • Removal of foreign body from larynx (232574005)
  • Removal of foreign body from maxillary sinus (39464006)
  • Removal of foreign body from maxillary sinus by Caldwell-Luc approach (84691002)
  • Removal of foreign body from nasal sinus (8787000)
  • Removal of foreign body from pharynx (20632008)
  • Removal of foreign body from pharynx by pharyngotomy (20153000)
  • Removal of foreign body from pyriform fossa (172985007)
  • Removal of foreign body from sphenoid sinus (81550005)
  • Removal of foreign body from tonsil (173438003)
  • Removal of foreign body of adenoid by incision (16577008)
  • Removal of foreign body of larynx by incision (52728000)
  • Removal of foreign body of tonsil and adenoid by incision (708990000)
  • Removal of foreign body of tonsil by incision (12726002)
  • Removal of granulation tissue from larynx (173000007)
  • Removal of intraluminal foreign body from larynx without incision (609249001)
  • Removal of intraluminal foreign body from nose without incision (609110008)
  • Removal of intraluminal foreign body from pharynx without incision (54603001)
  • Removal of intranasal splints (232492000)
  • Removal of keel, tantalum plate or stent from larynx (20737007)
  • Removal of nasal pack (79467005)
  • Removal of nasal septal spur (232476005)
  • Removal of packing from nose or nasopharynx (232490008)
  • Removal of prosthesis from larynx (232573004)
  • Removal of stent from larynx (447794006)
  • Removal of throat pack (232712003)
  • Repair of bone of accessory sinus (85910008)
  • Repair of cartilage of larynx (830081000168105)
  • Repair of choanal atresia (1236983001)
  • Repair of choanal atresia by intranasal approach (21335006)
  • Repair of choanal atresia by transpalatal approach (41811001)
  • Repair of cleft larynx (307831008)
  • Repair of cleft palate using pharyngeal flap (251736005)
  • Repair of epiglottis (53736000)
  • Repair of laryngotracheal cleft (46282009)
  • Repair of larynx (80694004)
  • Repair of lateral deviation of nasal cartilage (736704001)
  • Repair of nasal septal perforation (63145008)
  • Repair of nasal sinus (36606003)
  • Repair of nasopharyngeal atresia (38083004)
  • Repair of nasopharynx (275189005)
  • Repair of pharynx (69888009)
  • Repair of pharynx by direct closure (360768009)
  • Repair of sphenoidal sinus (426723009)
  • Replacement of laryngeal stent (23258004)
  • Replacement of larynx (713037008)
  • Replacement of nasal packing (52331002)
  • Resection of pharyngeal wall with closure using myocutaneous flap (440522000)
  • Respiratory fluid specimen (122878005)
  • Respiratory infection: [acute] or [upper] (155496000)
  • Respiratory infection: [acute] or [upper] (266375001)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus laryngotracheobronchitis (72204002)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus pharyngitis (31309002)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus swab (313274005)
  • Revision of dacryocystorhinostomy (609319000)
  • Revision of dacryocystorhinostomy and insertion of tube (412766004)
  • Revision of stoma of larynx (65128001)
  • Revision rhinoseptoplasty (865681000000109)
  • Revision septoplasty (172796005)
  • Rhinitis (70076002)
  • Rhinitis caseosa (232344001)
  • Rhinitis caused by alpha-adrenergic blocking agent (427897002)
  • Rhinitis medicamentosa (95239003)
  • Rhinitis of pregnancy (10629511000119102)
  • Rhinitis sicca (95240001)
  • Rhinocerebral mucormycosis (187100003)
  • Rhinoconjunctivitis (878820003)
  • Rhinolaryngologic examination under general anesthesia (36609005)
  • Rhinolith (65034006)
  • Rhinophototherapy using ultraviolet and visible light (440069001)
  • Rhinoscleroma (72409005)
  • Rhinoseptoplasty (20805001)
  • Rhinosinusitis (897656009)
  • Right ethmoid sinus structure (35596007)
  • Right faucial tonsil structure (1721005)
  • Right frontal sinus structure (45038002)
  • Right maxillary sinus structure (80376001)
  • Right sphenoid sinus structure (54702002)
  • Right vocal cord structure (49533009)
  • Rigid endoscopy of larynx (1220545007)
  • Rigid endoscopy of nasopharynx (446976003)
  • Rima glottidis structure (68876001)
  • Ritual nasal septum piercing (287668008)
  • Saliva in upper airway (707795003)
  • Salivary gland type carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260100002)
  • Salivary gland type carcinoma of oropharynx (1260110006)
  • Sarcoidosis of inferior turbinates (310607007)
  • Scalpel bougie cricothyroidotomy (785906002)
  • Scarred plaque of vocal fold cover (232454001)
  • Seasonal allergic rhinitis (367498001)
  • Second degree burn of oropharynx (110228009)
  • Second degree burn of tonsillar area (110232003)
  • Second stage attachment of fixture for nasal prosthesis (711445004)
  • Secondary syphilis of pharynx (51960003)
  • Secondary syphilis of tonsil (81339006)
  • Sensation of nasal sinus pressure (1264052006)
  • Septal cartilage structure (3810000)
  • Septodermoplasty (232481001)
  • Septoplasty for cleft lip nasal deformity (172850006)
  • Septorhinoplasty for cleft lip nasal deformity (172849006)
  • Septorhinoplasty using graft (172760006)
  • Septorhinoplasty using implant (172759001)
  • Septovomerine osteotomy (172797001)
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome of upper respiratory tract (715882005)
  • Severe persistent asthma co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (124991000119109)
  • Severe persistent asthma controlled co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10675631000119109)
  • Severe persistent asthma uncontrolled co-occurrent with allergic rhinitis (10675711000119106)
  • Silent sinus syndrome (699802009)
  • Simple laceration of oropharynx (110139003)
  • Simple laceration of tonsil (110134008)
  • Singers' nodes (11366004)
  • Single naris (95266003)
  • Sinoscopy of maxillary sinus via canine fossa (1208450009)
  • Sinoscopy of maxillary sinus via inferior meatus (1208458002)
  • Sinoscopy of maxillary sinus via middle meatus (1208462008)
  • Sinus barotrauma (88548007)
  • Sinus catarrh (249369003)
  • Sinus fluid specimen (258474009)
  • Sinus headache (4969004)
  • Sinus washings (258475005)
  • Sinusitis (36971009)
  • Sinusitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae (721755003)
  • Sinusitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (721741006)
  • Sinusitis co-occurrent with nasal polyps (41931000119102)
  • Sinusotomy by intranasal approach (410752000)
  • Sinusotomy, multiple (38375002)
  • Size of nose (364032004)
  • Size of tonsil (364047008)
  • Skin structure of external naris (244091003)
  • Skin structure of laryngeal prominence (17697002)
  • Skin structure of lower margin of nasal septum (40021003)
  • Skin structure of nasal vestibule (699921002)
  • Skin structure of septum of nose (244088003)
  • Sleep nasendoscopy (232518002)
  • Small adenoids (276439000)
  • Small tonsils (276399002)
  • Soft vocal nodules (959171000000101)
  • Soot in oropharynx (426547004)
  • Sore throat (267102003)
  • Spasm of the cricopharyngeus muscle (71363005)
  • Spasmodic croup (22951000119104)
  • Specimen from ethmoid sinus obtained by biopsy (16212731000119107)
  • Specimen from internal nose (119388001)
  • Specimen from larynx (430144001)
  • Specimen from larynx obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy (432865002)
  • Specimen from mass of nasopharynx (734337004)
  • Specimen from maxillary sinus obtained by irrigation (429836002)
  • Specimen from nasal fossae (430245007)
  • Specimen from nasal fossae obtained by biopsy (432608000)
  • Specimen from nasal fossae obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy (433859006)
  • Specimen from nasal sinus (430238007)
  • Specimen from nasal sinus obtained by biopsy (433860001)
  • Specimen from nasal sinus obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy (433861002)
  • Specimen from nasopharyngeal structure (430248009)
  • Specimen from pharynx obtained by aspiration (447391001)
  • Specimen from throat (119389009)
  • Specimen from tonsil (430222001)
  • Specimen of mucosa of nasal sinus obtained by biopsy (16223091000119106)
  • Sphenoid endoscopy with biopsy (79097008)
  • Sphenoid endoscopy with removal of mucous membrane (66285000)
  • Sphenoid sinus fracture (263148008)
  • Sphenoid sinus structure (24999009)
  • Sphenoid sinusectomy (88177004)
  • Sphenoid sinuses X-ray (241038007)
  • Sphenoid sinusotomy (392213008)
  • Sphenoid sinusotomy with biopsy (80368003)
  • Sphenoid sinusotomy with removal of polyp (51740003)
  • Sphenoidal sinusitis (13266007)
  • Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharynx (1255631006)
  • Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (1255632004)
  • Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (1254806001)
  • Sprain of ligament of cricoarytenoid joint (73180008)
  • Sprain of ligament of cricothyroid joint (46860007)
  • Sprain of thyroid cartilage (48274004)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of epiglottis (408648004)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of ethmoidal sinus (1260046004)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of frontal sinus (1260048003)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (1260079004)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of laryngeal cartilage (1254852008)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of larynx (405822008)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of lateral wall of oropharynx (1254800007)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of maxillary sinus (1260080001)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (422691006)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of oropharynx (423464009)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of pharynx (408649007)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of piriform sinus (1260083004)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of postcricoid region (1260081002)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of posterior wall of hypopharynx (1260082009)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of posterior wall of nasopharynx (1010675009)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of posterior wall of oropharynx (1254805002)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of sphenoidal sinus (1255660002)
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of vallecula (1260084005)
  • Staphylococcal pharyngitis (82228008)
  • Staphylococcal tonsillitis (11461005)
  • Stenosis of larynx (75547007)
  • Stenosis of nostril (249338002)
  • Stenosis of velopharynx (1149062005)
  • Streptococcal laryngitis (85083002)
  • Streptococcal sore throat (43878008)
  • Streptococcal sore throat with scarlatina (186357007)
  • Streptococcal tonsillitis (41582007)
  • Stridor (70407001)
  • Stripping of larynx (708737007)
  • Stripping of vocal cords (9373007)
  • Structure of Kiesselbach plexus (1259896006)
  • Structure of Killian's dehiscence (280207007)
  • Structure of Little's area (255571004)
  • Structure of accessory sinus gland (4486002)
  • Structure of agger nasi (3377004)
  • Structure of anterior border of thyroid lamina (279514006)
  • Structure of anterior cells of ethmoid sinus (26357003)
  • Structure of anterior commissure of larynx (18374008)
  • Structure of anterior cricothyroid ligament (279559003)
  • Structure of anterior epiglottis (10537009)
  • Structure of anterior ethmoidal artery (2675006)
  • Structure of anterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus (1186600003)
  • Structure of anterior naris (1797002)
  • Structure of anterior nasopharynx (367594001)
  • Structure of anterior surface of epiglottic cartilage (279544009)
  • Structure of anterior surface of epiglottis (67298002)
  • Structure of anterior third of left vocal cord (129149007)
  • Structure of anterior third of right vocal cord (129146000)
  • Structure of anterior wall of maxillary antrum (123870008)
  • Structure of anterior wall of nasopharynx (82521001)
  • Structure of anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage (279536009)
  • Structure of apex of arytenoid cartilage (82925003)
  • Structure of arch of cricoid cartilage (40659005)
  • Structure of artery of internal nose (312159009)
  • Structure of articular facet of cricoid cartilage for thyroid cartilage (43955003)
  • Structure of articulations of laryngeal cartilage (63763002)
  • Structure of aryepiglottic muscle (6325003)
  • Structure of atrium of middle nasal meatus (83155000)
  • Structure of base of arytenoid cartilage (51307005)
  • Structure of blood vessel of internal nose (312166005)
  • Structure of bony part of nasal septum (367591009)
  • Structure of border of cricoid cartilage (279527005)
  • Structure of border of thyroid cartilage (279511003)
  • Structure of buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (63655006)
  • Structure of cartilago triticea (279509007)
  • Structure of cavity of ethmoid sinus (897664003)
  • Structure of cavity of frontal sinus (897655008)
  • Structure of cavity of sphenoid sinus (897661006)
  • Structure of ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (17468009)
  • Structure of choana (71717001)
  • Structure of chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor pharyngeus muscle (89768007)
  • Structure of colliculus of arytenoid cartilage (58176001)
  • Structure of commissure of larynx (72691007)
  • Structure of conus elasticus of larynx (87762001)
  • Structure of corniculate cartilage (74241000)
  • Structure of cornu of thyroid cartilage (52738005)
  • Structure of cricoarytenoid articular capsule (65365009)
  • Structure of cricoarytenoid ligament (699978005)
  • Structure of cricoarytenoid muscle (1187348000)
  • Structure of cricopharyngeal ligament (30076007)
  • Structure of cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (28276008)
  • Structure of cricothyroid articular capsule (34806004)
  • Structure of cricothyroid ligament (66150005)
  • Structure of cricothyroid membrane (279547002)
  • Structure of cricothyroid muscle (19468002)
  • Structure of cricotracheal ligament (66030008)
  • Structure of crista arcuata of arytenoid cartilage (59904007)
  • Structure of crypt of palatine tonsil (23528009)
  • Structure of crypt of pharyngeal tonsil (73061009)
  • Structure of cuneiform cartilage (35779009)
  • Structure of cuneiform tubercle (67581001)
  • Structure of dorsal surface of base of tongue (38555005)
  • Structure of epiglottic tubercle (60766006)
  • Structure of ethmoid sinus gland (368905004)
  • Structure of ethmoidal artery (73954008)
  • Structure of ethmoidal bulla (14518006)
  • Structure of ethmoidal infundibulum (80134001)
  • Structure of extrinsic laryngeal ligament (279550004)
  • Structure of extrinsic muscle of larynx (769111002)
  • Structure of fibroelastic membrane of larynx (12892004)
  • Structure of fold of laryngeal nerve (19332006)
  • Structure of fovea oblonga of arytenoid cartilage (55370004)
  • Structure of fovea triangularis of arytenoid cartilage (29025007)
  • Structure of frontal recess of frontoethmoid structure (410753005)
  • Structure of frontal sinus gland (368904000)
  • Structure of glossoepiglottic fold (279567006)
  • Structure of glossopalatine arch (28777000)
  • Structure of glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (48017009)
  • Structure of glossotonsillar sulcus (276961000)
  • Structure of hair follicle of anterior naris (788228008)
  • Structure of hair follicle of nasal septum (785803006)
  • Structure of hair follicle of nasal vestibule (784417000)
  • Structure of hyoepiglottic ligament (67318004)
  • Structure of hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (36088004)
  • Structure of hypopharyngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (102295003)
  • Structure of inferior border of cricoid cartilage (279530003)
  • Structure of inferior border of thyroid lamina (279513000)
  • Structure of inferior nasal meatus (78155005)
  • Structure of inferior surface of soft palate (303339004)
  • Structure of inferior thyroid cornu (279521006)
  • Structure of inferior thyroid tubercle (279523009)
  • Structure of infraglottic space (27682001)
  • Structure of infrahyoid epiglottis (277151001)
  • Structure of interarytenoid muscle (1186722003)
  • Structure of interarytenoid notch (41512003)
  • Structure of intercartilaginous glottis (71955001)
  • Structure of intermembranous part of rima glottidis (73574005)
  • Structure of internal nose and/or pharynx and/or larynx (1162925002)
  • Structure of internal surface of cricoid cartilage (279528000)
  • Structure of intranasal hair (66183003)
  • Structure of intrinsic laryngeal ligament (279557001)
  • Structure of intrinsic laryngeal muscle (38650005)
  • Structure of intrinsic larynx (1617005)
  • Structure of junctional region of epiglottis with oropharynx (113280004)
  • Structure of junctional zone of base of tongue (23263000)
  • Structure of lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx (79075006)
  • Structure of lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of oropharynx (14578000)
  • Structure of lamina muscularis of pharyngeal mucous membrane (43604007)
  • Structure of lamina of cricoid cartilage (26596008)
  • Structure of lamina of thyroid cartilage (55839002)
  • Structure of lamina perpendicularis of ethmoid bone (41828003)
  • Structure of lamina propria of accessory sinus (50002002)
  • Structure of lamina propria of ethmoid sinus (7954009)
  • Structure of lamina propria of frontal sinus (84284009)
  • Structure of lamina propria of maxillary sinus (12497003)
  • Structure of lamina propria of nose (71398008)
  • Structure of lamina propria of sphenoid sinus (11720006)
  • Structure of laryngeal articular capsule (361076005)
  • Structure of laryngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold (102294004)
  • Structure of laryngeal aspect of interarytenoid fold (102296002)
  • Structure of laryngeal bursa (1187089009)
  • Structure of laryngeal gland (31200000)
  • Structure of laryngeal ligament (279508004)
  • Structure of laryngeal lumen (788615006)
  • Structure of laryngeal membrane (279507009)
  • Structure of laryngeal perichondrium (788619000)
  • Structure of laryngeal pouch (83775000)
  • Structure of laryngeal sinus (279565003)
  • Structure of laryngeal surface of suprahyoid epiglottis (264054003)
  • Structure of lateral cricoarytenoid muscle (14253003)
  • Structure of lateral cricothyroid ligament (279560008)
  • Structure of lateral glossoepiglottic fold (8897003)
  • Structure of lateral nasal mucous membrane (1284993006)
  • Structure of lateral nasal wall (277154009)
  • Structure of lateral nasopharynx (367593007)
  • Structure of lateral pharyngeal wall (27973009)
  • Structure of lateral thyrohyoid ligament (279555009)
  • Structure of lateral wall of hypopharynx (88399001)
  • Structure of lateral wall of nasopharynx (70988003)
  • Structure of lateral wall of oropharynx (19120004)
  • Structure of leaf of epiglottis (6864006)
  • Structure of left anterior naris (723608007)
  • Structure of left choana (1187101006)
  • Structure of left half of adenoid (781383005)
  • Structure of left lateral nasopharynx (178679005)
  • Structure of left superior cornu of thyroid cartilage (1156388009)
  • Structure of left ventricular fold of larynx (43101003)
  • Structure of ligament of thyroid cartilage (699979002)
  • Structure of limen nasi (20968000)
  • Structure of lymphatic vessel of larynx (73247005)
  • Structure of lymphatic vessel of nasal cavity (70360003)
  • Structure of lymphatic vessel of pharynx (53731005)
  • Structure of maxillary sinus mucous gland (368903006)
  • Structure of medial surface of arytenoid (279537000)
  • Structure of medial wall of maxillary antrum (123871007)
  • Structure of membranous part of nasal septum (49717008)
  • Structure of middle cells of ethmoid sinus (57232001)
  • Structure of middle glossoepiglottic fold (56300006)
  • Structure of middle third of left vocal cord (129150007)
  • Structure of middle third of right vocal cord (129147009)
  • Structure of middle thyrohyoid ligament (39787002)
  • Structure of mucosa of base of tongue (245832000)
  • Structure of mucosa of vocal fold (736667003)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of adenoid (31386006)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of choana (736593000)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of epiglottis (30141008)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of ethmoid sinus (368900009)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of frontal sinus (63012006)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of hypopharynx (89728008)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of interarytenoid fold (879930003)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of larynx (71248005)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of left nasal cavity (736506001)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of maxillary sinus (87550002)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of nasal cavity (736509008)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of nasal cavity and/or nasal sinus (736503009)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of nasal sinus (736504003)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of nasopharynx (90432007)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of nose (34508005)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of oropharynx (33044003)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of right nasal cavity (736507005)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of sphenoid sinus (368901008)
  • Structure of mucous membrane of tonsil (12221008)
  • Structure of muscular process of arytenoid cartilage (18087008)
  • Structure of mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (90770007)
  • Structure of naris (363538002)
  • Structure of nasal fossae (53912006)
  • Structure of nasal gland (69912002)
  • Structure of nasal portion of nasopharynx (77723003)
  • Structure of nasal septum mobile portion (18402005)
  • Structure of nasal vestibule (48446007)
  • Structure of nasopharyngeal cavity (18962004)
  • Structure of nasopharyngeal gland (2292006)
  • Structure of nasopharyngeal meatus (12655002)
  • Structure of nasopharyngeal pituitary gland (72531000)
  • Structure of nasopharyngeal submucosa (68239006)
  • Structure of nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate (76786004)
  • Structure of oblique arytenoid muscle (89527001)
  • Structure of oblique line of thyroid cartilage (32656005)
  • Structure of olfactory gland (35419003)
  • Structure of olfactory region of nose (16730001)
  • Structure of olfactory sensory epithelium (37623003)
  • Structure of oral portion of nasopharynx (70361004)
  • Structure of oropharyngeal cavity (423103006)
  • Structure of oropharynx and/or hypopharynx and/or larynx (716151000)
  • Structure of palatopharyngeal muscle (24211000)
  • Structure of paranasal sinus wall (77220004)
  • Structure of peritonsillar tissue (1015003)
  • Structure of pharyngeal branch of maxillary artery (312164008)
  • Structure of pharyngeal branch of vagus (280298006)
  • Structure of pharyngeal bursa (64424004)
  • Structure of pharyngeal cavity (2175005)
  • Structure of pharyngeal lymphoid ring (17861009)
  • Structure of pharyngeal ostium of Eustachian tube (63415001)
  • Structure of pharyngeal plexus and pharyngeal veins (153117003)
  • Structure of pharyngeal portion of nasopharynx (38912002)
  • Structure of pharyngeal raphe (81408008)
  • Structure of pharyngeal recess (1849007)
  • Structure of pharyngeal submucosa (19594009)
  • Structure of pharyngobasilar fascia (16675008)
  • Structure of pharyngopalatine arch (5944009)
  • Structure of piriform recess (6217003)
  • Structure of postcricoid region (35806005)
  • Structure of posterior border of thyroid lamina (279515007)
  • Structure of posterior cells of ethmoid sinus (5890002)
  • Structure of posterior commissure of larynx (81683007)
  • Structure of posterior cricoarytenoid ligament (63847002)
  • Structure of posterior cricoarytenoid muscle (10634008)
  • Structure of posterior epiglottis (2894003)
  • Structure of posterior ethmoidal artery (62223008)
  • Structure of posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus (244801005)
  • Structure of posterior margin of nasal septum (7835005)
  • Structure of posterior margin of nasal septum and/or choana (303336006)
  • Structure of posterior nasopharynx (367592002)
  • Structure of posterior process of nasal septal cartilage (9609000)
  • Structure of posterior surface of arytenoid (279535008)
  • Structure of posterior surface of epiglottic cartilage (279545005)
  • Structure of posterior third of left vocal cord (129151006)
  • Structure of posterior third of right vocal cord (129148004)
  • Structure of posterior wall of hypopharynx (28567000)
  • Structure of posterior wall of maxillary antrum (123869007)
  • Structure of posterior wall of nasopharynx (30157008)
  • Structure of posterior wall of oropharynx (12999009)
  • Structure of process of arytenoid (279533001)
  • Structure of pterygomandibular raphe (13372005)
  • Structure of pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (32558002)
  • Structure of quadrangular membrane of larynx (69237000)
  • Structure of region of epiglottis (314727007)
  • Structure of region of nasopharynx (360955006)
  • Structure of respiratory region of nose (15562006)
  • Structure of retromaxillary region (25146006)
  • Structure of right anterior naris (723609004)
  • Structure of right choana (1187102004)
  • Structure of right half of adenoid (781384004)
  • Structure of right lateral nasopharynx (178579001)
  • Structure of right superior cornu of thyroid cartilage (1156389001)
  • Structure of right ventricular fold of larynx (81505008)
  • Structure of rima vestibuli (59816000)
  • Structure of roof of nose (60898009)
  • Structure of root of tongue (47975008)
  • Structure of salpingopharyngeal fold (44637004)
  • Structure of salpingopharyngeus muscle (57021008)
  • Structure of semilunar hiatus of ethmoid sinus (64774003)
  • Structure of septum of frontal sinus (305021001)
  • Structure of septum of maxillary sinus (18086004)
  • Structure of sphenoethmoidal recess (45243000)
  • Structure of sphenoid sinus gland (368906003)
  • Structure of sphenopalatine artery (83742008)
  • Structure of stylopharyngeus muscle (30305004)
  • Structure of submucosa of adenoid (30308002)
  • Structure of submucosa of hypopharynx (47496006)
  • Structure of submucosa of larynx (52664006)
  • Structure of submucosa of oropharynx (41717006)
  • Structure of submucosa of tonsil (9758008)
  • Structure of superior alveolar branch of maxillary artery (312165009)
  • Structure of superior anterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (45949005)
  • Structure of superior aspect of palate (783037001)
  • Structure of superior border of cricoid cartilage (279529008)
  • Structure of superior border of thyroid lamina (279512005)
  • Structure of superior nasal meatus (87880004)
  • Structure of superior nasopharynx (367595000)
  • Structure of superior posterior alveolar artery, including dental branches (71224001)
  • Structure of superior surface of soft palate (33360007)
  • Structure of superior thyroarytenoid muscle (1179593005)
  • Structure of superior thyroid cornu (279520007)
  • Structure of superior thyroid tubercle (279522004)
  • Structure of superior wall of nasopharynx (20409001)
  • Structure of supraglottic space (86483002)
  • Structure of suprahyoid epiglottis (277150000)
  • Structure of suprahyoid region (14056001)
  • Structure of supratonsillar fossa (45438005)
  • Structure of surface of arytenoid (279531004)
  • Structure of surface of epiglottic cartilage (279541001)
  • Structure of surface of suprahyoid epiglottis (314726003)
  • Structure of thyroepiglottic ligament (39066000)
  • Structure of thyroepiglottic muscle (84738000)
  • Structure of thyrohyoid ligament (66617006)
  • Structure of thyroid foramen (51652001)
  • Structure of thyroid notch (34841000)
  • Structure of thyroid tubercle (9880000)
  • Structure of thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle (63333008)
  • Structure of tip of epiglottis (264235009)
  • Structure of tonsillar capsule (86019002)
  • Structure of tonsillar crypt (82747007)
  • Structure of transverse arytenoid muscle (9891007)
  • Structure of tubal elevation of pharynx (65563003)
  • Structure of tubal tonsil (21058000)
  • Structure of uncinate process (306373001)
  • Structure of upper respiratory space (13660008)
  • Structure of upper respiratory tract cavity (47005005)
  • Structure of uvular muscle (30501007)
  • Structure of vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus (10145007)
  • Structure of vallecula of epiglottis (42275007)
  • Structure of vein of internal nose (312167001)
  • Structure of ventricle of larynx (1441004)
  • Structure of ventricular fold of larynx (74761005)
  • Structure of ventricularis muscle (91561000)
  • Structure of vestibular ligament of larynx (45532009)
  • Structure of vestibule of larynx (89345000)
  • Structure of vocal ligament of larynx (21582003)
  • Structure of vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (81530006)
  • Structure of vocalis muscle (75357007)
  • Structure of wall of hypopharynx (314724000)
  • Structure of wall of oropharynx (314723006)
  • Subcutaneous tissue structure of laryngeal prominence (91393007)
  • Subcutaneous tissue structure of lower margin of nasal septum (9662007)
  • Subepithelial cordectomy (427987005)
  • Subglottic abscess (249463001)
  • Subglottic cyst (249466009)
  • Subglottic edema (52379009)
  • Subglottic erythema (277259006)
  • Subglottic finding (277258003)
  • Subglottic lesion (301223000)
  • Subglottic necrosis (249465008)
  • Subglottic space suctioning (424520006)
  • Subglottic stenosis (22668006)
  • Subglottic swelling (277260001)
  • Subglottic ulcer (249464007)
  • Subglottic web (444921008)
  • Subglottis structure (119254005)
  • Subligamental cordectomy (429199008)
  • Submucosal hemorrhage of vocal cord (878831006)
  • Submucous resection of nasal septum (172790004)
  • Submucous resection of nasal septum with replacement with graft (47782001)
  • Submucous resection of nasal turbinate (232483003)
  • Submucous resection of vocal cord (77464009)
  • Subtotal supraglottic laryngectomy with radical neck dissection (15292003)
  • Suction clearance of nasal cavity (308721008)
  • Suction diathermy excision of adenoid (448191005)
  • Sulcus vocalis of vocal cord (232450005)
  • Superior cordotomy (260651001)
  • Superior laryngeal aperture structure (917004)
  • Superior nasal turbinate bone structure (122492009)
  • Superior nasal turbinate structure (65289004)
  • Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle part (362919007)
  • Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle structure (82182001)
  • Suppurative laryngitis (82690000)
  • Suppurative pharyngitis (58031004)
  • Suppurative sinusitis with complications (232390009)
  • Suppurative tonsillitis (10351008)
  • Supraglottic abscess (249458000)
  • Supraglottic airway obstruction (371035002)
  • Supraglottic atrophy (249461004)
  • Supraglottic cyst (249459008)
  • Supraglottic edema (5248000)
  • Supraglottic erythema (277256004)
  • Supraglottic finding (277250005)
  • Supraglottic lesion (301215002)
  • Supraglottic stenosis (249460003)
  • Supraglottic swelling (277257008)
  • Supraglottic ulcer (249457005)
  • Supraglottis part (372241003)
  • Supraglottis structure (119255006)
  • Supraglottitis (709663002)
  • Suprahyoid laryngeal release procedure (232549007)
  • Supreme nasal turbinate bone structure (122493004)
  • Supreme nasal turbinate structure (33415007)
  • Surgical arrest of bleeding from internal nose (172811007)
  • Surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding from tonsillar bed (173440008)
  • Surgical biopsy of pharynx (274347001)
  • Surgical biopsy of tonsil (274346005)
  • Surgical ciliated cyst (109361004)
  • Surgical fixation of arytenoid cartilage (449864000)
  • Surgical fracture of nasal turbinates (9217002)
  • Surgical reopening of anterior nares (428562007)
  • Suture of adenoid fossa (5243009)
  • Suture of laceration of larynx (24611008)
  • Suture of laceration of pharynx (46034007)
  • Suture of pharynx (48527009)
  • Suture of tonsillar fossa (9191009)
  • Swab from epiglottis (28991000087102)
  • Swab from larynx (472888005)
  • Swab from nasal sinus (472901003)
  • Swab from pharynx (472881004)
  • Swab from tonsil (472867001)
  • Swab of internal nose (445297001)
  • Swab specimen from nasal mid-turbinate (871810001)
  • Swab specimen from oropharynx (461911000124106)
  • Swelling of left tonsil (442648006)
  • Swelling of right tonsil (442664003)
  • Swelling of tonsil (442394001)
  • Swelling over frontal sinus (277242001)
  • Swelling over maxillary sinus (277239007)
  • Swollen nasal mucosa (277223000)
  • Swollen nasopharynx (277232003)
  • Taking postnasal swab (312878007)
  • Taking throat swab (312880001)
  • Taking throat swab for chlamydia (707982002)
  • Taking throat swab for gonorrhea (707983007)
  • Tamponade of anterior nasal bleeding using nasal tampon (430531002)
  • Tamponade of anterior nasal bleeding using urinary catheter (430538008)
  • Taub test (252573007)
  • Telangiectasis of vocal cord (232455000)
  • Tender larynx (277247007)
  • Tenderness over frontal sinus (277241008)
  • Tenderness over maxillary sinus (277238004)
  • Therapeutic endoscopic operation on nasal cavity (894371000000102)
  • Thickening of vocal cords (17547005)
  • Third degree burn of oropharynx (110229001)
  • Third degree burn of tonsillar area (110233008)
  • Throat examination normal (164180001)
  • Throat irritation (162400007)
  • Throat swab (258529004)
  • Thyroarytenoid muscle part (362926007)
  • Thyroarytenoid muscle structure (77908003)
  • Thyrochondrotomy (9093009)
  • Thyrohyoid laryngeal release procedure (232548004)
  • Thyrohyoid membrane structure (52345008)
  • Thyroid cartilage structure (52940008)
  • Thyroidectomy with laryngectomy (359882009)
  • Thyroplasty (820511000168109)
  • Tightness in throat (247323005)
  • Tissue specimen from internal nose (128167009)
  • Tissue specimen from larynx obtained by total resection (16213851000119101)
  • Tissue specimen from throat (128172000)
  • Tonsil absent (300277007)
  • Tonsil and adenoid structure (303337002)
  • Tonsil and peritonsillar operations (307329006)
  • Tonsil and/or adenoid hypertrophy (266343004)
  • Tonsil asymmetry (306962003)
  • Tonsil biopsy specimen (309191000)
  • Tonsil carcinoma (274085008)
  • Tonsil closure (119958003)
  • Tonsil congested (286802001)
  • Tonsil destructive procedure (119964005)
  • Tonsil finding (249392003)
  • Tonsil observable (364045000)
  • Tonsil present (300276003)
  • Tonsil reconstruction (119960001)
  • Tonsil repair (119962009)
  • Tonsillar actinomycosis (424327005)
  • Tonsillar aspergillosis (187084006)
  • Tonsillar debris (271981000)
  • Tonsillar fossa structure (32163006)
  • Tonsillar hemorrhage (232425007)
  • Tonsillar remnants (249397009)
  • Tonsillar retention cyst (232423000)
  • Tonsillar tag (55366007)
  • Tonsillectomy (173422009)
  • Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (28913000)
  • Tonsillectomy specimen (309192007)
  • Tonsillectomy using ultrasonic scalpel (853831000000102)
  • Tonsillitis (90176007)
  • Tonsillitis caused by Gram negative bacteria (415724006)
  • Tonsils meet in middle (249396000)
  • Topical local anesthetic to laryngopharynx (231357006)
  • Topical local anesthetic to larynx (231355003)
  • Topical local anesthetic to oropharynx (231356002)
  • Topical local anesthetic to upper airway (231348000)
  • Topical local anesthetic to vocal cords (231354004)
  • Total cordectomy (428918005)
  • Total esophagectomy with gastropharyngostomy (76443003)
  • Total ethmoidectomy by extranasal approach (27150000)
  • Total ethmoidectomy by intranasal approach (85827004)
  • Total excision of maxilla and excision of nasal turbinate (446808004)
  • Total laryngectomy (66478002)
  • Total laryngectomy with partial pharyngectomy and synchronous tracheostomy (7240008)
  • Total laryngectomy with radical neck dissection (85154003)
  • Total pharyngectomy (303621003)
  • Total pharyngectomy with reconstruction using free flap (736295006)
  • Total pharyngolaryngectomy (232546000)
  • Tracheostomy scar (249434004)
  • Transantral ethmoidectomy (265027007)
  • Transection of larynx (282458002)
  • Transglottic malignant neoplasm of larynx (448509007)
  • Transglottic tumor (307501007)
  • Transient clearing of nasal airway (249345002)
  • Transillumination of maxillary sinus (277237009)
  • Transillumination of nasal sinuses (8606002)
  • Translucency of maxillary sinus (271746006)
  • Transmuscular cordectomy (428551007)
  • Transnasal pressure (251366001)
  • Transorbital ethmoidectomy (232505005)
  • Transplantation of accessory sinus mucosa (85327005)
  • Transplantation of larynx (13392003)
  • Transplantation of pharyngeal tissue (85342008)
  • Transplantation of tissue of accessory sinus (119725003)
  • Transplantation of tissue of nasopharynx (119718005)
  • Transplantation of tonsil and adenoid (54977004)
  • Transposition of pharyngeal tissue (54224003)
  • Transposition of tissue of larynx (119729009)
  • Transposition of vocal cords (73650002)
  • Traumatic epistaxis (232356000)
  • Traumatic hemorrhagic laryngitis (262677003)
  • Traumatic nasal septal perforation (232378007)
  • Traumatic perforation of pharynx (95306003)
  • Traumatic stenosis of pharynx (232409002)
  • Tuberculosis of glottis (55419007)
  • Tuberculosis of nasal septum (25831001)
  • Tuberculosis of nasal sinus (52721006)
  • Tuberculosis of nasopharynx (56498009)
  • Tuberculosis of nose (4225003)
  • Tuberculosis of oropharynx (446753005)
  • Tuberculous laryngitis (70341005)
  • Tumor of anterior commissure (254508003)
  • Tumor of anterior pillar of fauces (254458007)
  • Tumor of aryepiglottic fold - hypopharyngeal aspect (254505000)
  • Tumor of arytenoid (254522003)
  • Tumor of glossoepiglottic fold (254421007)
  • Tumor of inferior surface of soft palate (254501009)
  • Tumor of inferior turbinate (254477009)
  • Tumor of infrahyoid epiglottis (254519000)
  • Tumor of laryngeal cartilage (254528004)
  • Tumor of laryngeal ventricle (254525001)
  • Tumor of lateral nasal wall (254476000)
  • Tumor of middle turbinate (254480005)
  • Tumor of nasal cavity and nasopharynx (232388008)
  • Tumor of nasopharyngeal floor (280356005)
  • Tumor of pharyngeal recess (254489006)
  • Tumor of posterior commissure (254512009)
  • Tumor of posterior margin of nasal septum and choanae (254483007)
  • Tumor of posterior tonsillar pillar (254498009)
  • Tumor of suprahyoid epiglottis (254516007)
  • Turbinate infraction (274464004)
  • Turbinectomy (51302004)
  • Ulcer of larynx (73375005)
  • Ulcer of nasal septum (40752005)
  • Ulcer of pharynx (126666006)
  • Ulcer of tonsil (16485001)
  • Ulcer of tonsil due to amygdalolith (76691000119101)
  • Ulcerated nasal mucosa (277226008)
  • Ulcerative laryngitis (37426002)
  • Ulcerative pharyngitis (39271004)
  • Ulcerative rhinitis (36669007)
  • Ulcerative tonsillitis (14465002)
  • Ultrasonography of nasal sinus (709641006)
  • Ultrasonography of vocal cord (844621000000101)
  • Ultrasound therapy - larynx lesion (169438007)
  • Uncinectomy (172921000)
  • Uncinectomy and excision of bulla ethmoidalis (172922007)
  • Uncinectomy and polypectomy (276747001)
  • Undifferentiated carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260085006)
  • Undifferentiated carcinoma of nasal sinus (697993003)
  • Undifferentiated carcinoma of nasopharynx (422541001)
  • Undifferentiated nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx (698048006)
  • Upper respiratory bacterial infection (128486005)
  • Upper respiratory disease (202000009)
  • Upper respiratory disease (& upper) (266382002)
  • Upper respiratory disease (& upper) (155518000)
  • Upper respiratory fluid (72869002)
  • Upper respiratory fluid specimen (410581002)
  • Upper respiratory fluid specimen obtained by tracheal aspiration (122877000)
  • Upper respiratory fluids and spaces (110544004)
  • Upper respiratory infection (54150009)
  • Upper respiratory infection NOS (693581000000101)
  • Upper respiratory infection NOS (266338006)
  • Upper respiratory inflammation caused by chemical fumes (196023007)
  • Upper respiratory inflammation caused by fumes AND/OR vapors (77304007)
  • Upper respiratory specimen (258604001)
  • Upper respiratory swab specimen (309164002)
  • Upper respiratory tissue specimen (309168004)
  • Upper respiratory tract allergy (6071000119100)
  • Upper respiratory tract cytologic material (110902000)
  • Upper respiratory tract disease NOS (195877003)
  • Upper respiratory tract disease NOS (155538004)
  • Upper respiratory tract disease NOS (617931000000103)
  • Upper respiratory tract finding (301186004)
  • Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction (490008)
  • Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction NOS (195872009)
  • Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction NOS (622461000000109)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection (& viral) NOS (195711002)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by H1N1 influenza (142941000119109)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by Influenza (10685111000119102)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by Influenza A (328531000119104)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by avian influenza (142921000119103)
  • Upper respiratory tract mucus (52024008)
  • Upper respiratory tract observable (364029002)
  • Upper respiratory tract obstruction (68372009)
  • Upper respiratory tract structure (58675001)
  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (8335001)
  • Vallecular cyst (232410007)
  • Variation in patency of nasal airway (249344003)
  • Varicose veins of nasal septum with ulcer (90085009)
  • Vasomotor rhinitis (8229003)
  • Velopharyngeal mislearning (229728001)
  • Ventricular shunt to nasopharynx (17200002)
  • Verrucous carcinoma of hypopharynx (1260094000)
  • Vestibular stenosis (232365007)
  • Vincent's angina - pharyngitis (186963008)
  • Vincent's tonsillitis (232417005)
  • Viral epiglottitis (70976000)
  • Viral pharyngitis (1532007)
  • Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis (186675001)
  • Viral sinusitis (444814009)
  • Viral tonsillitis (51209006)
  • Viral upper respiratory tract infection (281794004)
  • Viral upper respiratory tract infection NOS (233596008)
  • Viral upper respiratory tract infection NOS (644251000000101)
  • Visible soft palate, fauces, uvula palatina, glossopalatine arch and pharyngopalatine arch (835277001)
  • Vocal cord abducted at rest (249449007)
  • Vocal cord absent (249439009)
  • Vocal cord adducted at rest (249448004)
  • Vocal cord biopsy specimen (309184003)
  • Vocal cord cyst (249444002)
  • Vocal cord cytologic material (110909009)
  • Vocal cord does not adduct on coughing (249456001)
  • Vocal cord does not adduct on phonation (249452004)
  • Vocal cord does not adduct on respiration (306957004)
  • Vocal cord dysfunction (134290008)
  • Vocal cord feature (364039008)
  • Vocal cord finding (249438001)
  • Vocal cord hematoma (232446003)
  • Vocal cord hemorrhage (784410003)
  • Vocal cord irregular (249441005)
  • Vocal cord obliterated (249440006)
  • Vocal cord palsy (302912005)
  • Vocal cord present (301217005)
  • Vocal cord prolapse (249450007)
  • Vocal cord strain (428240008)
  • Vocal cord structure (46105003)
  • Vocal cord trauma (398313001)
  • Vocal cord ulcer (301219008)
  • Vocal cords erythematous (277249005)
  • Vocal cords swelling (277248002)
  • Vocal cords thickened (271747002)
  • Vocal cords visible (416386000)
  • Vocal cords webbed (249442003)
  • Vocal fold overadduction (49274005)
  • Vocal fold underadduction (6998003)
  • Vocal nodules in adults (57355001)
  • Vocal nodules in children (68489000)
  • Vomer bone structure (87166008)
  • Vomero-premaxillary faciosynostosis (109406005)
  • Vomeronasal organ structure (56969001)
  • Weakness of vocal cord (445424004)
  • Weir operation for correction of nostrils (8142006)
  • Wheezing stridor (68095009)
  • Wire guided cricothyroidotomy (785907006)
  • Woakes' ethmoiditis (195756009)
  • Wood splinter in pharynx (428216000)
  • Woody tongue (710729009)
  • Wound of oropharynx (275489000)
  • Z-plasty of hypopharynx (47808008)
  • [X]Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites (196199000)
  • [X]Other acute upper respiratory infections of multiple sites (411271000000104)
  • [X]Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract (431691000000105)
  • [X]Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract (196217009)
  • [X]Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract (196228008)
  • [X]Other specified diseases of upper respiratory tract (402111000000105)
  • [X]Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemicals, gases, fumes and vapours, not elsewhere classified (442391000000107)
  • [X]Upper respiratory inflammation due to chemicals, gases, fumes and vapours, not elsewhere classified (196237008)

viral infection

Included 10 out of 1518 matching concepts.

Show matching concepts
  • (Epstein-Barr virus) or (other specific viral infection) (186753009)
  • (Herpes simplex [& viral infection]) or (scrumpox) (186534002)
  • Abortive poliomyelitis (240459003)
  • Acquired hemolytic anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713533000)
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (62479008)
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome complicating childbirth (10746341000119109)
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related nephropathy (236406007)
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated disorder (420721002)
  • Acute adenoviral encephalitis (35640008)
  • Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis (3163006)
  • Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis of bilateral eyes (15680321000119108)
  • Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis of left eye (15680361000119103)
  • Acute adenoviral follicular conjunctivitis of right eye (15680401000119107)
  • Acute adenoviral meningoencephalitis (82547005)
  • Acute bronchiolitis caused by adenovirus (233603001)
  • Acute bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus (195739001)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by rhinovirus (195728004)
  • Acute bronchitis caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (138389411000119105)
  • Acute bulbar poliomyelitis caused by Human poliovirus 1 (446957000)
  • Acute bulbar poliomyelitis caused by Human poliovirus 2 (446311006)
  • Acute cerebellar ataxia caused by varicella (24059009)
  • Acute coxsackievirus bronchitis (195725001)
  • Acute disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1119302008)
  • Acute disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection (1325171000000109)
  • Acute echovirus bronchitis (195729007)
  • Acute endocarditis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713511002)
  • Acute endocarditis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420395004)
  • Acute fulminating type A viral hepatitis (18917003)
  • Acute fulminating type B viral hepatitis (13265006)
  • Acute fulminating viral hepatitis (45042004)
  • Acute geniculate ganglionitis caused by Human herpesvirus 3 (733167008)
  • Acute glossopharyngeal neuropathy caused by Herpes zoster (838357005)
  • Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis of bilateral eyes caused by Enterovirus (16077531000119101)
  • Acute hepatic failure caused by hepatitis virus (722864002)
  • Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma (186626002)
  • Acute hepatitis B with hepatitis D (235864009)
  • Acute hepatitis C (235866006)
  • Acute hepatitis E (235867002)
  • Acute herpes simplex pharyngitis (232399005)
  • Acute herpes zoster neuropathy (423628002)
  • Acute herpes zoster pharyngitis (232400003)
  • Acute human immunodeficiency virus infection (111880001)
  • Acute infection of heart caused by virus (788860005)
  • Acute myocarditis - coxsackie (194944008)
  • Acute myocarditis - influenzal (194946005)
  • Acute necrotizing encephalitis (111897007)
  • Acute neurological rabies (240463005)
  • Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis (14535005)
  • Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis caused by human poliovirus 1 (429297003)
  • Acute parainfluenza virus bronchitis (195726000)
  • Acute paralytic non-bulbar poliomyelitis (186476008)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis (240460008)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis caused by Human poliovirus 1 (446958005)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis caused by Human poliovirus 2 (447262002)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis caused by Human poliovirus 3 (447378002)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, bulbar (64764001)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated (186478009)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, imported (186479001)
  • Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenous (186480003)
  • Acute pericarditis caused by human coxsackievirus (194905000)
  • Acute poliomyelitis (398102009)
  • Acute poliomyelitis caused by Human poliovirus 1 (446312004)
  • Acute respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis (195727009)
  • Acute retinal necrosis (231986000)
  • Acute sinusitis caused by virus (725917007)
  • Acute trigeminal herpes zoster (230536009)
  • Acute type A viral hepatitis (25102003)
  • Acute type B viral hepatitis (76795007)
  • Acute viral bronchiolitis (233602006)
  • Acute viral bronchitis (233601004)
  • Acute viral disease (409631000)
  • Acute viral encephalitis (230161000)
  • Acute viral hepatitis (57412004)
  • Acute viral laryngotracheitis (301824001)
  • Acute viral meningitis (822041000000105)
  • Acute viral otitis externa (232222008)
  • Acute viral pericarditis (40959008)
  • Acute viral pharyngitis (195662009)
  • Acute viral sialadenitis (235122006)
  • Acute viral thyroiditis (237529005)
  • Acute viral tonsillitis (195676005)
  • Acute viral transverse myelitis (230197009)
  • Acute viral tubulointerstitial nephritis (27810000)
  • Adenoviral bronchiolitis (13089009)
  • Adenoviral bronchitis (111849006)
  • Adenoviral bronchopneumonia (58890000)
  • Adenoviral encephalitis (56529007)
  • Adenoviral enteritis (70880006)
  • Adenoviral gastroenteritis (236063005)
  • Adenoviral keratitis (314559002)
  • Adenoviral laryngotracheobronchitis (71255007)
  • Adenoviral meningitis (111850006)
  • Adenoviral myocarditis (65718001)
  • Adenoviral pharyngitis (78430008)
  • Adenoviral pharyngoconjunctivitis (70385007)
  • Adenoviral pneumonia (41207000)
  • Adenoviral respiratory disease (61958003)
  • Adenovirus food poisoning (240339001)
  • Adenovirus infection in immunocompromised person (1264007008)
  • African Burkitt's lymphoma (240531002)
  • Agranulocytosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713530002)
  • Agranulocytosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421312009)
  • Aino virus disease (53906001)
  • Alastrim (72294005)
  • Aleutian disease (62251004)
  • Amyotrophy caused by herpes zoster (230262004)
  • Anal warts (240597001)
  • Anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713349004)
  • Anicteric type A viral hepatitis (79031007)
  • Anicteric type B viral hepatitis (53425008)
  • Anicteric viral hepatitis (4846001)
  • Anogenital herpesviral infection (186538004)
  • Anogenital human papillomavirus infection (302812006)
  • Anogenital papillomaviral intraepithelial neoplasia (240545008)
  • Anogenital verrucous carcinoma of Buschke-Löwenstein (402910001)
  • Anogenital warts (240542006)
  • Anterior acute poliomyelitis (398327006)
  • Apeu virus disease (12372001)
  • Aplastic anemia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713508003)
  • Aplastic anemia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421102007)
  • Arbovirus encephalitis (192687008)
  • Arbovirus hemorrhagic fever (16766000)
  • Arbovirus infection (40610006)
  • Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever (73730005)
  • Argentinian hemorrhagic fever (58868000)
  • Arthritis due to mumps (89764009)
  • Arthritis due to rubella (19431000)
  • Arthritis due to viral infection (239780003)
  • Arthritis due to viral infection and co-occurrent with hepatitis (41271000119108)
  • Arthritis of hand due to viral infection (428361004)
  • Arthritis of joint of bilateral ankles due to viral infection (16048151000119100)
  • Arthritis of joint of bilateral knees due to viral infection (16016871000119108)
  • Arthritis of joint of bilateral shoulder regions due to viral infection (16048351000119102)
  • Arthritis of joint of bilateral wrists due to viral infection (16048311000119103)
  • Arthritis of joint of left ankle due to viral infection (16047831000119104)
  • Arthritis of joint of left knee due to viral infection (16016831000119105)
  • Arthritis of joint of right ankle due to viral infection (16047871000119101)
  • Arthritis of joint of right knee due to viral infection (16016911000119106)
  • Arthritis of joints of multiple body sites due to viral infection (71581000119108)
  • Arthritis of knee due to viral infection (429669000)
  • Astrovirus gastroenteritis (283876006)
  • Asymptomatic West Nile virus infection (763018002)
  • Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus A1 infection (90681000119107)
  • Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus A2 infection (90691000119105)
  • Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection (91947003)
  • Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection in pregnancy (91948008)
  • Atypical disease caused by Ebola virus (788870007)
  • Atypical disease caused by Hantavirus (788871006)
  • Atypical disease caused by Marburg virus (788872004)
  • Atypical measles (240483006)
  • Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome with recurrent viral infection (722290008)
  • Bacterial infection co-occurrent and due to herpes zoster (12561000132105)
  • Bacterial pneumonia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713544008)
  • Bacterial pneumonia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420544002)
  • Banzi virus disease (6270009)
  • Barmah Forest disease (400060000)
  • Batai fever (62674007)
  • Beard wart (402907008)
  • Bebaru fever (11917008)
  • Bhanja virus disease (40383007)
  • Blepharoconjunctivitis caused by Molluscum contagiosum (397515005)
  • Blindness with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421706001)
  • Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (67247008)
  • Brazilian hemorrhagic fever (240524001)
  • Bronchiolitis caused by influenza virus (10629191000119100)
  • Bronchitis caused by Human metapneumovirus (1163489008)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by Human metapneumovirus (10625271000119109)
  • Bronchopneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial virus (10625551000119103)
  • Bronchopneumonia due to virus (10625751000119106)
  • Budgerigar fledgling disease (370516001)
  • Buffalopox (85658001)
  • Bunyamwera virus disease (79376002)
  • Burkitt lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713897006)
  • Bussuquara virus disease (111866008)
  • Butcher's wart (240538008)
  • Bwamba virus disease (44583001)
  • Cache Valley virus infection (419034002)
  • Calchaqui fever (240512008)
  • Calicivirus gastroenteritis (283877002)
  • California encephalitis virus infection (416442006)
  • California serogroup viral meningitis (404239005)
  • California serogroup virus neuroinvasive disease (418531007)
  • California serogroup virus non-neuroinvasive disease (419226000)
  • Calovo virus disease (46121008)
  • Candidiasis of esophagus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713297001)
  • Candidiasis of lung with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421047005)
  • Candidiasis of mouth co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713497004)
  • Candidiasis of mouth with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421710003)
  • Candidu virus disease (74078006)
  • Candiru fever (240522002)
  • Caraparu virus disease (24776000)
  • Cardiomyopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713523008)
  • Cardiomyopathy due to disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (119731000146105)
  • Cardiomyopathy due to viral infection (204981000119101)
  • Castleman disease co-occurrent with infection caused by Human herpesvirus 8 (714460000)
  • Catu virus disease (89805002)
  • Central nervous disorder with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421998001)
  • Central nervous system demyelinating disease with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420718004)
  • Chagres virus disease (76872006)
  • Chandipura virus disease (81182003)
  • Changuinola virus disease (76446006)
  • Chickenpox pneumonia (195911009)
  • Chickenpox with complication (23737006)
  • Chikungunya fever (111864006)
  • Cholangitis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (697965002)
  • Chorioamnionitis caused by virus (1264270004)
  • Chorioretinitis caused by Cytomegalovirus (711616006)
  • Chronic Epstein-Barr virus infection syndrome (773738009)
  • Chronic active Epstein-Barr virus disease of T and natural killer cell type infection systemic form (787442004)
  • Chronic active hepatitis C (708198006)
  • Chronic active type B viral hepatitis (50167007)
  • Chronic active viral hepatitis (66870002)
  • Chronic aggressive type B viral hepatitis (1116000)
  • Chronic aggressive viral hepatitis (89789003)
  • Chronic benign lymphocytic meningitis (41454003)
  • Chronic congenital cytomegalic inclusion disease (240551003)
  • Chronic echovirus meningoencephalitis (230144003)
  • Chronic hepatitis B co-occurrent with hepatitis C and hepatitis D (838380002)
  • Chronic hepatitis B during pregnancy (16859701000119109)
  • Chronic hepatitis C (128302006)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1 (768127002)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a (768289009)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b (768288001)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 2 (768125005)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 3 (768006009)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by Hepatitis C virus genotype 4 (768126006)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by hepatitis C virus genotype 5 (767810006)
  • Chronic hepatitis C caused by hepatitis C virus genotype 6 (767809001)
  • Chronic hepatitis C co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (838377003)
  • Chronic hepatitis C with stage 2 fibrosis (703866000)
  • Chronic hepatitis C with stage 3 fibrosis (347891000119103)
  • Chronic hepatitis E (450880008)
  • Chronic herpes simplex (240481008)
  • Chronic infection caused by Hepatitis D virus (735451005)
  • Chronic infection caused by herpes simplex virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713446007)
  • Chronic infection of heart caused by virus (788887009)
  • Chronic mucocutaneous herpes simplex infection (240476004)
  • Chronic persistent type B viral hepatitis (38662009)
  • Chronic persistent viral hepatitis (60037002)
  • Chronic type B viral hepatitis (61977001)
  • Chronic viral encephalitis (230179001)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis (10295004)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B with hepatitis D (235869004)
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent (186639003)
  • Chronic viral otitis externa (232226006)
  • Coccidioidomycosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422337001)
  • Cognitive impairment co-occurrent and due to human immunodeficiency virus infection (15928141000119107)
  • Colorado tick fever (6452009)
  • Combined Herpes simplex 1 and Herpes simplex 2 infection (407452005)
  • Common cold (82272006)
  • Condyloma acuminata of cervix (419266001)
  • Condyloma acuminata of vagina (399599006)
  • Condyloma acuminata of vulva (237110007)
  • Condyloma acuminata of vulva in pregnancy (428017002)
  • Congenital acquired immune deficiency syndrome (276665006)
  • Congenital coxsackie infection (276664005)
  • Congenital cytomegalovirus infection (59527008)
  • Congenital hepatitis A infection (206373002)
  • Congenital hepatitis C infection (278929008)
  • Congenital herpes simplex (91576008)
  • Congenital human immunodeficiency virus infection (52079000)
  • Congenital human immunodeficiency virus positive status syndrome (276666007)
  • Congenital human parvovirus infection (276663004)
  • Congenital infection caused by Echovirus (721274005)
  • Congenital infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus (716660007)
  • Congenital infection caused by Herpes virus (715337002)
  • Congenital infection caused by Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (1163118004)
  • Congenital infection caused by Zika virus (762725007)
  • Congenital infection caused by enterovirus (716865000)
  • Congenital non-bacterial non-viral infection (276670004)
  • Congenital parvoviral infection (240487007)
  • Congenital rubella pneumonitis (47082005)
  • Congenital rubella syndrome (1857005)
  • Congenital varicella syndrome (277644009)
  • Congenital viral disease (276660001)
  • Congenital viral hepatitis (206372007)
  • Congenital viral hepatitis B infection (60498001)
  • Congenital viral pneumonia (276692000)
  • Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever (43489008)
  • Conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus (186679007)
  • Conjunctivitis caused by enterovirus type 70 (359628008)
  • Conjunctivitis of bilateral eyes caused by herpes zoster virus (15989311000119107)
  • Conjunctivitis of left eye caused by herpes zoster virus (15989351000119108)
  • Conjunctivitis of right eye caused by herpes zoster virus (15989271000119107)
  • Constrictive pericarditis caused by virus (460450006)
  • Corneal haze caused by herpes simplex (425961009)
  • Corneal haze caused by herpes zoster (424353002)
  • Coronavirus infection (186747009)
  • Cowpox (70090004)
  • Cowpox and paravaccinia (186506009)
  • Coxsackie A viral meningitis (230142004)
  • Coxsackie B viral meningitis (230143009)
  • Coxsackie carditis (128405007)
  • Coxsackie endocarditis (88129004)
  • Coxsackie meningitis (111878007)
  • Coxsackie muscle infection (240548005)
  • Coxsackie myocarditis (37217002)
  • Coxsackie myocarditis of newborn (413933004)
  • Coxsackie pericarditis (27806003)
  • Coxsackie virus disease (186658007)
  • Coxsackie virus exanthem (240546009)
  • Coxsackie virus hepatitis (197339003)
  • Coxsackie virus infection of oral cavity (698257008)
  • Coxsackievirus infection of the central nervous system (406568007)
  • Cranial neuropathy due to Herpes zoster (12551000132107)
  • Cryptococcosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421403008)
  • Cutaneous disorder caused by bovine papular stomatitis virus (413937003)
  • Cystitis caused by virus (1148932007)
  • Cytomegaloviral colitis (235749000)
  • Cytomegaloviral enteritis (426137009)
  • Cytomegaloviral gastritis (429300008)
  • Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis (235947007)
  • Cytomegaloviral pneumonia (7678002)
  • Cytomegaloviral retinitis (22455005)
  • Cytomegalovirus encephalitis (83159006)
  • Cytomegalovirus hepatitis (186698009)
  • Cytomegalovirus infection (28944009)
  • Cytomegalovirus infection of skin (402122002)
  • Cytomegalovirus infection of the central nervous system (406570003)
  • Cytomegalovirus viremia (1085381000119108)
  • Cytomegalovirus-induced glomerulonephritis (236590008)
  • Dacryoadenitis caused by genus Cytomegalovirus (1163082009)
  • Dacryoadenitis caused by human echovirus (1163083004)
  • Dacryoadenitis caused by human herpesvirus 4 (1163486001)
  • Dacryoadenitis caused by mumps virus (1163539003)
  • Dacryoadenitis due to herpes zoster (1163465001)
  • Dementia co-occurrent and due to progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (733193001)
  • Dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713844000)
  • Dementia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421529006)
  • Demyelinating disease of central nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713543002)
  • Dendritic ulcer (193764001)
  • Dengue (38362002)
  • Dengue hemorrhagic fever (20927009)
  • Dengue hemorrhagic fever, grade I (409676000)
  • Dengue hemorrhagic fever, grade II (409677009)
  • Dengue hemorrhagic fever, grade III (409678004)
  • Dengue hemorrhagic fever, grade IV (409679007)
  • Dengue shock syndrome (409671005)
  • Dengue with warning signs (722863008)
  • Dengue without warning signs (722862003)
  • Dermatitis of bilateral eyelids caused by Human herpes simplex virus (15681241000119100)
  • Dermatomycosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420877009)
  • Derriengue (59671002)
  • Diffuse non-Hodgkin immunoblastic lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713718006)
  • Digitate wart (240537003)
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy due to viral myocarditis (30496006)
  • Disciform keratitis of bilateral eyes caused by Human herpes simplex virus (15692681000119101)
  • Disease caused by Adenovirus (25225006)
  • Disease caused by Alphaherpesvirinae (73787001)
  • Disease caused by Alpharetrovirus (407522000)
  • Disease caused by Alphavirus (4003003)
  • Disease caused by Aphthovirus (67850003)
  • Disease caused by Arenavirus (3303004)
  • Disease caused by BK polyomavirus (431258001)
  • Disease caused by Betaherpesvirinae (50170006)
  • Disease caused by Betaretrovirus (407520008)
  • Disease caused by Birnavirus (88110005)
  • Disease caused by Bundibugyo ebolavirus (788902004)
  • Disease caused by Bunyaviridae (105632002)
  • Disease caused by Calicivirus (37203006)
  • Disease caused by California serogroup virus (418182000)
  • Disease caused by Circoviridae (110271000)
  • Disease caused by Coronaviridae (27619001)
  • Disease caused by Deltaretrovirus (407519002)
  • Disease caused by Ebola Sudan virus (788903009)
  • Disease caused by Enterovirus (53648006)
  • Disease caused by Filoviridae (198007)
  • Disease caused by Flaviviridae (414014001)
  • Disease caused by Flavivirus (111865007)
  • Disease caused by Gammaherpesvirinae (84890004)
  • Disease caused by Gammaretrovirus (407504003)
  • Disease caused by Hantanvirus (359763008)
  • Disease caused by Hantavirus (359761005)
  • Disease caused by Human bocavirus (1148698007)
  • Disease caused by Human herpesvirus 8 (713697009)
  • Disease caused by JC polyomavirus (431257006)
  • Disease caused by Lentivirus (24907000)
  • Disease caused by Leporipoxvirus (715055001)
  • Disease caused by Lone star virus (407471007)
  • Disease caused by Lyssavirus (87330002)
  • Disease caused by Morbillivirus (74325003)
  • Disease caused by Nairovirus (1020003)
  • Disease caused by Orbivirus (56419002)
  • Disease caused by Orthobunyavirus (407470008)
  • Disease caused by Orthomyxoviridae (65093003)
  • Disease caused by Orthopoxvirus (414015000)
  • Disease caused by Orthoreovirus (414016004)
  • Disease caused by Papillomaviridae (407458009)
  • Disease caused by Papillomavirus (30415006)
  • Disease caused by Paramyxoviridae (105631009)
  • Disease caused by Paramyxovirinae (407494008)
  • Disease caused by Parapoxvirus (414017008)
  • Disease caused by Parvoviridae (83223005)
  • Disease caused by Phlebovirus (35620001)
  • Disease caused by Picornaviridae (105633007)
  • Disease caused by Pneumovirus (16182006)
  • Disease caused by Polyomaviridae (407457004)
  • Disease caused by Polyomavirus (5714002)
  • Disease caused by Poxviridae (105630005)
  • Disease caused by Reoviridae (105634001)
  • Disease caused by Respirovirus (407495009)
  • Disease caused by Retroviridae (105635000)
  • Disease caused by Rhabdoviridae (29839008)
  • Disease caused by Rhinovirus (41546002)
  • Disease caused by Ross River virus (789400009)
  • Disease caused by Rotavirus (18624000)
  • Disease caused by Rubivirus (51490003)
  • Disease caused by Spumavirus (47613005)
  • Disease caused by Suipoxviridae (21106009)
  • Disease caused by Togaviridae (33947007)
  • Disease caused by Vesiculovirus (49172000)
  • Disease caused by West Nile virus (417093003)
  • Disease caused by Zaire Ebolavirus (45901000087102)
  • Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (840539006)
  • Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 during pregnancy (894362851000119109)
  • Disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 following administration of vaccine product against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1217296006)
  • Disorder caused by Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (417702007)
  • Disorder caused by bovine papular stomatitis virus (414021001)
  • Disorder of brain caused by monkeypox virus (1290801000000102)
  • Disorder of central nervous system co-occurrent and due to infection with influenza virus (738276008)
  • Disorder of central nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713571008)
  • Disorder of cornea caused by monkeypox virus (1290821000000106)
  • Disorder of corneal epithelium caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (422666006)
  • Disorder of corneal epithelium of left eye caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (15685121000119100)
  • Disorder of corneal epithelium of left eye caused by herpes simplex virus (15735481000119108)
  • Disorder of corneal epithelium of right eye caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (15685081000119102)
  • Disorder of corneal epithelium of right eye caused by herpes simplex virus (15735521000119108)
  • Disorder of eye proper co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713299003)
  • Disorder of gastrointestinal tract co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713300006)
  • Disorder of intestine due to measles (186562009)
  • Disorder of kidney co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713504001)
  • Disorder of nervous system caused by West Nile virus (430397002)
  • Disorder of peripheral nervous system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713527009)
  • Disorder of respiratory system co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713484001)
  • Disorder of skin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713340000)
  • Disorder of spinal cord co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713503007)
  • Disseminated atypical infection caused by Mycobacterium co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713967004)
  • Disseminated candidiasis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421077004)
  • Disseminated cutaneous herpes simplex infection (402120005)
  • Disseminated cutaneous infection caused by Herpes simplex co-occurrent and due to skin disease (762280004)
  • Disseminated cytomegalovirus infection (428217009)
  • Disseminated herpes simplex (13710008)
  • Disseminated herpes zoster (55560002)
  • Disseminated infection caused by Strongyloides co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713445006)
  • Disseminated perinatal varicella (1142085005)
  • Dugbe virus disease (80795005)
  • Duodenal ulcer caused by virus (724533008)
  • Duodenitis caused by Cytomegalovirus (840504006)
  • Duodenitis caused by human herpes simplex virus (1163480007)
  • Duvenhage virus disease (14704002)
  • Dyspnea caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (119981000146107)
  • Dyspnea with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422177004)
  • Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection (416925005)
  • Ebola virus disease (37109004)
  • Echovirus disease (271532008)
  • Echovirus infection of the central nervous system (406571004)
  • Echovirus meningitis (192667007)
  • Eczema coxsackium (840284009)
  • Eczema herpeticum (186535001)
  • Eczema vaccinatum (238368001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Alfuy virus (1163105007)
  • Encephalitis caused by Alphavirus (721766005)
  • Encephalitis caused by Australian bat lyssavirus (1163103000)
  • Encephalitis caused by BK polyomavirus (1163104006)
  • Encephalitis caused by Dengue virus (1163101003)
  • Encephalitis caused by European subtype of tick-borne encephalitis virus (16901001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Family Bunyaviridae (1163102005)
  • Encephalitis caused by Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis virus (186591007)
  • Encephalitis caused by Filoviridae (1163096003)
  • Encephalitis caused by Genus Arenavirus (1163106008)
  • Encephalitis caused by Hantaan virus (1163064006)
  • Encephalitis caused by Hendra virus (721790006)
  • Encephalitis caused by Henipavirus (788915008)
  • Encephalitis caused by Herpes simplex virus 1 (1144966008)
  • Encephalitis caused by Herpes simplex virus 2 (1144968009)
  • Encephalitis caused by Herpesvirus (428638009)
  • Encephalitis caused by Human betaherpesvirus 7 (1163065007)
  • Encephalitis caused by Junin virus (1163059007)
  • Encephalitis caused by Kokobera virus (1163533002)
  • Encephalitis caused by Koutango virus (1163552008)
  • Encephalitis caused by Kunjin virus (1163553003)
  • Encephalitis caused by Kyasanur Forest disease virus (1163550000)
  • Encephalitis caused by Lagos bat virus (1163060002)
  • Encephalitis caused by Langat virus (40230002)
  • Encephalitis caused by Lassa virus (1163057009)
  • Encephalitis caused by Louping ill virus (1163551001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (1163058004)
  • Encephalitis caused by Machupo virus (1163055001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Me Tri virus (860868006)
  • Encephalitis caused by Mokola virus (1163056000)
  • Encephalitis caused by Nipah virus (721791005)
  • Encephalitis caused by Polyoma virus (721776008)
  • Encephalitis caused by Puumala virus (1177071001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Rift Valley fever virus (1163071001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Rubulavirus (721788005)
  • Encephalitis caused by Siberian tick-borne encephalitis virus (415525005)
  • Encephalitis caused by Sin Nombre virus (1177044001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Stratford virus (1177045000)
  • Encephalitis caused by Toscana virus (1177042002)
  • Encephalitis caused by Usutu virus (1179388006)
  • Encephalitis caused by Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus (724542001)
  • Encephalitis caused by Vesiculovirus (1163068009)
  • Encephalitis caused by Vilyuisk human encephalitis virus (1163548008)
  • Encephalitis caused by family Retroviridae (1163070000)
  • Encephalitis caused by genus Flavivirus (1163097007)
  • Encephalitis caused by genus Morbillivirus (1163076006)
  • Encephalitis caused by genus Orthopoxvirus (1163078007)
  • Encephalitis caused by human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (1163061003)
  • Encephalitis caused by human T-lymphotropic virus type 2 (1163062005)
  • Encephalitis caused by human coxsackievirus (1163100002)
  • Encephalitis caused by human echovirus (1163098002)
  • Encephalitis caused by human herpes simplex virus (427796004)
  • Encephalitis caused by human herpesvirus 4 (1163099005)
  • Encephalitis caused by human herpesvirus 6 infection (441512004)
  • Encephalitis caused by human herpesvirus 8 (1163063000)
  • Encephalitis caused by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (840498003)
  • Encephalitis caused by human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (840442003)
  • Encephalitis caused by human parechovirus (1163072008)
  • Encephalitis caused by human respiratory syncytial virus (1163073003)
  • Encephalitis caused by influenza (309789002)
  • Encephalitis caused by subfamily Paramyxoviridae (1163074009)
  • Encephalitis caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus (712986001)
  • Encephalitis lethargica (186499007)
  • Encephalitis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420244003)
  • Encephalomyelitis caused by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (397961002)
  • Encephalomyelitis due to rubella (128191000)
  • Encephalomyelitis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422089004)
  • Encephalopathy caused by H1N1 influenza (142971000119102)
  • Encephalopathy caused by Influenza A virus (10677711000119101)
  • Encephalopathy with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421827003)
  • Endocochlear cytomegalovirus infection (232311007)
  • Endocochlear rubella (232312000)
  • Enlargement of liver co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713510001)
  • Enteritis caused by Astrovirus (1082731000119103)
  • Enteritis caused by Human coxsackievirus (446754004)
  • Enteritis caused by Human echovirus (446755003)
  • Enteritis caused by Human enterovirus 71 (446756002)
  • Enteritis caused by rotavirus (186150001)
  • Enteroviral encephalitis (230162007)
  • Enteroviral encephalomyelitis (70576008)
  • Enteroviral exanthem (240482001)
  • Enteroviral exanthematous fever (77470003)
  • Enteroviral lymphonodular pharyngitis (40766000)
  • Enterovirus enteritis (32580004)
  • Enterovirus heart infection (46397005)
  • Enterovirus infection of the central nervous system (406578005)
  • Enterovirus meningitis (28192008)
  • Epidemic acute poliomyelitis (398256009)
  • Epidemic cervical myalgia (76821002)
  • Epidemic encephalitis (186498004)
  • Epidemic gastroenteritis (707222009)
  • Epidemic pleurodynia (83264000)
  • Epidemic vomiting syndrome (74621002)
  • Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (19138001)
  • Epidermoid plantar cysts caused by human papillomavirus 60 (402914005)
  • Epstein Barr virus infection of the central nervous system (406579002)
  • Epstein-Barr virus disease (240530001)
  • Epstein-Barr virus hepatitis (302919001)
  • Epstein-Barr virus infection of the retina (416195002)
  • Equine rhinitis A viral infection (407356007)
  • Erbovirus infection (407355006)
  • Eruption of skin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713316008)
  • Erythema multiforme due to Herpes simplex infection (860869003)
  • Erythema multiforme due to viral disease (762375006)
  • Esophageal herpes simplex infection (240477008)
  • Esophagitis caused by Cytomegalovirus (713045003)
  • Esophagitis caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (1179456002)
  • Everglades virus disease (84579002)
  • Exanthem caused by human echovirus (870729007)
  • Exanthem caused by human echovirus 16 (870728004)
  • Exanthem caused by measles virus (424306000)
  • Exanthem due to herpes zoster (428633000)
  • Exanthem due to varicella (423333008)
  • Expanded rubella syndrome (79303006)
  • Extragenital condylomata acuminata (733132008)
  • Extrapulmonary tuberculosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (733835007)
  • Eye disease caused by Adenovirus (1163525003)
  • Facial wart (240533004)
  • Failure to thrive in infant with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421660003)
  • Fatigue with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420900006)
  • Feline infectious peritonitis AND pleuritis (86853002)
  • Female perineal wart (298129000)
  • Fetal cytomegalovirus syndrome (276701009)
  • Fetal parvovirus syndrome (715197005)
  • Fetal varicella syndrome (715223009)
  • Fever caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (119751000146104)
  • Filiform wart (240536007)
  • Filoviral hemorrhagic fever (240525000)
  • Flat-type smallpox (86497005)
  • Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713887002)
  • Follicular conjunctivitis caused by molluscum contagiosum (397569007)
  • Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis (186668002)
  • Ganjam virus disease (74581008)
  • Gastric ulcer caused by virus (723100004)
  • Gastritis caused by human Enterovirus (1163522000)
  • Gastroenteritis caused by H1N1 influenza (142961000119108)
  • Gastroenteritis caused by Influenza A virus (10628911000119103)
  • Gastroenteritis caused by influenza (10628871000119101)
  • Gastroenteritis caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1240571000000101)
  • Gastrointestinal malabsorption syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713505000)
  • Generalized vaccinia (56978007)
  • Genital Herpes simplex type 1 infection (440714005)
  • Genital herpes simplex (33839006)
  • Genital herpes simplex in mother complicating childbirth (10754701000119100)
  • Genital herpes simplex in mother complicating pregnancy (104011000119109)
  • Genital herpes simplex type 2 (423391007)
  • Genital warts (266113007)
  • Germinotropic lymphoproliferative disorder caused by Human herpesvirus 8 (787125004)
  • Germistan virus disease (69931008)
  • Giant cell pneumonia (233625007)
  • Gingival disease caused by varicella-zoster virus (713250002)
  • Gingival disease caused by virus (707129008)
  • Guama virus disease (48400007)
  • Guaroa virus disease (36448002)
  • Hand foot and mouth disease (266108008)
  • Hand wart (240534005)
  • Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (120639003)
  • Hazara hemorrhagic fever (240493004)
  • Healthcare associated adenoviral disease (408686008)
  • Healthcare associated influenza disease (408687004)
  • Healthcare associated parainfluenza virus disease (408685007)
  • Healthcare associated respiratory syncytial virus disease (408684006)
  • Healthcare associated severe acute respiratory syndrome (408688009)
  • Heart disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713298006)
  • Hematopoietic system disease with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420384005)
  • Hemophagocytic syndrome with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713444005)
  • Hemorrhagic fever caused by Alkhurma virus (788952008)
  • Hemorrhagic fever caused by Chapare virus (716584007)
  • Hemorrhagic fever caused by Lujo virus (716585008)
  • Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (716864001)
  • Hemorrhagic rubella (240485004)
  • Hemorrhagic smallpox (409641002)
  • Hemorrhagic varicella pneumonitis (31920006)
  • Hepatitis B and hepatitis C (442374005)
  • Hepatitis B associated with Human immunodeficiency virus infection (442134007)
  • Hepatitis B reinfection following transplantation of liver (1230342001)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 1 (824841000000105)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 2 (824851000000108)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 3 (824871000000104)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 4 (824881000000102)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 5 (824891000000100)
  • Hepatitis C genotype 6 (824901000000104)
  • Hepatitis D superinfection of hepatitis B carrier (235865005)
  • Hepatitis caused by adenovirus (197344005)
  • Hepatitis caused by sexually transmissible virus (721588008)
  • Hepatitis in coxsackie viral disease (36155008)
  • Hepatitis in yellow fever (197342009)
  • Hepatomegaly with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421230000)
  • Herpangina (186659004)
  • Herpes barbae (698841004)
  • Herpes in pregnancy (274116002)
  • Herpes labialis (1475003)
  • Herpes simiae encephalitis (230177004)
  • Herpes simplex (88594005)
  • Herpes simplex conjunctivitis (410508006)
  • Herpes simplex corneal endotheliitis (427115009)
  • Herpes simplex dendritic keratitis (29943008)
  • Herpes simplex disciform keratitis (59523007)
  • Herpes simplex eyelid dermatitis (186544000)
  • Herpes simplex hepatitis (1087101000119109)
  • Herpes simplex infection of buttock (11100991000119107)
  • Herpes simplex infection of cornea after ophthalmic surgery (443957007)
  • Herpes simplex infection of skin (240475000)
  • Herpes simplex iridocyclitis (13608004)
  • Herpes simplex iritis (20555001)
  • Herpes simplex keratitis (9389005)
  • Herpes simplex keratoconjunctivitis (72321008)
  • Herpes simplex keratouveitis (397572000)
  • Herpes simplex meningitis (23291008)
  • Herpes simplex necrotizing stromal keratitis (397571007)
  • Herpes simplex of female genitalia (427578006)
  • Herpes simplex of male genitalia (1137693003)
  • Herpes simplex otitis externa (111856000)
  • Herpes simplex pneumonia (233624006)
  • Herpes simplex retinal pigment epithelial detachment (425062004)
  • Herpes simplex stromal keratitis (397570008)
  • Herpes simplex subepithelial infiltrates (423405007)
  • Herpes simplex type 1 infection (407451003)
  • Herpes simplex type 2 infection (407450002)
  • Herpes simplex virus epithelial keratitis (417091001)
  • Herpes simplex with complication (111854002)
  • Herpes simplex without complication (111853008)
  • Herpes virus infection of the central nervous system (406586005)
  • Herpes zoster (4740000)
  • Herpes zoster acute retinal necrosis (422471006)
  • Herpes zoster auricularis (21954000)
  • Herpes zoster conjunctivitis (410509003)
  • Herpes zoster corneal endotheliitis (424801004)
  • Herpes zoster dermatitis (400020001)
  • Herpes zoster encephalitis (230176008)
  • Herpes zoster infection of oral mucosa (235059009)
  • Herpes zoster interstitial keratitis (426570007)
  • Herpes zoster involving cervical dermatome (402897003)
  • Herpes zoster involving sacral dermatome (402898008)
  • Herpes zoster iridocyclitis (10698009)
  • Herpes zoster iritis (331071000119101)
  • Herpes zoster keratitis (397573005)
  • Herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis (42448002)
  • Herpes zoster myelitis (98541000119101)
  • Herpes zoster of skin and/or mucous membranes without complications (723109003)
  • Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (87513003)
  • Herpes zoster pseudodendrites (424435009)
  • Herpes zoster radiculitis (424941009)
  • Herpes zoster retinal pigment epithelial detachment (425356002)
  • Herpes zoster retinitis (421029004)
  • Herpes zoster subepithelial infiltrates (422446008)
  • Herpes zoster with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422127002)
  • Herpes zoster with complication (49183009)
  • Herpes zoster with meningitis (10491005)
  • Herpes zoster with nervous system complication (111861003)
  • Herpes zoster without complication (111859007)
  • Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum (186537009)
  • Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis (186552002)
  • Herpesvirus T infection (19663002)
  • Herpesvirus infection (23513009)
  • Herpesvirus saimiri infection (82128000)
  • Herpetic acute necrotizing encephalitis (76474001)
  • Herpetic cervicitis (129670002)
  • Herpetic gingivostomatitis (57920007)
  • Herpetic infection of penis (10227000)
  • Herpetic iridocyclitis (420485005)
  • Herpetic meningoencephalitis (9678009)
  • Herpetic ulceration of vulva (59819007)
  • Herpetic vesicle in vagina (278068003)
  • Herpetic vulvovaginitis (27420004)
  • Herpetic whitlow (43891009)
  • Heterophil-positive mononucleosis syndrome (61596005)
  • Histoplasmosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420945005)
  • Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection (429659006)
  • Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 infection (425740005)
  • Human echovirus infection (129671003)
  • Human herpes virus 6 infection of skin (402420001)
  • Human herpes virus 7 infection of skin (402565007)
  • Human herpes virus 8 infection of skin (402857001)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus I infection (40780007)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus II infection (79019005)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 1 co-occurrent with malaria (735522008)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 1 co-occurrent with tuberculosis (735521001)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 2 co-occurrent with malaria (735524009)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 2 co-occurrent with tuberculosis (735523003)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 3 co-occurrent with malaria (735526006)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 3 co-occurrent with tuberculosis (735525005)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 4 co-occurrent with malaria (735528007)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus World Health Organization 2007 stage 4 co-occurrent with tuberculosis (735527002)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus complicating pregnancy childbirth and the puerperium (721166000)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus disease resulting in haematological and immunological abnormalities (943041000000105)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis (398329009)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy (397763006)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus enteropathy (235726002)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus in mother complicating childbirth (10755671000119100)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection (86406008)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection constitutional disease (186706006)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection with acute lymphadenitis (87117006)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection with aseptic meningitis (315019000)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection with infection caused by another virus (5810003)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection with infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome (48794007)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection with neurological disease (186707002)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection with secondary clinical infectious disease (186708007)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus leukoencephalopathy (230180003)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus modified skin disease (1142055000)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus myopathy (240103002)
  • Human metapneumovirus infection (1087141000119106)
  • Human papillomavirus infection (240532009)
  • Human papillomavirus infection of vocal cord (432381000)
  • Human rabies (398446008)
  • Hutchinson's sign (410500004)
  • Hyperhidrosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422194002)
  • Ilesha virus disease (37780006)
  • Ilheus virus encephalitis (71105005)
  • Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome caused by human immunodeficiency virus infection (714464009)
  • Impetigo simplex (200707008)
  • Inadvertent autoinoculation with vaccinia virus following contact with smallpox vaccination site (409637001)
  • Incubating rabies (240461007)
  • Infantile paralysis (397928009)
  • Infantile viral gastroenteritis (308119005)
  • Infection caused by Aspergillus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713732008)
  • Infection caused by Chapare virus (721783001)
  • Infection caused by Coccidia co-occurrent with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (771119002)
  • Infection caused by Coccidia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713729005)
  • Infection caused by Coltavirus (721785008)
  • Infection caused by Cryptosporidium co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713845004)
  • Infection caused by Cytomegalovirus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713722001)
  • Infection caused by Dermatophyte co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713734009)
  • Infection caused by Erythroparvovirus (721774006)
  • Infection caused by Family Astroviridae (1163506001)
  • Infection caused by Guanarito virus (721780003)
  • Infection caused by Hendra virus (773582002)
  • Infection caused by Henipavirus (721789002)
  • Infection caused by Human T-lymphotropic virus (721761000)
  • Infection caused by Human enterovirus 71 (713456006)
  • Infection caused by Human parainfluenza virus 1 (407496005)
  • Infection caused by Human parainfluenza virus 2 (70233007)
  • Infection caused by Human parainfluenza virus 3 (30270006)
  • Infection caused by Human parainfluenza virus 4 (68949000)
  • Infection caused by Human poliovirus (721764008)
  • Infection caused by Isospora co-occurrent with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (771127006)
  • Infection caused by Junin virus (721778009)
  • Infection caused by Lassa virus (721779001)
  • Infection caused by Lujo virus (721784007)
  • Infection caused by Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (721781004)
  • Infection caused by Machupo virus (721777004)
  • Infection caused by Microsporidia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713881001)
  • Infection caused by Molluscum contagiosum (40070004)
  • Infection caused by Nipah virus (406597005)
  • Infection caused by Nocardia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713545009)
  • Infection caused by Norovirus (721763002)
  • Infection caused by Pneumocystis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713490002)
  • Infection caused by Roseolovirus (721772005)
  • Infection caused by Rubulavirus (721787000)
  • Infection caused by Sabia virus (721782006)
  • Infection caused by Salmonella co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713342008)
  • Infection caused by Strongyloides co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713339002)
  • Infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii co-occurrent with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (771126002)
  • Infection caused by Yatapoxvirus (123031000119109)
  • Infection caused by antimicrobial resistant virus (409798003)
  • Infection caused by herpes simplex virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713730000)
  • Infection caused by herpes zoster virus co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713733003)
  • Infection caused by human herpesvirus 6 (442177008)
  • Infection caused by human herpesvirus 7 (442002001)
  • Infection of anogenital region caused by Molluscum contagiosum virus (721590009)
  • Infection of central nervous system caused by Herpes simplex virus (721768006)
  • Infection of cranial nerve caused by virus (1179387001)
  • Infection of eye caused by Avian Paramyxovirus 1 (719386009)
  • Infection of eyelid due to herpes zoster (1163483009)
  • Infection of gastrointestinal tract caused by human herpes simplex virus (1163467009)
  • Infection of intestine caused by Human cytomegalovirus 5 (721771003)
  • Infection of lacrimal gland caused by virus (721257005)
  • Infection of lower respiratory tract caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (880529761000119102)
  • Infection of perianal skin caused by human herpes simplex virus (1087111000119107)
  • Infection of peripheral nerve caused by virus (1179386005)
  • Infection of rectum caused by Human herpes simplex virus (737166003)
  • Infection of skin and mucous membrane caused by human papillomavirus (721266009)
  • Infection of skin and/or mucous membrane caused by Herpes simplex virus (721767001)
  • Infection of skin and/or mucous membrane caused by Herpes virus (721265008)
  • Infection of skin caused by Molluscum contagiosum (765783008)
  • Infection of skin of bilateral eyelids due to herpes zoster (15681361000119105)
  • Infection of skin of eyelid caused by Molluscum contagiosum (765782003)
  • Infection of skin of eyelid due to herpes zoster (416718008)
  • Infection of skin of genitalia caused by Molluscum contagiosum (240467006)
  • Infection of tendon sheath caused by virus (1162299007)
  • Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by Candida co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (719522009)
  • Infection of upper respiratory tract caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1240541000000107)
  • Infection of urinary tract caused by Herpes simplex (788962001)
  • Infection of vagina caused by Human herpes simplex virus (723090006)
  • Infectious disease with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (445945000)
  • Infectious gastroenteritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713570009)
  • Infectious gastroenteritis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421454008)
  • Infectious mononucleosis ampicillin reaction (238815002)
  • Infectious mononucleosis caused by Adenovirus (1187002002)
  • Infectious mononucleosis caused by Cytomegalovirus (16196000)
  • Infectious mononucleosis caused by human herpesvirus 4 (1186997009)
  • Infectious mononucleosis caused by human herpesvirus 6 (1186998004)
  • Infectious mononucleosis caused by human immunodeficiency virus (1187000005)
  • Infectious mononucleosis caused by human immunodeficiency virus type I (1187001009)
  • Infective arthritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713532005)
  • Infective arthritis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421708000)
  • Inflammation of bilateral labyrinth structures caused by virus (1084711000119102)
  • Inflammation of bronchiole caused by Human metapneumovirus (445102008)
  • Inflammation of bursa caused by virus (1162357009)
  • Inflammation of duodenum caused by virus (1179393009)
  • Inflammation of free margin of eyelid caused by Human herpes simplex virus (1231499004)
  • Inflammation of intervertebral disc due to viral infection (1162355001)
  • Inflammation of intestine caused by Norovirus (445152004)
  • Inflammation of intestine caused by virus (78420004)
  • Inflammation of larynx caused by virus (441551009)
  • Inflammation of small intestine caused by Calicivirus (1148699004)
  • Influenza (6142004)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus (442438000)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (442696006)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H2 (1149091008)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H3N2 (772810003)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H5 (713083002)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (772828001)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H7 (450715004)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H7N9 (707448003)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza A virus subtype H9 (450716003)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza B virus (24662006)
  • Influenza caused by Influenza C virus (81524006)
  • Influenza caused by pandemic influenza virus (719865001)
  • Influenza caused by seasonal influenza virus (719590007)
  • Influenza due to pandemic influenza virus (1033071000000105)
  • Influenza due to seasonal influenza virus (1033091000000109)
  • Influenza due to zoonotic influenza virus (1033051000000101)
  • Influenza with encephalopathy (74644004)
  • Influenza with gastrointestinal tract involvement (195929004)
  • Influenza with laryngitis (195923003)
  • Influenza with non-respiratory manifestation (61700007)
  • Influenza with pharyngitis (195924009)
  • Influenza with pneumonia due to seasonal influenza virus (1033111000000104)
  • Influenzal acute upper respiratory infection (43692000)
  • Influenzal bronchopneumonia (41269000)
  • Inkoo virus disease (58192006)
  • Interstitial keratitis of bilateral eyes caused by human herpes simplex virus (15992551000119106)
  • Interstitial keratitis of left eye caused by Herpes zoster virus (15685201000119100)
  • Interstitial keratitis of left eye caused by herpes simplex virus (15992591000119101)
  • Interstitial keratitis of right eye caused by Herpes zoster virus (15685281000119108)
  • Interstitial keratitis of right eye caused by herpes simplex virus (15992511000119105)
  • Intestinal malabsorption with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420321004)
  • Invasive carcinoma of uterine cervix co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (733834006)
  • Iridocyclitis of bilateral eyes caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 1 (15678721000119100)
  • Iridocyclitis of bilateral eyes caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (15678841000119100)
  • Iritis of bilateral eyes caused by Human alphaherpesvirus (15679281000119103)
  • Iritis of bilateral eyes caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (15991751000119109)
  • Iritis of left eye caused by herpes zoster virus (15991791000119104)
  • Iritis of right eye caused by herpes zoster virus (15991711000119108)
  • Isfahan fever (240513003)
  • Isosporiasis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713546005)
  • Itaqui virus disease (85436005)
  • Jamestown Canyon virus disease (41723001)
  • Jamestown Canyon virus encephalitis (404235004)
  • Jamestown Canyon virus meningitis (404238002)
  • Japanese encephalitis virus disease (52947006)
  • Jungle yellow fever (42100005)
  • Kaposi's sarcoma with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420524008)
  • Kaposi's varicelliform eruption caused by herpes simplex virus (279496009)
  • Kaposi's varicelliform eruption caused by vaccinia virus (262781009)
  • Kemerovo virus disease (42523002)
  • Keratitis of bilateral eyes caused by Adenovirus (15692481000119104)
  • Keratitis of bilateral eyes caused by Human herpesvirus 3 (15992351000119104)
  • Keratitis of left eye caused by Adenovirus (15692521000119104)
  • Keratitis of left eye due to herpes zoster (15992311000119100)
  • Keratitis of right eye caused by Adenovirus (15692561000119109)
  • Keratitis of right eye due to herpes zoster (15992271000119100)
  • Keratoconjunctivitis caused by adenovirus (186678004)
  • Keratoconjunctivitis caused by molluscum contagiosum (397567009)
  • Keratoconjunctivitis of bilateral eyes caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 3 (15680281000119103)
  • Keystone virus encephalitis (404237007)
  • Keystone virus meningitis (404243009)
  • Koutango virus disease (36751008)
  • Kumlinge virus encephalitis (230170002)
  • Kunjin fever (87048000)
  • Kyasanur Forest disease (23097003)
  • La Crosse encephalitis (61094002)
  • La Crosse meningitis (404240007)
  • Lassa fever (19065005)
  • Latent genital herpes simplex during pregnancy (501661611000119107)
  • Le Dantec virus disease (4030008)
  • Lebombo virus disease (80019009)
  • Lepthangamushi syndrome (284184004)
  • Lethal intestinal viral infection of mouse (53204006)
  • Leukoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and lactate elevation (703537008)
  • Low vision with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422189002)
  • Lumbar herpes zoster infection (240471009)
  • Lymphadenopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713507008)
  • Lymphocystis disease (11604007)
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (398136003)
  • Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (239940004)
  • Lymphomatoid granulomatosis of lung (239297008)
  • Lymphonodular coxsackie pharyngitis (240547000)
  • Madrid virus disease (60774007)
  • Maguari fever (240502001)
  • Malaise with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420801006)
  • Malignant lymphomatoid granulomatosis (789689004)
  • Malignant lymphomatoid granulomatosis grade 3 (878857009)
  • Malignant lymphomatoid granulomatosis grade 3 of lung (878858004)
  • Malignant lymphomatoid granulomatosis of lung (789690008)
  • Malignant neoplasm with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422282000)
  • Malignant neoplastic disease co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713572001)
  • Mandibular herpes zoster infection (240473007)
  • Manzanilla fever (5497006)
  • Marburg virus disease (77503002)
  • Marituba virus disease (75336004)
  • Mastitis of mumps (237443002)
  • Maxillary herpes zoster infection (240472002)
  • Mayaro fever (9164007)
  • Measles (14189004)
  • Measles complicated by meningitis (186561002)
  • Measles inclusion body encephalitis (416154000)
  • Measles keratitis (28463004)
  • Measles keratoconjunctivitis (60013002)
  • Measles myocarditis (74918002)
  • Measles of the central nervous system (406592004)
  • Measles with complication (38921001)
  • Measles without complication (111873003)
  • Meningitis caused by Epstein-Barr virus (721769003)
  • Meningitis caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 1 (1179379002)
  • Meningitis caused by Human alphaherpesvirus 2 (1179380004)
  • Meningitis caused by Human cytomegalovirus 5 (721770002)
  • Meningitis caused by Human enterovirus 70 (722548001)
  • Meningitis caused by Human enterovirus 71 (722547006)
  • Meningitis caused by Human poliovirus (721765009)
  • Meningitis caused by Junin virus (1163471007)
  • Meningitis caused by Lassa virus (1163468004)
  • Meningitis caused by Machupo virus (1163469007)
  • Meningitis caused by Paramyxovirus (721243008)
  • Meningitis caused by Rubella virus (1092351000119107)
  • Meningitis caused by arbovirus infection (131411000119107)
  • Meningitis caused by genus Arenavirus (1163470008)
  • Meningoencephalitis caused by Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (1163541002)
  • Meningoencephalitis caused by mumps (40099009)
  • Meningoeruptive syndrome (85402004)
  • Microsporidiosis associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421020000)
  • Middle East respiratory syndrome (651000146102)
  • Modified measles (240484000)
  • Modified smallpox (51423006)
  • Mokola virus disease (86707003)
  • Monkeypox (359814004)
  • Mosaic plantar wart (240540003)
  • Mosquito-borne arboviral fever (240495006)
  • Mucambo fever (43416006)
  • Mucocutaneous ulcer caused by Epstein-Barr virus (783566008)
  • Multidermatomal herpes zoster infection (240474001)
  • Multidermatomal infection caused by Herpes zoster co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713964006)
  • Mumps (36989005)
  • Mumps acute sialadenitis (235123001)
  • Mumps encephalitis (31646008)
  • Mumps epididymo-orchitis (236771002)
  • Mumps hepatitis (89231008)
  • Mumps meningitis (44201003)
  • Mumps myocarditis (63462008)
  • Mumps nephritis (17121006)
  • Mumps oophoritis (75548002)
  • Mumps orchitis (78580004)
  • Mumps pancreatitis (10665004)
  • Mumps parotitis (240526004)
  • Mumps polyneuropathy (31524007)
  • Mumps sublingual sialadenitis (240529006)
  • Mumps submandibular sialadenitis (240527008)
  • Mumps thyroiditis (72071001)
  • Mumps with complication (74717002)
  • Mumps without complication (111870000)
  • Murray Valley encephalitis (66454007)
  • Murutucu virus disease (73701003)
  • Mycobacteriosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420818005)
  • Myelitis caused by Cytomegalovirus (866060005)
  • Myelitis caused by Dengue virus (866057003)
  • Myelitis caused by Enterovirus (866055006)
  • Myelitis caused by Epstein-Barr virus (866056007)
  • Myelitis caused by Herpes simplex type 1 (866132005)
  • Myelitis caused by Herpes simplex type 2 (866130002)
  • Myelitis caused by Human coxsackievirus A (866059000)
  • Myelitis caused by Human coxsackievirus B (866251007)
  • Myelitis caused by Human echovirus (866058008)
  • Myelitis caused by Human herpes virus (866131003)
  • Myelitis caused by Influenza A virus (866126000)
  • Myelitis caused by Retroviridae (866125001)
  • Myelitis caused by Roseolovirus (866128004)
  • Myelitis caused by herpes simplex (426599002)
  • Myelitis caused by human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (866129007)
  • Myelitis caused by human poliovirus (866124002)
  • Myelitis caused by virus (721248004)
  • Myelitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713341001)
  • Myelitis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421315006)
  • Myelopathy caused by Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (714279000)
  • Myelopathy with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420452002)
  • Myocarditis caused by Influenza A virus (10629351000119108)
  • Myocarditis caused by Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (142951000119106)
  • Myocarditis caused by echovirus (460345001)
  • Myocarditis caused by influenza virus (78046005)
  • Myocarditis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713318009)
  • Myocarditis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421929001)
  • Myrmecia plantar wart (240541004)
  • Nairobi sheep virus disease (24069003)
  • Nairoviral encephalitis (407472000)
  • Neapolitan sandfly fever (240519004)
  • Necrotizing herpetic retinopathy (315288007)
  • Negishi encephalitis (6955002)
  • Neonatal coxsackie virus syndrome (240549002)
  • Neonatal dacryocystitis or conjunctivitis caused by virus (268841001)
  • Neonatal echovirus disease (240550002)
  • Neonatal herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis (410507001)
  • Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia due to viral infection (1142075009)
  • Neonatal viral conjunctivitis (276682008)
  • Neonatal viral dacryocystitis (276685005)
  • Neonatal viral infection of skin (402796000)
  • Nephropathy caused by BK polyomavirus (713886006)
  • Nephrotic syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713695001)
  • Nepuyo virus disease (74342009)
  • Nervous system disease caused by human enterovirus (1163535009)
  • Nervous system infection caused by Adenovirus (1163532007)
  • Neuralgia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713278001)
  • Neuralgia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422136003)
  • Neuritis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713506004)
  • Neuritis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (422012004)
  • Neuroinvasive Cache Valley encephalitis virus infection (417872000)
  • Neuroinvasive Cache Valley virus disease (420090003)
  • Neuroinvasive California encephalitis virus infection (417075004)
  • Neuroinvasive Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection (417496004)
  • Neuroinvasive Powassan encephalitis virus infection (416543004)
  • Neuroinvasive Saint Louis encephalitis virus infection (417607009)
  • Neuroinvasive Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus infection (416659006)
  • Neuroinvasive Western equine encephalitis virus infection (422498005)
  • Neurological varicella (240468001)
  • Neuropathy caused by human immunodeficiency virus (230598008)
  • Neutropenia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (416729007)
  • Nocardiosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421431004)
  • Non-neuroinvasive Cache Valley virus disease (419703006)
  • Non-neuroinvasive Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection (417573001)
  • Non-neuroinvasive Powassan encephalitis virus infection (417160009)
  • Non-neuroinvasive Western equine encephalitis virus infection (423592001)
  • Nongenital herpes simplex (82121000119104)
  • Nongenital recurrent herpes simplex (82131000119101)
  • Noninfectious gastroenteritis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421983003)
  • Nonspecific exanthematous viral infection (421512008)
  • Nutritional deficiency with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420691000)
  • O'nyong-nyong fever (85579005)
  • Occult chronic type B viral hepatitis (713966008)
  • Ockelbo disease (240497003)
  • Omsk hemorrhagic fever (48113006)
  • Oncovirus infection (1089951000119104)
  • Ongoing symptomatic disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1325181000000106)
  • Ophthalmic herpes simplex (186542001)
  • Opportunistic mycosis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713880000)
  • Oral herpes simplex infection (235055003)
  • Oral mucosal herpes (235058001)
  • Oral mucosal viral disease (235054004)
  • Oral wart (402908003)
  • Orf virus disease (74050005)
  • Organic brain syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713491003)
  • Organic brain syndrome with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420774007)
  • Organic dementia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420614009)
  • Oriboca virus disease (25582006)
  • Oropouche virus disease (72880002)
  • Orunga virus disease (4733001)
  • Ossa virus disease (81472005)
  • Other specific viral infection (266115000)
  • Other specific viral infection (691031000000107)
  • Otitis externa caused by Herpes zoster (36292003)
  • Otitis externa of bilateral external auditory canals caused by Human herpes simplex virus (15983071000119100)
  • Otitis externa of left external auditory canal caused by human herpes simplex virus (15982911000119100)
  • Otitis externa of right external auditory canal caused by human herpes simplex virus (15982991000119109)
  • Otitis media caused by H1N1 influenza (10624911000119107)
  • Otitis media caused by Influenza A virus (10674911000119108)
  • Otitis media caused by influenza (10624951000119108)
  • Panuveitis caused by Herpesvirus (870332008)
  • Panuveitis caused by virus (870329005)
  • Parainfluenza (12188008)
  • Parainfluenza virus bronchitis (27475006)
  • Parainfluenza virus bronchopneumonia (64880000)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngitis (85832003)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheitis (10809006)
  • Parainfluenza virus laryngotracheobronchitis (35377009)
  • Parainfluenza virus pharyngitis (78911000)
  • Parainfluenza virus pneumonia (64917006)
  • Parainfluenza virus rhinopharyngitis (59221008)
  • Paralytic rabies (415035006)
  • Parkinsonism due to human immunodeficiency virus infection (722557007)
  • Parvovirus infection (186748004)
  • Parvovirus infection of the central nervous system (406599008)
  • Pediatric human immunodeficiency virus infection (405631006)
  • Pedunculated conjunctival papilloma (419738008)
  • Penile verrucous carcinoma of Buschke-Löwenstein (402911002)
  • Penile warts (240598006)
  • Perianal warts (266114001)
  • Perinatal infection caused by Human herpes simplex virus (735737009)
  • Perinatal mucocutaneous infection caused by Human herpesvirus 3 (870310004)
  • Perinatal varicella (240469009)
  • Perineal wart (298128008)
  • Periungual wart (43021004)
  • Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (95892003)
  • Pharyngotonsillitis caused by Human herpes simplex virus (721586007)
  • Pichinde virus disease (89143002)
  • Piry virus disease (41348000)
  • Pixuna fever (186612006)
  • Plane wart (240539000)
  • Pneumococcal pneumonia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420787001)
  • Pneumocystosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420403001)
  • Pneumonia and influenza (195878008)
  • Pneumonia caused by H1N1 influenza (142931000119100)
  • Pneumonia caused by Human coronavirus (713084008)
  • Pneumonia caused by Human metapneumovirus (445096001)
  • Pneumonia caused by Influenza A virus (772839003)
  • Pneumonia caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (441590008)
  • Pneumonia caused by influenza (16311000119108)
  • Pneumonia caused by respiratory syncytial virus (195881003)
  • Pneumonia caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (882784691000119100)
  • Pneumonia due to measles (195900001)
  • Pneumonia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421671002)
  • Pneumonitis due to Herpes zoster (12571000132104)
  • Polyneuropathy caused by human Cytomegalovirus 5 (1163079004)
  • Polyneuropathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713489006)
  • Polyneuropathy with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421597001)
  • Post measles encephalitis (111872008)
  • Post measles meningitis (230146001)
  • Post-renal transplant nephropathy caused by BK polyomavirus (1255627000)
  • Posterior uveitis caused by virus (1176982003)
  • Posttransfusion viral hepatitis (28766006)
  • Postviral infection debility (266226000)
  • Postviral infection debility (154427007)
  • Powassan encephalitis virus infection (416707008)
  • Pox virus infection of skin (238367006)
  • Predisposition to severe viral infection due to interferon regulatory factor 7 deficiency (1269234000)
  • Presenile dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713488003)
  • Presenile dementia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421023003)
  • Primary anogenital herpes (240478003)
  • Primary cerebral lymphoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713325002)
  • Primary effusion lymphoma co-occurrent with infection caused by Human herpesvirus 8 (714463003)
  • Primary herpes simplex (40981003)
  • Primary herpes simplex infection of genitalia (402888002)
  • Primary herpes simplex infection of lips (402886003)
  • Primary herpes simplex infection of penis (402889005)
  • Primary herpes simplex keratoconjunctivitis (402885004)
  • Primary herpetic vulvovaginitis (402890001)
  • Primary human immunodeficiency virus infection (1142045004)
  • Primary immunodeficiency with post-measles-mumps-rubella vaccine viral infection (783245001)
  • Primary lymphoma of brain with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421283008)
  • Primary oral herpes simplex infection (235056002)
  • Primary perianal herpes simplex infection (402887007)
  • Primary viral encephalitis (428635007)
  • Primate erythroparvovirus 1 infection (34730008)
  • Progressive congenital rubella encephalomyelitis (302811004)
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (22255007)
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713487008)
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420554003)
  • Progressive outer retinal necrosis (312933005)
  • Progressive rubella panencephalitis (10082001)
  • Progressive vaccina (56140006)
  • Pseudocowpox (27240009)
  • Punta Toro virus disease (12879002)
  • Puumala virus nephropathy (364756009)
  • Pyrexia of unknown origin co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713731001)
  • Quaranfil fever (51682007)
  • Rabies (14168008)
  • Rabies - hydrophobia (266196000)
  • Rabies - recovery phase (240465003)
  • Rabies coma (240464004)
  • Rabies prodrome (240462000)
  • Radiculitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713320007)
  • Radiculitis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420658009)
  • Rat coronaviral infection (65842006)
  • Reactivation of hepatitis B viral hepatitis (446698005)
  • Reactivation of hepatitis C viral hepatitis (702969000)
  • Recurrent anogenital herpes (240479006)
  • Recurrent anogenital warts (1097561000000105)
  • Recurrent bacterial pneumonia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713526000)
  • Recurrent cervicitis caused by human herpes simplex virus (1090381000119104)
  • Recurrent genital Herpes simplex type 1 infection (439912007)
  • Recurrent genital Herpes simplex type 2 infection (439913002)
  • Recurrent genital herpes simplex (402894005)
  • Recurrent genital warts (868341000000102)
  • Recurrent hepatitis C virus induced liver disease following liver transplant (1197150002)
  • Recurrent herpes simplex (37323009)
  • Recurrent herpes simplex infection of buttock (11056091000119105)
  • Recurrent herpes simplex infection of eye (402891002)
  • Recurrent herpes simplex infection of perianal area (402893004)
  • Recurrent herpes simplex labialis (402892009)
  • Recurrent herpes simplex of penis (402895006)
  • Recurrent herpetic vulvovaginitis (402896007)
  • Recurrent herpetic whitlow (1090451000119100)
  • Recurrent infection of cornea caused by human herpes simplex virus (1216994006)
  • Recurrent inflammation of cornea caused by human herpes simplex virus (1217004007)
  • Recurrent inflammation of vulva caused by human herpes simplex virus (1090441000119102)
  • Recurrent oral herpes simplex infection (235057006)
  • Recurrent salmonella sepsis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (714083007)
  • Recurrent vesicular dermatitis caused by human herpes simplex virus (1090431000119106)
  • Relapsing type A viral hepatitis (43634002)
  • Relapsing viral hepatitis (58282009)
  • Renal failure syndrome co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713696000)
  • Renal impairment caused by Polyomavirus (713453003)
  • Respiratory disorder with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421874007)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis (57089007)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis (79479005)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus infection (55735004)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus laryngotracheobronchitis (72204002)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus pharyngitis (31309002)
  • Restan virus disease (48922006)
  • Reticulosarcoma co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713483007)
  • Reticulosarcoma with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420302007)
  • Retinal vascular changes with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420308006)
  • Retinitis caused by human herpes simplex virus (1163479009)
  • Retinopathy with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421460008)
  • Rhabdovirus encephalitis (230174006)
  • Rift valley fever (402917003)
  • Rio Bravo fever (23122001)
  • Rio Bravo viral encephalitis (415347009)
  • Rocio virus disease (4464003)
  • Rocio virus encephalitis (230166005)
  • Roseola infantum caused by human herpesvirus 6 (402902002)
  • Roseola infantum caused by human herpesvirus 7 (402903007)
  • Rotavirus food poisoning (415353009)
  • Rubella (36653000)
  • Rubella cataract (253227001)
  • Rubella encephalitis (192689006)
  • Rubella in mother complicating childbirth (10759761000119100)
  • Rubella in mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth AND/OR puerperium (84939004)
  • Rubella in pregnancy (274119009)
  • Rubella infection of central nervous system (111868009)
  • Rubella meningoencephalitis (13225007)
  • Rubella myocarditis (64190005)
  • Rubella pneumonia (1092361000119109)
  • Rubella retinopathy (231985001)
  • Rubella with neurological complication (186567003)
  • Rubeola retinopathy (417145006)
  • Saint Louis encephalitis virus infection (417192005)
  • Salivary gland disease with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420549007)
  • Salmonella infection with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420764009)
  • Sandfly fever caused by Sandfly fever Sicilian virus (54049006)
  • Sandfly-borne orbivirus fever (240520005)
  • Sandfly-borne phleboviral disease (407476002)
  • Sandfly-borne rhabdovirus fever (240521009)
  • Scleritis due to herpes zoster (1087131000119102)
  • Scleritis of bilateral eyes due to herpes zoster (16000751000119105)
  • Scleritis of left eye due to herpes zoster (16000791000119100)
  • Scleritis of right eye due to herpes zoster (16000831000119106)
  • Semliki forest fever (49142006)
  • Sendai virus infection (407497001)
  • Sepik fever (240499000)
  • Sepsis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (700053002)
  • Sessile conjunctival papilloma (418439007)
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (398447004)
  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome of upper respiratory tract (715882005)
  • Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (722401001)
  • Sexually transmissible infection caused by Herpes simplex virus (721585006)
  • Sexually transmissible infection caused by Molluscum contagiosum virus (721589000)
  • Sexually transmissible infection caused by human papillomavirus (721587003)
  • Shuni virus disease (52016003)
  • Simian B disease (36420002)
  • Simian B encephalomyelitis (15316002)
  • Simian adenovirus infection (33093008)
  • Sindbis fever (28477001)
  • Skin disorder with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421394009)
  • Skin rash with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420281004)
  • Smallpox (67924001)
  • Smallpox without rash (74724001)
  • Snowshoe hare meningitis (404241006)
  • Snowshoe hare virus encephalitis (404236003)
  • South American hemorrhagic fever (30982007)
  • Specific viral infections (186741005)
  • Splenomegaly co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713275003)
  • Spondweni fever (33877000)
  • Spondyloarthritis due to viral infection (1162331006)
  • St. Louis encephalitis virus non-neuroinvasive disease (416129000)
  • St. Louis meningitis (404234000)
  • Stomatitis caused by bovine papular stomatitis virus (415589002)
  • Strongyloidiasis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421883002)
  • Subacute adenoviral encephalitis (111851005)
  • Subacute adenoviral encephalitis co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713260006)
  • Subacute adenoviral encephalitis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421415007)
  • Subacute endocarditis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (420938005)
  • Subacute hepatic failure caused by hepatitis virus (722865001)
  • Subacute myocarditis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421272004)
  • Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (192685000)
  • Subungual wart (240535006)
  • Suspected viral infection of skin (734930006)
  • Symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus I infection (80191000119101)
  • Symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection (81000119104)
  • Tacaiuma virus disease (44362006)
  • Tacaribe virus disease (49589000)
  • Tahyna fever (30945003)
  • Tanapox (58544000)
  • Tataguine virus disease (50386009)
  • Tensaw encephalitis (230168006)
  • Tensaw virus disease (9602009)
  • Thogoto virus disease (51638003)
  • Thoracic herpes zoster infection (240470005)
  • Thrombocytopenia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421766003)
  • Transient neonatal neutropenia due to congenital viral infection (722925004)
  • Transmission of vaccinia virus from another person due to contact with smallpox vaccination site (1177184008)
  • Tribec virus disease (48881001)
  • Trichodysplasia spinulosa caused by Polyomavirus (723544007)
  • Trivittatus fever (240507007)
  • Tuberculosis with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421571007)
  • Uganda S fever (44110002)
  • Ulcer of skin caused by Cytomegalovirus (689981000119103)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by H1N1 influenza (142941000119109)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by Influenza (10685111000119102)
  • Upper respiratory tract infection caused by Influenza A (328531000119104)
  • Urban yellow fever (74166005)
  • Urethral wart (426479005)
  • Uukuniemi fever (240515005)
  • Vaccination site vaccinia (402884000)
  • Vaccinia (111852003)
  • Vaccinia keratitis (397552005)
  • Vacuolar myelopathy (230202002)
  • Van Bogaert's sclerosing leukoencephalitis (359686005)
  • Varicella (38907003)
  • Varicella transverse myelitis (230198004)
  • Varicella-zoster virus infection (309465005)
  • Variola major (47452006)
  • Vasculitis due to and following viral infection (724063005)
  • Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus non-neuroinvasive disease (417067005)
  • Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever (359673001)
  • Verruca palmaris (13338002)
  • Verruca plantaris (63440008)
  • Verruca vulgaris (57019003)
  • Verruca vulgaris of eyelid (1197333008)
  • Verruca vulgaris of skin of cheek (446985003)
  • Verruca vulgaris of skin of lower extremity (447146004)
  • Verruca vulgaris of skin of pinna (446901009)
  • Verruca vulgaris of skin of scalp (446771003)
  • Vesicular herpes simplex eyelid dermatitis (422570005)
  • Vesicular pharyngitis (274102007)
  • Vesicular stomatitis Alagoas virus disease (73423000)
  • Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus disease (53632005)
  • Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus disease (53660007)
  • Vesicular stomatitis virus disease (895086000)
  • Viral acute pancreatitis (235946003)
  • Viral bronchitis (16146001)
  • Viral cardiovascular infection (312135004)
  • Viral carditis (186755002)
  • Viral colitis (13641000119106)
  • Viral conjunctivitis (45261009)
  • Viral conjunctivitis of bilateral eyes (15680481000119104)
  • Viral corneal ulcer (231894008)
  • Viral dermatitis of eyelid (231803006)
  • Viral disease (34014006)
  • Viral disease in mother complicating childbirth (10759961000119102)
  • Viral disease in mother complicating pregnancy, childbirth AND/OR puerperium (31516002)
  • Viral ear infection (312137007)
  • Viral encephalitis (34476008)
  • Viral encephalomyelocarditis (11936003)
  • Viral endocarditis (459057007)
  • Viral epiglottitis (70976000)
  • Viral esophagitis (235603003)
  • Viral exanthem (49882001)
  • Viral eye infection (312132001)
  • Viral gastritis (285344007)
  • Viral gastroenteritis (111843007)
  • Viral gastroenteritis caused by Norwalk-like agent (24789006)
  • Viral gastroenteritis caused by Rotavirus (415822001)
  • Viral gastroenteritis caused by Sapovirus (1187631004)
  • Viral hemorrhagic fever (240523007)
  • Viral hepatitis (3738000)
  • Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma (111879004)
  • Viral hepatitis A without hepatic coma, without hepatitis delta (424758008)
  • Viral hepatitis B without hepatic coma (111891008)
  • Viral hepatitis C in mother during pregnancy (16623921000119105)
  • Viral hepatitis complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (199203001)
  • Viral hepatitis in mother complicating childbirth (10759111000119102)
  • Viral hepatitis in mother complicating pregnancy (10759151000119101)
  • Viral hepatitis type B (66071002)
  • Viral hepatitis type C (50711007)
  • Viral hepatitis type D (707341005)
  • Viral hepatitis type E (7111000119109)
  • Viral hepatitis without hepatic coma (111896003)
  • Viral hepatitis, type A (40468003)
  • Viral hepatitis, type G (397575003)
  • Viral infection NOS (154372003)
  • Viral infection NOS (266116004)
  • Viral infection NOS (691041000000103)
  • Viral infection by site (312130009)
  • Viral infection characterised by skin and mucocutaneous lesions (936051000000104)
  • Viral infection of central nervous system (302810003)
  • Viral infection of central nervous system (128118007)
  • Viral infection of eye (129130008)
  • Viral infection of skin (128937004)
  • Viral infection of the digestive tract (312131008)
  • Viral keratitis (314020001)
  • Viral labyrinthitis (409711008)
  • Viral lower respiratory infection (312134000)
  • Viral meningitis (58170007)
  • Viral musculoskeletal infection (312136003)
  • Viral myalgia (240107001)
  • Viral myocarditis (89141000)
  • Viral myositis (240105009)
  • Viral pericarditis (70189005)
  • Viral pericarditis - virus unidentified (275513007)
  • Viral pericarditis with pericardial effusion (460445000)
  • Viral pharyngitis (1532007)
  • Viral pharyngoconjunctivitis (186675001)
  • Viral pleurisy (314043005)
  • Viral pneumonia (75570004)
  • Viral pneumonia due to infectious mononucleosis caused by human herpesvirus 4 (1187256004)
  • Viral pneumonia with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (421508002)
  • Viral respiratory infection (312133006)
  • Viral retinitis (231984002)
  • Viral sinusitis (444814009)
  • Viral thyroiditis (47378001)
  • Viral tonsillitis (51209006)
  • Viral tracheitis (66011008)
  • Viral ulcer of esophagus (235611008)
  • Viral upper respiratory tract infection (281794004)
  • Viral ventriculitis, brain (230157006)
  • Viral wart on finger (402904001)
  • Viral wart on lip (402906004)
  • Viral wart on nose (402905000)
  • Viral wart on toe (402909006)
  • Viral warts due to and following immunosuppressive therapy (1179409000)
  • Viral: [infection NOS] or [illness] (186754003)
  • Viremia caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (1017214008)
  • Visceral herpes simplex (16592009)
  • Visual impairment co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection (713531003)
  • Vulval verrucous carcinoma of Buschke-Löwenstein (402912009)
  • Vulval warts (237109002)
  • Wart of anal mucosa caused by Human papillomavirus (722521002)
  • Warts in immune-deficient state (402124001)
  • Warts of perianal region in infancy caused by human papillomavirus (871634008)
  • Warts, immunodeficiency, lymphedema, anogenital dysplasia syndrome (1186725001)
  • Warty dyskeratoma (254676008)
  • Wasting syndrome due to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (1260096003)
  • Wesselsbron fever (43220007)
  • West Nile encephalitis (392662004)
  • West Nile fever (822061000000106)
  • West Nile fever without encephalitis (397420007)
  • West Nile meningitis (404233006)
  • Western equine encephalitis (47523006)
  • Wyeomyia virus disease (32556003)
  • Yabapox (33090006)
  • Yellow fever (16541001)
  • Zika virus disease (3928002)
  • Zika virus infection during pregnancy (16468121000119106)
  • Zoster sine herpete (449783002)
  • [X]Anogenital herpes viral infection, unspecified (187365001)
  • [X]Anogenital herpes viral infection, unspecified (409241000000108)
  • [X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections (441561000000104)
  • [X]HIV disease resulting in other viral infections (187441000)
  • [X]Herpesviral infection, unspecified (439041000000105)
  • [X]Herpesviral infection, unspecified (187418008)
  • [X]Other forms of herpesviral infections (187417003)
  • [X]Other forms of herpesviral infections (439031000000101)
  • [X]Other specified viral infections characterised by skin and mucocutaneous lesions (417111000000105)
  • [X]Other specified viral infections characterized by skin and mucocutaneous lesions (187430002)
  • [X]Other specified viral infections of the central nervous system (187404001)
  • [X]Other specified viral infections of the central nervous system (441031000000103)
  • [X]Other viral infections characterised by skin and mucocutaneous lesions, not elsewhere classified (444331000000104)
  • [X]Other viral infections characterized by skin and mucocutaneous lesions, not elsewhere classified (187428004)
  • [X]Other viral infections of unspecified site (464581000000103)
  • [X]Other viral infections of unspecified site (187470009)
  • [X]Unspecified viral infection characterised by skin and mucocutaneous lesions (412061000000109)
  • [X]Unspecified viral infection characterized by skin and mucocutaneous lesions (187431003)
  • [X]Unspecified viral infection of the central nervous system (469381000000108)
  • [X]Unspecified viral infection of the central nervous system (187405000)
  • [X]Viral infection, unspecified (464591000000101)
  • [X]Viral infection, unspecified (187471008)
  • [X]Viral infections characterised by skin and mucous membrane lesions (390541000000109)
  • [X]Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions (187416007)
  • [X]Viral infections of the central nervous system (187388000)
  • [X]Viral infections of the central nervous system (400671000000106)