NHS England Low Priority Treatment - liothyronine (including Armour Thyroid and liothyronine combination products)

Codelist metadata

Coding system

Pseudo BNF

Coding system release




Codelist ID


Version ID





Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
0602010M0AAAAAA Liothyronine 20microgram tablets
0602010M0AAADAD Liothyronine 5microgram tablets
0602010M0AAAIAI Liothyronine 2.5microgram capsules
0602010M0AAANAN Liothyronine 5micrograms/5ml oral liquid
0602010M0AAAQAQ Liothyronine 10microgram tablets
0602010M0AAASAS Liothyronine 50microgram tablets
0602010M0AAAUAU Liothyronine 10microgram capsules
0602010M0AAAVAV Liothyronine 20microgram inj vials
0602010M0AAAWAW Liothyronine 25microgram tablets
0602010M0BBAAAA Tertroxin 20microgram tablets
0602010M0BFAAAD Cytomel 5microgram tablets
0602010M0BFACAW Cytomel 25microgram tablets
0602010Z0AAAAAA Levothyroxine sodium 19microg / Liothyronine 4.5microg tab
0602010Z0AAABAB Levothyroxine sodium 38microg / Liothyronine 9microg tab
0602010Z0AAACAC Levothyroxine sodium 57microg / Liothyronine 13.5microg tab
0602010Z0AAADAD Levothyroxine sodium 76microg / Liothyronine 18microg tab
0602010Z0AAAEAE Levothyroxine sodium 9.5microg / Liothyronine 2.25microg tab
0602010Z0AAAHAH Levothyroxine sodium 114microg / Liothyronine 27microg tab
0602010Z0AAAIAI Levothyroxine 73microgram / Liothyronine 17microgram tablets
0602010Z0AAAJAJ Levothyroxine 35microgram / Liothyronine 8microgram tablets
0602010Z0AAAKAK Levothyroxine 18microgram / Liothyronine 4microgram tablets
0602010Z0BBAAAE Armour Thyroid 15mg (quarter grain) tablets
0602010Z0BBABAA Armour Thyroid 30mg (half grain) tablets
0602010Z0BBACAB Armour Thyroid 60mg (1 grain) tablets
0602010Z0BBADAD Armour Thyroid 120mg (2 grains) tablets
0602010Z0BBAGAC Armour Thyroid 90mg (1 and a half grains) tablets
0602010Z0BBAHAH Armour Thyroid 180mg (3 grains) tablets
0602010Z0BCAAAB WP Thyroid 65mg (1 grain) tablets
0602010Z0BDAAAB Nature-Throid 65mg (1 grain) tablets
0602010Z0BDABAA Nature-Throid 32.5mg (half grain) tablets
0602010Z0BDACAD Nature-Throid 130mg (2 grains) tablets
0602010Z0BDADAE Nature-Throid 16.25mg (quarter grain) tablets
0602010Z0BEAAAI Erfa Thyroid 125mg (2 grains) tablets
0602010Z0BEABAJ Erfa Thyroid 60mg (1 grain) tablets
0602010Z0BEACAK Erfa Thyroid 30mg (half grain) tablets
0602010Z0BFAAAA NP Thyroid 30mg (half grain) tablets
0602010Z0BFABAB NP Thyroid 60mg (1 grain) tablets

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.