OpenPrescribing codelists

NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Higher Cost Insulin Pen Needles BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Minocycline BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Silk Garments BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - co-proxamol BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - dosulepin BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - doxazosin modified release BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - herbal medicines BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - homeopathy BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - lidocaine plasters BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - liothyronine (including Armour Thyroid and liothyronine combination products) BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - omega-3 fatty acid compounds BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - oxycodone and naloxone combination product BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - paracetamol and tramadol combination BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - perindopril arginine BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - rubefacients BNF