OpenPrescribing codelists

High-cost PPIs BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

Higher dose PPIs (excluding liquids) BNF
Injectable preparations for the treatment of infection BNF
Keppra tablets BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

Levetiracetam tablets BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

Long-acting insulin analogues BNF
Low and medium intensity statins BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

Lyrica capsules BNF
Metered dose inhalers BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

Methotrexate 10mg BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

Methotrexate 2.5mg and 10mg BNF

Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:

NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Aliskiren BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Amiodarone BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Bath and Shower emollients BNF
NHS England Low Priority Treatment - Dronedarone BNF