Neurological disorders (not including epilepsy)

Codelist metadata

Coding system

CTV3 (Read V3)

Coding system release



Office for National Statistics

Codelist ID


Version ID




No metadata has been provided for this codelist.

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
A411. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
A413. Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
Eu022 [X]Dementia in Huntington's disease
Eu023 [X]Dementia in Parkinson's disease
F0301 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
F11x7 Cerebral degeneration due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
F11x8 Cerebral degeneration due to multifocal leucoencephalopathy
F12.. Parkinson's disease
F12z. Parkinson's disease NOS
F1304 Progressive supranuclear palsy
F134. Huntington's disease
F140. Friedreich ataxia
F142. Primary cerebellar degeneration
F142z Primary cerebellar degeneration NOS
F1440 Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
F152. Motor neurone disease
F1522 Progressive bulbar palsy
F1524 Primary lateral sclerosis
F152z Motor neurone disease NOS
F20.. Multiple sclerosis
F200. Multiple sclerosis of the brainstem
F201. Multiple sclerosis of the spinal cord
F202. Generalised multiple sclerosis
F203. Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis
F20z. Multiple sclerosis NOS
F210. Optic neuromyelitis
F211. (Schilder's disease) or (Balo's concentric sclerosis)
F22.. (Hemiplegia) or (hemiparesis)
F220. Flaccid hemiplegia
F221. (Spastic hemiplegia) or (spastic foot)
F222. Left: [hemiplegia] or [sided weakness]
F223. Right: [hemiplegia] or [sided weakness]
F22z. Hemiplegia NOS
F23.. Congenital cerebral palsy (& spastic)
F231. Infantile hemiplegia
F234. Infantile hemiplegia NOS
F23y. Other congenital cerebral palsy
F23y0 Ataxic infantile cerebral palsy
F23y1 Hypotonic cerebral palsy
F23yz Other infantile cerebral palsy NOS
F23z. Congenital cerebral palsy NOS
F240. Quadriplegia
F380. Myasthenia gravis
F3800 Persistent neonatal myasthenia gravis
F3801 Juvenile or adult myasthenia gravis
F380z Myasthenia gravis NOS
F381. Myasthenic syndrome due to disease EC
F3810 Eaton Lambert myasthenic syndrome
F3813 (Myasth syndr due to diab amyotroph) or (diab amyotroph)
F383. Congenital and developmental myasthenia
F390. Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy
F390z Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy NOS
F391. Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy
F3910 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
F3911 Erb's muscular dystrophy
F3912 Pelvic muscular dystrophy
F3913 Other limb girdle muscular dystrophy
F3914 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
F3915 Distal muscular dystrophy with juvenile onset
F3916 Ocular muscular dystrophy
F3917 Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
F3918 Becker muscular dystrophy
F391y (Oth specif hered progress musc dystrophy) or (distal dystr)
F391z Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy NOS
F39B. Muscular dystrophy
Fyu84 [X]Other myasthenic syndromes in neoplastic disease CE
Fyu85 [X]Myasthenic syndromes/other diseases classified elsewhere
Fyu90 [X]Other infantile cerebral palsy
G669. Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute
X002R Prog spinocerebellar ataxia with retained tendon reflexes
X002U Secondary cerebellar degeneration
X002i Western Pacific motor neurone disease
X002j Madras-type motor neurone disease
X002l Paraneoplastic motor neurone disease
X003a Juvenile Parkinson's disease
X003p Juvenile onset Huntington's disease
X003q Late onset Huntington's disease
X003r Akinetic-rigid form of Huntington's disease
X005Q Neuraxonal leucodystrophy
X005c Acute relapsing multiple sclerosis
X005d Chronic progressive multiple sclerosis
X005e Remittent-progressive multiple sclerosis
X005l Balo concentric sclerosis
X007Q Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
X00AX Chr inflamm demyelinat polyradiculoneuropathy with cns demye
X00Cb Genetically determined myasthenia
X00Ce Congenital myasthenia
X00Cu Myasthenia gravis associated with thymoma
X00Cv Generalised myasthenia
X00Cw Myopathy in myasthenia gravis
X00DE Lacunar ataxic hemiparesis
X00Em Infantile cerebral palsy
X00En Spastic cerebral palsy
X00Eo Cerebral palsy with spastic tetraparesis
X00Eq Cerebral palsy with spastic/ataxic diplegia
X00Er Monoplegic cerebral palsy affecting upper limb
X00Es Monoplegic cerebral palsy affecting lower limb
X00Eu Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
X00Ew Dystonic/rigid cerebral palsy
X40VL Late infantile metachromatic leucodystrophy
X40VM Juvenile metachromatic leucodystrophy
X40VN Adult metachromatic leucodystrophy
X708H Muscular dystrophy with predom proximl limb girdle distribut
X708I X-linked muscular dystrophy with limb girdle distribution
X708J X-linked muscular dystrophy with abnormal dystrophin
X708K Intermediate X-linked muscular dystrophy
X708L Manifesting female carrier of X-linked muscular dystrophy
X708M X-linked limb girdle muscul dystrophy with normal dystrophin
X708N Ji muscular dystrophy
X708P Autosomal recess muscular dystrophy with limb girdle distrib
X708S Fukuyama muscular dystrophy
X708T Autosomal recess muscular dystrophy with gene located at 15q
X708U Reunion-Indiana Amish type muscular dystrophy
X708V Congenital muscular dystrophy
X708W Western type of congenital muscular dystrophy
X708Y Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy
X708Z Eichsfeld type congenital muscular dystrophy
X708b Hutterite type of muscular dystrophy
X708d Autosomal domin muscular dystrophy with limb girdle distrib
X708e Autosomal domin muscular dystrophy with gene located at 5q31
X708f Late onset proximal muscular dystrophy with dysarthria
X708g Muscular dystrophy not predom limb girdle in distribution
X708h X-linked muscular dystrophy not predominantly limb girdle
X708i Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
X708k Autosom recessive muscular dystrophy not predom limb girdle
X708l Scapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
X708m Distal muscular dystrophy
X708n Autosomal dominant muscular dystrophy not predom limb girdle
X708o Benign scapuloperoneal muscular dystrophy
X708q Benign congen muscular dystrophy wth finger flex contracture
X708r Distal muscular dystrophy with adult onset
X76je Spastic quadriplegia
X76n9 Hemiparesis
XE15T Hemiplegia
XE15U Spastic hemiplegia
XE15n Myasthenic syndrome due to diabetic amyotrophy
XE15p Other specified hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy
XE181 Cerebral palsy (&/or infantile) &/or infantile hemiplegia
XE18Z Muscular dystrophy (& [Duchenne muscular dystrophy])
XE2Q7 Athetoid cerebral palsy
XE2Q8 Cerebral palsy
XE2Q9 Cerebral palsy with spastic diplegia
XE2se Cerebral palsy with spastic tetraplegia
XM1Pu Congenital cerebral palsy
XM1Pv Congenital spastic cerebral palsy
XM1Pw Congenital quadriplegia
Xa0ON Severe childhood autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy
Xa0ZY Cerebro-oculo-dysgenesis-muscular dystrophy syndrome
Xa0fr Right hemiplegia
Xa0fs Left hemiplegia
Xa0ft Right hemiparesis
Xa0fu Left hemiparesis
Xa0lL Muscular dystrophy
Xa0lM Ataxic cerebral palsy
XaA1S New variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
XaB4V Leucodystrophy without a known biochemical basis
XaBE2 Cerebral palsy, not congenital or infantile, acute
XaELO Residual hemiplegia
XaKA8 Specialised services for pts with multiple sclerosis ESA
XaKvm Multiple sclerosis review
XaKvn Multiple sclerosis multidisciplinary review
XaKzg Multiple sclerosis care plan agreed
XaL3N Hemiparesis NOS
XaOfZ Cerebral degeneration in Parkinson's disease
XaOzZ Benign multiple sclerosis
XaP0X Malignant multiple sclerosis
XaP0r Primary progressive multiple sclerosis
XaP1B Relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis
XaP1V Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
XaPSY Management of multiple sclerosis in onset phase
XaPSZ Management of multiple sclerosis in early disease phase
XaPSa Management of multiple sclerosis in stable disability phase
XaPSb Management of MS in progressive disability phase
XaPSc Management of multiple sclerosis in palliative phase
XaQwf History of Parkinson's disease
XaX9A Multiple sclerosis monitoring administration
XaX9F Multiple sclerosis monitoring first letter
XaX9H Multiple sclerosis monitoring second letter
XaX9J Multiple sclerosis monitoring telephone invitation
XaX9L Multiple sclerosis monitoring third letter
XaXGu Adult autosomal dominant leucodystrophy
XaXsg Referral to community multiple sclerosis team
XaYP3 Clinically isolated syndrome
XaYfK Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy
XaYgp Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy
XaZYZ Lindop Parkinson's assessment scale
XaZxQ Referral to Parkinson's service
XaaRV Referral to community Parkinson's service
XaaVG Gross Motor Function Classification System Cerebral Palsy
XaadE Choreoathetoid cerebral palsy
Xab3R Bilateral spastic cerebral palsy
Xab7w Seen by Parkinson's disease service
XabVp Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
XabbC Referral to community Parkinson disease clin nurse spcialist
XaeUM Multiple system atrophy, cerebellar variant
XaeUN Multiple system atrophy, Parkinson variant
Y1015 Multiple Sclerosis
Y10b7 Multiple Sclerosis
Y1f23 Multiple sclerosis monitoring invitation
Y3466 Hemiplegic

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.