Digestive disorders

Codelist metadata

Coding system

CTV3 (Read V3)

Coding system release



Office for National Statistics

Codelist ID


Version ID




No metadata has been provided for this codelist.

Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
7609. Open operations on oesophageal varices
76093 Local ligation of oesophageal varices
76094 Open injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices
7609y Oesophageal varices operation: [OS open] or [Tanner]
7609z Open operation on oesophageal varices NOS
760C3 Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy & injection sclerotherapy varices
760C5 Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and banding of oesophageal varices
760F3 Rigid oesophagoscopy and injection sclerotherapy of varices
760F4 Rigid oesophagoscopy and banding of oesophageal varices
760J4 Balloon tamponade of oesophagus
7800. Liver transplant
78000 Orthotopic liver transplant
78001 Heterotopic liver transplant
78002 Replacement of previous liver transplant
7800y Other specified transplantation of liver
7800z Transplantation of liver NOS
78052 Exploration liver (& transplanted)
A704. Other specified viral hepatitis with coma
A7040 Viral hepatitis C with coma
A704z Other specified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma NOS
A706. Unspecified viral hepatitis with coma
A7071 Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent
A7072 Chronic viral hepatitis C
AyuB1 [X]Other chronic viral hepatitis
AyuB2 [X]Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified
AyuB3 [X]Unspecified viral hepatitis with coma
F10y0 Progressive neuronal degeneration with liver cirrhosis
G850. Bleeding oesophageal varices
G851. Oesophageal varices without bleeding
G852. Oesophageal varices in diseases EC
G8520 Oesophageal varices with bleeding in diseases EC
G8521 Oesophageal varices without bleeding in diseases EC
G852z Oesophageal varices in diseases EC NOS
G857. Gastric varices
Gyu94 [X]Oesophageal varices in diseases classified elsewhere
J08z9 Orofacial Crohn's disease
J4... (Noninf enter/colit) or (inflam bowel dis) or (noninf diarr)
J40.. Enteritis: [regional-Crohn's disease] or [granulomatous]
J400. Regional enteritis of small bowel
J4000 Crohn's disease of duodenum
J4001 Regional enteritis of the jejunum
J4002 Crohn's disease of terminal ileum
J4003 Crohn's disease of the ileum unspecified
J4004 Crohn's disease of the ileum NOS
J400z Crohn's disease of the small bowel NOS
J401. Regional enteritis of the large bowel
J4010 Crohn's colitis
J4011 Crohn's proctitis
J401z (Crohn's colitis) or (Crohn's disease of large bowel NOS)
J402. Regional ileocolitis
J40z. Regional enteritis NOS
J41.. (Idiopath proctocol)/(muc colit/proctit)/(ulc colit/proctit)
J410. Ulcerative proctocolitis
J4100 Ulcerative ileocolitis
J4103 Ulcerative proctitis
J410z Ulcerative proctocolitis NOS
J41y. Other idiopathic proctocolitis
J41yz Other idiopathic proctocolitis NOS
J41z. Idiopathic proctocolitis NOS
J6000 Acute hepatic failure
J6010 Subacute hepatic failure
J61.. Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease
J610. Alcoholic fatty liver
J611. Acute alcoholic hepatitis
J612. Cirrhosis: [florid] or [alcoholic]
J613. Alcoholic liver damage unspecified
J614. Chronic hepatitis
J6140 Chronic persistent hepatitis
J6141 Chronic active hepatitis
J6142 Chronic aggressive hepatitis
J6143 Recurrent hepatitis
J614y Chronic hepatitis unspecified
J614z Chronic hepatitis NOS
J615. (Cirrhosis - non alcoholic) or (portal cirrhosis)
J6150 Unilobular portal cirrhosis
J6151 Cirrhosis of liver: [multilobular portal] or [postnecrotic]
J6152 Mixed portal cirrhosis
J6153 Diffuse nodular cirrhosis
J6154 Fatty portal cirrhosis
J6155 Macronodular cirrhosis
J6156 Capsular portal cirrhosis
J6157 Cirrhosis: [cardiac portal] or [congestive]
J6158 Cirrhosis: [juv portal] or [childh funct] or [Indian childh]
J6159 Pigmentary portal cirrhosis
J615A Pipestem portal cirrhosis
J615B Toxic portal cirrhosis
J615D Bacterial portal cirrhosis
J615F Syphilitic portal cirrhosis
J615G Zooparasitic portal cirrhosis
J615H Infectious cirrhosis NOS
J615y Portal cirrhosis unspecified
J615z (Liver cirrhos: [named vars] or [NOS]) or (hepat fibrosis)
J616. Biliary cirrhosis
J6160 Primary biliary cirrhosis
J6161 Secondary biliary cirrhosis
J6162 Biliary cirrhosis of children
J616z Biliary cirrhosis NOS
J617. Alcoholic hepatitis
J61y. Other non-alcoholic chronic liver disease
J61y0 Chronic yellow atrophy
J61y3 Portal fibrosis without cirrhosis
J61yz Other non-alcoholic chronic liver disease NOS
J61z. Chronic liver disease NOS
J62.. Liver abscess and sequelae of chronic liver disease
J623. Portal hypertension
J624. Hepatorenal syndrome
J62z. Liver abscess and chronic liver disease causing sequelae NOS
J630. Chronic passive congestion of liver
J6353 Toxic liver disease with chronic persistent hepatitis
J6354 Toxic liver disease with chronic lobular hepatitis
J6355 Toxic liver disease with chronic active hepatitis
J6356 Toxic liver disease with fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
J63A. Hepatic granulomas in sarcoidosis
J6617 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Jyu40 [X]Other Crohn's disease
Jyu41 [X]Other ulcerative colitis
Jyu71 [X]Other and unspecified cirrhosis of liver
N0310 Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis
N0311 Arthropathy in Crohn's disease
N0453 Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease
N0454 Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis
PB61. Atresia of bile ducts
PB610 Congenital absence of bile duct
PB611 Congenital hypoplasia of bile duct
PB614 Atresia of bile duct (& [intrahepatic] or [extrahepatic]
PB615 Congenital absence of hepatic ducts
PB616 Atresia of hepatic ducts
PB61z Biliary atresia NOS
PB635 Alagille syndrome
SP086 Liver transplant failure and rejection
SP142 Hepatic failure as a complication of care
SP143 Hepatorenal syndrome as a complication of care
X2063 Oesophageal varices
X20Pq Orofacial Crohn's disease of gingivae
X20Uu Balln tamponade oesophagus using Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
X20Uv Balloon tamponade of oesophagus using Minnesota tube
X20Zz Exploration of liver transplant
X300J Crohn's disease of oesophagus
X301b Crohn's disease of stomach
X302r Crohn's jejunitis
X302t Crohn's ileitis
X3030 Ulcerative enterocolitis
X303k Indeterminate colitis
X3050 Perianal Crohn's disease
X306h Chronic viral hepatitis
X306i Chronic viral hepatitis B
X306j Chronic viral hepatitis B with hepatitis D
X306k Chronic viral hepatitis C
X306l Chronic non-A non-B hepatitis
X306r Alcoholic hepatitis
X3071 Alcoholic liver disease
X3072 Alcoholic fibrosis and sclerosis of liver
X3073 Alcoholic hepatic failure
X3076 Hepatic failure
X3077 Liver failure NOS
X3078 Hepatic failure NOS
X3079 Fulminant hepatic failure
X307A Subfulminant hepatic failure
X307C Chronic hepatic failure
X307G Chronic lobular hepatitis
X307I Drug-induced chronic hepatitis
X307L Cirrhosis of liver
X307M Cirrhosis of liver NOS
X307N Florid cirrhosis
X307O Cryptogenic cirrhosis
X307P Indian childhood cirrhosis
X307Q Micronodular cirrhosis
X307R Portal cirrhosis
X307S Laennec's cirrhosis, non-alcoholic
X307T Infectious cirrhosis
X307U Hypoxia-associated cirrhosis
X307V Toxic cirrhosis
X307W Fibrosis of liver
X307X Congenital hepatic fibrosis
X307Y Pericellular fibrosis of congenital syphilis
X307Z Hepatic sclerosis
X307a Portal and splenic vein sclerosis
X307b Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis
X307c Intrahepatic phlebosclerosis and fibrosis
X307x Liver transplant disorder
X307y Liver transplant rejection
X307z Liver transplant failure
X3085 Ichthyosis congenita with biliary atresia
X7847 Intrahepatic biliary atresia
X7848 Extrahepatic biliary atresia
XE0CP Other specified open operation on oesophageal varices
XE0ae Inflammatory bowel disease
XE0af Crohn's disease of the large bowel NOS
XE0ag Ulcerative colitis
XE0aj Other non-infective inflammatory gastroenteritis and colitis
XE0b4 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
XE0b5 Cirrhosis - non-alcoholic
XE0b6 Multilobular portal cirrhosis
XE0b7 Cardiac portal cirrhosis
XE0b8 Juvenile portal cirrhosis
XE0bA Non-alcoholic cirrhosis NOS
XE0bC Other sequelae of chronic liver disease
XE0cX Inflammatory bowel disease (& [noninfect enteritis/colitis])
XE0cZ Crohn's disease (& [regional enteritis])
XE0dD (Cirrhos &/or chron liver dis) or (alcoholic liver disease)
XE0dF Alcoholic liver damage NOS
XE0dH Chronic hepatitis (& [NOS]/[active B]/[active]/[persistent])
XE0dJ Biliary cirrhosis (& [primary])
XE2QL Crohn's disease
XE2up Cirrhosis secondary to cholestasis
Xa0lh Regional enteritis
Xa3fm Non-infective gastrointestinal inflammation, NOS
Xa7nY Non-infective colitis
Xa9C7 Cardiac cirrhosis
XaB5x Non-infective enteritis and colitis
XaB5z Enterocolitis
XaBE3 Chronic alcoholic hepatitis
XaBM6 Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of the liver
XaC1d Oesophageal varices in alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver
XaE6u Oesophageal varices NOS
XaJTk Autoimmune hepatitis
XaJxp Acute hepatic failure due to drugs
XaK6C Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of small intestine
XaK6D Exacerbation of Crohn's disease of large intestine
XaK6E Exacerbation of ulcerative colitis
XaK6F Exacerbation of non-infective colitis
XaLdJ Fibreopt endoscop rubber band ligation of upper GIT varices
XaLde Transplantation of liver cells
XaLdf Orthotopic transplantation of whole liver
XaMMe Orthotopic transplantation of liver NEC
XaMuG Compensation for liver failure
XaMuH Other specified compensation for liver failure
XaMuI Compensation for liver failure NOS
XaPLW Chronic hepatitis annual review
XaREa Liver disease due to cystic fibrosis
XaXi9 Cystic fibrosis related cirrhosis
XaYbp Viral hepatitis with hepatic coma
XaYzX Ulcerative pancolitis
XaZ2j Left sided ulcerative colitis
ZV427 [V]Liver transplanted
ZV7C0 [V]Assessment for liver transplant

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.