Sterilisation codes

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release



NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets

Codelist ID


Version Tag


Version ID





Taken from the STERIL_COD refset published by NHSD.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
10516001 Postpartum ligation of fallopian tubes
10882000 Bilateral ligation and division of fallopian tubes
117981000119109 Sterilization procedure done
16226000 Laparoscopic female sterilization
169549004 Contraceptive method: female sterilization
17358000 Bilateral segmental tubal excision and ligation by endoscopy
176901003 Bilateral excision of adnexa of uterus
176936004 Open bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes
176937008 Open bilateral ligation of fallopian tubes
176942000 Open ligation of remaining solitary fallopian tube
176978005 Endoscopic bilateral cauterization of fallopian tubes
176979002 Endoscopic bilateral clipping of fallopian tubes
176980004 Endoscopic bilateral ringing of fallopian tubes
176984008 Endoscopic occlusion of remaining solitary fallopian tube
192504007 Ligation of fallopian tubes with Fallope ring by endoscopy
20475008 Bilateral endoscopic occlusion of fallopian tubes
25811000 Bilateral complete salpingectomy
265071006 Open bilateral clipping of fallopian tubes
265073009 Open clipping of remaining solitary fallopian tube
267020005 History of tubal ligation
274975009 Open bilateral ringing of fallopian tubes
275572005 History of female sterilization
287664005 Bilateral tubal ligation
287932001 Bilateral endoscopy of fallopian tube crush
287935004 Bilateral partial fallopian removal
287945002 Bilateral fallopian tube resection
288032001 Bilateral fallopian tube transection
29827000 Bilateral salpingectomy with oophorectomy
307301008 Open ringing of remaining solitary fallopian tube
40074008 Bilateral ligation and crushing of fallopian tubes
4640005 Ligation of fallopian tubes by abdominal approach
46423003 Incidental ligation of fallopian tubes
473239006 Bilateral oophorectomy for malignant neoplasm of ovary
480451000000101 [V]Other sterilisation
49493009 Bilateral resection of cornua of fallopian tubes
5270002 Bilateral destruction of fallopian tubes
52932002 Ligation of fallopian tubes by vaginal approach
53624002 Bilateral endoscopic destruction of fallopian tubes
59161000119106 History of sterilization
60890002 Female sterilization
609230000 Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
609274003 Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with conversion to laparotomy
609275002 Laparoscopic bilateral oophorectomy
609321005 Endoscopic bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes using intrafallopian implants
609322003 Endoscopic occlusion of remaining right fallopian tube using intrafallopian implant
609323008 Endoscopic occlusion of remaining left fallopian tube using intrafallopian implant
63626003 Bilateral endoscopic ligation and division of fallopian tubes
703145006 Sterilization procedure
708816008 Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy using robotic assistance
736018001 Elective upper segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation
736020003 Emergency upper segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation
736026009 Elective lower segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation
736118004 Emergency lower segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation
76486003 Bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes
766946005 Distal complete obstruction of bilateral fallopian tubes
766947001 Proximal complete obstruction of bilateral fallopian tubes
76876009 Bilateral oophorectomy
8550006 Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilization
85855000 Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilization by endoscopy
88259002 Ligation of fallopian tubes with division by endoscopy
88872008 Bilateral endoscopic ligation and crushing of fallopian tubes

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.