Retinal screening codes

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release



NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets

Codelist ID


Version Tag


Version ID





Taken from the RET_COD refset published by NHSD.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
103981000119101 Proliferative retinopathy following surgery due to diabetes mellitus
104941000119109 Ischemia of retina due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
104961000119108 Ischemia of retina due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
1081591000119101 Primary retinoblastoma of left retina
109171000119104 Retinal edema due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
10942791000119105 Commotio retinae of left retina
1137571003 Chorioretinal scar due to photocoagulation
11391004 Exudative detachment of retinal pigment epithelium
1156643002 Endolaser photocoagulation of retina
1217645003 Macular ischemia due to central retinal vein occlusion
1222888000 Scar of posterior pole of retina
1231625008 Tractional retinal detachment due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy
1231650006 Combined rhegmatogenous and tractional retinal detachment due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy
1231662005 Retinal neovascularization due to retinal branch vein occlusion
1231666008 Ischemic disorder of macula lutea due to occlusion of retinal branch vein
1231687003 Vitreous hemorrhage due to retinal branch vein occlusion
1231691008 Vitreous hemorrhage due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy
1231698002 Tractional retinal detachment with macula involvement due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy
1255639008 Break of retina with schisis of retina
1275615004 Break of retina
1275616003 Lesion of retina
1275617007 Multiple lesions of retina without detachment
1275618002 Multiple breaks of retina without detachment
1275619005 Multiple breaks of bilateral retinas without detachment
1275620004 Multiple lesions of bilateral retinas without detachment
1275621000 Multiple breaks of retina of right eye without detachment
1275622007 Multiple lesions of retina of right eye without detachment
1275623002 Multiple breaks of retina of left eye without detachment
1279496001 Multiple lesions of retina of left eye without detachment
1279731008 Break of retina of right eye
1279732001 Lesion of retina of right eye
1279733006 Break of retina of left eye
1279734000 Lesion of retina of left eye
1279735004 Break of retina of bilateral eyes
1279736003 Lesion of retina of bilateral eyes
1279846006 Detachment of retina of left eye with break of retina of left eye
1279847002 Detachment of retina of right eye with break of retina of right eye
1279848007 Detachment of retina with break of retina
1281813008 Partial detachment of retina with single break of retina
1281815001 Partial detachment of retina with multiple breaks of retina
1285475006 Neovascularization of eye
1285514002 Nonproliferative retinopathy due to sickle cell disease
1285589003 Nongeographic atrophy of macula lutea
134395001 Diabetic retinopathy screening
138881000119106 Mild nonproliferative retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
138891000119109 Moderate nonproliferative retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
138911000119106 Mild nonproliferative retinopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
138921000119104 Moderate nonproliferative retinopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
13937002 Subretinal hemorrhage
14046000 Cystoid macular retinal degeneration
1501000119109 Proliferative retinopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
1551000119108 Nonproliferative retinopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
15631611000119106 Scarred macula of right eye
15639131000119107 Macular edema of retina of right eye
15639181000119108 Macular edema of retina of left eye
15639231000119102 Macular edema of retina of bilateral eyes
15735281000119109 Retinopathy of bilateral eyes
15990391000119105 Retinal deposits of left eye
15990431000119100 Retinal deposits of bilateral eyes
15990471000119102 Retinal deposits of right eye
15997911000119103 Vascular occlusion of retina of left eye
15997951000119102 Vascular occlusion of retina of right eye
15997991000119107 Vascular occlusion of retina of bilateral eyes
163982004 On examination - retinal inspection
163983009 On examination - retina normal
163984003 On examination - retinal vessel narrowing
163986001 On examination - retinal microaneurysms
163987005 On examination - retinal hemorrhages
163988000 On examination - retinal exudates
163989008 On examination - retinal vascular proliferation
163990004 On examination - vitreous hemorrhages
163991000 On examination - retinal pigmentation
164734008 Fundoscopy normal
164735009 Fundoscopy abnormal
16711111000119100 Retinal neovascularization due to occlusion of bilateral central retinal veins
16711631000119103 Retinal neovascularization due to occlusion of branch of retinal vein of bilateral eyes
16890881000119106 History of proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
16890921000119104 History of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy
170757007 Fundoscopy - diabetic check
18188000 Ophthalmoscopy under general anesthesia
18410006 Scarred macula
185307008 Seen by optometrist
193349004 Preproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
193350004 Advanced maculopathy due to diabetes mellitus
193387007 Cystoid macular edema
193459004 Disseminated chorioretinal scars
20067007 Ocular fundus photography
232017001 Anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy
232020009 Disorder of macula due to diabetes mellitus
232021008 Proliferative retinopathy with optic disc neovascularization due to diabetes mellitus
232022001 Proliferative retinopathy with neovascularization elsewhere than the optic disc due to diabetes mellitus
232023006 Traction detachment of retina due to diabetes mellitus
232027007 Photocoagulation burn to retina
232028002 Laser coagulation burn to retina
232043000 Hemispheric retinal vein occlusion
232044006 Neovascularization of eye due to hemispheric retinal vein occlusion
232045007 Macular edema due to hemispheric retinal vein occlusion
232049001 Adult vitelliform macular dystrophy
234481000000105 Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy evaluation of retina
247097006 Hemorrhage at vitreoretinal interface
247099009 Optic disc neovascularization
247103004 Retina and choroid finding
247104005 General appearance of retina
247105006 Infiltration of retina
247106007 Cheesy retinitis
247108008 Retinal vessel finding
247109000 Retinal artery finding
247110005 Retinal artery appearance
247111009 Retinal arteries irregular
247112002 Retinal arteries sheathed
247113007 Arteriovenous crossing changes
247114001 Distension of vein beyond arteriovenous crossing
247115000 Retinal vein finding
247116004 Retinal vein appearance
247117008 Retinal veins dilated
247118003 Retinal veins beaded
247119006 Retinal veins sheathed
247120000 Retinal venous loops
247122008 Retinal vascular anomaly
247123003 Retinal arterial tortuosity
247124009 Retinal macroaneurysm
247125005 Anastomotic retinal vessels
247130009 Retinal microvascular finding
247131008 Retinal lipid deposits
247132001 Retinal flame hemorrhage
247135004 Retinal microvascular lesion
247136003 Intraretinal microvascular abnormality
247137007 Retinal microvascular anastomosis
247138002 Retinal flecking
247140007 Retinal vitelliform deposits
247141006 Retinal pigment deposits
247142004 Retinal pigmentation grouped
247143009 Macula finding
247144003 Absent foveal reflex
247145002 Atrophic macular change
247146001 Macular pigment deposit
247147005 Macular diffuse atrophy
247148000 Macular areolar choroidal atrophy
247149008 Macular choroidal sclerosis
247150008 Patterned macular change
247151007 Macula - multifocal placoid lesions
247152000 Subretinal lesion
247153005 Retinal drusen
247154004 Macular drusen
247155003 Macular vitelliform deposits
247156002 Subretinal exudate
247157006 Subretinal lipid deposit
247161000 Macular subretinal hemorrhage
247162007 Subretinal fibrosis
247163002 Macular subretinal fibrosis
247164008 Subretinal disciform lesion
247166005 Status of macula in subtotal retinal detachment
247179001 Peripheral drusen
247188005 Focal chorioretinal lesion
247189002 Solitary raised chorioretinal lesion
247190006 Multiple raised chorioretinal lesions
247191005 Flat chorioretinal lesion
247192003 Punched out chorioretinal lesion
247193008 Photocoagulation scars
248506002 Widespread retinal edema
252846004 Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
25412000 Microaneurysm of retinal artery due to diabetes mellitus
264633009 Drusen stage macular degeneration
271728000 Retinal arteries attenuated
274795007 Examination of optic disc
274798009 Examination of retina
27838008 Retinal arteries silverwire
282096008 Retinal photography
28331000119107 Retinal edema due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
28391008 Localized retinal edema
3047001 Kowa fundus photography
30523006 Degenerative drusen
305721007 Seen by ophthalmologist
308084008 On examination - Right retina not seen
308085009 On examination - Left retina not seen
308086005 On examination - Right retina normal
308087001 On examination - Left retina normal
308110009 Direct fundoscopy following mydriatic
30842004 Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with fundus photography
309596003 Retinal abnormality - non-diabetes
311782002 Advanced retinal disease due to diabetes mellitus
312885006 Dilated fundoscopy normal
312903003 Mild nonproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
312904009 Moderate nonproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
312905005 Severe nonproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
312906006 Non-high-risk proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
312907002 High risk proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
312908007 Quiescent proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
312909004 Proliferative retinopathy with iris neovascularization due to diabetes mellitus
312911008 Clinically significant macular edema
312912001 Macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
313340009 Seen in diabetic eye clinic
313987006 Retinopathy follow up
314004006 Crystals in the retina
314010006 Diffuse exudative maculopathy due to diabetes mellitus
314011005 Focal exudative maculopathy due to diabetes mellitus
314014002 Ischemic maculopathy due to diabetes mellitus
314015001 Mixed maculopathy due to diabetes mellitus
314427006 Drusen plus pigment change stage macular degeneration
314537004 Optic papillopathy due to diabetes mellitus
314971001 Camera fundoscopy
314972008 Indirect fundoscopy following mydriatic
332451000119109 Neovascularization of right retina
332951000119104 Chorioretinal scar of right eye following surgery
334891000119105 Hemorrhagic detachment of right retinal pigment epithelium
335161000119109 Exudative retinopathy of right eye
335381000119103 Disseminated chorioretinal scar of right eye
338061000119101 Neovascularization of left retina
338561000119105 Chorioretinal scar of left eye following surgery
34037000 Microaneurysm of retinal artery
340501000119106 Hemorrhagic detachment of left retinal pigment epithelium
340781000119109 Exudative retinopathy of left eye
340991000119109 Disseminated chorioretinal scar of left eye
343831000119107 Neovascularization of bilateral retinas
344331000119102 Chorioretinal scar of bilateral eyes following surgery
345811000119101 Hemorrhagic detachment of bilateral retinal pigment epithelium
346261000119108 Disseminated chorioretinal scars of bilateral eyes
359941000000102 On examination - right red reflex present
360041000000100 On examination - left red reflex present
36844005 Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with ophthalmodynamometry
368711000119106 Mild nonproliferative retinopathy due to secondary diabetes mellitus
368721000119104 Non-proliferative retinopathy due to secondary diabetes mellitus
368741000119105 Moderate non-proliferative retinopathy due to secondary diabetes mellitus
37231002 Macular retinal edema
373041000000101 Impaired vision due to diabetic retinopathy
390735007 Retinal screening
390834004 Nonproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
390847009 On examination - no retinopathy
390850007 On examination - no right diabetic retinopathy
390852004 Digital retinal screening
390853009 On examination - no left diabetic retinopathy
390854003 On examination - diabetic maculopathy present both eyes
390855002 On examination - diabetic maculopathy absent both eyes
390856001 Seen by retinal screener
391999003 Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
394718001 On examination - Laser photocoagulation scars
397524001 Retinoscopy
39832008 Cotton wool spots
399862001 High risk proliferative retinopathy without macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
399863006 Very severe nonproliferative retinopathy without macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
399864000 Macular edema not clinically significant due to diabetes mellitus
399865004 Very severe proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
399866003 Venous beading of retina due to diabetes mellitus
399868002 Intraretinal microvascular anomaly due to diabetes mellitus
399869005 High risk proliferative retinopathy not amenable to photocoagulation due to diabetes mellitus
399870006 Non-high-risk proliferative retinopathy with no macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
399871005 Visually threatening retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
399872003 Severe nonproliferative retinopathy with clinically significant macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
399873008 Severe nonproliferative retinopathy without macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
399874002 High risk proliferative retinopathy with clinically significant macula edema due to diabetes mellitus
399875001 Non-high-risk proliferative retinopathy with clinically significant macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
399876000 Very severe nonproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
399877009 Very severe nonproliferative retinopathy with clinically significant macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
40024006 Retinal defect
404667009 Retinal embolus
405722004 Atrophic retina
408311002 On examination - retinopathy
408312009 On examination - referable retinopathy
408313004 On examination - non-referable retinopathy
408314005 On examination - fundus not adequately seen
408384004 Diabetic retinopathy 12 month review
408385003 Diabetic retinopathy 6 month review
408393003 Under care of retinal screener
408409007 On examination - right eye background diabetic retinopathy
408410002 On examination - left eye background diabetic retinopathy
408411003 On examination - right eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy
408412005 On examination - left eye preproliferative diabetic retinopathy
408413000 On examination - right eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy
408414006 On examination - left eye proliferative diabetic retinopathy
408415007 On examination - right eye diabetic maculopathy
408416008 On examination - left eye diabetic maculopathy
410440008 Diabetic Retinopathy Study 7 field stereoscopic fundus photography
410441007 Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with fluorescein angiography
414892004 On examination - clinically significant macular edema of left eye
414893009 On examination - left eye no maculopathy
414894003 On examination - left eye stable treated proliferative diabetic retinopathy
414897005 On examination - left retina fully assessable
414898000 On examination - left retina partially assessable
414902006 On examination - No retinal laser photocoagulation scars
414905008 On examination - red reflex absent
414908005 On examination - clinically significant macular edema of right eye
414909002 On examination - right eye no maculopathy
414910007 On examination - right eye stable treated proliferative diabetic retinopathy
414913009 On examination - right retina fully assessable
414914003 On examination - right retina partially assessable
416369006 Integrated optical coherence tomography and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
417587001 Integrated ray-trace triangulation acquisition laser scanning with conventional fundus imaging
417677008 On examination - sight threatening diabetic retinopathy
420272005 Soft macular drusen
420486006 Exudative maculopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
420789003 Retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
421779007 Exudative maculopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
422034002 Retinopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
423084001 Macular exudate
426880003 Digital imaging of retina
428674000 Segmentation of retinal blood vessel
432789001 Noncystoid edema of macula of retina
46674002 Nondiabetic proliferative retinopathy
4855003 Retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
53524009 Ophthalmoscopy
54388004 Peripheral retinal edema
56072006 Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, for retinal detachment mapping
59276001 Proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
60961000119107 Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
60971000119101 Proliferative retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
61267008 Retinal neovascularization
6141006 Retinal edema
63297008 Superficial retinal hemorrhage
66485003 Retinal scar
677501000119102 Defect of retina of bilateral eyes
677511000119104 Defect of retina of left eye
677521000119106 Defect of retina of right eye
677651000119102 Neovascularization of choroid of left eye
677671000119106 Subretinal neovascularization of left eye
677681000119109 Neovascularization of choroid of right eye
677701000119107 Subretinal neovascularization of right eye
706894000 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1
713415008 On examination retinal arteriovenous nicking
713418005 Retinal arteriovenous nicking
721103006 Diabetic retinopathy of eye not detected
722161008 Diabetic retinal eye exam
723169001 Background retinopathy due to impaired glucose regulation
75141003 Retinal arteries copperwire
75971007 Choroidal retinal neovascularization
763387005 Best vitelliform macular dystrophy
769181007 Preproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769182000 Preproliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769183005 Mild nonproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769184004 Mild nonproliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769185003 Moderate nonproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769186002 Moderate nonproliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769187006 Severe nonproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769188001 Severe nonproliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769190000 Very severe nonproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769191001 Very severe nonproliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769217008 Macular edema of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769218003 Macular edema of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769219006 Macular edema due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
769220000 Macular edema due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
769221001 Clinically significant macular edema of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
769222008 Clinically significant macular edema of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
769244003 Disorder of right macula due to diabetes mellitus
769245002 Disorder of left macula due to diabetes mellitus
770097006 Clinically significant macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
770323005 Retinal edema due to diabetes mellitus
770324004 Ischemia of retina due to diabetes mellitus
770765001 Proliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
770766000 Proliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
775841000000109 Diabetic retinopathy detected by national screening programme
789220007 Atrophy of macula lutea
792908009 Retinal angiomatous proliferation
816177009 Nonproliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
816178004 Nonproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
816961009 Stable treated proliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus
816962002 Stable treated proliferative retinopathy of left eye due to diabetes mellitus
82541000119100 Traction detachment of retina due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
82571000119107 Traction detachment of retina due to type 1 diabetes mellitus
860711003 No disorder of macula of bilateral eyes due to diabetes mellitus
860721006 Disorder of macula of bilateral eyes due to diabetes mellitus
870420005 Severe nonproliferative retinopathy with venous beading of retina due to diabetes mellitus
870421009 Cystoid macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
870529009 Persistent macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
871778008 Centrally involved macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
871781003 Non centrally involved macular edema due to diabetes mellitus
95689000 Retinal deposits
97331000119101 Macular edema and retinopathy due to type 2 diabetes mellitus
97341000119105 Proliferative retinopathy with retinal edema due to type 2 diabetes mellitus

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.