Palliative care codes

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release



NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets

Codelist ID


Version Tag


Version ID





Taken from the PALCARE_COD refset published by NHSD.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
1025611000000105 End of life care plan offered
1034241000000106 Has end of life care key general practitioner
103735009 Palliative care
1091311000000108 Referral to end of life care service
1092551000000109 Under care of hospice at home service
1092801000000106 Palliative care phase measure phase
1095091000000103 End of life advance care planning declined
1095131000000100 Offer of end of life advance care plan review
1095151000000107 Has end of life advance care plan
1095161000000105 End of life advance care plan review declined
1099101000000108 Assessment using Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration assessment tools
1129411000000100 Canadian Study of Health and Aging Clinical Frailty Scale level 9 - terminally ill
1403151000000103 On palliative care register
1413121000000106 Limited life expectancy of more than one year
162608008 Terminal illness - late stage
1751111000000104 Completion of SR1 form
182964004 Terminal care
183569005 Refer to terminal care consult
183595007 Refer for terminal care
1841000124106 Palliative care medication review
201511000000105 Under care of palliative care service
25411000000109 Referred to community specialist palliative care team
305496007 Under care of palliative care physician
305686008 Seen by palliative care physician
305824005 Seen by palliative care medicine service
306237005 Referral to palliative care service
306288008 Referral to palliative care physician
376201000000102 Issue of palliative care anticipatory medication box
395103003 Final days pathway
395669003 Specialist palliative care treatment
395670002 Specialist palliative care treatment - inpatient
395694002 Specialist palliative care treatment - daycare
395695001 Specialist palliative care treatment - outpatient
414937009 On gold standards palliative care framework
443761007 Anticipatory palliative care
511401000000102 Last days of life
514591000000108 Completion of DS1500 terminal illness medical report
518901000000101 Gold standards framework supportive care stage 1 - advancing disease
518941000000103 Gold standards framework supportive care stage 2 - increasing decline
519041000000106 Gold standards framework supportive care stage 3 - last days: category C - weeks prognosis
519061000000107 Gold standards framework supportive care stage 3 - last days: category D - days prognosis
526631000000108 On end of life care register
707988003 Last days of life discussed
713058002 End of life care planning
713673000 Has end of life care plan
718890006 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Staff Version (3 day recall period)
718893008 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Patient Version (1 week recall period)
718895001 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Staff Version (1 week recall period)
718898004 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Patient Version (3 day recall period)
718899007 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Patient Version (3 day recall period)
718901003 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Staff Version (1 week recall period)
718903000 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Staff Version (3 day recall period)
718904006 Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Patient Version (1 week recall period)
719238004 Has end of life care key nurse
719240009 Has end of life care key worker
754401000000106 Gold standards framework supportive care stage 3 - last days: category B - months prognosis
761866001 Palliative care Outcome Scale symptom list for end-stage renal disease score
767503006 Limited life expectancy of approximately one year
783841000000101 Referral to community palliative care team declined
783941000000105 Liverpool care pathway for the dying patient declined
818221000000103 On Liverpool care pathway for the dying
845701000000104 Gold standards framework prognostic indicator stage A (blue) - year plus prognosis
845721000000108 Gold standards framework prognostic indicator stage B (green) - months prognosis
845751000000103 Gold standards framework prognostic indicator stage C (yellow) - weeks prognosis
845771000000107 Gold standards framework prognostic indicator stage D (red) - days prognosis
846161000000108 Palliative care handover form completed
847771000000100 End of life care pathway
850951000000107 Under care of palliative care specialist nurse
854021000000106 Ambulance service notified of patient on end of life care register
871021000000106 Prescription of palliative care anticipatory medication
873411000000105 Liverpool care pathway for the dying
874311000000104 Integrated care priorities for end of life
902471000000105 Palliative Care Problem Severity Score
902501000000103 Palliative Care Problem Severity Score - pain
902511000000101 Palliative Care Problem Severity Score - other symptoms
902521000000107 Palliative Care Problem Severity Score - psychological/spiritual
902531000000109 Palliative Care Problem Severity Score - family/carer
955231000000109 Last weeks of life
968211000000101 Last months of life

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.