Patient deceased codes

Codelist metadata

Coding system


Coding system release



NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets

Codelist ID


Version Tag


Version ID





Taken from the DEATH_COD refset published by NHSD.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
11545006 Emergency room admission, dead on arrival
12141009 Determination of outcome, death avoidable
13234002 Death during anesthetic induction
1325731000000106 Died in residential home
13603008 Determination of outcome, death avoidable, error in technique
13831000000107 Cremation form Part B
13841000000103 Cremation form Part C
14035003 Death by hanging
15355001 Unattended death
15654006 Drowning in liquid other than water
162852002 On examination - dead - unexpected
162853007 On examination - dead - expected
162854001 On examination - dead - unattended death
162855000 On examination - dead - sudden death
162857008 On examination - dead - suspicious death
16541000000108 SD17/18 received - death clarification
16551000000106 SD17/18 no details, returned
16561000000109 Cremation form part C arranged
16983000 Death in hospital
17041000000103 FP22 - death
17111000000103 Death certificate Med A
17441000000106 Death certificate - form 11
17766007 Fetal death from asphyxia AND/OR anoxia, not clear if noted before OR after onset of labor
183676005 Died in hospital
184084003 Registration ghost - deceased
184274007 Hospital death discharge notification
184275008 Death notification from hospital
184276009 Awaiting hospital death discharge letter
184277000 Received hospital death discharge letter
184278005 Asked for hospital death discharge letter
184280004 Death notification - non-hospital source
184297005 Patient died in hospital
184300000 Found dead at accident site
184305005 Cause of death
184307002 Postmortem report received
18521000000102 Cause of death clarification status SD17/18
18632008 Patient status determination, deceased
18893004 Non-traffic vehicular accidental death
1917008 Patient discharge, deceased, medicolegal case
200155004 Death from any obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery
200156003 Death from sequela of direct obstetric cause
22561000000103 Unexpected.death, Procurator Fiscal told
230802007 Brainstem death
23331000000109 SD17 form - cause of death clarification
23341000000100 SD18 form - cause of death clarification
23546003 Suicide while incarcerated
237358009 Direct maternal death
237360006 Late maternal death
242014006 Dry drowning
25318002 Death by strangulation
26636000 Sudden death
26878008 Death due to trampling
268923008 On examination - dead
270102001 Report for Coroner
270103006 Coroner report - requested
270104000 Coroner report - sent off
270105004 Coroner report - paid for
270107007 Coroner's postmortem report
270108002 Coroner's postmortem report awaited
270109005 Coroner's postmortem report requested
270110000 Coroner's postmortem report received
270113003 Cremation certification
270115005 Unexpected death-Coroner told
270116006 Postmortem report
270607006 Police surgeon's postmortem report awaited
270608001 Police surgeon's postmortem report requested
270609009 Police surgeon's postmortem report received
2711000000101 Cause of death clarification SD17/18
274228002 Drug overdose - suicide
274639009 Death occurring less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise expected
274644002 Sudden death, cause unknown
275656009 Stat B,C and F cremation certs
27792001 Intrapartum maternal death
28631002 Euthanasia
287188006 Suicide - domestic gas
287189003 Suicide - car exhaust
287190007 Suicide - hanging
287191006 Suicide - suffocation
287192004 Suicide - drowning
287193009 Suicide - firearms
287194003 Suicide - cut/stab
287195002 Suicide - jumping from a high place
288260005 Maternal death - perinatal
300990005 Found dead in bed
305398007 Admission to the mortuary
306681000000104 Underlying cause of death
307928008 Death administrative procedure
307930005 Death certificate
308375000 Report for Procurator-Fiscal
308376004 Police surgeon postmortem report
308468002 Referral to coroner
308646001 Death certification
308647005 Cremation certification status
308806009 Coroner's report status
308808005 Postmortem report status
308809002 Coroner's postmortem report status
308810007 Police surgeon's postmortem report status
310334003 Cremation certificate
3133002 Patient discharge, deceased, autopsy
31868001 Antepartum maternal death
34468006 Sudden death of unknown cause during the puerperium
3581000000106 Form 89 - patient died in medical care, patients family notified
363049002 Death notification
366044004 Finding of place of death
36882002 Death due to assault AND battery
370921009 Patient death associated with a fall while being cared for in a healthcare facility
371000000100 SD17/18 completed
371828006 Patient deceased during stay (discharge status = dead)
373866000 Death due to chemotherapy toxicity
373867009 Death due to radiotherapy toxicity
37522003 Determination of outcome, death unavoidable
381000000103 Cremation form part B completed
38605008 Natural death
391000000101 Cremation form part C completed
39399006 Natural death with probable cause suspected
397709008 Patient died
398226000 Perioperative death
399753006 Date of death
401321000 Hospital notified of death
405535005 Adverse incident resulting in death
40947009 Drowning
415169009 Preoperative anesthetic death
41819004 Patient discharge, deceased, donation of body
418309003 Suspicious death
418362005 Dead - sudden death
418646009 Dead - expected
419099009 Dead
419393000 Dead - suspicious death
419620001 Death
419697005 Dead - unexpected
419973004 Found dead
423409001 Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status - grade 5
426999008 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation discontinued due to signs of death
428413005 Death verification
441760003 Unattended death of unknown cause
44301001 Suicide
44633000 Accidental death in public place
45216005 Iatrogenic death
49380000 Anesthetic death
49713007 Unexpected death
50105002 Undetermined manner of death, natural causes suspected
50109008 Drowning in fresh water
50181009 Determination of outcome, death avoidable, chart audit required
50514002 Instantaneous death
5062002 Death by immolation
51709005 Assisted suicide
52136000 Intraoperative death
5331006 Postoperative death
53559009 Death in less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms
5866003 Postpartum maternal death
59283008 Maternal death
62691006 Determination of outcome, death avoidable, error in judgement
63238001 Dead on arrival at hospital
6476001 Death by electrocution
65037004 Death, manner undetermined
65819004 Accidental death in home
66360006 Natural death with proved cause
66411002 Undetermined manner of death, homicide suspected
67786008 Death by fire
68023007 Undetermined manner of death, suicide suspected
698714004 Indirect maternal death
698715003 Death from sequela of indirect maternal cause
70055007 Unexpected sudden death of adult
702710003 Dead - death without witness
711157000 Sudden infant death with dysgenesis of testes syndrome
713049009 Died in community hospital
713050009 Died in learning disability unit
713051008 Died in mental health unit
713461000000100 Death administration
714342001 Died in ambulance
719425009 Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
720529005 Death from indirect obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery
720534009 Death from direct obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery
725951000000101 GP22 deregistration - death
735686002 Sudden cardiac death due to cardiac arrhythmia
740603007 Killed
74148000 Death unattended by physician
7420003 Drowning in brackish water
74332007 Death by asphyxiation
74376000 Drowning in salt water
74660000 Accidental death in industrial place
75004002 Emergency room admission, died in emergency room
766231000000101 Cremation form 4 completed
766291000000100 Cremation form 5 completed
77105004 Garrotment
78070009 Suicide by multiple means
7878000 Accidental death
78857004 Natural death with proved cause without autopsy
794191000000103 Verification of expected death
79779006 Patient discharge, deceased, no autopsy
79867001 Traffic vehicular accidental death
812481000000104 Dead on arrival in accident and emergency department
812491000000102 Died in accident and emergency department
81840004 Natural death reportable to medicolegal authority
818961000000101 Patient died in residential institution
818971000000108 Patient died in public place
82621005 Natural death with proved cause by autopsy
863541000000104 Sudden unexpected death in childhood rapid response team call out
87281005 Death from overwork
87309006 Death of unknown cause
876879006 Died at home
876880009 Died in care home
876881008 Died in general practice premises
876882001 Died in hospice
876883006 Died during operation
876884000 Died in nursing home
876885004 Died in street
876886003 Died in usual place of residence
891003 Suicide by self-administered drug
89334003 Patient discharge, deceased, to anatomic board
89816009 Died without sign of disease
90049009 Unexplained sudden death
929151000000109 Patient died in Part III accommodation
929161000000107 Patient died in Part IV accommodation
931421000000107 Patient died in hospice community lodge
95281009 Sudden cardiac death
9855000 Natural death with unknown cause
9857008 Determination of outcome, death avoidable, error in diagnosis

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.