NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets codelists

Rotavirus vaccination exception reporting codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the ROTAVACEXC_COD refset published by NHSD.

Salicylate contraindications (expiring) SNOMED CT

Taken from the TXSAL_COD refset published by NHSD.

Salicylate contraindications (persisting) SNOMED CT

Taken from the XSAL_COD refset published by NHSD.

Salicylate contraindications codes (expiring) SNOMED CT

Taken from the TXSAL_COD refset published by NHSD.

Salicylate contraindications codes (persisting) SNOMED CT

Taken from the XSAL_COD refset published by NHSD.

Sarcoidosis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the SARCOID_COD refset published by NHSD.

Seasonal flu vaccination codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the FLU_COD refset published by NHSD.

Seasonal influenza inactivated vaccine first dose codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the SFLUGP1_COD refset published by NHSD.

Seasonal influenza inactivated vaccine first dose given by other healthcare provider codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the SFLUOHP1_COD refset published by NHSD.

Seasonal influenza inactivated vaccine second dose codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the SFLUGP2_COD refset published by NHSD.

Seasonal influenza inactivated vaccine second dose given by other healthcare provider codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the SFLUOHP2_COD refset published by NHSD.

Second Men B vaccination codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MENBVAC2_COD refset published by NHSD.

Second Men B vaccination codes by another healthcare provider SNOMED CT

Taken from the MENBVACOHP2_COD refset published by NHSD.

Second hepatitis B vaccination codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the HEPBVAC2_COD refset published by NHSD.

Secondary hyperlipidaemia or hypercholesterolemia codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the SECHYPERLIP_COD refset published by NHSD.