NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets codelists

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups White and Asian ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping) SNOMED CT

Taken from the ETH2016MWA_COD refset published by NHSD.

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups White and Black African ethnicity group codes (2016 grouping) SNOMED CT

Taken from the ETH2016MWBA_COD refset published by NHSD.

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups White and Black African ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping) SNOMED CT

Taken from the ETH2016MWBA_COD refset published by NHSD.

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups White and Black Caribbean ethnicity group codes (2016 grouping) SNOMED CT

Taken from the ETH2016MWBC_COD refset published by NHSD.

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups White and Black Caribbean ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping) SNOMED CT

Taken from the ETH2016MWBC_COD refset published by NHSD.

Moderate asthma diagnosis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MODAST_COD refset published by NHSD.

Moderate frailty diagnosis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MODFRAIL_COD refset published by NHSD.

Monogenic diabetes or maturity onset diabetes of the young codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MODYDM_COD refset published by NHSD.

Motor neurone disease codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MND_COD refset published by NHSD.

Moving to new residence codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MOVNEWRES_COD refset published by NHSD.

Moving to new residence and other non-care home living status codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MOVNEWRES_COD refset published by NHSD.

Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis (MRH) codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the RETICHISTIOCYTOSIS_COD refset published by NHSD.

Multidisciplinary meeting codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MDTMEET_COD refset published by NHSD.

Multiple sclerosis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MS_COD refset published by NHSD.

Myasthenia gravis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the MYASGRAV_COD refset published by NHSD.