
Welcome to OpenCodelists, created by OpenSAFELY for creating and sharing codelists.

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Below, you'll find all the codelists we have used in OpenSAFELY research to date.

All codelists


Codelist for acne, focusing on acne that is treated with antibiotics. Hence, for acne rosacea, only the papular type (which is treated with antibiotics) was included.

Published by UKHSA
administration of 3rd COVID vaccine SNOMED CT

Taken from the COVADM3_COD fields in SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) Vaccine Uptake Reporting Codes v.1.5.3

administration of 4th COVID vaccine SNOMED CT

Taken from the COVADM4_COD fields in SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) Vaccine Uptake Reporting Codes v.1.5.3

administration of 5th COVID vaccine SNOMED CT

Taken from the COVADM5_COD fields in SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) Vaccine Uptake Reporting Codes v.1.5.3

alc_problems Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
anorexia_bulimia Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
anxiety Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
aspirin + other antiplatelet Rx dm+d

Taken from the ANTIPLAT_COD field in the National PINCER Data Specification, published by PRIMIS.

© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021

Published by PINCER
asthma Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
atrial_fibrilation Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
blindness Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
bronchiectasis Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
cancer immunosuppression SNOMED CT

Codelist for cancer immunosuppression which may be associated with repeat (prophylactic) antibiotic prescribing in primary care. Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for patients with or at risk of serious neutropenia (e.g. following hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation or treatment with myeloablative conditioning regimens [total body irradiation or chemotherapy])

Published by UKHSA
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) CTV3

CTV3 codelist for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (no corresponding ICD-10 codes found)

Published by OpenSAFELY
chronic_kidney_disease SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the chronic_kidney_disease group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Published by QCovid