Welcome to OpenCodelists, created by OpenSAFELY for creating and sharing codelists.
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Below, you'll find all the codelists we have used in OpenSAFELY research to date.
All codelists
- White British Ethnicity SNOMED CT
Taken from the
field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1, published by PRIMIS.© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021
Published by PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting (old) - White British Ethnicity SNOMED CT
Taken from the
field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1, published by PRIMIS.© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021
Published by PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting - White English or Welsh or Scottish or Northern Irish or British ethnicity group codes (2016 grouping) SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - White English or Welsh or Scottish or Northern Irish or British ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping) SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - White Gypsy or Irish Traveller ethnicity group codes (2016 grouping) SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - White Gypsy or Irish Traveller ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping) SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - White Irish Ethnicity SNOMED CT
Taken from the
field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1, published by PRIMIS.© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021
Published by PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting (old) - White Irish Ethnicity SNOMED CT
Taken from the
field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1, published by PRIMIS.© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021
Published by PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting - White Irish ethnicity group codes (2016 grouping) SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - White Irish ethnicity group codes (NHS Digital 2016 grouping) SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - Wider Learning Disability SNOMED CT
Taken from the
field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1, published by PRIMIS.© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021
Published by PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting (old) - Wider Learning Disability SNOMED CT
Taken from the
field in SARS-CoV2 COVID19 Vaccination Uptake Reporting Codes 20_21 v1, published by PRIMIS.© PRIMIS - the University of Nottingham 2021
We are aware that some of the individual codes contained in this codelist are offensive and upsetting. Although these terms are outdated and no longer in routine use, it is necessary to include them in codelists due to the historic nature of the data that is being analysed. Excluding these terms would reduce the completeness of the data and may mean that some people with a learning disability are not included in the analyses.
Published by PRIMIS Covid Vaccination Uptake Reporting - Worms CTV3
CTV3 (READ V3) codelist for Worms
Published by OpenSAFELY - Written personalised asthma plan codes SNOMED CT
Taken from the
refset published by NHSD.Published by NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets - Zuclopenthixol Acetate BNF
Used by the following OpenPrescribing measures:
Published by OpenPrescribing